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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1916)
Thursday, December 14, 1016 ARIILAXD TIDINGS PAGE SEVEX , 1 PHOTOGRAPHS Christmas Gills Remember your friends with photographs this year, and they will remember you as long as the photographs last. Our photographs are perma nent, f So friends disappointed all eunlly favored if yon give PHOTOGRAPHS. Studio Ashland aciI"i 3 LOCAL AND PERSONAL I i Call and see that Star cut glass at Holmes' grocery. It Many automobile owners have al re;uly filed their applications for 1917 licenses, thus "shopping early" and avoiding the rush. Eat at the Lithia Bakery and Res taurant, where the eats are good. 50 tf I The storeroom in the Holmes build ing next to the grocery is now occu pied by E. F. Grecnman and his rug weaving establishment. There is nothing nicer for a Christ mas present than a box of those large red Spltzenburg apples at Holmes' grocery. It Mrs. A. D. Abbott and daughter Julia returned to their home at Grants Pass Monday after several 4 ays spent visiting In this city. Get our prices on Christmas can dies before buying elsewhere. Rose Bros. 59-tf The Ladles' Auxiliary Club will meet next Monday night at the Aux iliary hall. The hostesses are Miss Lydia McCall, Mrs. William Myer and Mrs. Hosley. Clif Pay4e makes footstools. A Check For Christmas . The satisfactory way to send a present of mon ey by mail to to forward It by checks-tins assur ing Safety, Economy and Convenience. Checking accounts, large or small, are cor dially invited. A ffniu SAVINGS DEPOSITS m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tmttm I I II I UhCITIZENSO W BANK IS SOFASjOAN iMMMH tWVVVV'l I I TTTTT, . , We aro featuring wrist watches. Largest line in the city. More than twenty different kinds. $2.50 to $50. Johnson's Jewelry Store. 65-tf About twenty members of the Men's Social Service League went to Talent Tuesday evening to attend a gathering at the Methodist church in that city. See Rose Bros, about your Xmas candies. Their prices are sure to please you. 69-tf Train 15 was run In two sections last night owning to early holiday travel. An extra crew was called to run to Dunsmulr on account of dlvid- ing the train. j Be sure and visit the palmist at the Christmas bazaar in the Elks I building Saturday, December 16. Heading 10 cents. It Crit Tolman and sons C'rlt and diet were in town the past week for j a few days' stay while en route south from , Seward, Alaska. They, will spend the winter in Honolulu. Handy articles for all occasions may be found in the Every Day of the Week booth at the Christmas bazaar in the Elks building. It Under the supervision of Superin tendent Fraley the pavement in front of the Hotel Austin has been covered with decomposed granite and a much better footing for teams afforded. Twenty-five' cents' worth of ex- trats or EI"r lrcssiXl r""8 fee at the Ashland Trading Co. Offer stands to January 1. 59-3t-Thur. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Johnson moved to the former's ranch on Williams creek last week. Mr. Stevens moved the Inst of their household Wednesday. oods down Be sure Christmas. and buy a rocker for J. P'. Dodge &, Sons have la large toek to select from. 53-tf ! After many delays, sportsmen of ' southern Oregon and northern Call j foriiia have succeeded in having con Igress appropriate $15,000 as a starter I towards the installation of a fish hatchery on the Klamath river. We are making a large reduction in our china department at Holmes' grocery. It The political science study class will meet at 2:30 Saturday afternoon at the Auxiliary Club rooms. The subject, under Miss Towne, will be Parliamentary Usage and the Consti tution of Oregon. Everyone invited. Say, the prices (Rose Bros, are making on their Xmas candies are sure to fit the smallest purse. Try thera. 59-tf Mrs. F. E. Walters has returned from three months spent in various points iu northern California in the telegraphic service of the Southern Pacific Company. Mrs. Walters has many warm friends in Ashland who are glad to welcome her back. Any one wanting to send maga zines as Christmas gifts can do so by calling up Miss Eleanor Greer, phone 39, or calling on .her at the Tidings office. Trices on any club bing offer at the lowest prices. 