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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1913. EVENING EDITION. I M COOS BAY TIMES r. C. MALONKY Editor nnd Tut). BAX K. MAI.OXEY News Editor Official Paper of Coos County. a far-reaching change. TUB Innugurntlon of tho unreel post la the beginning of the h " wim ,lho, ,nrlvntc 18. ": wioHB. Within live yeara practically, rtiTorylhlng that Is now carried by ithe express companies will be do - Mrored by tho government fully ns promptly nnd nt u greatly cheapened oobL It would bo easy to make n new Snnr prediction for other public ser vices based on this prospect. Amorien is behind everybody else in pormuung punue services 10 ue an ado n sotirco of private speculation. Xnoxcuttnbly behind If wo stop to con sider thnt Canada has been setting nn example at our very doors. WITH THE X ft TOAST AND TEA Coos Day gossips have automobiles Sicatnn to n frazzle when It comes to running ponplo down. Somo Coos liny men enn nover ticnr tho cnil of duty bocnuso they are so busy listening for someone to sny," Havo n drink." ""When n Coos liny man gets Into (trouble most of his acquaintances express their sympathy, but Invnrla Jily they say it Borved htm right. 2Io looked on life, And thought It good; CDntll ills wife Bald, "Chop somo wood." J. W. Illldenbrnnd. "W. V. MILLER nnd wlfo loft today for Portland nnd Ban Francisco. Sentence Today Phil Lcnnon, tho North Mend Ind who has con fessed to participating in tho North ilJond Nows Conipany robbory, Is to Ibc neutonccd this nftoruoon nt Co nulllo "by .Indue Iinll In Juvenile csourt. A roform school sontonco la the most severe punishment for lilm nnd tho boy's father mny 011 denvor to have him paroled during a?ood bohavlor. No further word Biaa been received concerning Pick S.onnon nnd Clint Akers, who wero nrruated in Snu Francisco and who Jiro to be brought back here. notice. To Patrons of the Wnh-ta-Wasa: Wo doslro to stnto thnt there is ni) foundation for tho report thnt tho Wnh-tn-Wnsa will iiilt tlio Catching Inlet rim. Wo Intend to Ioj on the run regularly nnd to KWo tliu hest service possllile. MnttHon & Iljorqular. $8.50 TO $15.00 Our linos ol' Suits and f Overcoats arc so largo and so well scloctod that wo win satisfy the needs of any man no matter how il niodest his purse, or how fastidious his taste. You gel the utmost in value and desirability here, whether you pay $8.50 OR $15.00 'Wo want you to look in our windows this week and see the Suits and Ov ercoats we are sellina: at $8.50, $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 THE FIXUP Marslificld. North Bend. EM The Record Photographing Abstract Company now have photographic copies of nil tho records of Coos County Orogon, from which correct information wo nro now icadv and will bo pleased to mnko for you Abstracts of Tltlo to any renl estnto In C'oos County, prepare lists of present owners, mnko photographic copicH of 'lowiihltos. Plate and Township Maps, or furnish any In formation In relation to tho tltlo of any Ileal Kstnto in said Coos j o i n t y lU'.SINKSS OKKICKt 117 North IVont St., MarM.flcld. Phone 1SI J W. J. RUST, Maneger vn."'j n - k. a otii i 4&? sziSss ki , - --n.1 THE BANQUET When ko1 King Arthur was among his Joy Hunch at n tnhlo wlioro Jokus wero cracked, nnd dlttlos sung, ns long na nil wero nblo, I won der If he over sat In misery nnd waited till somo one, dippy ns n bnt, hnd somo old gag related, i wonder If ho over henrd n guy whoso tongues wns coated, attempt the wnrbllngs of n bird, while In Chninpngno he llontcd. I wonder If ho , , . , ,, , . ,, ., , ,, . , . , - ,. ,, . , cver l'Bei t" hear tho end of bleating from Knight who felt that ho wns wronged by some one nt tho meeting. I wonder if ho over hnd that nWfu, mournful feeling thnt conies nnd