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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1915)
f HICKENS THAT COME HOME TO ROOST ARE USUALLY NEITHER GOOD Coos Bay Times Your Paper Coos Hay Times Is proud 1 a Paper," and It strives '.'..n tn Its nnmo by devoting tiro up ," promoting tlio people's Interests. VOL. NO. XXXVIII. IE ALLIES' IN AfTACKS statement Says That Torpedoes Caused Loss of mree Dauiu&niya ENGLISH CLAUvTmINES a SUNK THEIR VESSELS German Submarines May Have Reached Scene Stormy Weather Alter mum TWO BRITISH Hiiira SUNK Bf AmmUM rri to Coon nay TlmM.J LONDON, Mar. 20. Tho British Admiralty announces that tho llrltlsh battleships Irrcslatlblo and Ocean woro junk In tho Dnrdanollos March 19. 04 MEN SAVED IB; Anwl'lxl rwai to Coot Hay Times. TARIS, Mar. 20. An of ficial announcement this afternoon says thnt CI mon were saved from tho crow of the French battleship Dou xtt The loss on tho other ihlpa In tho French division mi declared light. IAwxutN rrr to cooa tilj Timra.j CONSTANTINOPLE, Mnr. 20. The official statement of tho Turk lih betdquartcrs says tho sinking of the British and French warships la the Dardanelles wns duo to tor ptdoci and adds: "A hard sovon hour 'fight ended with success for our forts, lloyond slight tlnmngo lo.mth works, no damago was dono to the fortifications. Tho nrltlsh ittternent last night snld tho bat tleships vera sunk by floating mines. A lev weeks ago, unofficial stnto E'nti (ojd of thq shtpmont of sub marines Irom Gormany overland to the Austrian port on tho Adrlntlo and a llttlo later nnothor tncssago told ot tho sutimnrlno floot start Is? for tho Dardanelles. Tho Turk ic itatcment that tho sinking of tie thrco battleships or tho Allies , 'J due to torpedoes Indicates that tltic aubmorlncs might lmvo boon tbo unexpected foo which caused the heavy disaster. Ihe Irreslstlblo wns ono of tho let English battloBhlps. Tho Qon Klliaboth, tho largost hnltlc Wp In tho English navy, hoadB tho fotl attacking tho Dnrdanollos. Tho 1t are mostly largo vossoIb, dc 'jned to do long rango work lnt tho forts. WRATIIEIt IS HAD IS; AuttUt! rrwa to Cooi Ilaj Tlraca.) LONDON, Mar. 20. Six bnttlo lpi re-entered Dardanelles straits r, according to n dispatch fom Tcnedos Island. Tho rosump a of action, after tho loss Thurs r or tho Kronch battleship lion et and tho llrltlsh battleships Ir 'Mlitlblo and Ocean, fallod to nc "opllsh anything becnuso of un "orable wcathor which inado tho wIom for oporntlons ImpoB- S TELL DF latriii ' Mar' 80. (Wlrolosa to "f.)-The official statomont 'r ay8! "On tho road between jmchaelo and Ypros near Sto Srlu k ?rnmns captured from tho mum! i Eroup of houses on tho all f Lr0tt0 h08hts. In tome v th Germans occupied e Uench trenches to tho north torn, ,SeJUr' Fronch attacks of vcrdun In tho Woovro mmi. ncar Com"ras to tho m p leu8 "eights were ropuls wk'onr enCh nttncks at Holchack W..,D(l IIa"man's Wollorkopf down, m th0 Ea8t th0 day U, "BWtlvoly quiet. Momol. I, lt"laa port " tho Daltlo Sea, ,u occupied by Russians." Koti morion. 