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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1914)
mtimmm ig'fw'MjTWMFjamiMZwwiF t'.iWT M - rTwonMMnviPM vsiaai iKwiimi in i,l. am -w m i L"iviBaBBBnaBiiVBi,4W)afii0irBiBiSuB.aiir.iiAriftj axms'minMfifmnitAtwtnn . - Kaaiavi. L"Ij5 .a 1 V - - - -"- - -- . ---.-- ... . .. , ... " " - - "-" ' " .1 ii im m m hiiiiiiwiHhimimwih ami THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY,:N0VEMBER 16, Iplf-EVENING EDITION. ' ' ' , l, " ' '. .', nwwiiiftinwiiMniwi n iii rriii..iM)iniiiHiililii Trite m ;mL Copyright IIttEn.luiriwr&Mr . Pay $25 if you can; tome as lowju $17; others for more Clothes Purchased at this Store wHl be kept pressed free of charge. Woolen Mill Store This store is MarShficld Wedgewood The Most Popular Stove Line in Coos County WHY? They are Perfect Bakers, Fuel Savers Absolutely Guaranteed CHIMNEYS FIHK PLAGES J. N. BAYLISS Apy Kind of Brick Work nt Prices That Aro Right And ull "Work Guaranteed Call at "Tho Fireside," Johnson DIdg., 137 Second St. Phono 434-J. French Ranges. Boiler Work 4, - i - I 4 SI?. LAWRENCE HOTEL I (Fqrmorly tho Coos Hotel) I Steam heat, hot nnd cold wator.. I Nof Hquor. Wo Invito you' to, Investlgato our j i winter rates. Spoclal Inducoment I i when two or moro porsoiis occu- I py samo room. I PHONE A r O IB I nsTsBif V) Leit -H- M. - aeenwM CMrjMA 'coacXd vJCl VAV UADCUCICI n PVPI CDV ., 'AV,i riiiiv AND OUT A GOOD SPIRELLA CORSETS ,.' WllWsS?.. "'ay oe obtained in lYiarsmieia from Mrs. Annie Holland hnrcotior n .... uccause it s , . . you re interested , lncof the home of Hart Schaffner & -Two Stores- J .THE. HOTELS Iieiivor Hill: T. Tl Kdwnrds, Scattlo; Jirlos 13, Oordnn, Portland; V. P. Mc.vonnn and wife, Lampa; O. H. Ilciin. Portland; 13. S. Hnys, Portland; J. M. Itlco, Portland: William Clark, Portland; l)r. J. L. Massou, Myrtlo Point. Lloyd Hold. C. Cnrston, Coqulllo; Clnronco Wallnco, Iimplro; C. Halley, Portlnml Tom Ilusscy, Conlcdo; Henry llnnd field, llenvor Hill! Horman John son, Illuo Itldgo; Jnmos I3lllott, Dol mar; .Mrs. Ocorgo Taylor, Coalcdo; St. Iiiiwienco Hotel. P. Stohn, Myrtlo Point; Strang. Mnploton: Ocorgo Tnylor.l Seattle; Itobort. Ilallantyno, llonvor, fc 2 Cluiml or Hotel. , ,..... ..i,,. ,i r... I Point: linos J. Smith, Coos Itlvor; ino iicnu oi nnvignuon ai j o ciock her Mvrto Point Tco lCc'ni. s 1 ort- Sn' s"1"' Co08 nlvor' v- - shor- " 0l,crno-on mlona.ol 3:30 ni on nor, .Mjruo 1 oini, ueo iom ps, i ori- ,h inin. t i vinminir. horotoforo. W. J. and: UinrlOB Snyder, Portlnml; C, " "rVlo 'point: C L Thomas. Myrtlo T Plan Knr Host Itoom. Thoro honNoAl, ? Hill; M. a. cnruon, aiiKiim; j. ii. """" "" '"' "'. ." u. "". ", ,",, Hag. Lob Angelos; Port Hnrtmnn, with JUa foot but Instead of catch Handon; Ocorgo II. Proston. Myrtlo Ing, tho hnmmor flow back and tho Point; j. P. Dommltt. ll.illnrds. r' gun wont off. Tho sorlouHiioss of tho v .'......