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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1916)
,;1 ii IS ASHliAXD TTDIXGS TlinrwlttT, IWeiuber 14, 1918 rACK TWO Ashland Tidings By rIHB ASHLAND PniXTIXG 00. (Incorporated) ESTABLISHED 1876 SEMI-WEEKLY ert R. Greer, Editor and Manager Hairey R. Ling, AdvertlslnK Manager Lynn Mowat, Wy Editor Olfical City and County Paper Issued Monday and Thursday TELEPHONE 39 SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year 12 00 Six Month! . ... 1.00 Three Months SO Payable in Advance No subscriptions for less than three months. All subscriptions dropped at ipiration unless renewal Is received. In ordering changes of the paper always give the old street address or postofflce as well as the new. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. News print has doubled In price the last four months. It necessitates an advance in advertising rates, or we will have to quit business. Fol lowing are the advertising rates in the Ashland Tidings after this date. There will be no deviation from this rate: ADVERTISING RATES. Display Advertising Single insertion, each Inch. .25c One month.... " " 20c Six months " " 17 c One year " " 15c Reading Notices 9 cents the line straight. Classified Column 1 cent the word first Insertion, Va cent the word each other Insertion. Thirty wards or less one month, $1. All written contracts for space al ready in force will be rendered at the old rate until contract expires. Fraternal Orders mid Sorlt'ties. .... ,oir iniHatinn ! fee and dues, no discount. Religious and benevolent orders will be i charged for all advertising when an admission or other charse is made, at the regular rates. When no ad mission is charged, space to the amount of fifty lines reading will be allowed without charge. All addi tional at regular rates. The Tidinss has a greater clirula. tion in Ashland and its trade tenl- j tory than all other local papers com bined, Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Fostofflce as second-class mall mat ter. Ashland, Ore., Thursday, Dec. 14, '10 TILE CHARTER AMENDMENTS. U 1b our opinion that both charter amendments, providing that the springs management -and the park management be turned over to the city council, should be defeated. We think thero Is more important work attached to these two objects than all of the responsibility now attached to the council. We think the springs management and the park manage ment should be in the same board, but we think the time of the council ia already occupied with city affairs to the extent that adequate consider ation could not be given to the park development by the council. To properly forward the resort un dertaking is a full man's Job. It will require a lot of thought and atten tion more than the council will be able to give to put it forward to auccess. Better leave it stand as it now is than to Jump out of the fry ing pan into the fire. The charter amendment giving power to the council to make a sani tarium contract for the use of the mineral waters should be adopted. Aa it now stnds, no board has power to dispose of tho use of the waters. It will be impossible to secure a san itarium unless such a contract can be made, therefore we think that amendment should be adopted. Every man is an artist every act of his fixes a daub of paint on his canvas. Bis llfo is his brush; his influence his paint; and his canvas be himself may never know how far it extends. The picture, some day, will be rounded out, either in glory or shame. The deeds of each day will determine which. Do your duty, regardless of what Tonr TrivRte fortunes may be, and In future years your name will be musie in tho ears of someone even though now it be one of execration and your memory will te enshrined tn the temple of appreciative and lovltg hearts. That is the law. A disappointment omes today And makes the world look mighty blae, But face the worst and stoutly say, "Theres still tomorrow to pur sue." All men make mistakes, but wise is the man who profits by the mis takes of others and never makes the same mistake twice. The man who doesn't listen to what la said about blm doesn't hear the knocks of Opportunity. 