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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1922)
LINCOLN COUNTY LOCALNEWS SPRUCE PROPERTY IS FREE FROM TAXATION Property of the United State Spruce Production division In Oregon Is Immune "from taxation, Federal Judge C. E. Wolverton ruled Monday. The ruliug is an outgrowth of the at tempt of Lincoln county officir.s collect taxes on large tracts of timber which the spruce division acquired there during the war. TM m t i.trf that Inasmuch as he nroperty was purchased by the government to fur ther the war and since no individuals derive profit from it. it would come under the law granting immunity to all government holdings, Journal. We are demonstrating the "Instant Gas Oil Burner" and know that yon will be interested in "doln with the trouble of wood for your kit- cnen rcnse. veil find let us show you. The HIggins Second Hand Store. 44 4t Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ginger and Miss Lila Ojala of Taft are visiting in the county seat this week. They came here to take the teacher's examination that is being conducted here by Coun ty Superintendent Coin. Mrs. Grant King passed through here Saturday on her way to Portland after a visit with her daughters in Siletz, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Mack of Sil etz, were business visitors in the county seat last Saturday. Chess Morrison of Elk City was a business visitor Tuesday. Ross Theatre TONIGHT One night Only THOMAS MEIGHAN TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY,' DECEMBER 21, 1922, 'iWm QUEST ! Itev. C. W. Pogue of Sllotz, was a business visitor in Toledo Saturday. r.W. rogue was here soliciting busi ness men of the city for donations for l onstrui ting the bridye at Siletz. 'i'u.i bridge is being constructed to ta. o tlio place of the one recently ord er 1 closed by the county commission, ers J9 to the high water. Local busi ness men donated generously, accord ing to Mr. Pogue. "Xx Instant-Gas Oil Burner" will do away with half the grief of the kit chen. It simply attaches to your rane and all you have to do is "turn on the Juice." It has been proven an absilute success. Let us demonstrate it to you and tell you how simple It Is to Install one in your homo The HIggins Second Hand Store. ' 44 4t HOT LUNCHES SUCCESS. The hot lunches belne served at tn.. grammer school by the domestic sci ence department of the high school are proving a great success, according to reDorts from, the school. One i-iv Inst week 72 pupils enjoyed hot soutf ror dinner, startine the first nf th year the hot lunch will also be served to tne nign scnooi students. INSURANCE CO. TO PAY ASTORIA LOSSES Mr. C. E. Sheffield i Newport, Oregon. Dear Sir: We now know the naa tr tinvo ana. tallied in the Astoria fire Prealriom Rhodes left the next day after the fire to superintend the adjusting of the losses there and returned home to day. Secretary Haenrtv nnil Trnaonr. er Apperson will leave this afternoon ror Astoria to pay the losses which amount to about S41.000.00. We ana talned twenty-nine separate losses in Astoria, ana tney will all be paid with in less than a week from tho time the fire occurred without iu any way en dangering the assets of the Oregon Fire Relief Association. Wo will hin assets of practically a half million dol lars left after these losses are paid. Yours truly, OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSN. L. M. Waugaman. Adv. 44 It Asst. Secretary. DATES. DATES, DATES. 18c pound 2 lbs for 36c at GLLDERSLEEVE'S. 43 2t N. W. Miller of Pioneer, called on friends and attended to business in the county seat Saturday. JUST ARRIVED new crop California walnuts, brazils. almonds at OILDERSLEEVE'S. 43 2t Miss Marie Russell and Miss Elma Hartley, teachers of the snt. i, left Saturday on the noon train for ' two weeKs- vacation; Miss Russell go ing to her home in. Eugene while Miss Hartley's destination WAR Vflnpmtn, Wash. They were accompanied here iroin ouei oy a. c Crawford and Albert Downey. Candv from 17c in Kn At GUdersleeve firnrnrv 99 . ,We cut the price away down Jf you want 6 pounds or more of candy or nuts at GILDERSLEEVE GROCERY. 43 2t Dr. Kelloerr. thn viOl l-nnmn I opecmuBi, wn. lb t.t me Lincoln rooms i Parlor, December 21, 22, and 23. Reg ular monthly trips. . 40 4t Major Dusenberrv of the Onunn State National guard is here this week inspecting the Toledo and Newport STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OF HIS YOUTH" The Golden romance of a world weary bachelor who tried to journey back to the old town, the old love, the old glad thrill of life's spring time. Also a Cartoon Comedy- "THE COUNTRY MOUSE AND THE CITY CAT" 30-1 0c The musical program adver tised for the night has been postponed. Friday & Saturday J. P. McGOWAN in THE RUSE OF THE RATLER" THE RUSE OF THEJATTLER A-1 western drama with lots of action, good fights, some com ady and there with entertain ment value. Come and see another of "'OUR GANG," Comedies in 2 Ireels. "FIRE FIGHTERS" 35c-10c Sunday & Monday H WALLACE REID Z AGNES AYRES J & THEODORE ROBERTS W in "TO MUCH SPEED" H An Auto Romance ' Come and thrill at the greatest jauto race you ever saw on the screen A Paramount Picture. b Also ROUND SIX OF THE LEATHER PUSHERS' H!. ; 3M0q 4 6ominj next -Tuesday and Wednesday Charles Jones in a jiandy western drama W "TROOPER 0'NEIL The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Toledo.Investment and Development Corporation wifl be held at the Chamber cf Commerce Rooms in the city of Toledo on the evening of January 9th, 1923, a-. 