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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1915)
PTY IS LIKE A GIRL; IT'S A WHAT A LITTLE EIXING UP WILL DO FOR IT The Aim The Armies WONDER TTf If I rx& v& arW 10 nlm lio always bi'Kht, uhnlcsomo nntl In- ilng, keeps (!io contents of ligli stundnitl of news excellence. AH (lio nil (lio (lino Is always (lio nlm NO. XXXVIII. PLOT id to Use Boirjbs for in and men naunur- Ite Reign of Terror IE SAID TO BE ATION-WIDE IN SCOPE fery or scnemc tany ined it Bomo was irown in Cathedral uoclit4 rtwt to Coo. Ur Tlmtt.l I'YORK, March 2. An nt- o blow up St. Pntriek'B ol with n bomb today, until t of two men by ilutoctlvos to bcon Informed for months nr.illtlnq wiin followed liv ioiiiicoinont ut pollco heml- totlny Hint tho nrrcBtB liked nit nnnrchlBt plot to Ih bomba Andrew Cnrnoglo, linckofollur. John I). Rock- I'jr., nnd other wealthy men. cr tho nnnrchlslH wore to Bto n reign of terror com- only to tho dnyn of tho I revolution. ba pnrt ot tho plot, tho po-. ort, for gnngs of men nrmod' lies nnd revolvers to uppoar (icoiiBly In various parts of to iilioot nnd plllngo. Tho 'bnnkB of Now York wore jlown up, nnd many wealthy iro to bo slnln. For ntontliR, Office dotcctlvos had work- iho Inner clrclo of tho nn- I. This dotoctlvo, Frank Dai sied In tho manufacture of bib with which tho attempt do to blow up tho cathudral. cctlvo nccompaiilcd tho bomb to tho cdtflco nnd snt with illo ho lighted tho bomb nnd It at tho altar. Imniodlntoly Jiodrul, In which 800 par- It nt worship, boenmo nllvo ktcctlvcs, Ilnltlo, sitting bo- ink Abamo, tho bomb throw- d him uiidor arrest. Dotcc n paw bohlnd, dashed Into and nut out tho sputtering Tho congregation hnrdly what had happened whon ovor nnd thoro was no LSoon after, Chnrlos (Jarbono ostcii as an nccompiico. 80 MEN LOS' ion in Shaft of New and Pocahontas Co. tombs Many Miners lunoolitcl Vim to Cm 07 Time. J PON, W. Vn March 2. iloslon occurred In tho mlno Now Rlvor and Pocahontns lated Coal Company threo from Thurmond, West Vlr- today. Tho mlno connocts Iiothor mlno, each employing ft, all of whom aro bolloved been In tho pits whon tho tm occurred. A roscuo party imedlntoly organized. badly Injured mon woro ros Tho nines of debris dolaycd 'rch of tho mlno. 3d Grand Jury Investiga- )n of Alleged New York Frauds ta"ltte4 FtiH to Coot Dr Tlmw.J PHINGTON, D. C, March 2. Went Wilson revealed today N had directed tho presont jury Investigation Into tho passport frauds. It was In- I, however, that unless In- pts were returned, tho United could not take notlco offl- of tho charges against tho tlc officers. WTKXTIOX ALL ELKS Inesday evening at the Lodge t the regular time of meeting vlll bo election of officers for rolng lodge year. Make It a lo bo there. Other Important bs to transact. Refreshments. HCHiSTS v ALMB IN H YORK FOIL IS A MIE ID ftSPORT PROBE T, D, James, Secretary, 'J'lio Times up to of Tho Times. Established 1878 ns Tho Const Mnll. IB KILL EO NO EXTRA HUSSION OF SHXATE NOW Mr AnocUlnl Pram to Com Hay Time, WASHINGTON, D. C, March 2. President Wilson statod tloflnltoly today that ho had abandoned plnns for an extra Bcsslon of tho Sennto Immediately nftor March 4th, nnd up to tho present ho had not Borlously considered tho suggestion ot n special scs Blon of Congress In October. ? SECOND CHILD OF Jilt. AND MRS. W. V. HICItFOHD, OF TABt HEEL, TO HITCU.MII WITHIN Wi:i:iC Wl LL 1XVHSTHSATE. I Fnyo Hlokford, tho throo-yonr-old non of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Dlckford, of Tnr Heel, died lust night nt