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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1916)
Thursday, December 14, 1918 ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE THKUS mi)nt;iiiiiimimiu;)iiiiiiiiiitnitt!tiitiiiiiiti;H!!ii!iiiiitiniiinmii!ii!mntn:iUt iimiiiiiiiiiiniimiimmiuuimmiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimmt tttnturcnnti A Hot Plate or a Room Heater will make a tine Xmas Gift. They can be used every day ot the year. Truly it will be a wise and thoughtful gift A Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year to all our patrons and lriends m I i.ccfri. E Ml jnatatttttttHtrrmamrnttrmtrrttn r::ti:::s::::!aj!!ttn:t:!:::!:t!t::::j Don't Have Catarrii One efficient way to remove nasal catarrh is to treat its cause which in most cases is physical weakness. The system needs more oil and easily digested lk,uid-food, and you should take a spoonful ot j doan Hills," Vrs. Carpenter's' class. 1 17. Enter Santa Claus. Distribution ; of candy. . 5S-2t 1 after each meal to enrich your blood and help heal the sensi tive membranes with its pure oil-food properties. The results of this Scott's Emulsion treatment will surprise those who have used . irritating snuffs and vapors. Get the Genuine SCOTT'S Presbyterian Sunday School Christ mas Program. 1. Recitation, "Welcome," David Doran, ' 3. Song, "Santa Claus Is Coming Tonight," Miss Pattersons class. 3. Recitation, "Amid the Boughs," Charles Dana. 4. Song, "Snowflakes," primary. J. Recitation, "On Our Christmas Tree," James Pinion. . Dialogue, "We'll Hang Up Grandma's Stocking," Prlscilla Carnahan'g class. 7. Piano duet, Mitchell Levins. 8. Recitations, Gertrude Thayer, John Caldwell, Mary Poley. 5. Song, "Silver Bells," Miss Car penter's class. , 10. Dialogue, "The Wise Men and the Shepherds,' Mrs. Shinn's class. 11. Violin trio, Harvey Woods, Ches ter Woods and John 'Caldwell. 12. Exercise and drill, Miss Carna han's class. 13. Recitation, "My Christmas Dream," Dorothy Stivers. 14. Solo, "Dolly's Lullaby," Ramona Wise. IB. Recitations, Leo Hall, Kenneth Emery, Margaret Helen Church man Wanda Schwein. 16. Pantomime, "Midnight on Ju- Corns Loosen, LiOighf Off '. Jfothinp But "GETS-IT" Will Do This to Corns and Calluses. If you've ever had corns, you've tried lota of things to get rid of them salves that eat your toe and leave the corn remaining, cotton rings that make your cons bulge out like pop- You Can't Hide Corn Miiery. Stop Fooling Around I Uie "GETS-IT' Tonight end See the Coma Vanuh. yes, scissors and knives thnt make corns bleed and sore, harnesses and Dandages that till up your shoe, press on the corn and make your foot feel like a paving block. What's the use? Why not do what millions are doing, take S seconds off and apply "GETS IT." It dries, you put your stocking on right away, and wear your regu lar shoes. Your corn loosens from the toe, it lifts right off. It's pain less. It's the common-sense way, the 1 simplest, easiest, most effective way In the world. It's the national corn cure. Never falls. "GETS-IT" Is sold and recommend d by druggists everywhere. 26c a bottle, or sent on receipt of price, by R, Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111. Bold In Ashland and reconimended u the world's best corn remedy by J. J. McNair, McNalr Bros. Lnmhin's Statement, 'chairman and requested me to name! There isrl't a person in Ashland ! the bai.r.ico of the committee who: that I have promised an, appointment : appraisal the damages caused by i in case I am elected mayor. There . putting in tho pipes. ' 1XTEKVK1UN Al'TOCAIt CO. ft u H AT THE GliMHES g I! First ('lunch of Christ, Scientist. Pioneer avenue south. Sunday service atTl o'clock. Subject of les son sermon, "Is the Universe, In cludinir Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Wednesday evening meeting at S o'clock. Reading room cpen from 2 to 4 daily except Sundays. Methodist Church. The Sunday services of the church are at 1 1 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The Sunday school meets at 9:45 -and the Epworth League at 615. The Christmas exercises by the Sunday school will be held Friday evening, the 22nd. A competent committee has it in charge, bo there will be a good program. The school 1b mak ing great preparations for a "White Christmas." , . - i I Xaz-arone Church. ' We are glad to report that interest is being manifest more and more in all departments cf our work. We are endeavoring to hold up a Saviour that wiH supply every need of all who will (five Him the opportunity. ' We believe in the Gospel. We have noth ing else to offer, and give it without excuse or apology. Jesus made no class distinctions neither do we. We Invite