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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1915)
Thursday. October 21, 1015 ' ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE SEVE7H I 1 1 1 II M I M 1 1 Ml 1 1 H 1 I High School Notes I 1 1 mwm o 1 1 mitnm (By John Anderson.) Everyone who brought 15 cents to school Friday morning was quickly relieved of It and given a ticket in Its place. The whole assembly was canvassed but only 83 tickets were sold. The only trouble was that not enough students brought the 15 cents. However, more rooters were secured than would have been if 25 cents had been charged, and the money end came out about the same. The first game of the tennis tourn ament was played Wednesday even ing at 4 o'clock. The contestants were Raymond Badger and Elton Beeson. The first sot went to Radn or with a score of 7-5; the next to Beeson, 6-2, and the last to Badger, 6-4. Beeson seemed to be the most finished player, but Badger's height 1 AT TOE CHURCHES g j il . TT I uw44 . Vliwt fliurrli of ( lnikt. Ki-li'ntUl I Pioneer avenue south. Sunday service at 11 o'clock; subject of les son sermon, "Probation After Death." Sunday school at 10 o'c'ock. Wed nesday evening meeting ut 8. Head ing room open from 2 to 4 daily ex cept Sundays. Xaznrene Church. Corner Fourth and C streets. Sun day school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11. Theme for the morning hour, "Good Things, New and Old." Eve ning service at 7:30; topic, "Saul Hath Slain His Thousands, and David His Ten Thousands." C. B. Lang don, pastor. Congregational Church. On Sabbath, October 24, the pas tor will preach both morning and evening. Morning worship at 11; theme, "The Cleansing of the Leper." Evening service at 7:30; subject, "Feeding the Hungry." Sunday school at 9:45. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30. A hearty welcome to all W. Farquhar, minister. R. Trinity Kpiscopal Chnroh. Vicar, the Rev. P. K. Hammond. The Litany every Friday at 4 p. m. Choir rehearsal Saturday evening at 7:30. Sunday services: Holy com munion at 7:30 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45. Morning prayer and sermon on "Makers of Sorrow and Makers of Joy" at 11. Confirmation study class at 4 p. m. Evening prayer and ser mon at 7:30. Strangers and visitors cordially welcomed. Lots of people may pray for the poor and let it go at that. He has a treacherous servant who serves only himself. Steel Cut Roasted Daily Always Fresh CIosset&Devers . The Oldest and Largest Coffee Boasters in the Northwest Mu Think of (t! ' tfi-o ' iff Steel Cut Intel Go,denWestCoffcc Ask Your Dealer mtti H 1 1 1 1 1 tt M UM I in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m u 1 1 i brought him through in the lead. Thursday evening "Chick" Farlow played Lelth Abbott. "Chick" won two sets in succession, 6-4 and 6-1. Friday the game was between Dick Ware and Clera Summers, going to the latter in the first tvo sets with a score of 6-3 and 6-1. Last Friday evening about fifty Oregon Trail Girls were Initiated In me nign school gym. it may seem strange that all the charter mwnbers should be initiated, but nevertheless they all had to walk the plank, or whatever they did. Those in charge of the Initiation were Misses Powers Hassinger, Moffet, Myers, Harris Vogeil and Mrs. Briscoe. After the Initiation refreshments were served and everyone had a very enjoyable time. Ashland's (Hush of Water, The Tidings has Just printed the beautiful glass of water prepared by I Mr. Duryea on a large number of en ivelopes (the glass immediately under the return card) and has them on Bale at this office in packages of 25 at 10 cents a package. Every citizen should secure and use these envel opes in their correspondence and thus help to put Ashland on the map with out extra cost to themselves. The price, 10 cents the package, is the same envelopes are usually sold for without the beautiful advertising souvenir. tf Interurlwn Autocar Company. Betveen Achland. Talent, Phoenix and Medford car leaves Ashland northbound daily except Sunday at 9:00 a. m., 12:50 p. m., 2:30 p m., 4:30 p. m. and 7:00 p. m Also at 10:30 p. m. Saturday night. Sundays leave Ashland at 10:00 a. m., 12 noon, 4:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. Leave Medford for Ashland dally ex cept Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 1:1a p. m., 3:30 p. m., 5:15 p. m. and 10:15 p. m. Also at 7:15 p. m on Saturday night. On Sundays leave Medford at 8:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m.. 1:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. Why "SAFETY FIRST?" Because of the ever increasing number of accidents. Some