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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1915)
PAGE BIT ASHLAI TTDIXGS Thursday, October 31, IBIS ' SPEED OF PROJECTILES. How the Velocity of Cannon Balls and Bullets la Measured. How fast does a bullet travel? The highest velocity ever glveu to a cannon bull Is 1,020 feet per second. This Is equal to a mile In Utile more than three seconds, or nearly twenty miles a minute. A rifle bullet does not travel so fast as a cannon ball, the average rate be ing 1,273 feet per second. This mat ter of speed Is tested In a very Inter esting way. A long wooden shed Is used. In which a distance of exactly 1U0 feet has been carefully marked off. At each end of this space is a stand something like a target with a large circular opening where the bullseye should be. Across each opening Is stretched a small elec tric wire, connected with a delicate Instrument in another room. The rillo from which the tiring Is done is so aimed that the bullet which flics from it cuts both wires. Obvious ly the difference in time between the cutting of the two wires marks the speed of the bullet through thut 100 feet. When the first wire is cut an electric current is broken and a rod falls, mov ing a pointer on a slide In its descent The breaking of the second wire acts In the same manner on another set of rods, slides and pointers. The difference in the marks made by the pointers on the slides makes It pos sible to estimate the difference in their time of falling, and from these calcu lations accurate figures as to speed are obtained. London Answers. SEEKING HAPPINESS. Little Things Thut Make Living a Joy Are Not Always Appreciated. We are told that happiness comes by pieces aud that it Is those small bits linked together that muke our lives worth while. Some of us are not con tent to take our happiness by degrees or at lutervals. We want it all the time In big pieces, and If we canuot have It that way we think that we are deprived of our natural rights and look upon ourselves as Injured beings. It Is a rather singular expression of human nature how happiness affects the Individual. With some of us It makes us friendlier toward others and anxious that they should experience like Joys; with others it makes us too satisfied with ourselves to think very much of our neighbors. Perhaps those of us who know what the Joy of living means have experi enced both of these attitudes at dif ferent periods of our lives and are lu position, therefore, to appreciate a varying vlewoint. but even so it Is only after we lose something of that Joy of living and have found out for ourselves that there are shadows which do amount of sunlight can disperse that we can readily appreciate the blessing of whatever happiness may find Its way Into our lives. The little things that count so much In our Intercourse with each other are not always regarded as highly as they should be, and for this reason we pass by much that would give us joy if we only knew how and where to tiud IL Charleston News aud Courier. Gardens In the Ice. A glacier when it dislodges Itself and sails away over the Arctic ocean never travels alone. In the wake of every large one floats a line of similar com panlons. The Eskimos call this phe nomenon "the duck aud ducklings." und any one who has watched the progress of the wild duck followed by her brood will appreciate the aptitude of the name. Strange as It may seem, plants grow and hlossmn upon these great lie mountains. When a glacier Is at rest moss attaches itself to It. protecting the Ice bencntii. Just as sawdust does. After a time the moss decays and forms a soil, in w hich the seeds of buttercups and dandelions, brought by the wind, take root and flourish. Professional Pawners, lu many of the mean streets of Lou don there are professional pawners women, well known to the pawnbro kers, who for small payments take clothes and household goods to pawu for their neighbors. It Is stated that the function of (lie professional pawn er Is twofold. The woman who pawns through a recognized Intermediary gets a larger loan than she would If she did the business herself. Kor the pawn broker the professional pawner guar antees the good faith of the owner and will be able to exercise pressure In case of default. Loudon Kit press. It Wi a Fine Cod. The artist William M. Chase once hired a llsh, painted a picture