-.. i c...,i. rn. wound nccnuntcd for by tho fact that .. niiiinuuiiH uuu nv, uuuiii --""" Hlvor. lihiiicii Hotel. J. Smith Coaledo: U. S. Prlno.l North llond; Hoy Conger, Illuo lllilw John WnBBon. South Inlet; 13. !. , Condroy, Olodnlo; J. I Hundoll, Lnko Side; (1. F. Millard, Coos Hlvor; I'M. Lovlno, Illuo Hldgo; Jesso a. mitn, , Coos Hlvor. I Tho (Cuiuiller Hotel. II. Llppmnn, Portland: Jonnlo M. Clark, Port Orford: Honry Illoch, Portland; lion Mltcholl. Portlnnd; T. T. KdwnrdH, Sonttlo; It. O. Porklns. Plir K-Sol I N Su'rnue'nt w! lih tho body of Captain Anderson. 'VnIll. ,'" . 'Nb Vl" iillTlio bar was breaking hoavlly and i" Ti Vi. Ill'-li IlilllllUlla 4 Vivwinv - " Tlio Llojd Hotel. , Hum- It. Franklin. Myrtlo Point; C. Hcrch and wife, V.'eddorburn; J. . fiA A.lna ffn Dnualn C'i Bs Grand To-Nigh t .,,, K Mirpo-reel The spectacular bolh, , tl'eo-r ' Jungle Zoo masterpiece IN i UN l WITH THE WILD ' foaturlng Miss nun 1,,,,. , Ti no nk.n 11..1. KATHLYN WILLIA M S. T n ree Keeia nt tlirllllllL' adventures. llltrOUUCing intiiiiB '"""" "", 1 , 's Junglo Zoo wild uoasts -ao-, ..nmlnrlniT IlllOUt IllltraUimOllOU So u"a lliriCln .00 WllU u - I '". ---' . ...,,., l.natn n rt- I tors '" ' """ ...;,..... in.,nr,iH lions, tigers, uiu"hiw, ".'-- and sovoral otiioriiaiiBoruus wii.- mals w Mnrritt. Astorln: Mrs. llosslo Con- ' '? "" '' ' '" work. ' ley. Cam. l; .lamoa Tomolon, Dan- J''0., m2,v .r0o'" "'"b "." Aihln Now L ,i. t n whltnev and w fe. Dandnn: i tho beach. Hio I od of tho boats, . , . . . r. H.,,nh Paniw Vallov: B. Draden. lato enptain was tnen laKon to iiuii- ,,.-, " " don ovenaiui. rori urioru inuuiio, , of tho Mr can "B'"' ,''i'iCTlillKS OF THE WEST. :ES THAT WILL PLEAbL J-, n,in. from threo camnalgns will i TURI nnMinnV ftlllliuui. n,...ninv I ICO" "A UUXUJl LUU.MIW H..U.J l.'iior,,. Mtnnir with a kick. ' HEARST-SELIG WEEKLY No 52 Ti,ia wnokiv shows Boveral lnter- lestlnc plcturos of the war In Kur ?lli1!vA. Binnl.l seo those weeklies frnm now on n wonderful improve- ment all tho vory latost nowa pno. tograPhed L..i.t.' Tv.Tc.tvi.iaa1 V CHANUt; ve nuoi.Mioo -rAINT HEART NEVER WON ..V,'. . .,.,. ara tun an eudid Edl- r.A." ,iia nf thB bettor class. I ? im.-i,m. LL NEW I'lltST HU.V, son NO REPEATERS KIDS, ."5c .iniia, . .... TOMORROW NU.H i- u - "'.VlVN INVASION OF BRUSSELS Life HaVlng Station thoro In which r so: !p,., Jturlni M.M Julia Ilxlra long. show, tonlglii. AdmlK- bo visited tho Hatlon dun tho Hay M.,.,W.S iirlxm ' - im, in slon I-owor floor -'jc, uaicony i&c h i iiouvvix ih i un iimiiuf.ui .- ,.."' -;.r ""'.,',, ., :. ' lw ,..,,.. , SRajao t.oi.lon. ... j,,,. ji.iidren 10c po ntml to examine Into tho mo.o- IN Mil Til .MAItHIIMLLD 1 1111 ttll'L'.W l i'pu r UNew vludovllle Act hero tomor-. mont of tho StatlwWHt.tP Charles DltjOEhT HNAP ONTlli: .MAItLET. You first ANYTHING that's tight for us to sell must be right for you to buy. That's our theory here and we've selected our stock for you accordingly. i . , what you re going to get that . ... , , in, you II appreciate this show- Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes They're the best clothes made anywhere in the world; there's no belter way for you to profit than to buy them Marx clothes North Bend Unndon; Ed Yarbrough, Bonvor Hill; 12. Davis, San Francisco; M. Clausen, Coqulllc. Tlio St. Lnwrciire Hotel. J. 1111111, 1 UltlllllU, IV. VI. winun, Norway, It. L. Nowburg, Tnconro; C. W. Vanolmnn