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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1914)
j k , 'essar" jBwn,"Hyy , ' ft ; ; i wmmm ( 3LlHJ.ll 1 II CUfeMffiSHifAt Mki I.iJ IH.S.liM f.ii.c i I f M It f . i f " ' . I ,.. .....-..t- ... .... ........ ,., ,...,. .... -u. .......... T,IA I 1 IBnHJHHBMMWB t u i, i f mi COOSBTJMESIJLIItTO DLTUI I LOT'S HAVKKAIKl'liAY niipu THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OttflOH, M0NPY, NOVEMBER 16, 19 14-EVENING EDITION, i'MU ESEEI '"fcW4-'iiiiiiA4i P T,S.TSSUSri,,,l!If ESSS southern Pacific Reported to L " Mt' ? 'oft " Have Taken Over All of Eur eka Line ("Ian txiunsiuii. BOAT IS for tho most part along nn onsy I . .i.i rrn tlin 3niitltnrn fiions.iii.un '"-,, Ettch L. ?'.i. oiv mmllilatcs Is a well .. . ' ro,in wnnlil offor tho Soutlicni taown "ind Vcspcctod citizen nnd BAN ANC.HUU oi ..,-.. ,ciri' now entry Into San Fran- buslncBB man or mo """"""" iniincini circles uuiu ov... . C3C0 froni uio norm mm """ r 1 1 1 in iiiiu . . a i. nr i ii.inin t nil nnnuv i'i iiui-n mill ii l UlllllllliUU Hiu !".; n- -- flcult operating comlltlons over tno Siskiyou mountains. ,,,,,, It was pointed out tlint It the courtB sever tlie Southern nnd Con- trnl Pacific properties, leaving i ' , Mendocino and Humboldt counties. c.m fnr Mm stretch of rough ... .i.i,. din aniitlmrn nnrt couiury "'( "'"""." , ,lo the Eel Hivcr, every miio "' "" road Is n fine revenue producer. Tho nbovo dispatch lends color to the Btory published last fall Hint tho Southern Pacific Intends eventually to cxtenu mo nuuiiwcore..! . ..v.... iSLSSlSS. '& ; Forty-threeFoot Cral to i Take now under construction wcsiwnn r-nm rctiPfinn. Such n link, bum i PROFESSIONAL F DRTUN ERS ....... i. ni.i in rnvnr oi nnu wJ.mBL.?. i.i ',, force for ?r iiiny . i...HHiiAtitntit Mint iivn nr bo said wt!i equal forco tor, ,,Kgcat railroad deals over con . .1.-Mmr'd rniniinrlsons are, v,,u "1,b ,' ,. i ,,.,, i,nii nny of tho other).' CoiniwrlBonii arc , "' CnUfornB were about often Invidious as well as dlous. To '' u throUB,,. The, deals nf SLfnflRL?," 1. .lhR YmU 'of I feet tile. Southern i'aclf c. North- soU.Bhc libel him Is i pt onl) 'Mil Jiwln qd "", ncCortlliig to reports, as ings-out off from connections with fair b(it poslttvoly malicious. co P'oicu u ," . t. . Cclltrnl Vncilc lino enst- sjHSHksms tim ntmrnincrfl and nudlt tun Mama i u uisli their re- vldual Judgeincnt. hcrnllOI'"n ' ' ,v.,,,'n Santa Vo, ncronllnu to nn ffiiTVr0 this incident of abusing , to t - Sou ern Pac Ic wMeh one of Uio canuHiaicsnommK ..-.-." - - 'inpmnn antn Fo jiroporty and tho Santa Ia plans vcIo)ouY Indicating any special nucs tlon Involved warranting Uio revival of factional Issues or dlvlslvp strife, factors thnt should at all times be avoided In municipal affairs. This paper equally ueprecaies mu ..nntlnnl rnMlliatriH-tlnil lit tllO NOrtll orn Rlectrlc for use as n steam rond as well as an electric lino. l)y ncntilrliiR control of tho Nortn- lHliy UL'IMLXivun v.i.11 ijy awi .... ...rt w.... - - --- Injection of tho question of "wot nnd orn Klcctrlc the Snntn I-o win got drr" at this election. The sovereign i wnnt It nns long waiucu u tunuu wlll 6f MiJ peoplo on