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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1913)
E MAN WHO INDULGES IN EITHER GROUCH OR GRAET IS ALGSffi KNOW IT WxmtB Til K PAPER OF AUTHORITY' WATCH THE WANT ADS. There nro many good bargains to ho found there. Anything lost or found is itlwnys adver tised in Tito Times. 1 In Maishfleid Is tlio Intlopend- ini Tlnics. It Is for tlio city 'mid community Hist, last mid If all (ho (line. JOIN THE TIM US FAMILY. MEMHEH OF TUB ASSOCIATE!) PKES YYYWI l-'staldlslicd In 1878 .. AAA Via.,, rrim f'imHt Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1913 .EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast .Mall Mn 1 AT and Coos Bay Advertiser. u" IM" WW& R THIRTY-FIVE LIVES LOST ON ROSECRANS AT ASTORIA TO LEI STATE S 0 W inmtnrl Oil Co 's Bin Tank learner Wrecked at En trance of Columbia. IIFIC STORM IS )W PREVAILING THERE el from San Francisco At tempted to Enter Dur ing Thick Weather. ItOSKCRANS' OFFICERS. AiiixlttH Tnn to Toon ar TlmM.J ISTOIUA, .Inn. 7. Tlio fol- rliiK officers of tlio Roso- Ins nro liollovod to bo dond: "Irst Olllcor Thomas Mitllln. 3hlof Englncor Orundoll, "IrHt ARfllstnnt Engineer J. iMcPhcrson. Second .HBltnnt Englncor 11118. 3hlof Steward F. WIIboii. IVIrolcsR Operator L. P. iidhont. rhlrd oniccr C. It. Palmer. Clio nnincB of tlio crow nro nvnllnblo. .1 DOESN'T INK ANYONE SAVED 'AMOfUte.1 Prrtf lo Coot I'r TlrciM.J rOItIA, Ore., .Tali. 7. Running.' tlio Hixty inlloH Knio In wouiner Nek thnt lier olllccrs could not liolr bearings, tlio on stoamor brans, bound from San Froncls- Portlnnd, with n cargo of oil, rrcekod on Peacock Spit at tlio ico to thlB hnrbor. It Is bo- thnt her crow of an mon hnvo lied. o tug hontn nro otatlonod by, lie llfo saving crown nro ondoav- to rench tlio vcbbcI but tholr hnvo boon futile, high boob llio galo preventing thorn from noli to tlio Hiiln. Thoro Is llt- no probability thnt any of tlio (will bo Bnved. I tnoon tlio vcbboI with tlio ox- In of hor funnol and ono mnst, pntlroly iindor water. ero wns throo mon clinging to ?glng of tlio exposed mast, but thoy enn bo rescued, thoy enn hig survive wonthor Is bitter cold. Wireless Calls. on tlio HoBocrntiH Htruelc, lior. fcsa oporntor sent calls for assls- Thoso cnlls woro picked up' locnl stntlon mid local tugs, iio laioosu woro cnspaiciioii iu Bslstanco. Tlio llfo saving sta- it Fort Cnnby and Point Ad- I'oro renched by tolophono nnd Immodlntely put out for tlio Tlio llfo saving crowB hnd n Journey na n gnlo sixty inlloR bur swooping up from tlio Boutli tlio son Into n foam and big broko ovor tlio crewH as tlio imtfi Btrugglod through tlio wn- Whon thoy roached tlio vleln- tho ROBocrnns, It wns found Bible to rench tlio vossol nnd ro boats with two tugs cruised tBoarihlng for posslblo survlv- bo far ns Is known nono of tuo wis plckod up nnd It Is not bo- ithnt any survlvod. Kosccrnns tins noon an w- bbo1. Whllo taking oil nt AugiiBt 27. 1012. sho flro nnd wns burned to tlio odgo. In March of the rear sho was drlvon on tlio, rinittnlvi niwl if r r9 liAM Bill, uutium llllll inu Ul 11 VJ lost. Sho wns built In Glns- 1883. Tho Itosccrnns Is fcot long nnd roglstored 2970 ross. At ono tlmo sho sorved lovornmont trnnsport. Sho Is I' by tho Assoclntod OH Trnns- on company nnd is vmueu lor cargo nt nbout $200,000. Tug Captain Wires That Ev eryone Has Been Swept Off the Rosecrans. (11? Aiaotlatfel rmi lo Coo Har Tlmrt. PORTLAND, Ore, Jnn. 7. "I doubt If nny ono Is loft aboard hor." This