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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1915)
FOUR ' THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, WUGUST 21, 1915-EVEH1NG' EDITIOM. a News Of Nearby Towns GAME WARDEN ROUTED SMALLPOX OFFENDER Delated Story of Deer Hunter Who jHuslicd llio Open Seavm for Deer Told Hy Gold Bench Pncr Tho following belated story of 'how a gnmo warden was scared out by a Curry County man who killed Bomo deer boforo the scaBon legally oponcd Is told by tho Gold Ueach Qlobo: "A atory Is going tlie rounds In sporting circles In Gold Dcach and vicinity substantially as follows: A gentleman well known In theso BIG RUNJF FISH ROGUE RIVER FISHERMEN MAKE FROM i?U TO $100 PER 1)AV High Prices Paid by Cnnncrlcs En- nhlo Them to Muko Biggest Hum- lugs In History of Industry GOLD BEACH, Ore., Aug. 21. During the past week n big run of salmon has been coining Into Rogtio HIvor, and, owing to tho high price paid tho fishermen liavo been making tho biggest earnings In the history of the fishing Indus- MYRTLE POINT WILL ADD TO WATER SUPPLY . -i " I El. tJ C iv irr Purchases Mullen Spring nnd Will Connect It With System Council 1'lnns for Sewage .System CHHISTIAN SCIENCE Services Sunday 11 a. in. Wednesday, 8 p. in.. Auditorium rubllc Library. Sunday morning subject: "Mind." Q.....lov Bnfmnl 1 ' AT. Itl Rlirlnt- and wife to the city for tho rlgh of gdonco Hall way and tho water right to what is , KendnB Uoom opcll dnny cxco,,t known aB the Mullen Spring, tlio I . llol.,laySi 1.j . ,. MYRTLE POINT, Aug. 21. The Myrtlo Point city council has ac cented tho deed from Geo. Mullen parts went to tho country to linvo It out with a bad attack of small-try hero. tiox. and being of a genial turn of i The Woddcrburn mind ho and tho dreaded pest wero j pnny pays Trading com- DO cents for salmon soon on Breaking tonus which rip-1 caught In the seine and $1 for oned Into genutno iriciuisuip. maltose cnugnt in sei ami mm num. company with small pox ho took long rambles Into tho forest. On Bitch j occasions from forco of habit Iio look his "gun. On ono of thcBo tHps It Is related that when re turning with a load m nis gunny otick ho camo faco to faco with tho gamo warden. Tiio warden recog nized film and vnnlshcil, but ho fail ed to understand wnat was said. Tho sjound of flyjng footsteps died nway tjio two friends wero alone. Leis urely lighting, his pipe, ho picked Up Ills parcel which 'had been dropped and was hnpnyon tho way, and now ho strongly recommends small pox as an antidote Xfor gatno warden contamination. . FRANK E, ALLEY IS PLACED IN JAIL Former" Prominent Hosebur Man Surrendered by Bondsmen nt Portland on Federal Indictment PORTLAND, Aug. 21. Frnnlc K. Alley, Itosoburg attorney, who Is under federal Indictment Jointly with Carlos Byron, u Seattle tlm- whllo the Scaborg Cannery pays 7G cents. One day tho sclno turned In to tho Woddcrburn compnny' l.GOD salmon, and tho gill nets about COO, and Sunday night tho gill -not-fishermen delivered 1,300 fish to the Wcddorburn company mid about. 