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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1915)
1 TruirwUr, October 21, 1915 pack pom IIIIIMIMMUimMHIIHIIIIKt IMHHIIM1II1HMHHIHIIIIMMIMIIIM tMH Wc Pay Your Fare To I Big lot of new Fall Coals just here are the rough i chin collars ot fur, all size, 12.50, Auto Robes $8.50 1 Get a I'rixileton, .Sudan I Jot for the auto, they are decorative and useful, made of ali woo, in a range of patterns. I Bungalow Aprons 39c, 49c, 69c t Just the dress fr house wear, really the only Koverall kind come in a big ran?e of light and dark patterns. Plaid Skirts $5.00 to $12.50 Just received thete new fall skirts in the dark rich shades of blues, browns T . j . .:.u.. i f- ana greens, erpcuaiiy gyju school fckirtP. Matzen Suits $7.50 Just eight of these suits left from last season and we want to close out the lot, sold regularly to $35.00 while they last $7.50. 44HUtil In the Social Realm I'nper Granite Strc4 Fmlroll'rjr i ... 1 ( iuii. A special meeting of the Upper J Granite Street Kmbroidery Club was delightfully entertained Friday after-! noon by Mesdames llolley and Jor-; dan, at the cozy home of the former j on Granite street. Twenty-eight ; members and friends mot to Kay j by her once every week on Wednes-good-bye to Mrs. Staliltnan and her day evening, the place to be decided mother, Mrs. Seamans, who depart on later. soon on an extended trip south and j euvA, with the possibility of not re-1 '.''. lllm kMone and the Hoys, turning to Ashland. The rooms were The state convention of the Bap tastefully decorated with autumn ; tint chinch was held this week at foliage and berries. Considerable Eugene with ministers in attendance amusement was created In an effort to correctly name the numerous an-j tumn leaveB that were placed about In conspicuous places. Mrs. I'urdin t nnd Mrs. Joe, Alnut tied for first prize and Mrs. Grieve secured tne booby prize. Mrs. Stahlman and , Mrs. Seamans were each presented with souvenir books by the members of the club. Delicious two-sourse re- j freshments were served. An exceed ingly delightful time was enjoyed by all, In spite of the regret at losing two much appreciated members. Baptist Church Not ph. There will be no Thursday even ing meeting in the church this week on account of the Sunday school con vention. Let us all go to hear Prof. V. C. Alloway, tho superintendent of the Baptist Sunday school of Med ford. Sunday school begins at 9:45. Morning and evening services as usual. Theme in the morning, "None of His, and Ills." In the evening, "If Know God, Will Trust Him." A short and very Important busi ness meeting will be held at the close of the morning service. Tho B. Y. I. U. meets at 6:30. Ivy Cottage, Ivy Cottage wa the scene of a so cial evening, following the regular business meeting of the Women's Auxiliary Club last Monday, which was one of the merriest times yet enjoyed In the beautiful club home. About twenty-five members were present and Joined In Informal enter tainment with a spirit which resulted 1n a hilarious evening. Cards, games, dancing and music occupied the even ing hours and delicious refreshments provided a grand finale. The club members who were not present will nave to listen to tales of "a perfectly glorious time" for weeks to come. A miliary Active. Hereafter the Auxiliary Club will combine the social and business meetings on Monday evenings of al ternate weeks. A very happy time was enjoyed by a fair attendance at Medford and Rlorc To . When jon bny yonr fall wraps at this store. mixtures, trimmed jui misses $1.25. the last meeting, and it is hoped . .... ... mere win ie a sua larger attendance i at the next meetings, as the club I work Is getting to be very interesting, j The first Instructions In physical ; training were given by Miss Moffatt 1 Wednesday evening, and proved quite ' a success. Instructions will be given from alirost every Baptist church in the state. On Tuesday morning a paper by Rev. Arthur Blackstone of Ashland was read before the confer- ,ence, ins simject neing ine 1 'astor ; n i '"r- uiuchsione i well qualified to write on this sub-! Ject. Since he has been In Ashland j he has ta';en a great Interest in the boys of the city and Is counted by them as a real friend and companion. Hinery-Bliike. At the Congregational manse Wed nesday afternoon at 2:. 10 occurred the marriage of Miss Mabel Blake of Dead Indian to Mr. Forrest Emery, a rancher who resides seven miles east of Ashland. Mr. Emery has been a resident of this valley for one year. