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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1899)
'UIK MOKNINi ASTOHIaN. 8UNDAY UCJOBKH tz. INTO. ; UU UIJ W U WWUli U ZnAULb Willi n ! Uncalled forGarments at Half Price OUT .of the great number of suits ordered, many are uncalled for. Our contract with well-known tailoring firms throughout the country is that we take up uncalled for gar ments left in the express office west of the Mississippi River. In this wiy we keep on hand a number of uncalled for suits, overcoats and trousers, which we arc able to sell at great ly reduced prices. These garments are not misfits but suits on whicn deposits have been made and which were forwarded by express C. 0. D. and for unknown reasons remained in the express office uncalled for. We have all such, suits that are accumulated by these firms forwarded to us every .'10 days, to be sold at half the original cost. Save 10 to $20 on Your Suit or vercoat Suits to If you wish to be well dressed in every particular, Style, Cloth, Lining, Workmanship, in fact everything that pertains to a perfect suitor overcoat at no more expense than if you wore ready made clothing. Then let us make your next Suit. You will have no trouble in finding the CLOTH YOU WANT if you come to us, as we can give an assortment of over 5 different styles to select from.- $20 Suits and Overcoats for $25 " $30 i . . $ " . . 15.00 ! I i WE ARE TAILORS Not cheap garment makers, the only thing cheap i.bout our suits is the price. Our suits have that styles-fit and finish about them that swell-dressed gentlemen appreciate. era fl 0 farnswtlHerald I 250 WASHINGTON STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON Fob GENERAL WILSON FIGURES COST Submits Estimates for River ami Harbor Works Already Authorized. THE SEA COAST DEFENSES Considerable Attention Has Keen Given to the Subject of the De fenses of Our Insular Possessions. WASHINGTON, Oct Zl.-Ths annual report of the chief enjrlncor of tlio army, Hrlipidier General John H, Wtl ion. JviBt mode public, submits estl mates for rlvar and harbor- workit already authorised by congTens but not provided by oontlnulnic contrncts amounting to K,90(,821. In addition ho auks for $lfi,iS2,626 to carry on work aircad) contracted for. The report show that the existing approved projects for sea ooast de fenses coulumnUte the emplacement of about 60 hoavy gum of 8, 10, 12, ami 16-Inch calibre, of about 800 rapid fli-4 guiM, of about 1,000 mortars, at an estimate approximate cost for the, engineering .work of $55,000,000. M estimate of 14,690,000 Is submitted for continuing 'tlie work of construction of thoso batteries and for the defense of Porto Rico. The sum of 15,603,000 was allotted by the president out of the national defense fund In all of the en gineering departments. Under th . head of fortifications General Wilson says Uiat In addition to the thirty lo ralltles In 'the United Stale for which projects for permanent sea count but terles have been made, the defenses of several othor localities Is now un dnr consideration. Considerable study has been given to the subject of the dofunsas of our Insular possessions, re suiting in complete projects for San Juan and preliminary projects for Honolulu and Peart Harbor, so that the construotlon of batteries for these pines can begin as soon as congress apprliates the funds. Work on sea coast defenses have been vigorously carried on at Z5 local ities, nearly all of which are even now to supplied with heavy guns and mor tars, as to permit of effective defense ayalnvt naval attack. An Increased rapid fire armament. General Wlls m say, la now the most urgent necessity, ther having been delay In securing these guns In ho past year owing to dlilleultles with contractors.. With the rapid growth of the coost defenses the artillery organisation, which must cart for them, hot been utterly unnble to cope, and the dif ficulty hns ben Increased by the with drawal of two regiments for foreign service and by the necessity for ser vice of skilled electricians and me chanics to care fir the highly complex ordnance. The work of Installing dynamlto bat teries at Son