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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1916)
Ribbons worth to 7 cents per yard, to go at, per yard 2c Ribbons worth to 15c per yard, to go at pi'f yard 5c1 J Women's 50c Hosiery To go at 2 pairs for 70c Women's 35c Hosiery to go at It. 50c Women's 25c Hosiery to go at 2 pairs for 35c Misses' and Children's 25c Hose to go at 2 pairs for 35c Misses' and Chileren s 35c Hose to go at 2 pairs for 50c lOe Outing Flannel per yard . , 5c (On Balcony only) lk and 25c Ginghams and Fleeced Goods per yard 8c (On Balcony only) Corsets Odds and Ends, each 15 c (On Balcony only) i it 1 1 Just 4 Pieces of Table linen Lett $1.75 Linen, per yard $1.29 $1.50 Linen, per yard. $1.13 $1.00 Linen, per yard 69c 75c Linen, per yard. ...... 49c WANTED! 40 salespeople for this mighty Marked Down Sale. Persons who have had experience preferred, phonej Mr. Beebe. The greatest bargain you ever saw. Marked down for this sale silks that sold to $2.00 per yard, for this one day per yard Silks Silks Silks that sold to $1.00 per yard, go at the lowest price, 35c per yard The Most Sensational Slashing of Prices Ever Heard of For a (3) ntiMMiinnmnttitmmt1""" .. M Epl 18? Tm mlifilWw wm , ..--. i ,.'. i . i - - - - - i f i . : - i i IS Ml f 9-1 atoriay, December 16 2171:33 OT3E5 EIG 23A"Sr Saturday, December 16 VTEEJEZ 01023 BIG 33 J2l"5T DOORS OPEN at 9:55 a. m. Safe Begins at 10 a. m. Sat Dec, 16 ::::n::t::::n:j::n:::::n:n::m:::1 TO MAKE SURE BE HERE WHEN THE DOORS OPEN ! Si THAT WBLL BE HELO M THE ENTIRE WORLD The Stotfe Will Not be Open Fo? Aty Business, Monday 9 December 8th 94 Very Best and Heaviest SHEETING per yard 38c Read Every Word On These Two Pages I know some will say 1 am going a little strong when I say that this is the greatest cne-day Marked Down Sale that will be held in the world Satur day, December 16. Now listen: There is a condition existing in tho world to day that has never been known before. Nearly all of Europe is engaged in mighty wur. Believe me, there are no sales in foreign countries. Prices in the United States are advancing by leaps and bounds merchandise of all kinds is growing scarce. Many lines the retailer cannot procure at all. For many reasons retail merchants are not putting on general reduction sales. He is not in position to do so. T have been in the business of conducting sales for 20 years, and in all that time I have never seen such a sale as this one is to be. There is only one reason for it. Last June I started to close out this stock.and at that time I told you Beebe & Kinney were going out of business. Some of you didn't believe it, but now we come to the realization of the statement made then. If you don't get what you want Saturday don't blame me. It will be your own fault. All of our Silks that sold to $1.25 per yard will be sold for ? tills nnfl finv nt nsr vnivl " vv, M.V 5e niif The Beebe & Kinney store will be cl No goods will bo sold and no one "We will have just one day in which stock and in order to be ready we the pencil mark of reduction such a 4i mist ttt Take my word for it, there will be prices that I have yet made and the The store will not be open for busine the day you must purchase this open at 9:55 a. m., and sale will greatest trimming and slashing of are sure to please the most exacting. Monday, December 18 Saturday is merchandise if you want it. Doors will be promptly at 10 a. m. besrp BE MERE . -- 50 Women Can Make $1.75 to $2.50 Satur day. Buy at Least One More Pair ot SHOES Some will say, ' ' won 't that man ever stop talking shoes I ' ' Well, anyway, I am going to make this last talk on shoes for there is really something to talk about. After the store closes and you have to buy your next pair of shoes and you part with $5.00 to $10.00, you will wish then I had made you listen. We have sold about 3000 pairs of shoes maybe all of you have bought but shoes wear out, so Take My Advice and Buy At Least One More Pair Now I am going to take ALLshoesout of the boxes and I am going to sell them this way: t"M It 1 1 M 1 1 II 1 1 $3.50 Shoes will go at ..$1.98 $4.00 Shoes will go at .