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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1899)
II1K MORNING ASTORIAN, THURSUAl. NOVEMBKK a, 1800. LONDON'S BLUEST DAY SINCE SEPOY REBELLION Boer's Strategy In Out-Alaneuvering Eng land's Soldiers Causes Humiliation. STREETS FILLED WITH DISMAY No Sign of Flinching In Any Quarter and War Will go On to the Bitter End-BrMsh Prestige Must be Restored. NEW YORK, Not. t A dispatch to from within. Or expn-sslon of opinion the Tribune from London says? I Quote from a pro.ninw Hdr: The forecast of defeat ovw which In my view, the rumor of this de- keen observer were brooding before f diligently spread and exaggerated midnight Monday was officially con- as It will be by assiduous Boer agents firmed before 10 o'clock ye!' It In every village of Cape Colony, must was the bluest and blackest day Lon- entirely outweigh the moral effect of don has known since the first tidings earlier British victories upon the Cape .v c hellion. i Dutch. Ever. If one could reach them VI IUV fcj. - . .v k. a nnm.'oxl proclaim the prdae truth as In ph. tMinn that the Boers had com-, r . a-, Toit duslrlously as those agents publish dis- pletely out-maneuvered Omeral white ' o-ui.k nTvr tortlons it would be Impossible by dt anl, while luring on the British cw . , . . . . .... 1 lug anytnlng short of entire capitulation and right, 1iad ambuscaded the left ' 01 lue enure ouer iimxi w wuiiirreci the effect of the news that so large a number of British are in the hands of the Boers." THE PAMOAN QUESTION. . L-...11 ... nUuu. And wing, cut two wiuuMn i forced tt to surrender, together with mountain battery, filled the streets with dismay and gloom. John Bull Is not accustomed to being beaten by anybody and he takes punishment, when it comes, with poor grace and a sense of. Not Believed in Washington That Eng- bewilderment, albeit with complete land Is Trying to Trade. self-command. NEW YORK. NoTl.-A special to Disaster was written large in every( . newspaper placard during the day, butj go the newsboys were surrounded with of grim swarms of purchasers, .setting teeth together and determined to kr.ow( the worst, yet marveling how so over- whelmlne a defeat had been within the ..... . , wneimuig . . Negotiations for the settlement of the ranee of possibility in the queen's do- , rnn!,c i Samcan questions have reached a stage mlnions- where Great Britain is called upon to It was not enough for General White make a proposition me kindi to declare that he aW had blundered, ' the German foreign office may have nor for the war office to order out three sounded to learn whether Ger additional battalions and a mounted many wouij be willing to turn over her battery to replace the losses sustained in,eregt ln Samoa to Great Britain in at Glencoe and Ladysmith. I wurn Ior tne Gilbert and Solomon Hall was one, and young Dodge, son of the proprietor, w.ts kmx-kiM 'sviuw less during the mehe. Sivlng his son lying on the floor, And supposing him to be dead. Podge flivd at the person he thought had struck the young man. The crowd scattered and Hall fell dead on the sidewalk outside the door. Dodge has been arreted and charged with murder. DEECH&i.VS PILLS For RIUouj and Nervous Disorders I Are Without a Rival. 1 1HH0AL UlU 0VE1 4,000,000 BOXES. I icuai, man NOTED SIXGElt DEAD, FR ESI DEM DOING HIS DUTY Could Not Withdraw Army aoil Nay IF He WishedCongress Alone Has Tower. What every Englishman knew In his island. netrt was tne truin. tnai ine rustic j If the Brltif,h foreign office has this Baerc, whose strategy and training had j blrgaln , vlew lt wouId ve to be beer, despised by the military staff and , approve(, by the Unhed States M the nation, had contrived both at Glencoe tWrd treated ln the Samoan and fcadysmlth to out-maneuver Brit-1 slamls before ,t could formaliy ish generals and ensnare large bodies of , by Qivat Brltaln and Gr. the finest and most experienced soldiers intc ambuscades from which there was no escape. l many. