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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1918)
ASIILAND TIDIXGS .PAGE THREE Tuesday, XovcmlKT 19, 101 S. ' - Universal Combination Ranges (LIGHTEN HOUSEHOLD LA BOIt AXI) KXI'KXSE How to prepare economical, satisfying meals with the least waste of time and materials is a problem largely solved by the right kind of a range. The Universal Combination is that kind of a range It makes for economy ln'food, fuel and la- bor. Burns wood and coal or gas use the fuel most desir able for the work In hand. A turn of the key changes from ono fuel to the other or joj may use both fuels at the same time, If desired. The Univer sal Combination is really two complete ranges In one and yet occupies the space of only one range. Your old range taken as part payment. ' And lite Famous A HE HERE IN A VARIETY OP STYLES AXI) SIZES Our stocks of Universal heaters are most complete. We have wood heaters, coal heaters, and compilation wood and coal heaters, ev ery desirable style and size. The "Air Blast Universal heater will help wonderfully In tho cut ting down of your fuel bills. Come In tomorrow and select your new range and heater. Prices are very moderate. MAKE VOUn OWX TERMS IX REASON. Swensen BIG SUBSCRIPTION OFFER ei.:.. . . L. - 1 - -u. : s . You Get ALL MAGAZINES and OUR NEWSPAPER iSJbA F0R $2.55 Order Now Tlit K.VIUImTo.VAL OFKIilt IS tiom H A MIOIIT TIMK OXLY SUBSCRIBE AT TiHE TIDINGS Office. CHALMERS TAXI SERVICE Steam Hented M A U I) K HALLE V Stand at Rose Bros. Office Phone 213 Residence 101 V HOTEL MANX Powell St.,BtOTarrcll San Francisco In the heart ot tne wm business, shopping iiSB and theatre district. Runnins distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious lobby,fineservice,and Homelike restaurant will attract you. European Plan rates $1.00 op. i . m WW ft..-. Maiageaeat W. B. James Come in and Examine the TIRE With a thous and claws. All sizes SOLD BY THE Overland Millner Co. ISggJiSP? Cverytliinjt" K X7f i1: 'i.'ii II. V" ' .11-:"'--"' '"a.iili-. I ffo7 Hfl jlui n777777;h Hi m ii ii iw "I" I.; I Universal Heaters & McRae FOrR of Thw. MARLEY 2VJ IN. DEVON Z IN. COLLARS CLUETT. PEAOOBY C., INC. WKCBt NEURALGIC PAINS Glva Way to Soothing Hamlln'a Wizard Oil Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe and effective treatment for. headache nd neuralgia. Rubbed in where the pain is, it acts as a tonic to the tortured nerves and almost invariably brings quick relief. Its healing, antiseptic qualities can always be relied upon to prevent in fection, or other serious results, from sprains, bruises, cuts, burn9, bites and stings. Just as good, too, for sore feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold sores and canker sores. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pals, 30 cents. Guaranteed. Hotel Austin Barber Shop N. O. Bates,' Prop. First-class Service and Equipment Shooshlning Parlor Baths. Ashland, Oregon. A ship cannot make two trips at one tliiie. If It goes to Cuba after sugar for you It can't take food to your boy In France. Either give up using more than your share of sugar or be guilty of holding up the sup ply of food from the armies and al lies In France. "We cannot administer the food problem on the basis of the present food shortage. We must prepare for longer continuance of this shortage." U. S. Food Administration, AR ROW Agricultural War Work Standards for milled rice have been prepared by the ' Bureau of Markets, approved by the Secretary of Agriculture, and adopted ly the Food Administration for use in de termining the quality of milled rlco sumnltted by rice mills, brokers, and dealers In filling their contracts for the United States armed forces and the allies. Theso grades were re quested by tho Food Admlnlhtha tlon and published by the Bureau of Markets as "Markets Document No. 15." At the present time these stan dards aro only permissive. It Is ex pected, liowcver, at a later date, pos sibly next spring, that these grades shall be formally announced, hear ings held for suggested changes, and official grades promulgated for mill ed rice In the United States under the grain standards act. This act provides for the Federal supervis ion of grading, but applies only In the settlement of appeals and dis putes. The Weather Bureau will publish this fall In its National Weather and Crop Bulletin a series of charts show ing for the country east of the Rocky Mountains the southward pro gression of the earliest killing-frost date line and the total area covered by killing frost to tho date of each Issue. These charts are expected to lie of much Interest and value, as they will Indicate the time of the ending of the growing season for summer crops this year in the vari ous sections of the country. Much loss occasionally comes from early frosts, and Interest Is unusually ('rent this year becauso of the possibility of frost damage affecting the food sup ply. The National Weather and Crop Bulletin will bo published weekly until October 9, and thereafter monthly. Tho seriousness of the "cootie problem" demanding attention from American Army officers and scientists In this country and abroad Is Indicated In experiments recent ly completed by an entomologist of the United States Department of Ag riculture. Thesa experiments sup port the belief that the fecundity of the body louse lias been greatly un derestimated. In a period of 25 days one "coot ie" deposited 276 eggs an average of 11 a day with a maximum of 11 In 24 hours. The period from depo sition of the eggs to the final molt was 15 days. Only 16 days elapsed In the period of development from au egg to the egg-laying adult. The "wrlBtlet method" was ussd in this experiment. The entomoll glst watched the emergence of the larvae from eggs, and allowed the larve to feed from h!s arm thru the periods of their life cycle. Manufacturers used a million and a half more pounds of wool in Aug ust than in July, 1918. August fig ures being 63,900,000 pounds, grease equivalent, compared to 02,300,000 In July. Monthly consumption has averaged about 67,000,000 pounds, grease equivalent, since January 1, 1918. Stocks of wool consumed In Aug ust in pounds, by classes, as given by the Bureau