accidents are preventable us ually by the other fellow. Protect yourself against accidents that you cannot prevent by insurance in The Travelers Insurance Co Oldest and Largest Accident Insurance Company The Billings Agency "Insurance That Insures" Phone 211 REAL ESTATE A.VD 41 E. Main INSITUXCE. fell "ODESSA'S RAPID RISE. In Com mere and Inttllact It U the Capital of Naw Russia. Odessa Is one of the most important seaports of Russia, ranking, by reuson of its population and its foreign trade, after Petrograd, Moscow and arsaw, Since It was founded In 1704 near the ruins of a Turkish fort that fell into Russian hands in 1780 it has rapidly become the intellectual and cammcr- cinl capital of what is called New Rus sin. It Is the principal export town for the extensive grain growing dis tricts of south Russia, the see of an archblshon of the Greek Orthodox church, the center of a flue university and the headquarters of the Seventh army corps. The port lies on the shore of the Black sea. about midway between the estuaries of the Dniester und Dnieper, 9(17 miles from Moscow and 381 from Kiev. The city is built fnclng the sea, on low cliffs, seamed with deep ra vines nnd hollowed out by galleries In the soft rock, in which, thousands of the noorest Inhabitants live. But above this are fine broud tree lined streets nnd squares bordered with handsome nnlilic milldlni: and mans'ious In the Itnllun style and good shops. Besides the cathedral there are dozens of other rfiurehps. a line opera house und the Palais Royal, which Is a favorite place of resort-London Chronicle. LIFE ON SWAN ISLAND. Prohablv the World's Most Isolated Wireless Station. On Swan island. In the Caribbean sea. is situated what is probably the most Isolated wireless station In tbfc world. The station crew is made up nf three operators, two engineers, a cook, a machinist and three laborers, No women ate permitted to land on the Island. Men who express a will bigness to go to Swan island are oblig ed to sign a contract whereby they agree to remain at least eighteen mouths or waive their right to free re turn transportation. Those remaining the full period of service are returned to their homes by way of one of the Central American ports and are grant ed six weeks' vacation with full pay. Straneel.v enough, there Is no diffi culty in obtaining men to map the sta tion. Applicants. Indeed, exceed the number of vacancies. Board and lodg ing, of course, are supplied, a boat bearing all provisions necessary, lu eluding fresh meat, and the mall as welt, arriving regularly every two weeks. Some men have remained on the island as long as two years and n half and. subsequently, have been glad to return to the station. Philadelphia Record. Six Follies of Scianca. The six follies of science are the squaring of the circle, perpetual mo tion, the philosopher's stone, the elixir of life, magic and astrology. In all ages men of undoubted ability have tolled early and late to unravel the mysteries supposed to be connect ed with these fascinating problems. It is not always remembered that such Intellectual giants as Bacon. Sir Rob ert Boyle nod Sir Isaac Newton sought the philosopher's stone. In the study of astrology Lilly was for a time even pensioned by parliament Most of these "follies" conferred In direct benefits upon science, for In seeking one thing their devotees dis covered many another. The craze for tbe secret, or unknown, has still its bold upon men and is seen In pal in is try and kindred cults. Exchange. Cactuses of Arizona. Arizona has more than a hundred kinds of cactuses, and Tucson is tbe center of the great cactus region of the southwest. These odd plants range In size from the noble sabuara. or giant cactus, forty or fifty feet high, to small pincushion cactuses au Inch or two In diameter. Sabuaras grow In great abundance in the foothills between Tucson and Yutna and are always ob jects of wonder. It Is believed a large plant is at least 200 years old. The fruit begins to ripen In June and Is gathered In great quantities by In dians, wbo mnke fine Jam and also a pressed sweetmeat of it Why Ha Laughed. "What are you laughing at?" "I was just thinking of my poverty." "Well, what is there in poverty to make you laugh?" "It Just struck me that If 1 should by chance strike It right some day how many thousands there nre who could honestly say they knew me when I didn't have a dollar." Detroit free Press. Gem Superstitions. It Is said that the amethyst used to be worn to promote temperance nnd sobriety, the chrysolite to ward off fe vers, the onyx worn round the neck to prevent epilepsy, the opal to cure went eyes and the topaz to cure