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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1899)
Vf.aV'f 1V -,ww TIIS MUICMV! ASI'OHIA.V,- tVr.llK.SIMV N-VEMlSKIi I. IfcM. r V Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels dtANSES THE VSTEM t ASSJ, k a a ft M OVIRCOMIS 'rrt? C ' Vg BlTUALC0NS:r.'0N PERMANENTLY evy tmi 4tNuiNt -MAN? o fcy Jf?RNIATGrSYRVP(S rLS MMUiulMMtHHHlflimi4 Though reading- and conversation may furtiUh in with many Idea of many thing. yK K la our own medi tation that muct form our Judgment. lr, I. Wait. Cough and Ynnnnin1mn Cure Thla la Iwyontl miration ihv tTliaat aurt-rMfitl (uukN Mwll ctii rvrr ktiuwn In actrm-c: ft rw itoaea iuvEiiinlily rur lha v.iffcl iAir (( t iMih, t roup tu Hn iu hiii, whit it wmi llrtful lil.irM in lh t-lit t ll 1 iunnipihrt ( without n r a'l in I he liutot v f Mirtlirlnv. hintv lu fit tliM tivrty it ha Writ mU on m iMiftmnt". n i win. h ni tMiirr inrlit in can HiHthl U yu hv h I "Kl, wk rmnrily nk yoti ton y it, In I'mirtt SinirKnl 'NnmU ;V , Vii-. nml l ami in Kiilmul U -M., V. W it. .ri r nnnnmrfAnt S.C.WELLS&CaI LEROY. N.Y. HAMILTON, CAN.. Opportunity la coy. Ths carol ra, the low, the unobservant, the laiy, fall to ace It, or clulrh at It until It haa gone. The sharp follow detect It Inatantly and catch It when on the wing. BAD COMPLEXIONS RED ROUGH HANDS FALLING HAIR PltlYMTtO It The mart ffootl? kln purlfylnf and beautifying aoap In the worlil, m well M parMt and wiwtt lor tones, mm, nu burx-ry. It lUlkoa at Uio mum ot bad ooraplKilotiK. wd, rough liml, falling hair, and bait; blomlnliM, rli., tlm cIorkI. trrltatrd, Inflamed, OTerworked, or alug glah 1'oRia. . We lend but n life hero on earth. We mimt make that beautiful. And to do thin, health und laiitlfiUy of mind are needful: and whnitiever endan ger or Impede thee muat be aredded. HERVltA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vigor end Manhood. Cure Impotency, Nfcht KmlBslonsand urnatlnir illaenweri. all elTeCtS Of Self .....K . , abUHC, or excetts anu muis Icrctlon. A ncrvo tonic and nhlood builder. Brlnps the kjWreatorea the flre of youth. PI ,,vHJy man ouc per uox, w for $2.50; with a written RMftran. too to euro or rofund tlie money. Send for circular, AddreBs, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson St., CHICAGO, lUu For Bale by Charloa Koanr. Drugglat. Aatark. Oregon. H.F.Prael Transfer Co. Telephone a. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Ooode BhlppM to Our Care Villi Reoelr peoUl AttentJoa. 1 t muiu K Dims It., W. J. COOX Ugr. Aatvrla. Ora ftea. Tit 1U. TACOMA AND THE NORTHERN PACIFIC llnw .Mr lien Ii (iMNf s lo (Ke I lie I'oriliiiiil (iraik I'kei'Akim; i'.ik isics ursixcss Intends the Nun ml City to Ik' the (inn tot Whim Shli)lii I'ort In the World. Taeoiim Idgir. I'huldent C. 8. Mellen of the North ern I'urlfta railway, with hi party, In liudlng J. V, Kmidrlck, -nd vlw prvalilent; J, M. Itunnafrd, ihlrd vloe-prell-nt: K. A. Mrllctiry, ihlef engi neer, M. ('. KlmlxTly, gml buimtIii I'Mident, W. 11. OemnHI, MIMai)t (lecrptary, and II. P. Hunh, manager of the coal company, arrived In the city litai night and wen Jirfiwd thla morning by 8. O. Kulton, aaalXant general freight ugeirt, who came up fnxn Tort land. The party came through direct to Tacuma In a Mpeclal conalatlng of thr car Including Ova private car YVIIcrw alone, which haa recently Uvn over- hauled and rvftued at the South Ta- curna ihopa. Thla morning Mr. MelUn held a con- auliatlon with Thorni Cooper, general weaiern land agent of th cumpany, and the repr.'tnallve at tho wet end of the executive department uf the road. Mr. Fulton la alio a managing dlrvulor of the Tai'iMiiA Land A Improvement Company of which Mr. Mellcn ivcently purchuied fur the railroad compuny, all of the wa.ur front from the Elev enth alrvet brlda to the ocenn dock. The moat Important Item for Tacoma In I'reeldetii MelU-n'a visit, at thla time la the cloalng up of arnuiKeuie nt for the building of nore grain wondioua.