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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1915)
T"1 THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHRELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, -1915 EVENING EDITION, i FOUR Summer Shoe Sale Now On All Ladles' ?3.50 I'timps nnd Slippers. To closo out ?!!.i!0 All Ladies 4.00 I'umps and Slippers. To close out $2.05 All Ladles' ?5.00 I'umps (Cousin's make). To closo out ..9:1: 05 Ladles' Utitton nnd Laco Shoos. Itegulnr $3.G0. To closo out JjW.05 Ladles' Button nnd Lace Shoos. Itegulnr $1.00. To closo out $!M5 Ladlcs' Button nnd Lnco Shoos. Itegulnr $1.50. To closo out $:M1." All Girl's $i-P0 Slippers. To closo out ?l.75 All Girl's $2.00 Slippers. To closo out $1.1." All Children's $1.50 Slippers. To closo out $1.0." All Children's $1.15 Slippers. To close out 8."c AH Boys' Shoes at 20 Percent. Reduction Above J)i lies Include all .Shoes In Mock ultli except Ion of t Fill I Styles which Imvc just nirlvcd. Wo must make rixmi for big Pull shipments r Ladles' Shoes uliltli lire now on the way. HUB DRY GOODS CO. "SMAUT AVIJAIt POIt AVO.MNN" Corner Ilrotiihwiy and Central Ave. l'liono 01 ladles present wore: Mrs. Norls Jen sen nnd sister Mrs. Crlubs of Los Angolcs, Airs. J. W. Hlldcnbrnnd, ,Mrs. J. G. Kinney, Mrs. J. W. Mlt 'chcll, nnd Misses Helen nnd Vorn .Sprngue. 1 I WKI THIS MONTH ; Friends hero have been apprised of the coming marriage of Miss Mnry (Hansen) Smith, formerly of Mnrshfleld, nnd Cnrl Reeves, of Snn Francisco, the wedding to take place on tlto 28th of this month In thnt city, whero the young mnn hits employment. After n Bhort honey moon In tho nearby mountnlns tho young couple will return to San Francisco to make their future- home It ! SKWlNd PAKTV taking lessons In China painting, somo noted enstern Instructors be ing there. They nro Mrs. Chorry, specializing In enamel work, Miss Reynolds in naturalistic nnd Mrs. Mooro In tho conventional. Mrs. Eva Crlbbs of Lob Angolcs who hns been visiting" her slBtor Mrs. Norls Jensen for tho pnst bcv crnl weeks, will lenvo for her home tomorrow. o Miss Vera Sprnguc will leave next week for Ccntrnlln, Wash,, whore sho will tench tho coming school term. Mrs. 1 M. Wilbur who 1b nttcntl Ing the Nntlonnl Education aBsocin tlon nt Onklnnd writes to friends hero that Bho 1b enjoying tho meet ings very much nnd that she will bo homo within n week. Miss Frnnces Frnnso returned this week from n trip to tho Expo sition nnd other Southern Cnllfornla BASEBALL SCORES Mrs. Lynn Lambeth entertained points. a fow friends nt Bowing Thursday I evening nt her home In tho Wll-; Hams Apartments complimentary to , Mrs. Hugh I'ortcr Wnll, of Cnllfor- nla, who is visiting rclntlvcs hero nnd nt Coaullle. Her guests inclml-( KAVKUH CONTINUE DOWN cd Mrs. Jcsso Hlte, of Coqulllo, , WAItl) PLUNGH Mrs. Mar'tell, of Portland; Miss Elcia j McDonald, nnd Miss Slgna Iarson. jccrcllo Wears Worried Iiok and J" 5 I ii..i'lliii.l I .".his urn In n Huff . B -. ! I CIIANDLKH llltllHii: PAKTIKS ... ..., ,,.T ! I