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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1913)
POST MoE SUCCESS: "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" ?S THE flRSF GUIDE -C50 fisBa'' watch Tin: want ads. There lire ninny Root! bargains to bo found there. Anything hist or found If always adver tised in The Times. f'THK PAPER OP AUTHORITY' In Mnislirioni o i"i.j".' - cut U'hncH. 11 is inml community lli-t, limt ami nil tlio lime. JOIN THE TIMES FAMILY. MEMBER OP TIIK ASSOCIATED 'PltlCS T.-WJ '.'TJTJTfH.'am 71 if W - S-J fejrj V VVYWI KhiiIUbIic In 1B7H L. AAAVI.ttS jIio Const Mali. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 1913. EVENING EDITION. A. Consolidation of Times, Coast Mull and Coos Itay Advertiser. No. 14fJ f miiT TT -! "-' ' ' 1 ' IHWUIinWWMHfMW WW II,IWU 1IWBIJCTWillWUf W1W H1IWWWI i !- . ; IffliSiCflLO SIP TURKEY IRES SLIGHT CONCESSION 1ST KNOWN IN THAT SECTION SEATTLE GETS SOME RES PITE rmometer Drops to 24 at in Dicflo, the Coldest in Its History. ilVIENDOUS DAMAGE TO IE CITRUS FRUIIS CKUr nf Smoke from Smudne 3ots in Orchards Over spreads Section. Antedate.! TrcM lt Coo liar Tlmca.l ba ANGELES, Jan. C. Dcnso ! of BlllOltO Of BllllltlgO P0t) 111 1110 rn i.rnvnn nvrirunrpilil toilav tllO fU w " --',-- v to eltriiH region or soiiiiiorn uuii In In an euori 10 prevent ironion I damage ml nviin red on Bhclvea In tho foot hills. ...ltll ,hn riHiK tomiiorntun rain may hn ininiinrntiirn at Pnmonn wall, i. ,t...i ...(t.., .iii,nni hnd fifteen nor cent of tlio cltniH, ,,,, iu ,fniif .i,iuir,.,i in Vi.Mtmii . I " ft.".... ...... ... .....--... I,WnB rilinoil. .. . Wiiulilntrlfin liocnilHft of tho onorniOUH ,n Diego oxncrloncoil tlio coldest; Bnow cVer ,( 0 lnollIltnIIB which hor Inltii hlHtory, with a mini-. wM1 C(UH0 BltcHp wnHhoutH and Hoods nf !.! I ....i i i -i.t.i .. - it. III! ItHH IL IM I'llIIIIII linilV Llilll llllMi bs Angeles' nilulmum wnB 30 do Not Quite So Cold Yesterday Fear Snowslides Wash outs and Floods. fllr AMorlnlftl IYcm id Cuo liar Tlinm.l SEATTLE, .Inn. C Tho lowest i an effort to prevent tromon-! tenipornturo In Honttlo this morning mage from tho cold. Iroj Wm ,,:t c,IIinro,i WRli 2'Z yesterday ovorywhore. KIIHiik froslH ,m)rnK A light snow Is falling, nnd nn nlinlvna 111 Ilin foot hills. ...1.1. .,." -1..1. ... V, ....i.... ..i.. ....... nient that tho noRotlntlotiB hnd not hcon broken off. By "suspending tho Bluings," tho delegates of tho allied llnlktui NatlonB clnlm to hnvo loft the next movo to tho TurkB. Rcschiul I'nrshn, thoy any, hna tho nltornntlvo of presenting fresh proposals, which ; .w,V V n I .1 J Blmll follow closoly tho tlomnntiB or LONDON. Jntl. C. At tho POOCO. ,,,,,, ,,, nn,i Mtln rnniimlnc conforenco today between tlio dole-, rn,.r(irnpo nP ir niiliorIiic to tho Tur- Kntes of tho Balkan otntcs and lur- ,. . . , f t, rot0ntlon of tho koy, tho TiirkUdi envoys ofTercd to fortrcHH ot Adrlanoplo nnd rupturing mnko further concessions which woro rnrtimr m.i?ntlnltons. Sultan's Envoys Make Coun ter Proposition to Balkan Ultimatum Indefinite De lay in Negotiations. llr AiopIMo1 Trru In