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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1914)
wm THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEUD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1914-EVENING EDITION. ' ,n ' ' THREE isBji.'iS'2- JgrTggT!?ggiigg tftfsrWWKSUMJM- vJHAiEJilAIflJIIIlJilll:; . V- - ,. - TOM HI BEGINS 11 ON GUM ply ' ;v a patented HiUVv!Cw,.41l4lCad Fringe Albert the national joy smoke rand fragrance gets going right into your system and you writ new supplies right along. Stop kidding yourself on V.M .. ..: l,f fs 4 . S.rfvfa twaCCO qut'Sliuu. iiiu (; o on uim, ttOHOW UCIluiiuui luuiittuiuuii tun uu nil you me up v'. eP. A. via a jimmy pipe or a makin's cigarette. Why, .' vnit realize there never was a smoke in Fm class with P. A. ? l" 1 !.!. t !- A luguc now h me time ana the placo to try Prince VIUUIl VY1I11U I.11U llJJliy is good ! nuyr.A.intinyntckorth Ufoo4f n loppy rtd bagtt Sc handy for elf a fit .moA.rilr llJyrraHn; IOCS nfo Auntaom pouna ana nail' pounJ humtJort, i w ' m .v w R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Winston-Salem, IE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- tlth ui tor a cood ninny yearn and n lot of tell you when It conies to getting good, sound, Nerlal at the right prlco wo Know our busl Bt rou want to build and tho amount you want Ltet buiy with our pencil and fliuiro out tho best r. Try u. .. ith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Winn, ui:part.mi:nt w:l mm, i two iiy using oun WOOD 182 SOUTH 1JHOAUWAY ALiFORNiArnrr ML-WO-l OUrJ-LO? AMQEIE3 k.' I TV : ....n...A : E;vuillJUTiy LAUIUKIUH BAY STATIONERY COMPANY He Plmnn A30 ANSCO AGENCY ' s and Everything for Them STATIONERY acts, Real Estate. d Marine Insurance kantee; ABSTRACT CO., Inc. X1tt SEXQSTACKRv u..- Mnp ..... ' - lENElui M' l'V.ATTIXG &ANM9 A 8PECIAWy. 'JOELI) OII'IPI. nnr, . . , - tIT OFFICE PHONB 10J. CACHES FOR CANMIMR 0UR LAST SHIPMENTS. 65c .--$1.15 N good'coFFEE remimS er we have it TfA, COFFEE & SPICE HOUSE Phone 394-J lnt Ads Bring Results Real r tobacco that works both ways ! YOU just can't get in wrong with Prince Albert, no matter how you hook it up. Because it's as bang up in a makin's cigarette as packed into a jimmy pipe! For yours, it's the fragrance and flavor that tickles your smokappetite so! Go to P. A. morning, noon and night ! It won't bite your tOIlirUC Of ailV Other man's, hnrvinun tlmMfn'r ...... i... process ! All you do is fire up ! gt-ijuufo, itiwvr-up iikc, Because r. A. won't even make your tongue tingle! And that's a fact. Ailiii.. VffMl'11 ...... juu n iicva ;ci i tho same 1 a 1 Jfk N. C. ft$Ii TYPEWRITERS- All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, f.or rent or exchange. CIoahIiiki repairing or now plnteiin, work guaranteed. Ribbons und carbou paper delivered. Phono usyour order. Phono It, Alllniico office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS Mildred Rogers Nelson. Toucher of Piano. Punll of Hueo Mnnsfoldt. San Fran cisco, Cal. Application for lessonB writing for appointment. Marxliflclri, Oregon H. H. Harper IIOUSK HUILDKIf General Repairing nud Cabinet Making. Phono 349-J. W. T. Tompkins, D. S. T. (Welt iner Methods) Every known dlsoaso treated, without druuB or surgery. Rooma 1 and 2, 237 South Uroadway. Phone 132-L. Marahfleld, Or Joel Ostlind PIANO TUNKH AND IIKI'AIItKR Leave orders at W. R. Haines' Mub- olc Company. 415 S. Sixth Street.' Phono 103-L. I. M. Wright Phone 318 UUIIiDING CONTRACTOR Estltnates furnished on request C. 0. Gosnoy. Phone 3164 CONTRACTOR AND HUlLDtiR Estimates Furulshed on Request Jly Past Work Is My Reference First and Alder Sts. . Mnrshfleld Dr. H. M. Shaw . . Eye, Ear, Nose nnd Throat. DR. MATTIK II. SHAW Diseases of Women and Children Office Phone 330. RoomB 200, 201. 202, Irving Block. House phone, 105. J. Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTING ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT Offices, 20G Irving Block Phono 103-L or 267-J. Marsnfleld, Oregon W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Building, Marsnfleld, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshfleld, Oregon, tmW nan And you Perl Riley Ballinger ri..MKT AMI TKAl'IIKIl Resldcnco Studio, 217 No. Third Phono 308-U St Mrs. Olivia Edman, M. T. D. bj SWEDISH MASSAGE AND MED- It'rtlj liV.'M..STir.S FOR Al.l DISEASES !).T7 Coniineiclnl tive. Phono -I--J OCEAN REACH AUTO LINK Leaves Chandler Hotel, Mundifleld, for tho Reach and Way Points. 7. A, M, I V. M, 1 I'. M. Emplro noc Tar Heol 70c South Slough 7.1c Rastondorf Reach ...91.00 Mussol Reof 81.00 Sunset Ray $1.00 Return From Reach at 8:fl0 A. M. 1 P. M 3.:$0 P. M. Visit the beach by tho Ocean Reach Auto, 7-passenger automobile leaves Chandler Hotel three times dally, GORST .Vi KING'S FAMOUS AUTOS YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four k1 can wIUi careful driven Fo day service, phono 144-J, Rlimco HlllnrtI Parlors. For nlgtit service, Phone 2I0-I, Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. - H New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also prhu . il distributors "ONYX" rt id "CADET" II3SE S.