Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1876)
1 I seem incline! to adheio to “single rule,” whether from necessity or choice I shall net assume to say ; but if asktd confidentially truth would compel me to stats that “ Barkis is willin’ ”r but tho girls are plaguey choice. Thera is some talk of a Christmas ball at “Uncle George’s,” and if the report bo true a good time is coming, for no ono can doubt bio ability to make such an en tertainment a succes. A S keleton W atchman . —The Bos- 1 ion Tran- cript relates the following : A We give below the returns from the physician having bis office opposite the NOVEMBER 18, 1S76. different counties. The returns from SATURDAY... Museum being annoyed by Italian ped '1 '71 mill'JlJl.'J l Clackamas, Douglas, Lane, Marion, dlers, who ran in upon him at all hours, AN EXTRA SESSION. I laid a plan to keep them away. With Multnomah and Yambill are full. The a human skull fixed cn ft pole, around Oar excellent Sabbatb-day cotempo others are only partial: ' which ho wrapped r.n old office gown, rary, the Portland Sunday Welcome, is ‘ and animating tbs whole by the office in favor of a called session of tho Leg i boy, a very respectable living skeleton islature. We confess to having been was produced, which on Munday bad COUNTIES. the prem- so stupid as to have overlooked the the desired effect in ; iddiDg ' THE TIDINGS But another ef- ises of the intruder?, necessity of a special session until we Cornea to ns regularlZ Its independ- protTuced noi entirely feet was since ent course p.nd general sprightly tene saw a call for sack a convocation in our IW. cu .. Tuo skeleton was set in io;'.; 37*2 is commended by nil Hiker.............. save a few—a . anticipated. 5ù U 515 j G.Gl 569 Sabbatic brother’s columns. We man- BeEtOC ...................... I the closet near the doo for future nsa. 950 i T 04 ! 1S 952 ........... 731 very few-r-who dislike ti»3 truth when tion this because it is not our desire to GhckiHuu- ?.y the doctor was himself Yer.terd*^ *■'« 4!i ¿61 3M its utterance touches their pocket CisDcp.......................... 41” * * : ; CD 162, 197 ICO Lt»7 CulutL* I'.U ........................ from h*3 front oGiee by a rat startled claim any of the honor dae our acute The 474 * i 430; •ICO nerve, which is very sensitive. 5-- C. os............................... dry bones, followed by an tin : tling of and public spirited colomporary, for Curry............................ 1ÓÓX ... * * 1 ; 1923' ... paper suits the people, however, aud 847 43 earthlv yell, as though his ghostship 823 D. !1J »........................ hey will not ot fail to y yield i. hl it their the pat- its timely and economical suggestion. Grau: . .. ................ .. ...I vir •’ ’ again, and ken cn mortality c-ii •111 SW 4i ! 40S on.igo to tho extent of their ability bad “tr.!: >CKH»n........................ The necessity for an extra session is J Jos»¡ ! rushing out the doctor discovered a 41 . . • ... :1:1e Elu» )......... >nd wants. I ìauleigh . “l 86 I fellow standing on tho floor nearly tersely and forcibly stated by tho pro Trtke !U , )................... Ól'J 946 315; 1 518 Lue. .. .. .. ?L1AT3 warrant of w . K. NEIL ! scared to death. Be had stolen in and ! JIsil 11 1 ts,’ ’..vr, found political economist who presides Lino........................ 169S 1 >6 5 b; 1 1797! 1252 opened the closet door, when the skele M ni u........................ Ii the Circuit C >r.rt for S'Je of Oregon f.r the over the Sunday reading of our metrop ITilU tua!» . . .. 21Î3 152 i? 1’ i 21<°i 152 ton had suddenly confronted him, fall euuu-y of Liai».] ' ^52 492 50| 1 ©Jo Po!k............................... olitan city. With becoming solemnity Tillan.cok ing against tho door. The follow was 120 1 ■1 7) 12!