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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1918)
PAGE FOUR ASHLAND TIDINGS Tuesday, Kovemlier 10, lOlff. Newly Arrived TheEe beautiful boots in solid colors or pleasing com binations express the final 6hoo modes. Long slender lines, graceful heels and soft, pliable materials form a per fect alliance with style, com fort and price. Colors, Grey, Chestnut Brown and Black Vamps with Grey Kid top. The Social Realm (liriNtiiuiM Department Sale. Tlie sale of the Christmas depart ment of the Red Cross Salvage De pot will begin Saturday, November 30, and will continue until Christmas day. Donations will lie taken during the sale. The department wishes the use of a large table during the sale, find some red Christmas decorations. Civic Improvement Club. The regular meeting of the Civic Improvement Club will be held In lAuvjllary Hall Tuesday afternoon, November 26. The annual election of officers will be held at this meet ing, and Miss McCormlck will be present and give the postponed dem onstration of salads, which will ,be served with other light refreshments at this meeting. A good attendance Is requested. Thursday, Friday aud Saturday of this week McN'alr Bros., will sell two 50c bottles of Cherry Bark Cough Syrup for 51c. W. M. Denton of this city visited friends In Medford during the past week. The Red Cross has discontinued the collecting of fruit pits and nut shells for the manufacture of gas masks. ' 30c tube Rexall Tooth Paste," 2for 21c, at the Rexall Store, Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week only. Lars Ellason has returned from Sun Dial, Alberta, Canada, where he has been assisting his brother, Ross Eliason, on his ranch for the pust two months. 25c Tar Shampoo, 2 for 2Gc, at the Rexall Store Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Wheeler have moved to their ranch three miles eagt of Phoenix and will remain there Indefinitely. They have leased their home on North Main street to Les ter C. Leach. ' . Cascade Writing Paper, 45c per pound, will sell at 2 pounds for 46c Collrat4l ST.Ui iSirUidny. Mrs. M. L. ftlllnttA. nn nf Hm nln. neer residents of Ashland, celebrated I Thursday, Friday and Saturday at her 85th birthday anniversary at lier!the Rexall Store. Mrs. T. K. Anderson, who had been visiting friends in Ashland and vi cinity during the past week, returned I to her home in Gottville, Cal., Frl- houie on Church street Friday, Nov. 8th. There, surrounded by her chil dren, grandchildren and great grand children this wonderful old lady sr.ent a happy day receiving gifts arid con-,da' evening. Mrs. Anderson was a rt'Biueui ui hub cuy several jeurs ago. I and love her. Mrs. Gillette Is a mem-, You can get two $2.00 guaranteed ber of the Hill family who settlod Hot Water Bottles for $2.01 at the here In 1852, and were among tho 'Rexall Store, McNair Bros., Thurs- f'.rst white settlers In the valley. Her day, Friday and Saturday of this gratulations from friends who havo a multitude of learned to know two sisters, Mrs. Mary Dunn and Mrs. Ann Russell, also have been residents of this vicinity with the ex ception of brief Intervals. Owing to the ban on public gatherings a more week only. Glen Wlthrow, of Troop T, Cth Regiment, U. S. Cavalry, and Ozro Wlthrow of the U. S.i Navy, stationed at Norfolk, Va , have been spending Darby O'Toole paid a visit to Med ford last Monday, and helped that city in its celebration of the closing of the war. ; 1 Sergeant II. G, Wolcott and son Guy, who accompanied the body' of their son and brother, Sergeant For rest .Wolcott, to Ashland for burial last week, returned to their station at Fort Stevens last Thursday eve Ding. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bond and chll dren of Klamath county are newly arrived residents of Ashland, anJ are occupying the W. L. Pa!rrlh place on Nutley street, , Mr. . BonJ has been engaged In lumber opera tlons in Klamath county. J. J. Loomls, who has been serious ly sick with pneumonia, is recove ing. At last reports his lungs have cleared completely, while the hear affection with which he was also suf fering is much better. Miss Bernlce Myer, a student of the San Jose Normal school, Is pay Ing a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Myer, of High street while the school Is closed during the Influenza epidemic. Roy It. Robley of Portland visited Ashland friends during the past week. Mr. Robley, in company with his brother, Paul Robley of Eugene had brought the body of their broth er Fay to Phoenix for burial. Earl J. Fraley of the U. S. navy Is home from San Francisco on a ten day furlough, has completed : tho training course at the Marconi radio station at Marshall and Is awaiting a call Into service. Mr. and Mrs, Charles fl. Howard parents of Charles H. Howard, who has been in the aviation training camp at Amerlcus, Ga for some time, have received word that the latter has been commissioned first lieutenant In the aviation depart ment. A handsome photograph of the na val station band of Bremerton Is dis played in the window of the Citizens Bank. Carl Loveland and Bert Freeman of this city are members of this organization, which Is consid ered one of the crack bands of the navy. Mrs. W. H. Bartges and daughter, Mrs. William Bosque, left Monday evening for Portland where they were summoned by the tidings that their daughter and sister, Mrs. Flor ence Day, was critically ill at St. Vincent's hospital with influenza.' A message from Mrs. Bartges since her arrival at her daunghter'i bedside! states that the latter Is slightly Im proved. extended observance of the annlver-la furlough at the home of their par- sary celebration which had been plan ned was omitted. ents, Mr. Talent. and Mrs. J. H. Wlthrow, of Big demonstration at the Ashland Trading Co. on Tuesday and ' Wednesday Cut your butter bill In two by using Oleomargarine. PI0TOMIS KOI FRANCE - What would you give for a good picture from ' over there" of that boy as he is to-day"? That hoy is far from home and among strang- era. Do you realize what pictures from you - . mean t-j him? They are the one thing above all elso. Studio Ashland pictures have that life-like quality and artistic merit sure to please. They are made in a threat variety of styles, easy to send, durable and eay to carry. A ;. companion from homo for the boy in the ramp and in th trenches. You can gladden the boy's Christmas im- " rocnsely. Do yuur part now. Just a few minutiw of your timn for a sitting, auy time of day, any kind of day. With our modern equipmont you will find it an interesting . experience.' STUDIO ASHLAND BERT H. HINTHORNE, Proprietor. GET THE SAVING HABIT WtgeB are high: real estate Is low. Buy a home on easy terms, and have It paid for before wages come down: then Real Estate will swing upwards and you win have done more than you calculated. The easiest money that one ever gets is to buy low and sea nign. see Beaver Kealty uo. about this and they will put you wlBe. 211 E. Main St., Phone 68 NOTICE! To Merchants, Bakers and Others: Effective Immediately, the rule requiring purchase and use of 20 per cent substitutes with wheat flour Is abandoned. Persons may purchase their requirements of wheat flour without substitutes. W. A. FOLGER. County Administrator, Jackson Co. Third Door Souti Of Postoflice TALENT. There will be a business meeting of the official board of the Methodist church at the home of Mr. I. C. Wil liams on. Tuesday evening, -Nov. 19. uzro v itlirow arrived Monday irom Virginia and Glen Wlthrow ar rived Saturday from the Mexican border where' he had been for the past year.. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wlth row arrived Tuesday from Coos Bay for a visit with their brothers be fore their return to camp. Mrs. Denham and son Lloyd Turn er arrived Wednesday from San An tonio where Mr. Turner had been stationed. He Is home on sick leave, having had a dangerous attack of Spanish influenza. The I. O. O. F. and Rebeccah lodges attended the funeral of A. F. Robley at Phoenix Tuesday after noon. Services were conducted at the grave, which was largely attend ed. Members of the Ashland and the Medford lodges were in attendance. The grave was beautifully decorated with three wreaths forming three links, the emblem of the order to which he belonged, and was sur rounded by a bank of flowers. Elton Beeson has purchased a new two-passengr car. - Mrs. Burgan was, shopping In Mcd- rord Wednesday. Mrs. Jonnh Barrett spent Wednes day In Medford. i , ' Mrr. Marlon Tryer was a eruest of Mrs. Ray Toft in Medford, Wednes day. A. T. McMahan transacted busi ness In Medford Thursday. John Lacy, Mr and Mrs. Charles Lacy and family arrived by auto from Swed Basin, Josephine county, to day and returned Sunday. Mrs. William Yoe and daughters, Mildred nnd Juanlta, are .spending the month with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery at Oakland, California. (Continued on Page 8) James Yeo, who has been seriously 111 with,, an attack of double pneu monia 'following Influenza, has so far recovered as to be able to sit up a short time during th past two o" three days. , Framed pictures. Studio Ashland. Mrsf N. B. Reynolds will give in struction In Piano or Organ, Musical History Theory and Harmony.. In strumental lessons will be private but the History and Harmony will be class work. She has passed the Min nesota State Music Teachers' exami nation, and Is prepared to Instruct pupils from the beginning thru the eighth grade. Address, 67 Scenic Drive. Phone 317-J. 45-tf. HILT, CALIFORNIA, ITKMH. Ray Holland, who has been time keeper at camp during the summer, is now clerking In tho store. Theodore Helt, cook at camp, died at the Club house from Influenza. His remains were taken to Yreka for burial. His wife having been 111 was b.irely able to attend the funeral. . Lulgl Foinasler . died Saturday night of Inflrenza at bis quarters in Itallun town. He was 2G years of age, His rcmnlns were taken to Yreka where the funeral occurred Sunday. Among the Italians who have pass- eu away irom influenza was I). Zan ouo, wno was burled at Yreka. He leaves a wife and four children. George Vanderwlde and wife are among the Influenza patients here. nir. and Mrs. F. F. Whittle and daughter Vlrglnlo went to Ashland Sunday. Henry Del.amellleure and wifo are sick with the grippe. Alldor Minne is an Influenza vie tlm. Mrs. J. E. Jones has been quite sick ior several days. Henry Clark accompanied his mother, Mrs.' J. B. Clark, to Mc Cloud, Sunday, where he will spend a while recuperating from Influenza. M. H. Grover has returned from a business trip to Los Angeles. Mrs. Clarence Smith and two chil dren of Corvallls and Ileward DIs- brow and wife of Grants Pass came In their car Sunday morning and spent the day with their brother, I. It. Dlsbrow. The Red Cross has been Inly this week making pneumoula Jackets and caring for the remaining Influenza patientB. Allen Rich has come from San Francisco to take the place as chief clerk for the Fruit Growers Sunjily Co. made vacant by the resignation of O. Plerson who leaves December 1st for Seattle. V. E. Warrens has recoli-mi nni of the death of his brother, Orlan nuireiia, wnicn occurred last Friday at the mines w here he has been em ployed for some time. Ills death was caused by Influenza. The body was sent to his old home In Missouri for burial. Monday night the Red Cross ha4 an election of officers.. Mrs. J. Nel son was made chairman. Mrs. J. J. bands Vice chairman, Mrs. Bert Mill er Secretary, Mrs. J. R. Dlsbrow Treasurer. These together with Miss Irene Jassman and Mrs. Horace Stanley will form the executive com mittee. The society has orders on hand now for the following articles: 50 comfort kits, 2a pair of socks and a quantity of four-year-old boys' un derwear. The 25 pair of socks have been finished. Mrs. Helen Groves was im frnm Hombrook last week tor a brief visit at the home of M. H. Grover. Tuesday the construction grading camp was broken up. The logging camp has also been closed for th? winter. A. E. Stonehouse spent Tuesday at camp. A sad death occurred last Frldav at t'pper Mountcrest when the slx-year- oid daughter, Melvlna. of Mrs. B. F, Stone of Medford passed away from influenza. They had come for a visit with Mrs. Stones sisters family, Mrs Koss Cox. The body was taken to Medford for burial. .There were nine In bed with the Influenza at one time at Upper MountcreBt. all now having recover ed but Mrs. Ross Cox who Is still under the care of a trained nurse, Mr. Cox Is out again. Horace Santley, manager of the company store.