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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1916)
nyf r'wf y "yas " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1916-EVENING EDITION THREE isten- Wo want II -Mliiff of Timber ,,,)1"" Business oppor (IIIIM- I ' I tia r . -. ".""',:,:; tllO "nOHUTII ..-.- l!i'vrv i Bill'" U of Spokane." w " f .1... ..iiiniio else. M(cr i" " ' fcorvo you Wc ),ao cheap "'l,J' to ,"n,, Coos Bay Development Co. 314 Coke BIdg. Mai1iflcll. Oregon. nniirli Ofl- Ihh"--. Was.Ii. Sarter's IS THE PLACE TO fll.T VOL'lt CANDIES rum: and delicious Wc ilo not Mciik ' Us y U A h I T V That djiciiks for Il.sclf SARTER'S I'liono 20:-.T. Marshfleld llMtOur.Ww Homo In Rogers Hldjj. rninl mid Central Sane Sensible Satisfactory Stylish Suits Shoes Shirts Yours For Service 4 The FIXUP wiip tOtov North J lend Mnrshflcld WEATHER FORECAST Ilr AocIlcl r-reai to tvo. nar TTmM.l OREGON -r Occasional rnlim niul cooler tonight; nioilornto southerly gulo In tho Interior; strong south- westerly gnlo along tlio coast. Guaranteed Ranges iC GET NEW MUSIC Como In niul play the latest victor record! on our iniicliliiu and seloct tllO CHICS J Oil deslfO .1,()0() to CIkmim) I',iimi IVo will order special Numbers for )0lt JL. L Thomas Music Co. ;l Ceutj'nl A en no . U. i ij i i,i VT1 ' 'i LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending at 1:13 a. in., Fobruury 10, by DcnJ. ( OsUInd, special gov- ornmoht meteoroloBlst: laximiim C3 An 4:J3 a. in ni 1'recliiltntlon 83 101C C8.ll v i-recipiiauon sineo Sept. 1. 191" 57.28 Precipitation snnio period l"t year -17.73 Wind. Southwest, cloudy. Thuidny February 10 Sun rises at 7:01 and sets at 5:21. writes that tho wcuthor there bus beon awful. Ho Bas that millions o: dollars damage has been dono In California. As soon as conditions Improve, ha expects to make a trip south. No Consolidation Members of tho MlUlcoma club say that tho mat tor of consolidation with tho Chnm bcr of Commerce has been thor oughly discussed and that the de cision Is to keep thalr organlatlon as It Is. Tho move- was 'launched to get thoso two concerns and tho Fellowship club grouped under ono organization, Move to Ranch. Will Stauff will leavo about March 1 to begin work on clearing nnothur lnrgo portion of tho Stauff ranch at Arago. His brother, James, will come up this spring from California and Join him In tho work. James Stauff and a California young woman will bo mar ried In May. Tho James Hoot fam ily of Myrtlo Point havo tho dairy portion of tho ranch leased. Jir Sinking Fund. At a meeting of tho stockholders niul patrons of tho Coos Hay Crcamory yesterday, It was decided, to hold back thrco cents on each pound of buttor fnt to To oivo Dance. The Freshman class of tho North Bend High School will glvo a danco tomorrow cvonliig lu I.oggle's hall. Hlrtliiluy Parly. Miss Kdlth Dun can of Hunker Hill hns Issued Invi tations for a Valentino party to bo given Saturday In honor of hor birthday. Hull Tomorrow Night. Final preparations aro being mado for the coatiimo ball to bo given tomorrow evening by tho North llond Club la dles In tho club rooms. Anthony's orchestra will furnish tho music. letter Mill S'lniK Tho Portor mill of tho Simpson Lumber Com pi'iiy started operations again to- THF 5TPRI IMR RAMRP "' bavlng a now supply of logs. Tho qmillly, tho HiKlNrnrlnry ami co,mt of II lo& shortage. lniifr(t-wvnrliiK rnngo niado today.) Lights Weut Out During tho It Is foimtriictcd' particularly fori wind of last night, early In tho M ostein fuel, Ik reinforced through- . ,.,, ,., .. . , 0M. ,r.i. out, nsDcMoH llne.l and rlglily fin. "" lnt,t ho, U ,n 8oMlh MarBl' fHliod. It will glvo biitlNfiictlnii' fl01" 8uillcn! :t out, both In tho ovory day in tlio year; It is Insured1 houses and on tho ctrcots, and woro for