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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1916)
FOUR Final Clearance Sale of AH Broken Lot Shoes For Ladies, Children, Girls, Boys 1 1 Ladles' Regular ?4.0 shoes, broken lots $2.05 Ladies' Regular ? 1.00 shoes, broken lots "..... 2.7." Ladles' Regular $3.00 Bhoes, broken lots l.'W All Girls' and Roys' shoes, regular $3.00, now 2.10 All Ulrls' and Roys' shoes, regular $2. CO, now 2.00 All Girls' and Roys' shoes, regular $2.00, now l.MO All Girls' and Roys' shoos, regular $1.50, now 1.20 All children's shoes, tegular $l.C0, now 1.20 All children's shoes, regular $ 1.25, now 1.00 All children's shoes, regular $1.00, now HO you save youii money ox shoes at this stork. Hub Dry Goods Company 'SMART WE All TOR WOMEN" Comer Rrondway mid Central Avenue. IKE WATERTIGHT ROOfcE ORDINANCE WILL PLUG PHOHIR. LAW LOOPHOLES. District Attdnioy to .Submit Model to City nnd County Will Guldo Their Effort. Four dotinito loopholes In tho Oregon prohibition law will prob ably bo plugged, as far as tho flvo cities of Coos aro concerned, pro viding tho model ordlnanco being dratted by District Attorney LIIJo uvlst Is adopted by them. Cloao scrutiny of tho stato law ovldonccd tho fact tliero aro nioro ways than ono of "skinning tho cat.' Studious violators found their efforts rewarded und It Is to moot tlicflo now emergencies that the or dlnanco Is now being drafted. Many dtlds of Oregon havo found It noc tsHiiry to do tho samo thing. Sullrnie Aro lined. fit thd first placo, what Is tliero lit tho present liiw to prohibit uny oWfrbm going down to Eureka on a little Joy rldo and coming back with fiuvcrdl sultcdBcn and a trunk or two full of boozo? Not a thing to" hinder, says tho district attor ney, "at present.' In fact such cane's aro already coming to his at tention. ' A woman recently canto back with two or tlireo suitcases full. Sncli a procedure, Pays tho district attorney, Is a lucratlvo ono for tho bootlegger and shdiild bo thwarted by nu ordlnanco prohibiting tho bringing Into tho county of mnro than tho legal quota of drink stuffs. Dole Out Supplies. And tliero Is another loophole It Is Bald that thoro aro aoiurnl peoplo who havo laid In good sup plies of boozo during tho wot rolgit and havo stored thla In their cel lars. Now It Is charged that boiuo dolo out tholr supply, n bottlo or two nt a tlmo. Under tho present law they can bo arrested and fined, but their supply, bolng In tho homo, cannot ho confiscated. An ordl nanco will bo drawn to covor this point. To Curb Liberal Friend Thoro nro .cases of drunkonuess popping up, hero und thoro through tho county. "Prlond gavo It to mo," Is gottlng to bo uii old answer with tho sheriff's office. Thoro must mo a wny of getting at such "friends," who glvo tho stuff away, says tho district uttoruoy. Still, again, It Is no crime to keep n supply of boozo In a placo oi business. ThiH, too, is a "terrible" tomptatlon to tho bootlegger, espe cially If ho is running a soft drink stand. And so bocauso of those loop-1 holes, an ordlnanco Is bolng drawn that will plug thorn. Tho adoption of tho ordinance or any of Its sec tions will bo loft entirely up to tho various governments. Tho dis trict attorney la drawing it, Miow lug thorn tholr logitl rights and tho points to bo covored. IS DEPORTED XOW IX ANOTHER PART OF MEXICO (Dr AuocUteJ rtfM to Coat Btj Time. EL PASO, Texas, Fob. 10. Of Xlclal roports from Western Chihua hua recolvod today at tho Juarez mil itary headquartors, utatod that Vllht. who Is becoming famous as a will o' the wisp, is now west of Santa Cluru ranch belweeu Santa Ana and Las Cruzo, -' Jt was stated that a band of hi men burned tho ranch houses yoster dtty at