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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1899)
4 I'liK MOILNIMJ ASTOIilAN SIMA., OCTOBEK Hi, lin. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone Main ML TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Bent by mall, per year ... Rent by mall per month . Served by carrier, per month .UN 8EMI-WEEKLT. Sent by mall, per year, In advance 1100 Postage tree to subscribers. All communications Intended for pub lication ehould be directed to the edi tor. Business communication! of ail kinds and remittance! mut be address ed to "The Attorian." The Astorlane guarantees, to It ad vertiser the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia liver. J Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business, manager. Inr the last few rear, ft it natural that aome departuionts of tb gov ernment should have become unman ageable by a single head. It has bwn thought by those who have given care ful consideration to the suUJ.vt that the commercial luteins of the country could wisely bo looked after by tho cabinet officer appointed because of his Intimate knowledge, of the sub ject to be considered. it has been argued that a man In clone touch with the merchants of this country would be especially fitted to advise the president and that those engaged In commerw would derive considerable strength and confidence from tho fact that their Interests were more directly represented at the whKe house than they are at present. The movement, which has been un under way for some time, has deveiop- rAYUKCU THE DEFENDANT (Continued from paga 1.) been subpoened by the state, Dr. J, Nichols, also for the Mate, said the cause of the death of Miller was a shock caused in ths flrwt place by the gunshot wound, which wsa not neces sarily fatal, and in the second place by the surgical op "ration. cut loose from Agulnsldo I to cut looae from their otosltlon to tho vlg orout prosecutlcm of the war .and their opposition to holding as American colonics our now Spanish possioua. The cry of imperialism because we must Inaugurate stable governments and enforce law and order In the Phil ippines, will fall upon heedless ear, and the democracy must speedily place an Impassable chasm between the party and the Agulnaldo free booter or it must accvpt not only de feat, but the contempt of patriotic clt lions of every political faith. ' What a convulsive shiver must 1 given to an audience In the present campaign, hther republican or' dem ocratic, when the following extract from Aguinaldo's last proclamation Ik nad. as K will be at every cross-road:! "in America there Is a gretit party that insists on the government tvo-, SPF AKS R)R REPUBLICANISM nixing Filipino Intlopvudoiko. Therefore we must show our gratitude and maintain our position more rono-l lutely than ewr. We should pray to: Ht OpeS HIS Pint Speech In (tie OtllO GREAT RECEPTION FOR ROOSEVELT ' TO BKADKKS. lh "Dslly srl" teatsins twice a aaeh r-ilC saatirr a any otkertwver ablwta4 la A-loris. Ii It the saly pap" that prraasla Ita rvadvra with a sail) lirf r, luc tt .1VKUT1SK!.-Th -Oall Aa- larua" a a m..i hu i ws. a m .. rl ar.aaai.) "Ui. r !.( -, tl ' j Ha. Il Is lil-t m-r lw Iwl.s a nlili u m MliriUin . ukiIihui. j ed opposition, especially In the senate. God that the grvat democratic party i which was quite natural. Such a m'' win the next presidential election. and imperialism fall In ita mad at- radlcal new departure always calls v . I tempt to subjug.vt us by force of out antagonisms, but (he arguments! ann," i for a department of commerce to rank Let the democratic leaders Took the Campafity Nouloatlnr Mc Klnley for Re-' lection- CINCINNATI Oct. Sl.