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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1915)
Tharwday, October 21 1918 ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGH PITS THE iCITIZENS BANK 0 FASH LAN 1 Good Aim To hit the mark of suc cessful endeavor requires good aim. for in Are you alining financial protection old age? Hunk your money with 40N SAVINGS DEPOSITS ,i Royal Arch Masons Siskiyou M., this October 21, Stated convocation of Chapter, No. 21, R. A. (Thursday) evening, 1915. Important business. Visiting companions cordially welcome. W. H. McN'AIR, H. P. W. H. DAY, Sec'y. LOCAL AND PERSONAL in F. D. Swingle is making a business visit in Klamath Falls. Hills uros. conee ai me Asnu Trading Company. Miss Hone Burdlc is employed the state library at Salem. Miss Margaret O'Nell was a visitor from Hornbrook last week. Shirley Keene, dancing. Memorial hall. ' Phone 702-R. 43-tf A. T. Brown of Medtord transacted business In the city Tuesday. Don't fair to bear Parlette tonight at the M. E. church. William Marmlon was a business visitor from Medford Tuesday. Stone Jars, one to six gallons, Ash land Trading Company, F. B. Sanger has returned from a visit at the San Francisco exposition. A course of millinery has been In stituted in the Medford high school. W. B. corsets, both back and front lace, $1 to 13.50. Ashland Trading Company. Mr. t nd Mrs. Fred Ilerrin left Run day for San Francisco and the exposi tion. Four ears of lumber were shipped from Grants Pass to the east the last of the week. A. S. Rosenbaum, Southern Pacific agent at Medford, was a visitor In the city yesterday. Miss Ruby Palmer was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klum in Med ford over Sunday. Nice new line of toques, all colors and sizes, 30c to $1.50, at the Ash land Trading Company. M. C. Reed has traded his car and some cash to H. G. Butterfield for the letter's Reo. Miss Nona Hall of Hornbrook came over last Friday for a visit with friend3 In the city. Best yet corduroy pants, made by a specialty corduroy pant house, at $2.50, $3 and $3.50. Mitchell & Whittle. Mr. and Mrs.' A. G. Will of Klam ath Falls were registered at the Ore gon Hotel Tuesday. Mrs. W. J. Dobson, who has been In the city for some time, left yes terday for Woodbum. It may be just what you want at this time a suit of clothes made ab solutely to your liking for $15, $18 or $20. See Mitchell & Whittle. ' Mrs. Alice Smith and Mrs. Ed Wat ,son of Butte Falls visited Ashland friends the first of the week. Ashland , a. P. Deacon of Willors, Cal., was ! in the city Monday, visiting friends i ..... . , and attending to Dusiness anairs. Saunders Bros, are furnishing the Southern Pacific commissary with celery at the Ashland supply station. New crop extracted honey at the Ashland Trading Company. Our Hallowe'en Goods Crepe Dinner Favor9, each 10c Place Cards, dozen 25c Hallowe'en Pie Plates, dozen 3."c Decorated Crepe Paper, roll 2."c Hallowe'en Napkins, hundred Mc Hallowe'en 500 Score Cards, dozen 2"c Hallowe'en Party Invitations, dozen 3."c Hallowe'en Post Cards and Booklets See Our Window Foley's Drug Store Poley & Klliart, Druggists. Siskiyou Chapter No. 21 i IMIHI HM 1 I Hfl'H Hill HI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IH "I I ANT DAY i FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22 We purchased about 100 Lanterns for less than their worth. On the above day (for cash) we will place these on sale. $1.50 Driving Lantern $1.19 1.25 Large Tubular Lantern 1.25 Large Driving Lantern 9 1.10 Ladies' Lantern 89 99 I On Saturday, October 23rd, we will hold another Big Stove Sale. Do you think it will be 2.' i 1 1 oil ,;r,t,r 7 Tr wnn't ! You will save money by attend ing this sale and selecting your heater or range. A deposit wjll enable you to secure the low prices. Later you can pay the balance and have the stove set up. ' We will continue to encourage Cash Buying by offer ing Hardware and Plumbing lower than other houses in Jackson county. Come in and see if we are tell ing the truth. We are still giving Enamelware Cards. When you buv for cash to the amount of $3.00 you may select J any piece of Enamelware in the house at one-half the X regular price. WAM THE LOW PRICE HARDWARE MAN t Phone 146 a0 La8t JviaiD otreet i Miss Nona Greer returned Wednes day from a few days' visit to her ranch property in northern Califor nia. Mrs. M. White returned last Satur day from Grants Pass, where she has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Arm entrout. Several loral shotgun artists are planning to leave at an early date for the Klamath Lake duck hunting grounds. