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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1899)
I ., ... -,r.... v:tv(riMyjLI!ura Hooks, t't'tixi'ir U' M'i J - I .J ,rn II t I. 4 a .j 're oi lo wlo- HV-.P, t 0 i :i . . II t Ti I '-' i r """Jilt 1 1 ill jif mjr iiri ill I TOL. h .tSTOWA. OIJEUI'N, Tlllif.SDAY, NOVEMBER' 5!. fftU NO. lM n i. - V . .. i lJ j II ir V 11 I I I V STOVES TO BURN ANY OLD THING. Bought before tho ad vance and sold regard less of it on account of moving. Eclipse Hardware Co. , BOH UOND HTREHT Books... Blank and Miscellaneous. Paper... New Crape and Typc-wrltlng. Waterman Fountain Pens llox Decorated Caper and Knvelopew-ioe THE HEROIC ACTION OF THE CAPTURED TROOPS Did Not Succumb lo the Enemy Until They Had Shot Away Their Last Cartridge. FIGHTING RESUMED AT LADYSMITH An Artillery Duel Between Besiegers and Besieged In Progress When Last Reports Were Received The English are Con Went of Tbelr Ability to Witbsttnd the Boers. GRIFFIN & Here Is a List Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices Fancy Creamery Butter in Kegs and Rolls. Strictly Fresh Eggs. New Crop Maplo Syrup. Buckwheat mid Gridlo Cake Flour. Packard A Smith's Fancy Italian Prunes. New Crop Nuts, Figs, Mineo Meat. ROSS, HIGG1NS & CO $, LONDON. Nov. 1. The gloom caused by the British g m diwist-r at LidvMiiilh was in a measurr relieved by todays j Mtory, giving nil account of the heroic stand made by the did- miiti-d hattallioiiH until their Inst cartridge whs gone. The' 'ft UritMi nerve wan lnonuiitarialy shaken hy tJencral White's ; use of th word "capitulation" in the li -t telegram, hut now ' ;hat it is known that the (jlotichesters and fusiktrs fought ngain-t ovei whelming odd" and upheld the best traditions of I the British army, the tension has been relieved, since there is 'H no longer any ground to decide that th conipaniitl by dishonor. ENGLAND IS FIGURING UP HER CASUALTIES FI'IMTI NO A'JAIjV. An Aitlll'-iy Incl Be Vinr at li'lyxnUli. LO.N'POS, Nov. 1. It wii announced, today In a Kfcrla-I dinptttch from Lady-; smith (hat th liners again clo-d ar-iuri'l that pla'-e on Monday night, sending hM Into the British ramp. tm m . w J rwo taw ,, h, BmiHh The Loss About Two Thousand Alen Inctud- crultur powerful, ujiened (Ire at dawn Tu-nday. The Boer brought up more guns, Lut Hum of them w-rc llnced. It In aMod th- Hoent' loiw rnunt have b.-n heavy. ( jrr;;i:rxrr:iTHE government has the wires dent, and the troop are laid to be full of fight. Th artillery duel wu ait III In I progress TuMiday night. ing Those In the Disaster at Ladysmith. BERLIN, Nov. l.-The Tageblatt say Count Bothmer, president of the Ger man Peace Society, has tekrgraphed to Cjuwn Vlrtirls praying h-r to accept the mediation of the United States In the war w ith the Tramvaal. THK DEFEN'SE COMMITTEE. LONDON, Xuv. l.-The cablntt meet- Owing to the DisatleJ Cable and the War Department's Close Con trol of the Lines It Is Exceedingly Difficult to Get News From the Seat of War. 1 , i lie loss i. i u;e was ac- LONDON, Nov. l.-The Brttlnh wax offlc today made public a dlnpatch re ceived from General White, dtaeriblnf the operation! of Monday. It waa M followt; "LADYSMITH, Oct. SI, 7:30 p. m. I took out from Ladysmith n brigade ot mounted troop, two brigade division of Roynl artillery, the Natal Hold bat tery and two brigade of Infantry, to rci-onnolter In fore the enemy'g main position to the north, and, If opportu- 0 5 5 isSS nlea of the Gloucester In advanced po sition were ordered to fall back. "The enemy then p rawed to short range, the losses on our side becoming very numerous. A.t S p. m. our amu nltlon wm practically exhausted, the position wo captured and the surviv or of the column fell Into the enemy's hands. The enrmy treated our wound ed with humanity. General Joubert dis patching a letter to me offering safe conduct to divtoT tiid ambulance