inflamma tion and keep tbe wearer from sleep walking. Making Things Evan. Here's a young man that predicts that movie shows will eventually bring $5 a meat" "Well, things bave a way of evening up. I suppose then we can listen to grand opera for a nickel." Philadel phia Bulletin. No Calm Medium. There la no calm medium in a six teen-year-old girl's vocabulary. If you are not perfectly grand yon are insuf ferably odious. American Magazine. Whatever yon see to do that doesn't really concern you, don't do it MAXIM'S MACHINE GUN." A Tarribla Engine of Death Which Works Automatically. Early in nfe mrnm Maxim showed himself a marvelous genius as an in ventor. An incident of his boyhood, in which the recoil of a rltle attracted his attention to an apparent loss of pow er, led him in 18S1-2 to utilize the force of the recoil to good account in a gun which loads itself automatically and fires at the rate of 770 shots a minuto by the power of the previously wasted force. The Maxim machine gun Is an en gine of terrible destruction. This gun has only single barrel, which, when the shot Is fired, recoils the distance of three-quarters of an Inch on the other parts of tbe gun. This recoil sets mov ing the machinery which automatical ly keeps up a continuous lire at the ex traordinary rate of twelve rounds a second. Each recoil of the barrel lias there fore to perform the necessary functions of extracting and ejecting the empty cartridge, of bringing up the next full one iiiul placing it in lis proNr posi tion in the barrel, of cocking the ham mer iiml pulling the trigger. As long us the tiring continues these functions are repeated round after round in nipiil succession. The barrel Is provided with a water Jacket to pre vent exces; Press. live heating. Philadelphia GOING ROUND THE WORLD. Tho Gain or Loss of One Whole Day In Making the Trip. In sailing around the world eastward the (lays are each a little less than twenty-four hours, aeccrding to tbe speed of the ship, as the sun Is met a little earlier every morning. These lit tle differences added together will amount to twenty-four hours. This gives the sailors au extra day not in lmagliiatiou, hut as an actual fact. They will have done an extra day's work, eaten an extra day's ratiou of food and enjoyed an extra night's sleep. On the other hand, in sailing west' ward the sun fs overtaken a little each day, and so each day Is rather longer than twenty-four hours, and clocks and watches are found to be too fast This also will amount In sailiug around the . M""- M- J. Duryea, Director Publicity, world to the point of departure to one j Ashland Commercial Club, Ash whole day by which the reckoning has land, Ore. fallen in arrears. The eastern bound Dear Sir: Your very good favor; ship. then, has gained a day, and the Pm.i0Bing a glaH8 of yolir AgniBn western bound ship has last one. ,.. , jiiu..,ii , This stn- ,e fact, clearly worked out I ,Water T etMy " "h lends to ,lt. apparent paradox that the ing' and like another faTnous bever firsi named ship has a gatn of two 8&e. "Good down to the last drop." whole days over the latter, If we sup- We are glad to toss down your bump pose them to have departed from port er and fill it again with our own fam and returned together. Westmlnstei ous waters and drink to the health Gazette. 0f y0Mr organization. I Your camp ground Idea can not but meet with best results. We you kuow me ouu uu uuuunui mi- , , , , . them, which is supposed to bring tbe;keenly ieel the need of s,,ch a rt'st patriot to his feet? ln8 Illaee here- and J0" very com- Xo doubt vou think vou do. even, as has been proved again and again, when more than two or three Americans are gathered together, that no one knows mure than a phrase or two of the words, but do you rise for "Hail Co lumbia." "My Country. Tls of Thee," or the "Star Spangled Banner?" Of course I hear the army and navy folk, familiar with regulations, say "Star Spangled Banner;" but. Judging from tbe actions of audiences ut vaude ville and movie shows recently, with most It Is a tossup between all three, with tbe odds favoring evenly "Hall Columbia" and "My Country." Which one Is It. do you really know? Phila delphia Ledger. Naming a Race Horse. Some years ago at a sale of racing yearlings tbe Duke of Portland and another peer bid together for a tine animal, and the contest between them was very keen. At length over 50U was bid for the house. "If we go on at this rate." said the other peer, "we shall be paying far more than the creature is worth. Sup pose we buy It between us?" The Duke of Portland agreed, nnd later on they had a discussion as to what the horse should be called. "Well." said his grace, "as we are go ing to share II. why not call It The Loaf?' "-London Mail. A Chance at Last. ne Did your mother appear pleased when you broke the news of our en gagement? She Yes, indeed. She said she und always wanted to tell you what she thought of your habits of dress nnd speech and total lack of good manners nnd literary taste, and felt now she bad the right to express herself.