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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1918)
5Pnelar, 'November 10, 1018, ASHLAND TIDIXGS PAGE FIVE; Man's IDEAL X MAS GIFT THE WAHL Eversharp PENCIL SILVER OR GOLD $1.00 and up See our window and buy early AT Foley's Drug Store Poley & Elharl, Druggists. ALPHA CHAPTER O. K. S. Alpha Chapter No. 1, 0. E. S., will hold Its regular meeting Tuesday evening, Nov. 19, at 7:30 o'clock. By order of the Worthj Matron, GRACE H. TURNER, LEAH M, CALDWELL, Sec'y. y LOCAL AND PERSONAL I UU!'l!I''l!l!i!l!!!!"ll"ii;!;i!l!l Alliums. The Camera Exchange Mrs. Miller of Bellevlew has been quite 111, hut Is now convalescing. Subscribe for your magazines at Polcy'g Drug Store. 44-3t John Easterllng of Dcach St., Is quite 111 with la grippe. Have you noticed the Studio Ash land window displays lately? tf Mrs. A. L. Gall and son, How en, of Medford spent several days last week visiting Ashland and Bellevlew rela tives. Burn Incense In your house to protect against Flu. Jap Art Store, Medford. tf. Ward Jennings, the little son of Mr... and Mrs. E. D. Jennings, fell while at play Monday and broke his arm. Kay Loosley came over from Klam ath last Wednesday to visit his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Loosley. Tho. latter expect to return with him. Do your Xmas shopping now. A full line of Oriental art goods, curios, and toys in Japanese Art Store, .Medrord. tf. Word comes from Mr. and Mrs. James Rudd, who are spending the winter at Redlands, Cal., that they are well and enjoying themselves very much. Have your piano tuned by an ex pert tuner and repairer, with nine years factory experience. All work guaranteed; prices right. GEO. W. CROSS, 603 W. 2nd St., Medford. Leave orders at Rose Bros. Miss Angle Walrod, bookkeeper for the Ashland Transfer & Storage som- pany, spent several days during the past week with friends In Weed, Cal. Her place was occupied by Mrs. C. E. Lane during her absence. Our kodak finishing will please tho Camera Exchange. tt Asa Fay Roblcy, aged 32 years, died at Tacoma, Wash., November 6 of Influenza. Mr. Robley was a for mer Ashland young man, the son of A. B. Robley and brother of Roy and Fred G. Robley of Portland, Carl J. Robley of Klamath Falls and J. Taul Robley of Springfield. Beside these he Is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Eliza Edith Ferns of Phoenix. The remains were brought to Phoenix where burial was made last Tuesday. Mrs. G. II. Ketchum has returned from Sacramento, Cal., where she was called by serious sickness In the home of her sister. Betty Ann Vet tel, a little niece of Mr, and Mrs. Ketchum, died In Sacramento last Saturday at the home of her grand mother, Mrs. J. II. Thomas She was three yean of age and ' was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Vct tel of Redding. Other members of the family were also very 111 at tho time of the chiUl's death. Poley'i Drug Storo takes maga zine subscriptions. 44-3t. Mrs. Gordon MacCracken and three sons, Charles, Gordon and Elliott. left Saturday to join their husband and father, Captain Cordon Mac Cracken, who is located at the Pre sldo. Captain MacCracken Is at tached to the medical corps of the 'army, and the government has placed a furnished house at his disposal. Mrs. MacCracken and sons expect to remain at the Presidio during the winter. Want a good Job of finishing? Try the Camera Exchange. tf The committee who had the war saving stamp drive under their chaw are anxious to have those who pledg ed to purchase certain amounts of Etamps to fulfill, their promises. A number of subscribers have not pur chased the amounts pledged and this Is making a falling off of Ashland's quota. The Tidings has received from State Secretary Olcott a number of Application blanks for automobile and chauffers' licenses, also a few copies of the motor laws. The blank and laws' will be supplied free to those calling at this office for them as long as they last. Time to Think of Stoves We tako ycur old stove In exchango for a new Heating Stov9 or Range. Provost Brothers HARDWARE f ?S AIM Y OF ASH LAND ft That Noble Purpose you had In building a re serve fund should not be weakened or abandoned In any degree. Stick to your course as a captain sticks to his ship. If you have not yet started aa account with us, do so today. yflOnw SAYINGS rrovn depositsj Eye Glasses Scientifically Fitted and Guaranteed. Broken Lenses Replaced. II. L. Wltitcd Registered Optomptrlst. Ashland, Or, Allen O. McGee has returned from the S. P. general hospital where he underwent an operation for appendi citis. His sister, Mrs. Myrtle Haines of Slsson, has come to look after the McGee household during the conval escence of Mr. and Mrs. McGee, the latter of whom Is recovering from an attack of pneumonia which she con tracted while In the city with her husband. Dr. L. E. Briscoe came home from Seattle last Friday night to spend a few days with his parents, Supt. and Mrs. G. A. Briscoe. Dr. Briscoe Is In the medical department of the ma rine service with the rank of first lieutenant, and has been having a strenuous time with the Influenza patients In that city. He himself had been 'a victim for tho past week but was able to be about and was grant ed a short furlough In which to rest. A sugar beet weighing seventeen pounds when taken from the ground Is on exhibition in the window of the Citizens Bank. This beet was raised by J. W. Mills on his ranch along the highway between here and Talent, and the one tuber Is claimed to con tain sweetening to the extent of three pounds. O. H. Johnson Is back In the jew elry business right. Lately his store room has been remodeled and filled with a large stock of flue silverware and jewelry of the latest patterns. It Is a comfortable and pleasing store now and