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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1916)
' WFIXfVfjtt,'1 'W fUUJW "WJM '" imj'T igif MfN ARE OPEN TO CONVICTION BUT THEY DEFY ANY MAN TO CONVINCE THEM A PAPER THAT A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES BELIEVES IN IHt Bfc&i AND ALWAYS BOOSTS MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED TRUSS (Boa tmfls Vol. No. XXXIX. 11 WATERS I RECEDING Joquille R'ver n Drops Four teen l-eei ui my'"" ' " Since Last Reports. . Trains Today Unable to Get Through From Marshfield to Coqullle. SOME MAILJ5ETS HERE Ltoflliat 1,,C "1,l,,ln VhHl f" .i ... n. (ll,-Vuit of Sun-in HelK'UMl To lie Oww OXLYI'AHTOI'TIIK MAIMS IN TODAY .Vol nil of llio mnll that !b In Coqulllo destined for Coos Day nrrhed on tho noon train. It Is thought that ve- ry closo to two " "" came and mere is iiuhiiuu- Ity that tho remainder will como on tho evening triuii from Coaleiio. iNono 01 wiu second class mnll camo In at all. ', Mall for tho first tlnio In throo (liyicame through nliont noon todny, at least the first chiBB mull. This Is the first time It hns conic to Coos liny from the east slnco hint Thursday, tfcough tho first ('day -wn3 due to the mows and silver thuus In tho vi cinity of Portland. The Coqullle rlvor has contlnuotl day mortUnir, .and null nnJ IhVn.tmna lero at 10-45 did not go until 2:30 f. ra anil nlMeUiurk frdhi Uoalcdo' alout (he p. in. Thcro Is a slight pottlblllty that, tomorrow the train will te alio to get all tho way through to Coqullle. but not to Myr- ! tie l'o.nt for soveral days. lllK Drop llcpoitvd It as roported that the rlvor dropped some 1-1 feet at Myrtlo Point telow tho mnrk or yesterday. At Coqulllo the drop was not so much, duo to the fact that there tho ter spreads out oor tho surround- m country and also tho tides from the ocean delay tho out go. John c. Kendall returned last tvsmlng from Powojs, via Myrtle Point and Coaulllo. Ho said thnt the ralso In the river stnrted Sunday corning at Powers nnd camo up Sr. t by the next day. He took tllO last train Snnilnv vn. ""K. to Coqulllo, and tho aoxt ornlnK WCnt down tho rlvor with Sher-ff Johnson, to l.ampa Creole 1 "era me c.imn nf ) rnninm.o Etothers was to have boon sold on wcount of a Judgment secured hv " MOOre I.limbpp rnmnniiv Tim 'e ias postponed. Itlscs()ci-TraiKs At Latum n nnm ini ...... I. . -,-vv,.., K.llllivill IIIUI. Kendall ahd tlm shori ...... ,.i n.- "fongarm method thev worked tholr "r lo the conip. On tho roturn tho "ay the wator had risen throo uecall80 tho md car leaked nnd Zl, atUKo PropenBltlcB the ro 'lroiS Pilgrims went over a little """wain like th .........", ," . ,n nt back to Coqulllo entire countryside was flood- uiiv i88 Bnd treos went floating ""Xlowiitotlieocoanandnvorn,,,! rnn - . . w-.,, Him uht Ulll Star 1? r " PI0CO 0f ' 0 - . " Oet .Mall Through This ,...,. l uiornin. !,... ... J Jr,,bl M.orlonce,l We tro b f lT waa con8,,,or- tneinaH, v7u"ceu m gott ng liil I rm the mo- boat to tho 'rain Th lu,or UOilt ,0 Ul tl InehA r had rCGdea about m to bo pncKoa qult0 ft d,a. The?::! !?. WIy BUG B0IIT5 Wausnn vu,ls"erauio commont e .., f rallroatl lia(l not brought i0hb forth to the denser d6,1351 tWo WuiVd ,, C,are(l tntt th0 lcI bMlm.Pf5r the C,larg0 aSk0tl J' i m. sl :u lhat som ot thp tmn"rfbrm,Rhta8fa''a8 ln Werday and then taken Established 1878 Ah Tho Count Mull GREEK IS S1LLEN PASSENGERS HAVE EXCITING THIP ACROSS TUN MILE Ono of Homes Flouudors and Comes Closb to Drowning Wilson Ktnllod in Midst ifu in Ton Mllo crook was n torrent to day, so high tuul swift that It whs Impossible for aiitoa to ford tho stream. Sevornl paBscngors with tholr baggage, aboard tho wagon that makes tho crossing, were stalled In