San Juan, near tho Iletust property at Rabrlcoru, I VILLA EVASIVE THE Phono 301. F COMMITTEE MEETS AVITII MUl'll ENCOURAGEMENT IX MOVE Plan To Sell Stock In Small MockR- Financial Support Holng Giiuru nntecd Farmers To Aid Approbation and oncourngoinont has met tho campaign of tho Horti culture committco of tho Chnmbor of Commcrco toward getting n can nory for Coos Ray. Roth mombors, Clatido Thompson and II. Ruggo, de claro thoy nro meeting on all hands with guarantees of support. Farmers from tho various inlets havo to some extent voiced tholr op inions, and most of them aro favor ablo, Interesting Fanners At tho present tlmo tho committee In working on n plan to secure rep resentatives In every, section, two or three for Coos, Rlvor, ono for Catch ing Inlet, etc-, theso mon to tako up tho matter with tlip farmers of tholr vicinity, , got helr expression, nnd fjnd out whether or not thoy would support a cnimory and. tq what ex tent , H ' hin l0f thut',Uio money eiin bq raltjoil among tho, business mon of tho city tin) ho fariiors. , toejc Will bo sold In nu)ull lps. Somo of tho flrijis of tjio city avo already prqmlsed tq Julto certain amounts of stock With n on,n,iiqry horp a market wpuld bo nffordod at nil times for tho disposal of tio produce of tho farms encouraging tho farmers to put nioro of their available laud Into crops, thus bouofltlng themselves and bringing nioro monoy Into tho cities of the bay. AkUh for Advleo Clnudo Thompson has written to J. O. Hole, successful nuuiagor of tho Eugono Cannery nsklug him for ndvlco on tho mnttor. Tho canuory at Eugono has grown from a small project to u big concern that annual ly handles thousands of dollars worth of fruit and vegetables, mak ing nso of nlmost everything that Is raised. OFFERS I BIG FIELD ITALY WILL MAKE MARKET FOR UNITED STATUS Anm-liiUi Holding Tliero Says High Tariff Would llo MlMnko On Rotli Sides 11; AwooUtrJ I'iym to Com Ilr Tlnift.J ROME, Fob. 10. Wlillo Europe will hnvo to pay tribute to tho Unit ed Statos as the center of tho world s wealth after the war, the Unltod St tes nlso wll bo compelled to ninko Investments In Europo, according to Georgo R. Pago, tho bunker and fi nancier, Mr. Page, who has been establish ed in Italy for tho past quartor of a cantury, ulthougli a Virginian born, and who has porhapa been longer in touch with European business than nny other American, during an In terview with tho Associated Press correspondent on tho present and ru turo rotations of tho Unltod Statos with Kuropo, and particularly with Italy, said: "Tho whole world Is now consider ing tariff probloniB, tho Europoans to got money to pay Interost on tholr. war loans, and tho United Statos to Bhut out products of for eign Industry that it oxpocts will coiuo into sharp competition with Its own manufacturers so soon as tho war Is ovor. High Tariff Mistake "I think it will bo a mistake on both sides of tho wator to mlso tar iffs Indiscriminately. Tho situation U coming to this- Tho United States Is prospering as the only big nation not at wur. She ia piling up gold CANNERY AVORED COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1918-EVENIHG 1 NORTH BEND NEWS V HOL'SE RLOWS DOWN , in north rend A Roven-room liouao oil Monroe street In North Mend was bum on suns and am b0 raised Xsaln without freat a wnq iilnwn over last nlcltt. it damage It Is said. The prop- ! erty Is owned by II. L. Rrandt who lives In Idaho. ;FHER HOLLLSTER HAS ACCIDENT! WITH AUTO YESTERDAY Happened In Afternoon Foro Part of Machine Partially Wrecked I Driver's llnnd Is Cut I Fred Holllster, cx-coitncllmnn of I North Rend, received a bad cut on j tho hand, and tho fore part of hlsj nuto was badly wrecked when ho ran J into a load