1'operlv '8 hCr0by glV0n t0 aU 'thln .v Wners and house holders BtU ,i ! corPrate limits of Marsh- iui their chlmnpvH miiBt lio "H&eA w E!N PIMP mi nniTipn HUN DM Nun to J amedlatoly. Failure to m, ,; "h this ordlnanco will ro- (8 n Prosecution. km J. W, CARTER. Marshal, of its lltlo "TJio nt nil (lines to lis energies to Established 1878 rs Tim Coast Mw'l. IPS SUNK ON ELLIS r - w w -w -w - w m m M aafa 2000 SHELLS ARE FIRED II films Dardanelles Bombardment Be- nnmf!5 Vinlnnt anrl Alllne' Ships Suffer From Fire Illy Aasoclatcd rrM to Cow Day Tlmca. PARIS, Mnr. 20. Two thousand sholls woro fired In a six-hour bom bnrdment Thursdny In nn effort to forco tho pnssago of Kllld Ilnhr and Chaiink Kulcssl In tho Dnr danollos. Flro from tho Turkish batteries was uninterrupted and vio lent, according to unofficial Infor mation. In ndtlltlou to the loss of ono French and two English bat tleships tho prow of tho French battleship Oaulols was touched by n mine, but tho damngo can bo repaired In a fow dnys. Tho Ilrlt IbIi bnttlo crulsor Inflexible, which was hit on tho bow by shells, also stcamod out of tho strnlts and wob convoyed by two crulBorB. A shell which oxplodcd on her deck Is re ported to have, killed forty jnen and wounded many othors. Ono Turkish fort, tho nnmo ot which wns not glvon, Is said to havo been damaged. ! T FEAR TROURLE iny Auoilitt Trrta to Cooa Day Tlmea, TOKIO. Mnr. 20. Press dls- pntches from America, In which It Is reportod that tho United States I Issued n warning to Japan In qon-j ncctlon with tho Chinese negotia tions Is accepted horo as an exag geration of tho fact thnt tho United States recently mndo Inquiry con corning sovoral points In tho Jap anoso domands its communicated to tho powors. Whllo tho forolgn of fice declines to discuss tho ques tion, Jnpaueso stntcsmou express tho bollof that tholr country's as surances will Batlsfy tho United States. LARGE FAMILY LEFT BY J. V0LZ, OF NORTH BEND LARGE FAMILY LEFT IJY FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS WAIT OX ARRIVAL OF DAUGHTERS l-'RO.M SALEM: SEVEX YEARS II ESI DENT OF COOS RAY A fnnill.. nf n ,.ilrn tlltll OliVAn nil till. roniricrtbyjohn Vol, Sr. who died I yesterday nftornoon In North Hond DARDAN altor having a sudden homorrago at, mn-Pnclflc Exposition ns tho por tho broom handlo factory In tho Stnvo BOnal roprcsontatlvo of President Mill about four o'clock. IIo was nl- W, , , t t ,,nrtk.mto nt rnnilv nast tho -doctors caro wlion i ... , ..... readv nast tho -doctor's caro romovod to tho Mercy Hospital. Fun oral arrangements await tho coming of thrco daughtors from Salom. Tho decoased was DO years or ago, i!V"S'!llfnrKr,CM. Une, Adolph S. Millar, member 8aToon and Interested with his son, John Vdlz, Jr. In tho broom factory, Ho loaves a wKo, a daughter, A - molla Volz, a matron at tho State "o?oL0.fZitt I Edward and John Volz, who llvo In North Hond, a young daughter hero j and a son in Montana. .Mr. voiz ' linm in nnrllnctnn. Iowa wnoro it, many- venrs ho was In tho shoo bust-, noss. Later ho moved to Nobraska ana In 1903 camo io Holso, ongnglng In tho saloon business until 1908 when ho moved to North Pond. - ' " m Witness ilie tnuisltlon from Imld-lieatlt'd colored gentleman to a MjIlhhly.dio.hed "Rlack Pnttl" net Slonday night at tho Jublleo Con. cert nml hear him or her hl"K Nothing like It oicr swn or heard in .Mni-hlifleld. John V. Payno is n marvel. Hard Tlmoj. Rail, At Eagles' Hull For short and tall Saturday night that's all. And hay, tell jour friends nlniiit tho Jublleo Concert, too, won't JouV Mr. Stewart Is considered tho lct living colored pianist, tho "Rlack