midstream when "ono of tho horses lost its footing uiul foil. Several 6r tho men waded ashoro with tho wa ter to their waists. Gcorgo Larrson, Harry FoIboiu and C. W. Cumbers woro among tho In coming passengers. Thoy got Into tho wagon on tho north Bldo or tho crcok. Tho winter was very swift utid tho team floundered. It wuh ut this Juncture that tho dr.vors hastily unhooked ono of tho aulmuls to koop It from drowning. A long rope was made fust to tho end or tho tongue and attached to tho team, giving them a hotter clianco to pull, tho wagon wjib drawn out or the sand into which it had boon slow ly sinking. Alost of tho baggage was carried ashoro by the auto drivers wadlug waist deep In tho stream. Larrson ulso Jumped overboard and camo ashoro in this manner lauding hero dripping wet. buck to Coqulllo. Supt. Miller was In Coqulllo today and It was Impos sible to get his version or tho con troversy. Uusomcut 'hh Flooded Carl HvertBon, who IIvcb on Tenth and Commercial, said that, never did he huvo water In his busoment until Monday morning. Ills house Is built on Jilgh ground. Tho wator camo In suddonly and to tho depth or two feet. Thoro was considerable furniture to fall. Hie early train went only oatind pthori valuable articles Btoroil j far.. Coaledo, tho same ns yestor- thoro and before tho water Avris .IIb-i 'Vr'H' A"d ,,nTni17J W L,Pvjro(I much or it had been injured rfUftetrD.itstrud QJitrarAA jtq ' great- oxlont, ''Mr.1 EvortfidKl loat for lqMllIo. The rotiU'iRdatdr filld that tho water loft as suddenly . .! jl 'il :..- r : . . . . . . . . . . i intneuay, was mnao in tno same way fan It oamo-and ItB n nljstory to him and the train that usually loaves how It nil happened. Jlcn llodo on Log Passongors aboard ono of the riv er bouts Lomiiiir up from Comillld 'sp:od n saw log coining 'dovn stromal toward thorn, Thoro was noUiln.'; btrango about this, however, for thoro woro sovoral logs coming down. Hut high nnd dry, riding gracofully down to tho soa, stood a little brown lion. As far down tho river as thoy could sec, until tho turn, tho passengors cculd seo thnt llttlo brown lion still stloklng on tho Job. IHG FAltli GHAUGK1) ' . 1 ' Clmi'xo 1.30 on Itoat After Leaving ri.l..k rii.u.f.. f jiiu ii.illl Walllugford In nil his glory truly had no bottor means of getting rich than hud tho entorprlslng boatman who put his launch on tho run bo- toen Coqullle ami neavor Slough, taking passongors to and from tho train at $1.50 a head. The faro to Coqulllo from hero via train Is 70 couts. J. C. Kendall essayed tho trip last night. J, C. Is or nn Inquisitive turn or mind. "Capt." ho called, "I don't seo why you neoj n big husky man aboard horo for crow In addition to yourseir." Tho sklppor murmured something about needing help. I)y this time tho boat was out in tho whirling stream and It was Im possible to got out nnd walk. Tho big husky got up and began collect ing fares, 1 J, C.'a question had been answored. Tho setting was great. Ho could liuaglno a skull and cross bones flut tering at tho foropeak of the craft. "Say", as ho handed over the three 'hard earned four bit pieces, "you'ro not fixed for this, are you?" Tho ticket collector paused. "What 'you mean not fixed?" "Why, loolj hero man you ought to havo a llttlo black mask over your faco and a bit or lead plpo In your huud.y The skipper nnd tho crew squirm ed uneasily, then up spake Horatlous. Say what cha glvln' us? It ud bo worse than this ir you had ub In a corner." ALBANY Rev. Robert J. Diven has accepted a call to the pastorate or Graco Presbyterian church in tnls city and will arrive In two weeks to assumo his duties. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FERUARY 9,1916 EVENING EDITION 1 IS Gill Many Refugees In Arkansas Are Homeless and Need Fusl and Food. Many In the Inundated Basin Have Been Driven From Their Homes. STEAMER TAKES SUPPLIES Reaches People at Itcdfoi-d, DongJ- liiii Wat miii and Other Towns Business at Arkansas City, Virtually Suspended. '''' MELTING KNOW .MAY CAIKE SOME TROUBLE tDr AMiwt. rrwi In - r)7 Tlmei J SEATTLE, Wash., Fob. 0. Tho temperature In Soattlo today wns in and rising. Tho Northern Pacific and tho Mil waukee roads uro not yet af rected by tho rising tompor ilt.uro. Tho danger Is now from netting snow In tlio mountains. ID7 AijorIM Tfttf lo Cool p7 TlnM. LITTLE HOCK, Ark., Fob. 0. Rolhjf work among tho rorugoes or tho Hood continued In earnest to day when a steamer loaded with ( supplies left to distribute food and fuel (iiuqiik i!00Q or moro disunite, porsonn at Pondloton, Hod ford,, Houglnp, Watson and other towns In tho Inundated basin. nua'ness In Arkansas City Is All n,lMlll,(ll, ,,.,,' ,., ,,, unrn S "r .S l,fii.iiZ tually suspended, few inerclnuvtii I.Btnry or, tliolr building. K .. H i i ! i IS' WILLAMIiTTK ItlSING AT ItATK OF INOII AN HOUR 'IX i:povted to bo Seventeen Feet Alioo liou Water Mark by Tomorrow IDr Ai"lti rrm to Com Iltjr Timet. ' POHTLAND, Fob. 9. Hlslng nt 'tho rato or an inch an hour tho Wlll- ainotto rlvor nt Portland will roach tho sUigo or 17 root abovo tho low water mark tomorrow and 17.5 reot Friday, according to a special bulletin of tho woathor forocastor. Three log rafts and two rafts or Unialler timbers In tho uppor harbor wero torn fom tholr moorings this fmornlng and wont crashing toward tho Columbia. Tho river nt, noon horo reached tho root stago and sovornl docks aro Inundated. NOAH HAD HIS ARK .Moroou-r Ho HeM-ued His Family With It In Flood Yesterday It was stated that Noah was without his ark In this flood, re ferring to Ed Noah of Coos Rlvor whofeo larm was under wator. Mr. ( Noah was In tho city today and ho says the ark was there all right and did good work. Ills son Ivy Noah i runs a gasoline boat and lt camo In good?- When It was seen that tho water was going to rlso high enough to get Into tho r.rst story or the hoiiBO tho Mrnlturo was moved up 'out or tho'way and Mr, Noah put his wiro and daughter and tho organ In to tho boat and went to a neighbors. It took thoin hair an hour to mako tho dlstnnce or hair a mile. Tho cat tle woro all taken around so thoy reached tho root hills and wero out or danger. Mr. Noah and his son then went back to tho house, moved a stovo up to tho second story nnd put tho chimney out through a win dow and took turns watching. No great damage was done and tho family did not suffer any furthor than the luconvenlenco. Mr. Noah said that coming down the river this morning ho saw a good deal of drirt wood piled up on some or tho farms but ho did not think tnav any of tho ranchers wero badly dam aged. EUGENE Between 75 and 100 now students are expected to enroll at tho beginning of tho new semes ter at tho Stato University. FLOOD VICTIMS fill DISTRESS WATER TRAI DERA LED GREAT NORTHERN HAS ACCI J)KNT HUT NONE 11UHT Passenger No. Ono Was .Making u De tour 0or North Hank Trucks nt Aolle.l Frosa to Coo. Dtr TlmM.i PORTLAND, Oro., Fob. n. Orcat Northern Passongcr No. 1, which was bolng detourcd over tho North Hank, was derailed two miles cast or Grand Dalles, Wash, today. No ono wns Amt. Tho regular conductor, Rich ard Harrington, rof lined last night to take tho train out or Spokano without a pilot conductor furnished by tho North Hank. Harrington was In charge or tho train which was wrecked at Wellington rivo ychrs ago and also tho train wrecked by a slldo at Coroa last ,month. VESSEL JS SAFE IUH7'ISH LINER ORIHSA IK CAPE VKHDE ISLANDS AT Anxiety Felt In .Murine Circles IJc- ciiiimo Hcllccd