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. W. Farquhar of the Congregation al church and was attended by two close friends of the couple. The newly weds left later In the after noon for their ranch home. Happy Time Tonight. Prof. E. R. Lawrence of the Lyric orchestra informs us that he has re ceived several snappy new selections which will be played for the first time at Mrs. Shirley Keene's dansant at Memorial hall tonight. The Lyric orchestra is to furnish the music for the dancing, which begins at 9:30, following an hour of free Instruction in the fox trot. The affair this even ing Is Invitational and promises to be quite a social event, although strictly Inform! In nature. The ladies of the Baptist church will serve a 25-rent dinner In the church basement Saturday noon, Oc tober 30. Remember the date and be on hand to eat dinner with the Iadiei.-Mrs. Miller, Sec. It Organize Quartet. Wednesday evening a male quartet was organized at the home of Dr. C. F. Tllton, who sings first tenor; G. II. Yeo, second tenor: Dr. G. W. Cregg, first bass; O. H. Barnhill, second bass. The next rehearsal will be held at the latter'i home Wednes day evening. and From by express-many jj with high chin i 15.00, 19.50 to $25 1 i 4 Wool Batts Come in a regular comfort size, pood f quality, 2-pound bolt, all one thickness, ? much warmer than cotton at $2.25. J Japanese Kimonos, $1.45 to $2.93 Hand embroidered Japanese Crepe t Kimonos in blue, coral, lavender, white and pink all sizes, different pattern?. Japanese Lunch Sets J Lunch cloths in three t-izes with nap- kins to match, made of crepe with dif- ferent Japanese patterns at G5c, 95c and J Athena Underwear For children or ladies there isn't any better come in fleeced garments, all wool lisle or wool and 8ilk, both separate or union suits. 11 tt ! SLskiyou Circle. The Siskiyou Circle met at the Con gregational manse Wednesday after noon, about thirty members being present. The hostesses for the after noon, Mesdames Herndon, Farquhar and Howard, had provided several entertainment features of a unique nature and a most enjoyable after-j noon was spent. Refreshments were ' served during the course of the afjer-1 noon. A brief business meeting was i held and plans outlined for raising money for church aid. Folson-Gilchrist. I Word has been received here of the marriage of Miss Mirtha Gil ! christ to Mr. Arthur Russell Folson iof Buhl, Minn. The wedding took plac October 7, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Gilchrist, of Crystal Lake, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Folson will be at home at Buhl, Minn., after November 4. Mrs. Folson taught English and nstory in the local high school In 1912 and 1913 and was popular with students and townspeople alike. In Honor of Daughters. Mrs. W. N. Grubb entertained Tuesday in honor of her daughters, Mrs. George Morris of Talent and Mrs. Henry Carter of Eugene. A sociable afternoon was passed and delicious refreshments were served. The guests besides the guests of hon or were Mrs. William Tinker, Mrs. Oscar Raslrern, Mrs. Harvey Gear hart, Mrs. Butler Walker, Mrs. Jack True, Mrs. Charley Abbott and Mrs. Harry Sinclair. Hikers. The Hikers' Club, composed of staid matrons of Ashland who every Friday cast off all conventions and make trips afoot to various points of interest in the vicinity of Ashland, last Friday walked to the lithla springs. After looking over the de velopment work going on around and at the springs, the party enjoyed de licious broiled steaks cooked over an open fire, with suitable "trimtnln's." Delegates. Mrs. E. D. Briggs and Mrs. Bla lock will go as delegates from the Civic Improvement Club to the meet ing of the State Federation of Wom en's Clubs which will be held in Salem. Mrs. Briggs has been invited to respond to the mayor's address of welcome. Halloween. "All for 25 cents" is the slogan for the entertainment which will be given Friday evening, October 29, by the ladies of the Civic Improve ment CUib at I. O. O. F. hall. Cards, games, dancing, refreshments, enter tainment, all for a quarter. Save up a quarter for a week from Friday. Shirley Keene, dancing. Memorial hall. Phone 702-R. 43-tf 1 Sunshine Market. ' The Sunshine public market, Fri day and Saturday, should be visited by every woman In town. All kinds of food will be on sale and the money taken in will all go for charitable purposes. It will be held In the pub lic market building. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Shinn enter-j rained Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lamkiu.i Romaine Lamkin and Mrs. Sherwooi at dinner Sunday. 