and wife, Oardlnor; Mrs. N'oIboh. Coos lllvcr; A. C. Rob erts and wife, North Head. , The lllnnco Hold. S. rorhes. Cami) 5: Hub SJorgot., Coos Itlvor; it. Qulgy, Myrtlo Coos Itlvor: T- Preston, Lakcsldo; John Wnsson, T M Inlot. IAMO.V HOY SHOT .Tosslo Lobb. n lG-yonr-old boy of Ilandon shot hlmsolf In tho rorenrm with n shot gun, tearing tho flesh to Hitch an oxtont that for n while it was thought It would bo necessary to amputate tho arm. Young Lobb was carrying a uounio uiirrui miiui kiiii, uuu ui iiiu iiiiuiiuuiBi ' of which worked so hard that ho ' ?"1', ""Vnnt'oAhn Lm, Wno ' PlBclnB tlio .but of tho K'""", : -. -."-. ,, roKllmr nvnr llin' ifW'ti?.. 1. '' l,,0i onii or ino uarrci. tho w"'1 ",, ",0n. ""'Si .""'ViVieSl I v ?ho ntton line I Moh. I Ib ' thoMfcht b he n ton ling nhyslclnn that tho nrm can bo snvod, although complications mny yet set In. Unndon Hccordor. ANDKHSON'H LAST TIHP. Last Sunday tho Randolph nttomp- ml it. xrima nut from llnmio rlvor - mt , . ... . niior U01I1K HWiini uy nuvuiui ttuan Jj JLr7"nwnWandPolvllJ0 wai to odderburn. l)avo Colvlii n ' '?nK "8, cnl',n'"' "" B S"J ' i "J Hit. II. K. KF.LTY, DI3NTI.ST Phono 112-J, Room 204, Coko Dldg. Royal, Theatre TONIGHT Tho lloiiho of Dig Fentiircso i)ayn0 and Fredrlcks In n musical , ' f ,,opular and ,, t0 dato l' "' , Hoiim) of Dig Fentiircso Bonus . p Co(Jy (uffn)o mil) ,,.,..:,,. m.tnm,, n,.n,i,nnv llnv. XllbkUili;UI UVIHIO w...,.... w. 1 JIIWU' wu'f - .-... .. , , i niipiiiiii .in: iijiiik iiutiun. i j '(tjat aii v i j f n v I . Ino )lt. II. 13. KKirv, ii; Historical Pictures Company. uov- ucaoiq inai a goou Biiaro wore iron ernn,ont approved, moving pictures' trees showing the tendency of tho . ,.,,,.... ii.iT.c! Tit-CnlTflllT hi'iCiun llni la tn tnbn mnrn - . ..nn.l. mmrlni. oi i.MJin.i ." '""'.'" ' tiim u. 8. ARMY THHll.Ul.MJ ARMY THRILLING pICTUUE8 OF THE LAST GREAT bo presented by many living parti-. cipants wltlu Real Indians, Rogular irnitod States Military Officers nnd soldiers of Cavalry and Infantry, and in tho very country thoy took place, with natural surroundings. DonutlfuJ pltotograpny. uxciung rtatllo scenes. Thousands of Indians Regular United States Solaiors nmlluO NOT MISS THESE EXTRAOR- ORDINARY PICTURES OF THRILL- W- ING SCENES of trailing, finding, nchtine. cai'vlnK civilization's march wostwar. In six rods. . .. ,,,. n.l V t Guaranteed Gouulno Europoan war Il. Th. First Actual Film from tiio European nar ourio .u, . KSU BREVITIES Times von November J Below1 Is given tho time and i height of high and low water at jMarshtlold. i Thd tides nro placed In tho order tot occurrence, with their tlmoa on itho first lino nnd holghts on tho. second lino of each tiny; a compar- ,80n ' consecutive holRltla will ln tllcato whether It Ib high or low water. For high water on tho bar ouuiiu, .nu UVI.IO lUIUUll'B. Hrs.. 3.01 Ft, . . f..: llrs. . Il.fiG Ft... r..i 8.08 2.2n n.i t t.n .r8 2.1 ti.r.i 2.3 io. nil 2.1 li.r.i 2.n 7.37 4.8 S.35 r..o n.28 fi.3 10.1 c fi.ii 10.G9 r,.c 11.37 5.8 n.r, a Urn. vl:;. lira. , Ft.., llrs., LIS B.q, fi.42 1.0 21 n.:ts Ft... 1.8" 5.7 o.o G.00 5.1 8.03 4.7 0.21 4.4 10.35 4.3 11.40 4.3 0.0 0.0 G.55 .