iWr-unrviftL unwi $$ Mrs. Louis Poll nnd son Cecil ex-. pect to lenvo tho Inst of this month for n two week's visit nt tho Exposl- ' Tulrlcrs Illumed 1'KIIOKNTAGUS OP COABX LEAGUE tlon Los Angolcs San Francisco Vernon ... . Salt Lnko . . . Onklnnd .... Portlnnd . . W. 80 7G ,70 03 AG GO L. CI 03 GS 73 77 P.C. .GG7 .5-17 .G07 .403 .ir.G .455 pust Rigte r F urnitur CIIAXDLEH IIHIIXJE PAKTIKS Heard left this week for their homo Mrs. F. W. Powers, Mrs. II. M. ' 0,lth "" Iml,n,ln' nftcr ?.V'8' Richardson, Mrs. F. D. Cohan, Mrs Perhaps tho most brilliant affairs of tho season wcro tho bridge par ties on Tuesday nnd Thuisdny af ternoons of this week nt tho Chand ler Summer homo "Aldcrbrook," on South Coos Hlver, when Mrs. W. S. Chandler, Mrs. II. G. Tremnluo, nnd Mrs. W. G. Chandler wcro hostesses. Tho guestH left Mnrshfleld on tho Allco II. nt 11:30 o'clock, arriving nt "Aldcrbrook" nt 1:1G. Fifteen minutes later n delicious course luncheon was served on tho spne lolis vcrnndu of i beautiful sum mer home. Following this hrldgo was played In tho artistic pavilion, Mrs. Efflo Furrlnger winning first prize, Mrs. second, nnd Mrs. F. M. Pnrsoiiu consolation on Tues day, while on Thursday, trophy for high scoro wntf won by .Miss Nora Tower, second high by Mrs. Eugouo O'Conuoll nnd consolutlou by Mrs. II. G. llutlor. Tho Invitation lists to these de lightful affairs Included: Mrs. Geo. Goodrum, Mrs. Pnxton, MrB. I). E. Mnlonoy, Mrs. F. M. Par sons, Mrs. Doruey, Mrs. E. 8. Uargoit, Mrs. S. C. .Small, Mrs. AV. M. Grimes, Mrs. A. L. House worth, Mrs. W. F. Miller, Mrs. Ida Conrad, Mrs. C. K. Pony, Mrs. F. V. Cutterlln, Mrs. F. E. Conway, Mrs. Geo. F. Mureh, Mrs. II. E. Qulst, Mrs. Tozlor, Mrs. E. E. Straw, Mrs. C. W. Cumbers, .Mrs. E. Oros thwalte, Mrs. Crnstliwnito Sr., Mrs. J. T. Hurrlgun, Mrs. J, D. Goss, Mrs. Muttlo 1). Shaw, Mrs. A. E. Adol upurger, Mrs, W. L. Clnbaugh, Mrs. Carl Hnlucs, Mrs, Esther Converse, Mrs. F. K. Gottlns, Mrs. C. It. Peck, Mrs. Efflo Farringor, Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mrs. Wilde, .Miss Wilde, Mrs. O. F. MoKnlght, Mrs. Fannlo Hazard, Mis. J. W. ltenuett, Mrs. Arthur MeKeown, Mrs. W. S. Titr pen, Mrs. W. 8. Nicholson, Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, Mrs. 1). Y. Stafford, Mrs. L (I. Purh'iim, Mrs. It. E. Drowning, Mrs. Henry Seugstnckcn, Mrs, G. A. Dennett, Mrs. J. II. Flanagan, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Ver non Smith, Miss Druw, Mrs. 1, S. Knufniiiii, Mrs. E. Mlugus, Mrs. Wll ou, Mrs. Jus, Polhomus, Mrs, E. O'Conuoll, Mrs. It. K. Hooth, Mrs. A. T. Lugurstrom, Mrs. V. W. j Pnynu ,.Mrs. Hoy Miller, .Miss Kvolyu j Anderson, Miw Mluulo Sheridan, ' Miss Grace Shurldnu, Mrs. ('. M. lly ler, Mrs. II. S. Tower, Miss Nora Tower, Mrs. Geo. Flanagan, Mrs. C. AV. Towor, Mrs. .Mary Ilutler, Mis. . i, it... tFtrt..t hii ilniiirlitnra P II rnTinn Mm U "Ore Willi U1U iuiimui o .iubM.u.o, J. S. Coke, Mrs. James Coke. Mrs. M. Adelsperger. Mrs. Carl Dnvls C. S. Wlnsoi, Mrs. Warren, " Mra- wnunugu. Mrs. L. J. Simpson, Mrs. Win. Ar- Mm. Victor