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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1915)
Hat TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAV, MARCH 2, 1916- EVEWIHG EDITION. THE COOS BAY TWO t I ef I' I I i- m i COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONEV, Editor nnd Tub.. DAN B. SIALONKY, News Editor. Ottlclnl Paper of Coos County Entored at tho Postofflco at Mnrah h1i1 nrettan. for transmission Ihroush tho malls as sscond-clnsi I nail mnttor. SCHOOL AND ('OMMTNITV THE dedication of tlio now Coon lllvor Consollilated school ns told In Tlio TIiiich Monday ove liliitf, marks nu epoch In tlio edu cational advancement of Coos Coun ty. It Is nn ovont that Is full of i Inspiration to rural residents and marks Coos lllvor as among tlio most progressive communities on tho Pacific Const. It Is becoming moro generally recognized that school conditions ' depend Upon both general economic and general social conditions. Com munities that nro poor financially ! or thosu of low moral standing may ( maintain good schools, but as a , rtilo they do not. Rural school , Improvement Is a part of general rural life Improvement and conies or falls to como with rural forward movement nlong all Hues. This forwnrd movement Is com-l Ing most rapidly whero country communities nro organized for the hettormout of themsolvcs nnd the conditions under which they nro living. Jt would seem thnt such ' organization Is Imperative. Tho In-1 dlvlduallstlc life of tho rancher nnd farmer of two generations ngo . no longer exists. Tlio Beii-mini- clng ranch of former days remains only In very remoto nnd Bpnrsely fettled roglons. The ranch of (o Jity Is n commercial Institution on which tho energies of tho rancher nro given to a few special products. These arq sold, not consumed, by the family, nnd the money obtained li used to satisfy tho family needs. The rnnchcr lins becomo a part of tho community nnd his Individual progress depends upon tho commun ity progress. Formerly ho wns not n part of any community; Inter n part In educational nnd religious affairs only; todny ho Is part of tho community In commercial af fairs ns well, nnd his progross in commercial affairs demands thnt ho unlto his Interest with thoso of other peoplo In tho community. both ranchers and business men. It is not enough that tlio rural population rcnlizo that thoy nro n part of tho community. Thoy must npprccloto that if progress in oconni ! social and educational nffalrr Is to tnko place, they must organlzu Progress follows continued stint i.lntlon mul Interest Is continued only when It Is tho busluoss of Home ono or somo group to keep up the intorest, and tho greatost factor in this work on Coos lllvor vtlll be tho now consolidated school and making It tho social center of tint wldo-awnko, enterprising and progressive community. i ,, .I, -, 1 I mmSmmSmOSmm I m 11 ! i w&vr. rtv . m r vmkmm skos mr ; - " j J -lraSEa m Jz I nfan IP CLEAN UP Till: CITY. Editor Times: Yes, wo hnvo a City Council and n street depart ment, too, nnd wn hnvo tho grcntost crop of dirt a city over grow. You can boo It all nbout--lt matters not where you go In tho resident district mid vacant lots unsightly thoy show. Tho City Council sponds our dough for lots of things we'll never need, but they haven't time nor menoy to do a necessary duod. Of courso wo'd llko to lmvo our city alwoys looking trim and nent If wo hnd a "crowd" with prldo, It certainly would bo n treat. Yes, wo hnvo n City Council nnd a Mreot department, too, but some how thoy cannot seo thnt there u auythlug to do, - Clonn-up. Times Wnnt Ada for results. JLf JlP JLf iThe Standard Skin llcmedy Instant Relief K Skin Troubles The Guaranteed Remedy men nni'fi STom: J CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I DAY AND NIGHT BEIIVIOE I For tnxl, phono 20. Chandlor j Hotel. j For touring cars, phono 20 Chandlor Hotel j LYNN LAJIUKTIT, Prop. j New Cuii i j New Oars 1 4 GHIMNISYa FIUB PLACKB J. N. BAYLISS i Any Klud of Brick Work at Prlcos That Are Right And all AVork Guaranteed Call at "Tho Fireside," Johnon Bids., 137 Second Bt. Phono 34-J. French Ranges. Dollar Work - T ROSCOE (FATTY) ARBUCKLE and MABEL NORMAND, World Famous Keystone-Mutual stars. L-l 121 1 Business Is Business . Ily IIHHTON IlllALKY "Uuslucss Is buslnosH," but mon nro men Loving and working, dreaming, Tolling with pencil or spade or pen, Itoltftorlng, planning, schomlng. "IIiihIucks is busliiesH," but Iio'h n fool Whoso business hns grown to Biuothor His faith In men mitl tho golden rulo His lovo for a friend nnd n brothor. "Huslncss Is business" but life Is life Though wo'ro all in the gnmo to win It Lct'srostsometlmcafroin tho hent and strife And try to bo friends n in I mi to. hot's sook to bo comrades now and then And slip from our golden tether, "Uuslnoss Is buHluoHS," but men uru men And wo'ro nil good pnls togothor! 3DC 3D uacr a war A BIGGER army an' navy ain't any like lier to spread the germ" in tins country than mo' doctors are to make mo' sick folks. (&&" Peace and content radiate from a pipe of VELVETriie Smoothest Smoking Tobacco. This Kentucky Burley de Luxe with the aged-in-the-wood mellow ness gives all the slow burn ing satisfaction usually associated with "strong" tobacco. Yet VELVET is the coolest and mildest of smokes. incQ U - m- iriu' II )JlLCZ3' A Few of Our Permanent Specials ENGLISH WALNUTS, per pound ,J5c F1HST-CLASS C1U3AM13HY HUTTBK, fresh 2-pound sqlinro Too COOKING APPL13S, -1 tlor, per box S1'00 Wo carry n full lino of Vmsh ogetubl.-s anil KnilK Wo Hnvo You Jloney Get ti Kocelpt. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House- PIioiio HIM-.!. BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus nnd undivided profits UHD.OOO.OO OFFICERS: J. W. nonnott, Prcsldont Arthur McKoown, Socrotnry Tom T. Uonnott, VIco President nonnelt Svvnnton, Treasurer Transacts n trust business only. Acts nn trustoo of oxprosB trusts and nlso ns executor nnd ndmlnlstrnlor of cstato3, Tho only Trust Company In Oregon outsldo of Portland organized undor now trust law In this Btnto. , Kooniz Garage Agency for OVERLAWD CARS GOOD YEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: :: Phone 180-J Marshfield-Nortii Bend-Empire Auto Service Leaves MnrshfleM at Jinny Corner 10:00 n.iii. 2; 00. p.m. 5:00 p.m. Leaves North Ilciitl in min utes later Lvnrcti Empire. 8;.'!0 a.m. 11:. "JO a.m. H:H0 p.m. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has been a hobby with us for a good mnny years nnd n lot of our customers will toll you when it comes to gottli.g good, sound, durablo framing mntorlnl nt tho right price wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build nnd the amount you wunt to spond nnd wo'll got busy with our pencil and flguro out tho best your uonoy can buy. Try us. v iU fcn.-ft.lkt tU s r .fliitu-t iiJj C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItKTAIL DKPAUTMIJNT CUT THE I-'UKL IIIIjL 1 TWO IJY USINO ODIt WOOD PHONR inn 1HU HOUTII MKOAHWAV IN FIRST AND AFTER COSTS FORD CARS TJT13Y SAVE YOTJ rONEY Front Street ISAAC R. TOWER Affcnt Coos and Curry Counties. "THE GUNNERY" Marsh field, Ore. Abstracts rdit nnrjAnu: aiistuacts ok titkb and im'ukmation aiioux COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAItSIIKIRIil) AND COQUILLU CITV, OIIKGON OEXKRAIi AGKN'TS, KASTSIDH AND SH.VGSTACKEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOIt CANADIAN PACIKIO ItAILltOAI) LANDS 1IKN11V SENGSTACKEN, MANAGEIt The man who stops advertising because he is prosperous is like the engineer who shuts off steam because he is going jYOU AUTO CALL l FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS PIioiio -.'