this question tion of feeder rondB in the 8ncra- lma. nirnniiv uoon cxiircsnuu m -"'nieiiio vam-'i. im;iu " .. "". . .' . . j-.i .!.. ji, ii. i. polls and It hns decroqd that the li quor trairic aim Baiouu bhi """ lBhcd rrom Oregon January 1, 191G. That dato was officially fixed on tho ballot. It docs not mean Janu ary 1, 1916 or tiny carllor dnto than tho ono specified. No matter how nl nn millllt iL'Iltpd OVlI VOU may think tho saloon Is, nevertheless tho saloon man is en Hxn n.1,1 rnli ulnv tho othor man. Heretofore his business has boon recognized as lawful and licensed by tho state. Now tho stato through Its peoplo has Issued a decree of banishment nnd fixed tho dnto of Its enforcement. This now law Bhoiild now ho permitted) to tnin itn mil ran without In torforpilcc. ."...... ....!.. . IKI..H. ....I., foll i nniB omy juhiiuu. uuu n m) . ..!.. n...i rrl.rt rri.tmu M. Iti If Hin tunlnr. f I ty of tjio peoplo of tills community will nlu'nvn nlntiil fnr llinftn tWO cnr Unnl principles In tlio decnloguo of every good American. ,.n If wnti nnlil. n direct lino from San Francisco to Sacramento by way of Vallojo, a favorite- project With tho owners of tho Northern Electric beforo It wont Into tho hands of Itecolvor J. 1. Coghlnn. If tho donl goes through tho Rniitliorn Pacific will hecomo nolo Is, nevertheless owncr of t))0 Nortliwcstorji Pnclflc.iod down inn ntltlod to JHH-'mhhlilK- tlironglt , .Marin. ,Ponoia.M"y they did o same as any i !- -.-- - - ward from Sacramento, tho Shasta route will bo broken. SAIiMOX FISIIINd HIIASOX Frldav nioriiliic nl six o'clocl overy flsh6rninns salmon net on the Day must bo out of the water. This Is tho law nnd thoro will bo no moro salmon fishing until the season re opens on December 10. It will then bo on until nbout tho middle of next March when tho fish again seek tho fresh wntorB to spawn. With tho closing of the Tallnnt Cnnnory thero ends perhaps tho most successful season they havo had In ninny years. Between 10,000 nnd 11 000 cases of Balmon have been pnclc cd nnd slnco August 10 n crow of 23 men havo been kept constantly nt work. Tho run of fish up tho Day thin year Iuib neon tno oesi in almost 10 years since tho mlddlo of October, tho holght of tho aon- Bon, tho daily catches navo uwinai- til I'Ttuny nnu snuir- not exceed 400. Dut Ul IJ-llll UU I WUl Ul ail w Y"' Four North Bend Men to South American Mines Thousahds of miles on tho open ocean In a small sen-going gasoline nnd sailboat but 43 feet In length, trnvollng to Central and South Am erica In search of gold Is tho romnn tlc nnd adventuresome trip to bo tin ilortnkon by four men of North IJeiid , Their craft, which was built on Pony , Slough now lies at tho docks there i ready for tho Btcp'plng of tho mnsts. Down past the equator the men ex pect to go In quest of their fortunes, traveling for until their search will ho rewarded. Not until then will they return, say tho adventurers. Tnoro who will make tho trip aro I). m. Prist. Slil Wilson. Frank Harris, and Andrew Smith. Doth of the two former men linvo traveled through tho mining country which tho party oxpoctB to visit. Harris also lias been In these regions and Smith Is nn experienced engineer nnd will