of wood tills side or Port er Mill on tho plank roadway about 1:30 yestcrdny afternoon. The gooseneck that holds tho front springs was broken tho wheels skew ed about, tho windshield broken and tho fenders and hood wcro bont In tho collision. Mllns Richardson, of tho Clorst and King garago, was able, however, to drlvo tho machlna Into town under its own power, it Is claimed. Avoids Sd-lkliu: Man At tho tlmo of tho 'accident Mr. Holllster, said to havo boon accom panied by Mrs. Holllster and n coup le of friends, was on hla way Into North Rend. Tho report Is that Mr. Holllstor, driving, nworved to ono side to avoid running down a pedes trian, and so crashed Into tho load of wood. The auto Is now in tho Gorst and King Garago undergoing repairs. Mr. Holllster refused to shed any light on tho accident, declaring that tho report was only a Joko spread by some of the boys. DISCUSS THE PLAI NCJItTII REND CHAMBER OF COM MKltCK HOLDS MEETING , Coumilttco of Nino' Will llo Xumoii to Manage Celebration Thin i ..I.. i Hprlntf' ti " Tho,N(qrth Rnd, Chamber ?of Oom in,orco,ioid q .mooting, kn nighty Tlo member discussed in ilotall tho plans for tho celebration of tho arrival of luj (flrit Irahy on Cb6s IhtjJ'riiiiiR icittplj iy. L.j J. SlJiinflontVfft'j'o 1Mb lopnrfiiro for Snn Francisco ' lr. Simpson promised to wlro when ho learned tho probahlo date of tho firs: train front Chief Knglnoor Hood. It It oxpectod that it will bo In the latter putt of Juno. Tho prcsldont wns authorized to appoint a committco of nltio men to act ns tho oxccutlvo committco for tho celebration. In addition Mr. Simpson will probably bo named as master of coromonlcH. An Invitation wbb received from tho Mnrshflold chamber to co-opornto with that body In a celebration plan ned. A conforonco will bo hold and i possibly Homo ngrcoment reached to combine tho niovomnt. and credits agnlnst Europo, hor cits- J tomor. As a result sho will havo too much monoy soon, so much sho won't know whnt to do with It. When sho gots tidof tho war, which I be- jllovo will bo within n year, theso on- orgies will havo to bo turned back Into business. Sees Xo Disaster "I do not look for any wholesale commercial tllbustor In Europo, such as tho South mot aftor tho Civil War. I do not look for ovon a devastated country llko Rolgluin to bo perma nently ruined. It Is nn Industrial country and its losses will bo mado up within n romarknbly brief period. If Relglum has not bcon ruined, If you cannot destroy a nation, thon It Is Idlo to nrguo that Germany can bo dostroyed. Sho too will bo on hor feet sooner than many aro willing to admit, "Now, since theso two conditions, too much money In tho United States and plenty of enorgy but les3 monoy In Europo, thoro Is but ono logical conclusion: the United States must send her monoy, and products rep resenting monoy, over hero to got ild of it, to mako it oam something. "Rut If all of theso countries put up tariff walls, thoy won't bo nblo to do buslnoss togothor. It would bo tho caso of a man biting off his noso to spite his face. Italy, for In stance, now welcomes and will con tinue to wolconio trado from th t'nltod Statos. Capital from tho Unlt od SUitos would find good employ ment, but Italy noods hor cotton, her coal, and In particular her oloetrlcal machinery, hor agricultural machin ery, hor utonslls for starting factor ies going. Should tho Unltod Stntos put up a tariff wall, thon It aly will do tho Banio nnd Bhut out tl.cso products. Tho result will bo both parties will loso. BE IT WOOD GIVE STOCK VALUES GOVERNMENT REPORTS SHOW DOMESTIC ANIMALS IX OREGON Total Valuation of All Kinds Reach es Xeatly SoventyJc'Ight Million Dollars lit Otegon Somo very Interesting facts con cerning