to rvmDW the vound-'d. A medical of. & losses in all the encasements since the outbreak of hostilitios. In today was exceedingly brief, but W . , . . , , . . , , , , . . ( excluding the casualties among noncommissioned officers and afterwards the defense committee of the cabin. consisting of the Duke of! ,ne m Monday's disaster at Ladysmith which are thus far g unknown here, gives a total of 916, to which nrohablv 1200 will be added when the details regarding the Ladysmith re verses are receive!. The total is made up as follows: Officers, 133: 18 being killed, 61 wounded and 53 captured. Men, 783; 173 being killed, VJ'2 wounded and 154 captured. Devonshire, A. J. Balfour, the Marquis: of Lnnsdown and Sir Mlcheal Hicks' i Bearh. met at the for.-ig-n office held; a lor.g conference with Field Marshal Lord Wolsley. FOUND DEATH IX ALASKAN WATERS FATE OF NEW YORK PEOPLE j LONDON, Nov. S. The breakdown of The report dwells on the courtesies I the Delagoa bay cable route, combined shown our troops by Brttlsh government I with the monopotUaUon of all available officials , while stopping; at Gibraltar t telegraph lines by the government and and elsewhere, enroute to the Philip British staff offloen, I responsible for pine, and says this International cour the fact that nothing further has ar- tesy will long live In the memories of I both parties to the spontaneous ex-dls- change. lUt. rived from South Africa. The government has received patches rectifying the casualty The Roanoke Krinys Dova Inttlli-j These will be publbhod today. Up to midnight nothing had been re- HARD AFTER THEM. genee of a Disaster X cr St. Mkhucls Island. "In connection with this advance, Pnt n,i nn ambulance at dawn this from St. Michael and 11 days 'column coliKlitltng f tho Tvnlh moun-: IT,lirnng. I Tape Nome, this morning, brings the I tain nrtlllery. four half companies of, Thp of suf;y.8 of tho umnj first story of the doath of several New ; Ciloui't-Mttrs Hiid six companies of Koyai ' hlty should offer, lo capture the hill bo 'hind Fariuhar' farm, which had, on mvr anil Vlrt,.g to render firt aid to the previous day, been hold in strength i tne wln.i,.d were dispatched to the! sKATTI.E. N'v. 1. The tr asure ship Til A QIIvAtsi'!Alrl Flit4 MnniI?rirtllflnA Pft ,,w t'11",,,y- Iscn of action from Ladysmith lustl ;v,ke. which arrived h.-re. 16 days I lib CFinOI IIVIU I 111 illUillllUVluini5 wip Morrison HI., rortlfsntl. Ore To the LntllcH of AHtorloi Ws will savu yon one-fourth on every Ktirnieiit you purohnso Irom u, w cniiM wt are direct mHiiurnrlurers, ami you will savo tlio ini.ldleiiiim pro lit. Kur rollurelliw, from R"" 'l' KtirNuk llii.from "l UitliV Klne Tailor Mmlc Hiiltn fMlu "I' Uillio Klne i allor Maili' Cloth Jm kcln, from CV) up Ucllc' Klu Krencli Klunnel SVnlnln, fnim (1.71 up AhwkH.-Hl Hkln Jacku, Mndon I lye, made wpxclitlly to order trom. tl.1O.00 up Iteinoilellni of Kur Oarments Into the Utnt Style at very low tliiure. Hud for niuatrated ratitlogoe, wliU-h wwlll gladly mll you. Highest rrlee I'ald for Kaw furs. Yours Respectfully, The Sllvcrflcld Fur Manufacturing Co. j celved concerning Monday's casualties. j An unconfirmed statement Is published The Cause of Ajculnaldo Is Rapidly that General BulW had left Cape Town ! . for Ladysmith. i Waning;. : MANILA, Nov. 1. All plgms show that General Young's rapid advance is de- i moralizing; the insurgents northward. from - u .... rx-i- It, tUVt ,Ulicr In l i w. , t- ,1,1, c - prisoners report iiiem lo oe uein5 10 OUR MILITARY FORCES. the Philippines. the hills. There ar many deserters and ' sick men and the former are taking lo the misfortune of the mules ; 1 orkers, members of an Alaskan pros-; wASHIN'STON. Nov. l.