-O.I 7.35 -O'.l V Hrs.. (uo Ft. o.i llrs.. 1.33 Ft... 0.3 Hrs",. 2.28 1.00 2.5 2.13 2.3 3.25 2.1 .4.30 ' 1.51 5.24 1.0 C.12 0.C 12.14 Ct, CO Ft... 0.7 . Hrs.. 3.22 R... 1.1 Hrs.. l.tC R... 1.1 Hrs. . r,.0C R... 1.8 Hrs.. 0.3G R.... 1.4 2.1 . , Hrar. 1.2G...G.38 Ft..'. 4.0 2.2 j WKATIIIill FOitKOAST Df AuotlXM rrni In I'm D TlnM. OlthiOON Cloudy and probn hly rain In West, rain or snow m i;asi. boutuwosu'riy winas. LOOATi TIMlrKUATURH ItKCOItl) For tho 21 hours ondlne nt 4:13 n. m., Nov. 1C, by UonJ. Ostllnd, special govcrnmont mo torologlst: Maximum m Minimum ,....39 At 4:43 n. in. (.,.., 45 Prcklpltntlon 07 1'rcclpltntlon slnco Sept. 1, 1011 ' 18.80 Proclpltntion sntno period last year 11.17 1 wind: Bouthwest, partly cloury nnd rnlny. I Mimic.. In ft I tit PnmmAnnln tr lv dnS,T'thq launch IJx'press will lenvef tho homo of Mrs. J. Wright Wilson when lilnns for flnnticlng a porinnn-t out public rest room will bo consider- cd, Now FiMntlon. Chas. Stauff has j leaned tho building pit Front St rout nenr central, recenijy ivacateii py w. . oxpects now uvo naviug uoiigui J. 'Hunt, and will niovo his grocery1 out a cleaning nnd pressing cHtub buslncss thoro soon. Norton & linn-, llshmont thero. son Will litlllzo tho qunrtors which1 MRS. AHTHUH SI. MP KINS loft this ho win vncato nt commercial nnd Front. No Council Mooting Thero will bo no meriting of tho city council this .... ,,- -.i... i,..L ,.. ., :.? !. l"u. r " ' " " ." "T of " grossing this week nnd thoroby tho treasurer Ib saved tho hiitn of fit. Tho nox.t mcollng will no on .Nov. 23, lloKln ClicoNo rllilpiiieuts Aftor xi dull fnll In which tho nrlco of cheeso, i hns boon low and tho domain! bolow, "nfl "v0 ,nw nntl l" "0111111111 1I01IIW normal tho market Ib nguln taking . , ,, , ,r,ilni iim r.nmt liny Crcnmory on Coob Itlvor sont ,0 2C cn80H of cl,0C80 for nhlpment ,,, ,n Dllr1R ft , liiindrcdB or caaoa nro sont from tins creamery. llo Didn't Menu To. That ho dldn mean to got drunk and that ho had drawn only lfi boforo coming to town from his work nt South Inlet wiib tho plon of Frank Kosnko boforo roiico judgo Hiitlor. Having i.nn his good tlmo Kosnko was without funds thin morning and houco un- ! nbQ to pay his V assessment Into (IIIU III 141J ilrt nre:. p i. .li.. This (ho P"""!" touil to tho noxt tlmo ,6 C0m,,8 . tmvn ,.., tho Jd0 allowed Kosnko to go back to Ms Inch. J. N. Ilayllss frnm n liuslnnsH trln whoro ho mado boiiio nntngoouB connections with prom-1 nt Portlnnd concerns to ronrosont ' thorn on Coos Day nnd In Coos cd on Michigan avenue, about llvo county, Among tho houses ho will blocks bolow tho Congress Hotel.' represont aro tho Donnlson Building , ho snld. "Wo reached thero boforo Tlio Co., tho Portland Sheet nnd , tho display room was opoucd and at Motnl WorkB. motal sash and doors, least 1500 pooplo woro gathered Hi and Portland Boat Works. TIicbo tho street outsldo. When tho door nro all In addition to tho lines al- oponod, thoro was a bargain conn ready carried at "Tho FlrcBldo." tor rush. Tho pollca had gathered .Many Itii-olvu TiwH-.