the poor widow with the same cordiality that we do the bank er. Both need the same Christ. The Sunday night subject will be "Wait For the Promise." This was the last command of Jesus before He was tak en to heaven. He promised His dis ciples "power" If they tarried in Je rusalem. .What is that power? What effect does it have upon those who receive it? These and other perplexing problems will be solved by the Scriptures in this sermon. Most people have a "hobby." So have we. Our hobby is a Christian character that will walk so straight, clean and honest that the neighbor hood will know that he has been with Jesus. If you believe in this kind of Gospel, come and help us push the battle. Dorman D. Edwards. Christian Church. ' Rev. W. L. Mellinger will return from Spokane Friday evening and will fill his pulpit both morning and evening next Sunday. Bible school at 10 o'clock. C. E. Society at 6:30 p. m. Preaching at 11:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Presbyterian Church. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching services at 11 and 7:30. Christian Endeavor at 6.30. Prayer service Wednesday at 7:30. Choir rehearsal Thursday. The Sunday school Christmas' program will be given on Friday night, December 22. The choir will give the Christmas cantata on Christmas eve, Sunday, December 24. . Whlted still has a batch of those dollar boys' watches; . some jf the better ones, too, at $5 or so. We are watch headquarters. 68-2t J i Arrow- fnnfit COLLARS ant curve cut to fit the shoulders perfectly Qu,abodySCo:lnc.itkfl5 Isn't any man that controls my acts. I was In California when the election was held to bring the mineral waters into Ashland therefore I could not have voted against the measure. The Springs Yi'ater Commission ch&se nu to get the right of way for the pipelines, which I did without any charge for my services. The commission appointed a freeholder In Ashland. inii't any disposition on my I am Then part to deny any statement made- by me, nor any act ot my life. It C. B. LAMKIN". A ni iv industry at Portland la the j Pan l'.m Chewing Gum Company, rue capitalized at $25, 000. Leave Ashland for Medford, Talent and Phoenix dally except Sunday nl 9:00 a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 6:1b p. in. Also on Saturday niht at 6:30. Sundays leave at 9:00 and 1:00, 6:00 and 10:30 p. in. l eave Menford for Ashland dally ex cept Sunduy at 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00. 4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Alsnnn Saturday at 10:15. On Sundays at 10. 30 a. m., and 2:00, 5:00 and 9:30 p. in. Fare between Mwlfortl and Ash land, 20 cents. Round trip, 33 cwita A Tlifi In ri' comparable li.iby rood. jf t biil-it fu uhhv, kcept h' tillhy btit.w. iMiif. '.V.artU r Sfollwrs Milk" Ainr M A M M S V PttBI. UN1WI KTI.NL3, n rt a -r m i i vc a p vj v- r i i r i i i i v ,t A I'fifi it tifl idio J.r InmluU. J?!! dm pi --, ft AT LEAPING DRUGGISTS i ( ll-.i.. l.m, 20o WIDCMANM GCAT MILK CO. Phyicion' blj. -' jn FiaiK.aCi 1 " 1 " . 1 .... .1 A ma mm gif; is sure to be doubly appreciat ed HOW much will it be ap preciated? This is one of the most important, if indeed not THKmost impor tant thing: to consider in a Christmas gift Choose your gifts from the Keen Kutter assortment of cut lery and tools, and you will as sure a doubled appreciation. To the happiness of receiving and the joy of being remem bered, will be added the pleas ant thought that fine ap preciation of quality was shown in the gift selection. And, too, they are in har mony with the time sentiment toward gifts that are practical and lasting. Every Keen. Kutter article is made of the very best material in the very best way. The guarantee of quality goes with every purchase. At your Keen Kutter dealer's you find a surprisingly wide range of practical thingssold un der the Keen Kutter trade-mark, If you are interested in a gift for mother or sister, you'll find the Keen Kutter line includes everythingin scissors and shears from daintiest manicure scissors to heaviest shears. Then there are Keen Kutter Flood Choppers, fine Keen Kutter Carving Sets, Keen Kut ter Manicure Sets, Keen Kutter Kitchen Sets, Keen Kutter Sew ing Machines and a hundred and one other things. A visit to any Keen Kutter dealer will fill you full of gift ideas. , For Men there are Keen Kutter Knives of all descriptions Keen Kutter Razor Outfits Keen Kutter Traveling Sets, Keen Kutter Tool Cabinets, Keen KutUr Garden Tools Keen Kutter Tools of every kind and description. You will be agreeably surprised at the moderate prices of 'Keen Kutter Goods, especially when you consider that you make a real investment in every purchase, because The Recollection of QUALITY Remains Long After the PRICE i ' is Forgotten." r r c, (Trnte-MuliltMittand) C OlmmOFU 2 T No. K-40, Genuine Blark Seal Grain Leather, $-i.