tho number of head of each class of livo stock in Oregon and tho average valuo Is given In a re port published by the Department of Agriculture. Now that there has been jonBlderablo looses of sheop nnd cattlo in tho state on account of tho sevcro weather of the past few weeks tho figures aro thereforo ot special Interest. Tho report Is based on conditions on tho first of tho year. Tliero aro less horses In tho stato than lust year and tho valuo is less. Tho number of mules -Is the Bamo ns last year but tho valuo less. Thoro aro nioro milch cows but tho average valuo is less. Thoro aro a few less sheep but tho valuo is greater. Tliero are nioro hogs but tho valuo is less. Sheep thereforo Is tho only kind of livestock which has Increased in valuo. Totals for tho Stale The figures for the stuto aro(giv on below: Horses Ntimbor 29G.000, valuo per head $90; Inst year 301,000, valuo, per head $90. Mules Number 10,000, valuo per head, $93; last yoar 10,000, valuo per head $90. Milch cows Number 210,000, vnl uo per head $GG; last year, 210,000 value, $03. (iO. Other cattlo Nuinbor 553,000, vnltio per head, $32.50'; last year, 503,000, vnluo per head, $30.00. , Sheep Numbor2, 500,000, valuo por head, $5.20tfa8t year, 2,503,000 valuo por hoadf $ Swine Number 390,000, valuo per hond $150. Uil Valuo of Slock The utul valuo of tho various klndsof livo stock run up to big fltfufy. Tho fbllowjng showd the vrdiatlons for this year: brorsos .....,., .j.1$2G,2r0,00(0 Othor Cattlo 17.S0C.000 SheeP ,m.. ...... .,. ... . 13,312,000 Swlnq ,...,. , , ,j,sii,r,oo Total,, . i. ..,,,.. .$72,90-l,r,Q0 Vlth a Brand PtuJ of tho above valuation or tho live stock in tho stuto It In of further Interest to note thnt tho assessed valuation of Coos county livo stocq Is $035,319. KEPT IIP SERVICE JOE LAIRD AND MEN OVER CAM K FLOODS AND SLIDES. IHiiiiglit .Mall Dally Into Myrtlo Point Float Rosebui-R During Heavy Weather Fast Week, Not a day did tho mail from Rosoburg fall to got Into Myrtlo Point during tho floods of tho past week, according to a long dlstnnco moBsago received by Frank Cohan from Joo Laird. Dosplto tho fact that part of Sugar Loaf slid down Into tho road, blocking a long dls tnnco of tho highway, tho mall camo through. When this last atcldout occurred Joo Laird, who has tho contract for tho mall on this cud of tho Rosoburg road, hired extra men and tho mull sacks wore taken by men on tholr ImckB above tho slldo and brought on Into Myrtlo Point. All dolay of tho mall in reaching Coos Ray occurred In tho last 29 mllos of tho toute. TlmoH Wnr aila hnnir roRitUi During Our Clearance Sale You Can Save a substantial discount on overy pair of shoes in our stock all new and up to date, including tho well-known brands. RIVALS, XETTLETONS and DOROTHY DODDS HkJtMJ- I A , n Sale $3.15 Patont cloth top; somo French kid Gordon's Shoe Store SHIPPING NEWS BEST TRIP YELLOWSTONE 1IEHE FROM SAX FIIAXCISCO IX H HOURS. Ciiptnln Carlson, Formerly First Of ficer, Tells of Sinking f I''v cclslor, Well Known Here. , Swept northward on the wings of tho blast, tho steam schooner Yel lowstono crossed In early this morn ing, 38 hours from Snn Francisco nnd tho fastest trip she has over made. Shortly after daylight tho vessel camo across tho bnr that was smoking white, stirred up by tho hcax'y sou'west squalls of yesterday and last night. Tho steam schooner Speedwell, waiting outsldo early this morning, followod tho YcllowBtono into port. Roivt Cut In Two. On tho bridge of tho Yollowstono now Is .Captain Carlson, formorly first mate of the ship. Ho brought tho story of tho sinking of tho steam schooner Excelsior that was cut squarely In two a few days ago In San Francisco bay by tho steam ship Harvard. Captain