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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1912. EVENING EDITION. " I I QRn 39 s WPfc, JDNHinilM rifii0r sdiitelPssff There is a remarkable interest in Home Baking and Cooking throughout the land. This is a most encouraging in dication that the battle against impure, improper food is going to be won. The credit for the victory will belong to the women of the country. Home cooking has the backing of science and the approval of fashion. It adds to housekeeping a pride; to our food, heal thfulness. It is acknowledged by experts, and by the women who know, that the best cooking in the world to-day is with the aid of Royal Balding Powder. SOCIAIj CALENDAR. TON "GUT. Norwegian Lutheran it tlio church chapel. bazaar W. O. W. dnnco In Eagles' j linll. J I I SUNDAY. Coos liny Rand concert nt j 2:30 o'clock in tlio Mnsonlc j opera Iioubo. j I I j TUESDAY. j j North Ilcnil Crescendo club j nt homo of Prof, nml Mrs. Dn- j j vldson. j I WEDNESDAY. j Prlscllla club with Mrs. Win. j Nelson of liny Pnrk. j I I THURSDAY. j Fortnightly dnnco nt tho Eagles' hnll. j j Soclnl Sowing club with Mrs. j J. C. Swln ford. I nestlnv evening, the tlmo being puss ml with brldiro nnd whist, nftor wlilnli refreshments wero served Tlio club keens n record of tho scores nnd tho prizes nro given nt the end of six months. Tho noxt meet lug will bo on .lunnniy 2. Tlio comnilttoo In rhnrgo wns Miss Lnurn Kriise. Mrs. II. O'Mnrn, Mrs. fl. Colonmn. Mrs. Noll Ranks nnd Mrs. I. 11. llnrtle. Those nttondlng were: Mr. nnd Mrs. A. II. Derbyshire. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Ilnlloy, Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. O'Mnrn. Dr. nnd Mrs. I. II. llnrtle, Misses Lnurn nnd Then Kritso, Mnr Jory Swenrlngeu nnd Messrs. P. L. Swenrlngen. Robt. Ranks. Will An derson, John Miller nnd Ooorgo llu-zor. TiiiMiiiii: riii'ii. (oojqj, o3oj tuojj ponunnoo) lutniore, tlio tutnur ot tho bride. This will bo surprising Information to many on tho Ray, who nro well acquainted with tho young lndy, who formerly mndo lior homo In Mnrslifiold. .;. .j. .. MEN'S JUXXER PARTY. nov. Fnthor Munro wns host nt n dinner on Inst Sundny evening nt St. Monica's rectory on South Sixth street. Covers woro Inld for ton, tho tnblo being decorated with red nnd green nnd presenting a gny nppenrnnco, with tho white linen, tho clilini, sliver and cut glnss, Father Munro's guests woro: A. II, Powers, J. A. Mntson, J. II. Flanagan, Dr. Ooorgo nix, Hugh McLnln, A. 13. Noff, W. II. Kennedy, C. W. Montgomery nnd E. N. Mc Sonnoll. : KPISCOPAh LADIES. Mrs. S. Hogstnd ontortnlncd tho North Iieml Methodist EpUcopnl Aid nt tho Orogon hotel Inst Thurs- dny attoruoon. Tho ladles spoilt tho tlmo In sowing. Tlioso present woro Mrs. Rltchoy, Mrs. Knowlton, Mrs. Qurnon, Mrs Hobson, Mrs. Hlsoy, Mrs. Woods, Mrs. F. W. Slovens, Mrs. Woodhull, Mrs. Laird, Mrs. McDanlols, Mrs. Uubsor, Mrs. Rogstad nnd Miss Ella Gurnon. .;. .j. .j. - INFORMAL. i Mrs. L. S. Doblo of Portland Is oxnectod in Mursliilold soon on a visit to hor dniighter, Mrs. Claudo Nnsburg. .;. .. .;. Mrs. O'Connor nnd dnughtor, Miss Knto O'Connor loft on tho Spood woll to spond tho wlntor In Cali fornia. 8 Ansgar T. Lngorstrom and brldo nrrlved on tho Nairn Smith Inst Sundny from tho soutn. They nro GET HER A DIAMOND THE JEWEL OF JEWELS I I FRIDAY. j j Senior clnss piny nt Mnsonlc j opera house. j j Doniorest gold medal contest j In North Ilcud. j located nt tho Hugo Qulst homo In South Mnrshfiohl. .; .;. 