jearji ngalnst woarlnj; arts, and 0ff for about an hour, thlH Ih' a point jon ouinof. well over- lt. ,, lV ., .....' look lii iJmk'liiK your rango selection.! VT )) vo cpchcii Come in and let us show you Johnson Gulovsen Company QUALITY 1IO.MK North Front Stccet FURNISHINGS Marshflold Till: W1IITU IS KINO Of nil Sowing .Machine N'Off located at 25 C Market avo. Wet. Phono 103-J. Wo havo lso got big bargains In all kinds of used machines. All machines old on easy payments. r RrtlTTU nnnc ..... fr . wua JUVJ-H IJOAT snitviCB MUNCH KXIMtESS Iwes Marshfleld ovory day 8 m. Loaves head of river t 8UB p. m. BTCAMIM IIAI.M10W 'ie Load of river dally At 7 . Leavea .Marshfleld at 3 p. ".Iortlmrtor apply on board. RQGuns & sMiTn Proprietor JJjIJJJANSPWt AND STOIuf AOI. OP llOIIUI'Urwr. (..,,, ""..huiji, liUUllH "wuur AND Cull HAGGAGI3 FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono 103 Resldenco Phono 13-J rket Av. und Waterfront Tho F.A. KILBURN sails for Portland Via Astorit FMHKl'AUV 11 at 11 a.m. From Smith Terminal Dork For Information call 13C L. G. GUSHING, Agent. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phono 10C-L. MAItSHFIKLH, OHtXJON .. tn'ivo -iiio i iiiiiunai unaiuoer ot uoiumerco is having a meeting In Wnshluglon, D.j C, this week. Marshflold has no roiircsontntivo present, though last year wo worn roprosontd by tho clerk of tho sonatc, an Oregon man. Kggs Moro Plentiful Kggs aro a llttlo moro plentiful now than they J haVn been. Fresh eggs can bo bought for 40 and 45 cents n dozen , and lt Is possible to twciiro moro i of thorn than It was a wook or two I ago. I I Clnli .Meeting Postponed Instead ' of tho rogular meotlng tomorrow 1 afternoon of tho Kensington club, , tho ladles will moot next Monday j ovculug nt tho homo of Mr. ami Mrs. C. F. McGeorgo, when thoy ' will ontortaiu tholr husbMids nt a I Vnloutluo parly. 1 Will Havo Hlg Job Postmastor McLain and his forco will havo a big Job on their hands when tho mall all gets In. With (ho excoptlou of soino ot tho lottor mall nothing has como through for a week and thnro will bo an onormnus vol u mo of papors and mall mutter of nil kinds to hnndlo and dlstrlbuto whou It docfl como. .Makes Autopsy Dr. J. L. Mnsson votorlnarlan of Myrtlo Point, was called down to tho Old Town section of North nond today by Edgar Simp son for tho purpose of performing an autopsy on sovoral calves that havo died thoro. It Is supposod thoy had been eating somo sort of poisonous grass. Mr. Simpson has sovoral head of cattle at Old Town. Floods Aro Had W. S. Chandler who has boon spending a few wooks In San Francisco with Mrs. Chandlor and their daughter, Mrs. Tromalno, - - - i . -Pi' ! I I -! " m m I oble Theate TO-NIGHT , crcato a sinking fund for tho organ ization. Last year, Manager Hessoy overpaid somo of the patrons by over estimating tho returns on the cream ery product and this deficit will bo taken enro of In this way. Pleasure Launch. W. A. Hold brought out the plans of his Alaska cruiser, tho "Ilolon Gould" this morning to furnish an Idea for a plensuro Inunch which J. W. Hon nott Is figuring on construclng. Mr. Held used tho "Helen Gould" In his Army Y. M. C. A. work lu Alnsku. Sho was forty feet long, eight-foot beam and could dovclop a speed of about forty miles. Sho was built csjwclally as a plensuro craft. Go Ahead With Kveaviitlng. Workmen by tonight will havo "bit ten" off a good cornor of tho llttlo hill In tho Tear of tho Hlanco Hotel that Is bolng reduced by N. Moon for tho erection of his brick veneer building. Tho earth thero Is clay and Is Bhoveled into wagons by a squad of inon. Tho building will probably start about tho first oi March. Want Our .Mnnoy. From tho Vista IIoubo association in Portland linn beon received a lottor asking for tho financial aid, Individually or