of it lu two hours and afterward sold It to the Corcoran Art gallery at Washington for $2,000. Mr. Chase afterward In formed the fish dealer who had rented him the flsh of the price he had receiv ed for the picture. "Well," comment ed the fishmonger, "It was a tiue cod." Philadelphia Record. The Maid's Reply. Aa William bout over her fair fate be whispered: " "Darling. If I should ask you In French If I might kiss you what would you answer?" She, calling up her scanty knowledge of the French language, exclaimed. "Billet doux "-Exchange. A Continued Story. "What did your wife say when you slaved out so late last night V "I don't know. She hasn't finished telling It all to me yet" Detroit Free Press. The coward only threatens when be Is safe. Goethe. Higher Than Pikes Peak. Ask any schoolboy to give the high est point In the state of Colorado, and uine out of teu will name Pikes peak. Pikes peak la 14,110 feet above sea level, but there are many higher peaks In Colorado. Massive mountain. In Lake county. Is one of the two highest points In the state, whose height hus beeu determined by the Onited States geological survey and Is 11.402 feet jibove sea level. Elbert mouutaln, lu the same county, has the same elevation- Illanca peak. In Costilla, Ileur fano and Saguache counties. Is 14.300 feet high; Castle peak, In Ounnlson and Pitklu counties, Is 14.25'.) feet high; Evans mountain, in Clear' Creek coun tv. 1 1.2iK) feet; La Plata peak, in Cha- uey county, 14.3.'J2 feet; Quandary peak, in Summit county, 14,2."tl feet; Sau Luis mountain, triangulatlon station, in Mineral and Saguache counties. 14.14!) feet; Uncompahgre peak tri angulatlon station. In Uinsdale coun ty, RIJOO feet, and Wilson mouutaln trlangulation station, in Dolores coun ty, 14.2."0 feet-all higher than Pikes peak. Geological Survey Bulletin. Sunset and Twilight. Twilight Is a phenomenon caused by atmospheric refraction. When the sun gets below the horizon we are not Im mediately plunged into the darkness of night. Although the sun Is below our horizon, rays of solar light ure bent or refracted by the terrestrial atmosphere and continue to furnish some slight Illumination. The process continues with diminishing Intensity until the sun Is so fur below the horizon that the refracting power of the atmosphere Is no longer able to bend the rays enough to produce a visible effect. The time after sunset that the sun reaches such a position varies with the lati tude of the place. There Is less twi light at the tropic zone than at the temperature or frigid zone. This is due to less time taken by the sun's rays to pass through the atmosphere, at the tropic zone the sun's rays being per pendicular and at the temperate and frigid zones oblique. Aeroplane Wings. Various kinds of material including linen. Bilk, cotton, celluloid films and aluminum foil, have been tried for covering the wings of aeroplanes, but none has proved so satisfactory so far as linen covered with several coats of a rubber solution. This coaling in creases the strength of the linen about 5 per cent makes it more enduring un der varying weather conditions and causes It to stretch to an absolutely smooth suiface, a feature thut is of the utmost advantage In fast flights. Silk, which would seem to make an Ideal covering on account of Us light ness and strength, has been found un satisfactory, as it does not withstand exposure to sun and rain aud docs not lend Itself readily to the application of coatlug comiKJuuds. London Answers. Dumas' Last Jest. Dumas the elder was the son of a general of Napoleon Bonaparte, who would take his soldiers by the breeches and tllng them over the palasades to an assault Dumas inherited much of that same spirit It is said that Dumas left Paris for the last time taking with him a single gold piece, which he solemnly laid ou the mantelpiece of his room at Pays. Toward the end bis eye wan dered across the sickroom to this coin, aud, pointing to It, be said to his son: "See there! Fifty years ago when I came to Paris I had one louis lu my possession. Why am 1 uccused of be ing a prodigal? I have preserved aud possess it still. See! There It is!" This was Dumas' last Jest When Jackson Dined. When Colonel Davy Crockett was a member of congress and was at bis home in Tennessee some one asked him about the dinner hour In Washington, lie said (lie common people ate dinner at 12. the