(IO-Ij. I Night and Day. I Might Cafe. tiood Cars. Careful Drivers D. L. FOOTE. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" alno principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend SAVE MONEY ly ordering tho ratnoua HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, por ton $1.00 Lump Conl, por ton $0.00 ur. iiaii ion or uotli 5.00 1). MUSSON, Pi op. Phono 18-J or loavo orders at lllllyer's Cigar Storo. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA Times Want Ads Bring Results All Kinds of Job Printing Done nt The Times Office AIN'T IT TIFE TUUTII. Wo uovor blntno the tailor when j our pants wo bavo to pin, j Wo never blamo tho shoo man I when our soles grow old and I I thin. j Wo never blawo the hatter I when our lids wo have to I flout, But we always 'imo tho laun- vdry when ou. anirts wear out. I COOS DAY BTEAM LAUNDItY I Phone 57-J. I SOUTH COOS ItlVEH WO AT I I SE ItVIOU I I LAUNCH KXPIIESS I j leaves Mnrsli field every dny j j 8 u. m. Leaves head of river j nt 3:15 p. in. I j STEAMEU KAINI10W j j leaves head of river dully nt 7 j n. m. Leaves Mars"leld nt 2 p. j m. Tor charter apply on board. I j WOGEHS & KSIIT1I I Proprietors i HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. A " MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for .Good Meals. Prices Reasnnahlp I Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y s Important Notice to Property 0i mr: no a nrrcnDiDTinM nr- . Arr mil i nn-rWM -nn .. .. ""HI TAVCO OM OAH.r- .... " W .iwxuo un oimt. SHERIFF DOES NOT NOTIFY YOU FIRST 111 m OF COOS BAY Se'du Deposit Bancs For Itint, PKlOEIBISl OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY Established I88U. I rkvmf! 'MlVnhln n J TT ! aPiwi) wtpiua aim unai Profits $118,000 I teres t Paid on Tlnio Dcpoilu Officers: J. W. Iloniiett, President. J. II, rintinKiui, Vlre-Prosldcnt. It. V. Williams, ChMiIit. Geo. 1 Wlnclicitor, At,( To Portland every Thursday To Eurehl every Moa THE FAST AND COMFOItTAULS S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPKI) NOItTH PACJl'IO STEAMSHIP CO. O. F. McGEOHGIO AGENT W.H.I Phono M. Marshflold Phono tll.Nril EQUIPPED WITH WIIIKIjESS. SteamsWp Breakwat , ALWAYS ON TIMK. SAILS I'ltOM MAHSIiriEld) lH'WING M MICK OX IK LOWING DATES: HATUHDAV, M MtCII It AT I I'.St, DAY, MAItCII l:l, AT H A. SI. TIOKETh ON RALT3 AT POItTLAND CITY TICKKT OITOl AND OAK OTUKETS, POItThAXD. Phono afl-J. 0. II. HXDEM MM GEU I MMSPDHT1 Scmi-weoUly aorvico Coos Bay and San Frail STEffllSHP BM wii.r. KAim i.'if SAXPirAXrisro 1'OH COOS Wt WEDNESDAV, SI MICH 8IIIVATJ"1 Equipped wltb wir okjss mill subiiarlflo bell Jassenpfors and ireignL, STEBIP II II! Equipped with wireless and submarine belL Passonf?ers and frciclit. M..rr t...r ....,. ...,.o.....i.n. i.-nir civ rit.txcijrt ......,r,.,x- Mlf II 2X1). At "1 Ban Francisco offico, Greonwioli street pW l rtnn 1-1J? 1 linn anu ouu x'lio uimuiug. i Coos Bav Afient. 0. F. McGkoroe, Pfl FUEIGHT. mm l i cc u SMt FltOM THUS fln Francisco PJor No. 2ti. Evory WodneBdar 3 P.M. Phono 87ft. Coos Day Evory Friday To Pbrtland And Tuesday To San Francisco TnOMAS H. JAS1ES, Agent Ocean DocK portly Albert w-j Puget Sdwnd Bridge Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Ojjjjfl uumruciC rLHIl I O run nry-- Our Coos Bay office has available for ui work the Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, best equipped mid most lllor9U' Pncltic Main I Seattle, ;MJ' .mi(v.i.w.i. i. ,,i..... .li,. iiiwitifii in Pnrlflc w Cnns Rnv Main .ffl Marshfield, Oregon. .V1 J1 f,f i rJb-Xi ZZL v- A- Ml .Mfctafi s