1 A good elean-cot idea of what Ash land, wants Is likely topilt. y HABIT. Recently a prlzo was offered to the Pulitzer School of Journalism for the best editorial on "Habit." The com mittee of distinguished newspaper writers awarded the prize to Mr. Lin coln Schuster, a junior In the college, only nineteen years old. His edi torial follows: "Habit is the greatest friend and the. greatest enemy of mankind. "Habit is life the very life of life. "Habit is the backbone of charac ter. "Habit is the basis of 99 per cent of what you do. "Habit is not second nature; rath er, as the Duke of Wellington said, it is ten times nature. "Had habits are vices; good habits are virtues. "Had habits destroy; good habits build. "Bad habits enslave you; good habits make you the master of your self. , "Pad habits tie you to the greatest monkey god. You whirl round and round, tied to bad habits.' You go fast but not far. You are powerless. "The" smoking habit, the drinking ! habit, the swearing habit all these are chains of slavery. "A mentaf slave to bad habits Is f- Wfiar lid ii n nli vclrt il clira ffV f the little string that binds him canly not be cut with the sharpest knife 1 j: that man can devise. It can only be ;J broken by power of will. "Pad habits keep you from getting anywhere In life except in the nar row circle around the stone monkey. "The little thin string that ties you to bad habits grows, stronger and stronger every day. If you want to be free, you must determine to break that string now. "Don't postpone postponing is another bad habit. "Cut that string now! "Dut don't be afraid of all habits. Good habits are to be prized. "Good habits are the greatest time-1 savers in your life, "You get up In the morning, you! wash, you dress, you eat, you go to j siecp an uy nuuii. "You Jo these necessary things au tomatically good habits give you the power. "If you didn't develop these sim ple habits, If you had to think every time before you got up, before you dressed, before you ate, you would have no time for anything else. "Thinking about things you can do by habit ia a great waste of time. Habit Is the great short-cut to action. "Don't be the slave of habit. Let habit be your slave. "Let habit do the routine things of life for you. "Let habit' give you daily efficien cy, punctuality, exactness and neat ness. "Let habit give you healthy exer cise every day,, deep breathing, wholesome food and regular hours. "Let habit give you a pleasant smile, a warm greeting, and Joy in your work. "This will save you time, worry and energy. "Then you will have room for the greater things of life thinking, reading and character building." Heard and Overheard (By Lynn D. Mowat) Wilson 1. Marshall 1 2. Hughes 0 2 1. Fairbanks 0 2 12. This is simple. Just read it over. O. F. Carson sprung it on us. If you did not work out the Wilson- Hughes problem at the top, we will spell it out for you. If you don't like this column well enough to read it dear through, you probably will never know the answer. Here it is: Wilson won. Marshall won too. , Hughes ought to won. Fairbanks ought to won too. Carson says so. Although the price of eggs and flour does not show any signs of weakening, radium has been reduced in price several thousand dollars a gram and can now be bought for the ridiculously low price of $40,000 a gram. Slightly used grams may no doubt be purchased for even less. All thrifty housewives should immediate ly lay in their winter's supply of radium. EI Golden West Ccffee is "just Riant sattx FOR RHEUMATISM and NEURAL6IA Damns Eoealyptn Ointment T ALL ORUa TOM TveCS 28C JARS eoc pi) v'jVfMr. I jj in- ...'..L; - .. . .infelTmr it ';. :.) .v. :i s .-. nis. in 0ff S 8 For the Little Ones I Baby Dolls . Doll Buggies Building Blocks Picture Books Teddy Bears Checker Boards Doll Beds Children's Chairs, n Animals, Sewing Boxes Linlograpli Stencils, Character Dolls Furniture Sets t jjj j: jj lit Jl Laundry Sets Blackboards N Savings Banks I Dinner Sets Rubber Balls Waist All our $2.50 line on sale now $2.00 See Our Line FOR MEN We have them well cared for and it should be an easy I matter for you, with small expense, to cnoose irom ine many necessary articles we are shewing, such as Ties, Gloves, Socks, Hats, Hand kerchiefs and Combination Xmas Boxes of the same, any one of which Witt Surely Please Him Klamath Has Fever Scare As a precautionary measure against a further Bpread of scarlet fever, the Klamath Falls high school has been closed for a few days. Miss Erma Real Estate sn norps of hav land north of Bear creek for sale on very reasonable terms. 