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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1876)
THE ASHLAND SATURDAY.. .. TIDINGS .NOVEMBER 11, 1876. YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT. A TREATISE ON “HOSSES.” being asked if he would not like to -» be - an editor, said, ° gravely, • • - - u t No, I intend to be a good LINKVILLE STOVE PACIFIC NORTH W.C. MYER, man?’ - AND- A C.ainbritlgc youth, old Ry ENIGMAS. der’s boy, is the author of the fol MUTUAL lowing interesting effusion t TINWARE STORE, V. < IS-CE3 I.VERY SATURDAY Hosses is useful ter draw hacks I am composed of 12’letters : an uiilk wagons and hearses an a GEO. T. BALDWIN, - Prop'r My lr2, 3, 4, is a nick-name for grate many other useful thinks. boys. OI II .E—Oil Main Streit, (in re tr DEALER IN They eat hay an oats for fodder, My 10, 9, 12, is an untruth. and don’t eat linen dusters an door CLitwoo l’s Dm « Sto e.) My 3, 2, 5,4, is a large barrel. - OF— STOVES, mats lik a marsh goat does. A My 6, 7, 12, is a numeral. Terms of Subsci ip inn : boss will kick awful hard with his ^Iy 9, 7, 5, 6, 7, is a man’s Oae copy cne year......... C.................................. * STOVE BACKS, hind toots. Balzie Sours tried to name. '* “ fix months.................. ....................... ■** ** three ’* .................. ......... . ....... hitch a close line round a nold car GRATES, PORTLAND, OREGON. My 1, G » 9, 7, is to put togeth »Ctu'x r-itce six copies Rr..................................... bosses huff, once, an the old boss er. Tenn?, in udv.mie. FIRE DOGS, kicked hint soz his folks had to . C is a thriving town. Terms of Advertising: have a funeral lor liiin. It’s fun BAKE OVENS, •».'Oc sqnare 'ten line- o.- lees) 1st la eiti n.... "> "n VI. ter ride on a bosses back. Iiuruns 1 OO -T. ch addiT;on;l fuser’.ion................................ I am composed of 13 letters : SAD IRONS, A libera, < iscraut to annual adver'to-Ts. is the best riders in the world. My 5, 6, 7, 8, is a “ clincher.” Church r.i.1 S xlety lulver jsemeuts, turh as Fairs, They skim over the perrarics and Incorporated 187-1. lectures, etc , 2i c nts per l'r:e. ETC., ETC. My 8, 9, 10,12, is to reverse. Notices in 1 Koi column, 25 e«*:.ts p».r 'L.e, but no shoot builaloes and peace commis My 5, 2, 3, is an article greatly All kinds of TIN, COPPER and SHEET- no.iae^perteJ .Gr less Hum Jl.yo. sioners. 1 wish 1 was a Ningun— IRl)N W ARE < n hand and made to order. l*d scalp my school teacher awful used by the Chinese. All orders from a distance promptly at .1 ub Printing, My 10, 11, 12, 13, is a circular I tended to. Prices to suit the times. \\ hen a boss gits scart iff ul: description, done o-i ehort no’ke. I/'gal quick. BoStf. Capital ornament. 100.000 Linkviile Aug. lOih, 1876. Mlacts, Circul.r?, Bash ers C<r !?, B 1 he .d«, Letter h< 'll sometimes run a thousand lie 11? Poet r>, etc., git .en up ia j;ood e’y’e ut livirg My 1, 6,10, is to spoil. miles an smash thunder out of -prices. My 10, 9, 13, lies before the fire. cverythink. A bosses tail is the Dollars^ Gold Coin Hasis. My 10, 4, 3, is to flee. CHEAP PAPER ! iisctuhst think in the world to My whole is one of the import T iif . last New Yoik bmkrupt had ket p the flies off ov him. Their ant interests of Ashland. l.venty-two nurvauts in his houce. llis tails is also useful to make fiddle creditors didn’t wonder. I hows out ov. When a horse gets Tie demand far tte who ; i sick sox