collectlvoly, of tho Chambor of Com morco, to aid In tho establishment nt Crown Point, on tho Columbula Highway out of Portland of n memorial hall to tho Oregon pion eers, which will also bo an observ atory and a plnco of rest. "Wo want this to bo to Oregon wlinl Plymouth Hock Is to Massachusetts,' runs tho lottor. Pheasants in lor(lnud A lottor Just received from Portland states that of Into tho China pheasants havo beon driven In from outsldo tho city limits by tho snow nnd tho Ico and now ro actually foedlng In tho backyards, eating bread crumbs with tho robins. Ordinar ily tho pheasants aro very Bhy nnd koop as much as posslblo out of Bight.- Othor (birds hhvo como in great flocks nnd rely ontlroly en tho food given thorn by Good Samar itans. Urotlier Is Delayed Llouol Gor don last ovonlng rccolved a' tolo gram from his brother at Eugcno stating that tho railroad from Eu gene to dishing was blockod by laud slides and that it would not open boforo Saturday. Mr. Gordon was en routo hero from Powell It Ivor, Wash., whoro ho is manager of tho big Btoro of tho Powoll Itlvor Paper company, to visit his brothers, Lionel and Harry. Just when ho will bo nblo to get through Is un certain, i Kl'do in Itoiul Tho road to Hay Park and Mllllngtou Is closed as a result of a big slldo In tho doop cut opposlto tho Eaglo Point boom. Workmen would not work on tho removal of tho dirt yestordny owing to tho danger of other slides. Delayed by Slides Mls3 Amy Isaacs of North nond, who loft Monday morning for Portland, tolo phonod relatives night that sho was still at Floronco and lt was un corta'ln whou oho would bo ablo to get to Eugono, owing to tho rail road bolng blocked by slides. foil Owing to our film bolng delayed wo aro compelled to repeat tho i i i f lOWlnt. . "- '""Brain Tonight. '' ,asKV presonts tho. marvelous omotlonal star In tIiat CHAKLOTTK WALKEIt titled "1,ro,o Life Drama gf tho slums by Charles Konyon, en- KINDLING Ottered for ih "wterpie co V SCr0QU by arnKUnent with E. J. Howes. A at ll'e careIo leallsm wUh a terrific lesson. A drama that hits that has ma 1 i l0l'ds 0f vll touements. A Droadway succois ule emotion Wrld 1,ottor ",ul tUrU,B evory Bl,ectutor w,th b'on T,,e M(,st W"nderfiil Motl lei'.Di'auia Eer Will ton "The Squibb Store" Horo at Tlio Owl, your pres criptions aro filled with tho flue chemicals and pharma cuotlcals of E. H. Squibb & Son. In so doing wo assuro your doctor tho greatest posslblo help. Poor chem icals of unknown quality aro a hindrance In tJcknesa. I'so Castor Oil Squlbb's It's Dlfforent. 2oc tlio bottle "The Owl" Tho Contral Avenue Store Phono 74 Drug Jt t AT THE HOTELS t ( handler Hotel E. N, Mounteu, Portland; .Tosoph Fyfo Jr, Hnndon; S, L. Williams. , Mirtlo Point; C. P. Doll, Portland; 1 Ccorgo W. Topping, Handou; Follx M. Wolff, San Francisco; Charles E. i Morten, Powers; H. A. Pnscoo, Chi cago; J. L. Masson, Myrtlo Point; Paul M. Dlmmlck, San Francisco. Lloyd Hotel A P. Stowo, Powers, p. I,. Barry, Handou; Chester M. Caroy, Allegany; X. S. Drosslpr, Handou. St. Lauienio Hotel Ed Sadcrgard, Camp 1; W. Brown, Pandpu; 11. Flshor, Grdeu Point; C. W. EgenJioff, Sumnor; A. Castol, (Falls; R. A. Mlllor, Bond; It W. I Shipley, Eureka; P. Laird and wire, Portland; G. Ilardgrovo, Gardiner; t PERSONAL MENTION ED SADEUGAUD was In today from Camp 1 on a visit. DAN FItANSON of Catching Inlet Is In Marshfleld today. ' JOHN POUTER camo down from Allegany today on business, LLOYD PINKEUTON camo In from Catching Inlet today on business. W. HUOWN, ot Handou, came up yesterday on n Hhort business trip. 7 MRS. CLARENCE HARRIS of Sum ner was a Marshfleld visitor yes terday. ED. D. NOOXAN loft on tho Nnnn Smith this nttcrnoon for San Francisco. ELMER MATTSON camo down from their Catching Ihlct ranch today on business. ED DYER camo down yestorday , from lits Daniels crook ranch for n short stay. HERMAN FINNELL has returned from a short visit with frlouds on Catching Inlet. DR. J. L. MASSON, of Myrtlo Point, oanio over last evening on hc boat and train. CHARLES ENEGREN and John Eonegrcn camo down from their Coos river ranch today. ALLAN TODD again started for Han dou this morning. Ills nttempt tho other day was unsuccessful. C. II. DUXGAN wns down todny from his ranch on South Coos Ulvor. Tho freshet caused somo damngo at his place. MRS. H. ESNAUF of North Twelfth streot, who underwent an opera tion at Mercy hospital, Is roportcd to bo getting nlong nicely. MR. AND MRS. JOHN HECK, or South Marshflold, expect to leavo booh for PoniiBylvnnla whoro thoy will mako their future home. PAUL M. DIMMICK. vlco. nrcsldont of tho Swnyno nnd lloyt compuny In San Frnnclsco, camo over Inst 'evening from North llond. Ho Is hero for Boveral days on company business. MRS. I). A. JOHNSON or Sumnor la n Marshfleld shopper today. Mrs. A. II. McKay, who has boon visit ing at tho Jackson homo, returned with her. I. ISAAKSON of tho Smith company office forco will leavo on tho noxt Adollno for n two wcokB' visit wJlh Cornell Lagoratrom -In San Francisco. DON GARDINER braved tho high wa ters and n trip to sea down Heaver Slouch this morning for tho pur pose of calling on' tho trndo lu tho Coqiilllo Vnlloy. ' C, a. STADDEN pf .Sumnor, was a Mnrshflold visitor today. During tho rocont frcshot, tho wntor was about . a foot abovo tho public dock at Sumnor. LON MILLER Is hero from South Jn lot getting tho launch Marshfleld repaired. Ho ran uground In tho freshet and did considerable dam ago to tho propeller and stern, U. S. ACKLES, of tho Honoymnn Hnrdwuro company lu Portland, accompanied' by his son Stanloy, loft nbourd tho Nairn Smith todny for San Frnnclsco. Thoy will ho gono until about March 1. MRS. LOUIS PETRIMOULX. and daughter who havo boon living noar Allogany tho past couplo of years loft on tho Nann Smith for San Diego whoro Mr. Potromoulx has socurod work. MRS. W. J. CONRAD, Mrs. F. D. Cohan und Mrs. E. I. Chandlor and llitjo son loft yestorday for tho Chandlor homo on South Coos nvor, wnero inoy win Bponu a fow days with Mrs. W. G. Chand ler. Li. D. HELIEU wrltos to frlonds hero, stating that ho oxpects to return to Marshflold with his family about Fob. 28. Do has boon on tho big ranch of his fnthor, Dan Ballon, near Brldgo for somo tlnio past. GEORGE C. DEUHNER loft today, roturnlng to Oakland, after visit ing horo with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Deubnor. Mrs. Doub nor Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Larson and camo horo to aid in tho colobratlou or tholr Golden Wedding. Sho has not wet returned, Something New IN DRESSES Taffeta and French Serge at $12.50, $9.90, $7.90, $6.90, $5.90, $4.98 See these values and you will appreciate thoirii For Waists, see our latest assortment: Taffeta, Voile and Lawns at $2.25, $1.25 and 98c All Silk Crepe do Chine, 40 inches wide; an assort ment of colors, at 98c Dont forget that buying for cash and selling for cash brings down the high cost of living. "mm i i 'i n i We Load, Others Follow The Originators of Low Prices Next Door to Postoffjce $ X AMONG THE SICK $ Jamos E. Montgomory hna boon under tho weather for a couplo of days, .suffering from tho grippe. Mrs. R. It Pinkortou has Buffl- elontly recovered from hor recant operation to return to her homo on North Inlet. Mrs. Geo, Capps of South Eighth street Is reported qulto 111 of la grippe. Mrs. L. , Christenson of Hunker Hill luiH been qulto 111 tho past row days but Is now Improving. Charles Muhuffy Is reporlod qulto 111 nt lils homo on North Coos river and a physician was sout tor today to attend him. Mrs. A. O. Rogors In sufforlng from n nuvoro nttuck of la. grlppo. ROY