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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1912)
IfflMffiMKANABMOjt THAT IS EVER PROOF AGAINST THE SHAf TS Of ERROR "!1. " i - CVKR I8IN l Tho T1MKS fflll nt Your Heal Katato "In (fa WANT ADVERTISING lu The TIME Will Keep your Inconio from Ftirnlfthcd Room Steady. YOU enn rcnlly holp tlio family rovonues by routing n fow furnished rooms nntl, If you know how nnd when to ufo tlio classified columns, you mny keep thnt llttlo extra In conio as "stoutly ns n clock." ,h, Market" Kiwciiwciyi Si put Uio fncti about your " r. before ttio eyes of nil "pos- tNttlVJ"n town. And If tl.oro J I oi ! them who ought to own I1 -'It aril itl mm xmt 111 itroo MEMBER OK Till: ASSOCIATED Pltl'.S -i-MItir1 In 1H7H rtl YXXV Us Tho Coast Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1 912. EVENING EDITION. " - A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mull n nn mill Coos Uiiy Advertiser. yp aa AL COUNT FOR 000S HIT HHS BEEN COMPLETED Material Change Shown i, the Results as Prev iously Reported. ASK WAS ! ALONG ANU linxoum- uiit Lis for the Full Ticket of County Are rniimu Today. wi niork WntBon has com- ....4 ih ofllclnl count of tlio ;tIoi of Nov. 5 for Coos county. .. . ion., ntirl tiresome task. Belo Is given tho comploto vote ut la the county for each offlco: Tor President. Tift flton.) 098. Wllwn (Dem.) 1081. C-fin (Pro.) 87. Debt (Soc.) 837. Rooierolt (Prog,) 94G. Tor Congress. Cinnbell (Prog.) R37. Bitter (nop.) loio. Richardson (Soc.) 829. Salih (Dom.) U. S. Senator. Bosrne (Ind.) 504. CUrk (Prog.) 28C. Use (Dom.) 982. Simp (Soc.) 727. Pit (Pro.) 9(i. Mllnj (Hop.) 9G7. DMrlct Attorney. Brown (Rep.) 17-17. firnw (Soc.) 809. firdwell (Ind.) GS0. Urs (Dom.) 399. State Scnntor. Kilitr (Soc.) 983. Sillh (Rop.) 1319. Sttnmler (Ind.) 1131. Secretary of State. Kennedy (Prop.) 398. 0!cott (Rep.) 117C Reddiway (Soc.) 813. Rrin (Dcm.) C22. Wilt (Pro.) 119. Supremo Court Judge Brfrbt (Prohl.) 17C. Fakln (Rep.) 1215. SWtr (Dom.) 713. Wer (Soc.) 973. Hairy Commissioner. Bmee (Soc.) 927. Dunbar (Pro.) 219. Ui (Dem.) 8CG. Well (Rep.) 132R. Railroad CiiiiiMilssloiior. Campbell (Rop.) 22-12. Vctet (Pro.) 412. Circuit .lmlcn P-Ti' (Rep.) 2290. xaICK, 1. Jolllt ItlMll'OKnntiiMi'n. HH (Soc.) 877. Meredith (I)em.) 1038. relrce (Iletn infi Schllemann (Prog.) 339. Tor Representative. wton (rtpn iior. H!l (Pro.) 3C0. Robinson (Dem.) 1098. Vn CI. n. Iff ,cfe (Dem.) 1743. a (Rep.) me. urter (Pm tnn rr (Soc.) G91. u Assessor. WSDlen (TJon t mo Ml (Dcm.) 1G33. ' ffe"l0E (Soc.) 824. m. )' Surveyor. n (Ind.) 951. COUld (J1ir i no HjU (Inil.) 1002. fcnt. 'nep.1 1483. "" jooc.) 012. wUr (Dem.) 109G. Rt1.vFor County Clerk. Nn (Sop.) fal. nstjon (Rep.) 2321. rnir.i. ,or Treasurer. Hw (Soc.) 1043. (Rop.) 2S77. BiW. n oo1 Superintendent. S, i p,) 23(H' Brown, 'i, Person.' l. IGOVERNOR MAY LET US TALK IT OVER BE IL S. SENATOR Hawley of Idaho Urged to Accept Place of Sena tor Heyburn. (By Ansoclnted Press to Cooa Day Tlmos.) BOISE, Idaho, Nov. 12. If ho hccdB tho counsel of his friends, Governor Hawloy of Idaho will hluiBolf tako tho position of Unit ed StntcB Bonntor mado vacant by mo uentn or tlio into Senator Hoy burn. Leading DomocrntB nro tin nbla to undo on n man for tho toga, pending a mooting of tho Ro- publlcan leglBlaturo. Hawley Is urged to resign tlio governorship .and accept tho nppolnttncnt by Lieut, aovernor Sweotsor. who would Bticcccd to tho executive chair. PLEADS GUILTY ? TIT 1 !U lT k , DfUUINb Ta -. Tf-.. , r coroner. K.rt Jem.) 1034. -- wiep.) 1928. (iF-',I,M,u"ont8. li. ."""'" s !! no. i?k; Oman's Suffrngo: Yea, 10J r "00' "tor- vf. C,r!ato Woutonant Gov- Ul'-Pn' K0.745 n0 1G19' Wlon. rv ln'form System of SO !V yens- "34; no, 1557. nises n n0vy Tax " Different w-1512. Property: Yes, 1133; lrAe7TLPr,ohn,lt Emergency In ": no. 1338atIns Taxnt,on5 Yes- W Atnon.l.