was part of n mossngo A. II, Pnr kor, locnl ngont of tho Assoclntod OH Company, owning tho Ilosccrnns, re ceived nt noon from Captain W. P. rnuerson, puoi oi tuo tug mat wont to Astorln to bring hor up tho river to tno innitH in Portland, rnuornon said tho sens woro breaking ovor hor nnd tho foromust had been carried nwny. GOLD FATAL IN Jas. Clark, Stableman, Out of Work, Found Dead from Cold and Exposure. Hr Aaortated r-rrtt lo Coot Par TlraM.) SAN FRANCISCO, Jnn. 7. Hud dled behind n pile of frozen rofuso James CInrk, n stableman, 2C years old, wns found dead today from cold nnd oxposuro. Olllclnlly dlng- noHed tho cnuso of his death was bronchial pnoumonla, caused by tbo cold. No similar deaths in tlio His tory of San Francisco nro rocordod by tho coroner's olllco. Clark wns thinly clnd nnd out of work. TO ELECTRIFY RAILWAY Secretary Fisher Makes the Grant That May Mean First of Change. Pjr Auotltt rmi lo Coo Par Timet. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. What Secretary Fisher bellovrs to bo tho beginning of tho electrification of tho trnns-continontnl railroads, wns marked today by a grant to tho Great Falls, Montana, powor com pany to transmit over public do main powor for tho electrification of 450 miles of track on tho main lino or tho Chicago. Milwnukoo & Pugot Sound railroad, botweon Har lowtown, Mont., nnd Avory, Ida. IOWX PHIXCE WELL. lo Russian Tlirono Attends piii'Istiuns Tree Today. oiifii rrm to coot njr Timet. :ETERSnURG, Jnn. 7. -Tho Jmporlnl Crown I'rlnco Ai- 1th his father. Emperor Nlch- attonded tho distribution of from tho Christmas tree of Esacks of tho body Kunrd at ilace of Tsarskoooelo. This Crown Prlnco's flnt public iinco slnco his illness and Id of tho report ho was sent fsouth of Franco. 1 LlAFORXIA OIL PRONE QUITS.BASEBALL Noted Chicago Player-Manager Declares He Will Not Play This Year. n Attoclated Trftt to Coot Par Timet. CHICAGO, Jan. 7. An afternoon pnpor prints nn extended intorviow with Frank Chnnco, In which ho stntes positively thnt he will not ap pear in bnsoball this season. TAIUFF HEARINGS ON. (Investigates Salo of Stock of Company. . joclttej rrna to Ccst Par Times. IHINGTON, Jan. 7. An ox- lon of tno operations whero- capitnl stock of tho Cnllfor-i ptroleum Company was soldi limes or ovor on tho Nowi Block exchange during tho Jnth of tl o company's oxlst- accuplod tho tlmo of thoj money trust commltteo to-1 Manufacturing Interests Ici)rcscnt cl nt AVnshlngtoii. Ur Atiotlated Tn-tt to Coos Day Tlmea.J WASHINGTON. Jan. 7. Manu facturing interests from Paris to San Francisco, affected by tho con templated Democratic revision of tho tariff, woro represented today at tho second hearing on tho chem ical schedule. UKTTEU IV MEXICO. aikfls post nrsv. 'ork Handles 112,201 Pack- nges in Threo Days. io. UlcJ ritu to Coot Hay Tlmet.l i rniDiovoment In Conditions Reported by American Consuls. IDr Atao latej Prett to Coct Uar llsiet. W8HINGTON. Jan C - Condi tions In Mexico generally and es pecially In tho border stntes, nro r- City Council Delays Action on Municipal System Pend iny Hearing. Tho question of hastening a solu tion of tho Mnrshflcld wntor prob lorn was brought up nt tlio Mnrsh Held city council meeting Inst night by Councilman Albrccht. Ho stated that ho thought tho waterworks" question should bo handled by tlio council as a commltteo of tho wholo Instead of rcforrlng It to sub committees of tho council nnd thnt Immudlnto stops should bo taken looking townrds n municipal system