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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER f912. EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES i W. ('. MLONE. Editor iinil Pub.. DAN' K. MAI.ONKV .Xt'UM Editor aixiwm: IV TODAY. Tlio Milam o nrrlvoit In lull tin- uttciiuxn fioin Eurokn. Sho had a rather rough trip mill luul to re main outBldo tlilH morning for nulla n u'lilln fur tint lull to SlllOOtll .ln.i .n nmiiiLMi mi that hIio could' amine lu. She will anil nt 10 o'clock to morrow for Portland. Among thoflo nrrlvliiB on her wcro tho following A. Noel)'. C. Tord, H. J. Stocking. .1. C. Chap man, II. M. Hytlo and C. A. Huck. Tlio Nairn Smith Is duo In early tomorrow from Hay Point. HlK Rainfall. The rainfall InHt nliflit was es pecially heavy Tor the 24 hours vmlliiK this mornliiK tho total rnln Jnll was 1 80 Inches, according to tho local obsorver. QFRCIftL HI I COOS COUNTY Horn!. FIERCE ATTACKS "ill TIIIS rt..l Ikiia.1 f..... TrtiTi 1 I l,unuin;u iumi "y Aj-ltutu-u Jnclng ono of tlio most critical weeks In Its history. It may end In war, In which tho whole conti nent may ho Involved, or It may ho TV.MIMMI in. mil iiu ii wihI( In which di plomacy succccdod In solving prob lems that appeared Insolvablo be fore On ono side of tho Unlknii Tinnlnaiiln tlmm In nil unite conflict trntuTPn tint nlnis of Austria-Hun gary and Servln, which If not ar ranged might Hlnrt n general Eu ropean oittbrcnk. On the other nldo King Kordlnand's llulgarlnn Tiny Is nt tbo point of entering Coustnntlnoplo nnd that will be resented by Russia. Tho existing Jealousies nro bo Intonso that It wMi tnko much pressiiro to Induce att'nor AiiHtrla or Sorvln to recede from Its domnndn. Austria, In fact, lakes so seriously tho nd tanco of tlio Servian force townrd tho port of DtirnzBCO that sho has despatched n Ltcamor tlioro to re tnoro tho Austrian residents when tho Sorvlan troops nrrlvo. Sorvln's friend, Russia, Is also proparlng for ovontualllles. IJe dc8 keeping her tluio-oxnlred men In tlio army, slio Is mobilizing her forces. At Sobastopol transports Trnvo been prepared to convey the IttiKsInn trops across tho Hlaclc Sea and hor arsenals and commissary departments are working day and SLtelit. ships to Trim i: v. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 12. Tho armored cruisers Tennessee nnd atonlnnn sailed today for Constan tinople to safeguard American In tproutfi In Turkov. Zest to tbo trip and Inspiration in Mm xtnltorx WnH ulVCIl. It Wns learned today, when tho crew of i.. Aiiiiihinii imt the bluejackets on tho Tennessee that the Montana would nrrlvo In nibrnltnr 12 hours ahead of tho flagship. The wnr !itps sailed under sealed orders, tint their known destination Is Con stantinople, Tim famous WATERPROOF ni'xnAU" hunting clothes nt Till: GUNNERY. . (Continued from Page 1.) Issue: Yes. 1250: no. lass. To Create Stnlo Highway Department: Yes. 5SS; no. 19 ..J. 328 To Put Into Effect tlio Stato Printing Hoard Dec. 1: ics, yi3; no, HOC. 330 To Create Hotel Inspector: Yes. il In; no. 1972. 332 Eight-hour Law: es, 1, "92; no, 1012. 334To Estnbllsli Corporation Department: Yes. 1273; no, 1217. 330 Prohlbltln- of Stnto Con vict Labor by Individuals: Yes, tS7: no, 1221. , , 33S Prohibiting Employment of Town or County Convicts by In dividuals and allowing them to work on roadB: Yes, 1823; no, SOS. , , 310 Creating Stato Hond board: Yes, 791; no. 1779. 