-Ropresonta-l round. Onco wo got Btartod wo Just tlveB of tho Oregon, tho Albany nnd had to keep going nnd I was hnro tho Capital City Nurseries vlsitod i ly abo to got a good look at tho Coob nay last spring taking orders! front, a glnnco nt tho sldo nnd nt for ornamental and fruit trees. Tho .tho roar as tlio crowd pushed uh uoiivories oi tneso oruors novo just been mado and hundreds of trees, were taken from tho boxes ut tho foot of Commercial A venuo and dls-1 uollvorles of these oruors hnvo Just iuui ui viiii"h-'mi rfiyuiiuu uuu uio - trlbufcd to their ownors. It was no- tlcahlr, Hint a frnnil ulinrn wnrn fruit , w-. - - - -. ........... seriously to tho Idea of fruit rals- rr: :"'.."' ..."""r." ' . ""r. ".:' seriously io lug for mor niuro uiiiu iiiuuiy unu. I'lcnty W four or flvi Wiitvr on the liar. That vo cays soundings oi mo ur aBcorininou ino inci inai moro fno foaturo und only round in somo is at leaBt 21 feet at low tldo andi0r. tho highest priced carB. The moro often more than 22 et was the statement today of Roy Rozoll who accompanied O. R Wright, a govoni" Vhlch must bo Boen to bo appreclat ment engineer of Portland, when ho ,i t nnii,i ii,nt nmiirn iiroihera t- - took readings on tho Dar a fpw days I fiL'n Dn n fflor.llnn limit tlin moil tooK Boundlngs first going directly n' - - .. (vv tor tiwjy crossed at right anglos. di op-'nny CHr oVor has had." ping tholr lead for depth ovprjr OQ . a (joodrum, who has taken felt. Thoso figures will bo glvon to1 u southowostorn Orogon agency I ' " "" r uuu ""ii. i " - Major Morrow. ! Savliig Man Hin E. T-. -m ." . . ...i T nopes, oi mo una naviug uuruuii ' at 11'nal.lnnlr.M ll f nllln Jilu'll v uo.....,,.u,., . ,., -""." " "v " this morning from Portland on tho1"1;. i, -v tlio nlet u ""XX dCrSloVS Cl rr ! miy pc nniAfMrni i , H iwfcrv$tf I1 MISS ELLA McCLAY was a shop per In Mnrshflold todny. It. H. R07.ELL and wife left on thd morning train tor Unndon. PRESTON brothers loft tTlIs morning for their work nt C nhi'j .MRS. ALF.HED GOODWIN, of Ciiob Hlvcis wta In the clt' shopping to day. ,' ' MISS ALICE ClltlltCH wns n shop- plug visitor from 'Cntc'hlng Inlet, 1(1(111). 7.1 1.2 CHAIII.KS MAHAKFBY was n Vlsl 3,tn 10,03 tor In tho city today from Allo 7.0 1.1 gany. , ' " 1.02 10.51 Ulil.IS IIAOSTUOM of Catching ln 0,7 o.O lot, won down today shopping In 1.52 11.15' tho city. 0.3 0.C ADOIil'Il MIMii:it wns hero thin 5.1C 0.0 morning on business from Catch ing IIHOt. OSCAlt OILMAN", of North Inlet, was hero today on a short business trip. JOM MUI.KNI nnd wlfo vore n tlio city today from their North Inlot homo. ' II. S. MILLER ramp down on tho North Star from North Inlet this morning. V., T. THOMAB camo down on tlo boat tills morning from Allegany on business. , WILLIAM WATRIIS nnd wlfo woro visitors In tho city today from North Inlut. ALWX HONOKLL wob down today from Cntchlng Inlot on a - shot t business trln. CAUL 8MKDHURO was a visitor In I tho city today -from his homo at Catching Inlet. , . M. K. DA0012TT was horo todav , from Allognny attending to somo business (vtfnrs. . ,. ,. W. I. IlONKnitAKR wniTntnolitf tho i business visitors In tho city today from Cntchlng Inlet. Mlrti. W. H. LUNDY, Miss Fnrbor nu Lloyd Spires and wfo woro Myrtlo I Point visitors bore Haturdiu-. MIIS, H. K. KDWAItDS camo. down on tho Alert this morning shop ping nnd visiting with, friends, I JOHN MATSON, of Catching Inlot. was hero this morning looKiug. after -Homo mutters of buslnuss, i Mil A VII MIIQ II A. IIITW wnhl j to Coqulllo this morning whpro thoy will look for n now location. I 15. L. 110KTON, of tho Bmlth-l'oW-ors Compnny wont over to Mytrla Point nnd tho South Forks Oils morning, O.