-a. llruln waAhou with a cupuclty of live million buahela will be built on the lamia below the Hotel Tuooma OJid the Northern I'urlllc railway gMiTul olllcv biilldlng, and the channel will be dredg ed out mk far up a the Kleveuth etrcvt bridge to allow ahlpa of the depeeft ilrnfiit lo lirnl ut (he wharvea at any hi ii ui' of tho tide. The grain war-uoui: will l built by die grain exporter on land leajird from the rnllriMul In the name manner ii n die prenvnt warelioiiaea are iiuui nired, Klevator it, Klrvauir A, the 1'u get Hound Fkmr Mill worehouoe and the Kim'k:i dock all 'x-lng built and managed by ivirporatiiMi outalde of the railroad company. We ehall commence at once 'the Im provement tHi the water front proper ty which we iweittly purchiutid from the land company," wild Mr. Mellen. "The whurvce will be repaired, the channel drvdged deep viioiigh to tc commodate Uio wheat ahli. and grain warehouse built to hanille the wheat which I coming to thla port for ahlp ment "The deed for tills purchase are com plete and havn pooled through the ttveeaaary examination by oounacl and will probably tie delivered In a day or two. The preliminary arrangement for the coiiMtruetlon ot a paacnger ntatlon at rteu.U lu will alao bo concluded during my prencnt vlalt." The land purchnaed by tho company to which Mr. MclU-n refer la the tract extending from the Hatch mill alte at the aouth end of the )oc.U ateunier ware house at the wharf southward along the channel about 3.000 Mt, including the Alger boathoudc alte, the Commercial dmk, the Eureka dock, the Western Machine & Engine Company dock, the Cascade Cereal Company dock and the long atrip under the bluff below the Hotel Tacoina up to the Eleventh street bridge. The strip I about 400 feet wide and abuts on the channel 400 foot wide. It I this channel which I to be drvdgvd out to a depth sudlcleitt to al low tho wheat ships to load at the docks, These ships draw from 25 to 30 feet of water when fully loaded. This channel was dredgred out by the Dowers dredger years ago so as to accomodate the Bound craft, and such Steamers as the Hay City, Flyer, HkitRlt Chief, etc., have run up as far a the foot of Twenty, flint street, a distance of over a mile and a half. The drvdglng out of this channel for deep Hhle will also make available the city wharf site on the east side of the channel at tho foot of the Eleventh street bridge. No plans have yvt lccn given out as to Uie capacity of the new wheat ware houses, but as there Is now something like five million bunhels In store hers It Is probable tho new warehouses will add another five million bushels to the oapaclty of Uie port, which Is becoming one of the greatest wheJt shipping ports of the world. LINCOLN TO SCHURZ. A Letter Which Shews That Schuri Opposed Lincoln as He Now Op poses McKlnley. That Cnrl Srhur held tho same posi tion In 1SH2 In opposition to the admln lHtratlon that ho holds today Is shown by the follow'rn characteristic lettr io him frim President Lincoln's Pen and Voice," a compilation by G. M. Van Buren: Waslilns-.on D. C, Nov. 24, 1882. Dear Sir: I have Just received and read olir linler of (he J'Mh. The purport of It I that we lost 1h lain election and that the administration Is fulling de mur) the wnr I unaucceNHfiil, and that I must not flutter