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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1876)
—" 1 ■■ — ■ ■■■■ ■ - -------- — ■ V ol . i .— no . 23. -------- INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN OREGON. Z... . . . ... . .... ASHLAND, OREGON: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1876. $2.50 PER ANNUM. DIDN’T VOTE FOR HIM. A BIRD STORY. Bl Y “ You aro right, count,” replied tho T he E nglish L anguage —There is captain, with child-like smile, “but ona all important point which in all In these days of bear stories and | Captain Bob Sbaftoe concluded to Tho average American is in a great tho orations, that is the very reason I want to try all the odes, and all the BY MK3. M. A. KIDDEB. I wolf stories aud snako stories, a short j run for Congress. Ho bad been in the hurry to realize on liis investments. m.v luck now.” yarn may be a relief, and we are i wars—be hud fought and bled—and If he orders a few garden seeds in Jan music of the centennial Fourth of July Oh, heart, go cut of your bi ting-place, Thero was no bold for it, the nsually bird And wander where you will; indebted for the following, which all his record as a soldier was of the very uary, he is anxious to have them set seems to have been utterly neglected reserved man was presistent, and to es are Through the city and through the town, expected to believe, to a brother of best. Of course, having consented to immediately ; and if ho forwards six and passed by. It is tbe extraordinary Orer the hill and dile— cape the point of the joko turning Over the eea with its thousand ie’.ee, run, he had to take the stump. Bob cents for a copy of some paper which and rapid spread of the English lan against him so unexpectedly, the com the sock and buskin; guage. According to Hume, in the Over the rivers —go A certain actor, who has loomed up could be eloquent upon occasions, es contains a story of which he has read days In quest of a sit gle human soul mander was forced to submit. of Elizabeth, there were less than when picturing battle scenes, or beard he does not forget to request Tuat never hatn “ known a woe.” Wuat the emotions were deep down in more pretentious and ambitious po pecially three millions of the English-speaking sitions, is now the Chief Mogul of a and he indulged rather freely in thia the publisher to send it “ by return race iu Great Britain. Elizabeth died You may enter the palace of the king— in his heart, could not be discerned by The poor man’s humble cot — style, for he know more about war than mail.” Patience, which tukes the form the calm exterior, as he walked over to traveling theatrical, company, which he did about politics. His opponent of 1603, and since her decease, the The place whare greit wealth beantlfies, quiet waiting, is a virtue of wLich in not long since located for two nights at And where it blesses not; the spot occupied by the captain a tongue sho spoke with such vigor and was a politician, and not a soldier. he Bcems to bo wholly ignorant. He abruptness But, should you travel for long, long years, a smart Western town. These nights short time ago. Palo, but dignified, baa nearly conquered the Till centuries had flown, One day Bob addressed an assembled cannot wait tho progress of events, being tbe last of tbe week, they re Lu Jearch of mortals sorrow proof, ho held up the target. world. It is the language of the world, multitude iu front of a cross-road gro but must constantly hurry and fret in You'd come tuck, heart, alone I Somewhat awkward in handling the mained in their comfortable quarters cery. of commerce and of science. Regions He told the story of his hard order to move a littlo faster than her at the village tavern over Sunday. Tho Oh, hands that have too murh work to do (?) weapon, it required somo time for the Cicero never knew are resonant with A j >1 weary of your toil, actor in question is in possession of a ships in the field eloquently and touch wonti d pace. captain to take aim. His hand trem- the vocabulary tho island. There Th r. fain would change with idle hands, He told how he had led a for This tendency crops out very plainly are about forty of millions Pair han!»,” too wnite to soil,” bled with the vacilating uncertainty very fine green parrot, which ho ingly. of men in prizes very highly, aud which be has lorn hope ; how he had been stricken when he purchases trees. He finds America who, in business,’in law, in "Work ou 1 for you have promise sweet of action. Iu deathlike silence tho To the faithful toilers given, under tho very muzzlo of tho them described in the catalogue as politics, use the English language. anxious company watched the clumsy taught a number of stage quotations, J down As you sow go id seed along the way enemy ’s guns ; and how he bad lain “ second - class,” “medium,” “first They are supplemented by tbe inhabi which the bird would often repeat in a' From earth to the gate of heaven. mamruvers, until every hair seemed , two