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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1916)
Thursday, April 13, 1016 ASHLAND TIDINGS IDS Wc arc overstocked on the following: LANTERNS Both Driving and Plain. Milk Pails Both Plain and with strainer. Axes Double-bit, single-bit, boys' and freighters' Lock Sets All finishes, for all kinds of doors. Door Butts All sizes, all finishes, half surface and plain. Wc will make very tempting prices on all the above articles, to reduce our stock on these lines. Mail Orders When your next order is all made out and ready lo mail, just bring it or mail it to us and let us fill it for you. We believe everyone prefers to I trade at home if the prices are as low and the quality as good. . Wouldn't you rather see the article itself than a pict ure of it? IVe will save you money on Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Garden and Poultry Wire arner The Low Price Hardware Man Mr Phone 116 375 E. Main A. P. A . Ashland nd y hoUge A. M. V No. 23 . Stated communication of Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. & A. M., Thurs day evening, April 13, 1916, at 7:30 o'clock. Important business. Visit ing brethren cordially welcome. STUART SAUNDERS, W. M. W. H. DAY, Sec'y. LOCAL AND PERSONAL s titititt!ttt?tttttt'?M!!i?rini!!!t!iitTtiittlTl George Engle Is reported to be very low. W. D. Hodgson made a business trip to Rogue River last Monday. John H. Groves was In town from his Green Springs mountain ranch Tuesday. Prosecutor E. E. Kelly spent Wed nesday in Ashland attending to offi cial business. T. W. Acklln is moving from Pioneer avenue to his property on Nursery street. The Valley barber shop proprietors have just installed three new chairs of the latest model. Mrs. Simons will sell millinery at cost Thursday and Friday of this week. Come and get bargains. .... . U A f e On 1 y ja. few of the great artistsappearin'g exf clusively in Metro Wonderplays.. Metro productionsrarei the rre v;eT, b' e t t :;e; motion, pictures Is your Theatre showing Barrymorej C. 1 V Hamilton! V J Hevelk-1 rr J JSTtl rr- . J y m $ Mb- StcvcnsJ ' A ? J B s 1 Miles V Golden Egg Macaroni Week This week we are selling three packages of Golden Egg (machine dried) Macaroni or Spagettl for 25 Cents Kind will give you Absolutely Free a beautiful balloon for the little one, also a valuable recipe booklet for the mother, with each purchase. SPAGETTI CROQUETTES WILL BE SERVED SATURDAY AFTERNOON HOLMES' GROCERY W. A. Freeborg left Monday for Reno, N'ev., to visit his non Will, who 1b located in that city. You still have time to have a new suit made for Easter at Taulserud & Barrett's. It Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ashcraft are the happy parents of a baby boy which arrived last Saturday. What? Haven't your Easter suit yet? We have one for you. Paulse rud & Barrett It F. H. Crowson has finished paint ing his Eighth street residence and otherwise beautifying the premises. H. S. Hagen of Eugene, recruiting sergeant of the L S. army, will be in Ashland Thursday on recruiting service. Men's and ladies' hats cleaned, sewed and reblocked at Orres' Tailor Shop. It Mr. and Mrs. A. McCann of Duns muir have been visiting friends in the city this week, being guests at the E. H. Bush home. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hader and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Furry were among fhe Phoenix visit ors to Lithia Park Sunday. Ladies, if you have a good straw hat have it resewed and blocked in the newest shape. See Orres. It I'LL l!E THKRK. HE WHERE? At the Royal Cafe for my Sunday dinner. D. P. Blue returned to Ashland Monday after a stay of a year in Honolulu. He was just six days in making the trip from the Hawaiian Islands. Note Billie Burke in "Peggy" at the Vinlng Thursday and Friday, April 20 and 21. Save one of these dates. It Mr. and Mrs. George Cornelius and a sister of Mr. Corneliuj of Onaga. Kan., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Charles Rogers on Oak street. They came to Ashland with a view to lo cating. Oregon woolens are best suited for Oregonians. We guarantee that they fit you when made to measure. $17 and up. Mitchell & Whittle. It Jack and Bert Mattern are In town for a few days from the mines in the Salmon river country in northern Cal ifornia. They report a general re vival of mining interest throughout Siskiyou county. A number of Gold Hill young friends and relatives of Miss Bernice Myer came up from that city Satur day and held a picnic in the park, where they were joined by Miss Myer. BANK ) FASH LAN I The Result 01 Economy The ninn who is iros parous is pleased to trace the source of his success it often goes way lwck to the habit of economy which was formed early in youth. Be wise start an account with us. Jj 4on SAVINGS DEPOSITS, II 1 1 II WWWWtWWWWWWWWWWM4 I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II H ft I '- ' , V?A J ' 1 5 i "1,1,' L,1,- , 1 t A '- 'Sr- : ; ' r " . r!!M J i Hcc-r- , s f 1 PALESTINE PAGEANT WILL BE SEEN IN ASHLAND Undi-r direction of Rov, Dr. Allen Moore, Fellow Royal Geo graphic .Society. "Has had some thrilling and unusual experiences in the near East. Dr. Allen Moore is a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society and was a missionary among the Mohammedans and Oriental Jews for seventeen years. His field of labor has been from Morocco through northwestern