North Hand nftor n Abort tllucso of typhoid fovor. A four inonthH'old child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ulckford died last week of tho snmo dlscaso and still another mom bor Is critically III. Tho dlscaso was contracted nt Tnr Hool, whore tho family "vim living whllo Ulckford was omployod In n cninp. Fred llarnnrd said last night that nbout a yonr ngo tho nnmo plnco on South Inlet ovldontly caused two othor deaths, n mnn and n child who wore there with n picnic party contracting typhoid fovor nnd Inter dying. Thoy ovl dontly hnd takou a drink from n well or spring' on tho plnco. Will Investigate. Coroner Wilson said this morn ing Hint tho spring or well which Is bolloved to hnvo spread tho Ill ness should bo Investigated. It Is likely Hint Dr. Culln of Coqulllo, County Health Officer, will prob ably Invcstlgnto It to soo If It Is contaminated. If It Is a woll, It can bo condemned nnd filled, but It It Is n spring It will bo more difficult to ollmlnnto tho contamination. Asldo from ondangorlng residents of that section, tho typhoid from tho spring might endanger othor wntor supplies. Mr. Wilson said Hint ho under stood that Chas. Stauft n yonr or so ngo had contracted typhoid from tho sanio plnco. T MRS. IIEXRY OI-SOX, OF HUN KEIl HILL, PASSES AWAV THIS JIOHXINO WAS SICK FOR SEVERAL WEEKS. Mrs. Honry Olson, nged 21 years, died nt her homo In Bunkor Hill HiIb morning at sovon o'clock, from an attack ot typhoid fever follow ing hor removal from tho Morcy Hospital but a short tlmo ngo whon Bho underwent nn oporntlon for ap pondlcltls. For sovoral .days Bho had been very low and yestordny the doctor told tho family that tho end was near. Mrs. Olson leaves a baby girl, ono year old; n husband who Ib n filer nt tho Smith mill, nnd besides her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. J. Larson, of Bunker Hill, threo sisters and a brother. Tho slstorfl aro Miss SIgna Larson, Mrs. E. Ahlqulst, of Bunkor Mil; Mrs. Roy Saubert, of Acme, nnd a brother Honnlng Larson, who Is now living in Salt Lake City. Tho funeral will bo hold from tho residence Thursday afternoon and tho services will bo In chnrgo of Rov. G. LeRoy Hall. This Is tho third death In tho last week from typhoid fover. CLASH OVKIt ItATKS. JHlwnukco Complains Against the Great Northern. (Br Awoclitrf Ttta to Cool Car Time.! WASHINGTON, D. C, March 1. Tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. M TYPHOID FATAL TD 10 1 0 FI 010 MOTHER OIQ VIGTIM MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1915 EVENING EDITION. Blockade Threats Bring Firm Answer f rm Pres? Wilson Today PLAN TO fORM U. S. RESERVE LEGIONS NOW CDr AnocIitM rrtx to Cooi tlr Times. WASHINGTON, I). C, March 2. Whllo awaiting n reply from Jlnjor Gonornl Wood, In command of tho Hast Department, to his Inquiry concerning tho launching of n inovomont In Now York for tho crcntlon of n .100,000 ro3orvo forco to bo known as tho "American Legion," Sccrotnry Garrison declin ed to lndlcnto what his official at titude would bo. At Garrison's di rection, Goncrnl Scott sont a clipping of tho published report to Gonornl Wood with tho request Hint Wood forwnrd nil Information obtnlnablo to tho subject. Tho headquarters of tho American Legion will bo oponod In Now York tomorrow and nn onrollmont begun at once, according to tho organizers. Already COO men hnvo signified tliolr Intention to Join. LOSi: TIIKlIt HOJU?. (lovei-iinicnt. ItcfiiscH to Hnvo A'ny IhliiK to Do With I'nlon tllr AMorlMod PtTM to Coot lltr Tlmm. NKW YORK, Mnrch 2. Col. A. L. Smith, depot Quarteriniiuter