for Mnrshflold. Ho Bald ho thought tho council ns a commltteo of tho wholo should moot nt onco nod do- tormlno what thoy thought wns n fair prlco for tho present Mnrsh flold system nnd whnt thoy could recommond to tho voters nt n spe cial election f tho company would accept It. Resides this, ho said that tlio council as n commltteo ol tho wholo could consider tho other water projects nnd boo what could bo dono with thorn, Ho said that tho council hnd tho Rlchnrdson nnd other roiHirts on which to base their opinion. Ho onld thnt ho thought tho mnttor could bo nr- rungetl in a cotiplo of dnys nnd Hiiggosted thnt u meeting of tho council us n commltteo of tho wholo bo hold Friday night to tako tho matter up. Acting City Attornoy Kendall who was present in plaro of City Attornoy Gobs, who Is nwny Inspect ing flro nppnratiiB, ahitod that ho did not think tho niovo would bo ndvlsnblo nt this tlmo. Ho snld thnt nny negotiations with tho Coos nay Wntor Company now might tend to delay tho hearing of tho nppoal by Marshflold to tho Oregon Railway Commission unilor tho pub He utilities law. Ho said ho had Just received n lottor Hint tho Mnrshflold nppenl was tho first ono and that tho commission would try and oxpedlto tho mnttor ns much ns posslblo. Ho snld tho Coos liny Wntor Compnny hnd nlrendv asked for n dolny In order to liavo tlmo to fllo nn nnswor to tho nppoal of tho city nnd thnt tho compnny would probnbly tnko ndvnntago of any tondor or advances by tho city to further dolny tho mattor. Councilman Copplo wanted to know how soon It would llkoly bo boforo tho commission would got to tho Mnrshflold enso. Mr. Kondnll roplled thnt ho did not know oxnetly as tho law wns now nnd thoro was no precedent to go by. Ho snld thnt ho thought It might ho within 30 dnys. In vlow of this Mr. Albrccht snld thnt It might bo well not to make any official record or tondor to tho company ponding action by tho Railroad Commission, but thnt ho thought tho council could meot ns n commltteo of tho wholo nnd oxpo dlto municipal ownership. Ho Bald that thoro woro n numbor of things In which small oxpondlturcs could bo mado now that would moan n great snvlng lator. Iio snld thnt somo of thoso moves woro mndo without too much publicity boforo hand, tho city would bo greatly bonofittcd. Ho said that stops had already boon taken townrd securing sources of supply. Thoro was moro or less discus sion nnd Councilman Copplo sug gested that thoro woro n numbor of things to bo considered boslilos tho posslblo purchase of tho prosont systom and tho Improvement In tho sorvlco from It. Ho said tho poo plo of Marshflold had expressed thomsplves In no uncortnln torms at tho polio as.holng In favor of mu nicipal ownership nnd ho thought tho council should try nnd nccom pllsh tholr wishes as early ns pos slblo, Councilman Ferguson thought tho council should not do anything un til tho Oregon Rnllrond Commis sion reports on tho locnl situa tion. With this report, ho thought thnt tho way would bo clearor. Consequently ho said ho did not want to have tho council do any thing that might hinder tho com mission. Mr. Albrecht changed his original motion to simply turn tho wnter works problem over to tho council ns n commltteo of tho wholo. Mayor Straw wanted to have tho council spoclfy tho night tho council was to meot to tako action on tho wa terworks matter but the council, In view of Acting City Attornoy Kondall's expression would not spo clfy any tlmo to tnko It up. Thoro wns moro or less