ninkca tho supper bad when o'er ono It Is stonllng. bocnuso somo poor, Istle. persists In bringing on n fuss "bout boiho dry statistic. I wonder If those dnys o'er broght an ego cnllcd "Toitstinastor, ' who with tho weighty phrnses wrought like workmen do with plaster. Oh! yes, I might Juht wonder on, nnd on, nnd on. forovor, nbout tho things thnt often dnwn wlioro banquet guests nro clovor. HIE UK IT LODGE SOCIAL Myrtle Lodge, K. of P., Hon ors George Ross and F. P. Norton. Myrtlo Lodge, Knights of Py thias, last evening enjoyed ono of tho most delightful sessions thnt a fraternal order hns over held on Coos Hay. About 125 wero in at tendance, Including nbout fifty wives nnd sweotnonrts of members. Tho social session followed tho annual Installation of olllcors nnd nn olnbornto banquet wns followed by n short program of toasts, cards nnd gnmos. At tho Installation L. A. Where at Inducted tho now oillclnls Into olllco. They are. Cliniicollor commander Oeorgo Iloas. Vice cliniicollor T. M. Collvor. Prelnto Gcorgo IJInko. Muster of fliinnco K. P. Norton. M. of V. Geo. Winchester. K. It. S. nnd S. S. I I lousely. uunrris xoll wntsou nun irving.sanio for otliora. Itosa. Honor Old Ofllrctw. A feature of the program of the evening was tho tribute paid two of the olllcors, George Ross nnd l- P. Norton, for their olllclent ser vices. Mr. Hobs has been honored Iiv tho stnto urnnd lodiro and hns ' been nn effoctlvo worker In liulliNitt ""t Chocolate, Hot Ten O Ing up Myrtlo lodge. P. P. Nor-! 2 Hot Drinks Hot Soda H ton baa been master of finnnco of a ,,, (.1r t , a Myrtlo lodgo for over tlilrty years. , . ' A , g A. II. Dorbyshlro of North Rend b " ( '"'"''. "t Ten - presided ns tonstinnstor nnd during tho program expressed tho apprccln tlou of Poseidon I.odgo of North llend of thee oiii'tcstes extended by Myrtle Lodge. Peter I.okkIo of North Heud and Tmiu Hall respond ed to toasts. Tom Ilenuett mndo tho speech of presentation of the solid gold K. P. chnrm to Cienrgo DRINK HABIT Iti:i,I.IU,K IIOMK THKATJIKXT. Tho OltitlNE treatment for tho Prink Habit can be used with ab solute confidence. It destroys nil ileslro for whiskey, boor or other alcoholic stimulants. Thousands hnvo successfully used It nnd havo been restorod to lives of sobrioty nnd usofulnoss. Can bo given so crotly. Coats only $1.00 por box. If you fall to get results from OR HINB nftcr a trial, your money will bo refunded. Ask for freo booklet telling nil about OHHINE. Owl Prescription Phnrnincy, Front St., Phono 7-I-J. Noto thnt word pro scription. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for nnd Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONK MAIN 57-J Mnrslifleld. Orttfon. Corn Fed Cattle ields much sweotor and tondoror llOnf Oinil tlina.-v linf Im.iA ...llAn ."v iiii.o inn iiiuva every day to see nro n living on tho ""is". -ur ncer conies irom corn fed cattle, though It costs you no more than the other kind. You nro sure to llko It. MAKSIIFIHM) OABn RLVR1CET. FOURIER BROS. Mnrslifleld Telephones North Uorrf sai-J-o Market Bl 110H STANLEY. unlettered cuss, with views Idenl- Hoss and J. W. Bcnnott mndo the speech of presentation of tho chnrm to I- P. Norton. Tom Hall nnd I). L. Hood had clinrgo of tho olnbornto banauot, ono of tho most sumptuous feasts that has over been served in the Odd Fellows hall. CHICKEN TAMALES will bo on snlo at tho Methodist Church Wed nesday afternoon, Jan. 8, nftcr 1 o'clock. Pit. K. F. WINKLER lins return ed nnd is now open tor business in tho front rooms OVER 180 HHOAI). WAY, opposito Tho Times ofllco. SPECIALIST in RHEUMATISM, APPENDICITIS, diseases of tho stomach, bowols nnd heart. NO DRUGS nnd XO KNIFE. CONSUL- TATIOX FREE. notice. Commencing Tucsdny, Decombcr 21, tho Marshflold-Empiro auto will lcavo Marshflold nt 9:30 