-Richmond Times Dispatch. Letter For Letter. "Why does a poet begin so many of his sentences with 'O?' inquired the politician. "There's no answer," replied Mr. Pcnwiggler. "Why does a speeclimak er begin so many of his sentences with 'I?'"-Washington Star. Puzzled. Every man who is not a niouster, mathematician or mad philosopher Is the slave of some woman or other. George Eliot. . We are puzzling our brain to know which one of these fellows we are. Ohio State Journal. Outdone. "ne doted on Alice and would have married her but for her mother." "Ah! Her motber"- "Yes; her mother was still more at tractive." . Revenge is sweet only in anticipa tion, never in ... accomplishment Youth's Companion. PLACARDS AT THE TIDINGS Printed sign cards of all kinds in stock We are prepared to supply,, your needs at. all times THE TIDINGS THE HOME OP (iOOl) PPJXTIN'U WMJi"wwiiiailiHiiaiitiiiwu'ijpiii.afj)'H, jjLji.jH.imMa.' Paso Robles Will Use Camp Idea The publicity department has mailed copies of the "Glass of Water" booklet to nearly all the commercial organizations of Washington, Oregon and California. Many of these have acknowledged receipt of the book nnd made favorable comments thereon. The following letter from C. F. IIol linger, secretary of the Taso Rohles Chamber of Commerce, indicates the favorable impression Ashland's latest piece of publicity literature has made among the officers of the organiza tions to whom it has been sent: October 15. Plote arrangements have given us much in the way of ideas as to how ' the thing might "be done. Should any of us stray so far from The Pass of the Oaks as to wander anywhere near Ashlnad, we shall surely pitch camp and share bacon with your folks. "To Ashland's success, then." Very truly yours, PASO ROBLES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, By C. F. Hollincer, Secretary. Instruction In public speaking, elo cution nnd dramatic art. Miss Ber tha Calkins. Phone 9-F-2. 35-?o.-Thurs. Not a property In Ashland but that can be sold by Tidings "For Sale" ads In less time and at less cost than through the regular agent channel Mill Street, Near City Park Park Garage MORRIS & LIDSTROM, PROPS. We personally conduct Repair and Lathe work and DO THE WORK. Our Repair facilities are unexcelled, our system complete. Our stock of Auto Supplies is right up to the minute. Prices reduced on Michelin tires July 19th We have these tires in stock, also have Goodrich and Firestone. DST Oar Vulcanizing Department will please yon. LET US SHOW YOU PARK GARAGE FOR SALE For Rent Cards Public Stenographer For Sale Cards Board and Room Rooms for Rent No Smoking ON LIMN AND CARDBOARD Uses Newspaper For Exploitation Tom Rlchi'.rdson, the father and founder of the Oregon Development League, Is doing a similar work for Texas, as secretary of the "South and East Texas Development League." Thcro are few men in the United States who can equal Mr. Richardson as an organizer of com mercial bodies and a creator of popu lar interest and activity in civic af fairs. He did a spelndid work for Oregon, and was for many years a factor In the state's progress and de velopment. ' Mr. Richardson is a firm believer In the value of newspaper advertis ing for community exploitation, as well as commercial publicity. He sent thousands of marked copies of the annual trade number of the Houston Post all ' over the United States In order to tell effectively Jhe story of the development going on in that part of the country. The issue of the Post of October 10 contains a solid pnge of letters, received from prominent men In every part of the United States, expressing favorable opinions of Mr. Richardson's work and of the paper itself. The results of this publicity effort show clearly the value of the press In every de partment of advertising. It shows, also, the value to a community of a first clas3 newspaper, and how it may be made a real factor in Its progress and prosperity. Standard legal blank forms of every kind mny be procured at the Tidings office In any quantity. HSHLWND Storage and Transfer Co C. F. IUTK8 Proprietor. Two warehouses near Depot. GoodB of all kinds stored at reason able rates. A General Transfer Business. Wood and Rock Springs Coal. Phone 117. Office, 99 Oak Street, ASHLAND, OREGON. Phone 152