$2.48 ; ; $5.00 Shoes will go at $2.98 41 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 II I 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 I H !! But But I am going to sell to 50 women a pair of shoes ot exactly half price These 50 can buy mi imhi ; $3.50 Shoes at only $1-?5 ';; $4.00 Shoes at only $2-00 jj " $5.00 Shoes at only. $2-50 ! : HHHIHHMItmiMHI Ill Him"' The price and size will be on each pair-Just pick out a pair and try them on. 500 Yards of WOOL DRESS GOODS To Be Given Away 2 Yards for 1 One Free Yard With Every Yard You Buy. Saturday will be Your Last Chance Thompson's Glove Fitting Corsets One of the best known makes. Buy a corset now whether you need it or not Ton will need one soon and then you will have to pay twice as much for one. They are going fast and the price should close them all out Saturday. $1.00 Corsets will go at 50c $1.50 Corsets will go at ....75c $2.00 Corsets will go at $1.00 $2.50 Corsets will go at $1.25 $3.00 Corsets will go at $1.50 $5.00 Corsets will go at $2.50 The chances are you will never have an opportunity to buy good corsets at these prics again. ? o sed all day FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15. be allowed in the store on that day. mark down the remainder of this have an uninterrupted day to use we have never used it before. The Day You Have Been Waiting For ttnttttniiim An old colored woman once said: "There is a heap of human nater about white people." Many of you have been waiting for this day to come, be cause you thought thete would be a day when everything would be cheaper. By doing so, however, you have lost out on many lines of merchandise you will never be able to get for the good reason that others have been wise and have bought it. However, that may be, we come now to the big day the day when thousands of dollars of this merchandise must be cleaned up. Many lines will not last until noon. Some of it may last the entire day. There is only one thing for you to do Saturday, and tha is to be here when the doors open and remain until you get everything you want. I,, nun IHIIIIIIIIHIItlHHtlltltltttlimM'f t ...I They will all go at this price Silks Silks And Silk Mixtures that sold to 85c per yard, to go at this one price, per yard 25c 10c Fine Quality Soft Bleached Muslin Fer yard 6c Waists Waists including pure linen ones that sold to $3.50 to go at 25 c Each if Beebe Going Out of A Few Long Pants Suits Left, Small Sizes, Worth from $8.50 to $15.00, Saturday they go at Terrible Slaughter of Men's and Boys' Wear Saturday $2.00 Men's Overcoats that sold to $16.00, your choico Saturday $5.00 Boys' Overcoats that sold to $8.00, Saturday, your choice $2.95 All Men's Hats in Lot No. 1 45c All Men's Hats in Lot No. 2 65c All Men's Hats in Lot No. 3 '. 95c All Men's Hats in Lot No. 4 $1.35 All Men's Hats in Lot No. 5, including Stetson's $1.75 Men's and Boys' Shoes One-half Price Men's $4.00 Rubber Boots $2.00 Men's $4.50 Rubber Boots $2.25 Men's $5.00 Rubber Boots $2.50 Men's 75c Shirts 38c Men's $1.00 Shirts 50c Men's $1.50 Shirts 75c Men's 20c nose 10c Men's 25c Hose 12 Xc . Men's Umbrellas One-half Price All Men's and Boys' Goods Price Bargain Balcony Harked Down SALE THE BARGAIN BALCONY under the supervision of Mrs. Van Wegen is setting a pace in sales and value-giving for the entire store. Judging from the amount of goods that will be on the Balcony and the ridiculous prices we have placed on all merchandise there, Saturday's Marked Down Sale will fill the. Balcony to the limit with an eager, buying crowd. Never, no never, again will you see such wonderful bargains as you will see Saturday. The 10c, 25c and 50c TABLES will be filled with merchandise at bargain prices the like of which was never seen before. Someone has named it the BUSY BEE BARGAIN BALCONY Watch The Balcony Saturday J. S. Langhorne, Manager of Dress Goods Kinney l Business Sale )ur best Dress Goods that sold to $1.65 per yard to go at . 89c Per yard 10c Outing Flannel 5c 35c Children's Vests and Pants 15c 35c to 50c Ladies' Vests and Pants ... s 19c 65c Boys' Flannel Waists 35c 50c Boys' Blue Chambry Waists 19c Ladies' and Children's $1.50 Sweaters 79c 15c Ginghams and Fleeced Goods 8c Ladies' White House Aprons, worth to 65c 25c Ladies' Skirts $1.00 Lace Collars worth to $1.00, only 25c Corsets, choice ''. 15c Ladies' $3.50 Shoes $1.00 Ladies' $3.00 Slippers 50c Children's $1.50 Shoes 50c 65c Bungalow Aprons 35c To $3.50 Waists 25c Remnants WOOL DRESS GOODS IN SKIRT AND DRESS LENGTHS AT LESS THAN 1-2 PRICE Also Remnants of Table Linen, Sheeting, Wool and Cotton Fabrics, Silks, Ribbons, Laces, and other goods at Balcony Bargain prices. Ladies' Cloaks $1.98 Ladies 20-25c HoselOc 12 l-2c Grade Outing Flannel Per yard 7c 22c Best Renfrew Devonshire . Per yard 10c Ladies' $1.00 Union Suits Each 59c Curtain Scrims that sold to 50c per vard to go at 15c Per yard Curtain Scrims That sold to 25c per yard, to go at 10c Per yard Ladies' Fine Shoes Sold everywhere at $4.50, to go for this one day at $2.00 Per pair Children's Felt Slippers Your choioo 50c Per pair Ladies' Felt Slippers 95c Per pair Ladies' $3.50 . Fine SLIPPERS For house and street wear $1.25 Per pair Silk Dose That sold to 75c per pair, to go at ' 39c Per pair' Silk Hose That sold to $2.00 per pair to go at ' 69c Per pair