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Kounrt to be Just the Thing to Adopt in Hawaiian Islands. Humiliating to English pride as was this confess! in, there were no signs of flinching In any quarter. John Bull's heart was hardened. n s.rftened, by XEW YORK. Nov. 1. Telegraphic th unexpected disaster. The most ar-! , .mmunlratlons by Signor Marconi's dent peace aiv.x-ate dirt not venture to wiM-,, .yem is to be eHtablished be take up his parable yesterday. j twrten flve of thf Hawaiian islands by There was only one expression heard a company of Americans. In the club houses, exchanges and Frederick .1. Cross, of the firm of Cat streets: this was that the war must goj ton. Neill & Co.. engineers of Ho.ilulu. in to the hitter end with redoubled en-j who is now in this city, has-closed a ergy and overwhelming resources, and contract for the American company In British prestige must be restored for Hawaii. the honor and safety of the empire. j Although many t-nglnwrs regarded What will the Natal field force do 'the connection of the five Islands by now? is the queatio.1 on every tongue.' as Impracticable, because of coral It I Itself supplying an answer by. rr- on which a cable In soon covered fighting wRh spirit and discipline.' wl;h t0,al growth, breaks being fre When the Bo-rs have renewed their at- (:U"nt "d repairs extremely difficult. the tack, will it retreat or stand its ground, American company had about decided remaining on the defensive and fighting t" attempt it, as the needs of tele despenitely? The latter alternative is grarhic communication has grown most accepted by nearly all military writ-1 urgent. Then they heard of Signor ers, ince it cannot find a betu-r d.'-' Marconi' achievements and Mr. Cross fensive position than at Colenwn, and a V !li s"nt t" this country to view the retreat to Pietermaritzburg and Dur- 'workings at his system. He found that ban wnuld involve a lirg march of 13 'he Marconi system would cost much miles with the Roers harrassing the l".is and be more practicable ln many rear coli'mn. ' wayi than a cable. Buller will now settle the quewfonj R"lar t'-legraph business will be n..t While, and he is now considered ' ,JV the cimpany installing the by many critics or intimate friends as fystem. The distances over which communication will be estab lished will vary from eight to sixty-one miles. the view of the men In the arena, Present Indications are that the gate receipts will be larger by many thou sand of dollars by tens of thousands of " i dollars- than the gate receipts of any STOCKTON. Col.. Svv. l.-l'go Talbo, ; Hr,inK or dramatic event, of any tne famous tenor smgvr ami teacher. ,,,,. v,,m to xvhu.n un a.imiion f,.e Is dead. aft.T an Illness of two weeks. J , ..hni-ged. In the hlwory of ine coun Me was a notod singer In England 3u tiy. years ago and has promimw relative j 1VK am patti ln r(v:a hous. or In there. He wis otice an officer In thei grtme noU!h, eoulJ , dmw m much ! . ... i-.oKiiu arm.. ; mom y in two weeks, playing every night In the week. The reivlpts of no SENATOR ALLISON ',urf or tr,,,,tn ti match j or baseball match would approach It 0T IHILIlI)INFS!Mj ,lt thl "r,K,kly'' m,mui' ' ! the gate receipts were upward of If the entire house fvr this fight shjuld be sold out It will mean 1110.000. The total sale up to Inst night was In the neighborhood of $40.0t with the pospeo that this sum will be Increased to $50,000 before the doors are thrown open on Friday night. Every box teat has been sold, which In Itself n'pre- sents about $J5,000. The box prices are $;0, $J5, $30, and $.15. The prices for other seats are $5, $10. and $15. accord ing to their location. It Is not likvly that there will be a vacant seat In the club house when the men enter the ring. Indeed, the probabilities are that standing room will be at a premium Of itself New York Is the strongest and most genetvus sporting constitu ency in America and for that matter, In the world. On this occasion the hosts of New York sporting men are to tn supplemented by sporting men from every city in America from Halifax to San Francisco, and from cities far on the other side of the Canadian bound ary line to cities utul towns on the gulf. "'""' "U1 Ul" '"""iTin ai-e coming from San Francis US to unnrM this lnqurreotiin nn.t tn1 . .. . ... " aim uenver; rrom Oinann ani Kansas 1 City Chicago and St. Louis. St Paul ' nml M lnn.1 iul la nit. I t 't.ii-,.li nA ril I take it for granted that congress will ; W;lukrt, NVu. ,.,,., PnlUlu.1h,a e...,.t.l l(n- u.e peoP1e or, jirtslurf and numerous other Anivrl- the Islands In the spirit of liberty and, can cition M wj a fnm many Cttna Justice and with a view to their highest j ,nan mmts. p-ssible civi'UzAtion. Hetxtijfore when! . possessions have been acquired by the I'nlted Saates, congress dealt with the NEW YORK. Nov. l.