-C. HAMAB roturnod to his homo at Ileavor Hill this morning; attor over Sunday ntny utt uoos imy. IIUSRI3LL returned homo this morning after visiting with his n Ilnrvoy .Itussoll on untcuing lot. C. II, OILL13TT13, of tho North Ho.nd .lninifacturiug cotupnuy, ivri on tho morning train for . llaudou whoro ho wont on a business trip. W. II. T13HUY. of North llend, woht t,o Coqulllo this morning whoro ho morning with nor two auiiiircu ror Unndon, whoro sho will Join hor huslmnd, who arrived thero two WolnRO. Tho family Is lipflng hero from nenr Portland. ,1 I I, SEE BODGE CAR , ,, . T . n . J. H. MoDiarulid Of Portland nuiMMn n.nfnrl u:, i una ui uiiiuuyu wumy imu Over Machine Features. ,, , A1 , ... , ,. . . Tlmt tho exhibition of tho now Hodgo car, tho nppoarnuco of which nutomnblllBtB throughout tho louii- try nuvp noun inunniK ('""..'" wllli tho keoiioHL of intorest. in Chi cago last week drow a crowd that would make u mntroDolltnu sensa- Hon seem tamo, was tho story by j. n. .Mcu arm u or I'oriiaiiu, iimuii- gor of tho Ooodyear Tlio & Ilubbor i company's business In thU district, who arrived horo today. Mr. Mc-, Dlarmld baa Just roturnod from n i trio oast nild llliniioncd to nrrlVO 111 Chicago tho samo day that tho first of tho now cars reached thoro. "Tho agency In Chicago Is locaf ahead. uneatl. "Tlio Doda will mako th y0u lmo e Dodgo car is a unamy anu tho greatest hit ovor. If iyuu nuio ecyii iiiu wki v'", you can form an Idea of It. Tlio noon tho 1 a l . oauiaiiu, uoiiho tar is minus uio uuu nuu 0f tho Oakland und Is consequently nmrn n I lmllvi. 'I'lin linilv Im ftr- llmlb,. dlr Ib ml HUH tll bull UOBQU ,,.,..nv .. , , .- ranged Bo tha,t tho occupants of thai """ """"""-.. " "w". '. . . . roar BCUt call IOOK lorwuru iui those In tho front scat without cratl-1 inK tnolr hocks to uo bo. u w noduo car has n number of other. nirnrilv ami aluablo foaturos ,ad ,j0Ublud tho capacity of their - . . ... -.. - m i.-,i- . rnflifirv in nil niiiiri iiii iiiiu iiisi derg l)Ul j ,,, cortaIn tho car will1 ihavo a greater run this year tnan fnM V.n tn llnnrjl fr M,.l)lll rm Ifl I GREATTHRaNGTD' HIUI mu u, mm. it ... ...-.. Irtll lila atnvv II 11 H IVfd nil Iff mil I llllll lull IIIU PIUIJ . .., ,,, ir finn.inim U " """ w ,.. ini! a domonstrat on car soon ana ros and detallad new car In a day tvim UL UUVHIUI nLL M k MCOr3, ! Paroled Man Faces Long Pri son Sentence for Pilfering Food at Ocean Dock. Thoft of a box of crackers from tho Ocean Dock may bo the cause of Bonding John Kelly to prison to servo out a ono to soven year sentence Ho was paroled nt Coqulllo but three nu ia imiuii'ii ill. vutiililiu urn. unvv weeks ago after being sentenced to, ho ponltontlnry for stealing clothes the in Ilandon i.nte Saturday aiicrnoon Ofllcur Itlchnrdson