- .--T-wmiiieiug h to bo Carried ' Jtnin. CIUS l0 o uarrien 'bv .TfrI,ty , f Electors Instead tt: y T 83Si.ty 0t Thoso Vot,nB Nle f'n!k,5s nank Stockholders to, jj,j- deposits: Yes, 1920; ! mission: Yes, 1G38; no, iT- 4SS anas County Division; Agrii ?,se,n"l 'or University 0!S. nf.1UJSI7ral Co"ege; Yes, 1,- MoDtinJ'lro'nB Majority for -"i- Hnn T-.j.. - - ,e, 86?. r ""leciing Measures: Ui V no 1GG9. SjdDoiid. Act Limiting w (Continued on Pago Two.) John Shrank, Would-Be As sassin of Roosevelt, Ap pears in Court. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) MILWAUKEE. Wis., Nov. 12. Jolin Scurnnk pleaded guilty louay to Bhootlng Colonel Itoosovolt. The court decided to appoint a commis sion to oxnmtno Into Schrnnk's san ity. Snhrnnk Ih In Jail llttlo con corned. "Now I am not concorncd as to tho outcome. My crlmo was political rnther than n crlmo ngnlnst humanity and I guoss thnt with nil tho political crimes that linvo taken plnco In tlio insi low yonrs thoy won't ho vory hard on me. Howovor, If thoy do glvo It to mo hard, I guoss I can tako my modlcliio." In his nlon Sehrnnk sought to distinguish between nn assault up on Itoosovolt ns a "monnco nn nn attack upon Itoosovolt as a clt Izon. Tho nttondnnco nt court was comparatively smnll. 1-Vmvil Tlilid Toi-iii. "I did not moan to kill a citi zen, .Tudgo," declnred Sehrnnk. "I Bhot Theodore Itoosovelt becnuso ho was a mennco to tho country. Ho Bhould not Imvo n third torm. It Is bad thnt a man Bhould havp n third torm. I did not wnnt him to linvo one. I shot him ns a warning that men must not try to linvo moro than two torms as president-. ,. , "I shot Theodoro Roosovolt to kill him. I think nil men who nro trying to keop thomsolves In offlco should bo killed. Thoy bo como dangerous. I did not do It becnuso ho wns a cnndldato or tho Progressive party either, gentlc rnon," ho concluded. On tho stntomont of tho district attorney that tho man was Insane, tho court decided to appoint n commission to Inquire Into Schr nnk's sanity. LIVED IX DOUGLAS. Man Who Figured In Train Koli liery Known nt Itoseburg. James Yoakum, ivho tlsm& J tho holdup of tho Shasta Limited train of tho Southern Pacific, near Delta, Cal.. recently, was a Doug las county man. He did not . Bboot tho robber as was first reported. Another trainman shot tno robber, who was holding up the engineer and fireman, and the robber shot several times at Yoakum, but m Us ed him. Voakum formerly med with his parents at nile-. Doug las count)' Yoakum left Riddle a few years ago and went to Abi. land, where ho was employed In tlio railroad shops. Later bo went to Dunsmulr and secured a position ns brakoman. Yoakum Is well known in Doug las county, and the nerve dlsplajed liy him resulted in much comment thoro. GUNS FOK ItENT THE GUN NEItY. When in need ft prATMWNfl, HEATING, SHEET METAL WORK, CALL 101-.T PIONEER IIDW'RB CO., Wlicn done by us it Is done rig" TH, Cthufv "vJ;YJVAT!5U C0, L1!18 "md0 nnothor "I'l'llcatlon for a thirty yoarB' water franchise nt Increased rates. .t.i hxec',t f0.r reducing tho period rmm flftv to thlrtv vonrn and nuJ.nBtof,Oll,,.0Bl!n,0ri n t,Uon ,n ,'?, "-lolnlo of rates which U "l 111 n. .! . h' U '" tl,5 Bnl,1Q oUl "--er franchise game u get il L'V.1' n vnluablo urlvlliw and pay the recipients for t.Zll?, T,mos .ls "rmlternbly and absolutely opposed to this new irnnciiiRo for two reasons: o7.nnT."T:T,l0. IonRth of t,ino' thlr,-v 'onrfl' B too long. bhio.NDl no rates charged' aro far too high for tho service. mo new schedule is