-Muslo hall TO UUSINKSS MEN. A NVw Idea to U Introduced by the Morning Aslorlan, The Morning Aslorlan will sooit In troduce a new ami Interesting feature In reaspainr advertising, known as the ilHrgaln Columns, which Is meet ing with great popularity with adver tisers nil over the country, The Idua Is now and novel, and has features that will induce people .o constantly read It. The Hirttuln t'oiumi will b made a special feature of the Astorlan, dally and aeml-wcckly, for nhrw months at small cost. The advertisements will n4 uniform In also, rrwijuently changed for patrons, and wrltivn for them In attractive style. The many other features of the iUrraln Columns will be fully explained by our representa tive, and every contract made by hltn will be curried out by lite Morning Avotian. IUMCAL LITKHATUHCD. We know of only one book store In Portland whsrs so complete a Una of novels can be obtained, on all the radl cat subjects of the. day under discussion as can be aeen at Jones' nook Store, .'91 Alder alreot. Woman's Welafre within her own control; greatest French imdlcal triumph of this cen tury, for al I feinal Irregularities, aeaknasa, etc; a positive blessing to married ladles. Call or write for sealed Information. Inclose atamp. OfTlce, IM1 Washington street, over Cordray'a, rooms -10, PortlanJ. Ore. it the' man uicvllng here to- with the Dost ofBce denartment. and i situation squarely in h face .and un les political sagtcliy Is a lost art c"u"" "ot contain all wanting to hear amrng them, they will right about Governor Roosevelt ond Senator Fora. face and cut loose from AgulitaUlo by ker hl.nln fKl wmrv .n t K ,Uh ...... . form of patri.Kism and enlightened progiess 1 tiovernor Roonrvelt was eacoited by one of the largest processions ever aeen In thl city, Including a battalion of the treasury department, and the ag ricultural department, have been very cogent and convincing. , . OUR MUCH ABUSED SOLDIERS. General Funston makes an energtlc response to the Pecksniffs who have night. In the war In South Africa, the aver- been sighing over the sufferings of our u American cltiaen maintains a neu- aoiai-ra, wnich tney ascribe to hurried IS NEW YOKK TO AGAIN GO REPUBLICAN. trality in thought as well as neutrality ; in action. He realizes the Justice of the English position as viewed from the English standpoint and he can sympa thize with the Boers in their defense, aa they believe, of their existence as a free and sovereign nation. We hear talk about mismanagement The overthrow of exSenator David : P.. Hill hv Rli'hiird (Viik.xr la an .nil In the Philippines, and those who are of imp,lrtanoe ,nl, ,nt dolrg the talking know the least about h,,,,. ,t fopJ)hajwl, the ,ha, It. I ant to tt-11 you today that our, tn. Emplr g. , ft army over there is better clothed.. nMMnti.i .nt. MSSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the part Uirshlp heretofore existing between A. J. M.'gler and C. S. Wright, under the firm name of Megter Wright, haa this day been dissolved by mutual oon enl. Mr. Wright leUrlng. All the In itehtedneaa of the firm haa been assum ed by Mr. Megler and all bills due the firm must be paid to him. Dated October 6th, 15). A. 3. MEGLER, C. S. W RIO I IT. 100 Kouk-h Riders, all veterans of t.' fpaiilsh war. Governor Hushnell and staff were in the city for the annual police Inspec tion and drill, but vterv not at Musiu hall. itenator Foraker, who was the prld- better fed and better cared for than democratic slat commute- .i ,h ""ltrr' n,il,le "Orring address of acres, on Toung'a river. Apply to John any army that ever fought In any command of RcharJ croker. hascoin-'"" huur ln upport of Judge Nosh for L. Hayseth. Wise. Or. FOR SALE. Improved ranch, consisting of IN A city on a hill cannot be hid, and wither can the troublesome Questions It is followed by another charge that is equally