700 at Soaborg's, somo of the drift boats catching as high as 1C0 salmon. Christian Sclonco llall- St. North. j i . I CHRISTIAN cnURCH -237 Third commlttco in cnargo oi mo hiuuui having agreed to pay Mr. Mullen $200 for said right of way and wat er right. The water committee was Instructed to arrango for tho con struction of tho pipe line connecting churc tho Mullen Spring with tho city cornor slxth nnd central: water system. Regular i rvlces every Sunday. An ordinance regulating tho II- BIblo School at 1000 a. m. censing of peddlers was adopted. I . In accordance with tho report of i Kl.JSCOPAL CHURCH. I the sowor.commltteo tho City At- Fourth and. Market Streets lo'rricy had prdparcd an ' ordlnnnco t Ri Bi drowning, Rector providing for tho establishment of 8:00 a. m. HoIyyConimunlon in St. what will bo known as sower uis- jiary'B cnnpei, worm uouu. trlct No. 1. Coming up for pas sago, tills, ordinance received tho tin IF YOU AVOULD HE POPULAR Thcro are 2u men on mo irow, and their earnings amounted to $800. Two, men aroTn each drift boat, nnd the- hlghboat- ono wilght earned about $175."' Tho Weddcrbuni cannery has been crowded to Its till capacity. Last Sunday, to clean up n pllo of 2,500 fish, tho cannery ran from G o' clock In the morning until after 10 that night. ' ' anlmotis vote "of all the coiiiicllmon present. This district takes In all sclno! that portion of tho west or "down town" part of tho city that can bo taken Into ono drainage plane. ' 8:00 a. m., lIolyCommiinlon. 10:00 ii. m., Morning service and scrmoru ......ytMJS 1 l)o sociable. Ho useful. Ho generous. He n good listener. Never worry or whlno. Study tho art of pleading. lie frank, open and truthful. Ho kind and pollto to everybody. Ho self confident but not conceit ed. Never monopolize tho conversation. Take a genuine interest in other people. Tako pains to remember names and faces. Never crltlclzo or say unkind things of others. Look for the good in othera not for their faults. Forglvo and forget Injuries, but nover forget benefits. Cultlvato health, and thus radiate strength and courage Rojolco as genially In another's success as in your own. Always bo considerate of tho rights and footings of others. Have a good tlmo hut nover let fun degonorato into license liavo n kind word, and a cheery, encouraging smile for every ono. Learn to control yoursolf under tho most trying circumstances. Ho respectful to women and chlv- MAY MOVE HANK TO POWERS SOON bor ninn, for alleged subornation of of Capt. Ned Galloway, ut his Invltu ..... ..-,i n thn'tlon took possession of tho good launch "North Star" and with the ....rinrv wiib mirroni orcil 10 mo . i: i-" federal marshnl by his bondsmen, of whom Frederick Krlhs Is one. No explanations for the surrender is made. Alloy's bonds wero fixed at $2, GOO. Alloy wan recently re leased from Jail at Seattle, whort ho was hold charged with grand larceny. Mr. Alloy Is also wanted In Itoso burg, whero ho Is chnrged with tho crime of non-support. On account of tho fact that Mr. Alley Is under federal Indictment ho cannot bo re turned to this city for trial. NORTH INLET PEOPLE.. ., ENJOY ALLEGANY TRIP HcsldcntH r llmiscr' ami Vicinity o i:curhlou to North CooH-Rlvcr hi Cunt (Jnllowtiy'H lloat (Special to Tho Times) HAUSUK, ure., auk. -. ''"" ., onniiio XAI I Sunday, tho ' friends and neighbors CORN GKUWb I ALL IN COOS COUNTY PORT ORFORD, Ore, Aug. 21. 