of Markets, were: Grease, 37,769,216; .scoured, 11, 732,697; and pulled, 2,014,544. The reports show Massachusetts still leading In wool used, followed by Pennsylvania, .New Jersey, Rhode Island, New York, Ney Hampshire, Ohio, Connecticut, and Maine. According to the latest available information on wool textile machin ery equipment there are 6,377- wool en cards and 8,263 combs in the U. S. The three firms whose reports are not Included In the consumption figures have a combined capacity of 15 woolen cards and 9 worsted conibs. This, It Is pointed out, shows that the consumption report includes 99.7 per cent of the woolen machin ery In the United States. The condition of fall honey planta this year Is somewhat lower than a year ago. About 37 pounds of sur plus houey per colony of bees was the estimated average yield by Sep tember 1 this year, tne Bureau of FIRE FACTS. , Long exemption from fire is no assurance that one will not occur today. . , It is Impossible for you to watch your property day and night. "It Is better to be safe than sorry." A few dollars to day may save you $1000 tonight. ' Phone or Call. . BILLINGS AGENCY All kinds ot Good Insurance. 41 East Main Phone 211 Crop Estimates announces. This com pares with 36 pounds to the same month In 1917 and 46 pounds In 1916. The Forest Service of the United States Department of Agriculture Is mobilizing the country's forest re sources for war by helping the War :and Navy departments and muni tions manufacturers get the kinds and quantities of wood noeded for rifles, airplanes, wheels, and other specialties; finding out whut kinds and grades of wood are suitable for wartime's special requirements; training Inspectors of wood mater ials; Improving timber specifications and Investigating and testiijg mater ial, processes, and products used n manufacture of war supplies derived In wholo or In part from wood. It Is also stimulating tho production of meat, wool, and hides on National Forest ' ranges; co-operating with stock men to lower losses from pois onous plants; aiding the Fuel Ad ministration to increase fuel supplies thru use of wood; and Is teaching the conservation of natural resourc es. It has helped recruit two regi ments of foreBt engineers for service abroad, and has contributed more than 375 members to the colors. On about 5,000 representative farms scattered thruout the United States, reporting to the Bureau of Crop Estimates, the decline In the number of cattle was 0.8 per cent from last July 1 to August 1, 2.9 per cent In hogs, and .1.3 per cent In sheep. Hunter Hunted by Lynx Near Drain While hunting bear on the Smith river near Drain last week, Arthur Richards, accompanied by his broth er, Walter, and Perl Klenn, had the hunt brought to them by a big lynx. The day was growing near the close when Richards came to a plac whero a lynx had killed a deer and he stopped near by and sat upon hn overturned tree to rest, when he heard crackling In the brush and growling on the hillside. Thinking it came from wolves some distance up the hill, he paid little attention to It until the animal began to lijss and upon rising to his feet he was confronted with a blx lynx within a few feet of him, ready to make nil attack. He immediately fired, one shot bringing the animal in a .heap to the ground. The animal measured 'about f;ve feet In length and is a large sped men of lynx. Eugene Guard. TJPK.tT SAVING K.XPK(TTI) ".V l'l'i::.!!' KITING P LACKS "Nine million people in America take their meals In hotels end other public eating places," says a recent Food Administration bulleUn, "and It is there that In the past American habits were often most luxurious. It Is there that In 1918 the advance was a Ii art ml m W I At a K Game vou have a hundred times more fun if you're snug and warm in an all-wool JANTZEN SWEATER 1 You not only feel well but you look just right, secure ra the con sciousness that you are wearing the best looking sweater that money can buy. Whether it's a sweater vest, sweater or sweater coat that you are buying, look for the label and know that you are getting a Jantzen, then you're sure. They come in all sizes and colors, from the very little ones to the very big ones and all have character, individuality, style call it what you will; it's there and its mighty fine to own. ' k "And knit caps and hose sure, just step into a Jantzen dealers the next time you're downtown and see what we mean. JANTZEN KNITTING MILLS i I ' I2k..',jjf Paulserud 444 9 Service Plus Quality To have what you call for, when you call, is our constant endeavor. If it 8 standard and pure, you can be sura we Kave it, or can get it for you when you need it. No substitution necessary. We have the goods. It is such service as tliia, pliu our grade of goods and low pries tlmt Iiava marked our progress end growth. . Make tliia store your economical trading place ' x X Plasa Gtoceuy made In the wh?at-saving campaign by which the collapse of Europe was prevented. "it Is there that the first point of departure is taken in the new con servation campaign. "The success of the former cam paign shows that no rationing sys tem Is needed beyond the voluntary agreement, and tho control of the law for those few who may be wan ton or extravagant. "By these new, rules, now effective thruout the country, the hotels are to set a new mark In the economy of food, avoiding all waste, saving all scraps, reducing their portions to the needs of the public health and strength." Knit Wear 'i Football Clothes Service ppraggMKnaaa iB-maniirffiqiiB You tuy clotheg for serv ice, as well as abearance And they will give service in exact proportion to the measure of care used in their making. Dependable materials, hon estly tailored and perfectly fitted, place Born - tailored garments high in the estima tion of men who demand the; greatest measure of clothes service in exchange for their money. JRuidtnt Bom Dtahi) and Barrett G-9 aft w Worn Telephone 78 Ashland Tidings and Youth Companion Moth one full year for rn You save 50 cents tJlu.uU on this combination I GET THE nEAUD ni'T LEAVB THE ROOTS I'm not after the "pound of flesh" I leave the routs to continue thb? rowth. "You are next." Tluckhorii IWbcr Shop Clyde Costolo mi mm 1VU m m