effective. LOOOERS ATTENTION I ,v..umry unuer any na. mlttad ths v rl-m.w-raH-. .., ,r,,..r ,..i i -...i ... . This Is hot shot from the Oring line, x Tark ,,m thK ,i . for the fellows who nr fr.,m th. .. . - - ueni .ucivuuey. .... .. " " , opposition oi tns party uwrtln to free .. .. ,. Ji,sllv.r exists. Just aa It did In 1S9. -ern.M- mnsn-veit f.K.k the Headquartera for Cutters' Logging that arise over street Improvements in! euevuve. . lhe ep.acement of Hill trom a ser- ro' lno fnwns was so vehement and! Shoea and Loggers' Outfits. THE RED i Th hiinlNit ft mm cfm.nt a u t t wr-rr kin .s i i . n . . Those who laid out Asto-! 7 ,i. l ua vo'ce ,n lne wefatlon from his rrotracleU that It was some minutes ni Kwnmn nw, ronuna, such a city. rtam.deam.suke.nnxingtbe. Mn.n, In the In an arbitrary right angle scheme. I if along the railroad, he is delivered pocket district, and when more en;eice of hu ap.-eh he RcVY DUdmbbb LUtALS LADtER' TAILOR-MADE SUITS. Ladlea who (o to Portland and dsslrs aomaihliif especially fine n the way of taiior-niana auita will do well to remem ber that they can be well fitted at I. U Hoyer a n Fourth etrwt. In the T. M C. A. building. Not only does ha keep a strictly first claaa oultor for men's wear, but also one exclusively for ladles' work, and all can rest assured of getting not only good work, but the beat of materials, aa air. noyer la an expert on woolen cloths. TINS OPBNINO. aaa M . a, Tns North Paolfio Dental Collegs. whoss advertUnment appsara In anoth er oolumn. opened Ita doors October I, witn 7 students on lu roster. The col- legs U wsll squlpped with avery faoll Ity to graduat atudsnui In all the lata knowledge of dentistry. A. R, Baker, D.D. 8., la demonstrator In eharga, and la well qualified to Instmot all atudanta who aWsid this oolleg. An Attraction for the Ladles, i . At the sxiKttilion lu Purllainl there Is su object ot rsnst ial itiiereil to the la dies iu the way l an ideal waist ami akirl anpporlor. Uy 1 1mm, unslitled to judge, it nieela ever reqtiiremenl of such au arltole. It is non-rusting, will support tho lieavicut skins, Is completely hidden, is very strong, Is tmick l action, iloea away with ol.l hooka aud eyes. There la a fine chance (or a iv sitent for Asloria by addresstni II. V, Wcer, 174 Fourth street, I'ortlaud. THR LOLYKC. Had thy been made to follow and take advantage of the hills, the results would have been more satisfactory as regards expense and appearance and also in point of convenience. i. u.e nospitai in .Manna. Out of Vj)0 publicly reb-iked than ho was .m n'"'"atiM William Mi Klnl. y as the wounded men snt, to that hospital not TiP-sday. will thereafter sulk at Wool- next president of the United Stat... a s.nsle rrimary amputation wa. per- fert 8 Ro or nfh, he .j '""'rj' ca uiumati sir. Hll is UU auprvirv in the cen- amputation. During the civil war at ,ral coumie. of the Empire statehe least 560 men among the 1500 would thousands f d,m,ocratlc voter, in th hve been subjected to amputation iarg(; cllle, of Roch,,,, Byr,eusM.t and rendered premanent crippl-s. This utl. a. Elmlm and Albany standing is an Important fact to bear in mind flrmlv at his side. But. the contest of m lice oi irresponsible criticism of, Tuesday showed that vampaign. Brooklyn has taken The public will Judge between the ouph (formerly fourth cMy in si: witnesses, iin tne one nana Is & m - th nir. Do you CHICAGO LOSES IT. Headquarter of the W. i T. Move to Evaiiston. McLaughlin, of that great bur- Ixe In constitution of the organization, and In! 7. . II ' J "rT""n' " the rroicpr-nran ... " u " e Lrcamens lant officer who won promotion by re-1 car.o Hill . . " 'Ver of the so- re.taurant. XI W A newspaper thai trk simply to please everybody is sure to plea. no one. It loss the respect of even thos