Coo nr Tlmw.l iroi.i) l.V SAX PUAXCIHCO. klicr Sfost Hover. Known Tlicrt- Klnce 1HSH. Akoi llf. I'nii to Coo Uny Tlrar. In PItANCISCO. Jnti. C Itollef tho ultliiK cold, tho Bhnrpcst Jnuunry, 1S88, wna promised liv tlin weiitlinr liurentl lioro. h tho northern mid contral por- 1 of tlio stnio 1110 loiociiHi ih nor wonthor tonlKht. For south- "!iillfornln. tho chnnuo would not ro until tomorrow. ILD SNAP IS FELT ON BAT rmometer Drops to Twen- Auove Zero Here Sat urday and Sunday. COLDICR AVUATIIint. I T)io Kovornmont rccorda show it Jnuunry 3, Inst yonr tho srmomotor roRlstcrcd 22 nnd Jnuunry 3, 1910, It record 10 nbovo zoro. This wna tho Meat It hna boon on Coos liny f. tho ton yenra thnt tho kov- iinont wonthor hurenu hna ipt n record of tho Cooa Day knthor. Howovor, about 30 ua nRO, old rcsldonta report it Coos Rlvor frozo across id It wns much colder. turdny night, Sunday nnd Inst t envn Cooh Iinv tlin cnldURt won- ' It iina experienced In a lout; Iturdny nlRlit nnd Inst night, tho piomotor roil to twenty (logrcos m znro. lint tnnst nnnnln HmiiL'lit n tnnnli nnlilnp Minn flint thoiiKli tho aim rnnio out for a timo yesterday, it did not ollml "tho elilll frnm tlin nlr. nr thnw )0 rrost from tlio aluowalKs. uuIobs It Is carried away gradually. BRIDGE PE01IT T 0. K'D 0E0 Senator Bourne Wires That Sec. Stimson Approves Bixby's Plans. noiitii m:.i JOY. North Ilend this morning gnvo vent to Its Joy over tho grunting of tho permit to bridge Coos Uny blowing lta fnctory whistles hnlf nn hour. Other douionstrntlona on tho atrcot gnvu vent to tho satisfaction of tho residents. "Secrotnrv of War. Stimson. hna at) proved of General lllxby'a recommen dations for tho authorization of tho brldgo ncrofiB Coob liny nnd tho par ties interested will bo uotlllud nt onco." This was tho toxt of a dolnyod to'lo grnm from Wushlngton by Senator llourno to tho Mnrshllold Chnmbor or Commorco. Tho mossngo wns dntod Jnn. 4, nnd wna mnllcd from Itoao burg hero. This Is thought to bo tho flnnl nc tlon on tho question of bridging tho Day nnd It Is now oxpoctod thnt tho Southern lacllle will Immedlntoly be gin pinna for atnrtlng conBtructlon of tho bridge Tho atructuro will cost in tho neighborhood of n million dollars, It la thought. considered by tho Unlknn plenipoten tiaries BUluclont to provent tno uironi etied rupturo In tho negotiations. The penco negotiations will bo resumed, but tho dato of tho meeting wns not llxod nt tho conclusion of todny'B Bcaslon. Tho Ottomnn dologntcs pre sented a long Btntomcnt In which they spoko ot TurkoyB earnest deslro to reach a settlement, but offered no iniiinrf mil rotiensHlotiH. Thov romaln- cd ndamnnt upon tho subject of Ar- plntintiln. TliiliiiriltoM nf tllO all I OS tllOtl adjourned o consider tho latoBt Tur kish offer nnd upon reluming prc- unnloil n I'lilllltlir BtntomCtlt. UddlllK imt nu Mm Turl(H had not met their torniB thoy must ubIc nn ndjournment without dntc. Tlio deicgnu-s men dUPiillv omnhnslzcd tlio Btnio- f urther nogotlnltons. SAMUEL GOIPEBS Sffi UNIONS WILL STAND BEHIND OFFICER! Il7 AwocHted Vnn lo Coo DT TlmM.l I.ONOON, Jnn. C. An Important