he can’t do no more work Ashland Lodge No. 189,1, 0. G. T,, Boss T weed is tot cne cf those bi 1 levo there’s no 1 1 ico like home, he is sent to \\ aid’s hone factory Meets at the II ill of Hc'nian & Fountain every Friday evening at 8 o’clock p. m . Brothers and Ho'<l rather be at y where else. an<l made into toilet soap an ivory sisters in g rod standing are cordially invited to at- P. WASSERMAN v . les carries Lome a cod - - PnrsiDExv. S amu il B end. J. D. FOUN TAIN, W. C. T. i an a lot of thinks. Mean notlier fish from the grocery with more Brace E. QUACKENBUSH - - V ice P resident . N. A. J acors , Sec'y. and ease than udj otb( r man in 31 feller throwed ;i lot of red pepper D. W. WAKEFIELD - - - S ecretary . rhusetC. in <»ld Allen’s bosses nose one day Ashland Lod^c No, 23. W. S. m\DD................... - - T reasurer . No lotlr gallon jug will fit into an- i while he stood in front of the lish • other four-gallon jug, but hardware W. H. EEF1NGEB . - . - - A ttornet . For a short time is so great that we have coneluled A. r. A. M., men expect two joints of six inch stove I market. He snorted an run an to offer it for the balance of the year f >r G eneral Aarsi. 'throwed lish out of the wagon Holds their stated comniunicatioos Thar« \ay even J. I- QUACKENBUSH pipe to lit together. D etroit street-ear conductors collect clear down to Fort Washington. lug« on or before the full moon. Ur ,nren in good standing are cordially invited to att^uj. ONE DOLLAR! fare of all persons who Lave been to I’d like to own a boss. •L S. 1;CI5ANK8, W. M. A Importer and Breeder of PERCHERON HORSES, —AND- the Centennial, just tho same as from W. H. A tkinson , Sec’y. 1)111ECTORS: those who can’t ailord to go. Subscriptions will expiro A party of bovs were tellimi J ohn P.-.E’L J ones , of Rhode Inland, Asiana Lodge No. 15, P. WASSERMAN, W. S. LADD, would do were they w broke Lis arm for the seventh time, the what they * DECEMBER 31st, 18 76, other day. The lady who takes bis shipwreck» d far out upon the sea, WM. WADHAMS, J. L. ATKINSON, I. O. O. F., arm must “ take it up tenderly.” and lift bulb-ting with the waves ‘Ho’^ their regul tr meeting every Saturday ever- D. W. WAKEFIELD, W. H. EFFING ER, No ni dter when they commence. NDW HAVE THREE PURE BRED IMPORT», A long next Winter, win n the wood without a plank tb sustain their,. I L at their h«U In Aahhnd. Brothers in good ed su lliou«, hi .<1 >eveu lull bkx d trnd bath E. QUACKENBUSH, M. P. MORSE, msre*, from m bleb I *iil be able to rnire nock tlm. runs short and tho potatoes give out, 1 _ . . _____ ' -bn standing are cjrdLilly invited to at’end. Address, w111 tbe beet lDjp »r»ed. 1 c mi >w »u; ply J »r- Each one gave his opinion, except, it won’t Leif» a family a b.t to remem J. IL NEIL, N.G. J. W. BRAZEE. 'iee with g‘>oi half (di* <1 cult», from I to 4 years oH, ber that they wiut to the Centennial. Paddy Murphy, who, afte* being J. D. F ountain , Rec. Sec’y. frem “Wi.i e Pitac*.’ bred l»j oil er i*ris-s. i > It«* O regonian , Portland, Oregon. b ive a herd «>f puie hr< <1 Jrrt-vy cuttle, the best in U • cess Rebekah meetings on T ups lay evening, nearest C lev '.. lam > div goods men see bitter asked lor his, replied : “ Stare, A'i.h some c. vet f r sals. W. C. MYER. times uhea«l. Tinto uro tbirty-tive to ye tor a* cowardly lot of spal the full of the menu e;.ca munii. Ashlai.d, ltlh, l»7tt. out if. yards in the last fashionable dress, and TABLE RATES. peens, ye ’ d id I he altiier savin ’ everything looks bright and cheerful. NURSE & THATCHER, L. DANFORTH, M. D-, ASHLAND HARNESS SHOP yourselves, an ’ p , ql fhryiu ’ to save G en . S herman says that tl.e Indian-» DEALERS IN must be crushed at one blow. Well, another. hy, it’s Paddy ^Mur ^PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LIFE POLICIES. General, you have been taking all phy that would swim to shore an’ Jacksonville, Oregon. Summer, and now where is the “crush 8itve I’lnisclt, tin' thin come back er ? ” MANUFACTUBER OF, AND DEA I.ER IN FIVE AGES- CT.AteS A. B, C, D, E. DR. J. It CHITWOOD, ( LOZHING, A— Ag;f fro u 1 to 12 A.aiu 1’ieiuiuiu, 15 00 T his is iho time to lav in $20 worth am’ (hry to save another.” B- 20 5 00 12 HATS, CAI’S, A shland , O regon . • of feed for the pig which the family C- «>3 20 5 00 A gentleman, dinin'g with a got last Spring to eat up the crumb»» 3«> 50 D- 5 00 BO*/TS and SHOES. OFFICE -At the Ashland Drug Store. E- U5 5 00 und yield 150 pounds of potk Without friend one day, was struck with HARD W A R E, FANCY G <>I'S cost. i the earnestness with which one I Will attend to all c ills in Rogue River Volley. r ir «25 OO may b e paid at ny one “No, sir,” said a weary-looking niani ' of the little girls regarded him. tieni ir attention given to CHRONIC DISEASES. I time,many Life Policy,au<l no further A i . lu .1 YANKEE NOTI >NS, ll • 0 I 1 0 Premium will be required, noi any further payment?, on a strcet-car to an itmividual by his ’ . lie therefore took her upon his E I PS A GI NERAL ASSOLT- J. R. NEIL, except for lk^ h Afsetsiuturs in tuu spedii d.vis G?.O ERI ES CROCKERY, TAINTS, OILS, Eie., tide, “I wouldn’t marry the best woman meut of goods in Ids line cf tracio. ion aS they ur y occur. h 3tf. alive. I’ve been a dry-goods clerk too i knee and began talking with her. KIN KVILLE, I “Please, sir,” said she, presently, ^TroRXKY AT-LAW, long for that.” Lr.dies’, Mens’ and Boys* Sa. • M. U. lilJllCK, MILO M. DIMICK. Lako County, - - - Oregon. O ne million Americans ate carrying 1 “ tell me what’s in the house next dies, a Speciality. Jacksonville, Oregon. loaded canes to hit vicious dogs with, 1 to yours. I’d like to see it.” and yet no one ever hears of a d >g be ! “ Tell me, my little dear, why you ASHLAND Team, Buggy and Plow Harness, ing injured. Either the canes or the ' li. KELLEV, wish to know?” “Because, sir, dogs aro a failure, TEAM A BUGGY COLLARS. that you were LiVERY AND SALE STABLE, A young lady (of the agd of six-and-: I heard mamma sav CURRYCOMBS, BRIDGES, * * Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, i thirty) declared the other day in the next door to a brute.” CINCHO3, STIRRUPS. stiictest confidence to her maid servant, fsííB» J J acksonville , O regon . MAIN STREET. WHIPS, LASHES, SPURS that sho woukl sooner dye than let ai 3n'ii and boys who an; ashamed Will procice In all the Cmrtsof he Stille. Promp COLLAR PADS, ETC.. FTC. single gray hair show itself. to go up to the bur alone will do t en ion given to »11 busiuee 8 ¡n ruated to my care. And e\e yibii'g usually kept in a fiist-eho*« TT ifri : are eighteen difl c'~‘ ’irent styles it iua treat. Boys, start an anti O ffice .