to whom it caters. It is the duty of a' paper to advance the interests of the community whose patronage supports act- ner.,,8m ,..w w , . . dety. the del -gates to the W. L T. V. i. v ' """"s .uuvurrsji s influence, u it. ard this duty Involves the speak-, sonally conversant with the situation.! the Syracuse convention last yesr. but l'.",u,ntJ puswed the second day of ing, at times, of unpleasant truths. v"' "l"rr "no are a tew sensa- cid n: regard the defection an per- the msslon. k .... i fiilTl.'il nAWnnndrsi nnKllaKail t k ,i 1 . ..... Tne task is often a thankless one. but a iu..un nmr.ent. .Now he knows that he has Two of , the three ammdmrnts were newspaper with the real function of mnilnr rf ,uperlor lelde taaSghth'trnt' 'V"' the press In view, does not look f'r, themselves studiously aloof at the polls. headquarters of the national organlza thanks. No one appreciates apprecia- ame safe distance. As the gvneral! The trouble with Hill as a leader Is ll,,n fr,,m Chicago, where they have tioa more than an editor, and no one lni"iat. both classes of protesuntai that his sterllmr Ideas come to him 'been locaied for mnv v. ... ir m. duty day by day and year by' V??' nrant too late to serve any useful purpose,; lo. III., at Rest Coaag. th. late home a The active men at th front Th nnrti.mi. r . n. ' " aDDralse their svmtuthv ut u. .. . . . . of Miss F f rr w ,La Bl Lnicago to nreaa the 16 to 1 worm ana rvct it j av a rs iiiv.ii nvuiu IIO. V ( Mlrangorg visiting In ths city will Hud ll n a ,.l K.a " siirswiiTB resort WlltTOI u want a goo.i m-'al whan you i .. ,...( ti. . ui...... j vw. Portland? If so. ,0 ,o ,h. Port- Ulrr isni restaurant, joj Washington street. ; pnenl nighllv a mtisiral prorn ( ' exerplNinal merit, Hniidsome tiool and K. nouse s care at l Third strest. "imaru nmuis are a maturs in txitiniH tion Will Portland, la retarded lv manv ovinia w'"' hmiKS. I'nlntahle Itin. hea will las the leading restaurant In the Pa-' .!!,,.r.!T,.",.",.l I clflc Northwest '. " ' " POVEY & BIRCHALL TAILORS l'lna work at Popular Trlcra. ;la!7 Wststlilrtaton Hlrowti Neil Imperial Hotel PORTIAND, ORM. Posing a Hpeolntlv. HYliflND The Photographer N. W. Comer Kevsnth and Waahliigtsn poutlam), onroon NORTH PACIFIC Dental College I5th and Coui-hSts,, 1'ortlaad. I Member uf Nntlonnl AsMulatlon of Dental faculties. I'ormcrly Ta :0111a College "f Ucnta Siirycr. Dental Infirmary oosn dally from a. m. to I p. m. rrsa oral aargioal eUnaa Saturday. I JO p. tn. to I p. m. A. R. Ilaker, D. 1). 8- Demonstrator aa Charge. Students desiring Infonnatloa. aA. disa North Paclflo Dsntal Collars Fifteenth and Couoh strssta Portland. Oregon. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Lesva 00 a. m. 1:00 p. in. I U a.m ( 10 p.m. t m i m 1 l:m l:Jf, ,y '. i. 11 M Ar S I) 13 13 I -v 1 101 1 00 Ar POItTUiND. Arrlvs? I'ortlaml Union Dapot jilill a.i rr Aatorls and lntr1 I S) p.m. mnllst polnla. ASTOIIIA. ror t'ortiana In-lll to a.m. termedlate points 'l(:Np.m. SFABIMC DIVISION. a m.ip m a.iu ... Astoria. ... Wsrranton. ...Ri-aflda..,, Af! I.v '.Ar Lv I:M : iu iu 40 IS 1 ta ID SKATTLK. iVl. 21. -In consideration' of three Important amendments to the' A ""' Wl,h nrlt rlcn flvor THE IAllL()Il Washington street, near Third. Try it when you go to Portland. year with less encouragement than the average newspaper editor. ranees Wlllard. Ths vote with the scorn tliul wave by declamlg for a greater "s 174 for and 28 Alnt. A GOOD GAMK. If you are going up to Portland and mlsa going to the Creamerle Reatau rant. Til Washington St.. you may con- alder that your trip will not be a suc cess, aa others will tell you, who do not misa It. Holmes' English and Business Col lege at No. 414 Yamhill street. Portland, is prepared to accommodate a large number of pupils this