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. for Empire Havo your Job printing uono a Tho Times ofllco. ESCAPED AFTER 15 YEARS. W. P. Uroyles mndo a success ful cscnpo after 1C years of suf fering from kidney and bladder troubloB. Foloy Kidney Pills ro- . leased him nnd will do Juat tho Ho says. "Thoy cured n mosr. sovero unckncho with painful blnddor irregularities, and they do nil you clnlm for them." ItofiiBO substitutes. Lockhnrt &, Parsons. Tho Ilusy Corner. HOT PHINKS HOT DR1NTKS w Hot Prinks Hot Soda y Hot CollVe. Hot Itoiilllim V Hot C'liocolnte, Hot Ten g Hot Di-lukN Hot Soda V. Hot Colfee, Hot lloiilllon 2 I Starrord s 1 HOT DRINKS HOT DRINKS TONIGHT The Royal The Hidden Ti ensure. The Ladder or Life. Iliillum Crisis. Career- of n Ply. MISS MAItM.V In H .Vfiv SonKs. FHKD IRWIN, the Original Com odluii. ADMISSION i(lc. THL'HSPAY Musical Conieily Company Opens He iv. I Will furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K.'Wiseman 311 North Front St, Dus. Phone 290-X: Res. Phono 16G Clearance Sale 1HO CUT IN PRICKS Ladles' Children's nnd Men's S1IOKS. All neiv stock. Up-to-dnto leasts. The Electric Shoe Shop WE WILL MAU, YOU $1 for each sot of old Falso Teat sent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jewelry and Preclout Stones. Money Sent by neturn Mall. l'hlln. Smelting A Reflnlug Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, l. TO DKXTISTS. We will buy your Gold Filling, Gold Scrap, nnd Platinum. HIgu coi. piua. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GOIiTEELt PnONK 8121. emm We desiroJLo announce to the people of Coos Bay that we are now ready to supply the choicest Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extracts, etc, that can be procured, We are making a specialty of this line, We would like to have you visit our store and let us show you samples of these high grade products, If you can't come to the store telephone us a trial order or give ono to our representative when he calls at your home, Coos Bay Tea, Coffee amd Spice Hoose 189 South Third Street, MARSHFIELD PHONE 394-J Marshfield Business College The School of Success WHOSK AD OMNIA PARATUS Wlilrli menus prepared for everything. Aro you prepare,!,' If you lire, you can nt least audit u set of bookn, write legi ble .shorthand rapidly nnd skillfully uso u typewriter. You nro u good penman, rapid ami necimitu nt figures; jou can write u telling, husluess.gettlug letter In good KiiglMi. You know how to uso a Hurro:igliH adding machine, u urlterpress, niultlgrapli or ncostylc. You can operate a letter copying press, a filing nnd lude.xlni; cabinet. You understand the die taphoiie, the tabulator, ad ling, subtracting, hilling typewriter mid oilier modern office appliances (hat multiply it busy iiiiiii'h time, power nnd efficiency. You can nuilco out checks, notes, drafts, deeds, mortgages, Ileus, power of attorney, bill of sale. You can write an agreement that will hold, etc., etc. If J on ran not do most of these things, nil of which will ho taught In both our day and night school, your lioH) to win Is unfair to yourself. It Is the init expensive hope you cuild possibly entertain, nnd it will keep you hopelessly lash ed to mediocrity for yenrv. Xo mutter how much you hank on rainbows nnd wnlt for somo favorable breeo to waft you to harbor, every trained hoy nnd girl will ilrmv rings around yon ns they pass you on the road, U.NTjK.SS YOU PRKPARK. l'or particulars write the College, temporary headquarters, Chandler Hotel. STATKMHXT OF CONDITION fLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSlIPIKIil), ORKGON ESTABLISHED 1889. At tho closo of business, November 2(1, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts MS3 557 13 Ranking House soloooioo Cash and Sight Exchange 203,899.90 Total ... .. 