at tho United States Army building here, IebuciI n statement today through which It boenmo known that tho nowly Inaugurated Anior Irnu Legion linn boon evicted from tho qunrters obtnlned In tho build ing. Tho loglon 13 tho now unof ficial organization, whoso plan to enlist 250,000 formor soldiers, sail ors, guardsmen nnd othors ns tho First National Rosorvos, was made public Monday. Tho s'tatomont said that ofricos In tho building were authorized for tho uso of tho Lo glon through a misunderstanding of tho purpose for which thoy woro Intended. SHIP BILL DTE House Will Pass on Adminis tration Measure Late To dayNew Filibuster (Dr AwoUtt4 Trail to Coot Hr Tlraw.J WASHINGTON, D. C, March 2. Whon tho administration Bhlp bill was brought Into tho Houso again today, Republican Loader Mann, at inco blocked . all tho proceedings with n filibuster, nnd tho upHhot was that Republicans and Democrat!, ngrood to voto on It Into today, tnk lug up othor buslnoss in tho moan tlu.e. FIHST RELIEF SHIP LASTTIL ARRIVE Nordhav, Which Left Portland Sept. 11, Reaches Fal mouth. England, Todav Dr AwocltteJ rrott to Coot Ur TIium.J N13W YORK, March 2. Tho first ship sent from this country with supplies for tho Bolglana, ha3 been tho last to reach Its destination, ac cording to nn announcement today by tho Rellof Commission. Tho voi sol Is tho Nordhav, which sailed from Portland, Oregon. Soptpmbor 11 nnd reached Falmouth, England, today. More than ono hundred car goes have boon purchased and de livered. Blnco tho Nordhav Balled Sho has aboard 4020 tons of wheat which has almost doubled In value during tho voyage. Paul complained to tho Interstate Commerce Commission that tho Great Northern Railway discrim inates against it In favor of other roads in falling to make Joint through passongor rates from points in Washington nc 1 British Colum bia to points on tho complaining roads lines, IIIIH COME LITE wWtt MEMBERS OP THE ASSOCIATED THKSS Says No Nation Has Right to Change Rules of War Ba- cause Methods Change UNITED STATES WILL I NOT CHANGE POSITION I Asks England and France ! Hnu Thou Prnnncn in Harrv Out New Regulations Dr AuocUlei) r-wia (o Coot lltr Tlmtt. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jrnrch 2. Tho United States will send n nolo to Grent Britain nnd Franco, In nnawer to tho ono rccolvod yestcr- .dny, inquiring whnt meana will bo tnkon lu carrying out tho policy of holding up supplies being carried to nnd from Germany. President Wllsdn told callers today Hint tho British-French nolo outlined In very gonornl tortus n policy, but did not dofluo tho moans of carrying It Into effect. Presldout Wilson refused to dls cubs tho subject In dotal), but said no nation had tho right to chnngo tho rules of wnrfaro bocauso tho mothodo ot wnr hnvo changed. Ho ludlcnted Hint tho Uultod Stntos will not chnngo hor previous ly announced position, but will con tinue to mnko efforts to have tho belligerents rcspoct Amorlcnn ship ping of a non-contrauand charnetor. Ho Indicated that oven though n rcnl blockndo wore established, no a-) quostlonn affecting tho neutral ity of tho United Stntos would bo precipitated by continued voyages of American ships to Germany. RUSSELL CASE WILL BE HMD. 01 TO GET EVIDENCE IN Death of Mrs. Arthur Russell Soon After Husband Took Principal Witness PART OF PENTLAND'S ST0R.Y NOW DOUBTED Ill-feeling Existed Between Arthur Russsll and Mrs. Clarence Russell (Spoelal to Tho Tlmoa.) COQUILLK, Or., Mnrch 2. Tho gathering of links of evidence to support tho chain of clroumstnncos upon which they will havo to de pend for a conviction in the Russoll polHonlng enso noar Myrtlo Point, is one of tho most difficult tasks that District Attorney Llljeqvlst and the Shorlff'B offlco havo ovor under taken, District Attorney Llljoqvlit ronllzoa that ho will havo a hard cum ns tho th.