next above them at 1, the merchants at 2, the representatives at 3, the senators at 4, members of the cabinet at o and the vice president at 0 "But when does the president dine?" "What! Old Hickory V" said Crockett anxious to fix a time that would suit his Idea of Jackson's greatness. "Well, be doesn't eut till next day!" Removing Stumps. The German method of removing stumps is simpler and less dangerous than our way. They bore a bole in the stump und pour Into It equal parts of nitric und sulphuric acids. After a few weeks the largest stumps of hard wood are eaten by the acid and easily crum bled with a pick. New York Times. Kept His Word. Condemned Murderer ito lawyer) Von said you could get me off with a life sentence, and here 1 am to be elec trocuted In a week. Lawyer That's all right You will be imprisoned for life, wou't you? And only a mouth. Instead of long, weary years. Be reasonable, tnau. Boston Traveler. His Cure. A man who married a widow has in vented a device to cure ber of eter nally praising ber former husband. Whenever she begins to descant on Ills noble qualities, this Ingenious No. 2 merely says, "Poor, dear man how t do wish he had not died!" A Waiting Mansion. Perhaps there Is a mansion In heaven that will always be empty a mansion waiting to receive those who In their youth never snubbed their anxious par-ents.-J. J. Bell. Naturally. Teacher-In the sentence I have Just read tongue is a noun. Why? Ob servant Pupll-Because It is a part of speech. Baltimore American. And They Called Him "Bonehead." "My namesake, Heine Wagner of tbt Boston Red Sox, told me a story of how be endured a good roasting for being a 'bouchead' on a really bright play," said John (Qonusi Waguer. "Heine was on second base, and they had a hit and run play on. Lie started for third, but instantly saw u soft liner going square into the shortstop's hands. Unable to get buck. Heine stood still and let the ball bit him. "The crowd booted and Jeered, and one Bostou paper roasted Wagner and balled him as 'the worst bit of ivory lu the business.' Tbey didn't realize that Heine's quick thinking had avert ed a double play. In getting hit he prevented the catch from being made and a double play resulting from a toss to second. As it was, the batter was protected and credited with a base hit The batter, thanks to Heine's quick bit of thinking, scored the win ning run. but for days Heine walked around facing charges of being a 'bone head.' "Philadelphia Ledger. Dried Apples. Peel, core aud slice the apples, riacn them ou platters, wooden trays or any other convenient receptacle and place them In the sunshine. Take them in at night and during rains. It is impos sible to secure good dried fruit unless they are protected from moisture. Pro. tect them from Hies and other Insects with netting und place tbem out of the dust as fur as possible. Continue the drying until the fruit has lost more than half its weight. If necessary it may be placed In the oven for two or three hours at the eud. Tie the dried fruit in paper sacks, using a double thickness if thin skin sacks are used, and suspend tbem from the celling of the driest room available. When ready to use the dried fruit wash it well, soak it for six hours or longer and throw away the liquid drained off. Then cook the fruit for several hours at a tem perature slightly below the boiling point Mothers Magazine. Cancer Conditions. Explaining why such substances as soot arsenic, tobacco, petroleum und some aniline dyes produce cancer, Dr. n. C. Ross of the Lister institute, Lon don, writes to Nature "that the terms 'industrial cancer,' 'smoker's cancer,' 'sweep's cancer.' 'arsenic cancer," etc. namely, the diseases caused by the commodities meutloned refer in real ity only to a predisposition to the dis ease. The commodities themselves do not actually cause cancer. They mere ly render the tissues prone to it which seems to occur in a specific manner. The commodities' always in the first Instance producecell proliferation, usu ally In the nature of a warty growth, and It is not until an open ulcer has appeared, generally at the base of the watt, that malignancy supervenes." A Pasty Complexion. After a busy day of golfing and an evening of atitomoblllng .lane's skin was Irritated from the combined effects of sun and wind, so she liberally "cold creamed" ber face and bands and set tled herself for a good