> e'of Oregon Plaintl f, f 7’4 S3. 6.'3 and dignity bo sav3 : “ The calmon Unia’ li............... ... 476 probably a sneak-thief, and the skele 9S X23 1” 2 H Uiilon................ X. Neil Defend mt. Í * ton saved the doctor’s best coat. And ì industry must ba protected ; tho Stat3 AVaer.i........................ 3‘ ' 5 27«: . 311 1 -' 3 'J SOS 6'32! now tha stroat boys have it that the AVashiagtoii.. Capitol building should receive atten Y sii 1 S75 THE SlTET-IFF GF SAID COUNTY OF b7<» i 817 »n-.üili........................ 1 buildiug 13 haunted. tion, else damage may result to the and ms D eputies —Greeting: ■ ■ ...... + »» .............. .. , ’.2231 ’ 325 : 13013. 11824 Totali .. .... ........... building.” Now we havo two excuses iereas , At a regular term of f A S cotch professor in the University Circuit Court cf said county, bej at Edinburgh was experimenting be to offir to our readers for not antici JACKSON ÍV—OFL ív'IAL. and holden on tbe-ttli Monday of 0» fore his pupils with some combustible pating our cotemporary in calling for her, 187u, and the days following p substances, when, as bo was mixing The following are the official returns an extra session of the Legislature to day, to what said court was regularly them, they exploded, rhatieriog tl.e of icksoa County, as canvassed on attend to these pressing and most im ! adjourned, to-wit : Ou the full day of viel tt hicli be ht 11 into fragments. He last Saturday: November, 1S7G, tLe above named Win. held up ft small piece cf glass, and portant matters : First, wo ara not, K. Neil was duly convicted cf the said, very gravely, “ Gentlemen. I Lave nor have we be^n for many years, on ci ime f . ' 1 d te, for made this experiment efteu with this I intimate terms with any intelligent ; feloniously, maliciously and purposely very same vial, and never knew it to Q PRECINCTS. salmon, whale, sacker or other fish ; and with deliberation and premedita break in my hands before.” -a tion, killing one Seth \V. Hayes in said *-« hence we are not snppo3ed to under county of Linn ; and, stand what legislative action is neces W hereas , At raid term of said sary to secure their natural rights. Fvo:sCieek.......... ! Kll h ¡ lì? 111] 11 court, tc-wit: Oa the 10th day of No C(>UiUNEY < OI.W1JJ. Li JdCkeoi.vil'*, Nuteui ÌÌ ol <' . 0 1 9' nr iiHiVitle . The salmon that annually visit thia S AViilow b-.- lGcb, 187(>, by P. 1’. P.iin, Uuuf Jti-ii e, Mr 45 43 45 (• 7 1 vember. 1876, judgment was duly pro 1 41 SpriugB 6 ----- C latiK-y ..ti l Mr«?. M .ry Jai.« C dwell. 3S bo 1 40 Lniltì B ugs . ... 4" ! G7 6 11 1 pounced against caid W. K. . Neil, that place, by way of Bear Creek, arrive in * 5 i Plea 8; : 4 C;2ek.. 12 12 12 5| .’2 I 59 19 1 he bo taken from said court to the jail -,o! such a demoralized condition «3 to be Appi-"»te . .. . cn 50 ì 2 1C 71 2 191 • 29 •>9 1 9 2 ’ 29 1 of cuid county and there he pt in close IblUlLHAVll . . totally unable to let their wants bs 1 T.ble Ruck............. cu ; 93 93 j ; i: !■' 111| 92 H -1 6 9 1 ccntinemsnt in caid jail unt til the time n J’ o 11 Butte ... . t 1 known. In fact many cf them become Big Rock l'Aal . ■ 9 : 411 Î9 i 2 ■> Av ~ -■ 23 il 18 t y to be fixed fur Lis execution, and that 93 9.3 ‘.»3 ; ' 123 123 i?3‘ 1)5 1 l 2 ho l.'O then taken from there to the completely moribund by the Lime they A«bl iu J............. 29 18’ 13 13 i 25 2 •. 28 1’e l'as* R? T come in hailing distance of this ofiico. Mat-'ilìita .. . 43 piece of execution in said cunniy, and n 1 - — 37 32 ! 4? 4“. 