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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1899)
2 THK MOILMM ASTOR1AN, SCNUA.. OLTOHKlt 2, !!). WAR TALK RULES SUPREME EVERYWHERE IN LONDON Nothing of the Traditional Shopkeeper Ele hien is Now Visible. of director of the Pullman ami Wag-; jno' eomluot. It said, had f nr companlv subject to the rwtlhVa- rown blarmwm'thy tht It tUn of the nwprctiv stockholder by. IhU iW-ie.t Lost to ivturu hint to tho whl.'h the Pullman oompany tuii pur- h" . ... V .. . . ' r r"t iiwii one of the moat promising chaw all the aatot and property of y,,,,,,, ,,. In ,h ,ohooJ mnj h,g Upw( the Vgnr Company, Including It w unaccountable. He took no one contract with nUlnxul compani.. ! ,,uo n, conrtdono and threat and FRIDAY'S NEWS ftUDE A SENSATION A Pulimentary Election With tbe Boer War is An Issue Now Belnj Fonglit-lnocnlation of Troops Against Fever. kindness were alike unavailing to win exploitations or to Induce him to mend , hu way. HI Inf1une wm detrl- the Pullman company to be Inrreaied, mental nnd In dntpair the controlling paying, thoreforv, WO.000 ahfti-e of Pullman Mock the capital ritovk of acwrdlngly for that purpoee.' A HOME FOR DEWEY. WASHINGTON, not. !l.Tho TVwoy house committee, which ha In chargv the purchase of a home for the admin) with money received by popular sub- tcrlpllon, hare sdecKHl a houae at No 1747 RhiHle Island avenue known a the Fitch house. hoard decided to nend him home. There waa an athletic grace and o.w In his movements a he alighted I from Ithe atag and walked up to thv agent's office. Ill clothes had a ' fusM.inable cut and the few word he exchanged with thom who wel comed him back bor evidence of culture and education. Hut ther was ' a defiant look about hi face and Copyrighted ISM by Associated Pre.) eiewion In Tower Hamlet. London, Is LONIX-N, Oct. n.-War talk reign Mng fouh, rtr on Boer and an upreme everywhere In England. Lon- t-Boer lines. The liberal candidate, don is teeming with people, notable harcld Spencer, declare that the war socially, but what care London for ' brought about as much by the society when troop are pouring Into' blundering of the secretary of state transport and when everybody from for the colonies, Mr. Joseph Cham ber ma1ety down I saying -good- J bvrlaln, as by the obstinacy of the bye."' "Cod blew you." and "Good j Transvaal government. On the other luck to you." The newsboy are fairly revelling In their " "Orrlble slaugh ters," and the ordinary pacific stock broker talk lnceasantly of stragetic and military tactics. There 1 nothing of the traditional shop keeper element visible In British character since the first shot was fired. A multitude of military details flood all classes of publications and al- trmtt every body who has ever been nl South Africa take the first oprvr tunity to air his views a to the fight ing capabilities of the Bore, the re sult leing a marvelous mass of con flicting theories. The news of yesterday's fighting In Natal made a tremendous sen sat lor. en the pluck and dash of the Kings Royal lfl? and the Dublin Fusil- eers greatly stimula'd the universal enthusiasm. The total British force at Camp Glenco. according to reports immediately preceding the announce. nent of tbe engagement Include the Elghtenth Hussars, the Natal mount ed volunteers, the first battalion of the Iicestershlre regiment, the Dev onshire regiment, the First Kings Royal Rifles, the Second Dublin Fus lleers, the Dorsetshire regiment, sev eral companies of mounted and three field batteries, a hund. the xieervaUve candidate, William Guthrie, aaaerta that the candalou arrogance of the Boer tu alone resjionslble for the hostilities. Both join In a wish that victory may attend the Bri'lsh arms, but this doe not deter the elector from creating a little war of their own. One of thi most curious feature of the mobilisation ha been the Ino culating of the troops agninst f ver. This was not made compulsory, but the company commanders were in structed to urge the men fc allow themselves to be Inocculated and most of them have undergone the ordeal. Although medical men differ great northwest ' uimiimi in ma eye. 