nights and one day suffering where class,” aud “ extra.” The difference in tants of Australia and New Zealand, maunor to create great amusement. As Oh, feet that are climbing the up-hill road, bristling with expectant horror, when ho fell, before succor came. And other theso classes is principally, if not Oft pierced with the sharpest thorns, suddenly the arm holding the pistol was natural, the feathered speaker be tilings he told, equally thrilling. tho Isles of tho Sea. In the Capo Oft temple 1 out of the narrow way, wholly, in the size and height of the and of Good even in tho Orange set was lowered, and the captain exclaimed came a great favorite with tbe compa In-otne flowery Owns, When he had concluded, one of the trees. The larger the tree, the higher tlements, Hopp, ny, and no little consternation was Climb uu, w itn the aid of your trusty staff— tho English is fast expelling with impatient simplicity : I Vp, upward to war 1 the sun ; caused in the troupe by his loss, which unwashed ar.d unterrified—ono of the the price. But the farmer “ don’t care the dialect of tho Hollanders. In In “ What a wriggling thing it is ! , For me goal you see is just in night, i —approached him with ex- anything about that.” He waLts good dia no wealthy or ambitious native con And lue bright crow n almost wuu I When I think I'vo got it, then I haven’t occurred on the Sunday afternoon wo sovereigns treme sympathy in every look. trees or none ; and gives his orders for siders his education complete until got it at all. I guebS I had better let speak of. those of extra size, REd which are four English is us familiar as his vernacular. “ Cap ’ n Bob, wa3 all that true you A TICKLISH MOVEMENT. It appeared that tho bird bad been told us?” it alone ; no telling where the bull or five years old. In doing this ho In Geneva, in Paris, and in Florence, let out of his cage that day, as was fre Captain M---- , of tho Austrain ser might strike.” “ True as gospel, my friend. ” thinks he is acting wisely, but the newspapers are printed in the English A long breath of relief passad around quently done, ho being fond of hop vice garrisoned at Mentz, was a man of “ And you railly tic right up to nurseryman knows better, and • the language. It has even penetrated into the about tho room. It was sup simple habits, quiet and extremely re tho board as the captain laid the weap ping mouth of the enemy ’ b cannon? ” farmer, will find before long that with South America. Iu Buenos Ayres it is that bo had slipped out of the served character, inclining to tho study on down, and cjuietly resumed his place posed “ Yes. ” equal care, tho small trees will grow printed side by side with the columna when tbe door had been opened, of science and the entertainment of his at the table, saying good-naturedly to room “ Aud got kuockcd over ? ” faster (if a fruit tree) , and come into of a Spanish journal, and in Rio de Ja- aud had reached tbo yard or 6treet, and books, rather than tho riotous compan the commander : “ Yes. ” bearing condition sooner than the ncrio tho trustworthy journal, pub “ I am just as much obliged to you, then been secured by some passer-by. ionship and rhodomontado of bis fel “ Aud como nigh dyin ’ ? — two whole ! larger ones. Tbe entire premises were searched, lished among the Portuguese-speaking low officers. For this reason he did count.” nights in misery ?” In half a dozen years, tho tree that but no trace of the parrot could be nationality is in tbe same familiar Four weeks aft?r tho timid captain not stand in very exalted favor with “ Yes. my friend, it is all true as I was small will be larger and finer than found, Tho whole company were in words which the household words them, in fact they even gave current to received a major’s commission, and has sorrow over tho loss of their favorite, Lave told you. I was wounded four the other. The reason for this is obvi in New York are and London. In tho a rumor to tbe effect that Captain M---- no better friend than Count L. times after that.” ous. The larger the tree, the larger Baltic Provinces of in Russia and nono more so than tho owner, our a knowledge waa lacking in the courage so essential “ Well,” said the interrogator, with the roots, which it has, and the larger of English is indif-pensable G allant Y oung M en .