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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1915)
'"SffilSS jrr,"vwwn r "A- tnu -'n THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELk, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. THREE ,') I r I - """ TKe Home of the Price That's Always Right THIS store is the lo- SUJT Royal Tailors-Chicago THAI T Vnrtr. Vtstf nur FIT Royal Tailoring De partment. Royal Tailoring means the utmost in Made-to-Measure Clothes at $J6, $17, $20, $25, $30 and $35 Quality Style Service THE FIXUP Where the price is always right. Marshfield North Bend AUOI'ST TIDICS Time nnd heights of tides nt Marshfield. Tho tides arc placed In order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino nnd heights on tho second lino of ench day. A compar ison of consecutive heights will In dicate whether It is high or low water. High tldo on tho bar one hour and fi l minutes earlier than at Aiarslincld. 21 21 llrs.. 5. IH Ft. 0.1 Mrs.. C.38 Vt. 0.4 Ills.. 0.11 rt.., lllB. Ft.., lira. 12.09 3.8 12.10 1.2 7.25 fi.l 0.5 1.03 8.07 5.5 0.5 1.51 S.1C 5.30 n o 0.35 1.9 1.29 1.5 2.0 C 1.S 2.10 11.13 5.3 0.0 0.0 7.20 1.5 S.17 1.2 9.01 1 1 : The Noble Theater A pleasant placo to spend I lie evening. llnmdnny Mar fcatine, TIIK llth WHO .Ml (J I IT HAVI2 HHHX, prccnllng Hairy Mnroy and Hetty (Jriiy In a new nnd luleicst liig detective hlory. A throo-m-l routine Hun Mill make you .Mil ml up In jour M'at with excitement. r.WTV'S CIIANCi: ACUAIXT.VNCi:. Keystone comedy with 1'iitly Ailiucklo mill Mabel .Vonnunil. If It's u good laugh )oii are looking for seo I Ills comic. Till! III.OOD YOKI2 Olio or tho most liileiostlng Sellg produc tions mo have shown for hoiho (line. Two reels of pictures that Mill Miiely Mitlsfy ovi ryono. Umer l'loor, Inc. Ila Irony, 10c. Children, fie. Tomorrow night: 1'uramnuut feature, "The Younger Konmnec," 'Tables comedy," Ileaist-Sollg weekly, .'Marlins oichcstru. Ho jiieinlii'r "The Diamond from tho Sk," Mill lio .shown net Frl-il.ij- night the most Monderfiil so, rial hlory over protlucctl. ! WRATH Kit 1'Olt KCAST IDr AnotUtcl rrc to Coos Djr Tlmw, OHEOOX Fair, westerly winds. LOCAL TKMI'EKATURE ItKCOHD For tho 24 hourit ending at 4:13 n. in., Aug. 21, by lion J Ostllnd, special government meteorologist: Maximum 7G Minimum 51 At 4: 13 n. m 57 Precipitation 00 Frcclpltatlon slnco Sept. 1, 1911 C8.78 Precipitation sumo porlod Inst yonr GC.54 Wind: Northwest, clear. Iteo Six which Mr. Rozello bought from lCd Steele (Iocs Alter Deer. J. 13. Cooley left today for Noith Coos Hlver whole he and the family will enjoy an outing nt tho A. Kordell rnnch and Incidentally ho will try and get n doer. (Jets Two Pointer. Oeorgo Wns son en nio up from South Inlet this morning bringing n two-point uncle that he shot there yesterday. Ho said that Hovcral deer have been secured In there nlready this year. (.'allot! Away. Kov. G. L. Hnll loft early Thursday morning for Her nihton, Oro., cnlled there by tho death of his father 1). A. Hall. Ow ing to this Mr. Hall's engagements around tho I3ny will have to bo call ed off until his return which will bo perhaps In a few days. Hlg Plctino of (iatlierlng- John C. Kendall today received a large picture from San Francisco show ing the withering there two weeks ago of the Sigma Chi fraternity. Mr. nnd Mrs. Claude Xasburg and Mr. and Mrs. Kendall nro the local pooplo shown. There were In nil 101 delegates nnd more than 390 members of tho fraternity wore present. Out Door Service. Tho Norwe gian Lutheran churches of Mnrsh ficld and North Ilcnd will hold nu open air 'service nt Port Harnuni, Sunday morning nt It o'clock. S. P. motor car will Icavo North Bend n 9:30 nnd will stop nt Marsh field and Hunker II111 on tho wny up. All bring bnskets. (lie Dance. Tho Sumner Orches tra will glvo a dnnco tonight at the Finnish hnll In Marshflold. It