LAWIIORNE was iblo to ho about today after sovoral days Btrouuoiis struggle with tho grip. Roy says ho Is bolter equipped than over boforo to make a plcturo of haw a grip gorm lookB but ho doubts if nnyouo will beliovo tho plcturo after It Is mado. Dr. H. K. Kelty, Dentist, ilOl Coko llidg. Phono J1U..I. Speedwell Halls hoirflh from .Marsfiriold .Saturday, Fol. JUtli. Tickets at. Abstract ()fflco and fc. Coflimr Al Painter, North lleml. NEW TODAY FOR SALE Furniture, contents ,of threo rooms. A big bargain IC taken at onco. Call CO I Cth Bt. S. FOR SALE Hoiiho and lot in best rcsldonco pnrt of town. Torinn ronBonnblo. Phono 222-X. WAS HAD IN SE.VIYrLE. Coos, Bay Is not tho only plnr.o that linn beon lucnnvonlenccd by storm conditions. II. J. McKoowu, proprietor of tho Chandlor, received a loiter from ono of his patroua who Is a traveling man, asking him to hold homo freight which was sent here for him until ho was sottlcd. Tho wrltor wnB nt Scnttlo and ho said that tho hotol whoro ho wo stopping wns crowdod with local pooplo who woro unablo to get to their homos from tholr places of business on account ot tho snow. SOCIAL CALENDAR Dr. LosIIo, Osteopath. Marshfleld Want advert Islnj; hells longer-wanted things. THURSDAY Norwoglan Luthornn La- dlos Aid with Mrs. B. Mathl- sen in Buukor Hill. , North Bond Mothodlst Ln- dies Social nttcrnoon at 4 church. North Bond Girls' club with Miss Gortrudo Toots. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Elizabeth Hydo. Eastsldo Social club with Mrs. Wilkes Cavannugli. FRIDAY North Bond Club fancy dress ball in club rooms. Lndlos Art Club with Mrs. F. M. Flyo. Trio Card Club with Mrs. O. B. Wells. Dahlia Club with Mrs. C. M. Connor. SATURDAY Mlnno-WIs Valontlno par O ty witli Mrs. E. Kolley. FOR KENT Furnished apl. In thn Ilnguo upartmontu. Apply Pio neer Hardware WANTED Hoy oer 1(J to umk In printing nrrico. Munt havo ikibsoiI .Stlt grado lu school. Call nt Times office J , FOR SALE t I'Olt MA ld Furniture, hW rooms complete; Btoam heat; hounn for Irent; rour ntoady rpomors. Snap lr tnken at onco. 21 1 Commer cial avo., for particulars. t FOR RENT $ l'Olt ItKNT ltcnnlo llouso (C'U South 10th unfurnished. $20. Con loguo Bungalow furnished, ? fi room' hoiiBo, $10. 5 room flat, $10. Title Guarantee & Abstract Co. l-'OR 11EN' Furnished two nwm npt. Hoatod. $15.00. Inqulro Mntson's Storo. FOR RENT (I room house. Apply 1102 Elrod Avo. FOR HUNT I Room ,uso In South Mnrshflold. Phono 1471 North Bond. Dr. D. O. VniiRliun, Dentls't, Room SO, First National Hank building, Llbby Coal, 3H.00 ton. Phono 72. FOR RENT FurnUhed flat, hot and cold wntor, bath. 853 Third st. FOR RENT Rooming house over Ekblad'a Hardwaro Storo. Apply at Ekblqd & Son, or call 3C0, ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL E. W. SULLIVAN Corner Market and Broadway Wo solicit all our old patrons of tho Lloyd and assuro them tho samo rcasouublo rates. WEAVINGAH kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 1 2th Courth. So. Phone 220-R ( WALLPAPER f i See VIERS; I About it, tho no- I HHHHHHHHHHHBH ' H I 'or I1(mmi1 and Kiomaeh Hj , H Dlhense.s Take H ll H ' I Adler-i-ka I tm Quick relief and permanent H H results. Hj Prleo $1.00. I''VHHI H Should bo In overy Iioubo- H , . hold. I ht bUbT uuKNbri H Phono H08 I H Wo Deliver Projiiptly H Sunnyvale "See Reitl About It" ino Front St. MarshfielcTs Newest Suburb Hard Surfncel llond .Jitney Lino Lots 70 to .'(i US, r, Down $5 Month No Interest No Taxes OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE (lorst & Klnit, Lcmo Mnrshfiold at 7 u. in.( and returnlntl leaving from Empire at K n. nu Leave Marshfleld nt 1 1 a.m. and returnlui: leave South HImigh at 1 p. in. Leavo MMi'shfiold ut n p. m. and returning leave South Slough at 0 P. m. wmmmmmmmmr L. A. Pluard, Portland, W-v