ndvnnco wns mndo by tho Turks In meeting tho domnndB of tho Unlknn nlllcs, nccordlng to opinion express ed by rcprcsentntlves of Hulgnrla In rognrd to tho new Ottomnn pro posals aa to the futuro of tho fron tier between llulgnrln nnd Turkoy. The Ottoman dologiitos aro expected to present a definlto projact during todny'B Bitting of tho conioronco, BtiggcBtlntf thnt tho western frontier of Turkoy Bhould follow tho courBO of tho rivors Mnrltza and Tundjo, il. a,,. i,a ir, tnnlntnlll tllO fortress at Adrlanoplo, but to abandon Kirk Klllsseh DEIOCBATS TO REVISE T AR1FF Hearinfls for General Revision at Next Session of Con gress Begin Today. inr AhocUHiI rrrtt to Coot tlr Tlmn.l WASHINGTON. Jan. C. Tho RAILWAYS WIN IN HIGH COURT JACK JOHNSON CASE CALLED Hearing on 'White Slave' In dictments Postponed Pend ing Decision. tlr AmocUIM Titm lo Coon Bar Tlmn.1 CHICAGO, Jnn. C Klght indict' Says Organized Labor WflE Not Repudiate Men Con victed at Indianapolis- SCORES ORGANIZATIONS ,0F THE MANUFACTURERS Says That Every Union Mam Feels Result of Indianapo lis Cases Keenly. fllr Awo'lstel TrfM to Tool r Tlmw-T WASHINGTON, Jnn. C Snmud? Oonipurs, president ot tho Amortcatr' Pcderntlon of l.nbor, speaking- to- .1.1. ImfniT. ll'n tinnln Rllll-COIIirnlt- teo on Judlclnrv In favor of fher Express and Railroad Com panies Victors by Revolu tionary Decision. ttlr AmocUIM rren to Coo IUr Tlmul WASHINGTON. Jan. o. "nn- DAY'S DOINGS IN CONGRESS ny wntor plpos nround town qpnoto finn?idGrS CamPaidn frozon yesterday nnd-this morn-j oenaie UUIIblULia o air 'M"U" Much nf thin rnulil lmvn lionn Inntod by lonvlng fnucota run- hn llttln lint fnw limiL"lil Mint It 111 bo cold enough to affect tho r pipes. hnthnr fruit nr ntirnlilinrv wim tgod, could not bo ascertained lo cold wavo was scheduled to enoral throughout tho United e, according to tno govornmont urn in tho Times insi sniuroay. ntml Mint tlin rnll nnnn wnn nir Rntnnlnv mnrnlnt? In Alnnlfn Ilio North Pnclflc, and wns trnvol- bouiii nna eaetoriy, nnu wouiu Illro mnst nf tlin pnntlnnnt nnd ably bring tho coldest wonthor pong timo to many points. rllna In WnrMi Tnlftt rnnnrt ttlin Ion wna linlf nn I noli Mllrlf i headwater and that tuo launch . little, dlfllcultv in cutting ell tlin Inn Irold Stutsmnn, onglncor of Iho itlnld TOirn nftnnrtnifltit. ronnriB wi . u rwi vw ,. -- an or tuo nytirnius, excepr, mreo down town section, woro fro- thls morning. IIo did not hnvo frm nxnmlnn tlin nthnra In tho fbs, but presumes that thoy woro i. it is tno urst. timo in mnny that so many hydrants woro cro is considerable snow, in tho onst nf i:nns Hnv. Hnrrv field who wns at tho South Itlver hatchery yestorday re thero nro about two inches of there. iNKILL NAMKl) AGAIN. Snlsslonci- "of Labor Rcappolnt- i ert by President Tuft. JAuodated Preti lo Cou Day Timet. ISIIlVrtTriV Tnr. l Tlrnal. Taft has renominated Charles BUI to bo Commissioner of ln- Investigation The House laKes up iiew dmis. (nr AnoclateJ TrcM to Cooi liar Tlraea.l WASHINGTON, Jon. 0. Tho son nto consldorod nn amendmont to on largo tho powers of tho cnmpnlgn funda InveBtlgnting committee. Sonator