—Sho was very friend tho leading mun. for a mer to an officer and soldier. visible emotion, “ I’m blamed if: you tho roots the less fibres thoro will be cantile careeer, and iu Norway pretty, says the Washington Chronicle, But the parrot was not destined to bo lan About this time the regiment received wore a pleasant smile, and, when she lost so ; he revealed himself in a very huiu’t suffered enough for your coun upon them. A tree that has plenty of guage is taught in tbe common the schools a new commander, Count L., a young entered an avenue car last evening, curious way. It was after supper that try. I don’t see why we should send fibrous roots will grow readily, if prop as the most promising branch of liberal gentleman celebrated throughout the there were seven young men who im the disconsolate proprietor was pacing you out among them Congress fellows. er care is used in transplanting ; but education. * * * To all foreigners, whole army for bis war and peace ad vacated their seats, aud de the yard in bis favorite Hamlet atti They’re a hard lot. T’other man is no amount of skill cun coax a tree to except perhaps Frenchmen, it is easy. ventures and his merry pranks, who wus mediately lighted themselves by casting alternate tude, brooding over bis bereavement. younger’n yon, ain’t of much account live and flourish which is destitute of A learned German has called it a gram indebted for Lis high position to his glances the fair one and the vacant At tho same time a dark-; kinned youth anyway. I say, let him suffer awhile ; these littlo fibres. The roots of largo marless language, because it is compar royal descent aud relationship to the > spaces. at She took the nearest scat with —one of tbe despised descendants of so I guess I’ll vote for him ! ”— Led<jtr. trees aro more or less mutilated in tho atively wanting in inflections, in de English crown. A h soon as he discov a nod to ail, and process of tuking up, while tho small bewitching smilo ; Ham, who bad found bis wav North M ake your H eaven H ere .—There is trees sustain littlo injury from this clensions and conjugations, but this ered tbe opiuiou generally entertaiued six young men a bowed and sat down, during tho war—was engaged iu tho no royal read or short cut to heaven. fact makes it more acceptable to of Captain M----- , ho determined to while one young man bowed source. Dealers in trees assert that very stable in tho utilitarian occupation of and stood the foreigner, amenable to tbe convince himself of its justice at the up, and imagined himself a martyr. [ cleaning horses, by the light of a lan If you want a heaven for yourself in experienced men buy small, thrifty useful purpose more of trade, commerce, tho world to come, prepare it for your treos, while those who aro just starting, first good opportunity. tern which bung by a rope over bis She carried a beautiful child in her science uud literature. — Cincinnati At tbe regimental “love feast”—a’ arms, and it was very playful. One head. The door was open, and so tbe self in the life that now is. You have aro anxious for tho largest ones to bo quirer. dinner, eo-called—given shortly after, | young man thought she was its aunt, tragedian approached and watched the no reason to think you will er.ter upon had. Those who are to set trees tho -------------------- -^^ 4^ ------------ <♦» the next life in anywise changed in coming season will do well to learn he had it so arranged that tbe Captain i and two others were quite positive sliG boy at hi3 work, himself unseen. T he C entennial M ain B uilding to character from what you aro when you from tho experience of those who, at R emain of doubtful courage should be seated was not its,mother. Meanwhile tho .—The Fairmount Park Com Tho gloom which overhung tho next to him at the table, and the re child amused itself. It climbed, and actor’s mind was not destined to last leave this. “Ko that is unholy, let considerable loss to themselves, have I mission has yielded to the popular markable timidity and singular reserve crowed, and laughed, and played, and long ; it was relieved in a manner to him be unholy still.” And the charac demonstrated that small trees are the demand, and the Main Exhibition manifested by the otficer really influ the lady laughed and petted it. One occasion vastly different feelings in the ter with which you leave this world ones to buy.—A\ 77. 1 loment cad. Building is to remain, to be used bb a enced the free and easy commander < of the young men, a sacrilegious dark young horsc-valet. A queer, will be the slow and natural growth of bazar and industrial fair ; with T iie S tory of the Fitiil’ND, the grand to believe the rumored opinion was wretch, commenced humming, “ I wish I sharp voice, apparently from ono cud the years of your whole earthly life, tbe proviso, however, that tbe structure and cannot be the result of anything F riend ’ s F riend and the F riends ’ is to bo removed correct ; and began to improvise some I was a baby,” when the child, kicking ■ of the stable, was heard to exclaim : after two years’ notice else, tbo teaching of any theology or F riend .