13. J. Loncy Is under stood to bo figuring on mov ing his bank from Port Or ford to Powers owing to tho greater field that community offers. . Ho has extcnslvo tio Interests hero and will prob ably continue that business In Port Orford. , ' ' NORWEGIAN liUTHKRAN. Rov.' R. O. .Thorpo Thcro "i will bo no services In tho NorwoKliui Lutheran churches at' .Mnrsh'fleld and North Ueiid on Sun day, on account, of Joint opon air Bcrvlces at Port IJarilum. Tho S. P. motor will leavo North Uend at 0:30 a. m. and stop at Marsh-,: field and Hunker Hill. CATHOLIC CHURCH I NORTH 1KNI NOTIGK OF HKDHMITION OF HPF CIAIj 1MPROVFMI0NT HONDS Notice Is hereby given that pur suant to tho provisions of Chapter V of Tltlo XXVI, L. O. L., and In accordance with tho terms nnd con ditions of Bald bonds, tho City of Marshfleld will tako up and cancel tho Bpeclal improvement bonds of .. ., . t l.rl,.l,1 Pnnd fmllifv. sain uuy oi iiiriiii;'". v"" ,... .v. Oregon, Issued on the 1st day oi September, 1010, and numborcd from 122 to MI inclusive, of said issuo respectively, bonds numbered 122, 121, 12G, 12C, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 135, 130, 137, 110, Ml, 112 and M3 being each for tho sum of $G00.00 and bond numbered 123 bo Ing for tho sujn of $U2.8C nnd bond numborcd 12J being for tho sum of $170.50, and bond numbered 133 being for tho sum of $103.00, and bond numbered 131 being for tho sum of $207.15 nnd bond num bered 138 bolng for tho sum of $200.00, and bond numbered 130 bolng for the sum of $2S7.7i, and bond numbered Ml being for tho sum of $302,80, and all of ald bonds bearing Interest nt C per cent per annum nnd will on tho next semi-annual coupon period of said bonds, to-wit: on tho first day of September, 1D1G, pay to tho prop er owners and holders of said bonds, faco value for eacli thereof with ac- . . t t A .. I.t .1. in niwl llil crucd intcresi m amu hiu SPIRELLA CORSTs inuy uu uuiuiiiun in Mar from Mrs. Annie Holland Corsetier. ' 352 So. 5th St. Phon 200 V If YOU Wllllt, In I... ... nro eating the pure gn nk loaves, try It at tho Mnr,fJ, Ilnkpry. You m hC(J Htnmps on every lonf. -i QUATERMAS STUDIO" Opposite Blanco Hotel Thono 10G-L. ual' MARSHF1KH, ORflQox airbus lii your attitude toward men. owners and holders of said iibovo jllcct troublo llko a man' and cheer- described bonds nro Hereby no Ifled I . . .1 fM l,1flllltllt n.1.1 lo proseni inu Hiunu iui !'" cancellation to tho undersigned, tho Treasurer of said city at his office Holy Redeemer Cliiiulu Rev. Wm. Hogan, Pastor, i Address- Morcy Hospital. phono 2G1. Last mass una sermon at a. in. . ; Tolo- 9:00 fully ciidtiro what you can't euro, Uollovo In tho brotherhood of ninn niid recognize no class distlnc H6ns.' 'Do not ho Belt oplnlated, but lis ten with defcr'eiico to tho opinions of others. Never utter witticisms nt risk of giving pain or hurting somebody's feelings. , v lie nmbltloiiB nnd energetic, but never benefit yourself at tho cx p'enso of another. Ho courteous and agreeable to inferiors as you would to your equals or-superlora. Do not horo people by telling litem long tedious stories, or by continually dllntlng on your own affairs. in tho Flanagan & Hennctt Hank in said city of Marshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, on said dato for payment, cancellation and redemption, nnd are further notified that Interest thereon will ccaso at wild Interest payment period, to-wit: on Septem ber 1st, 1915. Dated this 7th day of August, 1915. R. F. WILLIAMS, Treasurer of tho City of Marsh fleld, Coos County, Oregon. Rosary p. m. Captain at the wheel, BUtrted for Al- .1. . Miller or Myrtlo Point Has logany on mi outing. i Field With Walks Over Tvu'lvo ' An early, start was mode owing t Feet High . j I to tho condition of tho tide, but. ov-j 'I oryono wns on deck at tho appointed , hat corn for etisllago can bo flmn. A Hton was Hindu at Marshfleld i ...., , ,.... MV,..ii. Pointi Rm-Uott St -"- . ininrii in iiiu j w... -- and benediction at 7:30 4 4 4 XKSS; go.iy """orstand has been demonstra- . ...i.