tny"lf that I am not Justly to blame for It. I c-rtulnly know that If the war fulls lite adinlnlMirullon full, and tlmt I will be blamed for It, whether I dervo It or not. And I ought to he blamed If I could do Ix-tlnr. You think I could do better, therefore you blame me already. I think I could not do better, therefor I blame you for blaming rue, I understand you now to bo willing lo accept the help of men who are not republicans, provided they huve "heart In II." Agred. I want no other. Itut who I to lie the Judg of heart, or of "heart In It?" If I muat dlarsrd my own Judgment and" take your I muat also take that of other; and by the time I should reject all I should be advised to reject, I should have none left, republican or olhera, no even yourself, for be assured, my dear sir, there or men who have "heart In It" tlmt think you are performing your part a 1 oorly as you think I am p-r-forming mine. "I certainly have been dlaratlafled with the slownewt of Iluell and Mc Clellan, but bvforw I relieved them I had great fear I should no find auc t(ura to th"in who wculd do btrtter; and I am sorry to add that I have seen little slnoe to nMleve thiNw fear. I do not siw the pMwpe:its of any more rapid movement. I fear we shall at last find out the difficulty 1 In cur case rather than In partlculur general. I wish to disparage no one, certainly not thono who sympathise with mc, but I muat say I nd uec more than I need sympathy and that I have not seen the so much greater of getting success from my sympathiser than from those wha are denounced as the contrary. It does awn 'to me that In the field the two clasne have tx-cn very much alike In whoA they have done and what they have failed to do. In sealing their faith with their blood. Laker and Lywi and Ilohlen, and Itlchurdson, republicans, did all that men could do; but did they any morv ihun Kearney, 8to.'ii, Iteno and Munsrl'-ld, none of whom were republi cans, and me at liuat of whom have been bitterly and repeatedly denounced to me us accession sympathisers? I will mil perforin the ingruteful task of comparing casea of failure. In ans wer to your question, has it not been puhll 'ly stated In the newspaper, und apiarently proved a a fact, that from the commencement of the war the ene my whs continually supplied with In formation by some of the confidential sultirdlniit"s of as Importuut un ohVer as Adjt. Ceil. Thomas? I murt suy "No," as far a my knowledge extends, and, I odd If you ran give any tangible evidence, upon the subject, I will thunk you to cone to this city and do so. "A. LINCOLN." 8AFKiitAItt AGAINST WRECKS. A Canadian Inventor HriiiK Out a Plauslbl Instrument. The oldest and yet the mont Ingenious and success! il denger slg.iul ever de vlwd ha (iiKt be- r. adapted by the dominion government, and tne first of these safeguard agalnil disastrous wreck I to lie elected at Vancouver Harbor, U. C. The ctvlce Is a combina tion of tb J ptltciple of the electrically vibrated phonoginphic dlaphram with two larve in.'KiiplK.nen, esch of which emits a dea'enii.g roar alternately, giv ing forth a sound like the vordt "De- ware! Dew ire'" that can be heard for mile nrounl. In connection with the ros of the huge electric siren there Is a flashlight that can "e seen far out to sea. The whole Is worked by clock work, the light flashing out for forty seconds and the siren's roar being heard for the remaining twenty seconds of the minute. The mechanism Is regulated by clockwork, and once wound the signal doe it work for n week without attention other than a visit every other day or so to oil he machinery and make sure that everything Is In order. The