4. Mrs. L. R. Dean nnd son arrived last Saturday from Rosoburg and will mako their homo In Mnrshfiohl. Mrs. Elln Morse of Emplro left on tho Inst Ilrenkwntor for n visit to hor daughter, Mrs. Wcldiicr of Astorln. .;. .j. .j. Miss Oonovlovo Seiigstnckon. who has been innklng an extended stay In Snn Francisco, nrrlved on the Speedwell Mondny. L. W. Ilrown of Chlppown Fulls. Wisconsin, nrrlved on tho Nnnn Smith on u visit to frlondB on tho Uny. j. .j. .j. Wllllnm Ooodrum, brother of Ooorgo Goodrum, nrrlved tho first of tho weok from Now Orlenns nnd Will mnko his homo In .Mnrshfiohl. The Progress elub hns ndjurnod until Jnnunry 13, when they will moot with Mrs. F. O. Horton. : : : Mrs. Nnncy Wright, who hns been visiting Mrs. Frank Rogors, left this week for Los Angoles. whero slio plnns to sti-nlghton out her bus iness affairs, so that slio can return to North Horn! to mnko her homo. C. F. MrCollum nnd wlfo nro In Snn Francisco nftor nn extended Eastern visit nnd will spond' tho holldnys with rolntlvcs, returning homo enrly In Jnnunry. Mrs. W. T. Mcrchnnt returned this week from nn oxtonded slnv In San Frnncisco nnd other southern points. Her son, Chnrlos, who ro contly underwent nn operation, Is niiuiuy recuperating. Mrs. C. E. Nicholson returned this weok from nn extended visit with frlonds nt various points In Cali fornia. Miss Mary Uootli will arrive about December 2 I from Spoknno to spond tho holldnys nt tho homo of hor brother, R. K. Rooth. Mrs. Jnmes Mngco nnd Miss Mny Mngeo of Emplr nro guests of Mrs. P. M. Wilbur. : : I .MOTOR ROAT CM'H. I Tho Thimble Club of North llend mot Frldny nfternoon with Mrs. Henry E. Ilurinolster. Tho homo wns very prettily decorated In creens nnd nftor n dollghtfnl few hours of sowing, conversntlon nnd several muslcnl selecllons by Mrs Robert Gcbhnrdt. the hostess served refreshments. The next mooting will bo with Mrs. Jnck Wnllnce on Jnnunry 2i Those present nt the meeting woro Mrs. V. S. Kaiser, Mrs. Rob' ort Gobhardt. Mrs. J. Linden. Mrs C. F. Williams. Mrs. M. G. Cole- mnn. Mrs. A. H. Derbyshire. Mrs. F. S. Jennings, Mrs. Rosrno Hnzor, Mrs. 1. II. llnrtle, nnd tho guests, Mrs, Elmer Jones nnd Mrs. Gothen. t o .;. I FOR CHRSSTM Aton'c C!...1. 1..... t..i.j Hose nml llaiiclkoivhioL' Nets (nii 'J&ii Oases and Slippers, Ladies' XT, ,1 , ,' LBa&S Si- AV, ises unci suppers, .Ladies' UinlmOlna ft' sl arl s, Neckwear, andkorchiofs v , G1oJ raisis, Feli Slippers. ' JJatl M DON'T MISS THE BIG PRE-HOLIDAY SALE EASTERN STAR. I At n mooting o the North llend Clinptor, Order of Enstcrn Stnr, InBl week, tho following olllrors for tho ensuing yenr woro elected: Worthy Mntron, Mrs. Emmn Stein. Worthy Patron. M. E. Evorllt. Assoclnto Mntron. Mrs. Ethel Wor ld. Secrotnry, Mrs. Mnudo llarlle. Tronsurer. Mrs. Zella Wldncr. Conductress. Mrs. Lnurn Ilyler. Assoclnto Conductress. Mrs. Joella Windsor. Light refreshments wero served "t tlio eloso of tho ovonlng's ses sion. Tho Insinuation of tho now olll cors will probably tnko pluco Joint ly with tho llltio Lodge A. F. nnd A. M., Frldny, December 27. -I DINXKR PARTIES. Mrs. E. Kellev entortnlued Miss .Mario Mnlonoy nnd Miss Nnnn Drowning nt illnnor Inst Wednesday ovenlng. BANDCONGERT Tho Motor Ront Club of North Rend hold ono of its rogulnr meet Ings at tho club rooms last Wed- HERE SUNDAY FIXE PROGRAM AXVOPXCKI) TOR TOMORROW AITER.VOO.V 1Y niRIHTOR 1'EXTOX AT MA SOXIO OPERA IIOPSE. Tlioso nttondlng tho