59-3t Wah Chung, popular Chinese mer chant, made his yearly round last week, distributing Chinese lily bulbs to his merchant friends. The bulbs are supposed to have the peculiar property of bringing happiness and prosperity .to those under whose care they bloom. During this week I wish to show you the new silverware for the table. The highest quality makes you know them. We have some . odd pieces in discontinued patterns at material reductions. Just aa good as the others and lots cheaper. H. L. Whited. B8-2t The Mattern family received a visit last week from Ed Harris and Ben Stalman, old friends, who are now located In Alaska on the headwaters of the Yukon, where they have been located for eight years, and the trip to this vicinity was the first time they had been outside of the terri tory within that period. - Mw w w THE STORE "The Winning of Barbara Worth" at the Vining Tuesday pleased a fair sized audience, the comedy especially being well enjoyed. A sand storm In mo prologue was ratner too realistic for the" orchestra atany rate, the draft blowing the sawdust sand pret ty well all over the house. George Spencer and wife have re turned to Ashland after an extensive stay In Idaho. Dutch Parker is spending the win ter in Mill Creek canyon looking after the power lines of the California-Oregon Power Company. Francis Mur phy is stationed In the Sisklyous car ing for the lines of the Pacific Tele phone & Telephone Company while danger from heavy snow threatens. The last word in fountain pens is the Sheaffer. Perfection in action. Permanently guaranteed. Whited's. The Armenian Yelief committee will have a sale of hbme baking, home-made candy and fancy work, Saturday, December 16, at the Plaza grocery. Contributions in the line of food, candy or fancy work will be gratefully received. Gifts of money will also be very acceptable. Don't forget the time and place. Deitz Delito lanters at Ashland i Trading Co. Just a little better than I anything else on the market. it j Word conies from Honolulu of the I appointment of James L. Coke as 'third circuit judge of the island of (Honolulu. Judge Coke was a vlistor i in Ashland last year, stopping off for j several days at the auto camp here 'while on an automobile tour of the : coast. Judge Coke Is a brother of i John L. Coke of Coos Bay. If you w ant something good to eat, get it at the Lithia Bakery and Res-' taurant. - ... G0-tf ! Get a set of china cup and saucers 'for $1 at Holmes' grocery. It 1 Glenn P. Conwell and wife arrived on Tuesday from Klamath Falls for a visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Conwell, residing on ' upper Nutley street. For some time 1 past Glenn has been employed by the j California-Oregon Power Company at its electric light offices In Klamath Falls. He has resigned and will ac cept a position as traveling solicitor for a Kansas publishing firm, with headquarters at V.'ichlta. Johnson's Jewelery Store the gift center. 65-tf Remember the bazaar December 16 in Elks' Temple. 37-3t Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Rhodes of Sun River, Mont., where they have exten sive ranch properties, and who have been occupying rooms the past month in the E. B. Shaw premises on B street, left last week for Sacramento and other California points. They were greatly pleased with the sur roundings hjere, and a temporary resi dence In Ashland may, in due season, be made permanent. We engrave our Parisian ivory free. O. II. Johnson, jeweler. 55-tf What Was Your 1 Auto Repair Bill for this kbt year? 'Do you think that it might easily have been less? Why not bring your work to us for the New Year? We have a conscience about the kind of work we do and the price we charge for it. Start the year right, and compare your bills from us with your former bills. Ford Garage Lee Uall, Prop. Ashland fTHWTWTTWwmwfWwwwHftw XL II VM .i. Ol ... . i. . T ".1 1171 'I! OF DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE Hooks, Books Always Make Suitable Xmas Presents Late Fiction. Fancy Bound volumes ' of Poems, Quotations, etc., etc. Beautiful and Inexpensive Booklets. Full line of Children's Cloth and Paper Books. See our windows. (Open evenings next week.) Polcys Drug Store l'oley & Klliart, Drnggihlo. Mrs. II. E. McGee has gone to southern California, where she will spend the winter. , Johnson's Jewelry Store the gift center. 65-tf Mrs. 2. A. Bayllss of visiting iicr mother, Mrs. Wells, on Gresham Mrcet. She will return to her homo Saturday. Home made mince meat at IIolmeH' grorery. It Ed Iluuhes, who has opened a real jestat" officein Grants Pass since giv ing up the management of the Dunn ranch in Illinois valley, was a visitor in town Tuesday. Ma';e this a rocker Christinas. J. P. Dodso & Sons. 53-tf J. It. McGee entertained his uncle, !X. W. McGee of rullraan. Wash., last week. The visitor stopped off while en route to Los Angeles, where he will spend the winter months. Don't miss the bargains in cut glass and hand-painted china at Holmes' grocery. It Eat nt the Lithia. 