year. Already the classes are well crowded, a fact that Indicates the excellent character of the Institution. Why la Watson's restaurant In Port- 1 a r i4 rsi t nn tm,.A V. ik...... . h iiu.i,.j,n. ,. . ... ,. . "'-" "iuussnaa or peopia NKW hAVKN, Conn., Oct. 21. The1 m not are tne articles of merchandise "- --i"S" was oegun in; divided the convention on new llnrs which are swelling our exports to such the hl,pe tnat the reluming soldiers and pn'.ably led to the nomination of nairnili.ent proporlons' The oueatlun M" thm'lv'" to th cave of a compromise candidate who would a,nuent propor.lons. The question A,lullan, now. thoroUfhly dlwred. MeKlnlev. llu. s ireutntly asked, and fortunately, tted that the enemies of the admin- r,...ldn't :hmw ,.i..i,i h ..... """"" " iconsiri r.M.tboll eleven dally? Simply because it Is the lanes. the startles carefully kept by the ''-ration must make a fresh start. They star of Bryan rose, not to be obscured h4j olo, ,ow'red by Yttl hvr nne,t n1 0681 QUlpped eating resort government and frequently published m K 1 " la tne OVern'nent to blame by four years of stirring events In-' tnl" afternoon In a contest, the flnair" lne Mine coast. Watson's restau furnish th .., v. fr ,ne 8Urp,us of f8 "'t eluding a wat and a social revolution ' ro of which was Yale Wl-.m n I rant h" ""y-"iht whits employ,, on , lnd tnal u P-"ra"y lamented In n the ranks of lab At the same 1,1.. .1, v 1 . . ' py ro"- Kmember the location, months endin, August 3! last, the pro-' th. -H.hborhood f Ne. York. . H ptiden'i.l Jp.raZs ' " 7" "' M visions shiriDil ahnud orr.,n,tH . .... minutes play to secure a sJnrl " ' v -w. vanisne-i forever. ----- B , . M?ii,iia3 ... . , -.j. .,... .. . ,. touch-down and symlI hi,h ,.iu,..i "" snonnana IS ' ...v r-nn a Kwn ill . I I i.iifiyih k i' I IM i .'-' . t t.-i niu iiiuuv inf irirvinni i iiiNmirvrH . " - k.i. ........ . . , . . . uciiip laugui 07 nr. n. W. Btinka In the Oregonlan building at Portland. Tho Pernln ayatem la not only extreme ly legible after being written, but la rxceptlonahly rapid, i, W(1 tn . I t-Ahis town, Oct. 21. (Midnight)-'"uaenia unaer Mr. Behnke'a direction CANDY STOKK A TA(i(i, rroprietor. Scial attention glvco lo family onlera. PURE ICE CRE4M la Ijux or Hmll gnantlllM Special attsntioo given to family onlera Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CANDIES 41 Commercial St., Astoria, Orion Agent for GUNTHERS CANDIES SPRTIAL SKAirR SUNDAY TRAIN Uivr. Aaiorla at I 0 a. m ; arrives at Sraai.l, I 41 . tn. Pssaongars mar return on any train how, on eehnlule on asms data ALL TRAINS to and front fKastds rus ot Plavel and Hammond via Warren ton All tralna mtk clots eonnerlloaa at Oobla wHh all Northarn Paoifle trains to and from the asst or Sound points. At Portland with all trains avtng Union depot. At Astsiia with I R. s) N. Co.'s boat and rail Una 10 and from Ilwaco and North Has, poinia THROUGH TICKBT8 on sals al As. toria for (Uommanto, Ban rraaclsco. all Kastrrn and Kuropaaa points. tlty ticket ofllo. Astoria. U4 Com mar. rial street. J. r. MAYO. on l rYl and Pass. Agit. C. A. WHALE, Wlulciuls ami retail dealer in which was a gain of CUT I.oas V. ppam S.l'T.SOS owr th sar.irf period last! year. The n?xt Hem in Importance Phlla,elphla Time- was iron and steel, and the manufac ' 7?C KTad' , v . w, u " ; uaIly 4rifte!l lnto PoslUve hoHtilitr to tures ;hers,f. which aggregated ?,.- th. war for the overtnrow of ,he and was a gain of J15.082.979. Pino insurgents, bv whl-h h i j vanished forever. . urr " " Hill made the- election of Ho-.eveH '"Ul;h-l"wn and goal which conaUt I sur? last fall; he will probably repeat1 ner vlctor. j his service to th republican party I net year, and see to k that the elec- ANOTIIEK POINT CARRIED, torlal vote of New York goes to Mc- Klnley. The attitude to the New York dem K...'