— Io the building fonne-ly eccupied by a Ashland, Oregon. esk.bii linunt. Lepaiting <‘ q e williieit- Iv.d lerAc Watson, oppo»ite C.inrt Houte. of combing ladies’ 1 air, yet ail ‘the rpilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD lEORGE NUTLEY TIAS TUE PLEASUr.E JG ne-s and di-patcb at o euit tie 1 respectluliy iu'o: tn tbe’r friends fasliiojiiblo females in tho country are treating club. 11 you resolve not I lo ILe i. li biiuuts ut A-tiiund . mi i’t times. and the public get orally tint they holding tlroir breath to tee what the to treat anyone you will soon be turrouùii’ngs bis re-di. e s lo nn.p.y all whoieed have put chised the al ove e-tabtisuu ent, wi ha g >ud i uh . in-m. de ix.-ot or »noe, made of thè nineteenth is going to bo. i dropped by the “old soaks” and whit h will be bence'orth conducted under Ae.-t m..teri 1. Cali ai>d t-te toni. buop un WHEAT Taken at the High st Y es , there should bo reform in the fast “young bloods,” and nine their constant per.-va-l supervision, und Street, over c;eek, bear li-vige. Market Rates in Exchange Astil.<n ì, Jui.e 17lb, 1876. nultf. matter of spelling. The editor 1 who they guarantee satisfaction io all who may chances out often you will, from for Goods, lixes up the communications sent in favor them with their pattonage. Ashland, Oregon. by lawyers, doctors, merchants a tul the effects ol that siimle resolution, Ashland, June 17th, 1V7«« BoHf. Aha agents for the others, sees the need of reforin. become of some use to yourself Howe Sewing Machine I t is believed that if Vanderbilt had and society. Have the courage, W. J. Zimmerman & Co., Prop’rs, to pay the writers for ail Frame Leslie bo vs, not to treat or be treated. This celebrated machine, which is ac- fllllE t NDE; SIGN! D V HUES TO RE- has stoh n for his publications, Vander 1 mind his Irienth, and 'he tiaveliug pub- kno>v!ed"ed by every o te to be ti e le st bilt’s heirs wouldn't get over seventy- machine known, and which has u el with lie generally,, that Le is still Le lout.d at “ Mamina, what is the difference IV F. ARE NOW TREPA RED TO BUILD AND five cents.— N7. Louis li‘¡‘ii/ ▼ ▼ repare nil tini» ot M ili J M ining and F aum - n o e ex'ensive sales than any o her oa this record, is no v being int'Oiluced in Ash A related citiztn, fr« m whom a po between a little boy and^’a little ng M ichiuery. LONG E TABLISIIED HOUSE, land. The Hove is peculiiry adopted o CLOSING liceman was tn ing to nseno a 1 imp- girl ENGINES, HOUSE FRONTS, to any kind o,f work—from a rutile o a boo- where he Is te uly at any tin.e, and on ull post, T»nqi a f L>v,- mornings ago, violently re- “My dear, little boys wear or shoe. Is simple in co istruction, eisily occasions io set le o e llem the lest the sildt d tha endeavor, exclaiming, pantaloons and little girls wear —AND — run, and for strength and durability is un market atlvrds, in a style second tonoo'.l ei “Lemtno 'lone ; I'm (hie) Lold’u th’ surpassed. I’at tie« desiring to see o e of bouse in Otegon. dresses.” ion.” M A C111N E B L A C K S MIT111N G. the-e machine-» can do so. by calling oa them Dinners and suppers for special occasions, “Ami did I come into the world T he L uisvillo C<././AfJU S 7 gotten up in appropriate style, at short r.o- at their otlice. ce. JASPER HOUCK. DIMICK & SON. “With a forum aud an indeuei’dent all dressed?” CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS Ashland, Jure 17th. 1876. roltf. newspai cr Ciucinin>tti could hardly be “ No, darling Cast to Grder. d stiuguifhed from Rome.” ¡So ? It “ Then, ma, how did you know had always oceurrtd to us she was more IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, I was it litt le girl ?” like a city m grease. done