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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1914)
TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. 3! 1i 1 fc n ji 3 I COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MAI.ONKV Editor mid Cub. DAN I-:. MALOM3V News Editor Other Nations Prepare for War Official I'npor of Coos County. Entered nt the I'ostoffleo nt Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through the innlla as Becond-class nanll mutter. WK INDIFFERENT rjpUK sun iniiy ho shining too In I t ho Vosroh Moiintnlns and on tho ViBtuIti Hlver nnd utong that Jagged lino of n million men in front of Paris shining with tho name golden Joy that blesses Coos Bay today, lnnd of pciico nnd plen-I ty. How much do wo think as wo enjoy the radiance or perhnpB un-j crntcfully cnvll nt It, of tho things It looks down upon half way around the world tho flashing fires death, tho bursting of destruction in the air, the fierce, passionate strugglo of frantic men, tho crlm-i aon spots of ngony scattored over) tho devastated fields, and tho up turned faces with the pallor of cter-i nal night upon them. Is It not strange that wo go about ' In tho ordinary way, eating and drinking, buying nnd selling, even I merrymaking, with careless spirits 'SWEDEN HUES TURKS S ! ncinv enp umr tno qiicciiuc IB 'INCOME TAX I j FOR ROBBERIES' PL1J POOR; "f (he Son ,. ht Leader m on 8 miitcn the I ctinfo I? alul Clialrman p 4 .1.... .. . "" ' res iic, ..""nikii u ,,.- tol(J ,,-! ... uic ilin.ft. . ' ' n ..: would not 1,7 J,.??,. Incoi Letter Received by Marshfield Man Tells That Plans to Re sist Invaders Being Made of," Thnt Sweden Is preparing to tako hand in the European conflict is the Btntement miido in a letter re ceived by n Marshfield man todny. The lottor stnteB that the country Ib now under martini rulo. Troops nnvo ueon quietly mobilizing nnd tho military strength of the nation Ib being gathered nt the various strongholds along tho coast. Tho letter says there are stirring times in thnt country and tells of tho Sheriff Gage Returns to Co quille May Take It Before Grand Jury Direct There hnvo been no developments In the Umpire saloon holdup case. Sheriff Gage returned Inst evening from Empire, where he spent tho day, nnd Intimated that ho had as certained very little of n definite nn ture. Ho went to Coqullle this morning. It Is possible that ho may tllnn nt IVIinlnUn tu-mttv M.. .,,N., u"0 U10 IllUlllT OeiOIO UIO g 1.11111 ohuL";,, tt." 8 Jry without any arrests being pre- IDj AiiocliUl rrwt to Coat Dtr Timet. LONDON, Sopt. 0. An Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Athens de clares thnt tho Turks, In order to ho prepared to oppose tho landing of the Hussions, hnvo concentrated 80,000 President Wilson Opposes Plan of Raising Additional Rev enue for Government l a,. r,M. u coo. n., t,-, ; i;j005 $?WA wainnuiu, oupi. .'. tiouse 01 uio county. Coquill ' 1.3$, Koney. bo e ""? ,a realized hi,iii"0, " ' "'''Ki.i5SS5r- n week In Cooi rw U .2 . and vnln words, Just as If tho trnK-l ,,nra8'"J,18 "'ready undergone In tho dy of the ages were not In prog-1 preparation for u National dofenso icbs within reach of our Imaglnu- '".F.n? wnr ls declared. The general tlons? From what deity or demon cn," t0 nrms caused work to stop do we receive tho gift of Iron thus nl ovcr .Sweden und workaday uf- to harden our hearts? I ra,rH nI1'l Private enterprises wore dropped for tho affairs of the nu- A busy person Isn't necessarily In-., northwest of Constantinople, and He dosto, In tho Sen of Mnrmora. Fur thermore, they are fortifying along the sea of Marmora at othor points. Tho correspondent snya that begin ning todny the Servians will assume tho offensive against Austria. TCRKEV OUTS RKARV duBtrioiiB. Gossips nro always busy I Pities, wiuho.v opposes i INCREASES IN TAN Hr Aho-U(I Pn-M In Coot Tlmoc) WASHINGTON. D. C, Sept. 0. Preuldont Wilson opposes nn IncrenHo of the Income tux as part of the program for raising additional leveuue. LASSEN AGAIN IM CD DTinU Most Awesome and of Greater Magnitude Than Any Other Since May 30th. Mr AiMcltiad rT in Coo, nr TIdim. REDDING, Cal., Sept. 9. Lassen Teak hroko forth again yesterday Jd a series of eruptions, tho third of which wttH a solemn nnd nwo omo spoctnclo, far overtopping In magnitude and splendor any pre ilons manifestation. Observers who havo obsorved the moiintnln .'lose Iv slnco tho first eruption, May 20, estimated mat the last eruption trebly exceeded any other. bjtTldbe roue trial The war Is not here, but wo nro preparing for It," the writer says. "Hlg nuiBses of people hnvo gathered In Krlstlnulnnil and armies nro mo- ollizlng in nil the ports around. Hlg extra trains are In Instant readiness to convey tho armies the minute It becomes necessary. They nro en listing men up to -10 yours of ngo." it is certainly a time of grent significance excitement, soiuicrs nro everywhere. Tho women nnd children nro stand ing around watching their husbands. sons nnd fathers mid many of thoni weeping." At Krlslluulund Is located one of the biggest forts In Sweden. It Is also a groat training place for tho soldiers. A strict censorship lias been plac ed Over tlllt MIUVH mill tlm Su'iilni I rrnm i . ..-..- ...v, ...,VV .w... !,,.. I IflM til. .III. I. 41... u -..- -A ...v- minima mill lllf ruillllllllicr or Europe In scnrclty of authentic wnr bulletins. People nro on tho streets nt nil times of tho day and night In the hopo of getting even n word if the gigantic struitKle across tho Baltic Sea. Trains have reused run ning on schedule owing to moving tho troops from tho Interior to var ious parts of tho coast. Swedish railroads are run and controlled by tho government, Insuring speedy service In such a crisis. Tho activities In Sweden nro be ing duplicated In Norway nnd non mark. The threo countries are so Hlmllar In lnngunge, customs and National sympathy that thoy will stick together when tho common enemy approaches. WASHINGTON. D. C. Sept. 0. What looks like a forecast of trou ble in Turkey is embodied in n gen eral statement made public tonight by tho American National lied Cross wherein It Is announced that tno society has rocolved from Am bassador Morgcnthnu, nt Constantin ople, an nppenl for a contribution of 200,000 hospital cots nnd Biibstnn tlal quantities of bandages and other surgical supplies. In his request Mr. Morgoitthnu stated that It was Impossible to ob tain those supplies in Constantin ople or in neighboring countries. This roiiuest tends to emphasize the or the decision of the vlously made. Marshal Carter Js suylngl little, but is convinced thnt the same par ties that pulled off tho holdup also held up the autos. He thinks that some South Inlet nion nro' Involved. Thinks tl Krnnio-iip. Coy ElllBton, who cumo up from Empire yesterday, Bays thnt tho Em pire robbory looked to him llko n frame-up by amateurs. He said one robber held n gun nnd searched thorn nt tho same time, while tho other wandered around looking for others. Ho says nil of thcin wore lined up nlong tho wall. Ho snys thnt a friend of his named Trotter (not Potter) from Gardiner, wns n victim. Ho did not It now the Jennings Brothers, hut Marshal Carter said that they were from North Bend. ElllBton said that they did not leave until about 2:30 its they did not tuko any chnncos of getting shot nnd anyway thoy could n't get a car. Ho Bnyn they all know thnt ho plays cards nnd ho went to Empire for a card game. "LADIES" FASHION HAS DECREED THE Long Coat I Ml,,,, J Suit FOR THIS FALL MUHt IKUUBLt i mien nwuos announced n day or two ago to send the cruiser North nnr Tritiim r I uaronnn to Constantinople for the relief of Americans In Turkey. The fact that Turkey is not yet Involved In tho wnr has not served to lesson the demand for nsslstance to ho nt hand In case of trouble. Tho mobilization of tho Turkish nrmy has taken tho breadwinners families who nro without re sources or savings. Further, the I Constantinople chapter of tho Hod Cross wants to ho prepared for a 'Zapatista Bands Reported to famine which would bring In its i r..: r!x mi! ... - I . .1 I I v I I I laciiai it w A SELECT FEW ARE SHOWING IN OUR LARGE FRONT WINDOW NEW RAINCOATS, UMBRELLAS and RUBBERS for men. women and children are HERE M train disease and possible pestilence. SWISS UEAOV FOIl WAK Threo Hundred Tlmti-nnd Men Mob. illoil to Defend Frontier. WASHINGTON, I). C, Fob. 0. At the Swiss Legation hero tho fol lowing statement was made public: "Tho Swiss Federal Council lias mobilized from the heclnnlui; the whole military forco of Switzerland, tho elite, tho landwclr nnd part of be Causing Grief Atti tude of U. S. Given i (Or AtxrlilJ Prrii lu Cost IUj Tlmn.J WASHINGTON, I). C, Sept. S. Official dispatches telling of the cut ting of Mexico