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ilouser of Ur- bana, 111., are visiting relatives In the city. Mrs. Houser is a sister of Mrs. R. L. Burdic. Mr. and Mrs. George Owens left Tuesday evening for San Francisco, where they will visit and attend the exposition festivities. Mr. and Mrs. Casslus Miller leave today for a few weeks' visit at the expositions and to visit in Sacra mento and Los Angeles. J. A. Boyd and his father, J. S. Boyd, left Tuesday evening for Din uba, Cal., where the latter will make his home with his son. Mrs. W. W. Blalock went to Port land Saturday, where she will meet her husband, who is returning from a business trip to Calgary. Scott V. Davis, who Is organizing a personally conducted tour to the San Francisco exposition, was up from Medford Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leader Gotes of Au burn, 111., were recent visitors at the home of Joseph Poley in the city. Mr. Gotes and Mr. Poley are cousins. H. G. Gilmore, who was injured two weeks ago when he fell over a telegraph pole lying across the side walk, is able to be about the house. Thn Tlnsebiire authorities have started an active campaign against auto speeders and have hauled up over a score before the police court. More new hats came In this week. This bunch Is a new shape in dark blue. All sizes, $3 each. Mitchell & Whittle. Charles H. Wille, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moser and Miss Dorothy Moser of Portland composed a tourist party v.Mch arrived in Ashland Monday for a brief stay. They can't beat the line of Globe union suits. We have them In sev eral weights and grades at $1.25 to $3.50. Mitchell & Whittle. R. E. Jope of Roseburg, vice-president of the state board of the Chris tian church, is in Ashland and other valley cities attending to church bus iness this week. It is easy to find just what you want in shirts, either dress or wool, and at a price to please you, at Mitchell & Whittle's. Mrs. J. K. Reader and niece, Miss Fannie Gamble, arrived Sunday from Santa Rosa. The latter will make a stay of an indefinite length with her aunt in Ashland. Hobb Deuel of Medford has been appointed second lieutenant of the Medford militia company. Hob will now be more popular than ever with the Ashland girls. Ralph Parlette will lecture at the M. E. church tonight at 8:30. Every young man in Ashland should hear him. The Rogue River Canal Company put 75 men at work on the Phoenix Irrigation ditch the first of the week. The same company has 200 men at work at Fish Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Satchwell are the proud parents of a baby boy. The youngster arrived Sunday morning and weighed 8 pounds. Mother and baby are doing well. C. H. Vaupel returned home Mon day morning from California, where he and Mrs. Vaupel have been enjoy ing the expositions. Mrs. Vaupel will follow in a few days. Breadmaking is easy with good flour. "Apple Blossom" flour makes more good rich white bread 'than any ; LADIES' COATS Still a choice of fifty good coats from ( nr 9.50 to 10. 1 0 Corduroy coats in Misses and Ladies' size?, 7.50, 9.50, 12.50 to 24.00. FLANNELETTE SACQUES Choice of values iA to 1.00 fiyc Choice of values to SI.50 75c GOODWIN CORSETS Front Lace Closing a few high grade Corsets, $0 00 lo $10.00 values, at $3.95 25 Suits Must I Go Out This Month Still lower prices for the end of the t Harvest Sale and i for the balance of f this month. Choice oi three dozen suits 16.50, 18.75, 22.50 $3.00 Wool Batt $2.19 Our Harvest Sale price cleaned out every one of our $1.95 wool batts but We have too many of the higher priced ones left. Hence a lower price now. 14 Suits Worth $22.50 Now $16.50 10 Suits Worth to $25.00 Now $18.75 12 Suits Worth $27.50 and $30.00, Now $22.50 Agents Gossard Corsets Grad uate Corsetiere. Phone for appointment now. Cotton Batting Special Prices Continues 1.25 3-lb. very fine fluffy batt 1.00 1.00 .'Mb. splendid qual ity batt 85c Good 3-lb full size batt now 75c Fine batt, last year's price 35c now 25c American batt, last years price 25c 22c Fluffy batt, last year's price 20c 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 I H 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 H Hlt(M M Ht4 M M I H I I H tHMMt 1UU1 U &UU 1 .....ww " " i other and Is guaranteed. Your mon- streets, formerly owned by Mrs. r. . nmrh nr vour money back. AbIi- land Trading Company. Phone 122 It's a real pleasure to have a man call for a good, staple and conserva tive shape, all-leather shoe, for we have the goods at $4, $4.50 and $5. Mitchell & Whittle. A car of Spitzenberg apples was shipped from the valley Monday by the Rogue River Fruit and Produce Association. For the first grade ap ples $1.65 was received and for the second grade $1.40 f. o. b. Medford. The historic old Del Coronado Hotel at Sisson and a block of lodg ing houses and residences burned