-.i .. inii nintiv iiities mil ii i uiui.b- luriliHiiuu mo hianio, - - in-'in n . ... i i.l l tl.r. Vnnli ..... .... l.ltH,.tv iv II fluid III IV. ,1U U "" . ... . I --- - . CATHOMacHURClI MARSH I'lKLl) -Rev. Father McDovltt Monica church. Flrat Mass nt 0:30 n. m. First iniiBs at S a. m. Last mass in. ranch, and dinner, of which thoro tll0 forn'RO croI) olng raised by J." There will bo no 8 o'clock Mass. waa a bountiful supply, wns 'nrtM0t Miller on tho Lafferty placo near . ,,,., tiimsiiywijiuAN I rvSli rather U;' Norway th. season, from seed tlmt fflaigg jv,.. . o .....I ..1. 1.. ,.,..1 1, tvn tfitl ltllllllllll. ' ' T woroMiiiton iy .Mr. r;n. aitiilt, muwun d...,.i.u.. ..u. .." ",,J . .. . . official photographer of tho party, , Miller brought a couplo of stalks Services nt North I-ork Coob nftnr which thov onco more embark- , ,.... ii,ia iiiavlne ono that inver. Hont leaves North Bond nt I vw Hii ... f--- ---- ,..-. CO()l ROAD PLAN Dora, Oregon, Aug. 1C, 1915. Editor Coob Hay TIiucb: Will you plcitBO llow mo space In your valuablo popor for Just a word about our public ronilH, and a Bystoni which I hellovo would bring about good roads as well iib satisfaction to nil interested within n reasonably ohort time. First. Place tho county in one road district. Second. Vote Bpeclal road tax ovory two yenrB at our regular times of election whatever levy might bo decided on nt tho primaries by a vote of tho people Then sot aBldo four con- torB of tho county, say .uiirmiiium. Ilnnclon. Coqulllo City and Myrtlo Point; bogln nt each center on all roadB loading therefrom, and build tho roada In proportion to each road b tax representation, under n system atic system nnd undor tho suporvlBlon of one competent road bulldor. Now thoro BConiB to ho n great deal of dissatisfaction In regard to tho notltlons now bolng circulated iiHklng for a voto on bonding tho county for ,$370,000 to build roads. To begin with, I. with many others, do not liollovo In this move for severa ToasoiiB. Tho first Is that this amount 1b entirely to smnll. Second, by tho Bpoclal tax Bystoni wo could apply tho Interest on tho bonds In building roads. Third, wo would have help from tho timber resources of tho country, which nro being fast romov od, whom undor tho bonding systo.n wo would rrcolvo but llttlo help. Youra for hotter ronds under n bettor Bystoni. M. J. KRANT.. ed for tho homeward trip, arriving nt IlaiiBor In tho early evening, nil voting tho trip tho best ever. The party wiib as follows: Capt. and Mrs. Ned Calloway, Master Roland Callo way, Mrs. Sarah 10. Jiulil, Mr. and Mrs. Ud Archer, MIsb Vlotta Archer, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Stretch, Mr. and MrB. W. J. Howard, Mr. Duvlu How ard, MIsb t!lady Howard, Mr. and Mra. Spencer Small, Mr. Punly Scott, Mr, Percy Ulbbs, Miss PrlBcll la. Ulbbs, all ot llattser, MrB, Laura Kvorltt, Washington, MIsb Kva Phil lips of Sacramento, Cal., and Mr. Harvey May nnd Mr. J. Van Acker ot tho Southern Pacific Engineering Department, Miss Acturla Spmguo of Schoflold. NINKTV l)i;SCi;XDAXTS PltKSKXT In 1R71. Samuel uouison, - MILLER'S