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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1914)
!UlBJJMMiHlMUia Conscience is like the policeman you cant and when you need him most WHEN YOU PICK UP .nnnor you expect to read (J000 Hag tm?s THE LEADING PAPER Of Southwestern Oregon Is the Coos Hay Times. It Is now. nlwnys hns been and wo expect nlwnys will he. Don't tnle our word for It. Ask nny Coos liny citizen. W ETnnd most di-ponrtnuio war itCThe Coos Hny Times carries if. 1 n....i itpks reports rct- fctj Aoclatcl l'rcss reports. Ar.i mr the world as K.57 ?"" " ntjso- ..v; :tfly renu"-' MEMHEK OP TIIli ASSOCIATE!) PRESS sry.TCT" ray (its Pol no- xxxviii. EntnbllwliC,! 1878 ii8 Tlio Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Convollilntlon nf Tttnrx, Const Mnll unci Coos liny Athcftta'r No. 47 Hies Claim T Have Checked Germans; Driving Them Back Iffl AND ENGLISH ARMIES SEEM 10 BE Gil BATTLE PANIC RULES IN AUSTRIA AND 1TI STAYS ARMY'S ADVANCE General Joffres, French Commander-in-Chief, Issues General ' English Newspaperman Returning From Vienna Draws Gloomy uraer io iiuum .i.u ...... mm "' "" , mure of Conditions in Austro-Hungarian Empire- Back Invaders From French Soil Mudd(e and Fear Everywnere 3RITISH OFFICIAL REPORT TOR FIRST ARMIES. BEATEN BACK EVERYWHERE AND TIME SAYS CONDITION IS SAilSFACTORY I SOLDIERS FORCED TO FRONT BY BAYONETS French Announce That Government's Stay in Bordeaux Will be BrieT tngnsn oumimmuur nuiiun amuKus oaimiy While Inspecting Battle Lines (Hy Assoclntcd Press to Coos Hny Times.) Open Revolt in Bosnia, Vienna Faces Famine and Prices Are Rising Mobs Tear Serbs to Pieces in Street Two Russian Correspondents (Dy Associated Press to Coob Hny Times.) LONDON, Sept. !. It is curly as yd to judge how Jar LONDON, Sept. J). The Daily Mail's Milan corrcspon lie allies will be able to push their present advance east (vuf who rm,tiv il8 )C0U in Vienna, draws a gloomy f Paris against the (ionium invaders, but I roin what win . pjure of that Umpire, lie savs: " Panic rules in Aus- ijhe di '-- v; ,. ..I . . i. i. . i ,.i ,i i Ik- iratliered li-oni lieeung glimpses oi tne name zone, me ..:., mm,., ,,.,.,,., ,lllwi.lf1r ml Hritish mid French armies seem to be elToetively driving ui.,1,, ()r (i, ,,.,.,, ,,,ii,iii. mul fwn- . ,. ... . . i i . : i ji i : : mine tieir auvamaiio aim jiniiuiiir mi ictus inuv HUNDREDS OE THOUSANDS LOST III FIRST SIX WEEKS OE WAR London Times Correspondent Says That One Hundred Thous and Germans Were Killed in One Battle in Eastern Prussia. September 1 Numbers Appaling SLAUGHTER IN BATTLE BETWEEN RUSSIANS AND THE GERMANS IS TERRIFIC, HE WIRES Declares Between Sixty and Seventy Thousand Were Slain In Another Engagement Near Soldeau Germans Give Death List Small a (Hy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ' LONDON, Sept. 9.The Times' correspondent at l?o trograd sends the following: "The extent, of losses during the first six weeks places all previous casualties far in the bankrupt empire is in a background. Not less than 100,000 dead Germans were Her armies, lialt- counted in trenches alter one engagement in eastern rrus- lii u- nmiwrm nr IiimjI jiiwI iwiu mwnilv lmiiitimm Jim lwntmi uw ; mn f!miilw.i 1 wlirm livn it nutiiiiii ni'inv i'iiimw fniiif m T r- ftvintv iv iiini mill ' i'HV V'JtV lvivv.t 'H' I - FJVILVIlir'XI B 1 1 I. I 11 W iiliuiiiuu , iwBrjjBaav - jrirss. For the lirst time since hostilities began, British (.Vomvliere bv the Russians. The men were driven into 'death grips with four German corps north of Soldeau, the official report described the operations as "vuvy satislac- ln,jUH at tu, ,)()int of tIU bayonet d 8l.oros wm. sh0t by' losses on both sides totalled sixtv to seventy thousand. The tory." Tliisfact, coupled with the Prench announce- their officers to terrorize their fellows into obedience. Dos-' ma joritv were Germans." incuts that it expects the government s stay m Bordeaux ; jiS j 0,KMl ,vvoit VieniMi is menaced bv famine and ' ' "- . will ho short and General Joffro's general order to the ,.;,.