cunningly devised to conceal tho actual rates tuat every householder must pay. I-'or Instance, a first chnrgo of $1.00 per month is mado for the water, which seems fair. Hut hold I Immediately you must cont nienco to figure. Thoro Is nn additional chnrgo for each bath tub, urinal, lavatory, water closet, every member of tho family over six, any nddltlonal taps, etc., etc. If thoro ia nnythlng my friend .loo Bennett has omitted, I nm cer tain ho will npologlzo and It will bo added in nnothor clauao before tho frnnchlao Ib offered for flnnl pnssngo. Of course, .Too might linvo Inquiry blanks printed, Inquiring ns to tno personal habits of nil wntcr consumers. I-'or Instance, if tho mnn of tho house, drinks inttixlcntlng liquors and occasionally In dulges In n llttlo spreo nnd gets up In tlio morning with n florco thirst, It Is n well known popular and scientific fnct that ho drinks moro water than tho normnl mnn, with only a normal thirst. There Bhould bo an ndded charge for tho Increased consumption. Then, too, It might ho ascertained whothor a man drinks his liquor in tho sa loon or nt homo. Also whothor hd drinks bcor or whiskey. If ho drinks whiskey, it Is known thnt tho avcrngo man takes a. "chaser," which, for tho benoflt of tho Innocout ones, Tho Times may explain Is a small glass of water, thnt is swallowed after tho drink "of li quor. Of course, If this Is taken nt homo it means further uso of wnter. Thoro should bo ndded charge for that. Again, thoro nro what aro known as regular drinkers nnd periodical drinkers. This would mnko nnothor difference unless tho mnn waB llko tho ono bo lug examined for llfo Insurnnco. "Do you drink Intoxicating liquors?" tho examining physician In quired. "Yes," tho nppllcnnt responded. "Hogulnr or pcrlodlcnl?" was asked. "Periodical," tho mnn nnsworod. "How long between periods?" tho physlclnn nsked ngnln. "About twenty minutes," wns tho answer. Of course, n mnn with hnblts llko thnt would require n different schedule. It Is truo thnt .Too in hit hlblt n sympathetic charity in such and tho nubile must imv. Another fcaturo that Is overlooked Is tho matter of bnths. l-'am-IIIob nccustomed to Inking moro thnn tho weokly Saturday night ab lution should bo mndo to pay for tho luxury. It Is evident, how ever, thnt Joo docs not need nny suggestions ns to boosting rntca. Councilman Ferguson hns flcurcd the schcdulo ns nppllcd to hlfl homo nnd finds that his rnto of $1.50 per month, which is from 33 1-3 to 100 per cont higher than Rosoburg, Scnttlo, Portland, Taco mn, and other Const cities, will bo increased to $2.05 undor tho now schedule ' Tho length of tlmo of this frnnchlso is too long. Thirty yonra aro too many to tlo up tills growing community with nny kind of n wnter frnnchlso. Tho tondoncy nil over tho country 1b to cut down tho length of public utility franchises, whoro thoy aro granted at all. Tho plea of tho water company Is that thoy roqulro n long frnnchlso to soil bonds and mnko Improvomonts. What assurances linvo tho peoplo of Coos Bay that anything will bo dono? Tho company already has a franchise that hns sovontoon yonrs to run. Tho city nttornoy nnd tho city council confess that thoy aro unablo to enforco nny of tho provisions of tho present frnn chlso. When Mr. Bonnott wiib urged to nctlon, ho replied, "lot thorn swont awhllo," meaning tho peoplo bo blnnkcd If thoy didn't llko tho prosont sorvlco ho would wait until they wero ready to grant him nny old frnnchlso nt higher rates. If wo can't enforco tho prosont frnnchlso, how in God's nnmo nro wo going to enforco a now ono for a longer tlmo nt higher rates? City Attorney Gobs nnd J. W. Bennett nro now In Portland nnd Snlom, tho formor, It