Inventor of the apparatus, which is regarded at an abiolut prevei tor of accidents through ihlr running on the rock i a fog or through tie mis taking of signal lights, Is A. X Tru deau, of Ottawa. The massiV' apparatus Is the outcome of a long line ot patient and porservftr lng experlmentatlct , and tears on the fuce of it and In Its -lug-mess strong evidence if the Invent ir's confldo nee In the utility of what he Mod In view, Every user of the telephone Is familiar wHh the behnvlcr of the 'phone If it hnppens to be "oft the hook" and the distant ring1 Is put in motion. The dlaphram f the 'phone 1 subjected t" a scries of alternating currents and found that he could produce a nnr that would mako the king of the forest creep to his lair in niTrljht, By an In crease or decrease of the pu!sa:i ns of the dynami it was found that the roaring could be regulated so as to suit NORTH PACIFIC Dental College loth ond Couch Sts I'ortlimtl. Member of National Association of Dental Faculties. Formerly Ta.oma College nF Denta Surgery. Dental Infirmary open dally from I a. m. to 6 p. m. Free oral surgical cllnls Saturday, 1:30 p. nt, to I p. m. A. R. Baker, D. D. 8., Demonstrator In charge. Studenta desiring Information, ad dress North Paclflo Dental College, Fifteenth and Couch streets, Portland, Oregon. condition of the? weather or location iitnl nil tliHl remain! then wjs to em -Mruct, the sppiiMtus O'.TordinHT to re iiilrenienn, Th one Just siude li.m fotthorns fif teen fet In Iviiifth. Whn tlV! complete cm rent Is tune d on the lerrlllc blast that burst from the gaping mouths of tne twin mi guphoiws can be heird above tho nolss of the gale, aful on a moderately wormy duv it ihaAter the ulr so thoro'iKhlv that no skipper could fall to h-tir It tirilUc voice at a safe distance from danger. Jly the addition of the electric tlushllKlit, to irlve warn ing to eyes where ear prove deaf, th proxltiiity of a v--l to l.w rick will be lHfUal In uny kind of weather and In darkness as well as daylight. BUSINESS POINTERS. Fn-sh cracked crabs at the National Cafe. Rwt4. 'cream In any amount at the I'urlor. Hire's root beer at the Spa candy factory. Burbank potatoes, tl a sack, at Pat'a Market. Jeff's Is "the only" reataurant. White cook. Homo made chocolate. 30 cents a pound at the Parlor. Best lS-cent meal, Rising Bun Restau rant, 612 Commercial street. We guarantee our Ice cream to be made of pure cream. The Parlor. Chill con carne and frljolle at Lee Herring National Cafe every day. Pleasant furnished room for rent, 242 Fourteenth street. In private family. Until further notice the Astoria creamery will pay 24V cents for butter fat The latest in the confection line are those delicate Ice Cream Chocolates at The tipa. Cold lunch, pickled pigs' feet, oys ters, kIi p'a tongue, etc., at the Na tional Cafe. i Our ice cream I warranted to be made of pure cream. The Parlor, next to John Halm's. Do you know Snodgrasa makes Flan. p I'liolos? Coll and e them. They ore all the go. Cream Puce Rye, America's finest whiskey. Th only pure goods; guaran teed rich and mellow. John L. Carlson, sole agent. For Rent Furnished rooms, with first -(lass table bwird. Apply Mrs.