Caught by German Haiders (Ilr AnoclttM I'r lo Coi Il7 Tlmn.J NEW YORK, Feb. 9. Anxloty In iwnrlno circles lusplicd by tho roports that tho Hrltlsh Uuer Orlssa had fal len a victim to a German raider, was I relieved In a moasuro today by re ceipt or Information that tho Orlssa had touched at St. VIncont, Capo Verde Islands, Jan. 24. AGAINST CONSCRIPTION BEING enforced in England. UoHuliitlon Pasrcd at Conference ii Held T((biy .ut JiiincaHtcr'OjU '' l i posing. MciiMilre. "''' "' 1,11 (Ily AnocH.l rrM to Coot DarTlmfA, LANQAT.EH,i Entf., Feb. ill Al tho minors', conrorcnca liora' tho fol1-' lpwlng resolution was adopted.' ,( "This ponforonco qxprosses Its op position,, to itho spirit of cohscrlpJ tlpu and determination to exorcluo ii vigilant, snnitlny of any proposed extension pf tho military sorvlco net." EXPECT TO SETTLE AGREEMENT IN LUKITANIA CASE SOON IS LIKELY IMplenmts Aro Now Aigiiiujt Over tho Woidlng, of Homo of tho PIp-nsoH jn AiMvut! rmt u roo n Tin. 1 WASHINGTON, IT. C, Fob. 9. Ono or the changes In tho Lusltnula Lsroomont suggested by Secretary Lansing to Ambassador von Hern- storffj It btcaino known today, Is tho MIS OPPOSED biibstltut.on or tho words "Hocognlz-'tako tho Initiative ln the establish es liability" for tho words "uBsumfB I mnt or International court to sot Hablllty", which woro employed In tlo tho disputes or nations has "or tho tentatlvo draft. Tl-o Hnal ngroo- IfcctUely given the Ho to tho chargo ment is oxpectod In a low days. jthat the chlor Interest: or Amorlcan Nearly In Accord business men in tho war Is to cola It Is understood that upon this change and others described also as minor, is based tho expressed view ol hlgli ofriclals that the two govom- monts aro "substantially In accord" although not wholly so. It Is not believed horo Berlin will hesitate to accept tho suggestion. KILL MANY AUSTRIAN'S AND ATk RAMANS IN FIGHT D.dlver Rlow Against Pursuers When Army in .Making Its Reheat fn AiuumUKI ptm I Cooo Bit TlmM J CORFU, Feb. 9. A Sorblan ofric clal statement today says that on Feb. 2 during the retreat southward from Alcssio of tho Serbian troops, a night attack was delivered on the pursu-f lug Austro-llungarlan forces who wore aldod by Albanian bands and tho latter weio put to flight aftor many wero klllod. The Austrlans continue to advance on Durazzo. EUGENE Nlcolle Brothers of Eugeno have a contract for logging 1 ATTACK the timber owned by the Lammof breach of faith and of unprotes Lumber Co. at Klamath Falls, thefslonal conduct In one of the greatest deal including the handling of ap proximately 30,000,000 feet of logs. REPORT BATTLE RE New York Paper Says Ger man Warship Roon Has Been Captured. FIGHT Fl HOURS Claimed to Be the Vessel Which Took the Liner Appam as Prize. DRAKE IS THE WINNER Mcssago Sujh llrlllnh ltoat Has tho Itoou In Tom Two iMcurliiiiitincii and 7(11) ,Mcn Taken at Hiuno Timo tllr AnorllJ PrfM lo Cn Dr, TlBI.1 NKW YOHK, Feb. . Tho Even ting Globo prints a story that tho Gorman warship Hoou, alleged to bo tho captor of tho Appam, lias boon captured by tho llrltlah armored cruiser Drake after a. throo hour Nght 200 miles east and northeast or llermuda. Tho Drake then seized two morchaumont flying tho Gorman tlug, ono of which was armod. What tho MoNHiigo Sajs Tho story Is contnlued In a mes sage which the Globo states It re ceived In codo from a Tollable source In Hermuda, Tho message roads: "Tho Drnko arrived horo today tow ing tho Roon. Drako took her 200 'knots east and northeast or Dormuda ln a throo hours running right. "Wo lost Daniorth and 18 inon. Sho struck aa wo camo ubonm. Two morchuutniont wero with her. Ono was armed. Wo look both and brought them horo. "Soagravo, on sighting tho Roon, miii :"PLoubo God 1 will new