1797,457.09 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In BO 000 00 Surplus and Undivided Profits C4 9897K Dp8"8 v::::.::::j8Mo! Totnl J797.457.09 Send a Check ' Don't run around paying your hills In currency when you can just as well send n check. No troublo nbout making chango when you pay by IJ' l',?pll! Sau over nr,so H,,out Payment mndo by check., lho bunk, nftcr cashing It, hands It hack to you. making an undlsputnblo receipt. ' ' No danger of losing money, or being robbed of It when you put It in tho bank nnd pny by check. Less temptation to bpond It If It's in tho bank Instead of In your pocket. u i. ,ml'!0 V1,0I,ey nhcml "lw"o worry behind when you havo n checking account nt tho ' First National Bank Of Coos Bay Marshfield & Norlh Bend Auto Line GORST & KING. Proprietors. Cars leave Marsbflela every 45 mlnutee from 7:15 a. m. unMl 12:30 midnight. Leavo North Dena on same schedule, starting at 7 a. m until midnight. Sea Saturday Tlmei for RohednlA Times Want Ads. Bring Results Announcewient MOTTO IS ThV WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneu. matlc Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOING nARVEY, Phone ion City Auto Servit wood (Jars, caroful Driven rensonnblo chargos, Our m.i "Will go anywhoro nt any tm Stands Dlanc.o Hotol and Hhj jiKiir Diuio. uuy i-uouos 7g (j,:i Mlirht il,n.,,. An u"l iiAiiKKii nnniiAr.v. ....i. . rr.i.1 n "M.ui You Auto Call Fooit PHONE J.f-1-.T NIGHT AM) n.j niiiuii iriiiu o, iiiiiiico I til I fin n, TWO NEW OARS After 11 V. M. pi,one J uniiitiitu iiuiio .n-,1. Careful Drivers :- iiO(irJ Unique Pantatoriun THE MODERN DYERS. OLHANr. PRE8SICR8 nnd HAT RENOVAIY Agent for Ihnvard II. Strnuul Co., Kino Tailoring. Let t, make your next suit. 255 CENTRAL. PhanoKt PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR JM. WRIGHT, CONTRACTOR AND RUILDER Estimates fiirnlshod on rcqiJ Plnns nnd HpcclflcntloiiR fiirnli'J If desired. An honest Job guin teuii. l'uono ll-H. OIAVIA EDMAN, Iechnno-Tliornnlflt Sclontlflo Swedish Massage, MeiJ oymnastlcs 825 S. Sixth St. Phono SU TOEL OSTLIND, J Pinno Tuner nnd Repairs I iit a. aixtn bircoc. l-nono m -qERIj RILEY UALLINGKIt Pinnlst nnd Tcachtf i(cidonco-Studlo( J337 So. Uroiln Phono 18-L. W I. 8. TURPEN, ARCHITECT Marshflold, Orogon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimm Ilulldlng, over On Theater. Olllco Phono !120. TYT G. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 801 and .102, Coke DnUti Mnrslifleld, Oregon. rU. A. J. HENDRY'S -' .Modern Dental Parlon.1 Wo nro equlppod to do high work on short notlco at the it lowest prlcos. Examination . Lady attendant. Coko Ilhl.. C Chandler Ho'ol. phono tir-J. l'OR A GOOD WAT' II OR FIXIi JKWEU E. C. BARKEI JEWELER Pine Watch and Jewelry Renal; 2l(l Front St.. Mnrslifleld. New and Second Hand Furnitu sold on tho Installment pliil HARRINGTON, DOYLE & 51(12 Front St. Pliono ai()-L Marshfield, T. J. SOAIFE A. H. IIOIJGW Marshfield Pal nt (Sb Decorating Furnished. Phono IP -L. On EstiiuatcM MARSIIFIEL REAL ESTATE, INSll ANCE AND RENTAL Somo fino bargains In Reil tato. Housos and rooms for i AUa. FRIZEE.V. C8 Coutral Avonuo. R. J. M0NTG0MER Real Estate and Insura 244 North Front Street! I1U1LDINQ AND HEPAIR Housq Moving nnd Griulbfl Wo aro proparod to do tnu1 by tho dav or contract and Ktlt1 satisfaction. Lot us figure vtf G. S. FLOYD & CO Phono 816-J. MarahfkU First Class Weavij promptly dono nt Gardiner's Rag Carpet h Cor. Union and Montana Sir Phono 131. North Mi Thi Star Tratii and Storage In nrnnnrAil tn An ell Vlndn of I on short notice. W moot ti and boats and wo also have tt' stylo Reynolds Piano Morer. guaranteo our vrork. L. H. Heisner, P Phones 98-R. 120-J Hi WHEN YOU WANT A GER nOYSomethlng or delivered P n O N E 120-1' and we'll do It. Charge able. CHAS GRANDy, .'! LiL: Itk,. J1