have chargo of tho engine. Tho boat la built with accomoda tionn for bIx pnBSongcrs. TJierp nro tanks for n goodly Bupply of oil and gasoline, though when posslblo tho men dcclnro thoy will uso their sails. Some tlino next week tho boat will be given Its first trial wiieu mo niun will take her out over tho Dar. this is n fairly good result for this !..... ,.f Mm vnnr. nut' (million 111011, As the packed cases havo been clacked in tho cannery thoy have boon shipped north to ABtorln, the headquarters of tho Tallant firm niul from thoro Coos Day salmon nro shipped lo all parts of. the worjd. Quality Not Premiums E. Lothartl McClure DIRECTORY Practice, in ill S !H. H. Haroer llnitur. ii,.. aonornl Repairing 'rab , Phono 349-J. 20 for 10 cents Sfdom st JtobacUnd in CAMELS pro hibits any other "inducements." You can't make Camel Cigarettes bite your tongue, or parch your throat and they don't leave that dgarclty aftertaste. Remember, Camels art 20 for JO cents, so sUtce a dime today. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winslon-Salem, N.C. W. T. 7ompkins, D. s. T I (Wcltmcr Mclhodo i iirvory Known dlseasa' t , . without drugs or Biirge?yir ind 2( 237 South llrSiSta?001 1 Phono 13M. gL, 1 1. M. Wright Ta-; nUlLIIINQ CONThArU Estlmatoa furnlalieg on iJJJ wmMm$ utti3fcra!liAC&tn' i3fi"isnHjji ii i -.. wnRHinnnn'TflTinDI Hfl ITR-OGLiinluTUulnllUNby, : ' HHHHBBHHHBBiiBBB"1 ,v . t. News of Nearby Towns coi.n ukacii xucfJi-n'H ny CuiTy Cmnty KvoiiIm us T hi 1IH) filODC. lnmnn nin4 Tolinr had a most nnr row escape from death Thursday. Whlln wnrklni; nn tlio trail bOtWCOIl it, I. nlnrn nml lllntlOO. nn OVOrllCad Blldo.Bwept them off tho trull to tho bank of tho rlvor somo fifty foot l- nM Thnilifli nrnllv Imdlv bruised tlio boys wore ubhi to walk homo, but Tullor ht least wm navo 10 hiu lltni.i tnr utivim flllVR. Geo. I). Ohouowoth, county com- nilr.sloiinr, In is town, aiiotiiiiug mini tv iwinrl. Tllln In iilioilt hlB lllHt all jieairauco and ho says ho Is glad of It, nnu Hint nououy ih going w wmu nny. county comiiilsHloner'H offlco on him any more. I t Willis,. Mooro was tho victim of an ncoldont tho othor day, that will lay hiH up for n whllo. Whilo on IiIh way to Ills homestead a soft place In tho rood gavo way under Ills horso, throwing him off tho grade. Willis was caught under tho animal which rolled over him. Willis sustnlncd n broken shoulder nnd wnH other wise badly bruised. Ilo was. fortu nhto however, that ho wnB not moro eerloiiBly Injured, llmilnn Kranl In fill) nf fllin Plll- noQkB nnd coiiHldornhlo sport Is had , ironing ior inoin. uruggiM ivnurr hooked tho dandy of thorn nil n few days ago, but llko all tho big fish, got.nwny tnklng Mr. Knorr's rigging wllj hi in. Thero nro somo mighty mean snags In the hole. Milan I). Smith mid Mtb. I.num M9IVUI0 Biirprlsed- thulr ninny friends in, tins conimiiuiiy touuy uy iuiuuki each othor hb llfo partners. Tho eer ninony was performed by Itov. John1 W. Iloyt ut 3 o'clock this afternoon. The (Hobo Joins their friends lu eon- KratuinuouM nnu nem wiaues HUM OKI) KCIIOOfi At tho speclnl meeting of tho vot erii nf School District No. 54, In the High school building Frldny oven- liur Mid Hflinnl Hnnril Wiih