lludnns nnd daughter nold, Mrs. C.nlro Keating, Mrs. G. Miss Ellon Rudmw plan to lenvo the W. Knufman, Mrs. Thayer Grimes, mm of the month on u trip to the Mrs. J. C. nobberts, Miss Geno- Exposition. vlovo Songstncken, Mis. It. M. Jen- Krlc Holt Ioiivcb tomorrow for nlngs, Mrs. J. A. Matson, Mrs. E. K. Lebanon. Ore., whoro ho wl tnke Jones, Miss Daisy Itush, Mrs. Itush, "P Ms now duties as principal of .Mrs F. E. Ilugue. tho high school there. Mr. Holt ' isuys there nro 17G pupils enroflod ' In the high school deportment. X. I.. V. P. S. ' Miss Vlllonovo of Portland 1b ox- ' peeled hero next weok ns tho hotmo Tho Norwegian Lutheran Young guest of Miss Daisy Itush. Pooplo'a society mot for n business! Mrs. Geo. Murch aim sisior iurB. Mrs. J. S. Lyons Ib enjoying n vis- i It with her sister Mrs. F. W. Kron- cnberg who Is here from Denver, Col- Mrs. Douglas HiibIi nnd sister, Mrs. , i 7 AiiQCIKIVU i rrni io ,uvn itmj tnutra.j PORTLAND, Aug. 21. Denver fnns nro In n huff. Steadily down hill hnvo plunged tho locnlB through IlitW - . m THAT'S THE QUALITY KINO Tho kind with service and value built into it, That's tho kind you will always find at Johnson-Gulovson's, We Don't Forgeit fthe Price un nlwnvs tnlk nunlitv first wn fin n i... I I IIIIU W vl fcJ w i. - ..--... -j ...w i w AJ II 11 I II1CT ii, r .LI., !., K..-! Tl.i i . IUl SlglU 01 lOctsuiiuuiuiiubo iii jiiuu. i Mai is always receives full consideration, but QUALITY is insisted upon first because without quality price is of little value, Saftisfacitnoo and Service are important features in buying furniture, Thoy are always found in tho Johnson-Gulovsen Furniture be cause the meii. behind the name have been trained in tho practical end of the business and have years of experience back of them, N-GOLOV oirtlh Front Phone 9 1 -J JOHNSO N 364 SEN Street and social session last evening nt Tozer nnd Ocorgo Murch Jr., aro tho church hall and elected tho . planning to leave tno ursi oi mu 11 '1 1 2 1 0 (! 0 10 1 11 0 weok for a two week's visit at tho Imposition, ninklng the trip In tholr car, following' officers for the ensuing year: president, Miss Cora Mathlson, vice-president, K. (!. Molloiu; sec retary, Miss Allco Mathlson; trens- Miss Vlvlnn Crnlg of Powers Is urer, Anton Ahrahumson. At tlm ' tho guest of hor sister, Mrs. Foster close of tho both profitable and en-! McDonald. Joyublo evening, refreshments wore Mrs. Harry 'Iniinor nnd llttlo son Bcrved by Oliver Larson and Pelor will lenvo tomorrow for their homo In Chicago after a delightful vslt at tho J. A. Ulntt homo In South Marsh flold. During her stny, bIio was shown ninny courtesies by Miss Louise Hlntt, enjoying trips to South Coos Itlver, Shore Acres nnd other points of Interest. Mrs. Herman Snillhgall und dnughtcr. MIbb Zoo Dolnn, of Cntchlng Inlot, nro spondlng tho week-end nt tho Tom Johnson homo In Myrtle Point. Addison Parry nnd his sister, Miss Parry nnd hor friend, Miss Permit, loft for tholr homo in Indianapolis this week after a short stay on tho Hay. They went out vln ltosohurg. riio