Francisco harbor has been completed but at Sandy Hook provisions remain to be made for the permanent protcotlon of tlw guns In place. Turning to the suhjeot of rivers and h.irbors, the chler of engineers ex presses 'satisfaction at the working of the contract system generally. A summary of the detailed estimate recommended for river and harbor work shows tho following Items: Coqullle river. Oregon, 75,0O0; Slu slaw rlvor, Oregon, $$50,000; Columbia river at Cascades, $150,000; Columbia and lower Willamette rivers below Portland,, $322,464; waterway, Puget sound to lakes Union and Washington $200,000; San Diego harbor, Cnl., $119, 400; San Luis Obispo harbor, Cnl., $150,000. In addition to the foregoing the fol lowing estimates are made under the continuing contract system: Oakland, Cal., $186,000; San Kran cIbc j harbor, $10,000; San Pedro, Cal. $200,000; days Harbor, Woh., $345, 000; Everett Harbor, Wush., $150,000; Sacramento river, Cal., $60,000. , AN EXAMPLE FOR OREGON INTRODUCING NEW FISH Commissioner Little is Ae.ivrlj at Work Stocking Lakes and Rivers Willi Choice Eastern Specie Taooma Ledger. , TUrty thousand trout are coming to Pierce county to stock American. Gravelly, Stellacooin and other nearby lakes. State Fish Commissioner A. C. Little received a dispatch from the fed-1 oral Ash commissioner yesterday stat-t lng that the fisheries department's car containing the trout would be here Krl duy. They will be Immediately appor tioned among the different lakes of the county. Fish are coming In the same cur for lakes In the northwestern part of the state. It Is expected Lake Whatcom! and Lake SamUh will be stocked with trout from the car, but 30,000 are to be supplied In Pierce county. Congressman Cushman, Commission er Little says, Is entitled to the credit for securing the trout to stock Tierce county lnkee. The commissioner and but State Commissioner Little Indorses, the estimate of the Seattle Trade Reg-j tster of K54.5HO cases, as the most near-j ly accurate. Other estimates run down, to SOO.OOJ. j An estimate of the pack shows: Spring or chlnook salmon, 30.000 cases; Buckeyes, 511,000 cases; total spring pack, 544.000; humpbacks. 238,000; co-ho-.-s or silver sides, 67,500; chums, 5,000; total. SM.500. , The salmon fishing season on the Sound w III not close for 30 days, though the run at present Is lighter than It has been for some time. The output of canned salmon, If It reaches the estimate of 850,000 cases, will be double that of last year. The fish commissioner's report shows last year the total pack for the Sound was 400.200 cases, valued at $1,600,800. The output for 1897 Is shown to be 494.026 cases. VHlued at $1,850,000. benelt to the human race. Joax-What is It? Hoax A phonographic collar but ton that will make Its own profanity when it rolls under the bureau. FREEBORN (S CO., DEALERS IN ntSMAKCK'S APPETITE, f" . From the London Globe. Anions other amusing reminiscences of the late Prince lilsmarck's appear ing In Heir John Booth's Memoirs of the Iron Chancellor Is one relating to the latter'? fJnrRantuan capacity for eatli.g ami drinking. He told the au thor tha the largeot number of oys ters he ever ate was 175. He first or dered Iweraty-flve, then, as they were very pood, fifty more; and, consuming these, determined to eat nothing else, and -ordered another hundred, to the great amusement of those present. Plumarck wiui ithen twvnty-slx. and Mr. Cushman discussed the matter and had 1u returned from Knpland His Mr. Cushman pushed the application view on smoking are of interest personally, appealing to the United though most people will be surprised States fish commissioner. to leurn that in later yters his powers I m . .1. I .. C, 11.1,1 i i rr State Fish Commissioner A. C. Little) or cigar sin..... will go east In a short time to secure the oysters and lobsters for the ex perlment of propagation In this state. He expected to go within a few days, but his recent Illness will probably de lay the start. Mr. Little will make all the arrangements for securing the bi valves and will have them sent west early In the spring. Two cars of oysters and one of lob sters are to be procured. The