4.. : .... .. . °2i Il 12 ’24 Í. 12 there hanged by tho neck until ho is ?' From their appearance, however, wc l^cLkH*4 Eien......................... Gl Si Gl! 1 ?7 .7 « 7 i , ! (il 77 dead ; and, e . 1 1 u r 5 Eluuice Roei» ti 1 •' Ü 6 are satisfied that the Sunday Welcome is JiCkeOLVhle W hereas , Friday, tho 221 day cf ........ 225 224 225! i 122 123 12*. 22o ¡123 K — — ! 1---- — — 1 — right : they certainly need “ protec December, 1376, is hereby appointed Telali................ aio '» - : 819 585 585 58G! 82»«592 ... I...Ü23G |... and fixed cs tho day cn which raid tion.” Come to think of it, wo have M j'nti-ss.......... 1255 242 2'4 judgment shell bo ( xecuted, and the seen rude boys stoning them and job win hour vi 1 o’clock in the aitirnoan of If bing sticks at them when they have LAKE COUNTY COI said day as tho time in said day for the -attempted to como out into shallow L inkatlle , N ov . 1 , 101'0. execution of said judgmont. water, perhaps for the purpoao of let Now, therefore, you and each of you To the T idings : —“ JIow has tho ore hereby comr.ianded tiiat i.t the Emo ting their wants known. This is inhu elactioa gene?” is the question which Il ’ »u«O’ ‘V aforesaid, to-wit:-at the hour of 1 man aud should bo stopped at all haz is heard propounded whenever or o'clock on the afternoon of said 221 ards and at whatever expense to the two or mere men meet in this day of December, 1876, you take the tax payers cf the State. The salmon part of lho State. So many conflicting said Win. K. Neil to a place to be by should be treated with at hast n3 much reports cctro in that it 13 impossible tn you prepared for the due execution of consideration as the Chinaman. In form any opinion as to hew things said judgment within the enclosure of the lull'd jail or jail yard and there in fact there is a clo3o relationship be stand in the outside world. If yon : the presenca of lx y.‘.A ©lectors of tween a salmon and Chinaman, as meet a Democrat he will toll you that said county of Linn, to be by you se Kuù ! every one who has rusticated at a sea Tilden and Hendricks are surely elect lected, Lang him, the said Wm. K. Neil by the rock until ho is «lead. side hash-houaa will testify. But we ed, and if you meet a Republican he And that ci this warrant and youi Tree?, hadn’t thought of this until wo read the will swear “ by all the gods at caco” doings thereon you rauho due ccrBce article in the Sunday Welcome calling that ‘Hayes and Wheeler are tho sac- and return to this Court. upon Governor Grover to convene the cesofr.l candidates. Under tbeso cir R. P. E otse . Judge. A ldant , Cr., Nor. 10, a8«6. Legislature in extra session. We see cumstances wo of Lake County havo *N * X z I M z 'VZ i. » i Ji -• it now. simply to await tho fullness of lime to A WHALE ! Then there is the Stata Houso argu enlighten us cs to the result of the late W’in is the 1 icky Wan * ; o tave aw v the A largo whale, sixty - £70 feet in ÛrtL X í OUC IkvUê. id ; A llOL Uj OLijr ment; it’s good, ita timely. The political contest. length, aud cf proportionate breadth, ¡IVC-. € a CÙ —¿Ü1 ilb State House is not like tbs calmou TEE COUNTY SUAT was driven ashore arboro cn tho Bandou In fact it is not a salmon, neither is it Question is settled. Lake View hi the beach on September 21st. Kennedy Kentiei L to* * A • claims« il him as being the fust that a sucker. It’s a whalo, but it’s a dry successful point. Linkville, resting found him. Elliott said he was the As there is in /. ttutìc V • land whale. The differenco between upon its assumed priority of <• . claim c.aim and I owner bt tj I wC L c tr.un.s euni cl ' causa lie saw Lira before Ken- the State Houee and a salmon is this: seniority as a local habitation , made no I nedv C jx says ho caw him before OC..J . Tho salmon can stand more water than effort to retain the County Beat, while I oituer cf them, and several othen a ■ whoso names we were unablo to ascer the State House. The Stats nouse its mors youthful contestant exaii every uervo to r.ccuiro tho coveted I tain, ca ach and all deemed hi’u thri 9 FU RUBS. must be protected from too much -- ----------- oa gr0Un(] prix-3. The consequence 13 that, respective property n. Cail m H water and the salmon must have water though “ the race ie net fo r the swift Co;»!.» 1>«E. eyes on him bc- that each ci them laid ' enough. There’s tho difference. X7e nor ‘bo battle for tho strong,” Lake fore anybody else, Less than an hour i see it; the people see it, and notwith View br.3 been too fast and too : irong I aud a half after sundown they w\:ro standing it would cost the tax-payers for Iiinkville, by about thirteen T’otes. unable to decide “who owned the of the State about §120,000, let ns have Well, we who feel cn ir iterest in the chi’ 1.” When tho <1 irki ess had srt in an extra session—when it is needed. matter have this to ray : Lake County so thick that you couldn’t see O K. on is young and sparsely nettled: no point a b.-trrt 1 of Fiat agin’s whisky, they all THE PRESIDENTIAL QUESTION. • has yet-been shown to .bo Do possessed of retired forthon’gnt. Meanwhile B n- & ! : justify tho e-j-oml- don BiEy, Two-Mi!o Jack, Sugar-Lip sufficient claims to j The following is the electoral vote as iture of tho amount i cf money necessary Janoy, Rambling Ned, and «liveis other it now stands: to construct more than temporary Indians, not having the fear of God or buildings ; when a railroad t?.p3 cur Kennedy boforo their eyes, quickly Alatami... Ar kaus vi.. territory its course will determine the skinned tho gnat “mammal” to tha emfuruia.. location best suited for our County bone, tailing ana; a3 much blubber Color., do... Couoec icut Seat. with thorn as would bo sufiieient to ! DaUware.. POLITICAL. grea ’e thu wheels of life of tha entire Fluitela ... Georgia.... 11 Your correspondent will certainly tribo for nc •arly a quarts r of a century, ludia ns.... 15 w:v i dragged off not be charged with writing anything WLiat they left • _ bjbind 11 Iowa........... t 1 Y’atd «»>¿1 bis of a nartixan char;.Ac. for the T. . ...^ Illinois.... 21 K»ns »a.... 5 V kz bl c »J - ' '. Wg Oi five magni'lccii 1- L f L <z 1-t V-t > f nr-r if he should give your readers the Kentucky.. 12 result of the late political contest, so span of oxe en, and thus te minuted this •LoUliiauu Li -.« i •» M.due....... 4 corte •4 about what was ‘ ‘so very far as it is known, in this couutv. Rreut M >ryl aal.. 8 A ' A AA •- V - • X V • I - » > The Bepub!?c?.E • bsdn : m .11 THE ASHLAND TIDINGS New Arrival of Medicine AT THE — Ashland Drug Store! V. ell te.< vied fctock L i Í » DRUGS AKD EJEDICiNES Just réceiveù from 8.*n rrrrc’sco, iig ut the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE*-' ITi- llfiR 3!*O < NUIS, SAVIA. 1 CAKES :ti i i, Kuj-t 111 lin t-uâfcs ci I.g ulicliiiuu lu 111B Overland Condition IklrK of- hl8 own r nni reconuu n d ii em. Le hiircbou- l ät.d T- l'or Co’<l», Coughs nnd Di Lu i»«ij l.eeil in. liV Jc..lS U ba à vc»y ...iu^o.e ivii.t ly q T F > <7 ! >' :n ry. tutore h 1« bjea Io .