- —A certain peasant visited a shall have beeu given. plan by which the matter could be put in a playfui mood, knocked a handker charge for “Lay on, Macduff 1” man to tho contrary notwithstanding. Hodja one day, and presented him with admission is restricted The »o the test on the spot and settled for a chief from tho lady’s lap on the iloor. to 25 cents for The boy straightened up as though Tiie truo conception of human exist a hare. Tho giver was treated with certainty. five days of the week, and 10 cents on were four of the young men who he was touched with a hot iron, and ence doubtless is as one in this world great consideration, aud a soup was During dessert ho directed the con- j There Saturday ; and when tho income it a simultaneous dive for the mus looked toward tho end of tho stable and the next—this tho rill, that the made of the haro. versatiou upon pistol-shooting, in , made yields is sufficient to pay expenses and lin, atid two got it; they came up with a queer mixture of wonder and river ; this the dawn, that the day ; this Next week tho peasant came again. which he claimed to be au expert, and smiling, interest ou tho investment, tho admis fear. There wus but littlo light from neither willing to relax his “ Who aro you ? ” the bud, that the flower ; this the blade, at last sent a waiter after his pistol grasp, and two bauds were extended to the lantern, and yet it would seem im fee is to bo still further reduced, “ I am the man who gave you tho sion cases to prove the truth of Lis boasting ward the fair one. An old lady ou the possible for a human being to hive that the full corn in the ear. Heaven so that the public may enjoy the exhi is n<»t something to be won or got or hare ? ” I words. at tbo lowest possible charge for side tittered, and the young stood there without being observed, bought, cither by ourselves or some* “ Oh, yes ;” and ho was again well bition fbe weapons were soon at bond, aud opposite entrance. brill the lad ’ s sharp eyes could see lady held the child in front of her faco b . lj e’so for us ; but it is something to received. taking a wine-cracker about the sizo of aud blushed. Tho young men looked nothing. Tho British Government lias recently grow iLto. In the next world you are Some time afterwards camo several presented a silver half dollar, from the table, he at each other, and then at the ------- . Philadelphia with tho hand- “ Who dar ?” he cried, in a somewhat simply ycurself, only moved on, and poisons, and demanded hospitality. coolly challenged Captain M—— to Their mouths and eyes opened; each quivering voice. There was no re somo buildings now occupied by the “ Who are you ? ” stand at the other end of the room aud handed it to tho other ; something fell sponse. The boy glared about with moved up. Swedenborg somewhere British Commission. What with tbe gives us a representation of porsons “ Wo aro tho neighbors of the man Main Building, Memorial hold this up as a target for him. Hall, Horti | unmistakable trepidation. Then he. upon the fluor; aud the two young who had died, and did not for a consid who gave you the hare.” A universal stare of astonishment, ! men cultural Hull, aud probably Machinery I again es-ayed : silently departed from the car. erable timo even know that they were “ Oh, yes ; you aro welcome and Hall, together with tbe British mingled with malicious satisfaction, I The other edifices, “ Now you stop dat I I see you, and young men looked out of dead. Their old thoughts and feel they also were well received. Not long tho statues, etc., it appears that greeted this extraordinary request. the windows, a con aud somebody whispered, ; you’d better come out. You. can’t fool ings and loves and desires of an earth- ’ after this appeared quite a troop of The officers all looked at tbe innocent “It wasn't a handkerchief. siderable portion of the Centennial dis chicken.” ” ly life remained, and the world which people. captain, who very naturally made some structures will be left, affording all tbe “I urn thy father’s ghost !’’ they had entered did not at first seem “ Who are you ? ” decided protest, as his superior olficer facilities for a very largo permanent The voice seemed to come from different from the one they had left, with the C hildren .—“ When “ W a are tho neighbors of the neigh display. had indulged to a very perceptible ex we I’ iay were all children at home,” said a 1 above. Thero was a jingle beam run only it was spiritual instead of physi bors of the man who gave you tho lent iu the sparkling glass in the course friend, The Exposition will close on Novem “ nothing delighted us so much ning across the stable, but tho boy cal. Hence they weDt on with their hare.” of the meal. ber lbth ; but visitors will continue to a romp with my father ; the hour ■ could see nothing upon it. A horrid old employments and ran the roued of “ Oh, yes ; you are welcome.” “I hope you are not afraid, captain ; as admitted as usual after that date, in his home coming was tho happiest idea that ho might be haunted entered their old pleasures. Only by degrees So they were shown in, and the Hod be or is the sruell of powder disagreeable, of order provide necessary funds to I tho darkey ’ s brain. Ho yelled out : in all tho twenty-four. I often think did they perceive their chauge of ja presently set before each of them a defray to perhaps?” was the sarcastic remark i if all parents would play with their expenses of police maintenance, “ 1 don ’ t want noffiu of you ! I don ’ t slates—and that as they theinsc-lves bo- cup of clear water. / of his commander. etc. I home discipline might en know any ghosts !” * “ Tho man’s a fool,” they said,.upon carae, by natural processes of growth •------ —---------------------- — “ Well, I don’t know, but I guess children, “ My name is Norval ! ’ ’ tirely lose its severe aspect, and become and development, capable of deeper beholding such an entertainment Û8 L anguage of A nimals .