Dristow's bill for an In dustrial commission to control corpo rations with n power slmllnr to that nf tho Interstate commorco commis sion wns rend. Gompers at tho Judiciary commit teo hearing on antl-lnjunctlon nnd contempt bills, ndvocnted thoso bills nnd dlBcussod for tho first timo pub licly tho conspiracy cases. Tho court of Impcnchmont ro nowed tho trial of Archbold. Tho house considered legislntlon on tho unanimous consont calon- rlnt Tho wayB and means committee negnn tno mriir roviHion nra"iisi listening to tho mnnufncturor8, ob jections to a redrctlon on chemicals. Tho money trust committee re sumed Its hearings. WAHIIIINU.UW. Jiiii. . :';. rn nnnlos WOI1 nZnMy got mdor wny toXy when iodny rowlullonaiv vision In iiciuuiij b"i "'""' ""f ' ' m. ltnHnii stntnq Biinromo court. 1110 11O11H0 WHJB llilll lliumin wiiiiini- i.iiv W....W.. ....- --- - , , too bognn tho hcnrlng which would whon it was hold that c"'''"8 be , the T basis of tho now tnrlff bill limiting to Bmnll biiiiib tliolr Hnbll- nt tho next congress, to ropcnl tho Ity for Iobb of BilpmentB woro not Pnyno-Aldrlch law. Tho commlttoo subject to fltato lawB, but to Intor- plnnB to go down through tho list. Btnto lawB. It Nvaa further .Ho d taking n now achodulo ovory other that contracts limiting tno liability day, until nil nro covered. Most to n Bmnll sum '"roturn r n of tho Domocratlc mnjority of tho low rnto, woro not Hi violation of proBont wnya nnd menna commlttco tho lntoratnto commorco InwB. pnr- :..iu i... Mw. nnvt miii-roHH. tlriilnrlv tho Cnrmnck nmondmonr. which will convono In oxtrn session. Scores upon scores of sch con- nrobnblv between Jlnrcli 1G ami irncia nuvu uuii .- " " "- onibnuu, wan, u. j.iHiit- ".' too on jiiuieiiirv in iuur ui m incuts, charging Jack Johnson, with cinyton antl-lnjunctlon and con allegod violations of tho Mann whlto tempt bills, gavo ntiHwers (o tlio siuvo aei, woro cmiuii iiuiuiir i'i;ii" cirucisuiH niiiieo in. 1110 iik"'-" Judgo Cnrpontcr todny. Ills hoarlng tion which he bonds liecnuBo of Uai was Indefinitely deferred bocauso n trlnl nnd conviction for dynamltlair doclslon Is oxpoctod by tho Unltod ot ofllcorfl of tho Struct urnl Irorr Stntcs Biipromo court on tho cotiBtltu- workers' Union. Tho statomont Iti tlounllty of tho act, within a few' cIudol an nssnulr upon tho employ wocIcb. Johnson'B attornoyB attacked ' 0ra and mnjiufncturora nBHorlatlorr tho coiiBtltutlonnllty of tho Mnnn nct'pnrticulnrly on tho Unltotl Stntcir before tho Unltod Stntos Biipromo stool Corporation nnd tho Nntlonat court shortly nftor tho IndlctmontB Rrppinrs' Awiorlatlon. GonmorB d- wero roturncd ngnlnst him by the fod-Cinrcd that organized labor wcniUS oral grand Jury In Chlcngo. not ropudlato tho Structural- Iron? woruers I'nion aim iorvo ihuhv holpless and nt tho mercy of or ganized capital and Insatiable, un curbed greed for profits." Gorrrr ora declared "nono fool tho tcrrfTifir consequences of tho Indlnnnpollir trial moro keenly than tho men of orgnnlzod labor. Thoro hnvo boor ndded heartaches and sorrowH tew our alrondy honvy bunions. The nioii accused nnd sontencod cannot