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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1915)
PAGE EIGHT AXTTLAHT) tidings Thursday, October 21, 1915 ! 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 HIMMHIIIItHimiHIIHM i A MASTERPICTURE "STfiMIlME" I If : an From tlie Famous Novel by Ouida ft FRANC ELIA BIU.INGTONinIsTRaTHMORE Thursday andFriday PRICES 10 AND 15 CENTS J Nation Honors Wizard Edison Today, October 21, has been set aside as Edison day, and throughout the Vnlted States organizations and schools will observe the day with ap propriate exercises in honor of Amer ica's greatest inventor of electrical apparatus. Thirty-six years ago today Thomas A. Edison gave to the world the in candescent electric lamp, the achieve ment always thought impossible be fore that date, but which has revolu tionized lighting throughout the civ ilized globe. This lamp has been the greatest single factor in increasing the working day and the pleasure hours and Increasing the scope of in dustry and art. Thomas Edison Is the central fig ure at the San Francisco exposition today. A . wonderful Illumination makes San Francisco a blaze of light, banquets and public gatherings are being held in honor of the electrical genius. Mr. Edison accepts all of the hon ors showered upon him with unas suming modcBty. He gives as his Teclpe for success "Work, and more of it." Exposition Trip At Very Low Rate Scott Davis proposes to run a per sonally conducted excursion to the Panama-Pacific exposition at San Francisco early in November If a suf ficient number manifest a desire to accompany same. Excursion will be a special train of coaches, tourist, standard and observation car, eight day trip, expense $31, and includes passage both ways, hotel accommoda tion first class In San Francisco, five admissions to exposition, eight lead ing Zone attractions including Pan ama canal, an auto sight-seeing trip In and about San Francisco In other words, practical'y every expense tak en care of save meals and sleepers on train, if desired. Meals In San Fran cisco can be had at any desired price. Address or phone Scott V. Davis, Medford, Ore. Oregon Man Third Best Rifle Shot Sergeant James S. Stewart, Massa chusetts National Guard, Tuesday won the national individual cham pionship, the first event of the na tional rifle tournament being held at the state camp grounds at Jackson ville, Fla. His score was 315 points out of a possible 325. Private T. C. Crawley, U. S. Ma rine Corps, was second with 315, and Private S. W. Pearson, Oregon Na tional Guard, third, with 314. Stew art, although his score was the same as that of Crawley, was awarded the championship because he hit the bullseye a greater number of times consecutively. The event concluded Tuesday is regarded as the most important in dividual rifle competition in the United States. ' S. W. Pearson is a member of the fourth company, Coast Artillery Corps. He lives in Roseburg. By members of the local staff of the Na tlonal Guard he Is considered one of the best shots In the United States and the best shot in Oregon. Dur ing the two years he has been a mem ber of the militia he has led consis tently in all contests. "America First" Is Lithograph Title ' "America First" la the title of a striking lithographic poster 'ust Is sued by the federal bureau of educa tion, urging Immigrants to fit them selves for citizenship. It Is one of the very few advertisements ever published by the government and probably the only pictorial appeal ever Issued outside of' those advertis ing army and navy recruiting or of the parcel post. One of the posters has been hung In the local postoffice and attracts the attention of nearly everyone who goes into the office. "Learn English; attend night school; become a citizen," It says. "Tt means a better opportunity and a better home in America. It moans a better job. It means a better chance for your children. It means a better America. Ask the nearest public school about classes. If there is none in your town, write to the 1'iiitcd States bureau of education." The words are printed in Italian, Polish, Yiddish, Lithuanian, Bohem ian and Hungarian, The bureau lias found that there are In the United States over three million foreign born folk 10 years of age and over who are unable to read or write any language. MHIHMMM4tmHHMMtHHIimIMHMIMIIHWMmMn)llMWW Road Law Declared Unconstitutional In a decision handed down Tues day the Oregon supreme court de clared the so-called municipal road district law, which was passed dur ing the last session of the legislature, to be unconstitutional and without effect. The law required that all 'munici palities in the state of Oregon should be set aside as separate road dis tricts, and that money derived from road taxes in the districts, 'with the exception of 30 per cent, which would go into the general road fund, should be spent within the confines of the said district. The municipal road law was con sidered very unsatisfactory for the reason that municipalities were de prived of aiding in keeping up the rural roads, regardless of how much they benefited the towns and trading points. Beet Men Visit Lower Valley F. S. Bramwell and .Alex. Nibley of the beet sugar Interests are spend ing today in the Grants Pass district. A visit to Ashland will be made be fore long. Committees to Becure beet acreage are being organized in Med ford and Grants Pass and an active campaign to secure the signing of 5,000 acres for beet growing, which the company demands before the fac tory will be built, will go forward at once. , i Stockholders of the Canby Canning Company are figuring on starting a cheese factory. Get your watch repairing done at Johnson's Jewelry Store. 97-tf Phone Job orders to thn Tidings. 