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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1916)
v.-! .11 AtaE six ASHLAND TTDINOS Thursday, December 14, lPlfl Iwfoil liiii A Big Line tit ni HMMHHMMMMtMMMMMtMMMMOet n fre Soca Realm 4WWmHHIHIIIMMMtMttHMHMOH Mrs. Clifford Jenklaa entertained j Hake-Huyee. . ! the Monday Club very pleasantly this . Stanley Hake and Miss Ella Hayes week. j were married December 4 at Jack- sonvllle by Rev. Hutchinson and are The Auxiliary Club meets regularly at home to friends at 239 Second next Monday. Hossesses are Mes-: street. The bride Is a duu&htet of dames William Meyer and Roy Hos ley and Miss Lydla McCall. C. S. Hayes, 248 Second street, and a sister to the Hayes brothers who are connected with Neil creek logging activities. The groom Is a son of G. W. Hake, who operates a dairy and was formerly on the Ashland Tho groom is himself VINING THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, December 18-19 raewbHaoes, M. New S!yk wet . H MS 1 PI v I wraay KniKlilH Mill IiinIhII. With the appointment of Rev. P. IC. Hammond as prelate of Malta Commandery, No. 4, Knights Tern- police force, plar, the roster of officers of that ! employed as driver for the Ashland body for 1917 Is now complete. In- j Ice & Storage Company. - Following stalaltion Wednesday,-December 20.i the ceremony the bride and groom i and the two families joined in a wed- Choir Enln Tniimles. ding dinner at the home of the The Presbyterian, choir had a bride's folks, happy surprise last Thursday even- j ing, after choir practice, when they I Civic Club. were fnvitod by Rev. Caruahau and; Owing to several resignations, the Miss Gladys to the church parlors, to ! personnel of the list of officers of1 partake of hot buttered rolls and hot , the Civic Improvement Club has been tamnles. ' j changed somewhat, Mrs. W. M. Bar- j , ber being elected president in place Another Election. of Mrs. U. P. Nell, who for a number 13. R. Stevens been elected chief of reasons was unable to serve. . The ' other officers now are: Mrs. J. I Kocho, vice; Mrs. Fred Putnam, sec retary; Mrs. Emma Jack, correspond ing secretary; Mrs. V. D. Hodgson, treasurer; Mesdames 12. D. Bilges, Sam MeXair imd A. h. l.amh, trus tees. All the standing committees have been appointed and the club is ready for a busy year. The meeting Tuesday was well attended and pro gram and social features were much enjoyed. T A-truly wonderful photoplay story! Based upou the facts I gathered by a; Dec. 16 .And each day till Christina?. See our window for display Carvers, Butoher Knives, Scis sors, Table Knives and Forks, Spoons, everything in Silver and. Keystone metal. Buy a Useful Gift at Our Special Prices See the $1.50 Pocket Knives We Offer At 89c We had thought to close the Ptore December 1st and take an inventory, hut stock was not re duced to the amount desired, and we concluded to continue Bale. An invoice will he taken immediately, after Christmas, 1 hereto re there are only ten days more in which to buy Cut lery, Enamel Ware, Tinware, Silverware, .Tools, Builders' Ilardware, Plumbing Supplies at less than ; manufacturers' cost. Every jobber and manu facturer from whom we buy has notified us there would be an other advance January 1st of from 10 to 15 per cent. Now is certainly tho time to buy, even for next Bpring. Our stock is complete yet, having sold out entirely on very few items. We have all sizes in nails, the pound 5 coals. patriarch of Pilot Rock encampment o.Hi, the higher order of Odd Fel- owship; John Pets:, high priest; P.. K. Phipps, senior warden: .1. J. Mur phy, junior warden; A. W. Storey, scribe; J. M. Caselieer, treasurer. Political Science ('lass, The political' Rcience class will hereafter meet on tho first and third j Saturdays of every month at Auxili ary hall, under the leadership of Miss Marian Towne. At the next meeting, Saturday, the state constitu tion and parliamentary drill will be discussed. t The Illinois Vice ssion klAE during their lain investiga tion. n expose in ihn hid den vice that i-; r revelation. IIP ! mm. I i m You are a father, go see it and tell your wife what to tell your daughter. You are a mother, nee it and tell your son and daughter about it. You are a brother keep an eye upon your little sister and two eyes upon her associates. You are niakii be careful about r new acuuamtances. i leaguers to Gold Hill. Officers of the Klamath District Montessoi'i School, The Montessori school under the direction of Mrs. Mary L. Newland has closed the fall term and will open again next spring when the weather will permit the little ones to go to Arc you sure your own wile and daughter arc sale? Maybe yon won't Oiinlc so after you see lids remarkable film. No one under sixteen years of age admitted without consent of their parents Epworth League held a rally at Gold and tr0- Mrs- Newland has made a Hill Sunday evening. President E. 0. j wonderful record with the eighteen Smith, Secretary Gertrude Barber , Pupils she has had. She is a gradu and IT. S. Palmerlee of Ashland were j ate directly under Dr. Marie Montes-1 present and took part in the meeting, i sorl last vear at San Francisco. The Other officers from Medford and ' mothers of the Montessori pupils In . Grants Pass also participated. tllls clty are aI1 nlSh in praise of the results accomplished. The following are a few of the statements made ' concerning the school's work by the j mothers and friends: "I take pleas- i chosen as follows: Mrs. Amy Moore, j "re ln stanS that I ara very favor-1 noble grand; Mrs. Eva Wright, vice a,)Iy impressed with Mrs. Newland's