Buffer tho penalties nlono. Upocr them nnd nil working men fnll tbfv suffering nnd pennltlcs." freo m PASSES AWAY early April. MERGER CAS PLAN ILLEGAL laws. t ORGES CHECK TO FREE WIFE Well Known Empire Man Suc cumbs to Paralysis After Brief Illness. Fred Klahn, a well known Kmplro man, tiled at Mercy hospital at North Ilond this morning, nftor a brlof Ill ness. Mr. Klnhn spent most ot his timo for tho last forty-ono yoarB on Coos Uay. For a timo ho was ongagod In fishing on tho Columbia nnd nlso on Coob liny. About four yonra go, when his brother Wm. Klnhn died, ho suc ceeded him In tho liquor business nt Emplro, nnd hns slnco boon located there. IIo was unmarried. Tho funeral will bo hold Wednes day afternoon nt 2 o'clock from Wil son's Chnpol. Tho North Ilond Ordor of Owls will hnvo chnrgo of tho fu nornl. . . . Mra. It. J. llrooks or uay uny m reported quite 111 thoro BIG BUSINESS CURB planned; Industrial Commission to Regr- ulate Interstate Concerns; Like R. R. Commission. (n? AHorlttr.) Trfii to Cooi Har Tlmci.i WASHINGTON, Jan. C.Sonator at her homo Hristow of Kansas presented to I Mir. Qnnntn tmlnv n iirnnnnnl fnr am oro. . 1 " -- " ' " " - iVB, A, u uriuiinn, uii uhu vu i iiiuiiHiniu couumtiaiuu ui huvuii iiivtn t. -m Tli T) Ir haiiAhIaiI tltltrti , t. A 1 . n..u 1. n . 9 . .. KlQIU Ol rim i' o .uiiimwu uum IU lilUU UVUJ LIIU WUIH Ul UIO 4 llk....h.. tf AAhll AHA 4 I Akl.. Alt .1 rffM Wftt Union Pacific Cannot Transfer H. D. Colyer of Roseburg Gives Its S. P. Stock to Its I Novel Excuse for Crime Stockholders. in Portland. tnr Aofiti.i rrtt to coo. nax Tmei.j I PORTLAND, Jan. C. So his wlfo. WASHINGTON, Jon. 6. Tho U. ilglit gain a dlvorco from him when S. supremo court hold today that , ucconieB a convlct n man giving tlio plan auvnncou oy 1110 uumii - ,. . TT nn.,in- nf nnnn. clflc nttornoys for disposing of tho tho nnmo of II. D. Cojlor of Roso- ontlro Btock lioiuingB or tuo union uurg, uro., recunuy "' Pnclflo railroad company, In tho on til0 umpqua Valloy Dank of r. .. I1..IIU nA.....nn. 1... IPHllQ. v . f..f Aim aUrj.I- In OOllllieril 1-utliiu luiiipuu;, u i m- HOBOUlirgt KIVII1K i,,u "!. " for to tho Btockholdora of tho Un- Charlea A. Kvorott of tho Hobo City Ion Pacific company would not of- pharmacy. In a letter which ho, . 1... .. .1.. ITllltn T1n.lff . ... V. 1. M.ln .. Im I leciiiuuy onu mo uihuh ..v...v wroto ro .ir. rjvoroii. jumuiuu; u morgor so na to comply with Ua Bn,i juat tho check wna to bo tho dissolution decree means of getting him a ponltontlory Tho Union Pnclflc Attorney clnlm- 80ntonco, which would glvo his ed for tho Union Pacific stockh'old- wjf0 ground for dlvorco. IIo has ors, tho oxcluslvo prlvllogo of tak- not 8nco i,een found, lug over tho $120,050,000 worth of mi Evorott rccolvod tho lotter on Southern Pacific stock, which tho Friday, aftor tho roturn of tho Biipromo court found tho Union Pa- check from tho Rosoburg bank, clflc railroad company owns in whoro It wns said that not sufll vlolntlon of tho Shermnn nntl-trust cjont fimij8 romnlnod In Colyor's law. Attorney General Wlckorsham nnmo to cover tho $25 drawing, opposed