-eo little children of Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Rtiisoll will be a strong unrd lu tho play of tho dofe-uso on tho sympnthloa of tho jury. So far, no accurate ovldonco has boon aoourod na to how Arthur Russell was poisoned. Ilia wife, who possibly wns tho only ono who would hnvo an aoourato Idoa of It, is now dond. Sho dlod nbout n yoar nftor her huibaiul, bolng a Vic tim of onncer. Mrs. Arthur Russoll Is said to havo been highly regard ed by all who know hor. Tholr four children aro bolUvod t? bo too young to lmvo, a vivid recollection or an accurate knowledge of tho events that tiausplrcd during tho Inst Illness of tho father. Mrs. Ar thur Russell's brother was thoro at tho time of his brotuor-iu-law's doath, but ho is uuablo to furnish any doflnlto evidence Thoro arc sovernl rumors about tho . moans used, but nono havo boon Btislau tinted. Arthur RubboII, It scorns, was a BUfforor from aouto lndlgostlon, and ho thought that this was what ailed him whon his fatal illnoss came on him, "lie wcb bo sure of It that tho parties called to attend him no coptod his own stntomonta as diag nosis of his 111. Dr. L. G. Johnson, of Myrtlo Point, who was callod to see Arthur Russoll soma time bo foro his death, will probably bo ona of the most Important witnesses In tho caso outsldo of Wm. Pent land. T. L Herman, of Myrtle Point, who was a friend of tho RussoIb, has been looking Into the caso consider SUBMARINES PLAN SEARCH Of VESSELS (Dr AMoelMfJ TrrM to Coot ntr Tlmri. BERLIN, March 2. In Its reply to tho American noto concerning tho Gormnn naval wnr zone, tho Gorman government ngreos that un der certain conditions tho BubmnrluoH will halt r.nd lnvostlgnto merchant men nnd will proceed ngnliiBt only such veseola ns nro found to bo cnrrylng contrnband or nro owned lu nations h'ostllo to Gormnny. Tho reply wiib hnnded today to Ambus Kiulor Gerard nnd It corresponds In general with tho forecast of oomo days ngo. 0 WHSTHUN PACIFIC (lljr AMorlalnl X'mm lo Ciwt lltr Tliiin. SAN FRANCISCO, March 2. Tho Kqultablo TriiBt Co. of Now York, fllod n petition with the United Stntos dls- trlct court hero today asking Hint tho Wostorn Pnoli. Rnllrond bo placed lu tho hands at n receiver. TA.MALI'H Will). AT Jl. IJ. CHURCH ably. Ho Is Investigating a story Hint Arthur Russoll had Buffered from poisoning somo years before his doath. Story Is Denied. Myrtlo Point people who woro on fairly intlmnto tonus with tho Rub boII families dony Pontland's story nbout tho Illicit rolntlons between the Russoll families ns bolng tho motlvo for tho nlloged crime. Thoy stato that thoy know that Mrs. Clnronco Russoll nnd Arthur Russoll hnd not been on sponklng tonus for a yoar prior to his death. Just what tho cnuso wns, thoy nro not certain. Howovor, Arthur Russoll Is said to hnvo mado remnrks con cerning Mrs. Clnronco Rusioll which ludlcnted that ho was In fear of her and is eald to hnvo nvoldod eat ing at his brothor'B homo on this nocount. Piiiitlnud Wan Sen red. Anothor report, which has not bean vorlflad, Is that I'onlland wns soared by allowed threats of Clnr onco lluissell soon nftor Pontlnml left tho- employ' of RubboII. It booms that Clnronco Russell had heard that Pantlaud hnd boon toll liiK portion of tho sonwitloiuil story, u I loh he afterward mado In tho