politics in tho pnrloylng. Mayor traw hav ing practically roforred tho water works mnttor, or rather tho Inci dentals of It to Messrs. Winkler. Albrecht nnd Copplo by appointing thorn on tho wator commltteo. Thoy wished thn othor roiincilmen to as sist thorn In tho Investigations and. said that ha thought that every mombor of tho council was vltnllv interested in it and should bo al lowed to assist In tho mattor During tho evening. Mayor Straw CLASH ABOUT A Hi Mayor Straw Revokes Ap pointment of Chas. Doanc and Salary Is Held Up. For n fow minutes boforo tho close of last evening's session of tho city council, It looked as though thoro would bo something doing over tho morchnnt's patrol but It dropped nnd tho council adjourned. Tho mnttor wns brought up nt n previous inciting nnd en mo up last night In tho allowing of bills for tho month. City Rocordor Hutler wnnted to know whnt tho council wns going to do about tho nllowlng of tho $20. tho city's UBitnl contribution to tho monthly pay of tho patrolman. Couucllmnn Forguson inquired of .Mayor Straw ir tho pntrolmnn was still clothed with pollco authority, and tho latter responded that ho was not. Mr. Ferguson said that ho did n't soo any uso In tho city paying towards his salary any longor If tho city wns not going to rocolvo boiiio benefits of his work. Mayor Straw said that ho thought tho snmo. Thoro wns n pnuso of a fow min utes and Mnyor Straw said that ho wished someone would start some thing start homo If nothing olso. Then came n motion to ndjourn, nnd tho council adjourned until next Monday night. At tho provlous scslon of tho coun cil Mnyor Straw gnvo ns a ronson for rovoklng tho pollco authority of Merchant Pntrolmnn Doane, that ho didn't propoBO to havo nny olllcor of tho city who wns receiving pnrt of his salary from tho "saloons nnd oth or undesirables." Howovor, It Is un derstood thnt Mr. Donno's frlonds malntntn thnt Mnyor Straw's rovocn tlon of Donno's nppolntmont Is renlly duo lo Mnyor Straw playing politics. It is claimed that Doano has novor boon an ardont nupportor of Mayor Straw In Marshflold city elections or tho factions Hrnt Mayor Straw has been supporting, nnd thnt In the Inst city election, ho Is snld to hnvo work ed ngnlnst Mnyor Straw's favorites in tlio rnco for councllmou. To get ovon., thoy clnlin Mnyor Straw has revoked Donno's nppolntmont. Whnt effect this will hnvo on tho morchnnt's patrol In hooping a spo clal nlghtwntchninn in problematical. Ivor-Johnson Dlcyclcs at tho j Plonoor Hardware , 4 E STILL T B NS W L SETTLE CHINOOK WIND GREAT DANCER Warm Breeze Threatens the Railroads With Snow slides and Floods. tnr AMoclale.1 Trill lo Coot lit; Timet. SEATTLE, Jan. 7. A Chinook Peace Negotiations Delayed by Orthodox Christmas Holi day Observance. POWERS ARE FIGURING ON INTERVENTION PLAM Unable to Determine Just the Policy to Pursue to Force. Peace if Necessary. tnr AtsotlaltJ rrm to Coot nay TlmM.r LONDON. Jan. 7. Thoro Is prac tically no disposition In London to doubt that as soon ns tho delegates; of Rulgnrla, Grcoco, Montenegro nnd Servla hnvo celebrated the? u-ln.l Irnmlnil liv. rnllronil tiion tnr Orthodox ChrlstlllttS holiday, tllCt tho pnBt two wcoks, has arrived' I'oaco conference will bo roaumod'. and It Is fonrcd that tho 15 fcot.Tlioro Is a deop-sontcd roluctnmvs or moro of biiow tint lies piled up n,K.nU lnrtles against reopen Idk .1.. n i- .