at the shortest notice, IL.b'yett metal cou etantly on hand. Dm L ewis lias taken n change. lie At a recent school examination TOR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE DESIR- rpilE UNI ERSIGNED WISHING TG now thinks that invalid persons thould Dealers in JL rell out utut qyit«, oller» his Stoves, Sewing Machines, . inggo d wagon work, the undersigned wheel a barrow loaded with bricks up the teachef was not a little sur stuck of «rcfrids ill retail, tor hereby makes known that l.e can be found a tteep hill at sunrise, and then sit prised, on asking a little boy what or any o’.her article made of steel, braes or iron, will at all times at his shop in the S. W. corner at our ehop. down t j a breakfast of fried ehtken the four seasons were, to receive lx* A repaired of the public sq iaie Ashland Ogn; and is 1 wark warranted ia good etyle and at reafona- aud other good thiugs. ready und willing 'o do all work entrusted at>e r .tee. “l>; me,” exclaimed a lady with the reply : “ Pepper, piusturd. O d cast iron taken tn exchar ge for work. CLOTHING, DATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, to me in a wo kmanlike manner. WAG for cash . ON’S, CARRIAGES, BUGtHI^, WHEEL crimson fate, fro.u which the perspira salt and vinegar.” “Why, Johnny! • )(),OOO lb« old cast iron BARROWS, l’LOW STOCKS, Ac., made A Ji I P £ R S Q K tion was ooziug in crystal beads, “how how can you say so ?” expostulat wanted at qitr Shop imine lia'e’y. Hardware, Fancy Goods, tq orde - , and repaired 0:1 short 1 otice. W. J. ZIMMERMAN & CO. pruvokingly cool they look ! ” pointing ed the teacher. “’Cause my T’-e best Eastern sto k consiantly 0:1 Wishing io commence business, would ¿o Ashland, Jane 17th, 137§. toltf. to a group of graceful figures in the hand. W. W. KENTKOR. mother always seasons with ’ em, ” well to Call on me, as I will sell my whole statuary department of the Centennial Ashland, June 17:h, 1876. npltf. Exhibition. stock on easy terms, at.d tent them my sto 6. A teacher, wishing to explain Pay Up. In the mein time, I would say to perrons A B rooklyn clergyman just r; turned Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc., from bis vacation forestalled all possi to a little girl the manner in which LL PERSONS KNOWING THEM- MILLINERY, — GE) U I a LX HQ — ble disappointment as to his choice of a lobster casts its shell when lie selvea indebted to the undersigned, OGN. subjects by announcing horn hia pulpit, has outgrown it, said : LINKVILLE, LAKE CO., e.-peeially in accounts ami roles ot long 1IAVE OPENED AT MY RESIDENCE, That I expect Io start for Fan Francisco “As I have nut been to Europe, nor to standing, are requesttsl to make every effort oil Main street, Ashland, Oregon, a scon, and would like to have my money be “ What do you do when you to pay the same bv the 1st ol August. D. CHAI’MAN’ R. p. NEIL. <ho i ’.ntennial, nor to any other place millinery store. I Lave now a beauulpl us 7 starting. I may stay in San Frauciscq fore ’ J. M. McCALL & Co. wort!» mentioning, I shall preach the have outgrown your clothes ; you soitment of most of the Winter on account of ill health. Ashland. June 23d. 1876. ro2tf. .Gospel.” throw them away Meat Market, • don’t you ? ” HATS, If 1 do not sell out intiiely before starting, E i 'I’. tng tho Mexican V.'ar one of the “ Oh, no,” replied the little one, my business will be left with E. J. Farlow WREATHS, and CHAPMAN & NEIL, generals came up