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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1916)
FAGH SIX ASHLAND TIDINGS Thursday, April iS, 1918 no The present reductions in prices will continue until Tuesday, the 18th. Come and see my prices and you will be satisfied that I am giving you a square deal. BAUGHMAN', CASH RAISING SALE 227 Fourth Street 1 AT THE CHURCHES H First Church of Christ, Scientist. Tioneer avenue south. Sunday fervioe at 11 o'clock. Subject of les eon sermon, "Doctrlno of Atone ment." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. "Wednesday evening meeting at S o'clock. Reading room open from 2 to 4 daily except Sundays. Trinity Episcopal Church. Vicar, the Rev. P. K. Hammond. Services for Palm Sunday: Holy communion at 7:30 a. m. Sunday Fchool at 9:45. Holy communion and sermon at 11. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30. Services every even ing during Holy Week at 7:30. Strangers and visitors cordially welcomed. Haptist Church Notices. On account of the Mathis-Vessey meetings which begin on Good Friday evening, tho Haptist church will have its Easter services next Sunday morn ing. The choir will render Easter music. The theme of the Easter ser mon will he "Christ With l's in tho Way." The subject In the evening will be "Christ's March of Triumph." The n. Y. P. U. is to conduct tho prayer meeting this week on Thurs day evening. Their devotional serv ice on Sunday evening is at fi:30. The topic is "flood Prayer Meetings, and How to Have Them Always." The Sunday school will give its Easter nrogrr.nt on Easter Sunday morning at the regular Sunday school hour, 9:45. Congregational Church. On Sabbath, April K, the pastor will preach In the morning at 11 o'clock; subject, "Thinking to Pur pose." Easter cantata in the even ing at 7:30, conducted byProf. Mac Murray. Sunday school at 9:4.". Y. P. S. C. E. at fi:30. You are cordially invited to attend. Itev. R. W. Farqti liar, minister. A beautiful Easter service will be held on Sunday evening, April Id, at 7:30 o'clock. The order of exercises will be as follows: Jlymn, "Christ the Lord Is Risen Again." Trayer by pastor. Gloria, Mozart's Twelfth Mass. Solo, "Hail Thou Risen King Roy Walker. Announcements and offering. Solo, "The Resurrection Morn Mrs. Miss Gertrude Iliede. Reading words of cantata by pastor and brief address. . AHo solo, Mrs. McGee. Raritone solo, Mr. Roy Walker. Solo, Prof. MacMurray. Solo, Mr. C. II. Willison. Palance of cantata. The title of he cantata is "The Crucified." Prof. MacMurray will t t i Swcnson & McRac iot Paint and Wallpaper -We Carry the ACME LINE Wallpapers from 10 and 15c This is the proper time to clean up and paint up K; Drake will preside at the organ. i a 8 ! Music nt the I'reslivtci'iiin Church. Sunday, April 10, at 7:30 p. m. Karl L. Rasor, director. Olive B. Parson, organist. Cantata, "Olivet to Calvary," J. II. Maunder. PARHI. No. 1. Chorus, Olivet." No. 2. (tenor) , On tho Way to Jerusalem 'When O'er tho Steep to lieforo Jerusalem. Recit Like a Fair Vision"; recit and air (baritone), "O Jerusalem.' No. 3. In tho Temple. Recit, (tenor and baritone), "And Jesus Entered Into the Temple of God" chorus, "Another Temple Walts Thee, Lord Divine." No. 4. The Mount of Olives. Air (tenor), "Not of This World the Kingdom of Our Lord"; chorus, 'Twas Night O'er Lonely Olivet" solo (tenor), "He Was Despised" solo (baritone) and chorus, "Come Unto Him"; hymn. "Just as I Am." PART II. No. H. A New Commandmont Recit. and air (baritone), "A New Commandment"; quartet and sem chorus, "O Thou Whose Sweet Com passion." No. u. Gethseniane. Recit. (hart tone), "And When They Had Sung a "Corns All Gone! Let's ALL Kick I" Every Corn Vanishes ly Usin g Won' derful, Simple "Gets-It" Never Fails. Applied in 2 Seconds. Isn't It wonderful what a difference juhi a imio -nets-It" makes, on cornB and cullusis? It's always night somewhere in the world, with many "Wheel I Don't ( are! I Uot Hid Of My I'lirnn With 'Urtx-It'l" folks humped up, with cork-screwed faces, KouKing, picking, drilling out their corns, making packages of their toes with plasters, bandages, tape and contraptions, and the "holler" In their corns goes on forever! Don't you do it. Use "Gets-lt," it's marvel ous, simple, never falls. Apply it in 2 seconds. Nothing to stick to tho (tucking, hurt or irritate the toe. 1'ain stops. Corn comes "clean off," iulck. It's one of the gems of the world, frylt-yoirilklck-frotujoy. For coriiH, calluses, warts, bunions. " " lets-It" is