--I conn et ut j uni c Vei -* C; FT '» to a v;-i ; ioii i<T. l >-L j . ■> r I á i*- ci Ï ftC! ¡'iL ... I l l îin.’e Kbica ùStiìLiÈ'. to cluïély to í r>—'P»’ X ‘ MILLED 13 11 M vs sachuselts Micbignu.. MiuLcscta. Mississippi Missouri... Nebraska.. . Nevada........... New Hampshire.. New Jersey... New York.... Norlh Cauliua O »io................... Oregon............. rtuu»yly.iuu. Rhode leliLd. South Carotina. Teuntssee.... Texas............... Vermoui.......... Virginia........... Wisconsin.... Weal Virgiuu before reaching .U tg’o i uir/., gci .g east, but there their glory depart ed and Democratic majorities be gan telling-against them ’wtil tho ..»1 counting will show about ninety ma jority for Tilden a rd Uane. The Dem ocratic majority in tho county, on a full vote, would probably reach one hundred. STOCK. Stock raisers regard this part, of the country overrun with cattle. But tow sales of importance have been made this Fall, although wo have beef cattle in tiny number and r.d fine ns ever roamed over green sward. It seams that buye’-s have been inclined to take ndvaDtago of the number of beef cattle on baud, and their offers Lave been low in accordance, while stock raisers, be ing generally in easy circumstances aud not compelled to sacrifice, have thus far refused to sell at tho ruling figures. Some small sales have been made, however, and there seems to bo a prospect for higher prices before long. Stock cattle and horses ure very low aud no sales uro being made at present. supplies . Our merchants have received most of their Winter supplies of goods ami groceries, and freighting is about over for the season. The roads are good, however, and many wagons, heavily freighted with fruit and vegetables, are still arriving from the valley. It is a risky business to bring such produce at this season of the year, as the weath er is cold and aslight falling of the mer cury would be fatal to potatoes, at least. * - -u Total».... L uuia L oaj , etill iii duubt, ciets 8 electoral vote?. TV Said a printer to his sweetheart: •* * of my xislOce, give me an M~<__ ” She made a------at him and planted her ftay* between his ii, which made him see ***.— Exchange. What a *tling event; and how 4ward she must have been. If she wanted to be in stylo (8ively speaking) why didn’t she ^48 him with at? --------------------------------- A P ractical H oneymoon .—Two peo ple got married the other day, says the Raleigh Standard, and they acted een- sibly, indeed. All day long they were hxiDg up their house. The woman vowed she wouldn't marry till she “ seed everything fixed.” Band in hand, they were busy as bees baying provisions and furniture for the bouse. And at last, when all was done, the wo man walked down and peeped in and »aid: “Now, John, I’ll marry you,” and they went and were married, and MISCELLANEOUS. marched straight down into a snug little home. There wasn’t a Saratoga There lias been no excitement in the trunk or a single unpaid tailor's bill in social department of life in these parts the whole ceremony. lor some time. Our young men all /F rom S ilver S prings .—Mr. V7. Flu mm or, of Eat Portland, returned E >c jvtuiug from the r»ewly-di'Cuvcrt-d silver springs in Eastern Oregon. In «'ornnany (, »th o hvr parties, JE. Plum- me» Jef FoGLudc”. Mend'y : lorning last week, p.n 1 traveling day and night, reached tho springs on ths Thursday evening f<4lov.’in/. Ho informs us that thealleged original discoverers ara now in possession oi tha ciaici, and ¡hut • 11 is quiet there. Tho claim taken by them embraces57 of tho wells or springs p.nd some of thesa are 100 feet across. Tho motal or l quid substance which they furnish is, ns Plummer de-. cribes it, “ liko ‘.hick butter milk with aslight bluish tinge, and a little less deniuty than water.” When on enimul f.dlj into it, it (the animal) never rises to the flurfaco. Tha substance is abundant, and if it is as rich ns that was reported to have been which was assayed,- there is enough silver there to pay the na tional and rebel war claims, the