400-acre slock ranch, well lnv nroved. moro than half meadow, eood body of timber. $10,000. 20-acre fruit and truck farm near Central Point, best kind of soil, to trade for business proposition or smaller acreage in Ashland or close to another town with good high school. , Billings Agency $ Emu KUte mA iiX JUuoruce Special Tie Xna Now ready with hundreds of the useful and the most appreciable Gitts for everybody be they friends, parents or relatives; you will surely find them here, and at PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU Fancy Aprons Dozens of thorn, all beauties, and so inexpensive you 'will hard ly believe such pretty aprons can be bought for the prices. Made of fine sheer lawns and shaped 'and trimmed in many ways. SPECIALLY PRICED 25c to 75c Sale Prices On Xmas H'k'fs As usual, our showin; of Handkerchiefs are the best to he found in Ashland, and if this line interests you, it will pay you well to buy your needs here. TVe have them individually or neatly packed in holiday boxes from 1 CENT TO 50 CENTS SPECIAL Boys' Initial Hand kerchiefs, soft finish, each LADIES' HDKFS. All 7c values now 5c All 10c values now 7c All 12c values.... 10c All 15c values 12c All 20c values 15c 5c IvoryNovellies Shown in some very useful articles such as Pin Trays, Shoe Horns, Powder Bxs, HairReceiverti, these are always handy. Priced 1 9c up . Neck Ties 25 dozen to choose from, all Silk Four-in-hand styles, full length; all new pat terns. Xmas Speca 25c Shirt Waists for Xmas "VThat could possi bly make a more ap propriate jdft than one of our well known $1.00 TVorth mor "Waists? The beauty of this partic ular line is they are actually worth more. All waists in a special Xmas package. A new shipment just arrived. Your Choice Do your shopping in the morning with leisure and avoid the afternoon rush Uye BUSY STORE Ager, a student, Is suffering from the malady, after having been in at tendance all the week. Other cases In the Klamath city a short time ago have been dismissed from quar antine. The ladies of the Christian church will hold a bazaar In empty rooms at Elks' Temple December 16. You will find practical gifts for Christ mas. Cooked food will also be on sale. 37-3t Johnson's Jewelry Store the gift center. B5-tf HSHLHND Storage and Transfer Co. C. F. BATES Proprietor. Two warehouses near Depot Goods of all kinds stored at reason able rates... , A General Transfer Business. Wood and Rock Springs OoaL - . Paone 117. Office! iroal' BtreeV : ASBLAXS, 0R2Q03. Fancy Towels The big rage, and we are well supplied with them, showing en tirely new designs in embroidery patterns and fancy borders, in all colors. A very Useful gift and one that is appreciated. SPECIALLY PRICED 25 to $1.00 SPECIAL. Mon's-Jnitial Hand kerchiefs, Jap finish, each Silk Gloves We offer you the Kayser vJloves in long and short, color white and black; an extra pair wiil come in handy. Priced 50c up Silk Hosiery Are always welcome and atour prices are a mighty good buy. We handle the guar anteed line only. Xmas Special 50c and up $1 Pure Hilk Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, Proprietor Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Upto-Date. vice to Any Part of Town Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eagle Meat Market Popular L. Schwein 84 4 . Cms For the Grownups Handkerchiefs Gloves, Ties Hosiery Auto Scarfs Fancy Towels Mufflers Fancy Collars Fancy Aprons Boudoir Caps Bath Robes Bath Malts Lihen bowels Manicure Sets Bedroom Slippers, Bed Spreads Fudge Aprons v Laundry Bags Silver Thimbles Ivory Novelties t: Waist Special All our $3.00 line on sale now $2.50 See Our Line of Jap Goods A new line with us, and bne that is very popular just, now. uur prices, too, are much less than these same goods can be bought else where. The Scarfscan be bought for 15-25-45c The Squares in sizeb 45-in. to 72, prices 69 to $1.45. You can have the Napkins to match if you wish; all good patterns and fast color. A Good Item for Xmas i;i!iiiii!!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiml Pure Cream TELEPHONE 444-R Good Ser- INSPECT our market and your confl- dence will be behind the pleasure of eating" our meats. The Knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary work shop will aid your digestion. ... N. llala Pbone 187 1