(IS ... steadilv riHinir. Serbs have been torn to nieces . '" a ..., i . mm . , vr m a, w UtHMANb HtPUH trooDS that the time had come to drive back the invaders is accepted as indicating the German's retrograde move incuts me likely to be permancnl, I orison. Field Marshal Sir .John French, commanding the Brit-i fell forces now fighting with the French army, looked per-j foiiOl' CM id If 11 M'llll tllM Uli Mil 1 IIAII tlO.lll'f Imir in ICi'itmlli fcoldiei's. They say he went about the lines smoking cigar ettes as though he was on the parade ground. BATTLE JV1AY LAST A WEEK (Hy Associated Press to Coos Huy Times.) LONDON, Sept. 9. Experts here are of the opinion that the Germans, who heretofore have been the outt'lank ers, nro in danger of being outflanked and of being eoni 1'ollcd to accept a frontal attack from the allies, now on die offensive. This titanic struggle, in which the combat ants me tallied in millions, is likely to ebb and flow for a week before a decisive result-is reached. Great importance i attached to the Russian capture of Nicolaiff, a fortress, in Austria Galicia. 0y Associated Press to Coos Hay Times) PARIS, Sept. 9. British officers and soldiers arriving from the front today declare that the four-davs'- (!attlo which still continues east of Paris, is being carried on fu riously. They assert, that the French captured a consider able number of field and machine guns, while the Ger mans often surrendered in groups. An official communication received this afternoon says the situation remains satisfactory. The German right is retreating before the English. The French center is slow ly advancing. The situation on the right remains un changed. i official statement says: "On the left wing, although the Oernians have been re-inforced, the situation remains satisfactory. The enemy is retreating before the Hritish i"iy. At'the center our advance is slow, but general. On the right wing there has been no action of the enemy against the great circle of Nancy, hi Vosgcs and Alsace the situation remains unchanged. in the streets. 1 wo uussian newspaper correspondents were shot by the police and five foreign .journalists are In TWO IDE GERMAN GENERALS KILLED IN RATTLES IN ERANCE I AUSTRIA LOSES TO MONTENEGRO (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) PA WIS, Sept. 9. A havas dispatch from Uonic says: "News has reached here that Montenegrin troops, com manded by General Yucotich, have occupied important points in Bosnia south of Saraye, the capital. The situa tion in North Albania continues serious." RUSSIAN OFFICIALS SAY THEY IE ADSTRIANS ON RETREAT (Hy Associated 1'rcsH to Coos Hny Times,) WASHINGTON, I). ('., Sept. 9. The Russian Embas sy today issued the following statement: "On September Sth a general engagement continued along the whole Aus trian front. In the center the Austrian army is falling back. Near Bavarusskaa a stubborn battle is being fought with considerable Austrian forces. Our troops are also at tacking the strongly fortified position at Gerodok, west of Lwow. On the left bank of the Vistula Piver our advance is developing favorably." RUSSIAN CZAR DETERMINED THAT ARMY SRALL GO TO BERLIN (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Sept. 9. The Evening News publishes a dis patch from Pome saying that Emperor Nicholas is report ed to have made the following declaration: "1 am resolved to go to Berlin itself, even if it costs me my last niou.jik." 4010 FRENCH MORE OF AT MAUREUGE WIRES TO PRES. W (Hy Associated. Press to Coos Hay Times.) HEIiLIN. Sonf. n Two more Major Generals won added to the death list of field officers 'lonUothaniidNiclniul. have Generals Expresses Regret at Destruc tion of Louvain Protests Against Allies Premier Von Wcizsucker of "Wurtenbcrg and "Finance LOni)on. sept, o -Minister 13ruenig, of BaVaria, have both lost sons Prince , up jjigjn nh, l'Pderick William, of Hesse, was wounded in the In east t0 jreg,iont wiuon sente iii lie lighting in France. Jrainloads of wounded are being brought from advanc ed to base hospitals or forwarded to LaPettoes in the in terior of Germany. Only the most severely wounded, who Hi'e unable to travel, have been left in the advanced lios- I'UHIS, KOITMAXIA FOlt AIJilKS. I IBt AuocUtM rreu to Com Day Tlmn.l I-OXDOX, Sept. 9. A tele fcwra from Bucharest, Rotjma nu, gays that the Russian vlc- '. wies In Galicia have aroused ''A Uoumanlanj. who dfcmon 8i aej yesterday In tho nucha- 11 , ,?,rcets In favor of Rus3!n and Franco. lill'K TKltM I'O't