ulght's rest. lu a few minutes her face begun to feel BtlfT and drawn. "At last." she thought, "the expected has happened. I have paralysis." Her nervousness incrensed when ber lingers became unmanageable aud her skin began to crack and snap. She hastily turned on the light and found her face alarmingly waxy and shiny. What could be the cause? Finally she rushed for the tube of cold cream. It was labeled "Library Paste." You til's Coin pa u ion. They Liked the Story. Connn Doyle related this anecdote to show how a good story can delight simple minded folk: lu a remote village the blacksmith had got hold of an old copy of a suc cessful novel. In the long evenings be used to read it aloud to the villagers, who fairly reveled in It and listened it out patiently to the eud. At length, when the happy turn of fortune ar rived which brings the hero and hero ine together and sets them living long and happily according to the most ap proved rules, the villagers were so de lighted at the happy ending that they rushed off to procure the church keys and rang a merry peal, as they were wont to do when a member of tbelr community was married. Popping the Question In Tunis. The famous Tunis marriage mart is held twice a year. In the spring and In the autumn. The Tunisian girls attend by the hundreds, each with her dowry lu coin aud Jewelry disposed about her person. The "golden girdle of maiden hood" encircles her waist, and lu it 13 an unsheathed dagger. When the dag ger is gently removed by a passing gal lant and presently returned it means that a proposal has been made. Her Description. Muggins Women have such queer ways of expressing themselves! Bug gins Such as? Muggins Well, my wife was telling me about Miss Yel lowleaf and said she was a sight to behold and In the very next breath said she wasn't fit to be seen. Phila delphia Record. The First Step. Yoong Woman (before milliner's win dow, to her maid) That hat Is perfect ly lovely. I must have it. Marie, be sure to remind me to kiss my husband when 1 get home. Missed Fire. Putton-Ayres I am caviare to the general, yon know. Miss innocent Oh, are you, really? My brother Is In the military too.-Boston Transcript Misery travels free through the whole world.-Schlller. Land Show Opens Next Monday Portland, Oct. 21. Nest Monday, October 25, will fitness the opening here of the second annual Manufac turers' and Land Products Show. The exhibition will continue until Novem ber 13, giving eighteen days for a comprehensive display of the prod ucts of the fields, factories and for ests of Oregon and the northwest. Twenty-two Oregon counties have space at the exposition and the ex hibition of the state's agricultural and horticultural greatness will be the greatest ever made. More than 200 exhibitors will participate In the show and practically every article manufactured In Oregon will be on display. Many models and working exhibits will be featured. Amusement features, excellent musical programs, a free theatre, an avenue devoted to concessions of every kind and description, and an exposition where every hour will be crowded full of educational and in teresting events will characterize the 1913 industrial and land show. With the special buildings adjoining the armory there will be more than 75, 000 square feet devoted to exhibit space. All steam and electric lines in the northwest are offering low round trip rates and sale dates covering many days, while the exposition is in prog ress, will give a truthful idea of what Oregon produces from its soil and factories and also serve the purpose of bringing consumer and producer together. Jackson county has a big exhibit at the show and many local people plan to attend. V. Should TT'S different from I others because more car is taken in the making and the materials useu are higher grade. Black Sills Stove Polish Makes a brilliant, silky polish thnt does not rub off or dust oft.aiUthciiMnclasts four times as long na ordinary stove utl.t. 1 r. A ... ,nnln nnrl by hardwnre ntvl merry dcnlora. H All w fltk i.