Pndorcwhkl," Ilwir him at tlio Or phctim next .Monday and Tueoday nights. Hard Times Hall, At Eagles Hall For hliort and tall Kiiiuiil.iv nlcht that's all IilRHY coal. Tho kind YOU have L, Vandermark, John Ekhlad, J. L ATAVAYS I'SED. Phono 72. Pacific Wolneck, S. P Coren, John Kozlo Lhery and Transfer Company, iman, Andrew Kasia, u itrtnps MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1915 EVENING EDITION. Mr European Nation! EIGHT BRITISH VESSELS SUNK BY SUBMARINE Ilj AiocIIp,1 rrM to Coo, llir Tlmn.J LONDON, Mnr. 20. Gorman BUliinnrino raids during tho week ending March 17 resulted In tho los3 of eight British vessels with a total tonnngo of 22,825. Thrco other vessels which we'ro torpedool were nblo to reach port. Tho total loss slnco tho beginning of tho war has been 90 merchnnt vessels and 17 fishing vcssols. QUIET IX EGYPT tlly Auoclilei) I'rea to Coo. Hay Time. CAIRO, Egypt, Mnr. 20. An official statement Is sued hero says patrols and acroplano reconnaissances show that there Is very llt tlo activity among tho out posts of tho enemy, which romnln about four days' march from tho canal. HERMANS LOSE (1000 Dr AJocltx r-rru to Coot Hay Tlmfa.J HERLIN, Mnr. 20 An of ficial statement today says tho total Gorman losses In fighting In tho vicinity or Nouvo Chnpollo Is about (!, 000. Tho llrltlsh had claim tho Gerninns lost 18,000. E- T O I'AIR ArrENDAXCE IIREARH ALL RECORDS t lily A.wil.lPl I'rna to Coot Hay Tlmra.) 4 SAN FRANCISCO. Mar. 20 Tho total attondanco at tho Pannmn-Paclflc ExposI- tlon nnnouiu'cd today offl- 4 dally for tho four wcoks ending Inst night wns given as 1,859,821, an averngo of 00,400 n dny. It exceeds tho attondanco at any previous expositions during tho first four weeks. Or AwoclateJ Trnu to (,'ooa i.jr Time.. J BAN FRANCISCO, Mnr. 20. VIcc-ProBldont Marshall arrived to- ' '" VW f f V " tho formnl dedication of tho Pana lu similar ceremonies nt tho Paunmn California exposition lu San Diego. In tho party nro Mrs. .Marshall, Secrotary of tho Inferior Lnno and of tho Federal Reserve Hoard, and j Mrs. MlllcV, Assistant Secrotary of! (tho Navy Roosevelt and Mrs. Rooso-I VOjt nm, sonntor Pholnn. Tho party' remain In San Francisco until Saturday ot next week. i . II SMITH OEE FOR THE SOUTH nniii i iiiii i ii m Ll'.MIIEH CARRIER TAKES .10 PASSENGERS WITH XO WINDi EXPECT PLEASANT VOYAGE , DOWX COAST. I At noon tho Nann Smith loft tho Smith Terminal Dock nnd started I south with a- cargo of lumbor and 30 pnsBengora for San Francisco. Thoso who loft wore: li. L. C. Farrln, J. A. Matson. J. F. Cul bort, Georgo Dont, Milton Glass, Miss Gunhlll Lund, Mrs. A. Lund, Mrs. Tester, F. C. Eaton, W. L. Jones, W. R. Tinker, Arthur Ur hrlght, Nick Cullos, James Palltlons, Gustavo Frossoul, A. J. Ilonham, Jack Hayes, II. Wober, E. Holmes, h. Candldo, O. Guorrlo, Steven Gras si, Frank Rose, Mrs. Frank Rose, Miss Kato Martin, Laurlna Merrj' man, Agnes Kunklo, Mrs. Goo. Bol ster, Jack Fox, Joo Evans, Dan Ma-lonej-, William Poart, Arthur Peart, PRESDEN S FfiiC mm MEMBERS OP THE ASSOCIATED IVCESS TDL.lL..rL r-vi iyy ir roiceic a Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Holland Join United States in Protest. WITHOUT PRECEDENT IN LAW OR HISTORY Reprisal Measures of Allies' Are Vigorously Condemned by Neutral Nations PROTEST AGAINST ALLIES' BLOCKADE tOy Aaaoclatod rrraa to