avongo Craddock." , Tho Hoon was uadly knocked about. Thirty-two oHlcors and 719 mon woro tukon In tho throe prizes.",, n l f 11 j j 'J j i 1 Ort-tMfJood HOPo H Soagravo iinepUqiied In' tho mo's-' sngo Is supposed to bo Captain Soa gravo, wio was. ,wltlj Adinlrnl Orad dock when tho n(vr wnt downs with tho flagship Good Hopo. DENIES CHARGE STATEMENT .MADE TO NATIONAL CHAMHEK OF COMMERCE lloston Man S.iyH Americans ArNot Trying to Mnko Money of Eiii()o'h Agony lUj AuoclKM rrou to Coot 07 Tlmtt. WASHINGTON, D. 0., Fob. 9. At today's session of tho annual con tention of tho Chamber of Commorco or tho United States, Edward A. Fl leno, or noston, declared that the chnmbor's recent rorerondum approv ing tho proposal that this country u agony 01 isuropo into increasea dividends." SENATE TAKES UP SUPREME JUSTICK NOMINATION Testimony Given to Show Ills Posi- tlon Am Attorney for tlio Eastern Rnilrouds in? AuocUtfeJ Trut to Coot Hir Time, WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 9. Investigation ol President Wilson's nomination or Louis D, Brandels to tlio Supreme Court bench was begun today by tho senate sub committee, which rirst heard Clirrord Thorne, chairman or the Iowa board or rall- froad Commissioners who was associ ated with Brandels In tho fight against giving the eastern railroads an Increase or freight rates. Thorne charged that Brandels, as attorney appearing for the shippers, conceded that rate TOturns to tn tailroads wero inadequate and incon sistent with the prosperity of tho ratl toads and tho welfare or the pubic. Makes Serious Charge "I believe the nominee before this committee was guilty or infidelity, cases of Thorno. this generation" said R i DISCUSS I A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll mul Coos Uny Advertiser. PERSIANS IN FIGHT CAUSE SEVERE DEFEAT FOR THE RUSSIAN FORCES Recapture u City and Cuuho tho En- (jiny to Retreat from PosL tlon In Disorder Or AaaocUted Trent U Coot nr Tlran BERLIN, Feb. 9. (Wlroloss to Say vllle) Constantinople roports stato that tho Russian forces In Persia met with severe defeat at the hands of Persian tribesmen and that they re treated ln disorder Tho jPorslans wero under tho command of Haldar Hey. Thoy attacked tho Russians near Sandshulak, which they recap tured. E ANOTHER GROUP OF SOLDIERS TAKEN I1Y THE TURKS Thoy Are Moved to .Momil, u Placo IjK-ated No:-tliwest of Jlagdad ' (Ilr AuocliM rrrii to Coo Dtj TlmM. DEHLIN, Fob. 9. (Wlroloss to 'Snyvlllo) Constantinople advices rray anothor group of Hrltlsh prison ers was captured by tho Turks In tho fighting nt Euln, on tho Tigris be low ICut-El-Amnra. Thoy havo been takou to Mosul, northwest or Hag dad. QUIET IN THE EAST THE GEIOLYNS ONLY HOLDING THEIR OWN Roller Is Thoy Will Direct Mora of Siavuth in tho Western Front (Ilr AiiodatrJ PfM to 00 Jlay Tlrpn.) 1 PETRQGRAD, Jfq)). 0. .Tho lull which pxtends ,pyp.r to tvholo Rus sian front, with thq exception or re crlidbscuiice or important artillery. innon 9 tho recent transfer of largo. aeroplanes and mining warcfaro on tho Dvlnsk-Rlgajlno,, and 1 tho 1 Inter bodies of Gorman trpopH to tho west ward, arp tnkon Jjy tho Russian au thorities ns an Indication that tho Gormnns ure content for tho present with holding tholr own In Uukowtua and tho northoru sector, nnd aro again proparlng to apply tho greator part of tholr strength on tho wostorn' front. CONSUL IS INDICTED GERMAN' ACCUSED OF CONNEC TION WITH CROWLEY PLOT Turkish Consul Gcircral Is Alto Charged Among a Numlwr of 1 tuners (Ur Awoclitxl Trtu lo Coot Df Time. WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 9 German Consul General Bopp was in dicted In San Francisco by tho fedoral grand Jury today in connection with tho so-called Crowley plot to