'l MiV Uitfun rvlNd him with a I hearty klndnes and after the words ' of greeting said:" Well. Joe, I would WOMEN AUAINST POLYGAMY, hike to hv- hv vm. Wk I.. .... i " ' othci with me. If you care to take When earnest discussion going on in up tnat wor, ag;Un." very Influential svtlona a to whether, -n,,. Mi. Linton," he answered. "I it should be so easy for men through thank you. but It wouldn't do.' You the medium of divorce to hav a num. Wrtl,M r..r..r l. t iii i.oi ,. ber of wive on the Umdem principle. r w teU mtn lltlUn thu, th, wa,J tt is quite natural ttu-re shouu be a(latlou ot my HinltaUon has beaten strong feeling agUtwt their phasing me. I am an Indian. I can bo ruin a lot of them, a It were .abreast. One in- but an in.iinn Ail I hv u.rn.l of the latest form In which thl. latter an4 , my JWH..atin wUh ,hc worMj: ! notion has takeo expressly the h4Ve slmrly Bnown . how mUch jTX meetin of womm In Nw V.wk ihm . . . . ... ... I N - nave miiswu oy oetng an inuuui. it la other day. when Mia Helen Oould and useless to labor with me. The agony U other ladle put the judgment upon unm,... x ,m nf henceforth record that Mr. Robert, the pctfvga- to be simply wha I am-an Indlan mous member of congre from Utah.'omy , Inttlat,. ooj-by. should not be permitted to occupy a seat In the lower houae. ! r. (V,. .,... , ,,. Therx- are apparency a lot of ten-., non, , n,Uh am, wrrt,htH,J d-ncea at work to make the family ,0 thlrvU(rhlVi hl,H.,flM,iy a.-grad-d. a cln-b of less influenc and sanctity In Joe PRr,. 0ne (Uy ,ne , fi,un,f thi. country man wa the case once hlm ,ylntf undr . trv ,,,. upon a time. Yet with our complei eml. ,hlrl ,, ,.,. a social organlxatlon and the exception- n hu n al ;dea of freedom of Individual ac nj,j fr,,n, ,nH ,h ,1)t Una that prevail In America, It I. gvn-,covereJ . httU(U.Ille lo.ktH km, , erally felt to be more than difficult to th. pretVi .m1K Ucv f . grapple with thee deatrudtlve Influ-; malJ).n plU ,he lofkH b(l(.k ,P(1 ences as a whole. But inasmuch aihe Mnk he un,lerstamls. In the process of curing constitutional ' ' I I nt-W .-' ..' i ' 1 V. ( "'Ar"v'",a ' 3 X : K " Wilson Improved Air Tight Heaters ... FOR COAL... 1 . hi lioator im tKHH.-inlly iulaitotl for Soa Coal nn.l Lijsiuto. The body in nuulo of polisho,! BttH'l. Kxtra linivy Hliakinjr ami tluinpinfr jjrato. Kiro jxit oxtm hoavy with largo u.mIi pit. Ha;s ii niikol urn, nickel naino i.lato ami two HW'kol i.latoil foot rnik TIk liot Must tl raft is so t'oiiHtnirtt'il that tho rscajii)K jjasos nro all coiiHurtiotl, which inukos a great miving in tho coiminij.tion of fuel. Price, $12.00 to $25.00. All Varieties of Wood Air Tights at FOARD & STOKES. i The "Delsarre" and "Regent" Shoes for Women .... - Books A SOUND SLEEPER disuse much Is gained by the rvestab INhment of partial healthy conditions,' something might be won In the way of Cle eland Plain Dealer. great- r respect for the marriage Instl- "Queer cae of that western man in tutlon. and the household as Its chlrf'N-'w York Saturday night. wan't it T" sanrtuary. If public opinion. expres..J "What was that?" th-r.iitth the most reprentailve body "W-nt to sl-vp sl'tlng on a fire hy- of our national legislature, were to drart. Fire broke out in th- nWghbor- follov the siissestlon of this NVw York hoi, Mr-men coupled on to hydrant gathering and put. if legally possible, and pumpt-d away for two hours, with- the sian:p cf severest disapproval on oitt dlxliirbing him. Fire kept on get- ly as to the utility of the virus, the ! tbe many-wived gentlemen from ihe ting olorer. and ,rtty soon the west percentage of fever In the British ranks' Sf,irmon tate. and through him upon ern man began to f.-t warm. Th'n he an n- work dlivctly or Inllrectly for hn'f nwoke. strelch-U himself ana mut- th desecration of marriage and the tered, Tmrned glad I laid h-re long will be eagtrly watched by foreign! miHiary experts. Mnouia 11 mm oui( conse iuent dlstructlon of the home. to De remarKably small, tt is more than likely that all the European troops will be Inocculated before going to countries Infested by the enteric' fver germ. j The war office continue to receive) offers for volunteers service fr.m all part of the country. Colonel Sir II K POl 1 V IBta.' V 4, 14 I ;erjugh for Maria to git up an' make j I the Are.' " A SIMPLE STORY OF AN INDIAN The Rev. Sam Small, the revivalist, ; will be a partner in a newspaper to be established In Culwi. The enterprise! 