Thlniblo Club of North Ilend Mrs. C. P. Keating and mile son met Friday afternoon at tho homo of Knstsldo hnvo spent tho weok s of Mrs. ChaiUm WIIIIiiiiih. Thero was guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hon McMul- n short business meeting at which leu nt Myrtle Point. Thorpe. In two wcoks, nt tholr reg ular meeting, Miss Scuulo Uofsland nnd Chris Thorpe will sorve ns tho entertaining committco. Those present last evening wore: Hev. and .Mrs. It. O. Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. P. 11. .lacobson, Misses Dorothy Locko, Cora nnd Alice Mnthlson, Klslo Larson, Jennie Johnson, Sonnlo Hefslaud und Messrs. 10. (i. Mellem, Oliver Lurscu, Anton Ahrahamson, Jelmar Itefsland, Hurt Iversou, Chris and Peter Thorpo. tiiimiim: CLl'll mkkts I tho Borlcs of tho week nnd McCro dlo Is scon cnrrylng a worried look nbout with him. Tliero has been n Inck of cohesion among tho twirlora ' with most of tho Job shifted onto nbout two of tho star heavers. Tho scores of yesterday follow: Const Lcugiio At Portlnnd: It. II. E. Suit Lnko 1 Portlnnd 3 At Vernon: Onklnnd 0 Vernon 3 At San Frnnclsco: Snn Frnnclsco 2 Los Angeles (J American League At St. Louis: New York, St. Louis, rain. At Cleveland: Washington S Clovolnnd u At Chicago: Iloston I Chicago . l At Detroit: Philadelphia l Detroit ll National Leagiio At Philadelphia: Pittsburg :i Philadelphia 1 At Now York: Cincinnati 0 Now York 7 At Ilrooklyn: Chlcngo Ii Ilrooklyn '. . . . C At Iloston: SI. oLuls . o ' Hoston 1 SACRIFICE New liungalou five rooms; Inn lots; Hunker Hill, close In, $il.0 If (aken at once. Pint dovtii, balance easy h-iuis. Lois cleared and In gulden. OTIIIIlt SNAPPY IIUV.S "See Held About It." W. A. REID, 150 Front St. yWoSf PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. A. L. Houseworth, Pliytdrlnn and Surgeon Office: Irving Itlock. Office hours: 11 to 12 a. ni.;3til I and 7 to tj p. in. Phones: Office 1 ISM; lies., UJ.J, J. M. Wrinht Pbonellll DUILDINO COXTItAOTOR Estimates furnished on requMt arrangements were made for tho con ducting of a lest room during thu Hrldgo carnival, October S and U. The members of the club spent their time sewing and refreshments wcro sencd. The uot meeting In two weeks will be held nt tho homo of Mrs. Klmcr Hussell. The members present on Friday were Mrs. I. 11. Hurtle, Mrs. Koscoo I hirer, Mrs. Dr. Hurmelster, Mrs. J. (I. Mullen, Mrs. II. J. Lludon. Mrs. M. (!. Coleman, ,ul Mr8, Ai llf i.0Wers and children Mrs. Derltyshlro. Mrs. Williams. .Mrs. Elmer llushcll, Mrs. A. E. ltnso, Mrs. Charles Windsor was the spec, lal guesti INI'OHMAI, AlTEIlNOON PA I IT Y Miss draco Williams loft thls weok to visit tho Exposition in Sain Francisco. Miss Mary ICruso loft tho first of j tho week to visit tho Exposition, i ....... ...... .. .!. ! IIIIO lliuro nnu win uu mu (jiil-di ui Miss Mario Mulouey. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar Oulovsen of Perhain Park are visitors at the Pan. aina Exposition. Mrs. Fied V. Powers and baby letumed this week from San Fran-1 visitors. Miss Paulino J. Hnhr returned this week after an extended visit with friends und ut the Exposition LEAGUE IN FINALS played nt Ucnvcr Hill. Out of tho enmp of tho Rldgo Tigers comes a vorltnblo yell of doflnnco. "Wo can't bo beat; no body can bent iib nnd wo ain't going to bo bent." Tho Hntchcry Is ctiually doflaut. When tho limps yells "Play Hall" to morrow nftornoon nt 2:110 on tho North Head diamond tho flro works nro going 'to bo touched off. For tho Tlgors tho butteries will bo Huff, Flslicr, (llll nnd Thomas and for tho Hntchory, Johnson, Koontz and Murphy. Tho Coos Hny league, despite tho dropping out of Suinnor and MarBh field, Iiub been u success tills season nnd will probably bo continued through tho summer of lUl(i. Each tenni when tho games of to morrow nro over, will hnvo played two games with every othor nlno. , WEAVING All kinds a spec- iauy. kiio. vv. vv. uaouu, uou 12th Court, So. Phone 220-R CiiIUuk curds printed nt Tho Tiiuos offhw. Vacation Days At Goodwills Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Eur nnd Thront Sptcltllit GLAKSICS FITTin) riiouo :i:io-.t. itooms soo-aoi Irving Illock. 1)K. MATriK II. HIIAW. l'liyslclnn nnd SurKeon Phono Ji:i0-J. Offlco lioura by nppolntratot. Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTING HNCIINHKR AND AltCIIITECT Offices, 20C Irving Dlock. Phono 103-L or 267-J. Marsbdeld, Orrpi H. G. Butler OlVHi KNOINKKIl Itoom 304 Coko Uldg. Thons llW ItCBldonco Phono 363-L. W. G. Chandler AltCHITKOT Itoouia 301 nnd 302, Coko DallllU I Marshflold, Oregon. FINE CAMPING GROUNDS EXCELLENT HOME COOKING EASTSIDE PLAYS IIEAVEIt MILL 1'Olt PENNANT OF SKI (IKS I.lhby COAL. The Mml VOL' luiio ALWAYS I'SKD. p 7'. Livery mid Transfer Coinp.iuy, SWIMMING, BOATING and FISHING' st DANCING PAVILION, llutchery mid Tigers to llnttln nt North Ilend for Collar Posl- flon Toiiuhtow PKHCENTAff'KS OF C(K)S HAY LEAtil'K Enstslde . . . Hon. or Hill Hatchery .. Tigers .... W. 1 3 1 Pet. .soo .000 .100 ,.200 LOW WEEK END FARES HETWEEN MARSHFIELD Several bouts dally to Murhlific.d, lucliidhiK speed launch leaving Marsliflelil nt 1:15 dally and nrrlv Ing hi (hue for supper; leaves Rood ulll's nt 7 ciery morning, reaching Marshflchl about 8:il(). Kates reasonable. Phono iUflX.'J Fnriuers, or inquire of Capt. Smith of Manner Italnbow. AND in ban i'raucisco. t4 Mrs. Pnxton of Holse, Idaho, nr-! Tomorrow finds two teams, East-i i rived this weok and Is tho house Bide and Heaver Hill fighting for W. J. Conrad, Mrs. C. E. Ash, Mrs. 1 1 M. C. Maloney, Mrs. Clias. Hull, I Yesterday afternoon, Mrs. J. II. I BUC8t of Mrs- l5eortre Coodruin at the tho pennant of tho Coos Hny Lenguo Mrs. Win. Horsfnll, Mrs. Herbert Sudden ontertnlnod Informally ut , Myrtle Arms. and the other two nines, tho Hut- Lockhart, Mrs. W. T. .Morchant. t-ewlng and inrds at her home on I "r- T- Mctormnc returned to chery nnd tho Uluo Itidgo Tlgors Mrs. C. F. McCulloin, Mrs. Ward South Fourth street, Boning her ",8 llomo '" "erkeley this week nf-, scrupplng it out for tho cellar posl Illake, Mrs. W. A. Toye, Mrs. A II. guests nt the close of u delightful 'er having spent tho last fow months tlon In what will bo tho Inst nnd Powers, Miss Pony, Mrs. Pcrrott, afternoon, a dainty luncheon. Tho I ut tn m,mo ot l,l! dnughtcr Mrs. ' what piomlses to ho tho most cx- ' ! 