Africa to Egypt and into the Holy Land. Dr. .Moore is the founder of two missions in Algeria, was special missionary envoy to the war !n Morocco, and at the same time of the bombardment of Casa lilanca he succored thousands of Jewish captives who had been forced into Mohammedanism and slavery. For three years he was director of Palestine Expositions in tho United .States under the auspices of the Missionary Education Move ment, lie directed the Holy Land scenes and tableaux In "The World in Boston," "World in Baltimore," "World in Cincinnati" and "World in Chicago," the greatest missionary expositions of their kind ever held In tMs country. Dr. Moore's specialty is making clear Holy Scripture by giving a 1 conception of the surroundings and the materials of Bible times. His lectures on the old Mosaic Tabernacle are marvelous. They give the Key to Scriptures. Thousands testified that the Palestine Pa geant ai'd Dr. Moore's lectures have made for them a new book out of the "ible. Dr. .Moore spoke in several of the Ashland churches Sunday, lie told about the great Palestine Pageant, for which he has to enlist one hundred stewards to act in his Bible scenes and tableaux. Dr. Xoore never has difficulty in finding plenty of stewards, lie does find it hard to secure a bridegroom for his Palestine wedding. This victim cannot see the face of the bride until alter the ceremony is over. Those in charge of the Exposition are anxious to know if the youth of Ashland are too timid to risk their fates in this man ner. This great Exposition is coming to Ashiand under the auspices of the Ashland Ministerial Association and will be held in ('luuitauiiia Hall for three days, beginning Monday, April 17, IS and 19. EASTER ,.. with its Fragrance and Flowers is close at hand What more fitting as a gift or purchase than a hottleof Palmer's or Hudnut's Toilet waters or Perfumes In Ashland, prices 2Tc, 50c and 75c, See our window and come in;at Mitchell & whittle's. it and sample the odors, at U - Poley's Drugstore Foley & Klliait, Druggists. James Hill, superintendent of the Wells-Farjo company on the coast, was a visitor in Ashland this week. Mr. Hill looks for a good fruit crop in the valley this year and says there will be a good market for it. Big Sale At the Royal Cafel Sundav 7."c Dinner for 3"c Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Enders, Jr., are the happy parents of a ten-pound boy which arrived Wednesday morning. There really Isn't much use printing this item. Uncle John has beat us to it by telling everybody In town yesterday. Still another shipment of sport ties, beautiful assortment of patterns, Sue each. Mitchell & Whittle. It John Cameron and wife spent Sun day in Ashland, being accompanied by their son John, who has been em ployed in Newport for the past three years. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron now are living near Table Rock, where Mr. Cameron conducts a store. Mrs. T. M. Lynch and her mother, Mrs. Wright, are expecting a visit from relatives living at Thompson, N. D., some time in the near future. Some ten years ago they visited their ; brother, Mr. Wright, now deceased, and Ashland made such a favorable Impression on them that they never have forgotten her, and now they are thinkinj'of coming here to locate. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Itobeits and son Lee of the 401 ranch and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gall of Pelleview were Sunday visitors of their mother, Mrs. E. J. Roberts, and sister, Mrs. L. O. Van Wegen. Shoes and plenty of them, in styles and shapes that fit a human's foot. All leather, In black or tan, $3. HO to $." a pair. Mitchell & Whittle. It Horn on April 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Guiley at Sunnyslde, Wash., a boy. Mr. and !rs. Guiley are for mer Ashlanders and have many friends here who will rejoice with them over the new arrival. C. E. Hooper of Ashland is a grandfather of the boy. Leather belts to fit any boy or man I TTl"lTTTTVTTTTTTTTTVTTTfWtfTtTttTTTTTTT?TT,PTTTTTTTTl The 5 - 10 vrE have bought a liberal chunk of the vv Biegel Hardware stock at a figure way below the present market price. These goods will be placed on sale Friday, April 14th and will be sold out at our popular prices, 5. 10 and 15c. Values up to 50c will be in cluded in this sale. Good axe handles, value 25 to 50c 15c Pick or Mattock handles 15c Rakes and 'garden Hoes 15c Heavy Steel Butts, brass and antique copper plated, size 3x3J, pair 15c Smaller sizes, pair 10c Fancy surface Hinges, pair 10c Small brass Hinges, pair lc Hatchets, 25c value 15c Hammer handles, 15c value 10c Hammer handles, 10c value 5c Stove bolts, assorted sizes, dozen 10c Screws, all sizes, round and flat heads, brass, copper, blued and brass finish, at less than wholesale prices. At The 5-10-15c rTTTtTTT ITTTTT1 Dr. Allen Moore, F.R.G.S. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Klngery and babe of Ilillcrest Orchards spent a day recently with Mr. and .Mrs. Van Wegen, who are uncle and aunt to Mrs. Kingery. While here they looked over the park and were de lighted with tho improvements that have been made. HSHLHND Storage and Transfer Co C. F. 11ATF.S Proprietor. Two warehouses near Depot. Goods of all kinds stored at reason able rates. A (ieneral Transfer HuxineN. Wood and Kock Springs CoaL Phone 117. Office, 99 Oak Street, ASH LAM). OKKGON. - 15c Store Store M f i