DOUHTFUL ALHU Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Miller nro camping for n fortnight near tho Arizona Inn ut Corbln. It was re ported Bovural tla)B ago that an ot flcloiiB gumo warden liml caused John R. trouble, but J. R. says that tho report was-Incorrect and that tho stains that were on his clothing a day or two boforo open season was from ti cut finger, nnd ho HtlekH to tho Htory oven though tho finger IuIIb another. Port Orford Tribune. measured 12" feet, 10j Inches in 8:0 a. m. ludirht at tho Hank of Myrtlo Point, iiml another that Ih but three In-, I UNITED HIWrilREN CHURCH ches shorter at tho Harklow gro- An. R. nV LowIb, PaBtor-i eery. Miller statcB that a number snblmth School at 10 a. m. of men who hnvo looked at tho christian Endeavor at 7 p. ro. field est.niato that It will make ,! J'-fi ,d'BV ciutiu iu imi) i " - "- .nnir at 8 O'C OCX. I " " tho acre. Myrtlo Point EntorprlHO. MYRTLE POINT SCHOOL TAX IS TWENTY MILLS FIRST RAPT 1ST CHURCH - .1 Illhln Krlinnl nt 10 O. III.. With I gradod clasBea and competont touch- A cordial wolcomo 1b oxtonaod to all. . GOLD REACH NUCUKTS Collier H. Htifflngton lias been emtdoyed ns attorney by Mrs. Eliza Miller, tho nowly appointed ml mlnlstiatiix of the estate of P. U, Kguu, deceiiBi'd. Tho ifslgnatlon of John 'Adams, deputy Btnto gamo warden of Curry County, litis been accepted by tho Voters Approvo of Directors Pn po.sal for Rig Levy to Re deem Warrant h nnd Caro for Iniproveinents , MYRTLE POINT, Ore., Aug. 31. At tho special school meeting held at tho (Irainmar school building tho 20 mill tux proposed hy tho board nf illnitnrn Wiln endorsed b" tll "" --- ?f.....I A .. votora of tho district by n vote ;"""" lu x " '" of 15 to 3. This inlllage, It Is bo- ...", .'ovc, wm , .,..,. LSSSfKffSSf - i .. .. iiiiLilnndllllf l'fl t ' . to lane emu in ...i.n...ii..i..f, ...... Sunday school at 10 a. m. rants, meet tlio intorcsi on uio SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. . Rov. H. F. HongtBon. Pastor. Resldonco 294 Highland avenuo. Phono 91-R. No Hcrvlce or Sunday bcIiooI, Aug- UBt 22. Will hold Borvlco at C. Solandor'n placo on Catching Inlet bond Issue viib well ns to enable them to keep tho Myrtlo Point high wihoot In tho rank of standard high schools. LONG AUTO TOUR Morning Sonico nt 11 a. in. All am cordially Invited. Epworth Leagtio nt 7 p. in. Junior Leaguo Service Thursday afternoon at 3:45. Prayer Meeting Thursday even ing at 7:30 o'clock. . TIME TARLE WILLAMETTE PACIFIC MOTOR CAR Retueeii Multifield and Hunker Hill Daily. Loavo Leavo Maishtlold '7:10 a.m. 7:50 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 9:50 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 12:05 p.m. 1:20 p.m. 2:1G p.m. 3.10 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 4:50 p.m. 6:10 p.m. 7:10 p.m. 7:25 p.m. 8:20 p.m. 9:15 p.m. Hunker Hill 7:15 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 n.m. 12:10 p.m. 1:25 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 0:15 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:20 p.m. HotMoen Marshfleld mid North Rend Leavo Marshfleld G:30 ii.iii, 7:25 a.m. 8:05 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 10:05 a.m. 11:05 a.m. 12: 10 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:35 p.m. 3:20 p.m. 4:10 p.m. 5:35 p.m. G:GG p.m. Marshfleld limits only. 7:35 p.m. 8:35 p.m. Leavo North Hend 0:45 n.m. 7.40 n.m. 8:25 n.m. 9:25 a.m. 10:25 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 1:00 D.