312 To Prohibit Stato from Having Hood Indebtedness In ex cess of 2 per cent: Yes, 1209: no, 1211. 34-1 Allowing Twenty Year road bonds, limiting tho issue: Yes, 1, 29 0: no. 1217. 3 ic Prohibiting Counties Voting More Than 2 Per Cent for Itond llonds Yes. 1122; no, 1214. ;ms Alimvlni? Consolidations of Cities and Towns: Yes, 93"; no, 1201. 350 Taxation of Incomo: cs, 1098: no, 1422. 352 Exempting Household Goods from Taxation: Yes, 1113; no, 12iii. 304 Exempting Mortgages: 1009; no, 1501. 350 Revising Inborltnnco Lnws: Yes, S03; no, 1517. illiS Fixing Freight Hntos: 1 ItS; no, 983. 300 Homo Utile Good Honda Measure: Yes, 1042; no. 980. 302 Revising Vnrlous Forms of Stnto Government: Yes, 1000; no, 1423. 304 Special Graduntod Slnglo Tax: Yes, 1173; no, 1091. . 300 To Abolish Capital Punish ment: Yes, 1388; no, 1351. 3C8 Prohibiting lJoycotting: Yes. 1051; no. 1702. 370 Prohibiting Speaking In Streets Without Permit: Yes, 991; no, 1705. 372 Appropriating $175,000 for Administration llulldlng. ' University of Oregon: Yes. 002; no, 1S70. 371 Appropriating $175,000 for Library nt Stato University: Yes, 039: no, 1S57. 370Coo8 County Slnglo Tnx: Yes, 1113; no, 1909. Hunker Hill. To Permit Stock to Run at Yes, Tax Yes, DRINK HABIT 9TATI Ok OHIO. I'lTV.ll'T'M.KlHI, i,i i i n tv. i rmnU,l ( hfiivy mitk.tHtli .liiii hi'NwMilor Biiilmr of tlii'llrm.if V J I'lii-m-y A. i'.i ilulnif ftllKllH h In Uio 111 v iif Tnlwl't 'illil mi'l atluidr.'iM. mul lliM llriii will y Un; llllinlONi: IIINKItKI POI.T.A If f.irwll Hllil errrj i i' nl 1'mnrrli llml mumil Ik I'lirtM uy UioiiMolllll,rlrrliriiri ..., Sworn l'i iM-fiire iiu1 mi'l i.iiIi"i"IImm Iii my sriM'tii IIi1iIIIiiIm ii( Pih-i-iiiImt. A II IwV 1 - ..MIIVl'IHII( i!lVl .itdirli I'll !' ! iilVcn Inn rimlli '"'I wrtiillr il tin iiu I'l'i 'I mi'l "" "i'iwun Jthf In i" "'I It" ' lliiiiiiinil- 'f"' ItKLIAHLK HOME TREATMENT. The OUItlNE treatment for tho mink Hnblt can bo used with ab solute confidence. It destroys all desire for whiskey, beer or other alcoholic Btlniulnnts. Thousands havo HurroM-fiilly used It nnd have been restored to llvos of sobriety and usefulness. Can bo given se cretly. Costs only $1.00 por box. If you fall to get results from OU ItlNE after a trial, your money will be refunded. Ask for free booklet telling all about OUUINE. Owl Prescription Drug Store. Front St. Mazda Lamps a roducod prlcos, taking effect nt onco. Seo card In our window for prices. Coos Bay Wiring Co. l-iioiiu U:7-J. 1B5I Uroadwny GET RID OP MICE Trap thorn. Tboy start fires. Caro will do much to prevent flros. Our Insurnnco pollclos do EV EUYTHING to provont loss on your part If you havo a flro (and a policy.) Ask us your rato. Tho cost Is trifling, tbo Insurnnco por foct. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Ptreot. ri?u (si?? "i ai ti Dn.-en Oualitv" shoes have a nnck of satisfying when others fail. For style, fit and comfort unsur passed. Prices most reasonable Golden Rule e .Mcrclinnt'si Old Stand. I o A In $3.50 ff 1 Yi to n $M $5.00 iwy I i Large- Yis. 32; no, 47. .liiillce of Peace, llMilcl U. H O. ndeisoii, 190. J .1 Stanley. 2SI. (iiii'.tiible llMilcl Xo. !. ed V. Kelle). 330. Kenneth Lawrence. 2. .1. II .Inmes. I. .lu-llce of Pence. Dhtilcl I. O. G Swan, i. M. M. Young. .1 Con-ljible District Xo. -I. F. A. linker. S2. O. O. Hunch. 