City's wnter supply for throe days, presumably by Zapatista hands, concornod administration of ficials because they reflected tho re-' lontloss activity of tho southern lend er following parleys with Carrnnzal representatives. Is is considered1 practically cortnln that If Cnrrnnza' property Is to ho , THAT SCIIOOI, ltO. ISSUE Editor Times: If our Is to Increase In value It done by tho Incronso lu population unci resulting; industry, of our city. Did you ever stop to think that you can't find, lu Marshflold, n single evidence of any provision for play for our children? Not a park with so much us a fonce; not oven a swing provided by tho puMlc. uo you Know mat tlioi,e things nro considered n vltnl necessity bv nil modern communities? Foreign na tions know It years ago. Amer icans icro fust discovering It. Did you over stop to think that this ollmute provides no wmtor Hports for children no skating, no tho Inndstrum, nuniborlng about l Vllln unite lu forming n strong Federal Judge Decides Martial Law Does Not Abrogate Habeas Corpus Right inrAM(,ui..iiTmiocl.iurTinM.i ,onstlng, no outdoor games of snow niiTTi;. s..m a p.iri I "',"'nB' 8"ow frts, or nny of the Judge Bourculn odu y ovemilc-d tho" 8"C I dm, his Pi' v i, Montana militia's motion to quash ou,t ,',"? . I , 1,' '.i ti,.? the application for writ of habeas rtrefon Zv ca iVt law, I'm corpus UHkecI In behalf of the ihr..e . ii ... "0 ...C.IUI ' i,n?...nn nt . ------- ..... --, n 1 -t ! uninnn riinniii.. n.. .1 1. I'l.o ......, .-.. " "...".. itllllllllB 1IIU provitieci. UDJectors wll say thnt military prisoners here. Tho court .guvo tho military officers until 2 o'clock thlB afternoon to show why tho writ should not issue. The court it ruling IioUIh that uotwlth vtnndlng martial law Is In effect here, habeas corpus has not been suspend ed. The court held that tho Governor lins tho right to proclaim martial law and declared that If tho petitioners are not charged with an offense In volving the Federal government tho petition will be dismissed and thoy must seek lellef In tho state courts. NOTICE TO COXTKACTOKS. Cock ltlcr Consolidated School Dist rict No. Cl, Cock County, Oregon, Calls lor lllds. 1110 cuiicireu uot alone liofn ii,nv had these things. So thoy did. Thov got along, too, boforo modern sur gery or modern knowledge of hy giene wore available. For that mat ter, they managed somehow before school education was common. But would anybody go back to the old regime because they "got along?" Are facilities Tor exercise which builds up and develons children. your children, necessary lu other cities, and u 11 necessary hero? You don't think so notiocly thinks so. Hut some nonnlo three hundred thousand men. The moDiiization Is not a result of a menace to Switzerland, hut merely a precautionary military measure, Tho efficient training of the army nnd tho cureful wnr preparations en ablo Switzerland to maintain the In violability of Its torrltory. "As Commnndor-ln-Chlof of tho nrmy wns elected Col. IMrleh Wllle, rising to the rank of general. Col. Sprecher von Borcnok Is Chief of Staff. Both names nro very pop ular In Switzerland and the neigh boring countries, nnd Inspire tho troops with highest confidence. "Tho mobilization wus completed quietly and speedily. Tho frontiers, tho Alpine passes, us well us tho Got (hard nnd St. Maurice fortifica tions are guarded strongly. Tho liormnn railroad station nt Basel is barred. Railroad traffic betweon Germany and Basel lias ceased, as all trains aro stopped In tho Gorman stations outside Basel. Tho Swiss- liormnn bnundnry there is sharply guarded on both sides, Some Ger ninn patrols which crossed tho boun dary lino Immediately were disarmed nnd Interned. "Tho financial situation Is ontlre ly sntlsfntcory, panics nnd withdraw als of money from hanks and sav ings institutions hnvlng censed. New bank notes of twenty nnd of five francs wore Issued to prosorvo tlm metal reserves. "All foreigners who escaped Into Switzerland nro well enred for there. The authorities nro nsslstlng (ho I "i.OOO stranded Americans In- m-. iganlzlng special trains to ports of om- nuriuuiou. tho supplies of rood stuffs, principally grain and meat aro satisfactory. In milk and cheese. central government, recognition the United Stntes will follow. by Special Sunday Excursion to Allegany, September 13th COXXF.CTING WITH lA'NN LAMBKTII'S Al'TOS FOR Till! GOL DF..V AND SII,Vi:U FALLS nv Steamer Alert (WIJATIIKK PKItMITTINH) ROUND TRIP FARE ON STEAMER, 75c ROUND TRIP FARE ON AUTOS, $1.25 Boat Irf'iivcs Murshflclcl nt H A. M. Returning Arrives ubout T P. M. Beautiful Inexpensive RUGS Our Rugs are Entirely Dif t ferent from Other Lines Carried. AVo havo the patterns, and the colorings, and the weaves, that are the newest. They are real beauties; "Rugs you will be proud to own. And our price not one rent more. is r opposing these measures simply S vitVe 'id posse esn .oreoi'" n cue ay 'a tow ,rrt "tllSfp ?Z J". "0',l"1t!j' " on.nol,IHxert student's ....!.' .'