1 has bright prospect of success, since ' another partner of Francis Atwater, ! Mnanrlal agent of the Red Pros Bo i rMy. and the paper will be an admin istration organ, to Jon department Is to publish the flrwt city directory Charles Edward Howard Vincent ha officially repeated hi proposal to raise a thousand marksmen for ser- Infantry vice In South Africa at his own ej- total of perso. Colonel Vincent Is to command brut 4.o) men, opposed to a Bo-Tj on'- of the Queen's Westminster vol force estin-ated at about twice that, untrs. one of the crack reelmer.ts. number and possibly reaching a higher, and -vr since !ils offer wa first pub-! flgur?. This very disparity between lished he ha been Inundated with re-; JX fJROWIXU WISE! Hi,vana ha VT 1 Danger of a Little Learning Illus trated by a Tale Told to an Astorian Reporter. Elite Chinavvare Elite People. All Jylil., Equal Styles to One any Price :r';$5.oo $3.50 I J shoe Also "Queen Quality" Shoes for Women $3.00 the combatant gives an additional element of fascination to the history of the day. quests from those anxious to iw-rve. M.iny of the applicants are of g.od social Po,itlon. Including several cler-,ThM,f MlaM nfwlo. On the Sile.x Indian agency, lotated' QreAT LeFT OVER SaLB neap Yaqulna bay, are gathered the remnants f thrw or four coom tribes. 1 rmc Awajr UOWO. a rule Probably no other officer in the Brit- srym-n. They hall from points as far1 to thos of the Interior, but there are lsh army has seen more fighting thanj apart as Bombay, Halifax ar.d San Genera! Sir William Penn Symons.! Francisco. A Canadian offered Colonel the commander of the fourth division! Mncent to bear the entire expense of ' occasionally pleasing exception. i ' Vihen a new agnt, whose name I might be Linton, took charge a few! years eo. followinr a chance of ad-' unaer uenerai &ir (ieorge Stewart, n men tnrougnout tne campaign. j miutstratlon In the national gov'rn- White. Certainly none ha een more One of the problems left entirely to men. he followed the advice of his! You'll Say So, When You Sec Price. GreatAmerican Importing Tea Co. Storea Everywhere, ioo Stores. m Comment! AC. Atrl. India and the campaigns in Burmah General Sir Redvers Buller in supreme! predecessor and retained in the office and Zuloland .revealed his splendid c-mnand Is the punishment of non-1 oualltleg In the mow brilliant fashion.' combatants who take part in the hog The forthcoming parliamentary bye- J turtles. an Indian boy who had developed a PREPARING FOR HOMEWARD TRIP "I hope to remain here for a w;k or Nn days, during w hich I shall visit Chi cago. I have not attempted to do any business since my arrival, having given , all my time to the Shamrock. You may not believe It, but I have more than 200 SinMKOt'K IN EllIF! BSIN unP,'ne'i letters which simply had to wait until these races were over. "I have nothing to say concerning the result of the race, except that my boat was not fast enough, and that she was fairly and squarely b.-a.Urn. The Columbia is a wonderful yacht, and f! question have been more than fairly treated by) my competitors." j bir inomas wa very much Impressed a valuable help and quiet the NEW YORK, Oct. 21. The Sliamrock by the cordial manner In which he was' moral prompter. Joe must hav now lies off the Statue of Liberty in received on board the Corsair yesterday 1 edurutlonal advantage that this be- the upper bay, ready to go Into Erie by Commodore J. Pierpunt Morgan andi K"1"1 frf our" a"r'TA" t0 ,,. . . W. .... . . . . . . :-.s dusky wards. Sir Thomas Sas Columbia is Wonderful Boat- He Praises American Sportsmen. a HI school experience wa confined to a few brief term under the agency teacher yet hi word were well chos en and hi grammar good. He seemed In ho i born accountant. The new agent had one fault that : CflCclOCSt" often Interfered with his purely per-! sonal material Interests. .He wa con scientious. Thus It was that he wa aware of an uncomfortable sensation as he watched Joe Dare nimbly fig uring at his desk, and the note expert Joe grew, the more uneasy Mr. IJn tun felt. I One day while glancing rather care- l-ssly through a bible (for even In ! dian agent sometime read the good book) his eyp fell on the printed Am I my brother a keeper?" proverb says, "a word to the wise Is sufficient," and Mr. Linton made a resf'lutlon that would deprive him of inner every basin tomorrow, there to be stripped by M. Iselln and his party, who had and receive her Jury rig for her trip sailed on the Columbia. back to Glasgow, !n about a week hence. The victorious Columbia was towed to New Rochelle, there to be stripped and laid up In the near fu ture. N) victorious yacht ever received such a demonstration as did the Col umbia and her consort a she passed up the harbor. Every steamer that had "They are a fine set of men and true sportsmen,'' added Sir Thomas. CHICAGO, Oct. 21.