1 M. C. Maloney and with friends In citing of tho ontlro series. I ' Mnrshfleld. i From tho camp of tho Eastsldors Misses Allco Tickell an Agnos comes tho straight rumor that they I Kunkel hnvo returned from a few nro going to fight to n finish; Ueav- dny's outing at Lakeside. ler Hill says tho snmo thing nnd the Mr. and Mrs. Clnrenco E. Ash re- result Is expected to bo a closo one. t turned tho first of tho week from, Acordlng to tho percentage col- thelr honoymoon ut lakeside and timn EastsUle has .800 nnd Heaver hnvo rented tho pretty homo of Mrs. ,11111 .000. The loss of tho gnmo by jCluis. McCuIloch on Hall Avenue. tho former nlno will also lose thorn Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, who has first place In tho raco or tho pen- , been spending some tlmo at (ho San nant and put the miners (o (ho lead.! Francisco Exposition writes Mr. In such n enso (he percentage Nicholson thnt she Is planning to re- would he nenver Hill, .007 nnd main there another month, Sho Is i Enstslde .(jOQ. Tho fame Is to bei Rowland Baker Powers I AlTfiUST, 1015 ' Al'TO STACJE SCHEDULE t9 1 n ' T ,,()UT,'AN,, VIA FLOKENCE p.lU Leavo Mni-shfleld nnd Florence Wm. S. Turpen AKOIIITIXT Multifield, Oregon, 2.20 i 2.35 Wcdnesdny 'hursdny . Tlckots will bo sold botweon Marsh-1 Fridny . . . ueiu mm nny ol tho above points at fares shown every Saturday and Sundny, good for return Monday! lOIIOWIUg. Try Nature's Remedy For a Good Laxative Better Than Pills For Liver Ills RED CROSS DRUG STORE PH0NC 1?2 CONVENIENT TRAIN SERVICE Further particulars from nearest partltculars Agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC JOHN AI. SCOTT, Saturday Sundny Monday . . Tuesday . Wcdnesdny Thursday Fridny .. Saturday Sunday . , Monday Tuosday .18.. ..10. ..20., ,.21., - !5. !6. !7. IS. . ....a... .....JO. . . . . U 1 . C: 15 a.m. 0.00 a.m. .10:30 a.m. .11:30 a.m. .12:00 in . 3:00 a.m. . 3:30 a.m. . 4; 00 a.m. . -1:30 a.m. . 6:00 a.m. 5:00 a.m. . 5:00 a.m. 5:30 a.m. 0:00 a.m. On Trips Leaving Mnrshfleld before :uu n, m you shouiii nu i.... General Passenger Agent, (land tho same day. Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage Lenvo Owl Phnrniucy Mnrshfleld A.M. 7:00 o::o Lti Coqulll AM. 7:W O;00 U:W tji. 3:00 0:30 im. l:oo o. no MAItSIIKIErjI-COQUlM-B MTO KTAOK TIMH SOHL'UUI Sclicdulo nrmns'txl t K't( with bonis to Hundon, St M.ti,. iin. Wmmer. IlotN" No delays. Faro from Mnrshfleld to OK"" 75 cnt. Single & liambctli, rrop Will furnish ',"rt exlra (rips day or nlgM, chnrtor cars. SAVE MONEY I., .rlmr tllO tW HEiMRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, por ton Lump coal, per ton ",,".li n hnlf Inn of both ' . I). MUSSOX, rw oro"" Phonn 18-J or lwve i Hlllyor'a Cluar Store- CHINOOK SAU TODAY'S '". fAl Mw nil kinds of iw FISIIKIIMANF MA"Kfcr Pliouo 1