Is understood ls looking up tho provisions of tho now public utilities bill. It Is hoped a compromlso may bo reached, but It must bo a compromlso that will glvo n square deal to tho peoplo of Coos Boy, nnd not n long-tlmo frnnchlso nt higher rates. Willi Ulllll II'IIIIUU I, lil.IV, l-UV Is whole-souled manner might cx a case, but business Is business FIEOCE ATTACKS ABE IDE -.4 ON TURKS BY BALKAN TROPS SPANISH PREHRJSSASSINATEO Dr.nm!nrnt I rinrlnr 9hnt DnwniyonrB 0,tl n"'1 lB olIoved to bo an Prominent Leaaer OlOl UUWIl nnnrcn,8tj Following his nrrest, by Anarciiisi vviuiu -muring Public Building. ' (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) MADRID, Spain, Nov. 12. -Tho Spanish promlor. Joso Cnnalojas, was assassinated today. Tho as sassin was captured by tho pollco. Ho gnvo tho namo of Manuel Pnr dinas Y'Zarrato. Ho said ho was n nntlvo of Elgrado In tho provlnco of Huescn. Tho assassin fired four shots nt tho promlor ns ho was en tering tho ministry of tho interior to attend a cablnot meeting. Two shots struck tho statesman behind tho right ear and ho fell dead on Mm nnt. Tim nssallant Is 28 tho nssnssln committed sulcldo. I-If M II I 1.1 I CIV, -V 0 A MLLLU lr- Will IIIMMWl i,A W. BY EXPLOSION Two Thousand Pounds of Dy namite Blows Up Near Gary, Indiana. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times.) GARY, Ind., Nov. 12. Six men wore killed by an explosion of 2000 pounds of dynamlto In ono of tho packing houses of tho plant of tho Aetna Powder Company, near Gary today. Now Electric Sign. Frank D. Cohan of tho Owl Pharmacy placed a new electric sign In position at his store today. Auto Injures Dog. An auto ran over Miss Georgia Zlmmor'B pet dog at the corner of Market and Front streets about noon today. Tho animal Is a, valuable thor oughbred. It 1b hoped that tho injuries will not prove fatal. Joso Canalojas Y Mondos, tho prlmo mlnstor of Spain, who wns nssaBsliinted, wns Bolectcd to form the Spanish cnblnot In Fobruary, 1910. Ho was tho lender of nioii nrchlnl democrats, tho party which camo into power on tho roslgnntlon of tho liberal cablnot bonded by Sonor Morot Y Prondorgast. Threo of tho four bullots struck tho premier, who fell on tho side walk nnd died immediately. By atnndora solzcd tho nssnssln nnd handed him over to tho pollco. Ho then turned tho revolver on him self and it is bollovcd ho has sluco died from solf-lnfllcted wounds. AUTO RUNS OFF D. C. Greene Has Accident, Causing Some Damage 1 to Machine. D. C. Greeno, local manager of tho Oregon Power Company, had an accident with his auto thla morning. While on Front street near tho atavo mill on the plank road his machlno skidded off tho planks nnd ono wheel wont down Into tho mud eighteen inches bo low. It will need n now mud gua.d and somo other alight repairs. Tho accident happoned nbout tho samo placo whoro Dr. DIx ran off tho planks. Mr. Green sayB ho supposes ho was thinking moro about biasness than running the auto and that likely tho accident was duo to not giving as closo nttontlon to tho machlno as It demanded. Tho plank roads nro very Bllppory on account of the continued rains and It is nn easy matter for a machlno to skid. SAYS WAR IS PLAYED OUT Head of Leland Stanford Un iversity Tells of the Cost 1 to Countries. (By AsBoclntcd Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) KANSAS CITY, Nov. 11. What ever tho nolso and bluster nnd ap parent provocation, thoro will n ov er bo nnothor great wnr in Eu rope. Tho gnmo Is played out. This declaration was mado horo Saturday night by David Starr Jor dan, president of Leland Stanford University, nddrcsslng tho Knlfo nnd Fork club. Prcsldont Jordnn pointed out thnt "wnr Is world