Coos Uny Uniiil concert nt tho opera houso tomorrow will bo rowardod by honr- lng a woll directed and well ar ranged program. Tho selections to bo given consist of tho following: Mnrch Spirit of Indopondonco. . Ilolzmnn uvorturo Poot and Pensant.... Suppo vuiuunucu annuel I'ndorowskl Grand Fnntnlso Homo, Sweet Homo tho World Ovor. . .Lnmpo (by Request) Solectlon Ernnnl Vordl Dcscrlptlvo fnntasay Wlntor. .. Lnmpo (by Request) Star Spnngled Rannor. Coats SMte Dire sse0 Coats, Sweaters, Cm (SS ONEY TALKS" Hiulb Dr j GoodsCj O'CONNIQLL BLDQ. THOXEMil Buy. a Di amond As a tfift it has no cqunl as an onianienl, unsurpassed and as an investment, hel ler (hail government bonds. Years of experience in buying assures you of a dis play (hat is right in every particular. A slock to select from that gives a wide range in sizes and sellings. Just to Remind You Wo have a big supply of perfect gems sol in Kings, Brooches, Lockets, Pins, Watches, Bracelets nnd La Valliors. OUR PRICES AND TERMS ARE RIGHT CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY RED CROSS JEWELRY DEPT. r .l . ;,, ! m3 tiff ' m ST A F: 1 m that this store is overflowing with all that is best in Christ mas Candies and has tho largest lino of Christmas Baskets and Boxes o,vv shown on Coos Bay. Tho time is getting short now, so don't tic a string around your fin ger and forget why you tied it there. Come right iiow and mako your choico of these dainty and beautiful Christ mas remembrances. We fill each basket or box with Slaffords Puro Prcsh Candy. Stafford's Candies are mndo by an export in our own clean, sunny factory. h. s. TOWER Jeweler and Diamond Merchant JUST ARRIVED i EVERY ONE A BEAUT1 Lot Stafford help you make Christinas merry. to .si:vi:raI( marshfiklo iiomks TO 1IM MKRRV AT YUIjKTIDK KIXIvST IMIKSKNTS POSSHILK TO MARK TIIK FAMILY. Mossrs. Palmer and Dawson liavo Just rocolved n largo and ono of tlio finest shlpmonts of pianos over received in Marsliflold. Tlioy arriv ed this weok on tho Rroakwator nnd are placed In storage at G07 N'orth Front Streor. Evory ono of theso pianos Is a beauty and nro from tho regular stock of tho Wiley R. AUon Co. of Portland. Santa Clans has boon busy mak ing selections and sovoral of these beautiful high grado pianos liavo ntready found homes In Marsliflold. Thero Is a flno assortment still 011 hand to select from and at Ibices consistent with tho quality. To tlioso who "vlsh time, wo mako very easy paymonts, and tho prlco Is tho samo, plus 8 por cent Inter est on clerorred payments. 01. iU"n nnilce force. A conil nlnnn Ih without doubt 111011 to I" ""'" - tho very finest Christen o.... fntiior or mother ci r family. No other article tU- such good cheer to tie holp to mako homes i flno piano. Annolntmenta can M eeo and hear tnese fl Pf calling at 341 Norm in i un 296-X. A' Palmer, general wprewj tho Wlloy D. AIM".' In 1S73 and thooWes'.lW most reliauie j'"""- -Pacific Coast. . ininiatu Japan nns "- ..,-, through an mo --f ittm changes n ", "L .estn,!!: tcd, ?v dew. 4 UlUVUIWHU o - . gregato f37.6S8.000. J St. Pa"! w;,.ddffll J ARE YOU LOOKING FQ HOIJDAY Gil . -i. TWnlrV. 0"' My stock of Watches, JJiamoiiub, "; tfie ub ware, Clock's, etc., has been selected w care lor tins season's selling. . , . i jiere a The most exacting, taste will be sftisnw tne prices are extremely lair mw " Call and bo convinced. . -nurcliase iiingravmg ireo 01 ennrgo uu " F. W. BERTRA1 JEWEI.I'". ORE MAIISHFIELP' 1.10 Xorth Rroadwny I'i. " i