any plan thnt gavo tho Un- Tno iortor rend In part: Ion Pnclflc stock holders nn oxclu-, ..j nnvo jieara thnt If n man la alvo privilege of buying tho South- Bont j0 Btnto'B prison that will glvo orn Pacific stock In question. Ho j,j8 wjfo 0XCUB0 for a dlvorco. I was willing to approve, howovor, of ,jonit uojjovo jn sucli things, nut a plan for Union Pacific stockhold- ti,0 poor woman is not nllowed to !... In Ihn .llatrllillMnn with .. ..... i. l,. lnil uia iu diiuiu ... ...v, -v.. -....-.. " uvo Willi IIIU, BO II onu uuii " tho Southern Pacific Btockholdora, -whooyor her mother wants hor to nllm. Mmn tlin TTnlnn Pnflfln Tfnll- i i. - i. i,nn ntr T UlUUl "' n.w w...... - , invn. HUU Illliy UU UUUUI .III III E. II. Squlro of Forndalo, who has been qulto alck, la roported Im proving. , , , Mra. Wm. Robinson of Coaledo Ib all at tho nianco Hotel, Tnnllnnnil KInllll WHS Uom 111 bureau of corporations and exerciser control over nil persons, itrins at corporations doing Intorstato buoi ness with gross roceipta of more tlinn flvo millions per year. In ex plaining tho bill to tho Sonnto, ho snld it proposed to create a bodrr roruiuailll IVIIIIIII nun uum " WIIK1 11 prujiUBUtl lt uiuiiiu u uuuji . . . U.IlnH riniintnnu In .I...I1 .n .1.- I .. 1 n 1 .... wh iSOtlHlUrt, IIUIBIUUI, uuiiiiiiii;i Blllllllir IU IIIU IIIIUIBUIIU i;uilllliul.v 1850. IIo ciuno to Coos Uny nnd commission to hnvo tho snnio power located at Emplro In 1871. over ludustrinl concerns that the Ills denth today maritB tuo iienwi latter oxorelsos over tho transpor- of four brothors within four years. road company. SHORT IN ACCOUNTS. County Clerk Allen, Fntlicr-ln-luw of CHlTm-il Itenson. Dead. SALEM, Oro., Jan. C County Clork Allen of Marlon County, wlio was drowned In the Y. M. C. A. swlm- nilnn- nnnl linrn Inst week Is reported to bo flhort In his account, anil thio has given cnuso to n rumor inni nis death was not nccldontal, na waa at flrat reportod. Clifford -Ronson of Gardiner, Qrogon, a son of tho lato Gov. F. W. Renson, Is n son-in-law of Mr. Allen. Have your Job printing aono a Tho Times office. FATAL WRECK NEAR SEATTLE I never miatreatod hor. and I lovo hor. "Arrest and prosecute mo, Mr. TCvnrnM an T will Cut at lCUBt OHO year In tho stato penitentiary, so mat my wiro can get nor uivorco. Aa Boon as I am convicted your ninnav will lin nalil back." Colyer has not appeared In Port land alnco tho receipt of tho letter. Mr. Everott told Patrolman Odalo I thnt ho wna perfectly willing to prosecuto If tho man can bo found. COTTON CORNER tatlou companies. E10T RIAL Jas. A. Patten and Associates Must Face Music for Board of Trade Deal. tnr AiioclateJ Pr to Cooi Dar Tlmet.J WASHINGTON, Jan. C Uphold ing certain disputed counts ngalnst James A. Patton and others charged with violation of tho Shormnn nntl tmat imv In runnlnc n so-callod cotton cornor, tho United States au-, i. ln,ln.. nnnA 4VtA M(kA young couple: WEI 10 SUNDAY7 Otis Wilson of Marshfield and? Miss Juliette Buffard of Portland Wed Here. Yostorday nftornoon nt 3 o'cIocKi. Otis Wilson, Jowolor at tho Rod CrosB, and Miss Jullatto Ruffard of PortlatuU woro united In marrlago at tho hoine of Mr. nnd Mrs. F, C. nirch. Rev II. I. Rutlcdgo, olllclntlng. Tho brldo's birth place Is Parfej. T?pnnpn lint fnr umlln tlmn fihr. hnKT .M..W, M- .... ..., ....w ..w .... been teacnor or roroign languages im COllUll CUrilUI, IHO Uliu 1" " ".. mv, w. ..v.D.. .