...' ....!" ".?: 08, lf aro helping farmers hunest tii Splendid Line of Draperies nn tno scnnoi voters will votn novt Thursday, there's no question put Tllilu !.., ,ll. ...'...., I..I. n.i.l .....!.. ' tlon or il.o iwc-Moiy and hasen out ', tor ' y ',8U f J "r,I1 1 L B frame school building, tho plans and, H, l:0J , "' .. ". L,YU ,.m specifications f which may he seen ,, ou, "or y ur lldrm at the office r HeJ. Os.llnd. arehi-'y J , ' r '" ,U tcct. anr, lrviiiK mock. M:irsiinid.r J ( IorMl ",,m,t ".. I IIMlii;iT. -will now bo received. Plumbing and liuutlng will be awarded bv separate contract. All bids must bo filed with the architect, iionj. Ostllnd. he foie S p m. Sept. IS. mil No Mcls wi'l be loiiHldered miles ac eoiupanled liy a certllled check to the nmoiiut o two per cent of tho hid. A bond of flftx per cent of the cfontinct will be reiiiilicd of the suc-fe-liil bidder. 1 H HK.SSY. Chairman. Aunci: of Tiir AceoixniilXT 01 DMINISTILTULY. NOTICK is hereby given that tho niiiloi'slgnoil has been appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of the late (Shu. IC. Jordan, decoased. by tho iron ihe County Court of the State of Oregon lor the County of Coos. In NOTICK OF FILINO FINAL ItKI'OItT Notice is hereby given thnt on tho mii ciny ot September, I0H. tho un deri.gned executrix of tho last will and testament of C. T. Smith, decoased. filed lu tho Couutv Court of tho State of Oregon, In and for the County of Coos, her iiuai account as such Kxeeutrlx; and that the court on said dnto dulv made nn order directing that notice of the filing of said final ac count be given in the same manner as notice of her qualifying nnd appoint ment and ns required by law, and further ordering that Thursday tho 1.1th day of October. I5HI. at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in. kit thb County Judge's room in tho Court llnttoih of I'robato. Houso In Coqulllo City, Coos County. All persoiih having claims against Oiegon, be and tho saino is the time iiaici citato aie otlfled to nresont crops," F A FAIH l'UOl'OSlTION ' I These druggists will toll 9 I you thoy could not rocom- I i mend a more satisfactory I remedy tor rhoumatlsui I ' I ,ll:,n f , TIT. rontMtPuuiiCHtwtrt J W I f lilDaitf 1 I I THADCMAKK I 1 I ft IUIKU.MATISM Wo Our Draperies match our Hugs. There is no beauty without harmony, buy our Draperies to tone in with our "Rugs. "We get results for our custom ers that can be had only at our store. Homes we have furnished speak for themselves. But we want to impress this upon your mind: You find you nro real proud to own bargains in both draperies and Tings right here in this store them to mo with tho proper vouchers, t tho office of m attorney, Geo. Watklns, in the Kldorado Hlk. in tho City of Marshfield, Mild County and Htato, within six months from dato. Dated this 1st day of Sept., 19 It. SAItAH JORDAN. (First publication, Sopt, 1, 19 H. J6t nubllcitlou, Sept. 29, 19H.) and placo sot for tho hearlnc of oh. jectlons tl.ereto and tho settlement thereof. Dated this 9th clay of September, 19U. MARIA SMITH Kxeeutrlx- of tho last will nnd tes- tamont of C. T. Smith, decoased.OVL rURSOUUTlON PHARMACY. (First publication Sopt. 9, 1914, Frank 1). Cohan; last publication Oct. 7, 1914.) Opposite ChAacSer Hotel. Phono 74 rOWDKKS The manufacturers nave so much confidence in this preparation that thoy au thorize it to be sold on a positive guarantee to glvo you relief or your money will bo refunded. This is certainly a fair proposition. Let us expluln this remedy l'rice 50c. For salo by FURNITURE Our Furniture has real elass. Ours is not high priced Furniture, yet our Furniture has a style and a quality and a finish that puts it way in the lead. And our price is not one cent more. Perry & Nicholson V W-V4 VJ jMg&jj