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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1912)
pOT TjJLJV TROUBLE IS NEVER ABLE TO PAY IT BACK. .r.iP. PAPER OF AUTHORITY' MmtB , Mnrshfleld Is tho liHicpciul '", Tlmw. It if fr tlio city JUj oo imiHy rst. ,asL "" U the time. JOIN' THE TIMES FAMILY. AVATCH THE WANT APS. There are inniiy good bargain t lie found there. Anything lost or found Ih always adver tised In Tho Times. MEMHER OP THE ASSOCIATED PHES VOL,XXXVI.;rTrcoi!i?.H MARSHFIELD, OREGON, gBTOf, tESETO3T SATURDAY DECEMBER 14, 1912.-12 PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall 0i -J 6 and Coos Hay Adertlscr. mm JjP4J!p ML APPROPRIftTiONS DREGOH Lnrcssman Hawley Presents mittce Today. REQUESTED FOR COOS BAY PROJECTS Announces He Will Ask Addi tional Amount IUI uuua Bay Later. (Special to Tho Times.) wisitiN'OTON. Dec. 14. Con- misman Ifawloy presented Oregon's - . 1 .. - .... .1 linMltftM I 1 1 c!ilm for nvor u iiumui im provements for tlio next flscnl year t,.far a spcclnl mooting of tho tooifl rivers nnd harbors comtnlttco till morning. In addition to cuii ir attention to tlio necessity of n liberal sum for tho malntonnnco of nrlotiB existing projects, lio mndo tmM arguments In support of tho following projects nnd tho nntounts ieslrcd: Tillamook. $307,000. Mouth of Columbia. $100,000. Willamette. $120,000. Columbia, bolow Portland, $1G0, (10. Oregon City locks, $S5,000. Coos liny, $SO,000. .Vebaloin, $100,000. Yaqulnn, between Toledo nml Tmulna, $2S,000. Coqulllc, $0000. Hawlcy notified tho commlttco tlit bo would tnlco up nn addition il appropriation for Coos liny ns toon as tlio reports from tho sur urs wcro filed. Two Items In nddlilou to tlio lore to bo Inrludod In tho sundry clrll bill nro $120,000 for tho im- poTCment of tho Columbia, bolow Portland, and $SG,000 for tho Slus li. Tho Columbia rlvor projects pro noted by Ilnwloy nro only thoso ln claded In this district by tho Inst Itrjilaturo, Gcorgo Wcstlngliouso says thnt tit Ideal vessel of tho ocean trndo li an American schooner with aux iliary engine EBELS HUNG Bodies Are Left Suspended I PlS Prnm Trnne iif Cararn Soldiers. It? Aci I-'ci I'rfM to Cooa Ilijr TlniM.) MEXICO CITY, Dec. 11. Sixty todies of robols hanging in trees ro counted by porsons traveling 'rorn Las Cruces to Tomnscnltopeo I" the stato of Moxlco, Tills is ono ol tho results of tho campaign Wlnst tho robols in thnt district ty Colonel Ulvoroll. HAKE MEXICO PAY HEAVILY Army Officers Recommend 588,000 Indemnity for Wounded Americans. IBj Alio tc4 Tfcti to Cool Car Tlmea. Washington, doc. 14. Twen- 'Hhreo Americans wounded or ,hso relatives woro killed or funded by shots fired across tho jtolcan border In April and May, 1,ll. should rocolvo an indemnity legating $88,000 from tho Mox "Jn government, according to n ro Wrt to congress by tho commission xt fflcers of tho army who lnvestl Wfd tho cases. All claims of tho gleans Injured on tho American J8 by bullets from Mexican rov wlonIrs wero disapproved. latv,6 flsh Paratilapla multicolor Oouth3 egSB ,n Pckets ,n hor The FOR 1 ASKED F L IN FRISCO Buy Young Geyser Loosed by Pile Driver Worth Million to the State. tnr AMorlatci rim to Coo liar Tlmm.l SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. II. Tho Infant goyscr loosed from Iho bot tom of Snn Francisco bay yostordny by n pllo driver Is worth $1,000,000 to tho state, according to Joromo Nowmnn, chlof engineer for tlio Stnto Hoard of Harbor CcmmlMlon ors, who ostlmnted todny thnt tho board by using fresh water spout ing from tho bottom of tlio bay in stead of buying water would savo $50,000 u year. Tlio flow continued to bo copious today, nml If any thing nuguiuuted tathor than dimin ished. Newmnn thinks thoro Is ov cry reason to bollovo tho Stnto chomlst will find It puro nml fresh mid similar to tlio best nrtoslnn water. E E President-Elect Leaves Ber muda for New York To dayEnjoyed Trip. HAMILTON, Uormuda, Dec. 1 1. Prosldont-olect Wilson and party sailed for Now York today. Wil son declares ho was delighted with tho vacation. A Inrgo crowd gavo tlio visitors