form of n deposition nt Coqulllo. Tnen, according to tho story now tnld, Clarence Russell sont word or told pnrtles whom ho was sure would tell PoiitlHiid "that Pentium! bed bettor hit tho hilto." Clmigu Against IVntlauiI. In order to bo sure of getting ivntland, who will be tho star wit-, no: of tho proHooutlon, back into ! tho Btato, n chnrgo of lowd cohabita tion was sworn out ngnlnst him. This Is bnsod on his sworn .state ment of his relations nt tho Clnr onco Rutwoll homo. Pentium! could not be brought back on n subpoonn bill could bo cxtrndltod on tho chnrgo mado. Howovor, ho has waived extradition ami whllo tho olittrge has not been dismissed, It Is df.i'btful If It will ovor bo prosecuted INSUIHJ NOW A tolegram rccolvod this morning said that threo socallod Mutual Flro (nsuranco Companlos of Orogon hnvo gono Into tho hands of a rocolvor. Now la thb tlmo to insure In good rollablo companies. K. I. CHANDLER. Rop'rcsentativo nine standard com imn:e, solldest on enrth Paid Ad Times want ads bring results, A Cotwolldntion of Times, Const MnU anil Coo Itnr Ailvorllsor ' VIOLENT FIGHTING RENEWED ALONG BATTLE LINE II FRANCE TODAY ,LLM'S RKADV TO TA It I J COXHTA XTI NOPLI ' (llr AwkhUIM l'rmt to Coot lltr Tlmm. PARIS, March 2. Tho bombardment ot tho inner fort's of tho Dardanelles was resumed yostordny morning, imya an Athens dlspntch. Tho RiiBsInn Admiral dologatud to attend tho council of Ad mirals, has joined tho Al lied fleet In the Straits. ES Claim French Attacks Repuls ed and Some German Gains Russians Beaten tnr Amoc Ittnl 1'rwM to Coot lkijr Tlmet.1 BURLIN, March 2. (Wireless to Sayvlllo.) Tho official report to days says: "Renewed Froneh at tacks In tho Chnmpngno dhitrlrt have In moHt cases already boon ro inilsod. At somo places thoro woro hnnd-to-haud oiicouuters but lu nil of thoni wo woro vlotorlnun. Wo hold firmly our positions. In Ar gonno, wo havo taken several tronohoB. French attacks on Vau quolu were drlvon hack. Tho ad vnntngo won by us In thoVong08 during tho hut few days woro main tained despite violent counter at tacks by tho enomy. Tho French losses were ospeulnlly heavy during nn attack yostordny ovenlng onnt of Colics. "In tho Kast, Russian ndvnncos to tho southeast and south of An gii8t6wo forest failed. Tho Rus sian night attacks northeast of Lom za nnd to tho oast of Plock woro repulsed., PorBlBtont rumor that tho real cause of the Bunker Hill 6 fire Is known and that the man who accidentally started tho blazo has told hlfl story was afloat this nftornoou. 4 Tho nttornoys for tho do- foiiBo would noltlieu deny nor affirm tho report nnd that 41 thoy havo nothing to say un- til lator. What dlsclosuroa thoy. will mako Ib the matter ot much speculation. It Is known that District Attorney LlljoqvJst Is not Batliflod with the ovldouco submlttod ' and Ih now following Bovornl 'duos. . CUT HARBOR BILL llr Avaeltt' I'rtMto Caattltr Tlmot.) WASHINGTON, I). C. ' Mnrch 2. Adinlnlstrntlou O Domocrnts agreed today on n program to out tho rlvor V and harbor bill to $26,000,- 000, to bo expended by tho O War Department for present projects. ' 4 $ ONLY ONM LIFi: LOST ON KVKLVN WASHINGTON. I). 