-The f..llwii)e steam, every vessel that had a, a- statement has been isued by the board luted her. of directors of the Pulman Palace Sir Thomas Ltpton, when asen by an far Company. Associated Press representative today, "It Is announced negotiations have aid1 been concluded between the boards So off to the Chemawa school went Joe, but his mental activity so Im pressed the superintendent that In a few month arrangements wera made for young Dare to take a course at Carlisle and east he went. Mr. Linton heard from him occa sionally through letters from Joe him- Wasner People Ar, to Re Paid n Stock! Z"Z 1 of the Pullman Company. i ,hat J(V, waj, leader In his studies and a favorite In the football field. PI'LLMAN WAGNER TIO.V. COXSOMDA- ! As time passed on young Dare's let ters began to wear a tinge of melon choly. They grew shorter and fewer until th"y ceased altogether. Three years after Dare's departure Mr. Linton received a letter from Carlisle that startled and grieved him. Umbrellas Best arid Also Repairing and Itecoveriiir at Meredith's Wasbintno between 5lh nnd Gth Streets. PORTLAND, ORK. E. C, Goddard & Co, Oregnntan Uuilding, Portland. ST. HELEN'S HALL. A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Reopened September 1.1 address. For circulars MISS ELENOBE Till BR ETCH, Hi. I) Principal. Portland Oregon Telephoo Red 391. John B. Coffey, Merchant Tailor 2M AfJi'K ST., ;OK. T1I1KD. Portland, Ore. A Portland Buyer Mrs. PALTON, who lias years' of PXjHTit'iicc u 11 . Buyer . Will Irs ileiwed to giro person a attention to all customer. Correspondence solicited. 203 Second St., Portland. HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He say wa always so light and well baked. Well there i a knack In mak ing It But don't forget the kind of stove or range used makes a difference. His mother used a Star Kstate Range Houjjht, Sold and Exchanged nt tlie Old Book Store History, Biography, Mechanical, KeUTDUtv, Poetry. Mod leal, Law. lUllglous, 8oieutillo All standard work. Soond-hamt rhrail txhiks, Urge stix k ctiean. 8eood-lind niKilni. L. brarfc booglit. Large stock ol novel. 10.000 title. HYLAND BROS. rOKTI.AXU. OR. Ysmliill 8.. below Soiwnd. Telephone lUsl SKsa AAruvvruwvri uvuvuvvu An An nnc ) fJorthujest I! Optical Go. THE LA 11 BE BUILDING. HE(HNI)ud WAHINUTON. HI liootrm 20, 21, 22, 23 rOKTLAND . OKWJOX -vu R. MARSCH Tonsorial Parlors 301 Washington St, corntir Fifth Opposite Hotel Perkins Lulies Hair Dressing a Specialty Ladies entrance to bath on Fifth street uvvnAnnAAAnAAAAAAnAn PORTLAND, OltEOON. W. C. A. Pohl, coim CO tJJI I. Undertaker, Embalmer j and Funeral Director Csnkcts noil Funtrl Hnnpllo conlnt ly od lisnd. Crwr 11th and Dunne Ht, Astoria, Ore Golumbia Eleetrie & Repair Go Successor to I ' r --' . COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksrnlths BoderMakers Machinists Foundrymen L6jfgcrs y v Supplies Kept In Stock Logging Engines DmIH nnd Repaired Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed Harrison Secton" tropellor Contractors for Electric Liglite and Power Plants. mgm ...The Esmond Hotel... r PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRI80NSTS. EunM-up .i1.Jt.l,Wp1trlv. OSCAR ANDER80N, Mnnusor- t Amerlran pi.... l.00 to i.u6 per I.,. j c p chlef (,, J Hmtttmt CHAS. HEILBORN & SON IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In bII sizei Bnd styles. We shall' continue to sell Iron nnd Brass BddstnodN at the same Low Prices reward less ot thernlHein the price of iron and brass w. T. SCULLT, A(Mt, W Bond Street mrAnAruvvrvinAnuuxrunJV-TM f PORTLAND, OH. 7 The Only FlrHt-CloMM Hotel In Portlnnd dxrunuvuxriAA iTnnnnnjirinAnAnAnnnnruxAAnAriAnAnAnnArvn uv