-E. C. Iloluen's, comer Ninth and Duane ntn-ie. Buy Koslyp. coal; the best coal for heatlncr and cooking purposes on the market. George W. Sanborn, Agent Telephone 131L BiKtuet de Cuba and Key West Gems aro the tlnest 6-cent cigars that ever came to thla market. Henry Roe, op posite1 brewery. Iti slyn coal lasts longer, Is cleaner und inukes less trouble with stoves and chimney Hues than any other. George W. Sanborn, Agv-nt. Telephone 1311. Whwn to AtorU- LnuiMieni ffUeffta can r-H'Ure unsurpassed accommodations at the A st or House. Perfect cooking and nice, clean rooms. Rates, tl per day. Visitors from Portland and elsewhere will And the pleasantest rooms in As toria at the Bay City house, 179 Tenth street, Mrs. E. S. Andrew, proprietress. Roslyn coal Is the beat and most eco nomical coal for household use in As toria. Try tt once and you will have no other. George W. Sanborn, Agent. Telephone 1311. I. W. Harper's Nelson County, Ky.. whlsk-v. A gentleman's whiskey; a wnlsaev for the sideboard; a whiskey t... ri-t. O. .1.1 V J X- ...w Stokes Company, Astoria, Oro. Kelley's transfer wagons deliver box wood to any part of the city on short notice. All orders left at Zapfs fur niture store, S30 Commercial street, will receive prompt attention. Telephone 2144. The following reduced rates are In effect via the O. B, A N. between Asto ria, Portland and intermediate, points nlong the river: Fare, 25 cents; section. cents; lower or upper berth, 60 cents ench: stateroom, 75 cents. Co to the Columbia Electric and Re pair Company for all kinds of new and i-Pttir work, from a cambric needle to ti bicycle, boiler or engine. Quick work and satisfaction guaranteed. Logging machinery of all kinds a specialty. Shop opposite Ross, Hlgglns tt Co. The concert hall opened by Charlie Wise nt No. 339 Astor street Is the one nnd only popular resort of Its kind In Ciat vicinity. Mr. Wise Is doing1 some thing new among concert halls. He is not only selling a class of pure liquors, but Is givlnp his place a management which insures gentlemanly attention nrd treatment to his patrons. The good rusle and the crowd will be found at Charlie Wise's place. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave. 1:00 a. in. 7:00 p. m. PORTLAND. Arrive. Portland Union Depot, 111:15 a.m. for Astoria and InteH : P-m-mediate point. I ASTORIA. For" Portland & inU:S0a.m. termedlate point 10:3p.m. 7.45 a.m. 610 p.m. SEASIDE DIVISION. p. m.a. m. 6:00U:S5!Lv 6:25 11:55 Ar 6:.W 12:13;Lv 6:S0 1:001 Ar la. m. p. m. ...Aitorla.... .Warrenton., ...Seaside.... 7:40 7:S1 4:00 1:35 1:10 6:52 Lv :15 1:30 SPECIAL SEASIDE SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 8:30 a m.; arrives at Seaside 9:45 a. m. Passengers may return on any train shown on schedule on same date. ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside run ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren ton. All train make close connections at Qoblo wllh all Northern . Paclflo trains to and from the east or Sound points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union depot. At Astoria with I. R. & N. Cc.'a boat and rail line to and from Ilwaco and North Beach points. THROUGH TICKETS on sale at As toria for Sacramento, San -Francisco, all Eastern and European point. City ticket office Astoria. 524 Commer. Hal street. J. C. MAYO. Qen'l Fr't and Pas. Agent. NEW BUSINESS LOCALS Do you want a good m"al when you vlvlt Portland? If o, go to the Port land restaurant, 205 Washington street If you want any Health Food that your grocer dos not oavt, write Knapp Bros, Health Food Co., East Portland, Ore. Bros. Health Food Company. Fust Portland, carry a full line of all th Uuttle Crw-k Sanitarium Health F'Kid. E. House' Cafe at 121 Third tret, Portland. I regarded by many people as the leading restaurant In the Pa cific Northwet 'encyclopedia Brlttanlca, 28 vol., sheep. I2S. Best teacher' Bible, now, VH. at Hyland's Bros.' Book Store, Portland. See advertisement A good meal with meats rich In flavor and one you will enjoy with a relish. Is Just what you get at the Creamer! restaurant. 