nuMinrlzed ' to soil the old Bchool house for n sum of not less tli.111 $5000. Tho build ing In qiuHitlnu, situnted on tho bluff ndjolnlnng the IKo saving station has not boon used for school purposes for five years. After tho burning of their church throo years ago, tho Presbyterians used the old structure na a meeting plaen until the chunk .at Sovouth Street nnd Franklin Ave nue wris completed. At tho present time the Illglk School basket ball team Is using tlio lurgo room on the I second floor s a prnctlre hull. The report that tho city may buy tho building nnd remodel It for a city hall is meeting with some crltl clsm,pn nccopnt, of the location,-- Htm doiij Heoordor. JIUVVN l'I),TNt'M KCIIIiMK. J. C. Miller nnd hiiis, Merlon uud Amos, havo about eoinpletotd arrange incuts to begin mining on t'.-o bluff at the. old Phelps beach mines soiu, 6 mlloB north of Itoguo river. Thcv wjll york tho tailings loft there by minora In oarly dna whon platlniuu wna not considered worth saving. T.huso tailings which aro now cover ed, with two or throe feet of dirt nnd soddod over with grass, are very rich lu platinum and Mr. Miller U confluent that in starting off they can aayo as much as an ounce a day of this metal, but Just how extensive th,o deposit Is thoy do not know. Plat' Inuin Is worth at tho present time over $1Q0 por ounce. Port Orford Tribune. VK1 IN MAItSHFWI.D John Coy and Mrs. Alice Coach were married tit Marshfield last week where (hey wil mnko tholr homo Hr Coy was raised near Itoguo river and made this county his homo until about two years ago when ho moved to Coea County. Port Orford Trl-i JJUUe, .. , . I Overstocked HMMflHMHHHMHSVflHHNHMRMiHHHBV9flVHHHflHiv4MMB&" Forced to Unload 'Or. H. M. Shaw 1 Kyc, Mar, Nosn nnd YhroiL ! ClIiAHHIW WTTCD Hit. MATTIK II. SHAW ' IHseas-H of Women an,j n.,,. Office Phono 330-.I. Itoom, 20" j?, 1 202, Irving mock. ' ' 'Benjamin OsDind CONSULTING JtNGINREn AVn Offices. 20C Irving Block "?hono 103-I4 or 2-J. ' MarVhlleld. Orew L W. G. Chandler Alrnnifi.vm Rooma 301 and 302, Cuke DulUij. Marshfield, Oro.vm Scmi-wcoldy sorvico Coos Bay and Sau Ih-ancisco. STEAMSHIP REDOWDD Wm. S. Turpen AitciiiTrrrr Marshflold, Orejon. HII-S IMIO.M SAN FHANCISCO FOIt COOS HAY H' MONDAV, NOVKMHKU S3, AT Equipped wltlj, wiross nnd subrnarlnc uell i'asseHgers anu lruinu p. si. mmmKmjmmmmMmmmstmmmmmmmmcmmmmmmmtmmmmamM&ma 1 .no - ' I CHI I TON AND ni7p waist 8pi:ciai 9.1.75 H7..10 I'l'ltH MNKN WAIST, HPI.CIAIj HI.IH is CltKI'U IH4 CHINK WAIST BPKCIAIj HI.75 a.a.i MNOKItlll WAIST KPKCIAI OHe 1 IiAIu:k' SI U5 FINIJ MUKI.IN (JOWNH KPKCIAIi 8D0 I'A.MItltK) (JOU.VS HPIX'IAIi Wo Mill lutvu 011 walo overy day during tlio KntJro Hnlo Hpuclnl ldii'KiiliiH that wo ilhln't Imvo tlio tlino nml mmiiii to display on tlio openliiK ilny, hut yon don't wimt to tliltik If yim don't .co what you want advertised (lint It Ih not on Nile, as every article In tho entire stock Ih on wile. Wo nuiHt. rodm-o this htock huveinl lliiiiiwinil dollaiH heforo ne.U Hiituidiiy night. If It In convenient ror you to loino ocry day you will nlwiiyn find a har guln. Wo have added a few Specials for toiuoiixiw mill nir HiIh ueelc, nr as long iih they last. H.1c IjACH TltlMMKI) COltSKT COV- KHS SI'KCIAli .Hie MK.VS 1M.ANNKI. SIIIHTH HIMH'IAIi 9l.:m STERHTSHIP NHIN'SMITH "" Equipped with wireless and submarine bell, Passnnirors and freight. SAILS KHOM HAN KltANCIHCO KOIl COOS HAV H AVKDNKSDAY, NOVKMHKU IH AT P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McGeoroe, Phono 44. Mrs. Olivia Edman, M. T. 0. 