-Adlutant' arm , (hA Americana Jlrlnh lUMllwrs, me wmue u.m. , ntamp-rltnsr and the consequent loss of peeling oonumny. Ihe U.aa are CorWn wport shows the stand 'tona;l Colonel Carlton and Major Adye.j .mall-arm ammunition re- and Mrs. Emll Kuhner, Oscar Becker; . ( ,h - - f Uows. PORTLAND DENTAL PARLORS Top floor Washington Building. Largest and Best Equipped Offices In the Northwest deputy assistant adjutant general, was j dispatched at 11 p. m. of the :?th to mureh by night up Bell Spruit and ilee I Nicholson's Nek, or ome rxitlon near Nicholson s Nek, thus turning the en emy's right flank. "The main advance was successfully carried out, the obJecUve attack being found evacuated. An artillery duel which ensued between cur fltld bat teries and tho enemy' guns Is under stood to have caused heavy loss to the enemy. Th reconnolssance forced the enen y to fully disclose his position, and after a strong counter attack on our right Infantry, the brigade and cavalry had been repulsed. The troops were lowly withdrawn to camp, pickets be ing left on observation. Lt In the en gagement the naval contingent under Captain Lambler came into action and silenced, with their extremely accurate Are, the enemy's guns of position. The circumstances which attended the movement of Carlton's corumn are not yet fully known, but from reports received, the column appears to have, carried out the night march unmolest ed, until within two mile of Nicholson's Nek. At hl point two boulders rolled from the hill and a few rifle shots stam peded the Infantry ammunition mules. The stampede spread to the battery mules, which broke lot from their leaders and ran away with practically the whole of the gun equipment and a Best work at our Prices, because we have the largestvolume of Dental Work in Portland. Beit Crown and Brieve Work, 22 karat gold per tooth .40 8ut Teeth, fully guaranteed rubber $S 00 llcst tlold Filling 1.00 up Hunt Alloy Fillinir "P Teeth extracted without pnin f0c up IVe employ only the most modern methods and guarantee satisfaction. Tako elevator on Waslnngton utreot, nenr Fourth, and nsk for the rortlnnd Dental Parlors, Top floor. Phone Oreuon,I3rown 403. Columbia fflft serve. Ar otllclal llHt of casualties tand prisoners will be reported shortly. The j latter arc understood to have been sent by roll to Pretoria. The security of La dysmith is In no way affected." I Apart from White's statement that the losses are very numerous, there Is nothing to indicate the extent of them except the vague report that the sol dier who brought the lews to Lady smith said the British dead and wound ed were lyliiR in he,jps and that hun dreds needed doctors. Thl", however, Is hardly borne out by the long list of captured officers. The concluding In White's dispatch relative to the safety of Lady smith was received here with a certain reserve, in view of the fact that similar official assurances were given recently at Dundee, and Glencoe. There Is In tense anxloty for news of the renewed attack, which 'is not mentioned In the dispatches. The Standard sums up the feeling of the nation! saying: "From the United States and our col onies alone wj hear a volce of friendly sorrow and encouragement. But that sufTces; all others are welcome to con gratulate themselves over the misfor tunes of Great Britain." It was learned Hoday that the British government has been obliged to refuse nermlsslon for the United States to ' nnA a mnn n'htl nunia to Unknown. fllllt W IIIUII 114. . 1 ... 1 . ... ,a - Ili'ckor's body was washed on the The cavalry's rapid movements are a puzzle to the Insurgents who think that the Americans, In striking so many places must have overwhelming forces. Aguinalda Is personally conducting the campaign. He la asking people for rice and Is trying to replenish the army with recruits but without success. Rpgular army, 64.5S6; Volunteers, 34, i 5M- total, 99,160. 