arrested tho man' nnd today ho was taken to tho conn- t.v sont In custody of CoiiBtnbto Cox! ir exniuinnunn uciuro i-ruReciuiiiK Attorney Llljcqvlst. Dlnnimnnrniipn nf niiuill urtlrlns ".. ,..., . .. .. i....i from tho wurohouso nt tho Ocean Dock has botiicrcil tho agents of tho Swnyno nnd lloyt lino for tho ast two weeks. Several men imvoi. oeqii seen niioiu ino uiiiiiiiuk ihiu W. P. Murphy begnii a "still" hunt ror tho guilty pnrtlcs. IIIu efforts wero rowared when Sat urday Kelly entered tlio wnrohouse, talked for a few minutes and then cnsunlly walked nut. A moment In ter ho rcappenrod and this tlmo shy ly slid n box of crackers under his nrm when ho left. Tho box bo do posited among somo timbers. Mr. Murphy linniedlntedy, called a police limn but when Officer Hlohurdson took tho mnii In custody ho donlcil nil knowledge of tho crackers. Sovernl months ago Kolly was caught stealing at Ilandon, Ho was arrested aml sent to Coqulllo where ho spent four months In tho county Jail uwnltlng tho action of tho grnud jury and at this fall term of court had his trial and was given tho sen tonco of from one to seven yearn. At tho tlmo tho grnnd Jury unani mously asked that Kolly bo pnrolcu, Judgo Cohn gavo him his liberty nnd Kolly I'anui (0 tvrshtluhl .wluiro no linn remnltied bIiico then. Whether or not the theft In which ho was dotectod by W. P. Murphy will bo enough to send tho man to iiorvo IiIh long seutenco Is a mat(or to bo decided by .Uidgo Coko and PrpsccUtlug Attorney LIIJuqvlRt, ARRIVE ON ELDER Ilrluglng slxty-nlno passengers from Portland, tho Ocorgo W. Kldor crossed In this morning from tho north, In her hold camo tho scats for tho now Stnr Thontor, Tho Kl dor will sail tonight nt 8 o'clock for Kurckn. Thoso who arrived this morning from Portland woro: Mrs. O. It. Scott, J. 11. McDInrmld, 1, J. Hnymnn, Hnrllo Flomoy, Chas. Tnmoy, .1. N. Ilayllss, Frank (I. Tay lor, Mr.s, Radio 13. Taylor, Chas. 13, MathoiH, It, J, Ilutnn, Arthur Craig, 13. II. Lopes, II. Oroat, Hay F, (Ipu bor, Mrs. Chas, P. Torry, Sam Phnro, Tony M, Lnrson, Frank Xlmorlo, Hherman Lowroy, Mugglo Maxflold, C, A. Lute, Mouto J3ckoln, 13llu Mnr- flold, John Pnscoo, Clifford Matlilo !"?";, .JnmoB Mnthlcson, Knymoml Vnt,,U',"'n. M"" ."f0"' Leora McCIopb, Mrs. F. A. McClees, It. M. Cmiiflll.Claronco Torry, Wat tor Torry, 13mly N. Torry, MIbb Kuto It. Tnylor, Llby Pillion, A. C. Coun torplnau, Frank Lnngford, Koniioth McAlpIn, David MeKlnnon, 13. A. Mlddiobrook, .1. L. (lerstol, Nettln C. La Polnto, Iluby II, Lu Polnto, Clnronco Morwln, MrB. Merwln, Jarf. Tonimns, Jack Tomnins, J. A. AbIioo, J. Ij. Molnecko, W. I. Sorgonnt, Cy ril Lomnuskl, O. J. Lomtiuskl, It, O, Willis, Mrs. L. I). Murray. L. 1). Murray, II. J. Mathlsood, J. C. Calll cot to,, p. Smith, J. Dallies, T. Annus, I). 13. Whlto, A. A. Lont, Fred II. Poolo, C. 13. Oroon nnd twochlld rcn. Mrs. Dora (Irnen. MH PASSENGERS Wake Up To the opportunity which this FREE PIANO CAMPAIGN of FOURIER BROS. MEAT MARKET . SARTER'S CONFECTIONERY SCHROEDER & HILDENBRAND'S HARDWARE . COOS BAY BAKERY MODEL CASH GROCERY' offers to the energetic, active and persovering candi date. More than $9,000.00 worth of prizes go abso lutely free to the aotivo candidates; Sit and reach out after your share of prizes. No one .will help you if you don't first help yourself. The world loves a try'cr. Prove yourself worthy of help and lytip will recsive it in plenty. 