444"l'4 1 1 1 1 1 1 I M t GOOD AND BAD INVESTMENTS In Piano Buying It is a great mistake to select a combination of cheaply made Pianos at a low price. It represents money thrown away. It is equally as great a mistake to pay an ex ceedingly high price for an instrument expensively advertised and exploited through famous artists whose indorsements are costly. It represents money wasted. We are not dealing in the cheap class, neither t in the over advertized class. When you buy a Hobart I M. Cable or a Kohler & Campbell, every dollar invest ed is a dollar's worth of intrinsic value. Sold on eaay terms at KODAGEN'S MUSIC SHOP X Enders' Block See us before you buy X J. am Ford Co. Favors Oil From Western Crude The Petroleum News, in a recent Issue, published an article on oil testB. Speaking of the Ford com pany's experience with oils, the arti cle says: "The Ford company in its huge plant at Highland Park, Detroit, maintains a well-equipped laboratory and a chemist with trained assistants, who are continually at work trying to find the ideal motor oil for use in Ford cars. rt " 'We worked for three years in our laboratory before we found the motor oil now being used in the Ford plant,' said C. T. Hobart, head of the service department of the Ford com pany. " 'Our experiments were first made with oil made from Pennsylvania crude,' said Mr. Hobart. 'We found we had better success, however, when we used western crude.' " Oregon Weekly Industrial Review. The St Helens Ship Building Com. pany is busy on a five-mast auxiliary schooner. The DalleB has a new soap factory. A self-oiling trolly wheel manufac tured at Hausser, Ore., ran 38 days without oiling. Marshfieid Reports state that C A. Smith pulp mill will eooii Btart. Spaulding Logging Company will attempt to colonize Its logged-off land at Black Rock. Bandon cheese factory turned out 50,000 pounds of cheeso in five monthB. Bandon Prospect of railroad or ders brightens tho lumber market outlook. An effort is being made for a bridge across the Willamette at Har risburg. Prlneville is planning big Irriga tion scheme with canal and dam. Eugene has shipped clover seed east for the first time, $10,008 worth going in two cars. Unity New creamery nearly com pleted. Toledo The George W. Moore sawmill 1b preparing to resume oper ations. Heppner Work on new Masonic building started. Hill lines will feature Oregon cran berries on their diners. Gardner Salmon canneries on the Umpqua have opened. "Prep" !, pep THOSE two words rhyme in the dictionary and they certainly rhyme in the Copyright Hart Sc&affner & Marx Hart Schaffner & flarx suits for "prep" school boys" We've just received the new models for Fall, and we want to have every young man in Ashland see them right away. One of these models is shown in the picture: you'll admit that the x "pep" is all there, won't you? Ask for Varsity Fifty Five Young men, you can save money buying Hart Schnaffer & Marx clothes, and be proud of the result. ALWAYS IN EARNEST The Toggery ( OF COURSE ) Medford, -:- Oregon The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx good clothes j,,i,.ii,u,j,a,i,,n,n,i 1 1,,!,! imi 1... r 1 1 1 1 ri 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 H H Hi Classified Advertisements (Continued from Page Three.) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR RENT Six-room modern bun galow with (lve acre3 in alfalfa. Nice place on the Boulevard, one mile from town. Low rental. See V. O. N. Smith or O. P. Carson. 43-lmo. FOR SALE One large black horse, gentle and a good worker; aUo one light farm wagon with new pair springs, all in good condition. Inquire 588 Beach street. 43-2t ESTRAY Taken up, one spotted Barron hog, one ear off. R. D. Sanford, Ashland, Ore. 43-2t FOR SALE Grade Jersey cow, fresh. R. D. Sanford, Ashland. 43-2t FOR SALE A pair of steel gray Flemish Giants from Hickman rab bit farm, California; seven months old. Phone 411-R. It FOR SALE A good coal heater and pipe, dirt cheap. Phone 411-R. It FOR SALE At private sale Sunday, October 24, between 10 a. m. and 3 p, m., at my ranch on South Walker avenue, for cash only, the following articles: Two-seated spring wagon $5, spring-tooth har row $5, iron wheelbarrow $1.60, rake 25c, heavy singletree 25c, short-handle shovel 25c, long-handle shovel 60c, spading fork, pick, mattox, garden fork, spike-tooth harrow, forty feet cotton hose and nozzle, cultivator, cider mill, bar rel, long and short handle pruning shears, Myers spray pump, thirty feet rubber hose, hand Bprayer, eight-foot ladder, small force pump, mail box, phone, dryer, packing house, hand saws, five 18 foot iron hoops, 2.4x4x16, keg, pitchfork, Philo chicken coops, scalding vat, 58 Jelly glasses, oil stove, two flame, with oven. R. M. Hedges. It Drainage district being organized on Ten Mile, Coos Bay. Johnson the Jeweler lor fine watch wort. 7-tf iiiViiiitiis If you are interested in the great serial The Diamond From th Sky , See it Friday of each week at Talent. Installment No. 21 Friday, Oct. 22d, SAVOY THEATRE Talent Oregon Railroad Builders Organize Permanent organization of the Oregon, California & Eastern Rail way Company, the plans of which contemplate the construction of a system of rail lines through central Oregon to connect with existing rail roads touching the borders of the vast undeveloped region and to open new through routes to San Francisco and Nevada, was effected Saturday at Portland by election of Robert E. Strahorn, James G. Wilson and W. E. Bond as directors. This vas fol lowing preliminary organization of the company under the laws of Ne vada. The directors elected Mr. Strahorn president, Mr. Wilson secre tary and Mr. Bond treasurer. Clair Beebe and Kale Shepherd left this morning for San Francisco and the exposition in the former's big Buick. The car has been completely overhauled preparatory for the trip. A top has been put on and a recepta cle for extra tires and baggage added to the back of the racing body. Light mud guards will protect the' young fellows from the results of California rains, should they be so unfortunate as to run into a stretch of muddy weather. "" 1 1 1 1 1 . M n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 PAINT GLASS PAPER I Everything in these lines Largest stock between Portland and Sacramento Prices right. Goods the best. Let ns figure with yon Wm. O. Dickerson J r iimi imiiiir Minima MnillMHMIMIMHIIIIMMHHHIMMMMMHM Yi