Is expected that thoro will bo a large nttendnnco as a good tim. Is as sured and the proceeds go to tba benefit of tho organization. Hujs Auto. Mr. Dlvllblss, of Port Orford, enme up yesterday nnd got n 1915 Ilulck from Oeo. (Jool rtini and left for home. Dlvllhlss brothers recently sold their mining property on Tho Sixes, each of tho i J i three brothers getting nbout $15,000 PriPM 'and each buying nn auto. $$ WALL To Mr. nnd Mrs. James Wall, u dnughter, their second child. FOR SALE ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME, AN INVEST MENT OR BUSINESS? IF SO, LOOK ' THESE OVER Dairy ranch, with 20 cows, horses and all tools 65 acres bottom plenty of bench and range, , Dairy ranch 160 acres 70 bottom, Good buildings Dairy and chicken ranch, everything ready to go towoik. 160 acres, Improved ranch in Harney County for trade or sale, Six aero home with house and fruit, Coos River, Several improved dairy ranches in tho county, House and two lots on Meade street, $85 cash and $15 month, Huose and two lots on Sherman avenue, $550 cash, Apartment house and store cheap, or will trade for ranch, 20-acre tracts for home-seekers, Splendid lo cation, Easy terms, Cottage with all improvement, $300 cash and $20 per month, Veiy desirable residence on fine street, $3400, Terms. One of tho most attractive and best-paying ice cream and confectionery stores in the county, A fifty-room, full up, paying hotel, An established furniture store- in desirable loca tion, For terms and descriptions of any of the above, write us, call at the office, or phone, We have many more desirable buys More Doer. Joo .Tosephson Is tho first deer hunter of tho South Inlet ' section to report bagging a big buck. I Halts lu Hay. K. W. Hornltt , brought own n big raft of logs Thurs day from tho 'Ijock camp for tho Courtney mill. lino. Ilcrron and Le vi Smith took u nift from Henryvllle to tho Swuyno & llot mill ut North Ilcnd last night. Talks (iood Hoads. Thero wore nbout ten business men present nt tho llusluess Men's luncheon ut tho wero Hrvornl talks on tho subject of good roads and lively discussions among tho mombors who wero pres ent at tho weekly meeting. (Jets Now Car. Olcn Itozollo and Al Nichols camo up from Kmplro this morning to get tho flno now KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. NORTH BEND, OREGON Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Coos County grown products at the lowest price commen surate with the quality. The way to build up your i community is to patronize home industry ranches as well as other lines of business. You can do it and save money by trading at the Coos Bay Farmers Exchange Puielmsu I'oi-d. Tho Hook & I'rescott Oroccry Company of Hnst sldc, has purchased a Ford from J. 13. Tower. This Is n direct result of u Times Want Ad Inserted by Mr. Ilock In ono Issue of Tho Times. Soon (o Hrealc Camp. Out of tho IS or lit tents pitched nt' Hasten dorf bench earlier in tho season only about threo now remain. .Ins. Co?: nnd family and Gordon Smith's family expect to move tip from thero on Tuesday after severul week's stay. Hr. K. II. Walter and family mny remain a few days' longor. Hus Hl Hstnto. Word has been rceolvcd hero thnt Colllor II. Uuf flngton, who spent several months hero last winter in tho law offlco of John 1). doss, has been appoint ed attorney for tho ndmlnlstr.itor in tho cstnto of Pat Kagan, In Curry County. Tho cstnto Is said to bo worth about $75,000. Mr. Dufflng ton Is a young attorney and nl ready has won a name for himself nt Cold lleacli. Murilugo Is Humored. It was ru mored today from pretty good au thority that Miss Mary Heed, of North llonil, on Tuesduy will be mart leg to Floyd Calbralth, a Gorst &. King driver. Tho couplo Next Week will be the1 Last and Only Week you CAN OUT limes Want Ads Bring Results SARTER'S For Your ICE CREAM HVIIHYTIIIXa SAX1TAHY AIAVAYS