0., Mnrch 2. Aiuorlcan Consul Foo nt Dromon, reports Ml meinbors of tho crow of tho American stoamor Kvolyn, sunk by n mlno In tho North it Son, nro wife oxcopt ono flro- man. Thoro had been foars that Captain Smith nnd a r boat of salloru woro lost. Itetnln PohlHons. All ot tho om ploycos ut tho Mnrshrield postofflco aro In the civil sorvlro and coute quontly tho ehango In pustmastors will not affect thorn. This Inoludos Assistant Postmustor Frank Sumner It formerly was that postmasters ap pointed their deputy or assistant postmasters without regaro to riil service rules bjit this no longer ob tains. CouBoquoutly when Mr. MaLpln takes offlco. thore ill bo biivmHe chaugo. G EMU UUM MORE V CTDR of Kuropo nro engaged In a death strnggto which limy chnngo (lio limp ff (lio world. Km-h day brings new developments of vital Importance. Keep yourself pooled ronil News (lint Is News subscribe for Tho Times nnd "wlso tip." No. 189 French and German Reports Agree on Severe Engage ments in Champagne LOSSES VERY HEAVY FOR BOTH SIDES British Forces Gain Ger mans Apparently Worsted on Both Sides Today tllr AMoeUtoA Prow to Coot tUr Time. LONDON, Mnrch 2. Tho French nnd Gorman communications today ngroo Hint violent fighting Is un undor way in tho Chnmpngno region, whoro the AIllos bognu nn attack several days ago, nnd Hint tho losses nro iliniHually heavy. Borlln announces now French nt tackH with Btroitg forcos repelled in moat enflort nnd tho French losses as enormous. Paris claims progress for tho At llos at Bovora) points nnd nssorts tho GormniiB Hiifforod heavily. Apparently tho bnttlo Is tho Inrg ost nnd moHt sovorely contostcd ot any along tho western front slnco tho engagement nt Hotssons. Minor hatttoB occurred lu tho Vobkon nnd n report from tho Brit ish Commnndor, Sir John French, iiayii ground was gained by his army hut tho oporntloiiB In gonornl along tho lino nro unimportant ex cept lu Champagne. In Runslnn Poland, tho fighting apparently Ih less Intense following tho German rovorso nt Prr.asnys. although tho HubbIiuih nssfart they nro conducting n gonornl offensive movement. Borlln roporln Hint tho Runslnn ntta'cks at several points near tho Pruislnu border failed. Athonn snyH tho Allies resumed tho bombnrdiuont of tho DnrMnnollcs yostordny niornlng. FREiu TELL OE SEVERE FIGHTING (Or AiMHUtol I'reu lo Coot Oar Timet. PARIS, Mnrch 2. Tho official itntnmont this nftornoou eaya: ''Tho British ropulHOd n Gorman attack noar St. Kiel, south of Ypros. In splto of a storm, wo continued our progress hetwoon Porthas and Bonu soejotir. Northeast of Mesnll wo hold tho ohlot positions parnllol to our nttaoklng lino. In Bagntollo nnd tho Mnrlo Thoroso Boctious thoro baa been mlno nnd Infantry fighting In advnuco of a trench wo occuplod nfter hnvlng momontnrlly nbandonod It. Noar Vnuquola wo hold tho ground captured by two counter nt tackB. In tho Vosgee nt La Chnp olotte we captured tronchoa nnd ndvnucod 800 nietor." W SIGHTSEERS With CO passongorn, nbout hor comploto capacity tho Nairn Smith loft down nt two o'clock this nftor noou bound for San Fnmolsco. Sho nrrlvod In horo Just yostordny tnorn- In. Thoso who loft wore: James O' Conner, J. II. Flnnngun, Myrtlo Gorst, Wilbur Gorat, V. C Gorst and wlfo, L. G. Koatlng, M. Broylon. Geo. W. Josof, Paulino Jogof. Mrs. B. As tor. Mra. WUIlom Yntoa, Mrs. M. A. Dlotz, IS. C. Stlugor. Wlllam Yatoa. Robort Putora. Mrs. Goorgo Holt. Mrs. George Umgford. Mre. Mnlkrltz, Ted Faust nnd wlfo; P. II. Petorson. Paul Davie. J. Arnott, Dick Bmortson, Al bert Smalley, Chnrjoa QJS and at passengers lu tho stoerasu. Baniaolo To Sea. Th threo own ers, masters and iuomUr of the crow or tho gold eeUI"jj sbip Baru ado. stated tills morning they would loave out for son on tho tido this afiornoon. bound for San Francisco and Central Amorlca. A' compass ar rived on tho Hardy this trip; thev have charts aboard and bellce tUir Journey will bo n success. Tho mon aro D- M .Poste, Frank Harris and Sidney WHsou. I T ON II