experi ments are to be conduoted on Wlllapa harbor and Puget sound. The Wlllapal tity of Incense Is required for an en- TIH-: INCENSE TKAPE. From the Dally Graphic. There seems to be little doubt that the recent decision of the Archbishops with regard to the use of Incense In Anglican churches will have no ap preciable effect on the trade In that commodity. At nnat of the Anglican churches Incense would be used only four times a year. A very small quan- AT THE CELEBRATION. From the Philadelphia North Ameri can. "Who are all the Important looking men with broad smiles and big badges?" "That's the republican committee." "And who't the modest looking fel low, off there In a corner?" "Oh, that's Dewey. Wall Paper and Room Mouldings Gypsine, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc. Plain and Decorative Paper Hanging. House and Fresco Painters, Etc. 343 Washington St., Portland, Ore. Telephone Red 1955. AHOUT LIKEHIM. St .Louis Globe-Democrat. Editor Atkinson Is preparing a vig orous roast for Naval Constructor Hlchliorn, who announces that the new battleships now being built under hit direction are to be provided with quadruple expansion engines. THAT JOTFDL FEELING. With the exhilarating sense of re newed health and strength and in ternal cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed be yond the old-time medicines and the chea p tubstltutea sometime! offered 'jut never accepted by the well-informed. uy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. J, 0. Glllen 8 Co., Dealers, Manufacturers am Contractors Ol Asbestos Boiler and Pipe Coverings 229 Second St, PORTLAND, ORE. PEWEY ON SPECIAL DUTY. WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. Secretary Lour has Issued an order assigning Admiral Dowey to special duty at the navy department. harbor experiments will probably be tried at or near Tokeland, and those on PugC't sound at convenient points. The tire service. As far as can be ascer tained no Anglican church would nend more than 5 a year on In- Ito who is false to present duty broalis a thread in the loom, and will find th Haw when h may have for gotten Hi cause, , . . fish commissioner will have within a- cense, and the entire trade Is probably -V...... ,,(.. t-l,a WAat.Wa ft 4VA OBUUI,l nnt H'ith miPA thfl.n GOO S Vear. It D1IUI V 'lllllU IIIO 1COUIVD V. b... - . UVl " ' experiments on Wlllapa harbor and the U populnrly supposed that there la a result of Investigations In the east, trade stcr In the making of Incense, made by Professor Doane of the Pull-! but In most coses It Is composed Sim mon Agricultural college- Professor j ply of gum ollbanum. Siain benjamin, Washburn's work at Yaqulna bay, Ore., cascai llla bark, myrrh and copal vol' , also furnishes some useful information, nish. i to the department. j The pack of salmon on the Sound j this year will lw more than twice at: TO DO IT'S OWN SWEARING. fisher's Opera House I.. E. SELltJ, Lessee and Mng'r. Thursday NISM, October 20 Smythc and Rice Comedians With the droll comedian Halter E. Perkins Presenting My Friend From India . A legitimate farcial Comedy as played by Mr. Perkins for ISO nights at the Bijou Theater, New York City. Two and one-half hours of genuine comedy- large at that on the Columbia river. Estimates which have been made place the total pack as high as 900,000 cases, From the Chicago News. Hoax I have Just patented an In vention that will be of Incalculable ADMISSION: Reserved Seats 75c. Gallery 50.- Seat ealeopenaTiietulay morning at Griffin 4 Reed's. B. P. Allen iS Son Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Etc. e Leadinj House in No House Con Beat Our Prices. 3a Commercial St. Your Head And what is in it No. 1. CONTENTS. A Complete Foundation for Measuring Mind. Tliirtv Distinct Factors Have to be Considered. The Faculties of Power. The Successful Man. Why some have Stronger Constitutions. The Principles of Self-Development. Different kinds of will. MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS FOR 15c. We have the largest assortment of Books and Magazines in the Northwest. Call anJ see us, Jones' Book Store, 291 Alder St., bet. 4th and 5th, PORTLAFD. i