sickness," which "must Bprond from part to all tho others." Ho spoke of tho dogonorntlon of nations through tho loss of tholr best citizens, tli'o young nnd vlrllo In wnr, nnd trnccd through history tho wrecking of empires. Jnpan's tcrrlblo otrongth ns shown In tho war with Russia, wan not duo to constnnt practice In wnrfnrc. ho said, but rather to contur'cs of penco whoroln tho raco had grown strong through a strug gle far existence, which hnd elim inated tho weak Instead of tho strong nnd courageous. "Intornntlonnl poaco," ho said, "means n condition In which tho boundary lino botweeu nntlons Is not n lino of suspicion nnd hnto, but n convenience In Judlclnl and ndmlnlstrntlvo adjustments. "Such n boundnry lino 1b tho -IflOO-mllo lino tlint separates can ndn from tho United Stntos, nn un defended border which for nearly a hundred yonrs hns not known a fortress, nor a warship, nor n gun. "An nrmod poaco by which na tions nro supposed to bo irlgliton ed Into ncqiilcHconco la In tho long run likely to bo as ruinous ns war. Tho war has coasod, Its cost still goes on. Cost Suro to Come. "Bv mcniifl of Indirect taxation tho pooplo nover know whnt thoy aro paying. By monnfl of tho wnr debt tho cost Ib shifted to genera tions yet unborn. Wo nro no long or living boyond our meniiB. but beyond tho moans of tho fourth generation. "Twolvo millions of dnllnrR yes terday wob tho standnrd cost of n drondnnught; today It Is $15,000. 000 nnd a few moro yearB will ralso tills to $25,000,000, unless. Indeed, by thnt tlmo such vessels can bo had for tholr worth In old Iron. "It Is easier for a nation than for a man to fall Into tho load of Its associates than to strlko out for Itsolf townrd thrift, honesty nnd prosperity. Must Par Hill. "It cost ub mnny Hvob of young mon to got rid of slnvory. I saw not long ngo In Mnrylnnd fifty ncres filled with thoso younj; mon Thoro nro Bomo 12,000 acres fill ed with them on tho holds of tho south. And this numbor wns tho best tho nation could bring. Tho gaps thoy loft aro filled to all ap- poarancos. nut a now genornuon has grown up of mon and women born alnco tho war. Tho mon thnt died In tho 'wenry tlmo had bet tor stuff In thorn than tho fnthor of tho avorago man today. "Benjamin Franklin said 'Wars aro not paid for In war times; tho bill cornea later. ' HOLSIXGKIl FUNERAL. Jack McDonald will loavo this af tornoon with tho body for Roso burg, where tho funornl will bo held. Ho will go over tho old Coos Bay wagon road and Bol slngor's fathor will moot him with a prlvato rig. Great as tho shock 'was to Mr. Bolslngor'fi frlonds, It was still greater to his flanco, Miss Hazel Potorson of Marshflold. Tho young couplo wero planning for their marrlago. Miss Potorson hna boon making hor homo recontly with Mrs. Sarah Blako on South Fourth stroot, near Curtis. BORN. BLACK To Mr. and Mrs. John Black at tholr homo In Whlttlor, California, a daughtor. Mr. Black ls a son of Honry Black of South Marshx'lold and Mrs. Black was formerly Miss LIUlo Mooro of Marshflold, and la a cousin of Mrs. J. Abort Matson and Miss Grace Kruso. Thla Is tholr second daughtor. Fined Five Iinlliii-H. Warnor Enholm was flnod $5 yostordriy by Recordor Butler on a chargo of drunkenness. It was nlloged ho mado a disturbance In ChrlB Potor- aon's saloon whllo Intoxicated, Two of Chief Cities of Otto man Empire Will Prob ably Soon Fall. TURKS REPORTED TO BE IN BAD SHAPE People of Adrianople Starving and Cholera Prevails at the Capital. (By Absoclated Press to Tho Cooa Bay TlmoB) SOFIA. Nov. 12. The sltunllon of the Bulgarian troops Investing Adrianople nnd on tho Tchntaljn lino In front or Constantinople Is Biibjcct to mnny rumors todny, ow ing to tho nbsenco