1. .luotltv of Peace. DNrict .". E. A. Dodge. 320. Ciiustiible, DNtilct X. ". E. P. Adams, 205. .1. C. llrown, ISO. .lust Ice of Peace, District (1. C. It. Ward. 497. Dr. Leach, 1. Constable District No. (I. S. S. Shields, 4 SO. Justice Peace, District 7. William Hohm, 57. II. A. Adams, 1. John Mcndor, 1. Constable, District Xo. 7. .losoph Ferry, 22. George Hatcher, 29. Oron Coy, 1. George Martin, 1. Justice of Peace. District 2. A. E. Sinister, 3S0. Constable, District Xo. 2. II. X. Emery, 371. J. D. Magee, 1. Constable, District No. .1. J. T. Nosier, 1. William Lyons, 1. Henry Ellis, 1. John Rowan. 2. Charles Webb. 1. Fred Slaglo. 1. Rnlph Nosier, 1. J. A. Lamb, 1. Justin. Pceo. District U. C. L. Ponock, 04 2. O. S. Torroy. 101. Jack Farley, 2. Constnlile, District Xo. 2. W. II. Cox, 729. Walt Richardson. 301. M. A. Anderson, 1. Coininlssloiiei.s, Port of Coos Hay. E. G. Peckhnm, 1. E. Mliigus, 9. W. U. Douglas, S. O. A. Hcnnott, 1. Hugh McLnln, 1. W. J. Rust, 1. Honry DIors. 1. C. Hnrrls, 1. Geo. Ross, 1. Peter Logglo, 989. A. II. Powers, 390. Honry Songstncken. 237. L. J. Simpson, 1171. Coniuilssloners, Port of Coqulllc. J. D. Clinton, 214. P. L. Pholnn. 292. M. O. Stommlor, 324. Xotes of Election. Hugh McLnln led tbo Wilson ticket In Coos county, recoivlng 1, 154 votes for elector, lending hlfl follow electors by nearly 100 votes. V. C. Weaver, tho Socialist can dldato for supremo court Justice, wns the only Coos county man on tho rogulnr stato tlckot. Wlncliostr. S'evenB nnd Romlng on PUMP OL'XS nt THE GUX- WHV, Peevish Children a Suffer With Worms Don't t angry with your child b eaost ho ot she Is continually Irritable. In ninety-ntno out of ono hundred cases yon will find that the trouble Is worms. Among the common symptoms of the presence of round worms are nervous-! ness, which often loads to epilepti form Attacks; dlzrlness, vertigo, caprt ritms innotlte. restless bIood. ltchlnir of the eyes and nose, nansea and of ten I hysteria, uouna wormu are several inches in length and Infest the stomach. Occasional! several hundred are found in a slnglo person. Thread worms are rmallor, often not longer than a quarter of an inch. The symptoms denoting their presence aro about the same, hut in this case tho child has no appetlto. Jayno's Tonic Vermlfugo is unsur passed in romovbig worms. Not only will it destroy them, but its tonic effects win restore tne stomach to healthy ac .vity. As Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge seldom purges, tho indications of Its beneficial effects will ho tho improved condition of the person using it. Millions of parents have praised this medicine for more than eighty years. Insist upon Jayne's Tonic Vormlfuge, and accept no other. Bold by druggists overywhere. Dr. D, Jayno Is Son, raila. delphla, Fa. Good Blankets If yon need cotton blankets to use for sheets, you want thom Rood, soft, wide and long. You want good edges and good weight. We imv ,USl UU'Hl' DlllHIil'lS III IUi,) iu imccoi The There Is the Wool Blankets These conic in white, tan, plaids and grays. They are extra wide and long, havo splendid edges and aro of a quality beyond comparison. Pillows and Comforters i Choice White Spreads AVc arc direct importers of tho very best grades in Bed Spreads. H it is a low price Spread you