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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1915)
THINGS COME TO THE OTHER FELLOW IE YOU SIT DOWN AND WAIT Tnos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tho Coos Day Times Is. A South west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon peoplo ntul duvotcd to the best Interests of this great section . Tho Times nlwitys boosts nnd novcr knocks, 4 ,; If; The Coos n)'T'"' vroua of Its title "Tlio 1 'e I'nper," and it strives nt nil times to rCP to Its n"10 b' loVoUng ,,s c,10rSlcs to "ring tho people's interests. , y HI' IK MKJ1DEUS OF THE ASSOCIATED IUESS (E000 mm vlulo. xxxviii. comirc r:i aim IBIHIU u mm FFERED HtAVILT ! Announce Frcnon ouuimM . sunk and English lorpeao Boat Lost Near Entrance TW0 ENGLISH WARSHIPS ARE REPORTED DAMAGED Fierce Duel of Artillery in At tacks on Saros Bay and Dardanelles AM.IIM lKXV IT. BjJliMtlitftl rreii lo Coo. liar Tlmra. PA1U8, Mnr. 10. Tlio nr tlllery duel l tlio Dardan elles between tlio Turklsli ihorc latteries and tlio wnr ihlps protecting tlio nlllcs' Blno sweepers InstcJ from midnight until 2 n. in. yes terday, Bays nn Atlions (lis patch. Tho worships nro re ported struck by sovoral shell, but tho ilnmngo was ill-hf. Two shoro bnttorlcs wero silenced. ' BERLIN, Mar. 19. (Wire- t less to Sayvlllc.) Tlio Over- teas Agency todny gave out the following: "Iloports hnvo reached Berlin tlmt two Qor- Etn aviators bombarded tho British arsenals nt Shcornoss, the British nnvnl bnso." 4 If AJioctiltl rrrti t Ccat liar nmn.l BEHLIN, Mar. 19 A sqiindron of fi British and four French battlo- silps yesterday morning attacked tlree fortresses of tlio Dardanelles. At the samo tlmo another sqiindron lucked threo fortresses in Snros Bty. After a florro thiol, tho ships withdrew at 2 p. m., but part of tie squadron continued to flro until lire o'clock nt long range. Tho French battleship Ilouvot struck n Dtee at 2:30 p. in. nonr tho en force to tho straits nnd Bank In tfcrec minutes. A IlrltlBh torpodo tot as sunk by flro from tho torts. Tho Drltlsh bnttloshlp Irrca Ijtlkle was put of action, while- an other battleship was Borlously dnin ((d. (BrauocittM rrrti to Cooa nar Tlmra. BERLIN. Mar. 19 fWlinlnna In Sirillle.) Tlio offlelnl Hininmniir Wlr says: "in ClinmpiiRno rtirtlior French attacks failed. Ono of these "U north of LoiimhiiII tun! 'llm "her north of Ilcausojour. South- l Of Vcmon. tlio French mmln weral advances. On tho Woovro F'J'a French attacks wore repulsed " on tho east sldo of tho heights the Meuso t,0 fight continues, "he situation In tho vicinity of wl. East Prussia, Is not clear, "tltHould appear tlmt minor Hub. a detachments havo ontorod Mo- 1. Counln.. , i - . .v. .uvtlDllll'tt IIUVU IJUUII "l. All Russian attacks hetweon "" m Orzyc rivers, to tho north- Hit of Przagnvov !..... i ml. A I1U IIUUIl ID- W south or tho Vistula thcro " ug cnange." Ill GUILTY OF IF h&lSS" .! G?taye -imuiea at New York Steyler Sentenced ' JEV VnnV- .. Mn n' ilar- 10 H chard "'"den in ...... . tv . MUBlttV0 L00K found h Uni? Y f consnlrncy against t R, States ln nllil"B nichard . stes'er, a nfir. , Porti fa,so Amer'can pass- m re sentencd today to ten ti J,."00 ln the Now York Coun altentlary. Stegler wa8 tnen u.. and p,eadecl guilty. He eatenred ,0 60 dnyg. ,mprlson. yFour meats nt Gordon's ou Mnrket Artnu. Tho prico U"tHllll,wl.oy0llt ASSPQR Established 1878 nn Tlio Cnmt Mio'I. ai i ifs pi fft .W.H.U ,ul AI UAHUAMbLLliS ENGLISH