1 beach at St. Michaels Island, and laterj Tne dlgtrlbuton ot jj, troops up tO( wan found tha overturned steamer and1 obe,. jo laat, was as follows: 1 a scow loaded with machinery, which 1 Jn thfl Unlled states, 34,229; Puerto represented the assets of the company, j R)c0i g J63. Cubai 11,187; Philippines, The two survivors are John Becker and; S2 ,15 Enroute to the Philippines, 17,-' Theodore Dledrlck. 1 009' .Alaska, 499; Hawaii. 466. j The news was brought to St. Michaels I funeral Corbln adds the followlne:' by natives, who claim to have seen the, u ,g expected that by December 1, riext,1 . . , steamer overturn during a severe wind- j a ,he intantry Kgimsnia ot the United SAN FRAXCISC0' Nov' !-The F,rst storm which prevailed about September 1 gtRtM volunt(rVr9 n0w there will give Washington and Fifty-first Iowa volun lii. ! tntnl strenir'.h of 2.117 officers and 63.- teers were muster kt out at the Presidio DOFF THEIR KHAKIS. greater portion of the small-arm ammu-i gend four offlors to watoh the Trans- nltlon. The reserve was similarly lost.! vaal war, owing to a precedent which 'only permits one representative from each recognised pow-Hv Captain Slo cum, United States military attache at Lisbon, has been selected. He is In "The Infantry battalions, however, fixed bayonets and, accompanied by a personnel of artillery, seled the hill on the left of the road two miles from the Nek, with but little opposition. There i-onoon toaay ouymg nm ouuu, .m they remained unmolested until day. 1 s Saturday.. their time being occupied In organizing; It was reported at Aldershot today the defense of the hill. At dawn the' thnt another complete army division skirmish attack on our position was commenced by the enemy, but made no way until 9:J0 a. m., when reinforce ments enabled them to rush to the at tack with great energy. Their fine be came very searching, and two compa- yThe Roannke liad aboard, according; to her owners, drafts and gold dust from Ca; Nome amounting to 1,500,600. The principal portion of this Is rep resented by drafts held by John Bryne- son, Jafet Llnderb-rg, P. H. Anderson and C. W. A. Kjlllman, the four orig inal locators of the camp. There -were fully 200 others on board, with dust val eud at from 500 to $15,000 each, a lnrga portion of the same being beach dust. The principal holdings are about as follows: Llnderberg and Brynteson, J400.000; J. It. Anderson, $100,000; C. W. A. Kjlllman, $75.00; N. P. R. Hatch, J50.000; F. Schow. $30,000; H. C. Wilkin son, $30,000. Owing, It Is alleged, to the Impurity of the water at Nome, typhoid fever was quite general at the time the Ro anoke left, and 12 deaths had occurred. Six of the patients, who were sufficient ly well to travel, came down on the Ro anoke, one of the big staterooms having been fixed up as a temporary hospital. Jafet Llnderberg, one of Cape Nome's richest men, was among the unfortu nates. James R. Girling, a well known English mining expert, died of fever at Dutch harbor. 6fl8 enlisted men. today. will forthwith bo formed In South Af rica. The division will consist of 10.000 men and 54 guns. This is probably a THK STKINBACH LABEL SIGNIFIES "BEST QUALITY" Swell Pall and . . .Winter Clothes. . , There's not a better store in till America to get your ttjlish, reliable clothes. Our gathering of Suits end Overcoats has all the betterments that the best made-to-order ones have.jind they are a heap cheaper. "Steinbuch" clothes for hoys and men wtre never known to be other than best. Their distinguishing feature is nicety of fit they satisfy the eye, the mind and the pocket. Come when you .'can and bring your boy. THK LAST PY WATER. SEATTLE, Nov. 1. The steamer j Hmnbolt, from SkaswayV reached this, part today with a crowd of 40 Klondlk ers who left Dawson October 13. They preliminary step towards the calling wm probably be the last to arrive this A. B. Steinbach Sr Co., Largest Clothiers in the Nort Invest MAILORDERS SOLICITED. CorneriFourth and Morrison Sts., out of the Second army corps. I season from that district by water. PORTLAND. OREGON.