3WKDISH JIAH9AOB AND Ma ICAIi GV.MXASTIC9 FOK ALIj DLSIUSES 3.t7 Coniiucrclnl arc. l'hoce JlH Joel Ostlind PIANO TUNKH AND irfPAma Loaro crdora at W. R, HfUsti' 1(4 tic Company. US S. Sixth Street Fhoco HH, Perl Riley Ballinper PIANIST ANI) TEACHER Rcsldonco Studio, 217 No. JMiJfc Pbone 308-U ' PASSENGERS FREIGHT STORAGE 81. 7.1 l.ADIKS' IMNK OAMUHU' I OMItlMATIO.NH HPKtMAIi HI.IH 9U7..10 TO 8TUKI5T DHKSSKS, 9t.75. This lot of nbout fifty dresses wo think Is ono or the best values oVor offered for tho price. Thoy nro nil now garments. Somo of them havo not boon In tho Htoro ton days and thoy come in somo very pretty combinations add colors, such ns eropo do chlno hml satin, poplin and satin, Rajah cropo and many othor combinations and thoy aro regular values from $27.50 to $34.50 nnd thoy will bo priced to unloml quickly at 910.75 MKN'S 92.00 FliANNKIi Hill UTS HPKCIAIi HI. it.1 tt.1u NKCKWKAU HPKCIAIi Lie ARROW LEulUlIM -SAIL TltOM- 5nn Krnnclsco Plor No. 20. Evory Wednesday 3 P. M. Cnos Hay Kvory Friday To Portland Ami Tuesdny To San Francisco THOMAS II. .TAMKS, Agent Ocean Dock Portland Albors Dock No. 3 Every Saturday 0 A. M. Mitrehflcld. KOONTZ GARAGE Fxcelslor Motorcycle Aresxj I LEE TIRES AUTOMOIULES stored OOOS COUNTY'S .MOST COJIPIIH MACHINE 81101' MAUINK ANI) AUTOMOBIUl, IlEPAiniNQ I OAHOI.INR FOIt SALE SOUTH FItONT ST. I'HO.VB lftl UATTKIUKS IIEPAIIIED W OIIAnQEJ) ) Phono 27B. ' I , ' - " FINK LACK TltlMMKI) lOMIJIN.TI.S 9I.DH UVDIKS' 7.V FINK 1.IS1.K VKST HPIX'IAIi inu LADIKS' quo hwiss uiniiKi) VKSTS HPKCIAIi iUte IiiXDIKS' 92.00 FINK UH1.K liAOK TltlMMKI) IN ION SUITS HPKCIAIi 9 1. on 92.25 UVD1KS' WlllTK WOOli UNION HUIT SPKCIAli 91.00 I.ADIKS HUIT VAI.UI'.S UP TO 9!.n. SPKCIAli 9.7.1 Tlila lot or 18 suits that wo haVo nrranged for our Unloading Halo nro well worth doublo tho amount wu hnvo them priced. You will find Hluo SorgeB, (Inlier dlno cloth, Cheviots, Worsted and Irroadcloth, In values up to $31). 50 special priced at 91-.75 noe NKCKWKAU SPKCIAli 21e MKN'S 9:1.00 SOFT HATS HPKCIAIi 91.0.1 KQUIPPKI) WITH WIHKLKSH. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK. HAILS FHOM UAlMtOAU DOCK, .MAIIHIIFIKLI), DUItlN3 TUK MONTH OF NOVKMUKH, ON THK 7TII AT 11 A. M.: ON THK MTH AT 7 A. M.5 ON THK IStKT AT 1 P. M.J ON THK 28TU AT 7 1 CO A. M. TJCKKTS ON SALK AT POHTLANI) CITY TICKKT OFFICE, OTJI AND OAK STHKKTH, l'OHTLAND. Phono 85.J. O. II. LANDKKS, Agent ' MKN'S 9t. no UNION SUITS SPKCIAli 91.00 m m liADIIW COAT VALUES up to 9:2..1), SPECIAL 912.75 This lot of coats, wo will not try to go Into dotnlU to descrlbo tho Btyles and materials, as thero Is nearly any kind of a material or stylo you may wish to sco and thoy nro regular values up to $;I2.50. Special unload ing prlto 912.75 WE AUK Cl.OSINO OUT ALL MIIjUNKUV. This firm Is going out of tho millinery business. They haven't the room to carry so many different