STEAMERS Hyndford and Blue Jacket Torpedoed in English Chan nel Off South Coast tllr Aiwoclaloil I'rcM lo Coos liar Tlmm.l (JliASdOW, Mur. 10. Tho llrltiHh Htennicr Hyndford was torpedoed to day In tho Kugllsh Clmunnl by a Geriiiun Biibmnrliie. It was reported Hint ono moinbor of thu crow was killed. tllr Ainorlatdl rrras lo Cooa llr Tlmca.J LONDON, Mnr. 1!). Tho Drltlsli Btcamur Hluo Jacket, with wheat, for Liverpool, was torpedoed by a Uorinnn Hiibmnrlno off Ilnnchy Head. Tho crow ook to the boats. Tlio steamer, nlthougii bndly damaged, remained nflont. Tho Hyndford wns 277C tons not burden, and tho Hluo Jacket 2271 tons. Ilcnchy Head Is a promon tory on tho south const of Kng lam1, projecting into tho English Channel. SH.NT TO IMtlH COUNT. Aiiicrlriiii Stcnnlll Willi Jlent Cni'jjo Oiih'ii-d to Hull Today Hr AiaocltteJ I'rcM to Cooa Hi)- Time. LONDON, Mar. 10. The Ameri can Hmbnsuy has bcon ndvlscd that tho Amorlcnu stenmor Marncas, from Now York for Rotterdam with a cargo of parkins hojiso products, has bcon ordered boforu tho Di'itlsh prize court nt Hull. Tlio steamer has bcon detained nt Kirkwall since March 11. SUIT AGAINST XKW HAVR.V Arpiiiifiils. In ?ltI,(i(M Action Com mence Todny nr AaioclatoJ 1'rcn to Cooa liar Tlmo.) DOSTON. Mnr. 1 0. Arguments In n suit of tho minority ntockholilors of tho Now Ilnvon rnllrond to ro covor for tho company npproxlmnto y ? 12,000,000 alleged wrongfully spout In tho purcbtiBO of railroad, steamship nud trolley Hues and in addition doublo that nmouiit In pen alties, woro mndo boforo tho Su premo court today. . Among tho de fendants nro William Hockofollor, Itobort W. Taft and tho Morgan es tate 1IOICX SUNT TO .l7H. nr Aaoclale4 rr to Coon a.f Tliuca.J ('ui'iiiiiu Who TllrTv"" "Up llrldgo lo Cnumlii is Held. DANGOIt, Maino, Mur. 1U. Wer ner Horn, chnrged with Illegal In torHtatu trnnspoitatlon of exilosvcs wiin held todny for npiiraranco' In tho Kodornl District Court in Dos ton. Ho was romnndod to Jail In Portland ponding hla loinoval to Dostou. HEW 1015 H Fl SKVKItAli liKSIDKXt'lffl AXI) A l'AUTMKXTS IX DIFKUIIKXT 1AKTS OK TMi: CITV WILL SOON III: KKADV FOlt OCCUPA TION' A. D. Loud's now homo on North Tenth street hill Is nearlng comple tion. John Hillstrom's 'now homo In Kornalo Is also rapidly ncarlng com pletion. Tliayor Grimes is putting tho finishing touches on his ?2,500 bung ulow at Twelfth and Flanagan nnd work Is well underway on Mrs. Rosa Prouss" now apartmont houso nt Ninth and Elrod. SU.MMKlt SCHOOLS STAItTIXG Of tho 87 school districts in this county, Superintendent Dakor in forms us tlmt 35, or about 40 per ..,. l,on en ii mnr KPllOols. as the)' VUlli, i.wiw om... ...-. are called, owing to mo uu " and m.a ralnv weathor ot tno i- Beason making it difficult for ....,ii., .iM.iiia n attend. Theso tor tho Igchools bogln in February, March 1 .... nn olv tn nnd April mm run " " ' iifno months CoqulMo Sentlnol. niH NEARiNG !SH MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1915 EVENING EDITION. aS ji apaini woni Of Allies 4 SEC. HIIVAX IS .", YEA I(S OLD TODAY lllr Aoclaloil I'rrai lo Cooa nr Tlmca. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Mar. 1 y Secretary of Stuto llrynn todny celebrated his fifty fifth blrthdny anniversary by oxclinngtng latlflcatlona of a pearo treaty with Italy.' Ho entertained tho employees of tho Stnto Department at n birthday party nnd tho Cub Inet nt luncheon. TURKS CLAIM FRENCH LOST BIG WARSHIP (Or Alloc lit ej Prn. to Cooa liar Tlmea.) CONSTANTINOPLE, Mnr. 19. (Wlroless to Ilcrlln nnd London.) Tho official Btatomcnt today sayx: "Our fleet early today bombarded tho shipyards nnd mnuouvorlng plnco of tho torpedo boats west of Thcodosla (on tho Dlack Sen, in Crimea, Russia,) and set tho build ings on flro. Tho Allied enemy fleet heavily shelled tho forts nt tho Dardanelles, which ropllcd of. foctlvcly, sinking tho French bat. tleshlp Rouvet." Tho French battleship Rouvet, 12,000 toim dlaplnccmcnt, wns laid down In 1893. Sho hnd n complo- mont of C21 men. Sho cnrrlcd two 12-lnch Kims, two 10.8-lnch: eight G.C-lnch, eight 3. 9-Inch; ten 3 pouuderB nud ten 1-poiindors, be sides two torpedo boats. TIE MEN'S PUCE British Government Calls on Them to Replace Soldiers Going to Front. Ill Aaawlatol rni lo Cooa liar Tlmw. LONDON, Mnr. 19. The govern ment la proceeding with n plan to mobollzo women to roplnco men needed in war. Upward of 700 vo-. iron willing t-i substitute for nion hnvo boon registered in tho last 21 hours. GIVE OlilPLE lOHO CHANGE JUDGE COKE DLCIDES TO SI'S ........ .... i . ii.y ci.'V'i'l'Vf'l.- nMP n.iui.M i. vi- .,.....- -"i OX ACCOUNT OF WIFE AND UA 1Y IX MARSHFIELD ..Judgo J. S. Coko has decided to glvo Jesso DalrymplQ another clmnco. Ho was convicted last yoar of selling liquor to a crowd or boys ln the Dlanco grid and was paroled until ho was cliargod with gambling. Ho has served sixty days of his nlnoty day sontonco and Judgo Coko has de cided to suspond tlio last thirty days of It during good behavior and Dal rymplo, who has a wiro nnd chlU'ln .Marshflold, will bo allowed to coino homo early next week. HAVE NARROW ESOAPE Uundon Llfo Savers Rcscuo Firi'ici liien Dining Storm Twonty-four hours on tho briny deep in opon boat during a storm was tho experience of fivo nandon young men this week, and only for tholr timely rescuo by a squad of tho llfo saving boys from tho local coast guard station, thoy would perhaps still bo riding the heavy seas. Two fishing crafts, ono an 18-foot open row boat ctntalnlng Rill and Jim Winegar, and I. A. Drown, and another, a 20 foot open row boat! containing James Osborno and Her-' bort "WK mil" Cotton Randonj World. N WOMEM T 11 Ti TT a o i ioi na Aid Agaiinisi Ueitedl Stat Senator J. Hamilton: Lewis De clares America Must Now Decide on Foreign Policy QUESTIONS RETAINING ' PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Islands Retained, America Must Have Second Fleet Chinese Situation Up Ur AaaoclaUd rraa In Cooi.Uij Tlmta. JEFFERSON Cl'rY, Mo., Mar. 19. -Warning that the United Stntes must no.w; ijccldo on a definite for eign policy wns given by Senator Lowls of Illinois, who addressed tho Missouri LeglBlutiiro todny. He said tho United States, should tie cldo whether alio should rctnin tho Philippines nnd maintain two largo flic ts, or leave tho Philippines nnd return to traditional foreign pol icy; "Should tho United Stntes find it nccesEary to forcibly protest against Japan forcibly seizing China, Japan would probably exnet of hor present nlllcs, England, Franco and Russia, to support hor ugaliiBt tho United States." II. S. PROTEST TD President Wilson and- Cabinet Consider New Note to Great Britain Today. CHINESE HOYCOTT JAPANESE HERE (Or Ataoctitdl I'rcaa to Cooa nrTlmn. PORTLAND, Or., .Mur. 19. Chlueso residents of Port lnnd todny declared n boy cott on all JapaucBo goodti In retaliation for domnnds re cently mndo upon China by Japan. A plckot wns sta tioned In front of every Jap anese store. (nr Aof