50-t! Kenneth McWiUiams has usshered in what promises to be a very suc cessful cifecr as manager of the local Maxwell-fhalmcrs-Saxon agency by dlsposing'of a new model Maxwell to Charlie P.ose. Johnson the Jeweler for fine watch work. 55-tf J. H. Pittinger is nursing a dislo cated wrist resulting from a "kick' from the crank of his car. The ac cident occurred at Yreka. Mr. Pit tinger has established a good trade In fruit in northern California and was delivering a load when the wrist was hurt. Call and see the Christmas display at Holmes' grocery. It Eat at the Lithia. 60-tf B. M. Lininger is now a partner with O. O. and J. J. Morton in the Ashland Mills and is devoting himself to learning the details of the busi ness. This home Industry is a flour ishing one and deserves the patron age of the community. This Christmas buy a rocker. J. P. Dodge & Sons. 53-tf C. W. Banta and sons have sold and shipped a car of goats, including 125 head, consigned to W. B. Brun- zell, in the wholesale meat business at Oakland, Cal., The animals were a fine lot of fat wethers and ewes. Get your oranges, candy and mixed nuts at Holmes' grocery. It Dewey Sacket is now serving as Wells-Fargo messenger on trains Nos. 15 and 14, leaving hero for northern California points at 1150 p. m. and returning at 7:30 in the morning. Notice. All stores will be open evenings Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week. Ashland business houses will remain closed all day Christmas and New Year's. ASHLAND BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION. tl tl VbrU M Kn ... I -TT ,.'.T ,. ' Pair of House Slippers in tan or black, and all leather. .$1.50, $1.75 Smoking Jacket or House Coat, heavy, double faced wool mix. 0.00 Bathrobes in heavy, fancy mixtures and assorted patterns... 5.00 Pair Gloves in dress or undressed kid, ten, brown or gray. .". . 2.00 Pair Gloves in capo, dressed, silk lined, tan color 1.75 Box of six pairs Everywear Socks in black, tan, navy or gray. . 1.50 Pair Auto Gloves, the kind that fold up, black or tan 1.75 Ties in the beautiful, wide end four-in-hands at either 25c, :i."r, 50c,- 75c 1 ...... 1.00 Pair Carpet Slippers, assorted colors and any size !,. .50 Linen Initial Handkerchiefs (as many aH you want), each. . . .25 Hats in the Conqueror brand, new shapes and colors, each. . . . 3.00 Mackinaws of the Oregon-made kind In fancy plaids and mix.. 8.00 Sweater coats in dark red or oxford gray, heavy roughneck . style 5.00 Belts In all leather, black and tan colors, nt, each, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 Silk Mufflers in black or colors, either xrade at $1, $1.25 and 1.50 Rain Coats, rubberized, heavy and different colors, at$7.50 and up Flannel Shirts in khaki, oxford gray or brown colors at 2.50 Golf Shirts, to be worn with w hite collars, many pretty pat terns 1.00 Christmas box Paris Garters and Armbands to match (silk) . . . .50 Christmas box President Suspenders for men or boys 50 Leather Traveling Bag or Suitcase at $5 and up to, each 12.00 Caps in the new torpedo and spoon-bill styles nt $1, $1 25 and 1.50 In other words, anything in men's wear can be found at the Men's Store. , ; - , ! Mitchell 'Canby'has bought its local water system. Victor for -j..i'.f4.W In every "Victrola home" some'new Victor Records for Christmas will add immeasurably to the joy of the Holidays. The variety and completeness of our stock of Victor music assures our patrons of getting just what they want. In addition to the general records we offer a fine choice of special Christmas music, including many of the compositions whose lofty and en nobling beauty has won them immortality. We have a complete list of this music which you may have for the asking. Visit us today and hear any records that appeal to you. Victors and Victrolas $10 to $400. Sold on easy payment plan Ask for home demonstration Rose Brothers Exclusive Dealers ters iTTi ttO Here Is a Solution of the Hard Problem "What to Give a Man for a Christ mas Present" ,y(iu can always play sale by selecting any ot the follow ing articles: & Whiffle Dallas has reduced its tax levy 4.4 mills below last year. . Records Christmas The InKrument Hlttilrurd it VicltolalX.J.W .! ill i ! i i :! ! '