Coot Diy Tlmra. LONDON, Mar. 20. Tho Nothorlnnds, nccordlng to a dispatch from Tho Hnguo, has sont to Great Ilrltnln and Franco, a protest against tho llrltlsh blockndo of Germany. Dy Ai.oclitM I'rrtii to Coo. Day TlmM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 20 Tho Nothorlnnds Minister Van Knp- I pard communicated Informally to 1 Cnnmtn.W Dlntn ,n.t.. na. uui.iuii4i; ui umiu uijuu luuu) 4111 outllno or tho noto sent by Tho Netherlands to Great Diltaln and Franco, protesting ngnlnst tho em bargo on tho commcrco of noutrnl nations with Germany as having no precedent either In law or history. FOURTH XATIOX TO PROTEST (Dy Auoclaled I'rru to Coo. Ilajr Time..) LONDON, Mnr. 20. Holland Is tho fourth state to mako n formal protest against tho reprisal meas ures adopted by Great Ilrltnln and Franco. Denmark, Norway and Swcdon, tho early part of tho wcok, mndo Identical representations. SEE SUB MURK III BATTLE Ii C1IEL (lly A.oclIM Trraa to Cooa Hay Tlmfa. NEW YORK, Mar. 20. Passen gers aboard tho llrltlsh steamer Lapland, which readied horo today from Liverpool, witnessed a battlo lu tho Irish Channel between tho llrltlsh torpedo boat which escortod tho Lapland and a German sub marine. Tlio Lapland crowdod on nil steam and fled In n zig-zag lino from tho combatants. Tho submar ine first fired a torpedo nt tho othor bont, which missed. Tho torpedo bont then opened flro and tho Lnpland fled from tho scono. Tho Fuhmurlno was sunk by tho torpedo boat, lu tho opinion of the captain or tho Lnpland, who said ho saw wldonlng circles or oil on tho wnter, EXPRESS RATE CASE. 1117 AutHiaiwI TrtM Io Com Ua, TIium.) ' WASHINGTON, I). C, Mar. 20. Formal ortlors reopening tho express rato ocscs, requostod In a petition fllod a fow dnys ago by tho four principal oxprosa companion, woro woro Issued today by tho Intor Btato Commcrco Commission. Tho ditto of tho hourlngs will bo fixed later. !NEW SCHEDULE IIRIXGS MAXV PASSENGERS l'RO.M PORTLAXD: VESSEL TO LAY OVER I'XTIL MOXDAY AF TER PLEASANT TRIP On her now schodulo tho Break water arrived In nt nlno o'clock this morning coming from Portland with n big list of passongors Sho will lay over horo until Monday morning when sho leaves again for tho north, Thoso who arrlvod from Portland woro: W. II. Honry, Donnls Honry, Mrs. Donnls Honry, Edith lienrj', Hazel Henry, John Adair, It. F. Rhodoa, Mrs. R. F. Rhodes, H. J. Houperinan, R. L. Graves, .Mrs. Har ry Evans, Irs. E. Jtoblnsoq, R. Rob Inson, C Harlocker, Mrs. O. Har lockor, Georgo Lobln, Mrs. R. W. Springor, Charles Kolsey, It. H. Ward, C. Thoa, John Van Gordan, P. .1. Sammon, J. II. Moores, C. W. Hamil ton, J. Dennis, I.aboea Sheto, U. Slio to, li. Owlanskl, ptevo Kartes, J. Dominique, F. Thomlson, G. Gunthor, S. D. Itomlllo, August Romlllo. J. Quenner. F. Gronell, Mrs. M. W. Roz anson, Mrs. W. C. Comstock, Hazol Comstock, Maud Comstock, Laura ConiBtock, Harry Comstock, William Comstock, Mlsa E, Lombard, E. Carl Bon, C. D. Hosloy. 