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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1916)
PARE FOnt ASHLAND TIDINGS Thursday, April 13, 1018 HMIHHIIIMMIIIIIIIIIMMMMtMIMMMMt In the Social Realm (HHHIHH I I IHHtUHMniHhttMHHt ltillie Burke in "Peggy" is coming' Voting Folks Stepping Tarty to the Vining Theatre Thursday and This coining Saturday evening the Friday, April 20 and 21. Plan to spe younger set tfill make merry at an tbis picture. It other of the Jolly. Memorial hall dances which have become so popu- ioll Mil Young Folks Picnic ! lar with the high school set. An auto truck load of Gold Hill young people motored up last Satur- Pupils' Kecital. day and spent the day in Lithia park. Mrs. J. II. Robertson will give a ! pupils' recital Saturday evening at Picnic '7:30 in the Sunday school room of Mr. and Mrs. . E. Kellogg and the Presbyterian church. All friends familv and Mrs. Lelitla Owens of Gold Hill, picnicked in Lithia park Sun - jav Kansas Visitors, George n. Cornelius, wife and son : Young will give a novel musical next j connnmees .or u,e ume.e.n, of Hamilton k-.-m ,! Mi.. n, ' Mondav evening in the narlors of the I ments of work. Business being dls- Cornelius of Wheaton, Kan., are vis - iting at the home of their sister, Mrs. Charles P.ogers, on Oak street. . K. S Attention. The Worthy Grand Matron will make her official visit to Alnha Chun- ter, X. 1, Order of the Eastern Star, Tuesday evening, April 18. A good attendance is desired and visiting members are ccdlally Invited. By order of the Worthy Matron. LEAH CALDWELL, Sec. yutJ'LL FIND in our 1 Garment Department the very latest decrees of Fashion we specialize in Style. In the graceful outlines of STYLE-CRAFT Coats and Suits Special Pre-Easter Sale Of hiph-class' Tailored and Silk Suits. $55 values now $45 $45 values now $35 $35 values noiv $27.50 One lot of about .'JO nuits, the newest spring stylee in Shepherd Checks and plain All-wool Poplins; real values, $23.50 and $22.50. Now 18.50 nmtmta Medford, Oregon J Specialists J In Style Ahrens of the pupils are invited aud anyone , cupcclally interested. j I Joint Musical Kecital. The music nnulls of Miss Mary ; Methodist church. Two of the pupils ! of Mrs' Strickland will also take part. The public is cordially invited to be present. One Year Postmaster Kaiser thought it be- fitting that the anniversary of his ac- ceptance of the postmaster position in the Ashland office should not go by ii n tint i ort and liannnpteH the Dost-: office force upon cider and dough unts last Triday. Miss Lydia Mc Call, one of the force who is at pres ent visiting in Klamath Falls, was re membered with a doughnut sent through the medium of parcels post. Cards, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stevenson entertained at a SOU party Wednes day evening at the Stevenson resi dence. Following a pleasant evening at cards, a dainty lunch was served. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bush, Misses Luclle and Xollie Sny der, Vivian Greer, and Messrs. John Knders, Wilfred Can- and Harvey Ling. , In Honor of Prof. Gilinore Prof. Henry T. Gllmore was the guest of honor ut an Informal gather- I ing nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Dill last Thursday evening. The event was In commemoration of Mr. '(iilmore's 77th birthday anniversary. The merry crowd parted at a lato hour, being very appreciative of the courtesy and good time afforded them by their genli'l host and hostess, who are so readily making staunch friends of many Ashianders. ltev)valists Coining Rev. Frank Mathis, evengelist now engaged In a series of meetings with great success at Klamath Falls, and who recently conducted a five-week's meeting at Medford with satisfaction to all the churches, will begin meet ings here In the Chautauqua building en Good Friday evening, April 21. The churches of Ashland are making elaborate preparations for the meet ing and are now engaged in holding Cottage Prayer meetings throughout the city. Mrs. Simons will sell millinery at cost Thursday and Friday of this week. Come and get bargains. For paperiianging call Maynard, with Beaver Realty Co. . 