-.atrirl. their on you r cook fftow, fnv.r pnr!tr itivo f.r yorr pas rortrc. If yoa don't find it the but tov polish you cvt wed, yorr iWlwfa :ii:th Tiiroil to rrfmnj your &uihty. Inrift c-i IMnck Silk Stovr FoIiU. M:tiio In liquid or psUJ ono quality. Black Silk Stove PotUh Wcrks Sterling, Iiwnou line PUeh ? Ilk Alr-Drvlrtc Iron EntMnvl cm ?rti ten. Tranters, prtvo-p:'M m I'fevcnts ruftting, ip Black SHk Matnl Pojrh furdilver, nikul orbroHS. it naanowiuaJ lor ucon automobiles. ThisistheV Stove PolislW YOUlIK eMS'V 01 -V Special Subscription Offer FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY Ashland Tidings (semi-weekly) and Evening Telegram (daily) BOTH FOR ONE YEAR $4.oo Kegular Regular This Bargain Saving Bargain Price for Both This price applies to to new. subscribers and to old ones in case they pay the .00 and have their subscription renewed for a full year from the date it is now paid THESE ARE BARGAIN DAYS and the Tidings wants to be in fashion. Get in Quick These Bargains Are Offered for a Short Time Only Ashland Tidings ' Coffee Schilling's Best in the morning:, as an eye opener; to wake-up your better self; to let you glimpse the sunshine through the fog and see the silver lining in the cloud. In airtight tins, evenly ground and moneyliacked. Schilling's Best Stomach Misery Quickly Vanishes Your money back if you want it is the way in which McXair Bros., the popular druggists, are selling Mi-o-na, the great dyspepsia remedy. This is an unusual plan, but Ml-o-na has so much merit and is so al most Invariably successful in reliev ing all forms of indigestion that Mc Xair Bros, run but little risk in sell ing under a guarantee of this kind. Do not be miserable or make your friends miserable with your dyspep sia. Mi-o-na will help you. If it doesn't, tell McXair Bros that you want your money back and they will cheerfully refund it. A change for the better will be seen from the first few doses of Ml-o-na and its continued use will soon start you on the road to perfect diges tion and enjoyment of food. Mi-o-na has been so uniformly suc- ce3sful that every box is sold under a positive guarantee to refund the money if it does not relieve. What fairer proposition could be made? McXair Bros, give their personal guarantee of "money back if you want it with every box of Mi-o-na that they sell. A guarantee like this speaks volumes for the merit of the remedy. Notice. Private school and kindergarten. I have reduced my ltindergarten tui tion from $4 to $2.50 per month. Phone 405-L or call at 108 First av enue for information. 35-tf CLEANLINESS, PERSONAL ATTENTION AND COURTESY COMBINED TO MAKE THE Eagle Meat Market Popular Inspect our market, and your confidence will be behind the pleasure of eating our meats. The knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary workshop will aid your digestion. SIN.MainL, SCHWEIN HwnelM price of Telegram $5.00 price of Tidings 2.00 The Highway in Northern California Siskiyou News: The grading from Yreka to the Klamath river having been accepted by the state highway commission, the bridge contractors are using the road for hauling their materials. By fording the Shasta river at the crossings the road can now be used by a horse and buggy from Yreka to the Klamath. A con crete water trough is now being built about half way down the canyon. The bridge contractors have fin ished pouring the concrete for the abutments for the Klamath river bridge at the mouth of the Shasta river and the false woodwork and floor are completed. They have moved to the bridge site at the Ed ward Flail place half a mile up the Shasta. They are also pouring the J concrete on bridge No. 7, the one I nearest to Yreka, one and a half miles below the C. O. P. Co. power , house. The contractors have a force of men at work on the stretch of road between Yreka and the power plant ; finishing the surface; also a crew op . posite the old Prather pumping plant, i working toward the power house, putting on the finishing touches. The Commercial Club requests the names and addresses of parties who are considering coming to the coast his summer. We wish to send them lterature and give them a good con ception of Oregon. 74-tf Ono hunched and nineteen thou sand acres of land have been thrown open for settlement in south central Oregon. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND IADIE3 I aril y..p Uranlrt for CHI-CHE9-THB 8 A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Hfo ndA Gold metallic bozo, lealed with BluKO Ribbon. Taks no other. Bor f topt DramM mm tik for CIIM)lli:S.Tll C V DIAMOND BIIAHI) P1I.L8, for twrntr-tb yean regarded at Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS xTiHTi, EVERYWHERE B39 $7.00 3.00 $4.00 cash in Advance