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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1922)
LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1922. NOTICE Absolutely no hunting -allowed on my place U. F. Early. 37 10 paid 'NOTICE TO COWMEN On account of contagious abortion being present in our country I posi tively will not take In any outside ser vice to my bull without the owner nan & certificate of health for abortion. 3 3t L. A. HtJLBEUT. FOH SALE Cheap Buttercup's Ore-jofa8aid ale; east quarter of section 27, and the west half of the northeast quarter of section 34, in township 8 Bouth, range 11 west of the Willamette Meridian, In Lincoln County, Oregon, be foreclosed and that said property l"e Bold In the mr.r.ner and form pro vlded by law by lh9 sheriff of Lin coln crtCr.ty, Oregon; that said sheriff fltire Irx purchaser 'in the Immediate 'lo.7-r;:'?r- '.;:?rc?! and thr.t the pro 'r,i.j nf be applied: , 1 First: To the payment of the coats. gon Pogis, register No. 182889; sire, Second: To the amount of Judg- Figgs Pegs' of Oregon, regster No.!"1 n avor J P". 114308: dam. RoRallne1. Ruttermn i lnS principal and Intorest. taxes, attor register No. 300243. dropped Oct 3', j nel', ? es.J p08'8 &ni disbursements; First Class Work Prices Reasonable JOHN M. ATW TER ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Mail Order Work a Spec alty Toledo Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT SUMMONS. 19 18; breeder Mrs. Emma Hul Jiert, Albany, Oregon. Presest own er, Frink Updike. This animal U at' the Updike barn across from the I. O. O. F. hall. Will render service until sold. 42 tf IN THt! CIRCUIT' COURT OF THKi0, STATE Op OIIEUOIN FUK. WW-! COLN COUNTY. STATE LAND BOARD OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Ben W. Olcott, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, executor, of the " estate of William-Hall, deceased, has filbd In the county court of Lincoln county, state of Oregon, his final count as such executor of said estnt, and that Tuesday the 2nd day of Ja:. uary, 1923, at the hour of nine o'clock !a in hfla haan fivnH Y.v mih4 no the time for hearing of objections to said report and the settlement there Third: To the amount of Judgment .governor; Sam A. Kozer, secretary of In favor of the defendant J. K. state; O. P. Hoff, state treasurer; con Weatherford, including Interest, at-' stltutlng and styled "State Land Board Itorneys' fees, costs and disburse- of the State of Oregon," plaintiff, vs. ments; u. u Holgate, K. u. wynani, war- Fourth: Ar.d the overnlus. if anv'ence Hout. N. L. Guilliams, W. 'thero be, to the defendant Dewltt C. .Gwynn, and Lincoln County bank, a i Henry; - , icorporation, defendant. I That said defendants Dewltt C. ! To O. L. Holgate, R. C. Wynant, ! Henry, Tvy May Henry, and Charles Clarence Hout, N. L. Gullllams. W. TV THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE w. Smith and each of them, and all E. Gwynn and Lincoln County Bank. STATE OF OREGON FOR LINCOLN persons claiming by through, or und- a corporation, the above named do- SUMMONS BENJAMIN FRANK HALL. Executor of the estate of William Hall, deceased. Nov. 30 Dec. 28. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, HEALTH A. ACCIDEIt AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY -C. K. CROSNO, Toledo, Oregon Offirn In Flst N. B. Bldg. ENGAGEMENT RINGS See our Special $50.00 and $75.00 Diamond rings: others priced from $25.00 to $900.00. F. M. FRENCH & SONS Jewelers Opticians Albany, Oregon. L. W. Williams, plaintiff, vs. De Witt C. Henry, J. K. Weatherford, Ivy May Henry, Charles W. Smith and O. Mlddlekauff, defendants. To DeWltt C. Henry, Ivy May Henry and Charles W. Smith, defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are nereby required to appear and answer the amended complaint and answer and cross complaint filed agaiiist you In the above entitled suit on or before jcoln county, the last date of publication of summons, to wit: January 11th, 1323, and if you fail so to answer the plain tiff and the defendant J. K. Weather ford will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in the said amended complaint and in the said answer and cross complaint, to- nL : That plainmr may nave juage- NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. In the matter of the estate C. M. Hall, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undorsigncd has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregtn for Lincoln county, administrator of the estate of C. M. er them, bo barred and foreclosed fendants, , ' lHall, deceased, and has duly quail from all title and equity in said prem- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ied. All persons having claims ices, except only statutory right of re- OF OREGON: , iBgainst the said esstate are hereby demptlon, and that plaintiff and said You are hereby required to appear notified to present the same