5uCall at tho Confeotionerynd talk about the campaign to the CAMPAIGN MANAGER. Then resolve that to best1 the you the other candidates win nave io V Get, Up J K a TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -.- has boon a' hobby with us for & good many years and a lot ot our customers will toll you whoa It comes to ottlug Rood, sousd, durablo framing material at tho rlgljt wo know our biisl-. noss, Just tell what you want to build and tho amount you want to spoad nnd we'll got busy with our pon.ll and figure out tke bt your uonoy can buy. Try ui. .juii,m,(-- ' ', M a! C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DKPAI.TMI.NT OUT THE FUEL IIIW4 1 TWO uv vsixo 01m WOOD -PHONE 100, . 18a SpVTIl DKOADWAY .i v'.'.-VK'I'i'illiiltHt.tiu ' if ut-r-" m IXtW moto? car Ch "wltR ho&pltnl, crescent brooch ""0c inf nnd ncnrl In editor. nmou rw-nfflSKiS-ss nnd receive row""!' iiurRlng. streoi douui " ". " j. .- .. ,osT Hunch of kejc oi l)Wf "?! in inniiinir swndniM.TCnK P.R!:,?U' " ".." ..-i tir. . iiK- n v llivi-imnl.'Aorlo 37C Jp ward Mr return toTlmc. . , r i - - -rTr3 n I .. ., k. .,.,,. i,,nmU"oil nKinm' '"'" "k t-m-oiul and Anderson, per wiok. , w vou lirnlnli wl lioiifcckcciH --- ,nt. , ,.i,i lug rooms, 10,4 mroii. KOKIl 5AL13 Light Irmn. K" nnd harness. 225 takes It 1C sold now. Addross Tnes, KOSiTiikeii by mlMnko from HflJC- les1 Hall on Friday ovon l, an umbrolln; Sterling silver handlo. Monogram R2. II. K. on .V: son taking somo plcaso leavo nt Tlmcb offlco. FOR SALE I" ... ., ti,.,M tlltrRlIllf. WANTKI Wonmn waiiM M'"gmft, Conflnmcnt cnecs .ijoiirou, u () ( foil SAI.W Acctjlcno tank itnd ' outfit complolo. tor. ilghtlnB ltouso nnd barn. Also Rood piano, AddrcBn D, enro Times. 1'OK HAI.H Two good cim bcih nrntors. It. I. Hod nnd Whlto LMf- i horn; purc-hrod roosloro. 1'hone. 3148. KOIl SALK Tlirco horso lwwor oloctrlo motor for nlo choap IC taken at onco. Apply Iotor, enro Tlmoa. FOH SAT.V HhnftinK. 1mUct, belt ings ntid hnngors In flnt-claa condition, Koontr. aarnge, MnrsU field, Oregon. 1 WANTED FOUND llrludlo dK with lwdi tall. W enro of TlmeB, WANTI3D Few men to tnko .lunch aiid dlnnor In prlvato homo. Prices reasonnblo. Homo cooklnn and host sorvlco. Inquire TIijmjb. WANTKD Five or slv room house. Unfurnished, with, barn, close in; Apply O, enro of Times. WANTKD HeconiMinnd truck curt. Must bo choap. X, caro Tlmo. WANTI3D To buy iiioIiiosch pumii. AddrosB TjinoH. 4 , ; I FOR RENT 1 I'Olt H11SV A muill, foiir-roow hoiiso, furnlshod. Phono CC-Ia 1'OK HUNT O-rooHi liouso wlMi pantry and bath, nindorn. 12Ui nnd Coutmoroliil. Phono C5L; I'OH HICNT Df.slrflblo furnlHlied or unfurnished Iiouaou. I. 8, KauN man tnvd Co. I'OU HUNT Nicely fiirnlNhod rooiiyi ovnry convonlonco; closo In. 021 8. Ilroadway, phono 210-J. Up u ,. Il t 'Tft In- win 10l 352 So. 5th st- Phone 200-X.TFSK- de or ' ww """- "- roWf ItouUay. 1 1, s. jiAUiHA, v vo. i? I 1 - A, .j fJIIIffllii.-J