sold everywhere, 25o a nottle, or sent direct by K. Lawrence Sold in Ashland and recommended as the woild's best Corn remedy by McNalr Dros. and J. J. McNalr. Celebrated- OF PAINTS Hymn"; hymn, "Thy Will Be Done." No. 7. Betrayed and .Forsaken. Chorus, "And While He Yet Spake"; recit. and air (tenor), "Ye Who Sin and Ye Who Sorrow." No. 8. Before Pilate. Chorus with solo (Pilate), "Crucify Him!" No. 9. The March to Cnlvnrv Choral march, "The Saviour King Goes Forth to Die." No. 10. Calvary. Recit. (bari tone), "And When They Came to the Placo"; chorus, "Droop, Sacred Head"; hymn, "Rock of Ages." Solos by Mrs. Norris, Mrs. Rasor, Miss Bagley, Messrs. McCoy, Norris, Graham, De Peatt, Rasor. Other members of the chorus are Mesdame Johnson, Churchman, Gillette, Rob ertson, Garrett, Robertson, Misses Tiffany, Cambers, Carnahan, Gillette, Poley, Mertz, Messrs. Hays, Strick land, Dana, Woods. Our churches in Ashland should he crowded to capacity next Sundav with worshippers, for most of us will be emphasizing the Easter thought The Presbyterian Easter services will be held next Sunday, April 1G, Instead of on Easter Sunday, April 23. The reason for this change in date is on account of the evangelistic meetings beginning Friday evening, April 21. The choir has been working hard for weeks upon a beautiful Faster cantata which a fine choir of twenty- five voices, under the leadership of Earl Rasor, will render next Sunday evening at 7:30. The program ap pears in full in this paper. In the service at 11 o'clock, both sermon and music will speak of the Joy and belief we hold in the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and our confidence in the im mortality of the soul. Your presence Is asked for in our churches next Sun day In commemoration of the joyful Easter day. H. A. Carnahan, D. D., Pastor. Methodist Easter Service. Easter will be observed at the Methodist church Sunday, the 10th, on account of the evangelistic serv ices which begin the 21st. The Sun day school will furnish the program at the 11 o'clock service. Program for the evening by the choir: Hymn No. 136 Congregation Prayer Pastor Announcements. "Risen to Reign" Chase Choir. Easter Triumph" Shelley Miss Dahuff. Charity" Rossini Misses Engle, Cherry and Young, Mrs. Wolf. The Resurrection'" Sholley Dr. Tilton. "Now Is Christ Risen" Nichol Choir. In the Dawn of Early Morning". . Gabriel Miss McCormack "Lift Thine Eyes Unto the .Moun tains" Mendelssohn Misses Englo and Young, Mrs. Wolf 'Death's Conqueror" Parks Misses Engle and McCormack, Dr. Tilton, Mr. Ewer. 'Consider and Hear Me". . . .Woolen Mrs. Wolf. 'Christ Our Passover" Rathbun Choir. 'The Voice Triumphant" Stults Miss Engle. Lift Up Your Heads" Ashford Choir. Organist, Mrs. Van Fosscn. Director, H. E. Ewer. Far, Fur Away. The article written by H. (!. Gil- more, entitled "Trimming Their Sails to Catch the Hyphenated Vote," and published In the Tidings, has fallen Into the hands of Secretary of State Lansing, and he wrote Professor Gil more under date of April 7, comment- ng on tho article. All of which shows that Mr. Gllmore's articles attract at tention, and further that the Ashland Tidings is read with interest as far way as Washington, D. C, and by such celebrities as the great secretary of state. Xotico of Redemption of Improve ment Bonds. Notice Is hereby given that im provement bonds Nos. 139 to 142, both inclusive, of the City of Ashland, Oregon, will be taken up and can celled by said city on the first day of May, 1916, by the payment of the face value thereof together with ac crued interest to said date. Interest will censa on same on and aftor said date. C. II. GILLETTE, 93-2t City Recorder. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND 'Ta JUk your I'nimtUt for CHI-CHES-TER 9 Gold metallic boxes, tcaled with Blue! Ribbon. Takh wo other. Hut of your Dt-imlKt aid ilk for OIlI.CUtR-Tfcll c DIAMOND BUANI PII.l.K, lor twrntT-6? yean regarded nt llrst, Safest, Alwavs Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 52215, EVERYWHERE S Announcements (Paid Advertisement.) iHfrHfrM'4l-l'l-M-'M'l'4"frW District Attorney THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I expect to be a candidate for nomination for the office of Prosecuting Attor ney on the Republican ticket at the primary election next ensuing to be held in and for Jackson coun ty, Oregon. It will be remembered that I held that office when the district em braced the counties of Josephine, Jackson, Klamath