-Is out again after a severe case of Influenza. Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Morthland re turned Wednesday from Los Ange les where they were called by the sickness and death of the lattcr's father. '' Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Whelpley have moved from West Phoenix recently and are living at present on Vista street, ' Rev. R. II. Dollarhlde of Rosebunj held the Sunday services at the Freo Methodist church, Rev. Elva A. Ho hart, pastor, helng confined to her home with a fractured limb. Elmer Stephenson, who owned the brick building on East Main street occupied by the Pennlston Agate store, exchanged the property last week, to a i man for a farm located near Grants. Pass. - Mrs. Ella P. Routledge has sold her handsome bungalow and lot on the corner of Scenic Drive and Nutley street to Louis W. Kruggle, who came here this fall from Minnesota and has been occupying the Talcott house on Pine street. Mr. and Mrs. Kruggle will make their home in their new purchase. 25c Menthollne Balm, 2 for 26c, at the Rexall Store Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ' Special services will be conducted by Rev. n. H. Dollarhlde, District Elder, at the Free Methodist church beginning Sunday eve, Nov. 17-25. Quarterly meeting beginning Thurs day eve, lasting over the Sabbath. People being confined to their homes so long with sickness will enjoy thi privileges of these services. Every body welcome. Rev. Elva A. Ho bart, Pastor. ANNUAL MEICTINfOF , (Xttlfyh'RCIAL CLUB The annual meeting of the Com mercial club will be held on Friday evening, Nov. 22, at 8 o'clock In the City Hall. The election of officers for the ensuing year, and matters of importance to the community will be taken up. This will be the first open meeting the club has held for several m.nths, and every member of the club Is urged to be preisent. ASHLAND BUSINESS AMSOCIATIOX Meeting of the Ashland Business Association will be held Wednesday evening, Nov. 20, at 8 o'clock In the City Hall. Matters of Importance will be taken up at this meeting, and all members are urged to be present. F. J. SHIXN, Secy. . i McN'alr Brothers, the Rexall Store, will hold their annual One Cent Sale, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. You can't afford to miss it. George Hargadlne has returned home for a vlBlt after spending the summer in the employ of the live stock association in the Langell val ley. Symonds Inn Vanilla, the best Inade, 35c a 2-oz. bottle, or. 2 for 36c, at the Rexall Store, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. . W. B. Grubb, who came to Ash land from Yreka for the benefit of his health some time ago, has been quite 111 for the last month, but Is reported to' be recovering. 25c Rexali Violet and Trailing Ar butus Talcum, 2 for 26c, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Oleomargarine is being demon strated at the White House Grocery on Thursday. Come In and try a sample. No. B747 r.KPORT of Tin: condition of the First National Bank AT ASHLAND, OREGON', At the Clowe of IIumiipmi on NovmiiIht 1, 1D18. RESOURCES Loans and discounts. Including rediscounts . $2 Overdrafts, unsecured U. S: bonds (other than Liberty Bonds,, but Including , U. 8. certificates of Indebtedness): a. U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) $100,000.00 b U. S. bonds and certificates of Indebtedness pledged to secure IT. S. deposits (rar value) , 1,000.00- 5,139.8.1 68.5J 101,000.00 I.llx'rty Lonn ISond: . a. Liberty Loan Bonds, 3 ',4, 4, and 4 Vi per cent, unpledged 9,430.00 c. Liberty Loan Bonds, 3V4. 