SlUYtill OK IIAHV Dr AMO Ule4 Pmi lo l)r Tlm 1 PIUNHVILLK. Or.. Sept. 9. Ralph Sheldon, who poisoned his Infant son last June, plead ed guilty to second degreo mur der toda and was sentenced to life Imprisonment. Dj AM"UI4 Prrit to Cool D) Time.. There has Copenhagen a tele- llllam sent September 4th," teluKranhs tho Copenhagen corres- ' pondont of the London Dally Times. "In this message Kmporor William protests against the use by tho Eng lish of dumdum bullets and against the participation of tho Belgian pop ulace In the war. Emperor William adds In his communication to Pres- Idem Wilson that his generals havo I In certain cases been compelled to punish the Belgians and expressed deep rerot at tho destruction of Louvain and other interesting plac es." DENIAL AT WASHINGTON m IJAXD DAXCE PLATFORM Second and MurLet, Saturday night. At.orliteJ FrrM to Coos Dir Tn 1 I WASHINGTON. D. C, Sopt. 9. 'At the White House and at tho State Department It was stated early today that no message to President Wilson frop) Emperor William had been received so far. SHIPS OF RED . CROSS RELD Diplomatic Objections Delay Sailing of American Relief Ship for European War (Nr Awoi l(d I'ltu lo Coon lUy Tlmw NEW YORK, Sopt. 9. The stenm er Red CrosH, duo to sail at noon Tuoeday with American uu'rsos, doe tors and medical biippllos for Euro ponn battlefields, was unexpectedly held up and will not sail for sev eral days at least. Miss Mabul Hoardman, president of tho Red Cross Society, verified reports that diplomatic obBtnutlons had been raised to tho vessel's sailing. 1 (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) WASHINGTON, 1). (I, Sept. 9. The German Emhas !.y received a wireless today from Perlin saying: "Gen eral headquarters reports that Maubeugo has fallen. .Four hundred guns, four generals and forty thousand prisoners were captured." Maubeuge is a town in Northern France, in the depart ment of Nord, about two miles from the Pelgian frontier. As a fortress Maubeuge has an old enceinte of bastion trace which selves as the center of an important, entrench ed camp of eighteen miles perimeter, constructed for the most part after the war of 1870, but since modernized anil augmented. It is an important manufacturing center, with a population of approximately 15,000. The city was razed a number of times and was unsuccessfully beseiged in .18M, but was compelled to capitulate after a vigorous resistance,. in the Hundred Days. 'i' GERMANS CLAIM BIG VICTORY1 (Hy Associated PresB to Coos Hay Times.) WASHINGTON, L). ('., Sept. 9. The German Embas sy today received this wireless from Merlin: " Brcslau, Si lesian, were captured with seventeen officers and one thousand men, all of the Pussian Imperial Guard." The place of encounter was not given. KITCHENER'S EAST INDIAN TROOPS ARMS. (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times,) LONDON, Sept. 9. Lord Kitchener's "unknown fac tor," heretofore held a great secret which has so altered the situation, is known to be the arrival of forces from In dia. Two divisions of infantry and a brigade of cavarry constitute the forces. It is estimated that this adds sixty, thousand men to the allied armies. ' GERMANS RETIRE FROM UPPER ALSACE (y Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Sept. 9. A Central News dispatch from Ba sel, Switzerland, says the Germans have evacuated upper Alsate. TRIANS REPORTED TO RE BADLY DEFEATED NEAR: LEMBERG (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) ROME, Sept. 9. A dispatch from .Petrograd to Mcs .sagero declares that the great battle at Rawa, on Galicirt, thirty-two miles northwest of Lemburg, is over. The Rus sians won a complete victory. Austrians are said to bo re tiring everywliere. Among the prisoners taken by the Russians are a large number of Germans. Tho Austrians Imvc evacuated Russian Poland. S HANI) DANCE PLATFORM Second mid Market, Saturday night. SERVIANS REPORT AUSTRIANS RETREATING JPAlvIS, Sept. 9. A TIavas dispatch from Nish, Scr via, says tho Servians continue their offensivo tactics against the Austrians toward Vishcgrad. They crossed 'he frontier September (5, continuing their advance suc cessfully. Everywhere the Austrians were thrown back (to the left bank of the .River Drina. ni toSXxm ssiznsnssi l .IWIIWPJ.I1