1D) jl nu BREAKWATER Wimt& o .. o ion AEROPLANE TRIES RAID ENGLISH COAST triy AwoclateJ TrtM to Coo. Day Tlmra. LONDON, Mar. 20. German noro plnucs dropped sovoral bombs today off Deal, n Bcaport on tho Strnlt of Dover. Tho bombs all landed In tho E?n. A llrltlsh patrol boat opened flro on tho aeroplane, which turned and disappeared toward tho Belgium const nnd wnB not -seen lntor. i ('ItEAT COTTOX CROP lly Ai.oelateil Irraa to Cooa Car Tlmra. WASHINGTON, Mar. 20. Tho greatest cotton crop over produced In tho Unltod States was grown In 1014. Tho Coiibus Bureau figures glvo 10,102,113 bales, of 00 pounds each, which Is & 100,413 balcB moro than 4 for the previous year. FREXCH REPORT RRIEF a Uy Aaaoclatod Traa to Cooa I3r Tlmva. PARIS, Mar. 20. Tho official roport today wns confined to tho slmplo stnto- incut: "Nothing to commuul- 4 cnto." T HON By LOCALS Percentages. Mnrshflold 750 Myrtlo Point C2G Coqulllo G00 Bnndon GOO North Bend 12G Wresting victory Irom tho North Bond quintet with a score ot II to 11 by fast team work nml clover bnskot shooting, tho MarshfloU ftvo last ovenlng won tho chnmplonshlp of tho county basketball loaguo, finishing at tho head or tho por contago column with .7G0 to tholr credit. A largo crowd wont from horo to North Bond to attend tho last gamo of tho season. From tho first whlstlo of tho rof oreo, tho locals waltzed to tholr op position's territory and there com menced the gny festival of basket tossing and ovou McDonald, nt guard, was able to slip tho leather spheroid through tho llttlo round hoop for two moro points. Ho has boon haudlcnppd through tho son sou In this respect by reason of tho fact that most of his playing has boon back up tho floor away from his team's bnskot. North Bond put up a plucky fight. Sevurrl times during tho tussle they changed mon, putting In now inn torlnl in nn attompt to oven tlio scoro. Throughout tho sonson Coach Nllo's proteges havo plnyod gamo ball. Sluco tho opening of tho gymnasium thoy hqvo not lost a gamo on tho local floor. Of times thoy havo boon on tho vorgo of do font, hut with an optomlstlo trond of whirlwind playing thoy havo ro voreod tho lodgor on tholr opponents. Coach NIIoh has built up a basket tossing machine to comparo favor ably with tho high school fives ot tho state. Tho lliio-up last night follows: Mnrshflold North Bond Position. Burroughs Hnrt, Jackson Walters Perkins, Chapman Forward. Seaman R. Holmes Con tor. McDonald Motido Chapman Simpson Guard, CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to express our hoartfolt thanks to tho kind friends and neighbors whose assistance and sympathy did so much to nllevlato our loss In tho death ot our little son. Carl WIRord, aged flvo. Their kindness will nover bo forgotten. MR. AND MRS. ALEX EUICKSON. hAct 0!T LAYERS NOR A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mat) nd Coon Tlnr Advprtlor ALLIES PLAGE EMBARGO ON ALL SHIPMENTS TO AUSTRIA COUCIL RUMEN E two hour session is dead. LOCicilFiREMEN oppose loss OF PAID ENGINEER AND DRILL .MONEY A dlller-n-dollnr, tho Council now holler Expenses must bo cut down, Wo cannot now biro men To practlco for firemen Nor sweepers to clean tho town. How to cut tho city's expenses nnd still not cut tho city expenses wns tho subject of a two hour dobnto between tho city council nnd tho members of tho Mnrshflold Volunteer Flro De pnrtmont In tholr chambers last oven lng. Tho decision wns a tlo, both sides romalnlng deadlocked and tho moot ing resulted In no solution ot tho problom of getting along with ono paid flroman In tho place of two and tho cutting off of tho GO cents a man for flro drills. Facing tho crisis of paying out moro monoy than is tnkon In nnd with tho $10,000 outstanding in city warrants, backed up by nothing with which to redeem thorn, tho fi- nanco commlttco of tho council do-1 cldcd on a. retrenchment campaign. Snipping with tho ortlchil shears, otr wont tho baud, otr went a streot sweeper and off pretty nenr off rwont tho head ot a paid engineer when tho council decided first tho flroniou should first havo tho pro posal laid boforo thorn Thlrtv mombors of tho department mot last ovonlng. Thirty mombors of tho donartment dochiroil omnlmt - lcally that to loso a paid flroman will roduco tho efficiency of tho flro syotom nnd thnt GO cents a night is a nominal sum for tho shoes nnd clothes ruined at drills, Thoy pnssod a motion to this effect which wns rend to tho council mombors when thoy enmo In. R. A. Copplo, chairman ot tho f I HEADWAY nnnco committer) responded. "Tho i muni " arm 'io "as taKon Idea of retrenchment Is not now, lt" directly opposite stand now. I don't was recommended last year. Wo cut off a pollcomnn, cut a marsball's sal- ory nnd combined sovoral Jobs Into ono. This yenr It wns tho snmo thing nguln. Wo hnvo gono behind $10,000 in two years." Quote FlgiitvH "During 1011," answered Secro tary L. W. Travor, "It cost tho city I297.G0 for flro drills; tho salary of tho council was $011. Wo aro 10 momhors, tho council Is hut six." Ho continued with tho othor expenses of tho flro department. It was shown that $000 was spout for alarms, $ltt. G0 for aiitos taking tho steamer to fires, and Incidentals making $l,4iiG, GG for tho year and with tho two paid firemen, $3,G2G,CG, This was Bot ii) in figures against tho cost of tho othor departments. Tho onidneor's department coat Mnrshflold $1.G23.88 and tho police dopnrtmont, $5,019. "And wo aro bolng asked to do nate our services for nothing," snld Mr. Travor. "It is Just aa reasonable to pay for ono poBcoman or ono re corder and ask all othors' to donato tholr sorvlces." Cail Evcrtxcii Against Move Councilman Carl Evortsou oxpross od himself against tho proposed mens, uro. Twolvo hours a day is a long ouough shift for ono man, ho said, "Tho town Is growing," ho contlniiod, "and If wo can't afford to havo a man In tho station nil tho tlmo wo might Just ns well quit right now." "I thought tho mooting wns not so much to discuss tho two onglnoor question," said Mr. Copplo, "but rnth or how wo can got along with ono." Thoro uro fixed oxponses, Htiuh ns light and wator. Our rovenuo Is lim ited. Wo loso $7,G00 salooi llconsoa next year. As big a tax lovy as wo can make will bring In not mora than $2,000 to offset this loss." Couucllmcu'H Pay L. W. Travor brought up tho ques tion of cutting ofr 'tho pay or tho council which Mr. Copplo said was fixed by tho charter and which was ono of tho first Items ot letronolunont brought up. "It scorns to mo wo ought to begin at home," said the Becro-j tary. I "Wo are not hero In on arbitrary GOOD EATING A Southwest Oregon Paper Ttmt's vhnt tho Coos Hay Times Is. A Soiitlu west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon pcoplo nml devoted to the best Interests of this great section . Tho Times always, boasts nml never knocks. No. 205 The New Policy Restrictinrj Commerce is Widened In Its Scope FLEET COMMANDERS 1 ARE NOTIFIED TODAY ' Momentary Lull Along Battle Fronts Russians iWimv East Prussia. fny AaaorlatM Trraa to Cvoa Daj