271 Washington street, nesr Third. Try It when you go to Portland. If you are going up to Portland and mlis going to the Creamerte Restau rant, 271 Washington St.. you may con sider that your trip will not be a uo cea. a other will tell you, who do not mis It Holmes' English and Business Col lege at No. 414 Yamhill street, Portland. Is prepared to accommodate a large number of pupil this year. Already the classes are well crowded, a fact that Indicate the excellent character of the Institution. Hr. N. R. Bridges, late of the Kills Printing Company of Portland, ha as umed the management of the Astortan Job printing department, and Is pre pared to do all kinds of first-class, ac curate, up-to-date printing. All work promptly delivered. Why I Watson's restaurant In Port land patronized by thousand of people dally? Simply because it Is the largest finest snd best equipped eating resort on the Paclfle coast. Watson's restau rant has sixty-eight white employes on Its pay roll. Remember the location, !M-11 Fourth treet All kinds of reading! There I only one place we know of In Portland where you ran find all the latest books and phnmplets on the most advanced thought of the day. many book on ub Jects of advanced up to date topics not to be found In other book stores can be obtained hre. It la worth your while to call when In Portland and see for yourself. Jones, 291 Alder St., Portland. A tailoring estahll&nment of some pretentions, located on Washington street. Portland, claims to have made 47 suit for dressy Astortan during the p9t six months. Thla statement Is de nied by the firm of Povey ft Blrchail, at 317 Washington street, near the Im perial hotel, who are patronized by the treat majority of outside customers. Povey & Blrchail make the swell suits for most of the stylish Portlanders, and fel that they are not excelled by any Portland firm for out of town pat ronage. POYEY & BIRCHALL TAILORS Fins work at PopaW Prices. 327 Washington Street. . Next Imperial Hotel PORTLAND. OR3. J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder House-moving Tools tor Rent. L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RAISING AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY wAT TICKETS to all EAST Through palace and tourist sleepers, dining and library observation cars. E LEO ANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4 LI nl ted leaves Portland at 1:10 p. m. No. i Limited arnvea Portland at l: a. m. For rates, etc, call or address G. W. LOUNdBERRY, Agent O. R. & N., Astoria. A B. C. DENNISTON, C. P. & T. A..Portland Or WHITE COLLAR LINt Columbia River and rufret Sund Navi gation Company. Bailey Gatzert leave Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sun day at 7 a. m. White Collar line tickets and O. R. & N. tickets interchangeable on Bailey Gatzert and Hassalo. Fare between Astoria and Portland, 50 cents. A. J. Taylor, Astoria Agt TJ. B. SCOTT, Telephone HI President. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7, A. F. A. M. Regular communication held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W. M.; E. C. HOLDEN. Secretary. THE PROOF of the pudding Is lo tb atlaa sod the proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument that's con. dutr a do(mstntloB. Ours wilt stood tit tsaL HUGHES & CO. Andrew Lake 534 COMMERCIAL, HT. ...Merchant Tailor... Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Low Trices. Repairin; and Cleaning Neatly Dons. New, fresh and Plum Pudding, Raisins, Citron, Pumpkin, A. V. Lh PALACE , W. W. WhippIe.ProprletC r Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTENTIVE BERVTCl!.... FIRSTCLASS CUISUil.. PRIVA-VS ROOMS FOR LAD EE. 533 Commercial St., W. F. SCHEIBE, ar A fall IIim W Pipe, Tabacn. an 4 imoktra' Article. 