of nny official dispatches from tho front. It la known thnt tho Bulgarian troops havo opened their attack on tho Tchatnljn forts but no dotnlls or the fighting linvo been received. Tho Bulgnrlan and Sorvlan troops ongnged In tho Bolgo of Adrlanoplo nro working In hearty co-opcrntlon. Somo of tho Turkish troops tnkon prisoners linvo doclnrcd tho condi tions In tho city nro dospornto. Tho population Ib on tho vorgo of Btnrvntlou and It Is thought tho garrison will bo starved out In 10 days. A largo numbor of Turkish trrcgularn havo been pillaging tho. villages around Adrlanoplo. A col umn of 700 prisoners arrived In Sofia todny, Cliolcm PrcvnllH. (By Associated Press to Tho Cooa nny Times.) LONDON, Nov. 12. A dispatch from Constnntlnoplo received nt tho British foreign offlco snya bills of health to all vcbsoIb leaving tho Turkish capital aro marked "chal era provalls In Constnntlnoplo." May Arrange AriuMkv. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON. Nov. 12. It Ib aald that tho European powers, at tho request of Turkey, aro about to sound tho Balknu allies with' tho objoet of nrrnnglng an nrmlstlco. Tim nntL'nrliiiiH nrn not llkelv to nccedo to nn nrmlstlco until the conclusion of tho linttlo along tno linn nt Trlintnlln In front of Con stantinople which Ib now being; fought and tho principal movo In which only nwnlts tho arrival of moro honvy slogo nrtlllory for tho Bulgarian army. Around Adrlnnoplo tho Bulgar ians nro going through somo of tho hardest fighting of tho enm milim. niHiintelios from tholr stdo todny stntod that tho Bulgarian troops had suffered heavy Iohsor In taking two Turkish forts on Kurt altopo and Papnzopo. outsldo tho fortrosn of Adrlanoplo. Whonovor thoy wuvored their offlcora nnd prlostB oxhortod tnom to go lor ward at any cost. Tho fort on lnlinTnn WIlH tnllflll Olllv nftcr ft honvy reserve had boon brought up bo stubborn wnB tno Turwsu ro Blstnnco. It Is cxplnlnod by mlll tary oxpertfl that thoso two posi tions do not form a part of tho fortifications of tho city of Adrlan oplo, but nro ultuatcd on tho hills somo bovoh mlloR outsldo of tho ndvancod fort of Knrngnch. Thla latter fort wan reported to havo boon takon by tho Bulgarians somo duya ago, but slnco then the Turks claimed a ropulso of tho Bulgar ians. Protect Americans. Tho British foreign offlco hns Information from tho Ilnltod States embassy horo thnt vory fow Ameri can citizens remain In tho lntorlor of Asia Minor. Evon boforo tho roquost wns received from Wash ington, stops hnd boon tnkon by tho British offlclnlB and warBhlpo to protect American citizens requir ing nsfllstnnco nnd thoso who doslro it had been received on board tho British wnrshlps. Tho United States embassy has formally ox nreBsod Its thanks to tho British authorities. Report Victory. (By Associated Pross to Tho Cooa Bay Times.) LONDON, Nov. 12 Rumorfl woro current today In Sofia that tho Bulgarian army has captured tho u., trwla nt TVlinlnlln. nccord- in r n nnu'H nennnv dlsnntcll. Tho Bulgarian column Is said to havo ronclied lliyiiK unoKnieyuu on tho Sea of Marmora. Itusslu Answers. wAanrvnTnv. Nov. 12 Tho crulsera Tonnossoo nnd Montana, which sailed todny from Piuiauoi .,i,i.. n-n liniitwi for SuivTua and Beirut. The Stato Dopartmont Is satisfied that thoro Is amplo naval forco nt Constnntlnoplo io saie- n..nFl AmnrlrnilH ItllBSla. Wlllcll nt tho prosont time Is In bottor position tlinu nny ouior oi mu mi Itlmo nations to protect Amorlcana, today formally advlsod tho Stato Dopartmont thnt sho would pro toct American cltlzons nnd inter osta In Turkoy. EUROPE FACES CRISIS. (By Associated Press to Tho Cooa Tinv Times' LONDON Nov 12 -.Europe. U (Continued on Pago Two.) n.