-Senator Alli son, of Iowa, diseasing .natters In the Philippines In the forthcoming Issue of the Independent will say: 'It does not seen to me that there can be two sides to the question of what Is our present duty in the Philippines. Bv our treaty with Spain and with the exchange of ratifications of the treaty, these Islands became ours. Our title to them is clear and unquestionable under our constitution and under the law and usagr-s ;f natlms. The Insurrection there against our authority oegan after the treaty was signed at Paris and con- establish peace and orler, "With the restoration of ord r there pwple residing in those territories In the spirit of liberty and Justice, which prevails in our constitution and our laws, and I have no reason to give or evei suspect that future congresses will not make such rules and regulations for these Inhabitants as will provide for them the lany-st measures of liberty possible for tham us well as the larg- The flag under which lit should march is the banner health. A woman owe it to henelf, her huihand ind children to mini A-Vr under thii flag. If she H' Mji doe not du no hr will y f. live a life of wretchedness herwlf. and unlet her hunband U an exception ally good man, he will be come indifferent to hrr, her Home will oe unhappy ana ner emiaren will e puny and aickly, III- health in a woma. It ably be traced to weak icn 1 "g4 yit,n est local particlpdUon In the govern ment With the sltll itlrm them unrler cr nl disease of the I feminc organs that ate the "tl I sovereigiMy and umler our flag. j vestibule of human life. S j c -i , , ' No woman can rniov good. sr grnfra health who is dragged alternative to this is the abandonment down by continual pain ami , . , , I local weakness. Troubles of this descrip- of th- islnnds, the withdrawal of ourj tj, utterly unfit hrr for wifehood and troops and the withdrawal of our navy! motherhood. In. Pierce's Favorite Pre- acnption give health, strength, elasticity as w;ll. j and vigor to the special orgrns concerned. ,,., ,, . It makes a woman strong and healthy in t The president has no ower to direct wom.ny way. ,ivr; he nerv , rMt this, as he cannot alienate ti-rrltory ac-1 frora P,n "d a" opportunity to build up. , It makes motherhood safe and compara- 'lUiied. ( ongrvss can do so by law and tively easy. It transforms weak, aickly, will soon be in session and those who! despondent women into happy, healthy wives aim mould a. Jas. Caswell. Kq.. " rVheltrce, Johnson Co., M Wilson Improved Air Tight Heaters ...FOR COAL... i 9C HI 31 !5iJ This lit'iifor is OHptvinlly iitliipti'tl for ISofl Ctml nml I.ignito. I'lio Ixuiy in mailt of puliNln'tl steel. Kxlra licnvy Hliukiiij; ami iluiuiiiK ;i'iito. Firo pot t'xtru lieuvy with lurjo iimIi pit. I ln u nickel urn, nickel inline pinto ainl two lilekol iilutod foot mils. Tho hot blast tl raft is so fonstniett'd that tho escaping jjases are all coiisunii'il, which ninkes a great savin"; in tho consumption of fuel. Price, $12.00 to $25.00. All Varieties of Wood Air Tights at FOARD & STOKES. The"Delsarte" and "Regent" Shoes for Women MM All wjfi Eaual Styles to One K?J.V any Price "'; $5.00 $3.50 Itl' Shoe Also "Queen Quality" . Shoes for Women $3.00 think we should surrender what we have gained there and withdraw our E. C. Goddard & Co. OrcRonian Building, Portland. troubled with prolapsus, or 'female wriikiirM,' Cor ywril vrarf Stir wurn mtt ahlr l,i tin hrr army and navy will have an opportun-1 work. he had mch bramiKilown painnuiul pain - . In her back. Her prHodn were irregular, vary ity or testing '.he sense of congress by in, all the wav from two lo i week.. At thuar . k . i.i .u . i tinwa .he would hare fainllnj apella ao had that i.Pfeilng prop'wltlons to that end.' I thought ht could not live. hEi wa. aiieodwt uy inr uc uw.ut iu tne cuumrv. i nry uiu SOLDIER SHOT. j Saloon Row in San Francisco Results I In Death of a Nebraskan. likely to begin a campaign by ordering at; abandonment of Natal and enkind ling a blaze of disaffection among the Dutch of Cape Colony. Yet the most candid military men admit that the position at Ladysmlth is very weak from a defensive point of view. The valley where the town lies, Is sheltered by a circle of Irregular hills, j SAJf FRANCISCO, Nov. l.-Charles oi the crests of which the garrisn ls,Kaili formerly a private in the First Introduced. Outalde this circle In an-J Nebraska volunteer regiment, and more other concentric one with a similar cir- j r,.3ently cook on the transport Hancock, cult of hills, and beyord there is an-iwas snot an(i almost instantly killed ther- late lart night by 0, R. Dodge, an The tidings of the severe loss Incur- aged saloon-keeper, at the latter's place red by the Gloucester regiment and thej of business near Hunter's Point. Irish Fuslleers are discussed most ser-j The shooting was the result of a row lously by English Afrikanders and those over the payment for drinks between Englishmen who know South Africa several discharged soldiers, of whom JEFi'RlES-SHARKEY FIGHT. Receipts from Sale of Seats Will Be Greatest