- ...ill i. ' llnatltmna nttlinllivli Inrnnfa it Rtmll Oil IIIO VllBCUtlCH IllUlllllUllia Will UU ""-. ......w..r" "-"" ""-- miendliv molted nnd will niHii dmvn ! an ovontuallty aro still uttered. At tho namo tlmo tho powors aro oc cupied offering lrlcndly ndvlco to tho antagonists and In chbo this should prove InBtilllclcnr, tho nm- bcsC tho slopes, washing out railroad tracks, brldgos and Inundntlng val leys. HMirt annit. Minf fill vndtnrrlnv In Wnntnrn WniriilniMnn hn lmon rn-l bassatlors aro Seeking tllO duccd to sltiBh by tho rain nnd tho "l'i Ql intervention. wnrm wind now provnlllng. Tho', Tho noxt meeting will probacy -n...,.i., i... i ...i.. i.n...... i'lift the crucial onn of the sorlas suffer from tho thaw and all trains' ". will )? Ireldod ovor by tho i iiriiiHii ciuoi ueiegnie. itecnan j-u-Hha, whoso turn It Is to net na president. over tho Cnscndcs nro Into. SUCCUMBS IN LONDON HOTEL Paul Nash, U. S. Consul Gen eral at Buda Pest, Dies Suddenly. w Purchases Coos Bay Wall Pa per and Paint Company and Will Merge It. W. N. Ekblnd of Ekblad & Son this morning concluded negotiations for tho purchaso of tho Coos Ray Wall Papor nnd Paint business from C. F. Johnson. Mr. Ekblad will Dr Attoilateil Trrat to Coot nay Timet.) LONDON, Jan. 7. Pnul Nash, United tSatos Consul Gonornl nt Rutin Pest, dlod suddenly todny In n hotol hero. Although nppnrontiy denth wns irom natural causes, nn Inquost will bo necessary. Nash was 3G yonrs old and hnd boon in diplomatic sorvlco nt Rnn- kok. vonls. Vladivostok. Kiieiins and Rutin Post. Whllo consul at Vonlco, ho married Rnroncss Ina Maynorl of Piedmont. LEAVE TOOAY BHEMH M Steamer Sails This Morninfj .for Portland Big Ship ment of Fish. WOOD IS FOR ARMY RESERVE Chief of Staff Wants Former Soldiers to Re-Enlist and Receive Pay. Mr AuotlateJ Treti lo Coot Pajr TJmet. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. In or der that n reasonably Btrong rosorvo may bo established In tho United Statos with tho least posslblo do MORGAN TO F.GYIT. American Financier to Look Up Hur led Treasures There. NEW YORK. Jnn. C With tho Pujo commltteo continuing nt Washington, Its probo Into tho fin ances, J. p, Morgan, who was ono of tho most important witnesses in tho investigation, will sail for Egypt tomorrow to Interest hlmsolf In tho burlod treasures there About rogular army, mnrlno corps or ml- lltln, nnd who nro still pnysicnuy flt should bo authorized to onllst nt onco In tho rosorvo nnd recolvo pay, Is tho opinion of Major-Gen-oral Leonard Wood, chief of staff of tho army. Gonornl Wood todny on dorsed a bill introduced by Ropro sontntlvo Tllson of Connecticut, pro viding n nntlonnl mllltnrv rosorvo. Two dollars n month should bo tho compensation according to Ma jor Wood. niovo tho IniBliioss from Its pres-l iny, n ,ne wi,0 havo served. In oni qunriors on isoriu oocoim stroot, botweon Contrnl and Com mcrclnl, to his hnrdwnro storo on Front streot. Ho will dovoto tho room Just south of his hardware ntoro to tho wall paper dopautment. Iio has handled paints, varnishes, elc, horotoforo, imt will onlnrgo his Jlno nnd will mnko tho now do pnrtment tho most compioto of tho kind on Coos Ray. Ho found thnt tho wnll pnpor business would work in well with tho hnrdwnro lino, nnd especially tho homo build ing, nnd furnish business thnt ho has been dovotlng special attention to. Mr. Ekblad plans to dlsposo of much of tho Johnson stock, espec ially tho wall pnpor, in tho pres ent quarters on Second streot and will continue tho business, thoro for anothor weok. Mr. Johnson, who has retired, hns beon planning for somo tlmo to ro