Carlson said that tho ac cident occurred as tho Harvard was steaming down tho bny, outward bound. Her prow caught Iho Excol- slor amidships, in tho onglno room. Four men wero badly Bcalded, but no ono was killed. Four tugs Immediately answered tho distress signals of tho Excolslor, but a heavy ebb tld,b Bwept tho vosaol, In splto of tho tow bonta, out toward tho Golden Gato. Sho camo back on tho rot urn tldo and wns beached n't tho fair grounds, wlioro sho now llos. WnH Known Hero. .Tho Excolslor is well known on Coos Ray, having boon In here on sovornl trips, though not latoly. Tho vessel ha'Ilfl from Portland, Ore, and was built at Eureka In 1893. Sho has a gross tonuago of 598 and la 175 feet In length. Inasmuch ns sho has been patched togothor onco boforo thef opinion Is oxprcsned that the' vessel Will not aguin ho ropalrod. Tho Yollowstono brought nbotit 300 tons'of local freight and afto' dlBohdrging gt)CH down to tho Swayito & Hoyt mill to load lumber again (or fjnn jFranclsco -U. j 1 -K IITER IS SHALLOW XAXX SMITH FIXDS DEPOSIT AT SMITH TERMINAL DOCK Pluco 'lias Filled Some Sluco Rig Vessel Has llcou Off tlto Run For six months thoro has not bcon n dcop draught vessel alongside of tho Smith Terminal dock, n fact that cuusod tho Nnnn Smith considerable troublo this afternoon when Capt. Will Mngeo attempted to swing the ship out into tho channel. Tho prow rofused to budge. Thoro wns cousllemblo bncklug up and go ing forward until tho craft had lit erally dug hor way to tho channel. Wliou sho Is making frequent trips, stopping hero onco a wook, tho Nunn succeeds tu keoplng tho landing op I en. Sho was taking about 19 foot ' nf wntnr tnilnv. Tho passengers out woro: George i Doubner, Ed. D. Noonan, J. Garflnkel Miko PiiIob, Allen Larry, Irlno Larry, Mrs. L. J. Petrlmoulx, J. C. Clark, D. J. Potettlo, Stanley Acklos wud U. S. Ackles. t WATERFRONT NEWS t Tomorrow tho Adollno Smith Is duo hero from Oaklnnd to load lumber. Shortly nfter daylight tho steam Bchoonor Speedwell arrived In from Snn Francisco after n tempestuous trip and is loading for tho return voyage on Saturday. Tho steam schoonor Yollowstono, Captain Carlson, arrived shortly af ter 7 o'clock this morning, 3S hours from San Francisco. Sho Is loading nt tho Swayno & Hoyt mill. j Rath tho Rustler and tho Roamer nro In tho harbor waiting too tirst I ehanco to go away for Roguu r:ver. j Under tho present condition of I weathor it may bo several days bo i foro oithor of tho littlo vessels can ' get away. On tho first trip of her schedulo for many months, tho Nann Smith got away fcr tfct south shortly after I o'clock today, IIOAT INTERESTS CHANGE L. G, and A. F. Masters and Jay Richards havo arranged to purchase i tho entire Interest in the three Catch ing Inlet boats, Wat-Ta-Wasa, Sum ,ner and Sunrise. Arthur Mattson retires from tho business nnd will I probably work at tho ship yard. MAKES EDITION FIGHTS POOL BILL ARTHUR CKAIO CLAIMS llAVlXd (1AMRLF.D AT THF. LIRERAL. Is Sued for Hill and WnntH Re cover T.wlco tho Amount of tho Account. Defonso tho-t ho was a minor and that payment of games wns mado In tho nlloged unlawful man ner of "sticking" tho losor, Arthur Craig, through his uttornoyB, Graves & Melnturff, today filed thrco sop- arato answers to tho suit brought .cigalnst him by Shrocdor & Fletcher, tho Liberal billiard and pool halt proprietors, for tho collection ot $14.35 cltoJmcd to bo duo on a bill for tho uso of their hall and tables. Tho original bill amounted to $39.35. Tho plaintiffs claimed Craig had pluycd in their hall nt pool, billiard and card games. Tho mini ot $25 was paid them fioniotlmo ngo, and tho suit and attachment was 'for tho remainder of tho sum. Craig cUyiniB that It