nn enthusiastic send-off. Turkish Destroyer Unable to Force Entrance to Ae gean Sea Today. nr Acatf4 Tdm to Com nr Tlma.l ATHENS, Dec. 14. A Turkish destroyer attempted to pass Into tho Aegean sea from Tlio Darda nelles today but was drivon back by tho Orcok destroyers. Tho Turkish fleots on either sldo of tho watorway roplled to tho Greek guns hut with no effect. Pioneer Columbia Riverman, Worth Many Millions Dies in Portland. (Dr Aaoclate4 Trm to Coo. Dr Time. PORTLAND, Dec. 14. Jacob Kamm, a votoran steamboat man of tho Columbia river vnuoy tho "Old Orogon" country w ho founded tho business of which tho o v n & N- Co '8 tl10 (,,rect Buccossor,' died at Ills homo In this cltv today of diseases Incident to old ago. Ho was 89 years of ago. Io wns ono of tho most wealthy men In tho Pacific Northwest, hay "ng vast property holdings in this section besides po.sesB.ns cowld orablo valuable property In San Francisco. Ho was roputed to bo worth many millions. - .. t.nni ami nam- S electricity, l.avo been recently added to rno jiuimw y . achusetts school of Technology. W G W Wl 1 G L JACOB KAi PASSES AWAY AHC1 WOMAN French Capital Aroused by a Scandal Involving Mrs. Ma rie Barnes and Walter Mumm, Sportsman. tnr amocUici itch to cooi nr Tim.i PARIS. Dec. 11. Further compll. cations dovelopcd In tlio Bensntlon nl shooting nffnlr Thursday night In which Mrs. Darncs, an American woman, and Walter Mumm, a welt known French sportsman, wcro tho principals. Mrs. Dames, It now de velops, was shot Iwlco by Mumm boforo slio shot him. Sho brought her revolver Into action only after bIio lind been badly wounded. Ev ery effort has been mndo by tho Mumm family to suppress Informa tion In connection with tho scandal. Mrs. Haines. It is said, has not loft Frnnco as first stated, hut Is In a prlvato hospital, whoro slio Is re ported to bo in n dangerous condi tion. According to ono version of tho nowspapors, Mumm and Mrs. names wont about togotlior overywhero dur ing tho past year, and Mrs. Darncs, hollovod Mumm was about to mar ry her. Differences, however, nrosc, and Mumm declared his Intention of breaking off tlio acquaintance with hur. This was Thursday night and tho tragic shooting sccno fol lowed Immediately afterward. Mumm, In nplto of his wounds, was ablo to leavo tlio houso with out a8slstanco and went to a hospi tal. IS FROM PENNSYLVANIA. Mr. Hni'iicH Has Had Stormy Mat rlmonlnl Career. tlljr AnoricJ I'nu (o Coo !Ir Tlmci. NEW YORK. Doc. 14. Mrs. Mn- PEACE OFFER KEPT SECRET Balkan Nations Present De mands to Turkey at Lon don Conference. lly Auo.IIm1 I'm. In Coo. Ila- Tlmm LONDON, Doc. 1C Tho chlofs of four Dalkau unions to tho peace conforonco havo drawn up tho tormn of peaco which tho allies Intend to prcsont with a united front to tlio; Turkish plenipotentiaries of tho Ot toman omplro, havo decided a simi lar secrecy shall mark tho ontlro ponco conforonco, unless It should bo considered ndvtsablo to isstio communications from tlmo to tlmo.' Tills, however, must havo tho con currence of all tho plenipotentiar ies. WEBS IN EAST Well Known Coos Bay Young Man to Be Married Next Monday in Missouri. Mrs. Honry Bishop of South Droadway today received an invi tation to tho mnrrlago of hor bro I ther, John Motley, and Mls3 Ermlnoncy trlnl toAay in COnuoctlon with biirowsuury, which win uu buiowii- Ized at tho homo of tho brldo in Osceola, Mo Monday ovonlng, Do- combor 10, " Tho news came as a decldod sur prlso to Mr. Motloy's pany friends hero, as tho eastern trip which ho left on a fow weeks ago was sup posed to bo purely a business ono. Ho Is ono of tho most prominent young men In Marshflold, having for a long tlmo been connected with tho Flanagan & Donnott bank, la ter bolng connected with II. Q. Hoy's law offlco nd recontly hav- lng been elcctod secretary of tho Chamber of Commerce. Tho marrlago marks tho culmin ation of a boyhood and girlhood ro mance Mr. and Mrs. Motley will leave Osceola Monday night or Tuesday for Coos Bay, DO you 1IKMKVK the DEVIL'S niii'Mi TiiKOKY? Como out and hoar It discussed nt tho I'HESHV mi.iDr.iv rillJIirir noxt