to mo at defendant, J.K.Weatherford, may have'aud answer the complaint of plaintiff my residence at Waldnort, Oregon, such further relief as to the court may ! filed against you In the above en-1 propCriy verified within six months seem equitable. j titled suit, on or before tno expiration This summons Is published In the of six weeks from the date of the first "Lincoln County Leader" once a week publication of this summons, and if for six successive and consecutive you fail so to appear and answer, for weeks, commencing with the issue of , want thereof the plaintiff will apply to November 30th, 1922, and ending with, the above entitled court for the relief the issue of January 11th, 1923, pur- demanded In its complaint, to wit: for suant to the order of the Honorable a decree of this court foreclosing a G. F. Skipworth, Judge of the Circuit certain mortgage executed by defend Court of the State of Oregon for Lin- ant, O. L. Holgate. to piainun on uie dated Novemoer zn, lum aay oi January, isn, un mo this i 1922. , ilowlng described real property situat- DatRd this 24th day of Novembor, ed in Lincoln county, uregon ENGINEERING WORK Professional Engineer In the Stat ' of Oregon. Topography work, CivT engineering and Sub-Division wor A. J. McMillan, Toledo. Oregon Have Your Soles Sowed on. Prices Reasonable Mail Orders Promptly At. lended to. DICK WF.NNER & HON Shoe machine repair shop Newoort Oregon rWTWWWt'mTtTTHttt'Tj CO TO Toledo Planing Mills of from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated this 23d day of November, 1922. CHAS. S. HALL, Administrator of the estate of C. M. Hall, deceased. 40 6t 1922. B. F. JONES, Attorney for Plaintiff, Postofflce address: Newport, Oregon. McFADPEN & CLARKE, Attorneys for defendant. J. K. Weathertora ment against defendant Dewitt C. Hen-; Postofflce address, Corvallls, Oregon, East half of northwest quarter. southwest quarter of northeast quar ter and northwest quarter of southeast quarter of section eighteen in town ship twelve south of range eleven west of Willamette Meridian and that the above described tract ot land be sold by the sheriff of Lincoln NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. ry in the sum of $501.67, with interesv at 8 per cent per annum ir u isovom ber 25, 1916, $164.04 with interest thereon at 6 per cent per auuum f "ora November, 25, 1916, and 60.01 at'er neys' fees and his coets and ! sbur la ments therein; and that der i lant .1. K. Weatherford may have ; igmer.t against defendant DeWitt C. Hmry in the sum of $680.00 with Interest there on at 7 per cent per annum irom 'ate e' first publication, Nov. 30, 1922. Pate of last publication, Jan. 11, 1923. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the es tate of Fred RoesBlcr, deceased, will by virtue of an order of sale duly made and entered of record In the County Court of Lincoln County, Oregon, on the 4th day of December, 1922, author izing and licensing the undersigned administrator of Baid estate to sell the real property belonging to said estate, I will In pursuance thereof, on and af county, Oregon, as provided by law to satisfy the amount due and owing to iter Saturday tre 6th day of January nlaintiff cn saM mortgage: and fur- 1923, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. NOT :CE TO PRESENT CLAIMS ther for a decree that vou said defend- .of said day, at the law office of G. B, V.: THH COUNTY COURT OF THE tantn. and each of vou. and nil persons McCluskey, In Toledo, Lincoln county, RTATR OF OREGON FOR LIN- claiming bv. through or under you Oregon, offer for sale at private sale COLN COUNTY. , ' !Baid defendants, wy be bar-d and the nignest Diaaer the following an i.. fi,n r.-ittor nf fho PBtntn of David r .nu aatnfo rWht titiA Bcrlbea real property situate ln Lla R. PamRdell. deceased. liiAn r lnfnrpf in nr to s -.ld mort' rcoIn county, Oregon, belonging to said N'-'TIC7: IS HEREBY GIVEN that; gaged rremlsos or any pn-t thereof, the und'Tslgned has been duly ap- and for such other and further relief estate, to-wit Beginning at a point in the center ot Poole Slough on the 1-4 section line 4tl.t 4a Hffw iKI MAn . n.ll. , 1, $1070.00 with Interest thereon at the state of C-gon for Lincoln county, This summons is served upon jgoutheast corner of the northwest April 28, 1913, and the further tu-n of polr.W by the county court of the as may be fultaW" and ?"