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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1922)
-1' - Mumttt -h--"1' --f-j f - ....i t . . ... . . iniHHttHttti ttttfU f 1 f f 11 1 " 111 iiimmmtii i ifttts ti i iis iiiuhiiii nmmtmiimininm fttiitii l 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 i i' 1 1 1 1' 1 1 ii 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 I ' t't"-"-' ''""' 1 " 1 " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i i i 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i i i i i i i i i4UUUU n nn nr n r t I u uuuuuw CRISTXA'S-GRECTI NGS Here's to Christmas! May it be a merry one, A beautiful day and a happy one; Our tranks to you We feol they're due Here's godspeed to the year that's nearly done, Here's luck and joy for the year to come. BATEMAN FURNITURE CO- Chrlslmns comes but once a year, but let us try to keep the friendly spirit of Christmas thru every day of the coming year: This establishment extends the cordial greet ings of the season to all the people of this com munlty. PETERSON BROS. GARAGE The joy of Christmas' in the air, It's all about us everywhere. May It, I pray, descend on You And then remain the whole year thru. W. A. LINDSAY The Nifty Tailor. V;' 1 With ell the greeting signifies, to the people pf TOLEDO. Peace) Joy! Plum pudding! Remembrance, galore! For the liberal support you hTe given, me in the past, our slncerest thanks. . DMltf In Inauranc. A 7 , i , . " 1 It 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mtt""""J 'MiiMMMMiii"yniiiiii - - ,: -- ' Here's to you the good people of Toledo, who made this the merriest of all Chrlstmasses for this store and its employes by doing your shopping early. THE PEOPLES' MARKET CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Christmas Day we are closed. We are thankful. As we've often told you before So we want to send holiday greetings To our friends who have crowded the store. We wish you long life and full measure Of holiday comfort and cheer And hope Life will be full of pleasure Each hour of the coming New Year. ARNOLD'S FASHION SHOP May the blessedness of the Christmas spirit abide with you and the glorious promise of a bounteous New Year be given unto you. BURCROFF MERC. CO. We have tried to ae.Te your Christmas Gift needs more completely than ever before. II our efforts have been successful In making your shopping a little more pleasant your Xmas choosing a little easier and more' pleasurable, we feel repaid. ' J UNITED ARMY STORES 7 -Id); S uu-is A 1 9l it 1 fern -V ?vflB T FF From US to YOU! good people! Yob whose patronage and loyalty have mede us what we are! , ' We THANK you and wish you a very MER RY CHRISTMAS! FOWLER'S RESTAURANT May the day be all that you hope for may the Christmas spirit reign supreme and for the manner In which you have supported the policy of our house in the year that is closing, we kpow of no words in the English language which are stronger, when said, as we say them, sincerely: WE THANK YOU. TOLEDO BATHS, BARBER SHOP W. T. BALL, Prop. No one could say less, No one has said more. For when we eac-h in truth, wish each to he merry then there will be peace on earth and good will toward men. We like to think of our patrons as our friends. For we believe that friendly business is the best business for us all. So to all of you, 1 LINCOLN COUNTY PROGRESSIVE STORES Newport Toledo Greetings 4 r,Sl i'w t': a THE DAY is ours; what do we fear? It's filled with happy Christmas cheer Let's treat it kindly that it may Wish as well with us to stay. Wa banish business for the day, Come one nd all, let us be gay. ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 1 itrtwiT .w -itsweaa wj&z'.il .Now comes the time of peace and mlrthi J SfJ To gladden and rejoice the earth; 4 jlnd thoughts to wake, all hearts to fill , tJ With memories, wishes and good will, . V-,' TOLEDO DRUG C0. .3 We wish you, our friends, prosperity In your undertakings, wisdom and seal in your work, peace on your pathway, friends by your fire side, and strength to the last And especially a2 S3 Fish, you .a Merry Xmas. agSE? "TOLEDO BAKERY r$!!!!!l!!Ur WWW WWW. " ltfffVfTTfl S iiil Itt I I I saaujjjj j j . i - .'I J WHITE CORNER STORE At this season when we all fee! most kindly to those who have been most kind to us, we wish to extend you our best wishes for a full measure of Good Health, Good Luck and Good Cheer, and to gay for your support and patron age. Thank You! R. S. VAN CLEVE MERRY (7) Cli RESTM AS r t . v - GILDERSLEEVE'S GROCERY Extends to its hundreds of friends and patrons This Christmas Message Of Thanks and Good will May Health, Happiness and Contentment be yours, thereby assuring to each and ev ery one a MERRY CHRISTMAS DAY. GILDERSLEEVE'S GROCERY -yj y" ;y. .ST Loads of love and Christmas presents, Jey to last the New Year through, i : All that's cheerful, none that's tearful, .j These things we're wishing you. NEW AND SECOND HAND STORE J. W. HOGGINS, Prop. While many friends on Chrlstmss Day 8end greetings good and true Just let us add to all they say. Our own sincere "Ws Too." COZY BILLIARD PARLORS M i ff mcrn? nnima Just a wish from yours sincerely, Greeting you at Christmas tide; May fortune bless not Christmas merely. But all years of llfo besides. HOWE BARBER SHOP 1 'M What's sure to come is Christmas Cheer; And sure are our wishes too: That all that's sure In Joy and cheer Will surely come to you. ED'S SMOKEHOUSE We believe In friendly business and no other; f we hopo you will continue to look upon this as your store and Sincerely thank you for your generous approval of our merchandising policy. May yours all thru be A MERRY CHRISTMA8. T COLVIN'S, GENERAL MERCHANDISE May the day be as merfy and bright to yoa as It Is to us, and may the New Year bring yoq Joy, sunshine and prosperity. ( FRED HORNING TRANSFER M ::f;;:f,,;f:;f,':?;;;;;,,;)!,':,,:?.,?i::::?ii,'in iMt Itti -iZZZi 71. If i It 3? ":: 4 r