lalM I'm lo Coin lUr Tlmi.J WASHINGTON, I). C. .Mar. 19. A notot') bo sunt to Great Ilrltaln In tho near futiiro protesting ngnlust sumo fou tn ret! of tho Drltlsh onlor In coiiui'll nnd usklug for moro du tallB uliiiut' other foaturos, wan tak en up nt toduy'H Cabluot muotlng. Part of the order giving notice that goods suspected of having an oiiomy destination sont to a noutral coun try would bo Uablo to selzuro, was undoiHtood ono of tho chief points to bo protested nguliiEt. A formal protest ngaliiEt tho boIuio of tho stoamer Muracas, ordored boforo tho Diltish p.-bo court, will bo filed with the Drltlsh govonimont. IJAXDDX WANTS WIRELESS That Randon should make a de cided effort to secure tho location of tho government wlroless station, which Is to bo moved from Capo Dlano, was tho qonconsus of opin ion nt tho Commercial Club moot ing on Tuesday night, nnd stops In that direction are now bolng ta kon. Tho committee appointed for tho purposo has sent tho following tolo grnm to Congressmnn Hawloy: "Tho ro-looatlon of tlio Capo Illanoo wire less station Is uiidor advisement by tho Navy Department. Tho City jf Randon offorH a feasible sit". Tho Commorclal Club will deem It a speolal favor If you will urgo tho department to adopt tho location offerel. (Signed) Randon Commer cial Club." Dandon World. Ifnnl Times Rail, At Eagles' Hull 1'or hhort and (nil Sntunlny night tlmCs, nil Good iiiwiIn at low prices at Gor lion's Cash Maikrt. Times want ods bring results. EHWSnt SHRAPNEL GREETS CALAIS ZEPPELIN 4 tl'r Aiworlalnl I'rma lo Com Ilajr Tlmcn, 4 CALAIS, France, Mar. 19. A shower of uhrnpnel greeted tho Zeppelin which rnlded this city Thursday 4 night and dropped bombs 4- which killed seven persons, without damaging thu rail- 4 way stntlon nt which It wns nlmcd. It Balled away when nrtlllory wns trained upon It. INDIA FEARS HOLY WAR IS GETTING WORSE Dr Atioclalixl rrm lo Cnoa Dar Tlmra. DELHI, India, March. 19. Sir Rcglunld Craddock, member of tho Viceroy's Council, mndo a declara tion that It was nccossary to arm the military authorities with spo clal powers to act In emergencies and nip ln tho bud nil manifesta tions of lawlessness. Seditious act ivity 1b' breaking out nfresh, ho said, Sir Rcglunld alluded to tho "cam paign engineered on tho Pacific Coast of Amerlcn, whonco somo do luded men hnd bcon returned dur ing tho Inst few months with tholr minds poisoned." Tho atntomont wns mndo in connection with tho In troduction of tho defcuso of India bill to tho Governor General of tho Council. Holy War ix On. Dlspntches from CoiiBtaiitluoplo said the proclamation of the Mo hammodnii holy war Is beginning to bIiow its effect In luilln. Rovolu tlonnry proclamations nro being clr culnted nniong tho nntlvo troops and In Dombay there has bcon fatal rioting. Myrtle Point Man Secures Freedom Today May he no Hearing Boy Arrested COQUILLE Oregon, .March 19. Clarence Russell, under urrest with his wlfo on tho charge of poisoning his brother, Arthur, near Myrtlu Point three years ago, today f iirnlBh. ed bondsmen for ?3,000 nnd'was giv en his freedom. S. F. Hood mid Mr. Wurner of tho Myrtle Point district went his bond. Ho far they havo boon unnnlo to furnish bondsinon for Mrs. Russell. Sho Is In charge of Hark Dunham, probation officer, owing to tho threo llttlo children. District Attornoy Llljoqvist has ooon ready for somo days to proceed with tlio preliminary but nttornoys lor tho Russell havo boon holding back, especially slnco Mr. Llljoqvist