tlro from business. Ho has con sidered moving to California, but whothor ho will do so or romnln on tho Bay, ho has not definitely determined. FIRE SCARE IN CHANDLER HOTEL Snark in Waste Paper Furnace Room Caused Alarm Today. tho people of Marshflold woro glv on a little flro scaro about 0 o'clock, ns tho result of n llttlo blnze and much smoko from n waste papor box in tho furnaco room of tho hotol, A snark from tho. furnaco started the waste to miming, out mo nro Tho Rreakwalor sailed this morn ing for Portlnud nnd Captain Nelson Is planning to mnko up moro of tho tlmo lost lioro n week ago. Tho last trip was mado In nbout four days. Todny the Rrenkwntcr hnd n r.nthor smnll list of pnsscngors nnd light outgoing freight enrgo. Tho lull nftor tho holldnyd and dolnys woro probably tho cniiEo, Tho blggoat Item In tho outgoing frolght was about sixty boxes of steel head salmon, shipped by C. E. Nich olson of tho Coos Ray Ico & Cold Storago Company. Mr. Nicholson hns been shipping n largo amount of bteolhoads this year. Among tho outgoing passengers', wero tho following: Marlon Mills, Carl Andorson, C. Rlloy, Mrs. F. G. Horton, Knthorlno Horton, Wnrron Horton, Miss F. Gol don, F. A. Dnly, G. E. Ishnni, Mru G, Isltuin, Miss J. Vornon, II. Tru man, Frod Rnchmau, R. S. Scott, Geo. Murch, C. J. Evans, Mrs. J. Wnrron, C, Owoson, N. Erlukson Miss Plko, Mrs. W. T. Lonkorr, Mrs. Sny don, Mrs. Quarto, D. M. Avorill, G. D. Jamos, C. Everstou, Judgo Coko, A. Iluhto, L. Klrkland, F. E. Creots, II. Jucrgoumoyor, A. F. Owens, C. Mo ran. Incoming LM. Tho Incoming passonger list of tha Hroakwntor, which was mislaid by tho purser yostorday, wns us follows: Wosloy Green, Loo Green, Mrs. May Groen, Mrs. W. E. Davonport, F. A. Daly. Harry Monaha, Chas. Duffy, Mrs, L. R. Leo, Mrs. Hutchinson, Mrs. Alnsly, Chns, Hanty, R. Daylos, F. C. Montgomory, Win. Allondor. G. G. Hrannor, P. Wranstod, J. F. Llndborg, Mr. L. R. Leo, L. P. Stilos. W. J. Rromldgo, C. E. Andorson, J. McDonald, W. J. Clook. Mrs. L. (T. Ladd, G. W. Skinner, Itobt. Marsdeu Sr F. E. Wilson, Robt Shank, C. II. Ulrlch. Fred Mlnard,, Mrs. Frod Mill ard, E. D. Howe, Miss Carollno Mills, Chas, Mathors. A. S. Hammond, Wm. Trudgen, M. Martlnes, Mrs. Stovort son, Miss V. Dora, R. M. Ran. II. It. Donahoy, A. E. Howo, Jack Durand, Miss May, Miss Calvert, Loona Hol ler, O. Franklin, Dr. J. P. Grant, Dr. D, Llnsley, Chas. Hart, W. II. Mayors. C. F. Rradshaw, Peter Scott, 0. W. Ellor. A. Ranks. H. D. Nottloton. Mrs. In I Chas. Duffj', Mrs. F. Coopor, K. M. 15. l'lorco, fluss Joan aiainews, uuaa. Mathows, F. A. Mothows, Alfred Mathows, Mrs. A. E. Mathows, H. K Hartley, Mrs. Raylcss. W. E. Homme. E. Ilouck, O. Rommlck, C. Carlson, Chas. Leo. NEW CURRKXOV SYSTEM. Houso roiiuiilHco Tiles to Evolvo n New Plan. (fir Atao'lal) Ptrtt to Coot nay Tlmex 1 WASHINGTON. Jan, 7. Se.kln,' mon saw It almost Immediately, Tho naner blazed mi before ho could to evolr n ww currency pjstetr a your ago Morgan visited Fcvnt prt the boo on and when ho did plan to b re miim mded to en to see an oxpodltlon which was fit- wrt It diva, tho box bocamo a grcss in n s ibstltute for tho ont' ted out to mnko excavations noar regular smudge Tho smoke crnf )rono' n v V e Niitl'-nal Mon'ter"- Kharceh. It Is oxnected that ho tlirnno-h tlin hotol and Into tho Commission a sub c imiltteo of will visit tho same vicinity on tho.ciiest rooms presont trip. Tho flames woro extinguished he- tho Iioubo conmlttco on banu'iir and currency, begun a series of 4 Ml