Tlmta. LONDON, Mar. 20. Tho now pol icy of tho Allies Is now In oporatlon against Austria, according to a Homo roport. Commanders of tho Anglo-French fleet In tho Adriatic havo been notified to proven! trans portation of all goods to or from Austria. Tho eastern nnd woBtorn thentem of war yesterday woro comparatively quiet. Berlin roports tho capturo or n group or houses on tho south slopo or Lorotto heights from tho BritlBh and tho repulse ot French nttncks north of Verdun nnd on Moubo heights. Berlin confirms tho occupation ot Mcmcl, EaBt Prussia, by tho Rus sians. Turkish positions on tho main land near Smyrna aro being strength ened and Inrgo reinforcements sont to tho nsBlstnuco of tho defenders. SPANISH SHIP, TT,r OAITURED BY BRITISH 11 Al.oclitoJ 1'rr.a to Cooa ll.j YlnM.J LONDON, March 20. It Is roportcd thnt a Spanish shin ladon with Iron oro nnd pro- reeding to a Gorman port has been captured by n British cruiser off Goodwin Bands lu tho Strnlts of Dover and sont Into Jnrrow. manner,"- said Carl Albrecht. "I was ' tho dopnrtmont for years. Wo nov- )or thought In thoso days of getting ,a,l'thl"B tor our services," Flro dopnrtmont mombors advanc ed tho bollof that two pollromou would bo ns well as thrco. "Tho build Ing Inspector is a farce," said Mr. Truvor. Try For Efficiency "A mombor of tho council (refer ring to Mr. Albrecht) whllo on tho flro dopnrtmont ntood out for pny- ... - ... .. . . . l,uo U1 auuuuo. "Tho underwriters say wo hnvo tho best volunteer flro dopnrtmont In tho stnto" IIo read a loiter from them saying tho taking off of ono onglnoor would probably result In tho ro-ratlng of Mnrshflold. "Wo flromon don't want tho responsibility with a poor department behind us." Chief Jx Answered Taking exception to tho Cblef'a remark Carl Albrecht rose up ami answered. "At that tlmo firemen wanted to put a limit on tho depart ment members. I opposed It. Tho reason wns I thought tlloro should bo a dropping of tho drones, that would cut off tho extra mon. "And I think that whenever any of tho city employees mnko Insulting remarks to tho coiiucllmen whou tho attacks aro malicious and without tr,,t"' J t''l"lc right thou, that mora. bor should havo his official head chopped orr." Savo tho General Fund Councilman Kimball pleaded longj and vigorously for saving tho general funds. "Boys," ho cried, "wo'vo got to do It, This second paid onglnoor Is being pnld right now from this fund. It tho lnsuraut'o rates aro rais ed, tho property ownors will pay. It won't touch tho fund," and ho was loudly applauded. To put an end to tho deadlocked arguments Councilman Albrocht ask ed that a commlttco of thrco from tho firemen wait on tho council nt Its uoxt mooting to talk tho matter ovor. This was agreed upon and tho standing commlttco chosen to carry tho motion of tho flromon, that tho two paid flromon bo retained nnd that pay for drill nights not bo cut oft. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR ATTENTION Mombors of Pacific Command ory and visiting Sir Knights aro ro quested to meet at tho Asylum nt 11:00 a. m. Sunday, March 21st, for tho purposo of attending tho funeral or Sir Knight Alfred John son at Coqulllo. Train will leavo at 12:00 o'clock, noon. By ordor of E. C. R. II. WALTER, Rocordor. Sir. HpceUwHI built Miutlt Monday -j n, ,, l.M .1 1 ! 4 III in ' t'l ii If! ' 1 1