of Any Affair In History. NEW YORK, Nov. 1. There will be no interference from the authorities at the Jeffries-Sharkey fight for the heavyweight championship battle, to take place at Coney Island on Friday night. Chief of police Deverey is au thority for this statement. Said the chief: "I have no Idea of stopping the bout. The Fitv.simmons-Jeffries affair, held ln the same club hourfe was properly con ducted and I have assurances from the olHcials of the Coney Island 'club which is a regularly incorporated organiza tion, that everything pertaining to the match will be strictly according to the Horton law. The police arrangements! will be very similar to those that pre- vailed at the Jefterles-FWzsimmons contest. I will probably take personal' her no food ami he grew worae all the lime. I thought I would try your medicine. By the time .he had takrn four bottle of the ' Pavorite Prescription' and two of the 'Golden Medical Diacovery ' and two of the ' Pleasant Pelleta ' abc wa. completely cured " Every day, a done. Once you start, you can never stop them. That i. the way with aome so-called remedies for constipation It is different with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They are a potiitive, complete and permanent cure for constipation and they don't become a habit One " Pellet " ia a gentle laxative and two a mild cathartic. Druggist Hell them. Nothing cine it "just a eood." It is a druggist's bunineaa to give you, tot to tell you, what you want command of the men. at the ringside." A feature at the club house on Fri day night will be the lighting appara tus operating the moving picture ma chine. There will be 400 incandescent lights shedding brilliancy on the ring. It was found In experimenting with the llghtsjast that they greatly enhanced TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If lt falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature Is on each box. 26c. The Most Annoying Thing One enconnters in the wearing of glasses is the conHtant care neces sary to keep the lmises clenn anil cleat. Tlie handkerchief is al ways Iinndy but not always ele gant, give b fine leather ewe and chamois lens clearer with each pair of glasses: we sell Northwest Optical Co., Tho Lablie HIIB., Second and Wriahlnifton Htm Room ao-as-aa-33 K i uvuvumruirwuinnnvutriLr ST. HELEN'S HALL. A BOARDING AMD DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Reopened September 13. For circulars address. MI88 KLENORK TMBI5KTT8, Ph. D Principal, PortUud Oregon Telephone Red 391. HIS MOTHERS BREAD He says was always so light and well baked. Well there Is a knack In mak ing It But don't forget the kind of stove or range used makes a difference. Hi's mother used a Star Estate Range Books Bought, SulJ nml KxchnngtMl Ht the Old Book Store History, Illot;rsiliy, Meelunlcal, Iteferenro, Poetry. Medical, U, HelikTlous, Scientific All itundaril works. Socoiid-liutid school iHiokit, laryo stock cheap. fcVvond-lintnl niiiKH'Ines. Li braries boutilit. Urgo stork of novels, 10.000 titles. HYLAND BROS. PORTLAND. OR, Yamhill Kt., Mow Second. Telephone lb '1S. ! Umbrellas Best and Cheapest Also llt'iitliliK snJ Recovering t Meredith's Wantiiiik'loii Mwcetiolli nml 1UI1 Htroeta. limn.ANi'. our.. John B. Coffey, Merchant Tailor .v .t,iFit sr., 1 nit. I llllih Portland, Ore. R. MARSCH Tonsorial Parlors 301 Washington St., corner Fifth Opposite Hotel Perkins Lnrlics Hnir Dressing n Specialty I nlie entrance to bath on Fifth street. W. C. A. Poh I, fOUTT fOEMH. Undertaker. Embalmer and Funeral Director Cnskcts Bud Funeral Supplies con.tiint ly on hand. Corner Utli and l'luine Hts, A .tori s, Ore POUTUNIl, hnlltblp prrsonaof mtmnlrftl or lttTallT mt4 it.lr1b.Tft trlntuttl. I'sarU l:tuallliu. aliim llalllmor, Md. Golambia Eleetrie & Repair Go SucceBBor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Loggers' Supplies Kept In Stock Logging Engine. Built and Repaired Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights und Tower Flnntu. wMliiim 2 W. J. SCX7Lt,T. Xftat, tu Bond Street ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRI80N STS. J Kuroi'au piii,.Viet'il,V)pHr diiy. OSCAR ANDERSON, Mummer- American plan, 1.00 UtfiM per ily. J. c. PKNUKUAKT, Chief Clerk. CHAS. HEILBORN & SON IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In oil sizes find stylos. . , We slin.ll continue to soil Iron and Brass DodstendN at tho snme Low Prices regardless of the rnlse la the price of iron and brass qruuruxaaru uinnumruiniuvuuxntntuvnn iiinnuvruuiriuwuiinip 2 w iftTRi .orvrkrThi a tkti- 5 PORTLAND, OR. The Only Rlrst-ClasH Hotel In Portland nnnnnnnn irinnimriAnnnrinnrinriJvnnnnn