and Lake. I ro. fer to that record. C. B WATSON. District Attorney. I hereby announce that I have filed my declaration of intention to be come a candidate for the Republi can nomination for the office of District Attorney for Jackson coun ty, Oregon, subject to the decision of the Republican party in the pri mary election to be held May 19, 1916. G. M. ROBERTS. DISTRICT ATTORNEY I am a can didate for the Republican nomina tion for District Attorney. JOHN H. CARKIN. DISTRICT ATTORNEY I hereby announce that I have filed my declaration of intention, and that I am a candidate for the Demo cratic nomination for the office of District Attorney, subject to the May primaries. If I am nominated and elected to this ofice, I promise not to forgot tho fact that I am a public servant, and that I will to the best of my ability administer the affairs of the office, impartial ly, honestly and without fear or favor. NEWTON W. BORDEN. School Superintendent COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTEND ENT I hereby announce my can didacy on the Republican ticket for the office of County School Su perintendent for Jackson County, Oregon, subject to the will of the Republican party at the primary election May 19, 1916. I stand for practical school efficiency, person al supervision of schools and elim ination of county school supervis ors. (Signed) FRANCIS C. SMITH. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT 1 hereby announce that I have filed my declaration of intentions, and that I am a candidate for the Re publican nomination for the office of County School Superintendent of Jackson county, subject to the primaries of May 19. If nominat ed and elected, I pledge myself to an honest, impartial and economic administration and will personally supervise our schools, I hold an Oregon Life Certificate, and hav ing recently spent four sessions on preparatory work in both the Uni versity of Oregon and in the Uni versity of California In the study of modern education and super vision, and having served the coun ty as Rural School Supervisor for two years, I feel competent to fill tho office in a thoroughly satisfac tory manner and hereby solicit the support of every true friend of ed ucation. G. W. AGER. FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERIN TENDENT I am a candidate for the Republican nomination for County School Superintendent. I stand for: A continuance of pro gressive policies in education, econ omy consistent with efficiency, equal educational advantages for the boys and girls on the farms with those in the cities and towns. If nominated and elected I will In the future, as in tho past, give my full time and best efforts to the supervision of the schools and administration of the duties of the office. During my incumbency I have not confined mysolf strictly to the routine duties of the office, but have taken a broader view of the mission of the County School Superintendent. In addition to my efforts to raise the standard of teaching and improve the physical conditions at school, I .have la bored to promote the welfare of the boys and girls through Indus trial clubs, school fairs, school credits for home work, parent teacher circles, spelling and arith metic contests, and other activities. I feel that my work has been re garded with favor, and In order, to continue it I am asking for re-election. J. PERCY WELLS. COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTEND ENT To the Voters: I am Re publican candidate for County School Superintendent at the pri mary election May 19, 1916. I am a Normal graduate, hold an Oregon State Life Diploma, and have taught fifteen years in Jack son county. I have been a princi pal In the Medford schools the past four years. My standing and abil ity are before you to investigate, I am for supe-vision of the schools by the superintendent, and for economy in the County Superin tendent's office and every place where it loes not retard the effi ciency of the schols. I am in favor of progressive edu cation; that Is, education that pre pares the boy or girl for life. I am for the uplift of humanity; therefore, all organizations that stand for the good of humanity shall have my support. I am for all having a square deal and an equal chance for an education. If nominated and elected I will do everything in my power to make the schools of Jackson county the best in the state. A. J. HANBY. Assessor FOR ASSESSOR I hereby announce my candidacy for County Assessor, subject to the