OI'K.Y FOK 1XSPKCTIOX Wo make Ice Cream to order, any klnil nnd In any quan tity, for parlies, lodges, pic nic., ete. :: ;: :: '' Wo tin not speak of lis Q i A I- I T V That speaks for Itself SARTER'S riiono '-'(ni-l, .Mnrsiineiu Fiont St., Opposite Hliineo Hotel iwnnm wuuui Kindling wood, per load $1.75 to $2 Alder wood, 1G to 24 inches $2to? Free Jlelliery W. II. LIXOO Phono 227-J. North First St. One Dozen Post Card Pictures Free are expected to make their homo In North Bend. Mr. Gnlbralth's par ents reside In Kastslde. Walt for Funerals. Fred Wilson says that Marshfield should adopt an ordinance prohibiting vehicles or pedestrians ciosslng a street through n funeral procession. Most of tho lnrger cities nnd lu fart the towns have regulations making It nn offciiBc to "cut through" n funeral procession. Two Accidents. The tbreo and one-half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Freese, of South Coos Hlver, fell whllo playing yesterday and broke his right arm. Taylor Slglln, of Isthmus Inlet, road su pervisor nnd well-known pioneer, sustained a broken nnklc In n run pvny accident near bis home. Store i:ploslvos Cnpt. Pete Ol son, of tho Hustler, nnnounces that he will ninko a trip to Port'aml next week to bring n speclnl ahlp nient of nbout 2". tons of dynamite, powder and explosives, which the Dupont people will store hero to supply the trade In this section. They uro putting In n wniehouso on Isthmus Inlet. Here IH Years. "Uncle Henry" Ploegcr of Myrtle Point who stop ped over hero yesterday while en ronto horn from Portland recalled that ho arrived on Coos liny forty eight years ago Juno 25. Ho says that John Dear nnd Chns. IAndgrcn nro tho only residents of Marshfield living hero now who wero horo when ho enme. Tako Hike to Hearli. Ilnl Whool- or, Charles Frodellus nnd Howard Kelly loft yesterday afternoon for Sunset liny on u hike. They ex pect to return from thero tomor row evening. The young men took with them blankets and provisions for ramping a couple of nights In , tho open. Ooes as Agent. C. II. Landers, accompanied by his wife, loft thl3 morning for Powers, where ho has been appointed station ngent. Ho, will relievo C. It. Dlndlnger who, with his family, expects to inovo , back hero again nnd will bo em ployed In tho storeliouso mid tho' offlco of tho Coos Uny, Roscliurg & Unstern. Mr. and Mrs. Landers ex pect to camp for several weoks, tnlc-. lf n tent along with them. . Attended Huycr'H Week Henry ' Ploegor, of Myrtlo Point and wife, Mrs. Ploogor, returned on tho Ureak- water Friday from Portland. Mr. Plocger nttended the Buyers' Wook' meetings, being nbout tho only per son present thero from Coos county. ' IIo said thoro wero about r,00 nior-' state iind It wus estimated that thoy purchased In that tlmo about $1,-! 000 worth of goods. Tho weather was very warm and ho was glad to get back. They will return homo to day. Aid For Hand. It is ccicc-to-l that steps will bo taken soon to rr.lso funds by popular subscription (n maintain tho Coos Bay concert baud until the next general elec tion when It is proposed to nubmtt a measure providing for it lojuiar lavy fr the organization lu tho tax, mnktng it n regular m uilclpnl band. Fred Wilson, former ninna gor, is In favor of this pin i uik' will probably tako nctlvo stops to carry It ci.t Slashings Cause Smoke. Tho burning of slashings up Coos Hlver is causing most of tho smoko thnt for n couplo of days has hung hazy ovor the bay. William Cox says thai u slashing fire Is burning nbout threo miles nbovo Allegany at ono of tho Clarence Gould log ging cninps. Flro wardens nro in the vicinity, but It is not thought the flro will sprend. Mr. Cox said It has been oxtromely hot lately nt Allegany und even nt Golden Falls.1 Have You Seen Those New Suits that just arrived at the J. C. PENNEY STORE. They came in Serges and Poplins, Blue, Brown and