4. and 4 Vi per cent, pledged to secure postal savings deposits 5,000.00 d. Liberty Loan Bonds, 3 Vb. 4. rfhd 4 V4 per cent, pledged to secure State or other deposits or bills payable 10,000.00 24,450.00 Honda, kccui-UIo. etc. (other than U. S.): b. Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to secure postal savings deposits 13,000.00 c. Bonds and securities pledged as collateral for State, or other deposits (postal ex- eluded) or bills payable 29,250.00 e. Securities other than U. 8. bonds (not In cluding Etocksl owned unpledged.... 117,184.93 Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room apartment. Call at Bakery, 69 N. Main St. 46-tf FOR SALE Best offer takes a mod ern house and two acres of Al land Fine location. Call at Bakery at -69 N. Main St. for particulars. 46-tf PRUNING See F. H. Crowson, 253 8th St. for Pruning, by the day or contract. 46-3' WANTED To buy Incubator and fresh young cow. Address WM. B. NORRIS, Hilt, Calif. WANTED AT ONCE. Small fur nished house with modern Improve ments. S. P. SHUTT, Gen. De livery. .46-1 HERE IS A BARGAIN Twenty acres Just outsldo the city limits, withiu short distance of paved highway, well improved, good house and barn, all In culti vation; offered for a short time nt $4000; $1500 down, balance ' at low rate of interest on long time. Liberty Bonds accepted on ' the cash payment. Good reasons for selling. Better see this now. BILLINGS AGENCY Tleal Estate and Real Insurance Established 1883 Phone 211 41 East Majn St. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 13. H. 18. 19. 20. 22. Totol bonds, securities, etc., other than U. S. ... 159,434 93 Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of sub scription) v. 3,600.00 Value of banking house, owned and unincumbered .... 15,000.00 Furniture and fixtures 6,000.00 Real estate ,owned other than banking house 10,115.74 Lawful resorve with Federal Reserve Bank 37,225 21 Cash In vault and net amounts duo from natlonal.lmnks 120,279.00 Net amounts duo from banks, bankers, and trust com panies other than Included in Items 13, It. or 15 4,495.82 Checks on other hanks In the same city or toW4 as re porting bank (other than Item 17) 1,231.03 Total of Iteni3 14. 15, 16, 17, and 18. 12,005.84 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of re porting bank and other cash items 236.44 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer 5,000.00 War Savings Certificates nnd TUrlft Stamps acttiHjly owned 1,000.00 24. 25. 26. 30. 34. 35. 36. 38. 42. 44. 46. TOTAL $781,326.59 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $100,000.00 Surplus fund ' 20,000.00 a. Undivided profits ; $ 25,168.42 b. Less current expenses, Interest, and taxes paid . 7,730.96 17,437.46 Circulating notes outstanding 99,995.00 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to . Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to check , ... 392,956.40 Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other - ' ' than for money borrowed) 20,004.60! Certified checks .'... 461.59 State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this bank 42,716.66 Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) sub- ; Ject to Reserve, Items 34, 35, 36, 37, . 38, 39, 40, and 41 456,139 25 Time deposit subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings):- Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) Postal savings depoplts . . Total of time deposits . subject to Reserve, , Items 42. 43, 44, and 45 ' 86,754.88 United States dcjxwits (other than postal savings",' ; c Other United States deposits, including de- : .posits of U. S. disbursing officers .. ,;. 1,000.00 76,719.28 10,035.60 1,000.00 TOTAL $781,326.59 STATE OF OREOON. County of Jackson, ss. I. J. W. McCov, Cshlor or me nnove-namea oanit, cm suicmmy Bwear t'at the above statement Is true to the best or mv Knowledge ana ueuer. j. w. maui, cuBiuer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th dav of November, 1918. i G. G. EUBANKS, Notary Public. My commission expires February 4tlt; 1921. CORRECT Attest: . . ', ' E. V. CARTER, : . ' ' . C II. VAUPEL, GEO. W. DUNN. - -p, Directors'. t . . ,-. i