<— An English not,” was tbe phlegmatic reply of the a law of love.” C'bildron are not made “ I can’t help dat! What you want seeing and higher knowledge.— /Ar. J. that. writer says ; The ewe will distinguish captain, as, with a peculiar smile, ho good by thb rod of power. How many wid me ?” But tho Hodja answered, “This is I her own Jamb’s bleat among a thou T. Sunderland t in Tie Sltakt r. ■lowly rose, cracker ^n hand and parents are willing to devote an hour boy’s face was ghastly with ter ------- -------------------- the sauce of tho sauce of tho bare.” sand, all bleating at the same time and walked to the end of the room. With or so to play with the child or chil ror Tbe ---------------------------- as ho spoke. A necdote of T haddeus S tevens .— making a noise a thousand times loud his back resting against the wall, he T iie E ffect or A stonishment .—He er than tho singing of psalms at a Csm- “A"pound of flesh !’’ A correspondent of tbe Baltimore G’u- took the target between tbe thumb and dren? it knows nothing else. Asa The climax bad como. The darkey, zette, writing from Lancaster, Penn., walked into the drug storo, observed eronion sacrament in the fields, where littlo kitten will stop lapping her milk forefinger and held it up. in his fright, was sinking to his knees. relates tho following anecdote of Thad the New Orleans Ihdlelin, and said : to play with the string which you draw thousands are congregated—and that Count L. drained his campagne glass, “ Gimme a glass of that sody. ” across the iloor, so will the child leave At that moment a small green object, dens Stevens : “ Many years ago, is no juko cither. Besides, tiie distin- adjusted his lorgnette hastily ; aimed ; I “ What syrup will you have ? ” said almost everything for a romp with its with outstretched arms, came sailing when Thaddeus Stevens was practicing guisbment of voice is perfectly recip fired. father or mother. In these romps and through tho air straight at him. The .the boy. law in Lancaster, he was employed to rocal between tbo cwo a^d lamb, Tbe ball passed through the center “ Syrup! I don ’ t want syrup; I during these moments of recreation boy had just enough voice to gasp : defend two bank officers, who had been who amid the deafening sound run to of the target. indicted for conspiracy, they having want sody I ” meet one another. Not a feature moved, not a nerve i the great lesson of love is learned by I “ De debbii’s come !” The boy put the glass under tho fau And theu, dropping his instruments, used the funds of the bank in specula Thero are few things which have quivered ; calmly the captain surveyed the child. This close- companionship tbe hole in the target made by the bul makes the bond between parent and I he bounded up, uud out of the stable tion. All the legal talent of Philadel cet, and turned on the soda water full ever amneed me more than a sheep child, which results in the future ac and into the inn, roaring out lustily in phia, and surrounding counties, had head. As it struck the glass with a shearing, and then the sport continues let. The laughter was silenced ; the con- ceptance of advice aud guidance. Per Lis dismay. The last words that rang been engaged to assist in the prosecu hissing noise, the stranger said : tko whole day. Wo put the flock into “ Gush all Jerusalem ; what’s that?’’ tho fold, rent out all the lambs to the tion. When the trial was opened, Mr. iemptous faces of the officers now ex haps you are naturally a dignilied per in L u 3 car as he started, were : “ Give me another horse 1” pressed nothing but admiration, and son and unaccustomed to play, so when Slevens arose, and addressing tho and started backward, fell over a stool, hill, and then send the ewes to them as your infant first came to you you were and as tried to get up brushed they aro shorn. The moment that a It is almost unnecessary to add that possibly regret, for having misjudged Court, said : unaccustomed to its care ; but^ou did i 'perfumery stand, which lamb hears her it rushes from the crowd our friend recovered Lis parrot. But against a their companion. But the generous “ ’ll it please your Honor, presuming not for that reason allow it to go un caused a bifftie to fall off and strike to meet her, but instead of finding the it would take more tbau mortal per commander advanced with the inten cared for. If you are harassed by there are different degrees of guilt at suasion to convince the little darkey tion of aay iog something complimentary tached to the prisoners, my clients, I him on the back cf the head. rough, well-clad, comfortable xnamma At the same time, tho boy, thinking II which it left an hour or a few hours toward Captain M----- , who bad placed worldly anxieties, the recreation will that he did not seethe arch fiend Lim I move that they be tried separately.’ benefit you as much as it benefits the eelf. He has quit cleaning horses at the mutilated cracker on the table and child, “ 'lhe judge consulted for a few mo something serious had happened, drop ago, it moots a poor, naked, shriveling and your bleep will be the sound night. taken up one of the pistols, and was ex er for it. The experiment is worth ments with bis associates, who consent ped the glass on the marble counter, —a most deplorable looking creature. ----------- ---------------------- — breaking it into ninety-nine pieces. amining it on all sides with evident in trying. It wheels about, and uttering a load, Prof. Gorini, of Padua, has arrived i ing. the motion was granted, and so re The Strenger, with his hand to the tremulous bleat of perfect despair, flies terest ; now, said he, with tho most corded. Wailing somo time for Mr. < ♦ & —----- in Paris, to exhibit to the Academy of artless face imaginable. T he subjects of pictures in the Art Science his process of petrifying hu I Stevens to go uh , the judge, at last be back cf Lis head, aud bis eyes protrud from tho frightful vision. Tbe moth ing \iith fright, started for the street er’s voice arrests his flight—it returns •• You are a mighty clever 6hot,Count, Exhibition in Memorial llall continue man remains. Some months ago a coming impatient, said impetuously : at°a speed of twenty miles au hour, —flies and returns again, gonerally for and treated me nicely ; didn't take off to puzzle the unsophisticated mind. young husband went to tho Professor, “ ‘ Proceed, Mr. Stevens, proceed. and ran plump into the arms of a po ten or a dozen times before the recon as much as the tip end of my little fin The other day a stalwart gentleman and asking him what it would cost to i We are waiting for you, sir.’ liceman, v» ho collared him, and said: ciliation is perfect. ger. I wonder if I could make as planted himself before Riviere’s beau petiify his mother-in law. “ Stevens rose deliberately, aud look “ What ’s the matter?” ----------- ► -— clean a shot now ? Will you do me the tiful picture. He was evidently great I “ What particular member would ing around tho couit-room for a mo A n Irishman lately landed in New “ Matter 1 ” said the stranger, “ why, honor of holding tbe target for me ? ly attracted by the figure of the half you desire petrified ?” asked the Pro ment said : Yoik was searching for two of bis the drug store has exploded, and I'm I am really curious to see if I can find nude sorceress and the drove of her fessor. “ ‘ Did your Honors ever hear of one brothers, whom he had rot berrd tho only man saved 1 ” the opening your little bullet made.” ■ human swine, and sought eagerly in “ The right band, to avenge blows mr.n beinglried for conspiracy ? ’ Then, from since be left the old country. It was interesting to observe the the catalogue for the explanatory title. given in the past, aud prevent these waving his hand to his clients, he said: S cience is a great thing. It has change in the faces of the company at Finding the number, ut last, he read that might be given in the future.” ‘ You can go home ; you can go home.’ been of immense benefit to the human Ono day, wbilo walking near a locomo this guileless request. Consternation with a puzzled air : “ Circe and the “And they did go home. Tho jury race, aDd to brute creation, so far as tive works, he arrived in front of a “ Then she is not dead ? visible everywhere, but most plainly Companions of Ulysses.” Ha looked i “Alas ! no.” was discharged and tho court adjourned. we are able to learn ; but it fails to ex largo boiler, on which was printed in large letters, “ Patented 1870.” On to be seen on the face of Count L., once more on the nymph and the swine, “ I can do nothing fur you ; I only And for this piece of legal strategy plain why the man who stubs his toe this catching tho eyes cf tbe immi who exclaimed : read the title again, aud finally drawled, operate ou dead bodies.” 1/1 Thad. Stevens received five thousand in going over the gutter invariably grant, be exclaimed,*“ Hurrah ! I have “Why, captain, didn’t you say but a as be walked away: “ Waal, that’s “ So I was told ; but I bad hoped dollars.” ------------ -c < looks down reproachfully at his boot, found him at last, ‘ Pat an’ Ted 1870.’ -------- moment ago you never handled a pis i rayther rough ou Grant ’ X 2’i- that you would have contracted to pre A picki ' ocket works on abstract prin as though it had led him astrsv.—Jius- That’s tho year they came out uud they 1 bunc. tol before in your life ? ” pare her lor the process as well.” Ao* /r<<: /’, <>•. ciples. i 1 aro both tiler makers,” <41 • “EVERY HEART KNOWS ITS OIV N BITTERNESS.” I I I VJ ! i •u— .. .... 1 j *