..".6..u,, ujr niucn ney come In 1 (lt.ria.rnl K'kii. ,i v u t 'direct conflict tth .,.. orracy Is a sad and painful one. be-' " "'0 "encn nave car . . ' .ui a , .. - n..nA U ks. mAo.A ll,. n,,U. I rU'U the B(Mr rVMIltlnn n t7,1an.lutansM. 1 it. II4MS iCIlUVICW kC lJl.IlliO,- . ---.a aa,v s. vi at OMl Ifff, oils, a35.744.589; with wood and IU patnles and convictions of the people. They did not take that position from t,on of Wllllm J- Bryan a foregone affire8at" ""' b-t nder the -elusion, of . J30.59,454. Our cotton goods cheap monev dom,... t(, - YELLOW FKVEK IN THB ARMY. snipped abroad during the rlod named were valued at SH.o.v, while agricultural pe. cratlc party of the nation has ceased t Jl.-i 1 " v' 01 nonest convictions ,..1 .. .1,.:....,. ,. Imnle- . ' . " '"v" '" " m. . . pfjsition ready to accept any side of men,, mounted up ,0 ,U.45.459, any l8gliB araInHf7hp It isn't the number of men that yel I low fever kills that frightens you, but me unexpected HUddcnrresa of Its m- wnne tne vain of scinntirir ttunrn. meni was ::,C19.9S. and musical in sirliiiems fl.183.143. Every ium of export in a recently publlhh-d state- power. . i The recent pr tlamatlon of Agulnal do In which he Inspires bin liiHUrgent folliwr-rs to maintain th- ibelllon with unfaltering mid Hn.n.i, ment shows a handsome gain over dt-sp ration. Is only the logical r.-sult th previous eight months, and the, of the teachings of dumocratlf leaders variety of mei-chondlse shipped abroad I fr"m Hran up and down. The Bout shows that orders from abroad I " "B' H,JarH' th" MM and . ... . othi'r ixilltlcnl antiUi-, who ar ev.r re no longer confined to such staple , ,Mng Wkuill.(J p2il as corn, wheat and cotton. The world in grandly pressing forward, are of also wants our Yankee notions In "ule moment, hot the di-mocrallc par-ever-Increasing quantities. j l' wnt'1 10 the patriotic teach-. 11 or its .-arller and b-tter ilavM I Yom I need not lose flesh in summer if you use the proper means to prevent it. You think vou can't take SCOTT'S EMULSION in hot weather, J but you can take it and di- gest it as well in summer as in winter. It is not like the ? attain aucceaa In one-half the time aa- aentlal with either Oraham. Munaon or Pitman methoda. Thla achool Is open day and night. Kranlcb ami Uacb, ScharTer, SobllUr, and many oluers. 112-lU-IKi Union Avenue anJ :m East Aider Street HohulU and Co. Miller, Ann Arbor Ilentloy and others PORTLAND OREGON. A tltfPAUTMENT OF The statement that President Mc Kinley will probably recommend ln his forthoming annul message 10 congress, the addition of a department of commerce, the head of which Is to be a member of the cabinet, will Inter eat and please a good many people ln the country who have favortd this change. Very strong arguments have been advanced for creating the new cabinet position by those who are in timately associated wlih the commer cial development of the country. M ith the phenomenal growth of the sountry which has been going on dur- u-uer nays.. ? ... a f-anrot reasonably hone to h.,.m- tha Dlam COfJ-IIVer OIL Which U I coiiiiKnfK I . .. .. . r..,- ..... . .. r :":iiiuiiiii(f ix.ner in tne nation Agumaldo advocating democra.y .1... .. ....... giiments of Brj'an in the United Stat-V a there can be no destiny for democracy ( but that of annihilation. 