was unlawful for him to play wlien ho was a minor, further that tho method ot making tho loser pay for tho games lost is also) uiilnwful. And Inas much ub tho stato law eays collec tion mako In q Rambling' debt may bo rocovorcd, doublo tho amount, Craig turns tho tables and domunds payment of twlco $39.35 or $78.70. Tho caso Ib In tho Juatlco court. Tl'O CALL XFW ELECTION' District Attorney Llljcqvlst has decided flnnlly that tho whole school olectlon of District No. 29 below Imn don to voto bonds nnd select a situ for a building. Is Invalid and lias told Stipt. R. A. Rakon to call a now elec tion. Mr. LIMonvlst said tho notices ,woro lmpropor and tho bKo to bo chosen was not adequately described. 1111X1-: ST. VALENTIXK Masquer ude, Knglcs hull, Saturday evening, Fchriiiif-y 12th. Martin's orchestra. '!' V- ., Land Grant Map Map of Coos County, 2 5x11 inchoH. Hcalo one-half Inch to mllo, showing all the grant lund of Oregon and California U'. RJ aiul Coos Ray .Mflltttry Wagon Road, remaining at this ditto of record In t'lio ni-nies1 of tho'holdltii,' compnh'li, certified correct by Abstract company. Thla map nlfio shows iill railroads, roacW, rivors and cities in' Ooo County. Rltio lino print,' $5k.0O 'each,' postpaid. i J ii i i r ,D;, ,L. Buckingham.', I )5"0 Fi-onV'Str. rn t f ' i',' ' 'I'"" . ... U , -It, INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION "CO. S. S. Nann Smith Passenger and Freight Sails for San Francisco THURSDAY, FEB 10th, at 1 0'Clock FROM SMITH TERMINAL DOCK S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only ' SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction CONLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, bent equipped and most thoroughly ioder twenty-inch hydraulic Oretlge In PhcIIIo wter Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. GRAVEL' We are now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In ny untltle from pile In our yard or in carload lots, at following price: From pile on ground, J2.V6 per yard. Carload lots, taken from car, 2.00 per yTO' Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite PosMIfUce. Pbo t96. OFFICER IF If AXXUAL NOMINATION- i,r, LAST NlfillT FOR KMinJJJ1 Salary of Hei:.etaiy s llflM ! Per Month-A. , , J " IH liilllnlo"! IMi, ilnBt8 Tho nomination or candidate, t, tho annual election of nm... ! tho Marshflohl Elks l.odBo u oned last .ovAilng. Tho iinmin..,0'' will not bo closed until tho lastttJ lug in Fobrunry. The annual elettu In the rirst mooting n March, n. iiomlnntlons mado lust night ns follows: et , For Exultor' Ruler- T. I). jttBe For . Leading KnlKIitn.... Goodrum nnd F. V. Catterlln. For Loyal Knight w. a.Chand. lor. For Lecturing KnIBht Thomai Ilnrvoy. For Secretary Georgo Rotnor For Trensu'rer W. N. Ekblad. ' For Trimteo F. (1. Horlon. ' For Delcgato to Grnnd Lodge-Dr Goo. 13. Dlx. For Tyler Joo Williams and D ' Y Stafford. Tho lodgo adopted an amendment increasing tiio sniary of tho Secre tary to $210 per year. A. R. Loud wns Initiated into niomborahlp Inst evening, a numbet of attorneys bolng present to iCe that tho well known Court Importer got all that was coming (o him. It was announced that tlio regular ' monthly dnnclug party would leglf en two wcoks froin last night. I A light lunch was sorved tit the ' coiieliiHloit of tho rogular session. A. J. Sherwood of Coqullle, Dr. J, U MnBson of Myrtlo Point and a num ber of out of town members were present. Times Want Ails nro (ho ono mc ilium which reaches ALL tho people. They ciirhko public attention cter; day Always on tho Job. Tho convenience and profit of Times Want Ads will bo demon-. t rut iwl bv n trial. w '"::tr !:;.u:;r i.t 1 MARSJjI'IJjij), ORK. Main office, Seattle, Washington.