Republican prima ries May 19, 1916. I pledge my self to an honest efficient, impar tial and economical discharge of the duties of the office and pro- pose to make all assessments upon the baBis of the true aotual value of the property and not upon any In flated valuation. GEORGE LAUNSPACH. I HEREWITH ANNOUNCE my candi dacy for County Assessor, subject to the decision of the Republican party at J.he primary election to be held May 19, 1916. If elected I pledge myself to make a Just and equitable assessment and adminis ter the affairs of the office in a businesslike manner. J. B. COLEMAN. COUNTY ASSESSOR I have filed my declaration to become a candi date for County Assessor of Jack son county, subject to the will of the Republican party, at the pri mary election to be held May 19, 1916. I will appreciate your In vestigation of my qualifications and your support at the primary election. E. M. WILSON. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I hereby announce that I am a candidate fer County Assessor for Jackson coun ty, Oregon, on the Republican tick et, subject to the primaries to be held May 19, 1916. My platform ECONOMY, EQUALITY and EFFL CIENCY. J. C. HERRING For Renresentative ) FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce my candidacy for me nomination for Representative from Jackson county on the Repub lica ticket, subject to the primary on May 19. I pledge myself for economy and a square deal for all BENTON BOWERS, Circuit Judac FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE I have filed declaration of candidacy for the otnee or circuit Judge. I will sin cerely appreciate an expression of approval by the voters, of my ad ministration of the office during me past six years. FRANK M. CALKfNS. Treasurer FOR COUNTY TREASURER I here by announce that I am a candidate tor the nomination of County treasurer for Jackson countv. Ore gon, on the Republican ticket, to ue voted for at the primary elec tion to be held May 19. 1916. I formerly held the office of County Treasurer, and believe I gave gen eral satisiact'on to the public During the time I was Countv Treasurer the county employed ex pert accountants to expert the county officers' book?, and said ex perts complimented my work very highy an a public official. If nom inated and elected I shall endeavor to conduct the arairs of the office in an honest, efficient and busi nesslike manner. JAS. J.I. CRONEMILLER. COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce that I have filed my aeciaration of intention to become a candidate for the Republican nomination for the office of Coun ty Treasurer, to be voted on in the coming primaries. If I am nomi nated and elected will conduct the office In an efficient and business like manner. ROY. L. MAULE. COUNTY TREASURER Deputy ounty Treasurer Myrtle W. Blakeley announces her candidacy for tne office of County Treasurer, I hereby announce my candidacy on the Republican ticket for the office of County Treasurer, to be voted on at the coming primaries. I have held the position as deputy in this office for the past year and am confident that I can fulfil! the duties connected therewith. I served two years as Deputy County Recorder before taking the position as Deputy County Treasur er; I have also had experience as accountant for several corpora tions,,, such as the Medford ConL crete Construction Company and Medford Ice and Storage Company, before taking up county work, and will say that my past record is open for inspection to the voters of Jackson county. If nominated and elected I will run the office without the expense of a deputy and continue to serve the public just as efficiently in the future as I have in the past. MYRTLE W. BLAKELEY. Sheriff I HAVE HERETOFORE formally an nounced my candidacy for the nomination for Sheriff on the Re publican ticket to be voted upon at the coming primary election May 19, 1916. I have held the position of Dep uty Sheriff during the past four years. It is unanimously conceded that a marked improvement has been made in all departments of the Sheriff's office during tho in cumbency of the present Sheriff. The records in the office at the be ginning of the present administra tion were considered the worst in the state. They are now consid ered equal to any and better than most. The work of tax collection has been systematized so that quicker CLEANLINESS, PERSONAL ATTENTION AND COURTESY COMBIXEO TO Eagle Meat Market Popular Inspect our market, and your confidence will be behind the pleasure of eating our meats. The knowledge of cleanlinesg and a sanitary workshop will aid your digestion. L. SCHWEIN pb. 84 N. Main and better service Is now being rendered, and taxes collected at a much 'less cost than heretofore. I am fully conversant with the duties and needs of the office for which I aspire. If I am nominated and elected I pledge mysolf: 1st To maintain the office In its present efficient condition. 