'f It will not do for the demo r.itli. ,. leaders to merely disavow their ym-' V pathy with Agulnaldo. He knows' what they are t-achirig and he teaches Just as they do. He knows that l.ui : ' w'1 difficult to take at any time, t l '; If you are losing flesh, you are losing ground and ? you need 5 Scott's Emulsion and must have it to keep up for the hope of American sympathy , 7 yOUr llesn antj Strength. f and support he could not maintain his ij you have been taking it and 4 barlarous warfare for a month, and; i nrn.rmrf U '4f,il4 5 ne has played democracy as his last f ' .! ' A tailoring establishment of soma pretentions, located on Washington street.. Portland, claims to have made 47 fllllf tn 4raaW A . m-. . tack, and the riii,. u..k ..C "l"a ounng tns kill, a mo V L 1 past six montna. Thla atatement la da- kllla A man Is well and hearty at nl-d by the firm of PoveyA Blrcha.l it 6 near the'l" buried. In much the same manner men' perlRl hote1, who re Ptronlael by the win work clay after day In apparent r" majority of outside customers health unA ihu, .trio ui,.i.i...i.. r. a .. . . " ' , "-i'P-i 1 rovejr at uircnau make th awll suit. a genera Th ii,. i h.,.'. . . suits lng out n 8 ' :irfcr0 t the stylish Portlanders. and strenK-then It, to drive away the Im-I1 tnat ther ar "t excelled by any iumirn di me moon, to tone up tne' rortisnn nrm ror out of town nat stomach, and asslBt digestion. For this! ronage. 'rl purpose liostetter'a Stomach Hlttrs Is nigniy recommended. It will cure dys pepsia, Indigestion, constipation, mala ria, fever and ague. caru, Diumng out the truth and paling the democratic leaders b. ioe painotic convictions of the A lean people. continue until you are thor $ .11. .1 j . . 1 I, efoivj ougniy strong ana wen. t .mer-j joc.indli.oo. all druggists. ? at awrr a, rowkf runi... v vi T. The only way for the democrat, to tVWKM.KKMWwl. THEY CUT AND FIT. Two Fashionable Furriers who Are Earning Well-Merited Approval Good work, correct style and perfect lit speak louder for the furrier than any advertisement that can be written. Appiegath ft Prasll, the fashionable furriers, at 143 Third atreet, between Alder and Morrison, guarantee abso lute satisfaction In every case where a purchase la made at their establish ment Both gentlemen are practical cutters and fitters, who have been em ployed In aome of the largest houses In the principal cities of the United States. There la a style and finish to all work tunud out by this firm that atamp both gentlemen experts In this business. Carments will be taken to be made over or repaired, and the work turned out with the least possible de lay. BUSINESS POINTERS. Kelley a transfer wagona deliver box wood to any part of the city on short notice. All orders left at Zapf-s fur. nlture store, 6-30 Commercial street will receive prompt attention. Tele-' phone 2144. Go to the Columbia Electric A Re pair Company for all kinds of new and repair work, from a cambric needle to a bicycle, boiler or engine. vimcK work ana eatlsfactlon auaran. teed. Logging machinery of all kinds a apeciaity. shop opposite Rosa, Hlg- gllla St l-O. Instruments Sold on Easy Terms. M. C. MATTIIIELL, Manager. Head office 141 State Si. Salem, Or,. Heretofore AHtonan's have sent away for their calndars I now have In stock an up-to dute line of 1000 to select from. Call and ex amine them, The most Denntifnl Variety ever ilisjilayed In the Pacific Northwest. J. S, DF.LMNGER, Cor. Ninth and Commercial SU. The concert hall opened by Charlie Wise at No. 339 Astor atreet. la the one and only popular resort of Its kind In that vicinity. Mr. Wise la doing some thing new among concert halls. Ha la not only selling a class of pure liquore but la giving his place a manaaomni which Insures gentlemanlv o..i. u.l-IlUUII and treatment to his patrons. The good music and the crowd will ha i found at Charlie Wise's place. j ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Telephone No. aa I Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4s Commercial St., next Pslaea Riitsarsht. P. n. Sharpie's Cream Separators Latent and Heett FISHER BROS. General Supply House for Family Groceries Bailders' fleavy and Shelf Hardware, ShipChandlery, Etc.