foreshadows the Christmas spirit. Mrs. Effle Beagle, who accom panied the remains of her husband, the late John Beagle, from Portland, Is spending a few days with relative and friends before going back to Portland where she expects to locate permanently. Mrs. John Miller and daughter of the Bellevlew district left Tuesday evening for Eugene where they will remain for' some time tor the benefit of tho forner'a health. A. A. Derby, an employe of tho Southern Pacific, has rented a home on tho corner of Mechanic and Skid more streets and is making that residence his home. Mrs. Charles A. King has accepted a position In the Talent schools made vacant by the resignation' of Mis? Marguerite Andrews, who with her Bister, Miss' Marie Andrews, has vol unteered for army hospital service. ' George E. Mlllner of the Overland garage has been In Portland during the past week on business. Walter N. Gorham, who has been, very sick with pneumonia and Influ enza, Is slowly recovering. November Spells Cold and Wet-Just the time to keep warm and save doctor bills. We offer Globe Union Suits and there are none better At $2.25 to $5.60 Wool Hoee - - 35cto$1.00 Mackinaws, Oregon wool and Ore gon made - - $12.50 to $16.00 Gloves and good warm ones 50c to $2.75 Overcoats Rain Coats - $15.00 to $25.00 Pants, heavy Kersey, all wool Washable to - - $6.00 ALL DEPENDABLE GOODS I "MITCHELL" Men's Wear A, dealer in Southern Oregon who paints a large number of his sec ond hand cars says it Adds $100 To the Value Of Each Car. Any Amateur can use Murphy's Da Cote Enamel Flows out smooth and leaves no Brush Marks Has a High Gloss and Costs but a Trifle Paint Your Car during the winter and thereby add to Your Pleasure and Your Profit Call and let us show you our line of goods CARSON-FOWLER LUMBER CO. be-sos bmbibbbm5 5DgH m v I'HOXH " XO. ISO VAUPEL'S - I THK giAUTV STORE EAST MAIN ST. OF ASH LA XI) Our first Christmas announcement consists of a whole page of useful, practical gifts for every one on your list. Remember, the government calls for early shopping. Start now. Buy gifts every day. You will then help us get through the Christmas shopping days easily andbe taken care of properly on what you should happen to want. I HANDKERCHIEFS lilli Neckwear for Men . Just received by Express lilg new line of Men's Xeckwear in the newest and snappiest patterns to be bad. Duy him a swell Necktie for Xmas. Each Tide and 1.00 Silk Hosiery Buy your wants In Hosiery now as the market Is depleted In this line of merchandise and none to be had until January 1st. We carry full line of colors In the Hole proof and Burlington Hosiery. Men's Shirts We carry a full stock of the well known Arrow Brand. There Is nothing more acceptable than a nice new Shirt to the men folks. Full range of patterns now on hand at each 1.23 and 1.30 One of the most useful and ac ceptable gifts known for Christmas. A nice box of Handkerchiefs never goes amiss. Our line Is complete for the Holiday trade at all prices. Bath Robes Full line of Bathrobes all ready to be made up for that Christmas gift. Big line of patterns to choose from at 3.30 and 0.00 each. These robes are a very useful ar ticle to have In the house. SWEATERS 3, My xU f Fr7p.j Just a few good sweaters left in stock which we are closing out at a price. If you are In need of ono of these useful articles now Is the time to make your purchase. Don't delay as they are going fast. Shoes Don't overlook our Shoe Department when It comes to the new and snappy shoes that are shown first at this store. FIELD MOUSE BROWN CLOTH TOP . 8.30 REINDEER KID CLOTH TOP 830 CRUISER GREY KID TOP 100 HAVANA BROWN CLOTH TOP f-30 Table Linens Purchase your needs In Table Linens for the Holiday now. Don't overlook our Linen De partment as our stock Is complete at the pres ent time. Per yard . . , ! to :.00 Also full line of Napkins made up and by the dozen at popular prices. Have that Thanks giving dinner on new table linen. Puritan Undermuslins : I ' 'I The right undergarment for the particular lady customer. A full line of Envelope Chemise, Corset Covers, Drawers,' Gowns, etc., now In stock at popular prices. Also nice-line of Silk Underwear to choose from for Holiday Gifts. Give us a trial on these lines. Dressmakers Approre' ATHENA UNDERWEAR For Women, Misses, Children Because it aids wonderfully in the fit of gown. Athena if cut and fashioned to accord perfectly with every line and curve of a woman'a form. HThe special features such as The Patent-fitted Seat, The Three cornered Cusset at thigh. The Fit ted Shoulders and Sleeves, The Tailored Shaping and Perfect Sizing of Athena Underwear insure a tai lored fit. 1 In twenty-eight shapes and thirty-eight fabrics (all weights and , qualities) at just the prices you would pay for ordinary underwear. 1 Athena Underwear for children ft ipeclally detigneJ to fit the body oj the growing child. It gives comfort and tot or. Umbrellas Gloves i Umbrellas come In the useful list for Xniaa gifts. Complete line of Men's, Women's and Children's carried In stock. Prices range from "3o to 7.50 Don't forget the Gloves In your list. New stock having Just arrived we are able to take i care of you In all colors. Cooper's Underwear Complete stock of the widely known Una of Cooper's Underwear for Fall Is now oil our shelves. Comes In White, Grey, Ecru,' and Blue Mix at prices, per suit, 2.00 up to 3.50 No underwear can be compared to this garment when It comes to durability, style and wear. , Royal Worcester Corsets Tioyal Worcester Corsots are tho right corsets for tho precise buyer. They are made to fit In all styles, both In front and back lace. Come In Flesh and White, plain and, brocaded. Values from 1.00 up to 3,00 pair. If you are in noed of a corset give this well knows make a tboro trial and become convinced. ,. p TEHETO