474 Commercial St. C. Jf. TRENCHARD, rnrnfflicclnn RrnV arafa Custom House Broker. VVUUIWiuu, wivnvotcl Insurance and Shipping. KOPP'S BEST A r The North Pacific Brewery, of which Mr John Kopp is proprietor, makes br (or domestic and export trade. i florth Pacific Brewery Look Here, Young Man! Your look tell on jon. Can kep It aecret a while. Be foru it la too late go and aeo or write to thla old doctor. Hehasbeeiitr atlngauchi aaeafor over lu years. an J ia perfeoily Kl ablj. FuiduIim hi. own medicine and tells no tales. DR. KESSLER Of theolilSt Lot'is ;Medlonl and sjurglcul Dispensary, 230 Yamhill stroet, rortlaml, Or., posittsvly guaran tees to cure. DDI V k TC Diseiwe. This doctor guaraineei to cure rIlVAIE auy case of brhilhs. Uouurrhoea. Gleet. Strlcuroiourel, no dltt'e-enM now long Handing. Sper matorrhoea Los- of Manhood, or nightly emissions, c .red permanently-. ThJ habit oi Self-Abuse effectually cured iu a short time. vmiwr UCU Your error, and follies of ynnth iUUIXU PlCn can be remied. and this old doctor will give vou wh i esorae advice aud cure yo i mnke you stroug and healthy Vou will be umaifd at bis lucres iu curinn SpermaUirrhoe.;jeraltial Losses. Nightly Emia lious, aud other eil'eeu. Patient locitcd In any nartof the country by hl home sv-tem. Write full partloilars, iuoloso 10 2c .lamps, aud hV will Hnswor you promptly. Hundreils treatediat home who ae uuable to come to the city. READ UTa'te oleir bottle at beitlme and urinate In the bottle act aildean I lo ilt at It in the morning. If It lacloudyor has a c.oudy settling In It. you have some kidney or bladder disease, an t hould be attended to before you get an luvurotiln dtciisfl. as hundreds die every year from Brig'it's disease of Kidneys. ini'iinnn nrornnrn oemom . irrrD ' oorrorstu iiu(oitmy. uriiirlni.tit!auinuistifiliiii otrUHl AND nr i s-n ktdnevsand thp nrlnurv orsratuol all impunUea. rUPIDENEstrensTthenattnUstow-niallwettkortfans. im n... ...r . h -- .... niHii hv ikwmn i. htv-iiitK. nlntT tkt rent are trontwyi witD Proatntltl. OUI'IDKNKis ttionlvikn6wn remedy to curewlinoiHBiioneraLkjn. SuuiemliDnnt hlK A written sninmntee liven and money returned If six boxes doos not wlect a poruiaseut eura r.00abox.slxforiii,by malt Kend tor Faaa circular and testimonial Address IA V4L BKDICIM B CO, P. a Box 2079, Ban Franclsco.CaL .ibr Rule by Fo- Bale by CHARLES ROGER. Those who hair delayed buying. Hummer Footwear ar fortunate. They can aar at least a third on th usual cot of high grad hoes. W are closing out all of our summer tan shoes at a great reduction. We have them for men, woman and children, which should bring everyone to th stor. They ars new foods which have orentayad their tlm. Consider these figures. Petersen & Brown. Seasonable Goods Mince Meat, Currants, Cranberries. Squash, etc. ALLEN'S Astoria. Oregon ulacturer of way Reliable "La Belle Astoria" Clear Scbelte's Opera Star Scheifce's Special And Othar Brands ASTORIA, .OREGON Acent W. F. 4 Co., and Paclflo fczorea Co'. Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure f Bottled beer for family use, or keg beer supplied at any time, delivery to the city free. THIS "CUPIDENE" tUmoi (araousirrenPa 1'ny . ..c vii;f all ner vous or iluu ttstti ot lUc gt'uerutivo trt,'n, biicU m Lost Mnnbootj, IiiHouiiiia, ruins iu ue iwiCK,oeminai imujsiotu .rtervous LH'tJUlty. Fiaiples, Untitness U Worry, KihuustiiiK Drains, Vurtniofle and Const ipution. J t Btops all losfip bv tlav or TttRht. !'rf vent qnk-k-wtfa of dttfhsrpp, vhit h l( not crfv,,1 Vrv' tn Hrtsrmtitorrt'rT, and