SUNDAY EVENING, Splondld music. Bring a frlond nnd COME. SHOT 1 PARIS rlo Hnmcs, Involved In tho Mumm shooting nffnlr In Paris, is n na tive of Pennsylvania and in 1910 married Gcorgo II. Crcol, n million aire Chilean, Sho Instituted di vorce proceedings against him In Franco last year, but thcro is no record of tho divorco bolng grnntcl. Tho woman's flrst husband was Henry David Darncs of Daltlmoro, whom sho married nt tho ngo of 15. Waltor Mumm from tho police report nttneked tho woman and kicked her in tho faco and neck. Slio Is under treatment of four physicians. An hour after Mumm loft tho house, sho went In nn nuto, accompanied by a man nnd her cook, who was tho solo witness of tho shooting, to somo point not established, but it Is believed to bo somo sanltorlum. (Mr AworUtol l'n. to Coo Itr Tlmm. HALTIMOHU, Dec. 14. Harry Davis Darncs, mentioned ns tlio flrst husband of Mrs. Mario Darncs, denied thnt ho over wns her hus band. Ho wns Introduced to her ns Mnry Cleveland Honslmor thirteen years ago. Ho was mnrrlod nt tho time. Tho last tlmo ho saw her wbb 12 years ago.' tnr Anoilatr.1 rrM to Coot Br Tlmm. KASTON, Pa., Dec. 14. "Mrs. Mary Darncs" wns born near horo. Sho was about 30 years of ago. Hor father, John Hcnslinor, worked In a local paper mill. Sho wns onco employed In a hotel horo, hut wont to Now York. T IS E Insurance Adjusters Charged With Being Involved in Conspiracy. tlr AuOvUlM I'rrft to Cooi nr Tlmn.l SOUTH DEND, Intl., Dec. 14. Tlio oxposuro of nn alleged "nrson trust," said to bo composed of In surnuco adjusters and operating throughout tho ontlro mlddlo west, will follow, it Is said, tho arrest of Don Knhn, a former South Hond morcfinnt, and Don Franklin of Chi cago. Thoy aro accused of firing n clothing storo owned by ICalm last April. Tho two woro arrested in Chicago and aro now hold horo under bonds of $20,000 each. John J. McNamara's Attacks on Authorities Read in Indianapolis. Br AuocUtrd rrui to Coot Oar Time.. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind Dec. 14. John J. McNamara's attacks on tho authorities for causlug his arroBt wero read in tho dynamite conspir- q charges that tho presont ue- fondants approved of what ho said. Flvo months after ho was taken to Los Angolcs for dynamiting, McNa mara's roport as secretary of tho union wns read at tho Ironworkers' convention In Mllwaukeo, In Sop tomber, 1911. Tho roport was dat ed "In a coll, 2500 rallos away," and charged that tho authorities had "stolon" $420 from tho Iron workers headquarters whon tho ar rest was mado. District Attornoy Miller said tho report, with ono by Presldont Ryan, who chargod that McNamara had been kldnapod, was road by Herbert S. Hockln, and ap proved by tho convention. SICE SALING'S now lino of IV ORY nnd .MOCCASINS for XMAS PRESENTS. 118 HHOADWAY. When In need f PLUMIHNG, HEATING, TINNING, SHEET METATj WORK, CALL 101-J PIONEER limV'RB CO,, When Uoiio by .s i is douo rlgU GOV. WEST SATS LAX LAWS ABE BREEDING CB1ILS SAY GARRISON HAD G01FESSED Rumor That Local Attorney Had Admissions from Man Executed. The execution of Frank Garrison and tho statement ho Issued yester day at Salem luivo caused much comment around town. Tho pre vailing opinion Is thnt he wns In sane, ns well us being n dnngorous criminal. Tom llnll, who with It. O. Graves and C. A. Sohlbrede, defended Gar rison In his two trials horc, Is reported to hnvo had a confes sion from Garrison. Howovor, Mr. Hall will not mnko nny statoment about Garrison's rovolatlon to him until ho has consulted Judge Coke ns to tho rights of attorneys making public their client's statements. Marshal Carter feels Indignant ov er the text of Garrison's stntoment. Ho nlded greatly In ferreting out tho murder of Hoy Perkins and says that thoro was not n doubt in the world about Garrison's guilt. Ho says that Garrison was probably prompted to tho attack on him In tho stntoment by n dcslro to get re venge Somotlmo back, Mr. Carter Bays, Garrison wns bitter nt J. E. Graham, tho dctectlvo who worked on tho enso, Archlo Phillips and Cnpt. Harris than ho wns at him (Carter) but Garrison