to Captain Bragg and U we let the tucks out.” and J. Q. Latta, with instructions to »¿U said : * Ciptain, the erisk Las arrived. LAD1RS’ FINISHING GOODS, C heap F ob C ash , but STOP the credit part, Eire!” Whereupon Captain Bragg Ashland, Oregon, “ Beggars shouldn’t be chew- All of which I will sell cheap for cash. AU anti make a desperate effort to close down »aid to liis lieutenant : “You hear Dealers It| eep constantly ’ on hand at their orders from a distance promptly (¡He I. what tho general s tvs*. i’iro ! ” The sers,” i'.s the remarked when so that I can in the Spring, either selL out,' Shop, near the bridge, on Main Street, a good Aug. 24th, 1876. MRS. J . EWING. lieutenant said ; “But, C q-.t (in, I don't a tramp, who accosted him for supply of fre.*h BEEF, MUTTON, \ EAL, etc., or freeze out; and to collect every cent pos which tbry «Hier at the Juweet uiirkel price. see anything to tiro at.” “ Eire at the tobacco, growled because he of sible. Woe be unto you! Who are owing I Ashland, June 17th, 187G. noTL crisis,” said Ciptain Bragg. fered him ping instead of tine FOR SALL me in the Spring. R- B* II argai ixb . S ome one came to borrow the Hodja’s CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES n&16t| Ashland Soap Factory. ix liLxnnED aches qr eineci l Ashland, Sep. 28tli, 1876. a-s. “He isn’t here,” was tho reply. cut. tivating and pasture land, well improv At which moment the a.s brayed from A poor boy, seeking for em ed, with two good dwelling l qtisesand three AM JjQW MANUFACIURINp, AND HAVE Hardware, Fancy Goods. BLACKSMITHING wiihiu, on r,iind, a good aaeortoieut of barnsand other put bouses, situated three ployment in a Chicago telegraph -BY- “ O Allah!” exclaimed tho appli and one half miles north of A^lan^, pn the oflice, finally asked to be hired as a cant; “you say he is not here, and LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP. O. A C. Stage iQUtP, Bear creek runs YANKEE NOTIONS, EUBANKS & FORSYTH. there he is. braying tuis r.iomeut !” through the farm, and it is otherwise w« 11 telegraph pole. It was no use— which I offer to the traije at price» to eujt the tlm»«. “AVii .t!” replied the llexlj.i, with every post' was full. Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, A7r., My soip h 8 liec-n prouut;na?u by those wtx* 0;.ve watered by springs. A LL THOSE DESIRING WORK triad it, to be m,>tri<>r udiiy ini(M>rtel article. Give indignation ; “ you belive an u.-s rather Ibis farm will le fold on reasonable XX iii our line, will find us at the it a trial, and mpi>ort home lLiluKtry. terms. For particulars, enquire at this of- “Old Mickelson Stanij” ready to serve them than an old man like mo with a white LINKVILLE, I want in exchauKu for soap 20,000 U-s. of nugh That was not a bad reply of a fice. I'AAC WOOLEN. with neitness and dispatch. Particular at beard ! What a strange fellow you arc!’’ greaee, at ruy factory. w. H. HATHAWAY’. Uiition peid to horso shewing. nolltf. ’ Jn ’ yDt, l> ‘ . " uuJtf, youngster, the other day, who, on Ashland, June 17th, 1876. Uuitf. — iiarjxrs ih --i Lake county, - - - Oregon. JERSEY CATTLE 1 D K Y • • A. A* •4 •• • 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 <4 44 44 44 44 »4 44 *4 C. K. KLÜM, G O O D S, Saddlery & Harness, K Ì C Ashland Iron-Works, ASHLAND HOUSE. CLOSING O U T ! CLOSING OUT! Wagon Factory. Nurse & Thatcher, X I DRY GOODS, COST Ln FREIGHT Yankee Notions, A I Nurse & Thatcher, DRY GOODS, K I S