&0 Set cf Shears and Scissors A Christmas suggestion fur your wife or mother suiiutliing both practical and sure to b - appreciated is a fine pair, or, better still a set of Keen Kutter Scissors and Shears. Keen Kutter Scissors have blades of til'-' finest steel they stay keen without constant reslurpeninif and frive a clean cut the entire length of the blade. At your Keen Kutter dealer's you will find all sizes and descriptions all rigidly inspected against flaws and thoroughly guaranteed.' A popular Keen Kutter set is shown in the picture. It includes a pair of 7-inch shears, a pair cf Sli inch scissors, a pair of embroidery scissors and a pair of button-hole scissors. Auy woman would welcome this gift. Keen Kutter Shears are different from all others with a patented lock nut compensating wear and insuring perfect results through years of use. mnhrm Carving Set mm miff? Safety Razor The very one he's c'.waya wanted Stuffy fLY ; Jtt.2 f 4 7 No. Ij KJ-10 $1 1 No. K-9222C, lt h.ndlc; leathsrctU cam, AMortod colon, $5.50 A' suitable present for man and wife ; If there's a family in your gift circle without a really fine carving set,, make them glad with a Keen Kutter Carving Set. The steel in the Keen Kutter Carving Knife will stand up tinder the constant sharcning and take an edge that will glide through the flesh of the festive bird in a manner that makes serving a delight. Keen Kutter Tableware ninkes 'another alwnys acceptable Ri ft.- We Hum'st that you Inspect these goods nt the dealer's, enrty. in order to find his selection ut iu fullest point. Ivrv man knows tli::t Keen Kutt.T stand-! fur the very highest qtnli'y and reputation. Keen Kutter Safety Razors are scientifically adjusted for right r'l.'ivi'.i;;. The Mad i are llavles, t'-uipereil-to. last, an. I lusu.-e a clean easy shave. It's g.iaran teed, of course, to satisfy or money refunded. No. KJ-10 Keen Kutter Safety Ra zor and extra package of blades jl.'JO. No. KI-107 Keen Kutter Safety Razor, package of blades and Keen Kutter Automatic Stropper in Green Karatol plush lined case, Other set9 also. Give the Boy a real knife a mil nam Pocket Knife 'Jf- .1.'.'';'v,' 2708 You'll hear a whoop of delight when he finds the name "Keen Kutter" on the blade. He knows Keen Kutters are top notch in quality. Keen Kutter Knives take a razor edge and hold their sharpness for au almost incredibly long time. You'll be surprised to find how reasonable Keen Kutter knives nre when you visit your dealer. Prices 25 cents to $25 dandies nt $ 1 satisfac tion guaranteed or money refunded. 1 hlrnninct,K-9,wuldraaleimcnifitrnt for Hie man of your lioui.; compiuto with 43 toob, S4U.00 mmimm . Tool Cabinet The gift that makes Xmas last the year 'round Here's the r;i(t that will make your husband smile like a school lio'y a giit that will make Christmas, 1916, long remembered for sou or brother. Tor nearly half a century Keen Kutter ha-i stood for highest quality, yet these sets cost little more than ones of unknown quality. Priced as low as $10.00, fl7.50unil up to 135. Most dealers carry Keen Kutter Tools. Any dealer will gladly get them for you. Satisfaction always guaranteed or money refunded. Both necessity and gift 133 mSmm ' e.j;"v ft 'l fm i I J' : Every home has repair jobs for t'.is man. Shelves to fix, storm anil screen doors to hang, sticking win dows to loosen, weather stripping to adjust a thousmid-imd-oiie things where tools are needed. If good tools nre handy the work is real pleasure. Keen Kutter Tools fill nu economical need. In addition to making a most efiitient gift they're the tools the expert workmen use. Good tools help make boys manly Satisfaction always guaranteed Keen Kutter Cutlery and Tools are sold in every city in the country and in most all towns and villages. You can't go wrong in giving Keen Kutter goods they're guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded. Booklets giving full information on any of above articles gladly mailed on request. Simmons Hardware Company Manafaclurtrt and Ditlribufrt St Louis New York Philadelphia - Toledo Minneapolis Siou City 1 Wichita Jin lllir No. K-3 Keen Kutter Cabinet complete with 19 huiheit grade tools, $17.50. Good enou-K for most men. A mag niiicent gift for the boy The nrif t of n Keen Kutter Tool Cabinet will nut only fill your buy brim full of bun pincM, but will provide!! wholesome outlet for exees energy, eMcouuiKe the acquiriuir of skill with tool, mnke the boy n rent help when llilnps tu-cd fixing. Hook let No. W7 bf Tool Cifttineta mailed on rto,u.t, . 1 Hit it:: li