!t. rate of 6 per -cent per annum from rxecutor or the estate oi uavia a, bv put'lmtlon in accordance witn an tauarer of the southwest quarter of April 26, 1913, and $100.00 attorney's l.ams' w, feeo. anil his costs and disbursements 'f'allfi d. therein; that the mortgages exen-ted.p-ainst the p-!d estate are hereby not- Kon. r Mch nld ornVr is dated Novem- dlan, in Oregon, running thence ln a and delivered by said defendant Te-iid to present the same to me it ,i)er ?tth, Ir'?2, ar whl'h requires that Southwesterly direction along the cen- rrv omcij at Tniedo, wegon, properiy :tn' summons M nuDiisnea in me Liin- ter or said siougn lorty-one t4t) roan, verified wlthir- six months from therein O'mty Javier tf six consecu-khence north and parallel to and with da'i of the f'r't rublicatlon ot this tire -id pne'-esR've T-eks beginning ,' the 1-4 section line running through "Witt C. Henry to the plaintiff, record ed in book 8, mortgage records of L'n coln county, Oreeon, at page 357 there of, and in book 13, mortgage records of Lincoln county, Oregon, nt page If" thereof, to the defendant J. K. Weathn ford, upon property described as fol lows, to wit: The southwo-t miorter of the south- no''" r-ted this 23rd dny of November, 1922 n. B TTcCr.USKFY, Er'-iutrr of estate of David B. Ramrell, "ecep,,1. 40 Bt with the Issue of November 30th. 1922 G. B. MeCLUSKEY, t.tornev for plaintiff. P. O. Add-ess: Toledo, Ore. Tato of lit prhllcaHon Nov. 30. 1922. Date "f last publication, Jan. 11, 1923. Vacation X , Remember the long distance telephone in your vacation plans. It will add to the pleasure and comfort of your holiday. It will serve your convenience in securing information and mak ing arrangements. At lake or shore, in the moun tains or by the stream, long dis-, tance telephone service means that you are always in touch with home and business. said section, thirty-cine rods, thence northeasterly and parallel to and with the first line heroin forty one rods and to a point north of the place of be ginning, thence south along the 1-4 section "ne m Bald section to the place of beginning, containing ten (10) acres more of less. . Terms of Sale, cash in hand. Dated this 4th day of December, 1922. G. B. MeCLUSKEY, Administrator of the Estate. First pub. Dec. 7, 1922. Last pub. Jan. 41923. 6t mm The Pacific For all kinds of Building Material. W Windows, Doors, Glass, Roofing, Roo. We are prepared to do All Kinds ot ' Cor. 5th and Railroad Sts. , -arry , Corrplet; Line . A Uuildl -g .Paper. . k & Cablirv "K. f ."V CDO. QRLGOl4 I CARRY A FULL r INE i-1 7 "St EX OF DIAMONDS, WATC, ci JEWELRY and SILVfr ctorf r'WALtMAM WATCHtS ... WATCH REPAIRING A 8PECIALTY ALSO A FULL LI? ' OF FOUNTAIN PENS and I - OVER 40 YEARS EXPFRIENCL PRACTICAL WATCHM HE' THE OLD RELIABLE, (Established 1 900), TOLEDO. ORCG ATTENTION FARMERS State school funds are now avail able for lnans on Improved agricul tural lands. Inquire of Miss Sara Crahen, Toledo, Oregon. 38 tf SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. Mllbrey Gibbs, plaintiff, vs. Harvey Gibbs, defendant. To Harvey Gibbs, the above named defendant, IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF OREGON: . You are bereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you ln the above entitled suit now on file in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Oregon, on or be fore the last day named ln the order for the publication of summons, to- wit: on or before six woekB from the first day of the publication hereof. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as herein required, the plaintiff will apply to the above entltl ed court for the relief prayed for in said complain, t to wit: for a decree of said court dissolving the marriage contract existing between plaintiff and defendant, and awarding and decree lng to the plaintiff the care, custody and coatrol of the Infant child, the is sue of said marriage, to-wit: Dorothy Gibbs, and for such other and further order and decree as the court may deem meet and just This summons is served upon you by publication thereof by order of the Hon. C. W. James, county judge ot Lincoln county, Oregon, made on the 23rd day of November, 1922, directing publication thereof once a week for six consecutive and successive weeks, beginning with the issue ot November 23rd, 1922, and ending with the Issue of January 4th, 1923, in the LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, a weekly news paper published and of general circu'.a tlon within Lincoln County, Oregon, C. E. HAWKINS, , Attorney for plaintiff. F, O. address: Toledo, Oregon, 40-7t. FIXALL SHOP . WELL WE FIX EVERYTHING CLOCKS A SPECIALTY Shoes, Boots, Clocks, Watchaa, Umbrellas, Pans, Buckets, Tuba,' Boilers, Flashlights, Out Agate Sharpen Shears, Knlvss. Repair all : kind of things Dont ' throw anything away, Cem; In ' it! sea us. Furniture Reparr 4. CEO. LICKEV : HOLIDAY GREETiKGS from The Quality Store of Fortlniul. Oregon MEIER & FRANK 00. MUSIC, DANCING and the BEST TO EAT Arthur H. Meyers m ANAGE.R. Broadway at Stark Portland, Ore. YOU ARE ASSURED A PERSONAL HOSPI TAIITY AND INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION through the combined efforts of a staff, who after years of training, understand the needs of the traveling public. Keep Painted Woodwork CLEAN tile, marble, concrete, with y SAPOLIQ Makes all hoosai cleaning eas$ Largo sks Nowfeta aaW bbbbbbbM faalaWvltstCfi TaCI.J.A. hiHi i ll 11114. AndTelegra