2nd To endeavor to further Improve the service to taxpayers and to minimize the cost thereof. 3rd To impartially perform all duties and enforce all laws E. W. (Curly) WILSON. SHERIFF I am a candidate for the nomination of Sheriff of Jackson county, on the Republican ticket, subject to the primary, May 19. I have lived in Jackson county twelve years, made the race for the nomination for Sheriff two years ago and received a splendid vote despite the unusual conditions I had to opposo, and would apprect ate your support this time. If elected I will enforce all laws and pledge myself to an econom ical, impartial and conservative administration. A. W. WALKER. I AM A CANDIDATE for the nomina tion of Sheriff on the Republican ticket to be voted for at the pri maries May 19, 1916. If nominat ed and elected I will enforce the law and give the public an honest, impartial and efficient administra tion. Thirty-seven years In Jackson county. HARRY N. LOFLAND. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for Sheriff, to be voted on at the coining primaries, May 19, 1916. I feel that I need no introduc tion to the public, having been a resident of Jackson county for 26 years. I pledge myself, If elected, to give an impartial, economical and conservative administration of this important office. I have endeavored to serve the public faithfully in tho past and' agree, if elected, to strictly and enforce all laws. Hav ing a very large experience in the matters of taxation and knowing Jackson county thoroughly, I pledge myself to conduct the tax collecting branch of the office in such a manner as to serve the tax payers honestly, promptly and effi ciently. V. T. GRIEVE. County Clerk FOR (XH XTY d.ERK. G. A. G-nnlner Is Rcpublirnn CandU date for County (lerk. I hereby announce my candidacy for me ouice of county Oerk, and if nominated and elected will con tinue to give my entire time and attention to the duties thereof, conduct the office according to law and give an efficient, cconomial and businesslike administration. G. A. GARDNER. COUNTY CLERK I Hereby an nounce that I have filed my declar ation of intention to become a can didate for the Republican nomina tion for the office of County Clerk for Jackson county, Oregon, sub ject to the decision of the Republi can party in the primary election to be held May 19, 1916. (Little) JOE H. WILSON. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE that I have filed my declaration ot Intention to become a candidate for the Re publican nomination for the office of County Clerk for Jackson coun ty, subject to the decision of the Republican party at the primary election to be held Mav 19, 1916. A. N. IIILDEBRAND. IXTERVRB.W AUTOCAR, CO. Leave Ashland for Medford, Talent and Phoenix daily except Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday night at 6:30 and 12:20. Sundavs leave at 9:00 and 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:30 p. m. Leave Medford for Ashland dally ex. cept Sunday at 8:00 a. m 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p. m. On Sun days at 8:00 and 10:30 a. m., and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 and 9'30 p. m. Faro between Medford and Ash. land, 20 cents. Round trip, 35 cents. OVERALLS r Reg. u.s.Pdt.ot f. Keep Kids Kleen The most practical, healthful, playtime ai menu ever invewea ior cruiaren I to ) yean ot ace. Made in one m with drop back. Easily slipped on or off. Easily washed. No tight elastic ba.ids to stop circulation. Made in blue denim, and blue and white hickxry stripea for all tho year round. Alto litihter weight, fast-color material in dark blue, cadet blue, tan or dark red for summer wear, all appropriately trimmed with fast -color galatea. Madem IJutch neck with elbow sleeves and high neck and long uteves. 75c the suit If your dealer cannot supplyyou. tve will send them, charges prepaid On receipt of price, 75e each, As5r FREE "fir Beware of Imitah'nni. T.nnLfnr Made by the TwoHonea on the Label. Levi Straust & Co., San Francisco Awarded GRAND PRIZE it the P.P.I.E. i MAKE THE 107 K fey mm m