1'iiity Circle. The Unity Circle at the hjnie f Mrs. Harris Dean on Gr;r.r.e flre; e-terday a.'ternoon. A 'ea;jat aJ- emoon of study was sj'-es Arthur M. Geary as a tiritor at ::.e Tidincs office Wedsesiay. Mr. G-ary was ."or two years srraduate r; ana?er of student activities at the I'r.ivcrsity of Oregon. He is a native of Jackson county, his father bein? a former mayor of Medford. The Gearys own a fruit ranch on Griffin creek. For the past two years Mr. Geary has been associated with vari ous fruit distribution concerns and made a thorough study of fruit marketing conditions In the east. He recently addressed a big gathering of the valley fruit growers in Medford on the auction system, of which he is an enthusiastic advocate. Mr. Geary will practice law in Portland. ; Two long-haired preachers of the gospel, after gathering a crowd by cornet solos interspersed by exhorta tions, delivered addresses on the Plaza last Tuesday and Wednesday. A fair sized crowd gathered to listen to the speaker "show you where heaven and hell was. They were aided In their endeavors by a map which rolled up like a window cur tain and was mounted on wheels like a baby carriage. Several lnqulistive souls hung around to the end In the hopes of finding out where hell was, and were much disappointed when informed that hell was on earth. H. O. Purucker leaves tonight for I San Francisco to attend the triennial convention of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Over 1,000 will be present, comprising the agency staff, medical examiners, and all nurses in the company's nursing ser vice, will represent the Pacific coast. !TklA ( nnn tlf.aan (hoi iu" luu":ul'uu "uc vl ."iu 18 being held thruBhout the United States t0 an agency force and staff of 18'000- Mrs. Purucker, who has just returned trom an extenae1 triP t0 San DieS and San Francisco, will Be In Medford, with Mr. Purucker's par ents, during her husband's absence. Mrs. Augusta Egg'.eston and her daughter. Miss Ruby Palmer, will leave on Monday, November 1, fori 'San Diego. Through a trade with Mr. Willis of that city, Mrs. Eggles ton has secured a suburban place near San Diego and will reside on the property for the winter if not longer. Mr. Willis is expected in Ashland within the next few days. Mrs. Eg gleston retains her Church street res idence and hopes to return to Ash land next year. New goods arriving daily in our stamp goods dept. drop in and see the line, just what you want is here and you will he pleased with our prices. I Seasonal Suggestions oi Seasonable Merchandise 1 i Outing I Flannel 500 yards of extra heavy outing flan nel, all lightcolors a splendid value and well Avorth 10c extra special 8c yd. Misses' Misses heavy fleece union suits in white and cream sizes 2 to 10 yrs. special 49c--59c I Ladies' Outing Gowns 65c val. now 49c 1.00 " " 75c 1.10 " " 89c 1.25 " " 98c See Comforter Chally I the best cloth for I the purpose, epec- X ial 5c yard. m 14. ' A V ' '- rf' ?t :A VX 1 "J 1 "J, 'r'lt" , ' I , v t ' ' J - i - if'1 . ; 5' '4 k I - ' 4 1 I ' 1 " ' '4 ! u Th urn 1 IIZ UMUU Ull with Myrtle Siedman and Forrei-t Stanley presented Mining Theatre The powerful love st"ry of a girl of the Alleghanies and an innocent fugitive in exile in the Argentine. Friday, Oct. 22. Admission 10 and 15c t A Paramount Production I rttMHUKlH i KH Mt4l4r- B. E. Whitmore has sold out his interest In the real estate firm of Hodgson, Whitmore & Reed and left with his wife this morning for Long ! Beach, Cal., In his automobile. The change was made necessary by the condition of his wife, whose health i has been poor. On the way down to Long Beach the Whitmores will visit the San Francisco exposition. This couple will be much missed by a host of Ashland friends who hope to see them back again at no far distant date. Yining Theatre, i- 'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 erguson's The Busy Bargain Store Where You Are Always Welcome Cash Only. We Keep No Books vA Right prices and backed by our personal guarantee or money re funded if you are not satisfied BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS ALL REDUCED Underwear Underpriced Ladies' Ladies' heavy fleece union suits, high neck, long sleeve, ankle length 75c val 59c Boys' Boys' extra heavy grey ribbed fleece lined union suits ages 4 to 16, 75c val. 49c--59c the Sample Sweaters on sale 1-3 Fancy Ribhons a big variety to select from values to 40c special per yard 19c Comforter size cot ton batts, good qual ity pure white, 75c value, special 59c 4 "V f ... 2 - j ai:, Serviceable shoes for men, women and children are always to be found at the Ashland Trading Company. Styles are right and prices are right. Mrs. W. A. Churchill of Portland is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harris Dean, at her Granite street home. Crown Point, on highway, will have a the Columbia $20,000 hotel. Gold ore running $40 a ton ported one mile west of Buncom. re- Monday, October i i 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it We are now the exclusive agent for the Miller Cor sets, of New York and every woman should see the new models. Perfect fitters and guaranteed. Sleeping Garments Children's outing sleeping garments of ex t r a heavy quality, sizes 2 to 8 years, 65c value special 50c Dry Goods Specials I 35c Sheperd check ' now yd 25c ' ' 35c worsted goods ' now yd 25c ' ' 50c wool Sheperd ' checkp, now ....44c 65c all wool serge ' nw 48c : : Children's good :: quality hose sup porters i n black ' only with rubber ' buttons, special ' Olf iuc pair 7 iiittttttmttttittiMttntinintMtffiinttinminiiitniminmiMIHt