blow up munition plants and Interfere with interstate commorco in tho mu nitions or war, according to a report rocolved by tho department or Justice. Twenty indictments woro returned also in tho stoamor Sacra tnonto caso. Tho consul Geuoral of Turkey was among thoso Indicted. PASSES SENATE 'FAVOR MAKING $000,000 Available for Navy Yards Also Passes Hill Increasing Entrance to Naval Academy by Three Hundred rur A.oc lt! rrM ram U Times.) WASHINGTON, D, C, Feb. 9. The senate today passed a resolution making ?G00,000 available for tho equipping of Maro Island and Now York navy yards and a bill Increas ing by 300 the entrance class at An napolis. It will now go to tho pres ident for approval. 44A&AA ZEPPELINS RAID COAST OF KENT Br Aolt4 Freu lo u, Wf Time LONDON, Feb. 9. Two German Zeppelins raided the coa3t of Kent today, dropping several bombs, No casualties are reported. . CAPTUR DRTISR No. 169 c w 0 THE ii BILL House Committee Begins An Executive Session for the Purpose Today. EDUCATORS THERE Presidents of Several Institu tions Object to the Prep aration for War. WARNING IS SOUNDED CoiifriesN Is Counseled to Move Slow ly In KnterliiK u .Military Policy Hcfiardcd An Against tlio American Ideas Dr Anoctkt.J rrti to Coo Hr Tlmrv.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 9. Tlio Houso military commlttoo began an executive session today to draft tho army bill, aftor hoarlng delega tion from tho Socloty of Friends, headed by William S. Hull of Swath moro Collego, which told tho com mlttoo war and preparation for wn wero morally wrong in tholr vlows. President Swain of Swnthmoro co' logo said ho favored keeping arma ments no they aro at present. Prcsldona Sharpless of Uavorford collogo cotiMsolod congress to move slowly in ontorlng a military polled which ho thought at vnrlanco with Amorlcan Ideals. No Pny for War Walter Flshor, formor Bocrotnr. ot tho Interior doclarod hiniBelt not a peaco at nny prlco advocato, but Bald: "Thoro nro solno prKces wo qhpuld not pay tor poaco, but we should pay nothing for war." TALKING OF PEACE PROPOSALS REPORTED PRE-' SENTIiJI) TO RELGIUM4 KugKOitions Made Ry tlio GcrmaiU " Aro H.-.ld (o Have Roeu Rof lived. Ml Aioclat.d rrti to Coo Dr Tlun. HOME, Feb. 9. Tho Glornalo D Italy stntos that Monslgnor Tar Porcellle, tho papal nonolo to Bol gtim, presented to Bolglum nnd Gormnny proposals fqr soparato pcaco. Whether ho was authorizou to do so by tho Vatican, says the l.aper, is not ascertained, Tho papor alleges that Germany offered to restoro Bolglum nnd pay un Indemnity and asked in roturn economical aijd commercial privi leges which would practically trans form Antwerp Into a Gorman center or traffic. Bolglum la Bald to have refused, FAVOR THE TREATY SENATE COMMITTEE ACTS ON THE HAITIEN MATTER Provides for a l'rotoctontto Over tho ' Republic by U10 United States (Dr Auoclaled Treu tu Coo UrTlme.j WASHINGTON, D. O., Fob. 9.- Tho Benato committee on forolgn re lations today ordered reported to tho senate, with recommendation tho Hal tlon treaty providing a financial pro tectorate over tho rwuljllc by tho United States. Thore waa no dis senting vote. EVIDENTLY IS NOT CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT Objects to Uso of Ills Name on. In struction of Delegates In His Interest Pr Auoclttei Tret to Coo D)r Time WASHINGTON, D, C, Feb. 9. rRepresentatlvo Slemp, chairman of the Virginia republican committee today made public a letter from Jus 'tlce Hughes declaring as follows: "I am totally opposed to the use of my name in the connection of a presi dential nomination and the selec tion or instruction of any delegates Jn my Interest." HUGHES OPPOSED ' 4 H-l i n-i i III-' I In I 1 I' lit I) (I II I i ' ..( ill; 1 "I I I 41 i i 4 i H. uUl,