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:50 p.m. 3:40 p.m. 4.30 p.m. 5:50 p.m. North City 7:50 p.m. 8:50 p.m. WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, I GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF TUB CADILLAC AND HODOfi AUTO 8UPPLIKS POU ALl J MAKES OF OAI18 5117 Conlrnl nv. Phono 373-1, I ,, FOR TRANSFER AND KToT AGE OF HOUSEHOLD (iOODs FREIGHT AND RAUGMGE Call - FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono Kill Resldonco Phone 1,1,) Market Ave. and Wntcrfrcnt ' 1 SOUTH COOS RIVKIt MOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPIIKSS leaves Mnrnhfleld orcry If 8 a. in. Leaves hrnd of rirer nt :i:!5 p. in. STEAMER RAINIIOW loaves head of river daily at 7 ii. in. 1onves Marithflcld nt 2 p. in. For dint-tor apply on boari ROGERS & SMITH Proprietors -A - ALLEGANY-DRAIN Auto Stage Line LEAVES MARSHEIELD EVERV MORXINtJ fi:i", AIUIIV13 DRAIN li O'CLOCK. Good Cars Careful Drivers Most Heiiutlfiii Homo to Portland Fare $8.50 je Smokehouse Fare$a50 ACENTH, MARSHFIELD PHONE CI0-.I or cull D. L. FOOTE, Proprietor of Auto Line, Phono UH-.I for Information. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY Wc Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY IDEAL SUMMER TRIPS Steamer RAINBOW leaves Marshflold for South Cooa HUcr cmj Sunday at 8 a. in., nnd returns nt C p. in. Launch EXPRESS week day same hours. IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS Bring your lunch baskets. kodnkB and fishing tncklo for a Ie days' outing. Sunday School and all picnic crowds a special. HOUND TRIP 7fie. For charter apply on board or pliono 31CX3 or phono 3167. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW Sec C0RTHELL Phone 3171 ii.. r I ...inimlnr. Pa.. SUtlK'tl IU rnn. pnimtv. Ho brought his wife ... ni.ii.irnn with him and tho latter lu" v ' .. . , l...n...l.U . i I llko tho family in wuiiiuu "(Biato nsn ami game uuiiuiiuiviu, poom numbered Boven. only theso, wiilto Hrotheis, who purchased wero above Brojuiil. Tho 'p,lti10 rrm f Elvln Miller, wore In nnt of this family to tho nuiniior oi ninety met at Flshtrnp last Sunday town Saturday. They have all the nt a family gathering. There aro ,ur 0f old times. They liavo put 107 all told but the remaining Ton fourteen cows, nro taking their bolng detained by business more m. o th(j ujam-i,,,,.,, heubo fac- or JP88J.,,.,1,,"V,r:r .,,i Mr. iiohl. toiy and bringing eggs and otlu-r i HO OIU lUUVO tiv .-.. --- - I SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS. I Local Elder, J. H. Quails. t. Sovonth Dav Adventlst scrvlcoa aro t.M.l An.l niinri. Dai lllf1uU Ia fAllnil'S tour of Southern Oregon and Call-;-- - Vm ' f.t 10 i. m. N. O. W. Perkins and family ar rived homo Tuesday from nil auto fornla, and which took them as far j south at Tin J nana, Old Mexico, i During tho trip thoy visited Crater I MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Placo for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial and R'div'y. eon dying In 1892 ho was uorn m 180C hut of tho children four sons and one daughtor wero picM-.u. ( KulBU8 , ,v ,.UOht ot j),.. WV lory good tlilngH to eat in- iv s (!niiiiiholl. of Coffeyvlllo. yenr: .... w. --. -, . -- .