will find ours the best. If it js medium or high class Spreads you want, nain you find our offerings tlio best. Get our prices before you buy. Do Not Forget to See Our Bedsteads This line contains Brass, Oak, Steel, "Walnut and Chun Wood. Prices $2.50 to $50.00 Q Perry Nicolson The Star Transfer and Storage Co. la propnrod to do ell kinds of hauling on short uotlce. W moot all train and boats nnd wo also hnvo tho latest tylo Ueynolds Plnno Mover. Wt gunranteo our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phonos 98-R, 120- '9-L- Jutland JLuUJ 7 JAilUUi M frtniTlBHf urn Olympic Flour J Snow Drift Flour RETAIL PRICb $1.40 PER. SACK North westsrn hard wheat used ex cluslvely In milling these braiids o( flour. I"1 4T" W nnaviiacfl. WHEN YOU WANT A MKSSEX OKIt HOY SomctlUng sent for or delivered l HONK lHi-L nnd we'll do it. Charges reason-ahlo. pitas f!Hxm Keep From Fear and Worry by protecting your homo, hoiuo hold goods and clothing from de struction nnd loss by getting a policy lu Tho Nownrk Klro In surnnco Co., ono of tho oldest nnd strongest companies In ex istence; established in 1S11, Its superb strength moans superb protection. Surplus to policyholders, $1, 3S9.SS1.30. French Realty Co. AGENTS. 315 ft No. Front St., Marshfleld We Have Mot Raisedl Onair Prices Milk, 25c per gallon. Cream, 20c per pint. Whip Cream, 25c per pint. Buttermilk, 10c per gallon Phone 73. Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage Co Deliveries, 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. I Will Furnish Your house on the Installment Plan W. KWiseman 811 North Front St. Bus. Phone 29G-X; Res. Phono 16C-J For GOOD SHOES and GOOD REPA1IUNG at ItlGHT 1'ItICES. Go to August Oleson 215 South Itunndwny. VOTE EOIt R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. STAT EM ISN'T OV CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT MAHSUFIELD, OREGON, At tho close of business, September 1, 1013. RESOURCES. B i f Loans nnd discounts ,4:;,;ii'5i Ranking house " Cash aud exchanges JU''8"': Total I"3.""" LIADILITIES. t KOOOOOt Cnpltal stock paid In Ro'ssie? Surplus and undivided profits ,5, 'iu Doposlta "03'""' Total 813'0'7" m iW " CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho closo of business, September 4, 1012. RESOURCES. i(1 J305.UI." Ixians nnd Discounts j3.11 Overdrafts 63.689.9V Honda, warrants nnd securities. . , 25,000.0' U. S. Donds to secure circulation ' cnWM Real estato, furlture and llxturea U9.10J.M Cash and sight oxchango ' Total ' LIADILITIES. Capital stock paid In. "S!!:!! Surplus and undivided profits 24,000." Circulation, outstanding 488.05M1 Deposits - Total In addition to Capital Stock Uio Individual liability of Stockbo e 9100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TDC3 AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. DORSEV KREITZEU, C- W. S. CHANDLER, President -1 Barnard & langworthy See our window display of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOMES PORTABLE STAND LAMPS, PHONE 1W.R. Get Busy asi . . tv AND AND GET AFTER TIIAT ROOF, RUT FIRST twin OUR PRICES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PATL" SHINGLES l.BO AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, 1.28 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. W- RETAIL DEPARTMENT. NEAT THE TIMES' OFFICE GET YOUR JOB PRINTING ih 10