irorniod tbom that ho Intended to In troduce only sufficient ovldonoo to bind them over. It Is probable that thoro wllj bo no preliminary as the grand jury will take tho caso up Boon nftor April 1G. Hoy Under Arrest Ilozoilo Gai diner, a slxteon yoar old high Bchool boy, Is undor arrest chargod with robbing the Kolloy to bacco Btoro of about $20 worth of stuff the other night. Tho goods havo boon found but Gardiner still main tains his Innocence. Gardlnor lives v'th his brothor, C. W. Gardlnor, tormorly or Marshflold, who has chargo of the Klmo and Von Poggort shop. Gardiner's folks live at Hoise. Idaho. Two other lads, agod about 12, suspected of being connoctod with some of tho potty thieving trat has been going on woro ulven a talking to by the officials and allowed to go. Thoy woro not formally arrotd. Special sale, liilon Market, five pounds lard, 70c, 001 00 RUSSELL BUTNDNEFORWFE A Consolidation of Times, Const Mai) iintl Cons Dnr Ailvrrllsor RUSSIANS GI NORTHERN TIP OF m PRUSSIA, IRSI ATTACK DIES SUDDENLY John Volz, owner of n North Rend salouu and the broom hnudlo factory there, wns taken suddenly with a hemorrhngo nt 4:15 this nftornoon nnd died Iinmedlntoly nf tor his removal to Mercy Ilospitnl, being then beyond tho doctor's uld. FRENCH TELL OF tnr Anaoctiieil l'rraa to Cooa llnj Tlmta. PARIS, Mnr. 19 Tho offlclnl stutomuut this afternoon says: "At Notre Damo Do Lorctto, wo mndo oursolvcs mnstors of tho commun icating trenches which run frflin tho hill enptured by uh toward tlio vll lnso of Ablnln. Wo destroyed them nftor having killed, oxpelled or cap tured tho defenders. In Argonne, between Dolnnto nnd Four Do Paris after n violent fight, wo progressed 1M' motor. in tho Consonvnyo forest we repulsed a German conn tor attack last night and maintain ed tho ground Thuisdny. At Lea Epargcs wo won a Bailout point cast of tho positions lu which tho enemy hnd successfully maintained himself slnco tho fighting of lnut mouth. Wo repulsed two countor nttnckB yestordny nnd ono laBt night." SHIP COTTON" TO RUSSIA VIA PACIFIC Dr AaioclatoJ l'rraa to Cooa liar Tlmna. 4 SEATTLE, Mar. 19. Six 4 thousand bales of cotton for 4 Russia was Included In tho cargo aboard tho Drltlsh steamer Oanfn, which snlleil today for tho Orient. DIED LUTE TODAY HEAD OF WELL-KNOWN MARSH FIELD Itl'SINESS HOUSE SUC CU.MRS TO LONG ILLNESS FU NERAL XOT ARRANGED. Solomon Lnndo, ugod T2 years, owner of tlio Lnndo Dry Goods Com pany oi Front streut nud for 18 years Identified with thu business life of Murshriehl, died this after noon nt his homo on Park uvoiiuo after an IIIiuwh of two years. Def inite funeral arrangements have not yet been mudu, but It Is bulluvnd tho body will bo tukou to his old homo In Sail Francisco fur burial, Thu deceased loaves a wife, a step son, five brothers nnd threo sisters, nud a mother In Hun Francisco, who Is 88 years of ngo, Tho wife hau been at tho IkmIhIiIo of her husband for mouths carefully nursing him, whllo thu st'up-sou, Robert Dlllard, has buou conducting thu store. Two ot the brothers, Isaao and Jako Lan do, rosido lu Honolulu, another brothor, Albert Lnndo, In Now York, Israol Lnndo, lu Marshflold and My or Lando, In Medford, Mrs. Rortha Pochnor lives In' San Francisco with the other sister, Mrs. Albert Fried lander. Horn In Snn Francisco October 10, 18C3, Mr. Lando early boenmo In terested In art and whon a youth studied lu his home city under Toby Rosoiithul, a well-known" urtlst who later Induced him to study In