-. ..... .... . Mia. iimihiii Theso nro Rock. Frank, 'nnesseo ; ",..,,,. aiu, for.Mrs. Myrtle Rackleff .Hwretury and i.eorgo iiom-i -' " -- . , ,. , .,. UioiiRiiier. Mvrt o Point Kilter- .a ril lnlklai-lt nnu jtilo iu...w... "-" .. ,. (,11111.111i i,nM ,,1.,,,. won, who Hvcb at uoguo nynr i-iih " - ,"" rlo not able to bo present. Tho onlymd to spend a Mini Hon with Dr. i",e"' surviving daughter, MrB. Maltha J. i),minp, nr Canipboll Is the pro Avorlll. was also piesont. having como from Corvallls to nttond the reunion. Thero wero three generations there nnd a count showed 1-' babies priotor of u largo hospital In his homo town. Tho many frieitdn of E. A. Hal- lov will bo pained to learn that his l.ako National Park as well as tho,:3 ! ro' expositions at San FraiicUco nnd i MARSHFIELD PRESBYTERIAN I San Diego. Myrtlo Point Later- CHURCH . j prise. .Rev. J. S. Stuhblofleld, Pastor . IChas. II. Lowry, clerk of sessions Upo. B. Staddon, Sunday School Superintendent. A. L. Hutz, Treasurer. Mrs. ChiiB. McKnlght, prosldont Women's Auxiliary. Sunday school, 10 a. in. Preaching. 11 a. in. Subject: "Cod and tho Harvest." No Sunday evening services during the month of A-ugust. Prayer meeting, 7:110 p. in. Thurs BIblo Study nt 11 tt. m Youne Peonle's Socloty at 3 p. m Prayer Mooting Wednesday at1 WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. : V. C. T. V. OFFICERS At the lst regular ltioetlng of tho V. C. T. U. the following offl-1 ier wero elected for tho ensuing Mrs. Adell Heirlott, president ; , (luorln, Vice-president ; I It : x Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer A Checking Account A checking account with uu means you nro getting In path of opportunities. You como In personal contact with t officials of this bank. Hy this personal contact you cultlvato mi aciiiudntHUCwhlp Mlikii Mill bo of value to you in enso of need. Retter lay away n Hltlo iiest-eKK for the winter. Wj'rt ( mJ be hcaico mid It ulll como in mlglity liundy to liavo ft l"118 depiiAlt Midi us to check against. F HST Hi DNA L BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Kent. X X inarms. The oldest piesont wns tin- lhpiu,u ls , sm. 1V condition that thrift iTnawll ro-- U '- "" . . . . . ll,.l ..1.1 llrt ntt nil Thero nro no Tools, no cripples, no.iniiu mr uu-uirui inn insane and none of them aro or ovor'ti,c out-going Roame wero In the penitentiary, ah nave clean records. Handon Recorder. ago. RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA j Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Johnson re- ( turned last Sunday front their auto , trip to tho Exposition City. Dur ing their stay in tho city tho doc tor spent the greater part of his time In doing post-graduate work lit ainer a few days tho medical school In that city. Myrtlo Point Enterprise, Ho left on METHODIST CHURCH Rov. A. S. Hlsoy, Pastor. North Bona Tho services Sunday will be ni follows: Sunday School at 10 a. m. 11:00 n. in. Sermon. Vesper Circle and Epworth League nt 7 p. in. qn commutation nn U TICKETS, S'J.OO. ZU Mnralificld-North Bend Auto Lino Cars every ton minutes from (I a. m. to 1- p. in.; to South Slough ouco n dav, leaving nt It a. in.; to Empire three trips a day. GORST KINO, Props. IftCl & FU BENNETT BANK OLDEST BANK IN COOS COUNTV Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers J. W. Bennett, President, J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. R. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, i: A"t. CAtt abMudlJf WlCi'l',iTJi - - iriTTMmgnrrnpraBMi