92-2t Cookies For ihe Litilc Ones . Our piei and cakes are wholesome. THEY CAN BE FED TO THE YOUNGSTER. When you make up your mind to buy bread, cakes pies or anything in the baker's line five us a calL WE GUARANTEE YOU'LL BE SATISFIED. Home Made Goods Home Bakery 09 North Main Street Auxiliary May IW11. t The Auxiliary Club's May ball, which will be held at the Natatorlum on the evening of May 5, promises to be quite an auspicious affair. Mrs. Henry Provost is at the head of the committee in charge. Loveland's orchestra v.ill provide music. Com mittees are headed as follows: Mrs. Sam Mc.Vair, sewing; Mrs. Tracy, re freshments; Mrs. Sylvan Provost, dec orating; Mrs. Boslough, hall and mu sic; Mrs. Greive, floor; Mrs. A. H. Praeht and Miss Lillian Patterson, finance and advertising. Wednesday Afternoon Club, A very enjoyable time was had yes i teraay aiternoou uj me neuuesuay Afternoon Club at the home of Mrs. I. en n. ijieer. mis meeting ueuiK i tile beginning of a new year for the i fln llle Presiuem appointed the president appointed new ! :.i c i. l, .iif(. i . ...... pensed with, Miss Priscilla Carnalian, accompanied by her sister, Miss Gladys, sang two loely solos in her most delightful manner. Delicious refreshments were served by .Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Loomls, Mrs. Gorham and the Misses Greer. Visitors were Mrs. Card, Mrs. Der rick, Mrs. Merrill, Mrs. T. J. Greer, Mrs. Connor, Mrs. Cuslck, Mrs. Mary Mrs. Judge Dunn, Mrs. II. II. Gillette, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. J. P. Dodge, Mrs. Louis Dodge and Miss Doris Bagley. Medl'ord .Aloose Visit A jolly herd of Medford Moose, under the leadership of Dictator Geo. Herbert, visited the Ashland lodge Monday evening on the occasion of Installation of officers of the latter. After the business of the session, the large attendance of members of the two lodges of the Loyal Order of Moose enjoyed a big time, beginning with a banquet, one of those sumptu ous affairs for which Ashland is noted and concluded with a dance of more than usual interest and gaiety. Among those who trailed up from Medford to the city of lithia aud good cheer were Dictator Geo. Herbert, George Averill and wife, Coil Johnson and wife, Frank McLoughlin and wife, A, B. Hammond and wife, Florence Lonsberry, Mill'e Slinger, Sadie Whit man, Shorty Conrad, Jack Stevens and Charlie Kowson. "' Auxiliary Club. Mrs. L. J. Orres and Mrs. J. M. Miller were hostesses at a most de lightful affair nt the Auxiliary Club's new home in Chautauqua hall last Tuesday evening. An Easter agg hunt provided much amusement and the Easter Idea of bunnies and cob ton chickens was carried out in the table decorations. Salad, hut rolls and coffee were served. Mesdamos Grisez, Orres, Grieve and A. II. Praeht were appointed to represent the club at the meeting of the South ern Oregon Federation which will be held in the Auxiliary hall on April 26, 27 and 28. Miss Lillian Patter son will have charge of the decora tion of the hall for the Federation meet. Big delegations are coming from all the southern Oregon cities, and any citizens willing to entertain guests Bhould communicate with the club president. Genuine khaki coat and pants to match for $2.50 complete. All sizes at Mitchell & Whittle's. It lii inglng I'p Father. "Father" was brought up at the Vining Theatre Monday night in one of tho snappiest and most generally enjoyable of musical comedies which has visited Ashland. The comedy was new, clean and good, the music new . and snappy, the girls good looking and the costumes worth seeing. The house which greeted the show was rather small, but those who were there made up In appreciation that which they lacked in numbers. Fath er was an exact portrayal of the car- toon. character, mother was a little ' too portly, the butler was a scream and the rest of the cast all fitted In well. The comedy had more of a plot than most musical comedies. , Johnson the Jeweler tor fine watch work. 97-tf Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SAI.F. Ford runabout body, nearly new. Complete with top. curtains, wind shield, fenders and lamps. Chas. P. Chrlstensen, 384 Oak street. 93-3t LOST A pair of white kid high-top shoes on Pacific Highway near the Siskiyou summit. Finder leave at Tidings office. 93-lt FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce that I , have filed my declaration to become a candidate for tho republican nomination for the office of representative, sub ject to tfro decision of the republi can party at tho coming primary election. C M. THOMAS. FOR SALE Perfectly Bound 1,100 pound mare; worka single or dou ble; has good saddle gait; no whip needed; any lady can ride or drive. Can be seen at 147 Church street. 