Monday night.. The total loss is esti mated at $30,000. The cause of the fire remains a mystery. The , State Kdltorial Association will meet in Its annual conclave in Salem on November 5 and 6. Gov ernor Withycombe will be among the speakers who will addles the asso ciation. Dr. and Mrs. Julian P. Johnson have returned to Ashland after a stay of several months in Grants Pass. Dr. Johnson has taken offices in the Commercial Club building. They will reside in the Rapp house on Oak street. The Doris Times records the fact that there are nine weekly newspa pers published in Siskiyou county, California. In looking over our ex changes we find that there are two dailies, one semi-weekly and six weeklies published in Jackson county. Mrs. George Siemantel and daugh ter, Miss Margaret, left last Monday: for Canadian, Texas, where they will join Mr. Siemantel. They have re sided In Ashlnnd for the past four years and will be greatly missed by a wide circle of friends. A $6,000 stallion bound from the San Francisco exposition, where he took the world's championship at the recent livestock show, to Seattle, was on a private car on train 16 Tuesday. The horse attracted a big crowd of admirers oi horseflesh while In the Ashland station. Walter Phillips writes from BIs bee, Ariz., that a couple of Mexicans tried to. run a switch engine from that place over the border into Mex ico, but ran into an open switch in stead and came to grief. Several battles have been fought just over the line from.Eisbee. J. IT. Graham, who was recently forced by circumstances to place his business, The Sterling Company, in the hands of a trustee, left this morn ing for Portland. His business af fairs here were said to be in very satisfactory shape, Mr. Graham being the only loser by his stay In the city. The Beaver Real Estate Agency recently consummated a deal where by 0. Booth, a local employe of the Southern Pacific Company, comes Into possession of the residence prop erty at the corner of B and Eighth Mr. and Mrs. William Hardy have returned from a visit to their son at Richmond, Cal., and a few days spent at the San Francisco exposition. Mr. Hardy'B son, who conducted the Poly technic school here for the year prior to its closing, is now head of a branch of the Oakland Polytechnic at Richmond. Walter Bowne and Leonard Car penter of Medford passed through Ashland early In the week en route home from a hunting trip in the I.nke of the Woods section. They came through Dead Indian from the lake In their automobile and report the road between the county line and the lake to be a flight. L. H. Newton of Hornbrook wus over last week and bought five rigs from the remnants of the E. E. Phipps vehicle stock. Kenneth Mc Williams towed the buggies over the mountain with M. C. Reed's Cadillac. On the return trip Mac picked up a few dollars by snaking a tourist car which could not make the grade on the other side. "The fortunes of the oniiardists of the Rogue River valley are pe culiarly wrapped up with the fruit auction system found in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Kansas City, Detroit, New Orleuns and In Eu rope, said Arthur to. Geary at a mass meeting of orehardists at the Medford public library Saturday af ternoon. Service. Yes, they have It, and to the fullest meaning of the word those heavy, ventilated work shirts at $1. Mitchell & Whittle. Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Barneburg re turned Wednesday from a three weeks' visit In California, two weeks of which was spent at the exposition and one week at San Luis Obispo. In stamped goods we have Indies' kimonos, combination suits, slipover nightgowns, bouroir caps, pillow tops and table runners to match. Royal Society crochet and tutting thread in white and colors, all numbers, 10c a ball. Ashland Trading Company. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Vinlng re turned Wednesday to their Los An geles home after a three months' visit in Aslilund. The Vlnlngs ac companied the Winter family home In their car last spring and have been spending the summer visiting friends and relatives In the city and in camp ing trips. Miss Mabel Blake of the Dead In dian country, who was married to Forrest Emery, a rancher of the dis trict eust of Talent, yesterday, was the guest of Mrs. O. Winter while in Ashland. Whitmore, Ariz. who is now In Buena, Vining rrnn ticaire n L .iiAllil Oil Aided Attraction Two Nights Mftn A OCIh Commencing iuVIL VU. Ad Punch Jones Ragtime Opera and Minstrels-Band and Orchestra 15-Colored Artists-15 Buck and Wing Dancers Plantation Singers Ragtime and Opera PRICES 25c and 35c Band Concert and Parade High Noon m 1 1 1 1 jii 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n m 1 1 1 1 1 Hitittttttttitin