cotton claims and make all the men in Ore gon mil’ionaries. Mr. Plummer says there are millions of tons ot it. lie brought somo of it with him, and it will be thoroughly tested by competent assayers aud its value perhaps settled. N ew Y ork proposes to organize a cheap c;d> company, with a capital of $1,000,000. It will be conducted in the Eatue manner as those in E tropem cities, and each cab Mill le large enough to accommodat^fuur persons inside, with room for baggage on top. Their rates will bo fifty cents an hour, aud stands will be assigned in different parts of the city where cabs may bo found day and night. n j r R » iu Í t 4 FT-T - , -* a . '. r <> ». •il 1 jtv% . as ah the IMPROVED SETS And cu furnish our c ua; <a Au1/ every or^n Is fully warmted. To»r~e Oil l’uìisli, Bls'J: Walr-.t ’ Gases that filini?, Ill a ld.tioi] lu 3 spienilid iu&trumeut of mucic, a ('n rc .ícüa-le terms, nr ti l l l „.Di ni U, .»»» them wuile UuG»! Akj, toz • w < PR pw i Í L «T to U I* I w • i r -■ W v- ’• i * ■ L a - ignei i, i dam : i i trou, et Is only to be pcc - j S ubscribe for the to be cp; o. X irtmeJy ■» ILRNiTI Made to orde n- -. I »-• Ol ti t An t-. J • Wheat, Oat.», Lumber, o- 0? li tr.l: exchange for work. Call aud see n.o. /.s’nlan June 23d, 11376. na'Itf. ’ 9 }, hl fEIlS i i . . Í l— « C “ X •pIIE UNDERSIGNED, BELIEVING IT JL to be to the iniitii d advantage of FAMILY JOL\c . at flic head of Pacific Coast Killers and Farmcrs, Asu paper to C a I IDES. II iv® made arrangements whereby the Ashland ¿nd Phœnix Mil! Will be under th* management o cor W agxek . who will have chai; both Mills lor f! e G »mpany «luring : ibv e: ing )e ar. < lding July 1.-4, 1'77. We wi:l pay the biil e-t market piie for goud lii-i<.b nitaole wheit, aud aie | pep ir<‘<i to contract II uir at ili-.O) pur thousand l [D' hk ’. s at the Mills. Oilice of th«* Company at the Ashland Mills. Addies, WAGNER, ANDER-ON & FARMER’S CO., nol2tf. A'lilaml, Oregon ON THE TRADE. 7 w SEND TO 1EIENDS D ! S 8 0 U U 7 it will giro tiiei.i Wasliin^to.i T of any other •> »- ml. A single number a l>e D’.‘ i -e.» oi Oregon ¡»¡nl ri bo y iL.ui ayeai’ts nutuL ••■» pajer. Subscriptioa price, £2.CO l‘E?t YEAR, • fi Sample number, 20 Cfs. Address the publisher. including jio -t; e. Made to T.-aciierF, M nh'er.«, Churches, Scho. 1« Iiodg's, etc., where there ìf no axent lor the tMr, O'gin. I.lui-tni'e-1 Citai, gai- and p.i.e i.s: Lee. CorrespOiidei.ce 8o.i ;iiel. Address The in:»buf c*u- rere, Al leger, 1 Jowl 1 >y à Co.. I.. SAMUEL, P. o. I! >x 3, Fn»r.l. »id, O ku . C/rTa-ndtlinoei c.abemndeby regiB'end letter or uy order on :u y of tie Por.Uu'l BuMae*« H< u-ce. uol3>2m THE ASHLAND ACADEMY rphe Ih WISH TO SAY TO MY PATRONS will » 1 ih ..»at I tun prepare 1 to take in payment 1 nil. of suliscriptio 1 to the TibiNGs t-l! ki .ds of Al! exj c tinz to attend, u ill do weli to .*.„ ..‘..le pio luce. «u :h -is Wheat, B our, inarkctabl be pn Cut ‘ ’ e first d «y. o----- Lumber, Woo 1. , Dried Fruit, Eggs, Butter, Thu iv'.r our l- it-tid- 1 r t’.fc’r » J e d paf- Chee-e, Beans, Bac-m-L Baciu,L ud, u»1, etc. Arrange- i<>naje in th»’ p ist , w<- b -pvak its inert ofc meats have been mide, wlt'-ri by parties for the futur»-, ."ch 1 r- may enter at any bringing in m<»re ptLihice than eno igh io time durit g il e tri tn. i’ uilioa charged only T. B. M c M urtrie , ihr tLe time iti ut!et.«latice. r< 'vive mer H. W. A lleges , pay their subs tipi di . can rcreive E dward P lotts . T here are three thousand Smiths, chandise at CASH HATES lor the balance. C. P. B owlby , J. H. SKIDMORE, Principal. J. M. ol'TTON, Publisher. (Sept. 27, ’76: 1 yr.) Johns and others, in New Jersey. nolSlt