8 p. p. The annual election of officers will take place at thlB meeting. All subscribers for stcck who hove fully paid for same and have rorti- ficates of stock will be cntKlod to vote at this meeting. P. FREDERICK. 44 2t Secretary. SOMETHING NEW No longer docs the housewife have to contend with continually feeding wood to the kitchen range, cor will Dad havo to cut and carry In wood each day. "The Instant-Gas Oil Burner" which is be ing demonstrated at the HIggins Sec ond Hand Store has proven a won derful boon to every home that has trie;! H. It simply attaches to the range that you hflve, Come see for yourself we will be glad to demon strate it to you, . 44 4t J. T. Mahoney of Siletz, was ft To edo business Visitor Friday. Wo have lots of nice fresh crisp vegetables at lowest market prices, we give special attention to this part of our stockAV M. GILDERSLEEVE. 43 2t G. L. Gray, an old time resident oi Lincoln county died at Newport Mon day mornlnr according to Wm. Math ews of that city,- who was a Toledo business visitor Tuesday. The Masonic lodge held services at Newport Wed nesday and the body was taken to Portland where It will be cremated companies of that organization. Thf platoon now has a full membership ana many are In waiting. R. P. Brar. pnnnnMorl wfM. Southorn Pacific Railroad company wuu uuuuquaners at Ban Francisco, was here this week gathering data on drainage districts for his company's files. ' FOR SALE 'By owner Pull set of store fixtures, including two sets of computeing grocery scales. 1 set computing nail scale platform scale cash register, Mackasky system, cheese case and cutter, ten show cases of different kinds. One dan dy oak grocery counter, one large money safe, typewriter, adding ma chine Burroughs make, trucks scoops, chairs, tools and articles too numerous to mention; one large hardware cabinet for prices and terms apply to M. L. Seitd, box 161, Newport, Oregon - 42 3t Word has been received from Nor tons that Frank J. Potworla has re turned from Germany where he serv ed during the past year in the army of occupation there. He is staying at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Potworla. His wife is spending the winter In California and will re turn to Nortons in the spring. RALSTON-FROSH TRIO BOASTS OF PROGRAM OF ARTISTIC DISTINCTION lue RuUton-l rosh Company Is a popular trio of gifted youn;- ladies offer Ing a distinctive "personality" program. The Misses Ralston, artists on the piuno and cello respectively, join their musical talents with the gifted violin work of Miss Frosch and a happy, yet artistic combination is the result. Theirs is a program that surprises-sparkling and original. -There are cost nuberTa!8' "10ni"K. reading., skefch work and delightful voca Tuesday December 26 Liberty Theatre . GIVEN UNDER AUSPICES OF TOLEDO HIGH SCHOOL ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE SCHOOL Adults, season tickets (4 numbers) .$2.00 Children's season tickets (4 numbers) $1.00 Single Ticket , 75c Child's single ticket 35c DATES DEC. 26, JAN. 31, FEB- 12, MARCH 12. LIBERTY THEATRE THE BEST m PICTURES AND MUSIC TONIGHT and FRIDAY 30c and 10c FRANK MAYO AS DR. JIM IN A GREAT FIGHTIN' PIC TURE OF THE SOUTH SEAS. A POWERFUL STORY FULL OF THRILLS AND ACTION. Also 'UNFERMENTED BRICK' A Star Comecy. AND WM- DESMOND IN AN OTHER TENSE CHAPTER OF THE YUKON SATURDAY The M0ST N0TABLE screen t EVENT EVER PRODUCED and SUNDAY Twelve Reels No Advance In Price 30cand 10c OTIS SKINNER IN KISMET I THE ARABIAN NIGHTS COME TO LIFE IN ALL THEIR MYS TERY, ROMANCE AND WHIM SICAL HUMOR. Also 'BEYOND THE JORDAN' A BEAUTIFUL REEL, PARTLY IN COLORS, OF PALESTINE AND 'POP TUTTLE'S CATCH' A TWO-REEL PLUM CENTRE COMEDY, THE LATEST IN REAL FUN. II H I HI I HI DO YOU WANT TO FURNISH A HOME? If You Need Anything in Our Line it Will Pay You to Call: ' BEDS, BED SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, DRESSERS, TABLES, CHAIRS AND STOVES. Call and See my Line I Buy and Sell Second Hand Goods If You Wish to BUY or SELL GET MY PRICES. Located Block North of P. O. THE SECOND HAND STORE PHONE 4251 J. W. HIGGINS, Mgr. .... . , Your Last Chance !! We are loaded down with Christmas goodies, candy, nuts, oranges, raisins, currents, citron, orange and lemon peel, mince meat, boiled cider celery, lettuce, sweet potatoes, and every delicacy, you can imagine for the Christmas dinner. We hope it will be the merriest Christmas you ever had- f. GILDERSLEEVE GROCERY This is our Last Opportunity before Christmas to let you know of the many desirable Xmas Gifts that we have in stock. A great many buyers 1 have made this store their head quarters for Christmas buying and, although we have enjoyed a remarkable business we still have a goodly supply of Useful and Practical gifts in stock. Space prevents enumerating them but if you haven't as yet selected that gift for Mother, Dad or the Kiddies, come in now and let us help you. Wo feature Ladies' and Men's Furnishings of all kinds; also a limited assortment of fancy Pottery and beautifully decor ated candles. SEE OUR LAST CHRISTMAS DISPLAY WINDOW For This Yuletide. AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS KABO CORSETS : THE FINEST THE MARKET AFFORDS Arnolds' Fashion Shop OREGON Z and a 2-reel comedy, 30-1 0c XT MetMHHHinMllMMtWeMtMMIIIIIIMIIIIM TOLEDO .... NEXT TO PPOSTOFFICE