Gar ni any. For Eovon years Mr. Lando stud ied nt Munich, Germany, becoming skillful in his nrt work nnd on the riuto ns wall. Ho wns awarded n Royal Diploma In Gormnuy and re turning to San Francisco nt tho end of sovou yonrs ho opouod a studio on Van Ness uvuiiuu. Tiring ot this llfo he thou enmo to Coos Ray about 1897 whore bin fathor and brother 1 hi awl Lando bad nlroady located. It was Hliort- L. oftm. Mini Mil fiillinr rntlroil G1S0 N GERMANS 1 10 from business nnd his son, Solomon i "Ix montlm ngo Mr. Lando wa Lando, then bought him out. forcod to Uke to his bud and slnco In 1901 ho niarrlod Mrs. AIoxpn- that tlmo has boon gradually full dor Watson. It was In the winter of j InK 1012 that Mr. Lando wb flmt takoiij He was a membp-ortho Wood Ill, coniplnlnlng then of llror trou- man of thiW-rf1(Pund nlso ot tho bio. but not until March of 191'1'IIluc Lorgo of Masonry. was his Illness considered scions and most of Hie summer of that year was spent In San Fr 'nclrjf r No. 204 Germans Admit Town of Mc- mel Has Fallen Into Hands of the Enemy RUSSIANS THINK HIM AGAIN AFTER WARSAW Minor Engagements on West Austrians More Active Russians in Armenia Ur Aaaoctatcil l'rraa lo Cooa nr Tlmra.J LONDON, Mar. 19. The now Russian Invasion of Gormnuy ap parently has led to tho occupation of Momel, nu Important Rnltlc port, at tho Northern tip of East PriiBsla. Rorltu reports today Indlcato tho Russlniiu hnvo entered tho city. Petrogrnd bollovo Von Hlndon burg has decided to launch a now nttack on Warsaw from tho West. Tho Russians nsscrt tho Germans hnvo abandoned tho attack In tho north nml nro concentrating tholr forces south of the Vistula, whoro henry artillery fighting Is undor way. Developments yestordny In tho Wcat woro n repetition of locnl en gagements slich ns hnvo boon usual during tho winter. Minor successes nro claimed by tho Fronch In North western Franco and Argonno. Ror 1 1 ii says Bovoral attacks by tho Al lies fulled. Tho Russian nrmy Invading Tur kish Armenia Is said to luu'o won nnothor victory, rapturing the Turk ish bnso on tho Rlnck Sea near the RtiBHlnn border. Tho Austrians nro reported roln forcod nnd nasumlug the offonulvo ngulu In Riikowlnu. ED u California Building Trades As sembly will Assist Caplan and Schmidt llr Aaaoclalcxl I'mta lo Cooa liar Tlmra.) ' SAN FRANCISCO, Mnr. 19.- -Moral nnd flimnclnl support woro pledged to David Caplan mid M. A. Schmidt, hold nt Los Angeles In connection with tho Times dyna miting, by a convention of the Stnto IliilldliiK Trades Council today. Rus solutions previously passed by thu Hau Francisco labor organisation, were adopted uiiaulmously, IQRU GIRL Miss Marie Wagner Defeated in Women's National Indoor Tourney at New York III; AiioiUte.l rrm to Cooa n; Tlmra. NEW YORK, Mar. 19. Miss Mol la RJurstcdt, tho Norwegian cham pion, won tho Women's National In door tounls championship horo to dny, dofontlng Miss Mario Wngnor, title holder, C-l, C-t. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR ATTENTION Membors ot Pacific Cominaiid ory and visiting Sir Knights uro rc iinwtoil to moot at the Asylum nt 11:00 a. in. Sunday, March 21st, for the purposo of attending tho funorul of Sir Knight Alfred John son t Coqtilllo. Train will leuvo at 12:00 o'clock, noon. Ry order of E. O. It. H. WALTER, Rccordor. ' COIISIlltlllK With BPOOlllllstS. About Sp'clnl sale, 1 nlou MaiUct, five i1'oiinils laid, 70c, i LABOR UNIONS TO G IN TENNIS GHAMPION I 1M 1 II I I V, Hi BZ2"W3L.n .91 - '" ""