evidently for got them in making his bitter at tack, IN SI L Worry Over Child's Health Causes J. P. Thompson to Go Insane. Word lias beon received hero of tho death of J. P. Thompson, n woll known Cntchlng inlet rancher, which occurred in St. Louts. His death was tragic. A fow months ngo ho loft for tho cast with his 12-year-old son, Johnnlo, to con sult specialists about curing n de formity tho latter suffored. Wor ry over tho child caused Mr. Thompson's mentnl dornngomont, ac cording to meager reports, nnd ho Is said to havo Inflicted injuries on himself which rosultod fatally. Mrs. Thompson nnd othor rela tives llvo on Catching Inlet, Thompson's half brother, Aug. Honnlngsen, wont nasi u snort tlmo ngo. It Is oxpoctcd that Mr. Hon nlngson and a brothor of Mr, Thompson will accompany tho ro mains to Newport, Wash., for burial SEATTLE CARO GAME IS FATAL One Man Dead and Another Is Badly Wounded as a Re sult of Saloon Row. nr Aaaorlata. I'naa to Cooa In; Tlmw.) SEATTLE. Dec. 11. Mlchaol Chl mlont, a Inboror agod 32 of Ta conia, Is dead and D, Fallanoo, a grocer, aged 3G, Is In a hospital with knlfo wounds sustained dur ing a running fight. Tho two mon quarrolcd about a card gamo In a saloon and knives woro drawn. AVlt nossos allogod Fallanoo first stab bod Chlmlont who ran from tho sa loon nnd suddenly turned on Fal laneo and stabbed him four times. Chlmlont himself was stabbed again In tho struggle nnd dlod later in tho hospital. T Declares Weak Minded and Degenerates Are Allowed to Beget Weaklings. MORE EFFORT MADE ABOUT LIVE STOCK Urges Supporters of Hanging to Try and Aid in Remov 1 ing Cause. IHr AvnclatM Pirn to Cooa nr Tlmct.l PORTLAND, Dec. 1 1. FoltowInR tho execution of tho four condomuod men nt Salem yesterday, Governor Oswald West today mado tho fol lowing statement to tho Associated Press: "This will not prevent crime. You must got at tho root of tho ovll." Thcso woro tho last words of ouo of tho condomnofl men nnd thoy woro to tho point. I nm not opposed to capital nuu Ishmcnt iih somo think, becnucu 2 nm slopping over with sentiment, but because the practice sceum to mo to ho entirely wrong nnd fool ish. If wo deliberately pormlt or ganized greed to breed, through tho aid of poverty nnd vlco, theso crim inals and degonernteii, aro wo not in a wny responsible for tholr nctnT Is not tho blood of tholr victims on our hands nn well nn that of the nssassln? Wo spend much tlmo and monoy educating the pcoplo how to soloct nnd breed nnd caro for live stock. Wo Impress upon thoiu Che fact that only through proper sole tlon nnd enro can dcslrnhln nulmala bo produced. Yet wo Ignoro IheMl teachings In dealing with our '& low mnn for wo only pormlt th wonk-mlnded nnd dogonornto to Jimto nnd breed nt will. Wo force tholr offspring to grow up in the inldBt of vlco nnd nwful povortjr, dwarfed morally, mentally nnd phy sically and then hold up our hands In horror whon wo hoar of tho commission of somo awful crlmo. Lot theso who wish to provont crlmo tnko tlmo to look around nnd sco tho conditions under whrch somo children nro bred and oblfgad to grow up. Lot thorn loud a hand to Hiobo who nro trying to remove somo of tho muses nnd thoy will do far more to provont crlmo than by crying, "crucify him! Crucify him!" OREGON RATE IS Freight Charges on Fruit and Vegetables Found Un reasonable. (Ilr .o latfti I'rm Io Coo. liar Tfnica,r WASHINGTON, Doc. 14. Tho In torstato Commcrco Commission hold unreasonable tho existing rato on fruit and vegetables from Oregon, Idaho and Utah to mlddlo west points, nnd ordorcd a 20 por cent reduction to go into offoct two years from noxt Fobrunry, LABORER FALLS TWENTY FEET August Lindstrom Badly In jured at Smith Mill This Morning. August Lindstrom, a laborer em ployed nt tho Smith mill, was In jured this morning whllo at worlr. Lindstrom was carrying lumbor and was obliged to walk a distance oC 20 foot across a plank, which broke, Llndstrom's shouldsr was dislo cated, his face cut and bo was badly bruised. Lindstrom HvC3 at tho Portland Houso nt Third null Commercial. Times' Want Ads bring rosults. D l