grand; Mrs. Mabel A. Roberts, secre- teaching or the "Montessori method." , tary; Mrs. Leah Caldwell, financial ! Mrs- wiana is a natural lover and secretary; Mrs. Anna Long, treas- j mother of children." "The rapid ad urcr. Mrs. Edythe Phipps Is the past ; vancement of the children under the grand. Installation will occur at the direction of Mrs. Newland, with the IlMkali's Officers. Elective officers of Hope Rebekah lodge of Odd Fellows have been first meeting of the new year. Parent-Teachers. Parent-Teacher circles of Ashland will meet at the high Bchool Friday afternoon at 3:45. Mothers are urged to make an effort to attend. The following program will be rendered: Solo by member of high school or chestra. Miss Jean Anderson, vocal solo. Miss Doris Bagley, vocal solo. Remarks by Professor Moore. Refreshments served. Committees, Mesdames Brown, Chattin, Myer and Dana. Montessori method, proves Its valu able worth." "Mrs. Newland brings to her work not only the efficiency of excellent preparation, but also a very rare sympathy for children." It Warner Mercantile Company Phone U6 375 E. Main Ashland Ministerial Meeting. The regular monthly ministerial meeting was held in the public library Monday afternoon.. The t ft- 1 ',. . J ml t :--9 : '! lit' ! i I t i Si ' Til) I .'. . .S ' l ,'1 J 5J hi -1 . 1 i 4 A.v . i:M)onsi; Tills picture represents tho prob lem of the girl adrift in a manner very striking and effective. VIRGINIA m:OOK3 WASHBURN, Chicago Social Worker. , Tho worst evil that destroys char acter and life is vice. Study this pic ture, "Tho Little Girl Next Door." It represents truth. ARTHUR BURR AGE FARWELL, Chicago Law and Order League. This picture Is able, where the stage has failed, to give us the drama without brutality, a moral warning without dullness. . ASIITON STEVENS, Chicago Examiner. The presentation of this picture will do more for the cause of morality than all1 the reports ever filed. REV. J. P. PRUSHINGHAM, Pastor S. Park Methodist Church, Chicago. PRICES 15c AND 25c IBHB3SXS3 semiannual election of officers was held. The following were elected: W. J. Douglass, president; H. A. Car nahan, ice-president; Dorman D. Edwards, secretary-treasurer. Steps were taken to hold a union watch night service ln the interest of the Red Cross and peace movement. A committee was appointed to prepare a schedule, for. the. un(pn "week of prayer'' beginning the first of the year. The next regular meeting will be held the second Monday in Janu- sible in caring for the worthy poor of wish to Full re- our city. The ministers thank all who contributed. ary. Rev. H. A. Carnahon will read port of expenditures will be made a paper, the subject to be chosen by ! later. the writer. Plans are being formu-! ' lated to .make these meetings enter taining as well as profitable. The Thanksgiving offering of $18.29 is being expended as judiciously as pos- Golden West Cottsc is ' Just Right .MUH ! Granite Street Club. The tipper Granite Stroet Em broidery Club met for the last time in 1916 on December 7, at the cosily appointed home of Mesdames Field- The afternoon passed all too quick ly in needlework and the Interchange of Christmas ideas. Mrs. Routtedge assisted the hostesses ln serving most delicious refreshments. A bright and beautiful Oregon full moon appeared from the vicinity of Grizzly peak just in time to escort the ladles home. r. o. o. f. Ashland lodge No. 45, I. 0. 0. F., has elected the following officers for i 1917: Ed ITadfleld, onble grand; Ed Flackus, vice grand; B. R. Stevens,, recording secretary; A. W. Storey, financial secretary; William Myer, j treasurer. The membership Is ap-' proachlng the 200 mark. The forego-. ing officers are elective,, the appoint- j Ive ones being designated at the in-! stallatlon ceremonies early ln Janu--ary, 1917. The membership Is 150 and steadily increasing, being one of the pioneer organizations of the town. I "The Gift Stoe of Ashland" iie'Mlai Trading Co, All I t I 11. I . 11 rit i n mm w m uesi a ira m im mnumeraDie biiis inev r . w" . have to select from; the prices are very reasonable compared with the quality ot the merchandise. Persian Ivory Sets or by the piece. Collars-Crepe de Chine and Flannel. . Umbrellas-Men's and Ladies'. Ladies' Burson Hose, silk fibre and pure silk. Royal Society Crochet cotton and crochet Books. Handkerchiefs-By the box or separate. Ribbons-Hairribbons and flowered ribbons Japanese Lunch Cloths and Napkins to match. Table Linen. Art Linen. Sweaters and Bath Blankets. Bath Robes. ( AW a thousand other inexpensive articles that make appropriate and appreciated presents Wednesday Club. The Wednesday Afternoon Club' held a business and social meeting ln the church parlors Wednesday after- j noon. Reports, from the four chair-' men of the bazaar were received, also all outstanding bills paid. j After the short business session ' Mrs. Ashcraft favored the club with two excellent vocal selections, being accompanied by Mrs. J. .R. Robert son. Dainty refreshments were served and the club adjourned to meet after the holidays with Mrs. Winter. , . Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. C. L. Miller. Mra. Charlea Rob ertson, Miss T. Anderson and Miss Ramsey. V. t.. -,' ! Grocery Department When it comes to serving you for your Xmas dinner, we are there in every way. We offer from our Grocery Department oranges, grape fruit, bananas, apples, head lettuce, celery, figs, dates, cluster raisins, candied figs, plum pudding, cranberries, nuts, aud a hundred and one others, that make tho Xmas dinner a success. TM AsMaM Trading Company "Ashland's Popular Trading Center"