8 3 -tr I SPECIALS Concert fcv ii 8 -Piece a Orchestra i ' B &? w' If" 'r 7 s i HANNI H WARD IWMT, ';. .'' Saturday, April J 5 I1 Fotd Stealing ?s T&e Hunt Also Orin Johnson and Scena Owen in A big five-reel drama. COMING Root THE MAN OF THE HOUR .WH?f"IIWJ" F l 'f I "WfIH . If U Forecasts of the Vining Screen Thursday. Tonight at the Vining comes Kath erine Kaelred with House Peters In a New York society picture in which Is mingled all of the oriental mysticism of a east Russian seeress. The Vin- I ing Theatre orchestra plays a con cert preceding the picture and plays special orchestration written for the ; picture and which was sent with the film, during the entire first show. A Keystone thriller comedy with Fred Mace In the stellar role winds up the program. "Crooked to the End" Is some sensation even for a Keystone. Friday. Friday evening's picture Is one which we will not attempt to describe but will content ourselves with the plain statement of a Portland man ager, "It Is the best release of the year." This picture is proclaimed bv all who have seen It (several Ash- landers have seen it in Portland) to be Bimply wonderful. Several of Manager Bergner's Portland friends have written him to be sure to get the picture and telling him that he could not overpraise It. Fanny Ward In "The Cheat" is one of the great successes of the screen. It Is a drama ot society, and a money-mad young woman who, like the fly, followed pleasure until she found she was In the spider's net. In dramatic sus pense and intensity the play is un surpassed. Miss Ward Is supported In this Paramount picture by an ex ceptionally strong cast. Cleaner spark plugs Your spark plugs will keep cleaner if you use a straight-distilled, refinery gasoline. A mined or imperfectly refined Ronoline breaks up and deposits carbon instead of exploding completely, Red Crow ihe Gasoline of Qualify is the all-n-finrfy Kwlina-not a mixture. ! . T tin I V I C I STATIONS STANDARD OIL COMPANY (( xrtluii'l THURSDAY, 4Ttf TCTF i ne Ti mm laoj Strong Dramatic Drama. Also "CROOKED TO THE END" Two-Reel Triangle-Keystone FRIDAY, H - Faanie Ward In Tlie Gfieat7 Don't Miss This Bill! ... f. .-. Powerful and thrilling drama, full of action. In dramatic suspenne and intensity it is unsur passed. One of (lie strongest features ever re leased by the Paramount Company. IF YOU DON'T SUNDAY tt w In Soprano Ifesideiicp Studio 1 78 Skidiniire Street Saturday, Saturday's program rounds out the i biggest week of attractions which have been offered on the Vining I screen. Two Triangle productions, a Mexican drama, "The Penitentes," and a Keystone comedy, "The Hunt," make up Saturday's bill. "The Penitentes," in which Orrin Johnson stars with Seena Owen in support, Is a thrilling story of in trigue and love laid in New Mexico two centuries ago when a fanatical religious society known as the Peni tentes flourished. "The Hunt" is a comedy of social life, above and below stairs, and is a real Keystone comedy of Inimitable jollity, .Sunday. The regular Sunday evening orches-1 tra concerts precedes a feature pro duction which should pack the Vin ing Theatre, Robert Warwick in a film adaptation of the great stage success, "The Man of the Hour." The plot of the story Is built around the political machinery and machinations of a New York political "gang" and their attempts to corrupt the mayor, Robert Warwick. Robert Warwick's reputation assures the Vining patrons of a play of exceptional strength. Phone Job orders to the Tidings. ! J APRIL 13 4 V 4 APRIL 14 WANT TO LAUGH FAIL TO SEE "The Penitents" Added Attraction 11 a :: t: j: :: ii CONCERT By Eighl-Piecc Orchestra . i! H - Teacher of Italian Method nig Business You give your business just as con scientious attention as the president of the largest railroad gives his busi ness. He use3 a bank always. You should do the same. Use this bank. First National Bank ASHLAX'), OREGO.V. Oldest National Bank In Jackson County Improved Appetite usually follows the use of Grape-Nuts for breakfast. This food comes to you in the form of crisp, nut like granules with the true grain sweetnees of whole wheat and malted barley. Served with a little cream or good milk, and a sprinkle of sugar if de sired. Grape-Nuts is a delicious food with just enough "chewiness" to win the appetite and start digestion. "There's a Reason" At Grocers 15c the package X