-..p-"r .- promo court today Bent tho enso. ono of tho Portland high schools. It LninDi v.M ..inn in H-lnl In Mm low- was in that citv that tho vouiik counter Passenger and Freight in Head-On Collision Near Thorp, Washington. a nimi T? llimiliTIATlOV. To tho people of Marshfield and especially to the many kind friends who by words of sympathy and tnr AModatea rreia to'Cooa Dar Timei.i I moro substantial aid made our loss SEATTLE, Jan. C. In a head-on by flro less hard to bear, wo ox colllBlon early this morning at tond our most gratoful apprecla Thorp Washington, between n St. tlon nnd thanks. Wo aro now lo Paul ' train, eatstbound, nnd a cnted In our now homo nt tho cor frelght, Calvin O'Danlols, of So- nor of Second and Cedar streets attlo, cnglneor on tho passongor nnd tnko up our work again with train was killed. No passengers renoweu nopo anu goou cueor. were hurt. I MR. and MRS. A. J. STEPIIAN. Tho.wrock was duo to an alleged misunderstanding of ordora by tho Tho Nann Smith Is duo In early freight crew. tomorrow morning from Hay Point. IIWIIIU w w nKalnst tho men. to trial In tho low er courts. . Patten, Eugeno G. Scalos, Frank R. Hay, Payn and Win. P. Rrown woro indicted on a cnargo ot con spiracy on January 1, 1910, to "corner" cotton by oxtonBivo inly ing on tho Now York Cotton Ex change, as a result of which' tho prices would bo enhanced and ulti mately bring arbitrary and oxces slvo prices. Tho conspiracy was de scribed as calculated to yield ton million dollars profits. TRAINS ARE LATE. wna In Mint rliv tlint tlin vnuncr fOimlrv made their first acquaintance, about two yoara ago. tho uriuo naa travoi ed extensively and is highly accom plished In inuslo and foreign lan guages. Mr. Wilson, formorly at' Michigan, has boon idontlflod wltHi tho Rod Crosa Drug Company for ovor n year and a half. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will make their homo In an apartment nt Tonttu nnd Elrod, which Mr. Wilson hnd pre parotl for thoin. After tlio coromony, Mrs. Ulrch, ass slsted by Miss Efllo Church, served ir dollghtful threo courso luncll'oon to t l.ll.. ... ml... I.A.ann ...nua 1110 WUmilUK IKllli. IIIU IIUUDU nua. Slorni in WiisliIiiKton Ties Un the prettily docorntod for tho occasion. Mmmtiiln Divisions IPr AMOdatel TrMi to Cooa Ila Tlmn.l SEATTLE, Jan. 0. Tho Great Northorn mountain division Ib still tlod up and will not likely bo op erating trains for at least 24 hours. No trains nro In operation west of Loavonworth. Tho Northorn Paci fic and Mllwaukeo trains aro al most on timo. Tlmon nrncnnt wnrn; TlOV. II. T Rutlodgo, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. JarvlB, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. C. Wrrh, Miss Efite Church and Clay Church. A I Cold wonthor Buy a Por- 't foctlon Oil Stovo at tho Pioneer Hardware Co,