Green. The latest in Patterns and Materials. They are worth at least half the price more. Come in and try them on, cxa mine them, sec for yourself. $9.90 $12.50 $14.75 $16.50 Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats, the latest cut in materials and in patterns, $5.90, $8.90, $9.90, $12.50, $14.75 Tho Orlglnntors of Low Prices Incorporated J mam ' 11 1 7 i i i ' i mi Wo lead Others Follow XKX.T noon to .mahshfii:l! post officii WITH do. i:x KAOII PHOTOS QUATERMASS STUDIO PHOTOS OF QUALITY 211 NOIITII FHOXT KTIttiKT Opposite Blanco Hotel Phono lon.T, Some Old and New Prices I LOOK THEM OVER LARD, 10-lb. can .! $1.25 PEACHES, per box 55o APPLES (Gravenstein),.perbox $1.00 rSPUDS (best local), per 100-lb. sack $1.50 DEPENDABLE FLOUR (none better) $1.80 PEANUT BUTTER, per lb 121-2c CORN MEAL, per sack 35c GUITTARD'S CHOCOLATE, 3-lb. can for 80c BULK RICE, Fancy head, .per lb 71-2c NEW GOODS TO ARRIVE PRUNES, per lb., good stock 5c WORCESTER SAUCE, per 1-2 pint bottle 10c CORN STARCH, per package 5c GLOSS STARCH, per package b'c SALAD DRESSING, per bottle (tall) 10c BAKED BEANS (Del Monte) 5c LIGHTHOUSE CLEANSER, per can 5c BACON (Armours) medium weight, per lb 25c We are going to demonstrate IT. Watch for date. Come in and see our 10c counter, it will be a surprise to you. WE SAVE YOU MONEY. GETTING'S CASH GROCERY I Special Lard Sale 5-lb. Buckets 10-lb. Buckets 65c - $1.25 PALACE MEAT MARKET Phone 406 J 180 No. Broadway Children cnlliiiK nnd telephone orders given special ntlentloii Put Loks Hoatl- Gordon Smith, who eamo up In his machine from Hastendorf heach this morn ing, said that n party of hlheia sonib tlmo InHt night passed down tho road pulling down practically overy sign thoy cainn to, throwing tho hoards in tho road, with tho nnllH sticking up. In several placos hlg logs had ueon rolled ncrosa tho road, hlg enough to requlro a couplo of mon to tako them nwny. Tho fact that over and anon n "dead soldier" was found by tho roaUnldo Is taken ns an explanation of tho lawlessness. , NEW TODAY $? I'Olt SAhH Olt TltADi: Fust boat, 25 hp. A bargain, 221' Central nvonuo. I'Olt SAIjH Or. niltilVs clnBBlcs, ?2r..(J0. Apply Tim oh, Harvard t FOR RENT I'Olt HI. .N'T ll-niom apartment, steam heat and furnished, $15 00 and SIS. 00. IiKiuIro npt. 10, Mat loci: upts, 2nd nnd Commercl il. KMiS xotici: Tho boat Ranger will Icavo tho IMarkot street dock at 8:110 Sunday ! morning for Camp Klllainey," W P. Murphj's summer home. All i Klks wives will bring lunch baskets. I Party returns In tho early evening. Freo transportation. 1 COMMITTER. $ X ' FOR SALE t '$ I'Olt SAI.i: HOX SHOOKS l,enu your order for applo and other shooks with H. 0. MeNay, city dock, Noith Jleiul. Phono n:it. (loo, (iclseudnrfer, Ilaudou Jlox Factory. 'Olt HUNT Mjitlo Anns inoilorn furnished apartments frco heat nnd water $22.50 per mouth up. I.'Olt HIJ.N'T -Ono unfurnished apart ment ut Tho Hague. Apply Pioneer Ilnrdwrtro Co. - :i SQUIBBS Chemicals TiTe Greatest Aid to your doctor in sickness Bring your Prescriptions to tir .i'9 Fn,nk " Co,'",', llie UWl ,'l, Central Avenue Drug Stoio I'OH SA I.I I Canary bliijs. Phono! USUI, or call 7-'.r. So. 11th Street. l'OH SAW: Aerated fio-li nilllr, 10 routs por gallon delivered on tho I wharf, Marshflold. No advanco later, n. A, Church, phono 303-XX-l. I "Winlon Auto Soi'vifo DAY AND NIGHT Sixty horso powor sovon pas- sengor cat LYNN LAMIIKTH I f Chandler Hotel Phono 20 l'OH SAM: Woik hoi-so, would ox change for good cow. Phono 1323 or address Hex 030, North Demi. J WANTED WAXTKD Malteso ca. Phono HltMt WAXTHD Itonmers. will servo breakfast. Gentlemen onlv. IIo tel Marshfield. Phone 137 L Chhken dinner Sunday, (30) C to 0.30 p. nu Helen Harvey. 1 UNDERTAKING I H will lie kept H OPHX TO Till: PUHLIO H H A regular btulo licensed H H undertaker will bo in H H H lluvo jour iiidgrntns printed Tho Thnos office.