IIiiob and you will find It to your Interest to visit this de partment. Wo are going to soil every hat In tho store nt some price. Wo did not stop to consider tho cost when wo marked them. Tho only thing' wo wero think ing nbout. was closing thoin out., CLOSING OUT ALL CHILDHKN'S GOODS. This firm hasn't room to carry chlldron's goods. Thoy aro going to mako their Htoro tin exeluslvo woinou'a nnd men's shop. Commencing today wo will oloso out all Chlldron's Coats. Drosses. Underwear and Italn Coats. You will find bohio very nttraetlvo bargains In this department during the balanco of this weok. Como and lot ua show you whnt wo can save you by buying at our closing out prices. MEN'S WOOL UNION SUITS SPECIAL H2.0.1 MEN'S 918.00 OVEUCOATH SPECIAL 90.75 To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND COMFOHTAI1LE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NO HAW KDOES OB YOUU COLLAIW It you havo them UoaKt nt , j rWIN CITY STEAM UWW8 SMITH'S VARIETY North Bend, for Fancy and Dom CHINA . r. J. BOAIFE iC A. 11. hom Marshfield jggnjgji Estimates Fnmwwa 1 Phonn 80D-J. Wrah6U, OH I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I DAY AND Jwunv "'"'",. I, I Por taxi, phone 193, IjtUCu For touring w i--" I Chandler Hotel LYNN LAMHETH, R j NcwCahs 1 iJ . 11 v Western OjnjWreM .,. rTiunTllKttS IniporterVaiidW'oleaUCr innuii",i ,i..ii ira Tel. aoi-n. R W"!JZ CliOSINti OUT ALL HOYS' GOODS. Thoy aro going to discontinue to carry Hoys' Suits. OvorcoatB, Hats, Cops and Undorwcar. Everything will go on salo today at closing out prices. SALE CONTINUES I NTIL HATl'HDAY N'KfU'lS no'v. ai, The Cochran Brokerage Co. selling THE PARISIAN STOCK MEN'S 927.50 OVKHCOATS HPKCIAIi 912.8.1 I NOHTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. O. F. McGEOHOE AGENT W. IT. PAINTEU Phono 44, Marshfield Phono 421, North Bend UKmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MEN'S 9:1.1.00 OVEUCOATS SPECIAL 917.0.1 MKN'S 910.00 .MACKINAW COATS SPECIAL 90.75 MKN'S SI 5.00 SUITS SPKCIAL 90.75 Have You Ever Tried Don't think that hoeauso wo aro soiling oggs for 32 cents, por dozen that cost you 45 conts in other places, that you cannot uso thorn, because wo mnkq good any of thoin that you cannot uso. This Is a spocinl with us, the samo ns tho Whlto Horax Soap that wo soil six bars for 25 conts. , . ,, "Wo Savb You Money," and mean whnt wo say. COOS BAY TEA, COFf EE AND SPICE HOUSE Phono U01-J. (We Save You Money) MKN'S 92.1.00 SUITS SPKCIAL 917.75 COME EXPECTING MICH Ol WILL NOT HE DISP , POINTKJ Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY BENOSTACKEN, Manager FARM, COAL, TISIHEU AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EA8TSIDK MAHHHFIELD OFFICE, PHONtJ A4-J. COQU1LLK CITY OFFICJ) PHONB 191. LOT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS . Tltlo & Trust w-" iw thoUuBhlyaepond.5 to all Interests o' ou0 08' MINIMUM 1 s. KAUFMAN & S IBmTacSwSjS! l:l,v,V US A VWm UNIQUE PANTATUggr DYKINT. VJJ j 200 West Market f g. Second Stre" Under now anaf .factj -... ,! nil WOrK "' . Ui I T.inlle!,' work a I ?rEVKNSG:ohivoB llllii'b"-'- 1 ii : i. 1 STADDER . .,rtTOflBAf xt lrivns Of M,u. ui t iiu " ,,. roiw WOHK, '0D,,dd irodaU Finuuu.,. I