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend I E. h. HOPSO.V will move his HARNESS SHOP I from Front. nnd Central to the I corner of Front and Alder as I soon as tho building can bo put I In shape. P. L. ADAMS & SON Dealers In NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. 3C2 No. Front St. Phone 340-L aSV iMiMll i iiiMWIlf Attorney Wants Southern Ore gon Company's Claim to Road Grant Cancelled PORTLAND, Or.. Sept. !). Tho state of Oregon, ns a political corpor ation. Oswald West, as Coventor, and A; M. Crawford, as Attorney-General thereof, aro niado dofendants with tho Southern Ofegon company, a eor poratlon, successor In Interest to the Coos Hay Wagon Road Company. In a stilt filed In tho V. B. District Court ly T. S. Mlnot. a San Finneireo at torney, represent Iiik Ifis clalmanta to quarter sections of tlmher land in Coos county, now hold by the Soeth urn Oregon roinpany. The bill of complaint alleges non compliance in the execution or tho terms of a land grant made first by Congress to the Stato or Orc-on In ISOit, on condition that n military wagon road be constructed from the navigable waters of Coos llav to Rosobtirg In Douglas county. ' This I grrnt wnB made on condition that the lands "sitouid io sold to one per.on only In nuantltles not greater t.ian one-iiuartor section, for a price not exceeding $2.50 per acre." lO.-i.lUO Aero (Jianlcd. The bill of complaint recites that In the years IS":i. 1R7-I and 1 s 7 (i tho Coos Hay Company was granted "(innllfletl and restricted patents" to tho land, comprising In-all liir.,120 acres, tho company having always as sented and agreed to tho provision1 of the original grant as to tho disposal or the lands. It Is alleged that the Qoos H..v company, after receiving' tho patents, failed to comply with tho terms of t:io grant. "On or about May .11, 1870." the complaint proceeds, "the Cooh Day Wagon Rond company executed and delivered to .lohn Mlllor, alias Am brose Woodruff, in foo simple, a void deed of conveyance" covering ar,r:i:t acres, and at tho same tlnio deeded to tho snnie man tho Government wagon rond. In aid of tho construe- TO START MILL Big Lumber Plant in Southern Curry County is Now Nearly Complete PORTLAND, Or., Sopt. 9i With in tho next thirty days (lib Brookings Tlmher &. Lumber Compnny plnut ht Rrnoklngs, Or., one of the finest In dustrial plants In tho stato, will he ready for operation. This was nu nnunrcd by Supt. P. J, Shropshire, who Is In Portland on business con nected with the nojv Industry. Tnklng tho new enterprise In Its vnrlous departments, It Is the most Important Investment venture In thnt tho roast, and until tho Rrooklngs In ratcd about six miles north of tho California lino on an open harbor of tho coast, and until tell Brookings In terests began tholr preliminary opera tions thoro It was one of the most Isblated and forbidding portions of nil undovolopod Orgeon. Now, howovor, tho men bohlnd the great project, Involving an Invest ment of rnpltal running Into tho mil lions, nro about ready to open one of tho most up tn date lumber plants on tho const; thoy aro laying out n comploto towiiBlto; they nro building n network of first clnss standard gauge railroads; they aro developing n fine harbor with oxcollont deop wator facilities; they will innrkot their lumber on tholr own bottoms; thoy hnve tholr own turblno plnnt for generating electricity, which will ho used exclusively In operating tho com pany's ninny enterprises. Tho sawmill, which Is of tho finest possible construction, with reinforced coneroto foundations, floors nnd sup ports, will have n total capacity of 250,000 feet n day, and will bo ft por manont plant employing frqin2no to -" .w-" NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS GARDINER FISH CASE Suit was brought In tho Justlco Court of Gardiner district by tho Umpqua Pncklng Company, to re plevin n fishing net from John nun doll, who claimed to own tho not by vlrtuo of a" bill of salo glvon him by ono Frank Dobonk. Tho Umpqun Packing Company contend ed that tho said Frank Dobpuk did not own tho net when ho sold It to tho defendant, and that tho said company wero tho owners. The matter was sottlod out of court by Debonk paying for tho net nnd costs. Tho plaintiff was represented by J. II. Austin. Umpqua Courier. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Imme diate service, prompt attention to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM COS T I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. THE ALICE H. SPECIAL EXCURSION TO CHARLESTON REACH SUNDAY Leaves Murslifleld at 8 A. M. ROUND .TRIP 50c Makes connection with auto for Suit, bet Ray uml Shore Acres Hon of which the grant was original ly made. Notables Are Involved. It Is alleged that In these trans actions .Miller, or Woodruff, was Hltnpl.v acting as tho agent of Collls P. Huntington. Chnrles Crocker, Le laud Stnnrord and Mark Hopkins, who, the complaint asserts, woro tho actual parties or Interest. Other transactions are named whereby this tract and the hnlanco of the Innds pnssed through various hands, finally ending up with tho al leged "wrongful" title vested In the Southern Oregon Improvement Com pany, with. In ISSl. -n fraudulent nnd nugatory deed of trust or mort gngo" to the lloston Safe Deposit & Trust Company. In these transactions. It Is nlleged, tho principals were In conspiracy, acting for the benefit of "certain pre ferred stockholders In the Southern Oregon Improvement Compnny and the Southern Oregon Company. It. Is, contended that true title to tho lands "now rests In the state, and that neither the statute of limitations nor tho "doctrine of laches" applies In the case. I."S Clulumuts Sue. The 1.1S elnltnnnts named In tho bill of complaint offer to pay Into court $2. ."0 per acre for the lands they claim, and further offer to re imburse the Southern Oregon com pany for all sums rightfully expend ed by It as trustee, with offsota for "all timber unlawfully removed nnd nil lands fraudulently wold to other parties." Tho prayVr of tho compalnt Is Hint tho court definitely settle and adjust the rlghtH of all parties Interested: that an Injunction Issue against any "further deprednllons on tho prop erty Involved; thnt n decree bo on tored requiring tho Southern Oregon company to relinquish title; thnt n receiver bo appointed to wind up tho affairs Involved In the suit, nnd thnt judgment be granted to the cnmplnln nuts for tholr costs and tho disburse mollis In tho suit." AT BROOKINGS 300 men. Tho company owns nhout 35,000 acres In Curry county, most of which Is heavily timbered with high grade fir. tVo estimated holdings Including over 2,000.000.000 feet or merenhnt nblo tlmher. "W nro putting this plant In ns n permanent proposition," explained Supt. Shropshire. "It Is being con structed along tho very Intest Im proved lines, with Its entire equip ment nnd mnehlnery of the very Int est and host. Tho townsltn Is being laid out and developed with Improve ments nnd buildings nlnng tho most modern lines. Tho same class of con struction applies to our harbor, wharves ami shipping facilities, our railroad enterprise connecting with our various logging camps nnd tho rnmps thomsolves. Wo shall ship our luinbor In our own vessels anil our loading nnd unbinding devices will be the best that can be Installed. Wo shall have our own electric plant nnd water supply nnd one of tho most Im portnut entorprlKos In connection with tho operation of tho sawmill will he the largo conerelo dam 100 feet long nud 75 feet high, which will glo uh a log pond of twonty ncros. i"Wo shall begin operations with ono sldo of tho mill tui vliS cut about 125.000 feet a day until wo get tho other sldo completed." Tho Rrooklngs Interests opomtad for many years In tho lumber manu facturing business In California, bet their supply of timber becumo de pleted nnd they began btiyliiR In Cir ry county, tholr property containing about tho only redwood found In Oregon. Tho company still owns a number of modern lumber yards In California and tho output of tho Rrooklngs plnut will ho marketed to tlieso points. MVRTLE POINT POINTERS. NeiiH of Upper Coqulllo An Told by The Enterprise. Miss Mae Lund, of Coqulllo, who has been the guost of Mr, nud Mrs. W. M. LniiRo for a wook, returned to hor home on Saturday, nftor having been In nttondnnco tho ontlro wook at tho Institute. She goes to resume her duties nt tho Fat Elk school, Dis trict No. 19. Rllllo Smith, who for n number of years has conducted a harbor shop nt tho Coaledo camp of the Smith-Powers Company, was In town tho foro part of tho week. Ho has commenced tho erection of a shop near tho South F.ork camps. At 3:30 Tuosday nRcrnoon, Sep tember first, 101 4, nt tho homo of tho officiating clorgyinnn, Rov. Thos. Rarklow, oeourred tho mnrrlago of William R, Sullivan and .Miss Corn 13. Elford, two woll known young poo plo or tho Myrtle Point section. Thoy loft on the 1 o'clock train tho samo afternoon for Marshfleld for u short stay. SI LO MEETINGS TO RE HELD. Prof. W. A. Rarr, of O. A. O.. has just wired Coos County Agriculturist Smith that ho can be In Coos county Soptombor 15th to 18th. Tho prob uble schedule of tho silo meetings ho Is to hold will bo as follows: Marshfleld, Sopt. 15. Coqullle, Sopt. 10. Lower Coqulllo, Sopt. 17. Myrtlo Point, Sopt. 18. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phone 72. Pacific Livery BUd Transfer Couipny ,